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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

I felt their pain as much as anyone. I had to witness my dad be a part of this plan. I had to see myself turned into a freak. But someone had to be strong. Through all of this pain, one of us had to be strong. I had to try, for the others. We were in this thing together, no matter what happened, and I needed to be the strong one this time. Just for awhile, until I was alone. Thats when I could show my weakness. The sad look on my face was replaced with a comforting one. "It may have all been a lie" I said, standing up and facing them all "But I refuse to believe that it was all fake. I don't know about you guys, but I know for a fact that my family loved me like a son. That the friendships I made were true and strong, and that my life meant something. There's nothing anyone can say to convince me otherwise."
Jacob just kept looking at the wall his bloody knuckle was on and didn't say one thing and just stared thinking "you choose to believe I do to but I don't even know what my parents even look like damn it I hate these people" and Jacob drops to the floor on his knees and starts sobbing.
Sarah listened to Oliver and looked up with a small smile and a nod. "Yeah, you're right. Even though my parents spoil my sister they still love me, I don't have many friends, but they are still my friends. I say we get out of here and go back to our families wether they are real or not." She said and wiped her teary eyes. Nobody could just take her away from the people that raised her.

Je suis Charlie
"I agree" I said, then aimed at Jacob "One of your two parents is blood related. When we go back to them, you can ask your mom or your dad who your other parent is. You'll get to meet them." I was trying to be reassuring, but I was nervous because I wasn't quite sure how they would react to what I had to say next. "Guys...as much as I would love to go back to my family and everything, which I think we should do" I said, hesitating and struggling to keep eye contact with them "I think we should stay and help these people. You heard my dad, we have powers that are specifically enhanced to protect the earth in a time of crisis, and thats what we're in by the sounds of it. So, as much as you guys might hate me for saying this, we need to help these people. Not for them, not for the Director and not even for the Earth, but for ourselves and our families." I was taking a massive risk here, because they could all just explode at me, but I believed I was doing the right thing. I stuck my hand out as a fist, intended for the others to stack theirs on top of mine if they decided to stick with my madness. I smiled around at them and said "So? Whose with me? Lets go save the Earth."
I remained silent as I kept my eyes on the ground, knowing they were right. They raised me so my parents were my parents even though I hated them. My sister was still my sister. "I think it's kinda cool actually," I said once the entire group was silent. Reading over my papers once more I smiled slightly, knowing what needed to be done. "The only way we know we'll see them again is if we save them," I said quietly. "Besides, seeing through walls and controlling water seems cool to me..."
Sarah groaned at Oliver's speech. "Don't make it sound like we're heroes. We're not in a Marvel movie or Deadpool game. Its ridiculous and took stupid for words." She said and sighed as Oliver extended his fist. She rolled her eyes and stacked her own fist on top of his. "I'm probably going to regret this later, but I don't think they would let us go back before turning into their experiment dogs." She said and looked at him before turning to the others. "Well?" She asked them. She knew that she was probably right. The probably wouldn't get off of their back without them cooperating to save the planet, as stupid as it sounded.
Jacob got up and picked up his papers about his parents and shoves them into his pocket without saying a word and picks up another paper with his powers and puts it into his pocket and his hair is covering his eyes and he's making an expressionless face but it was obvious he was crying. And he puts his hand in the center still not saying a word.
"Let's see...I could put my hand in the middle with the rest of you then what? Jump up and down and become a cheerleader?" I asked in half an attempt to lighten the situation. Despite my words, I put my fist in the middle as well, glancing over at Sarah before letting out a soft sigh and leaning over to her ear. "Look I don't hate you and honestly, I hope we can actually become friends...truthful friends," I said softly before pulling back and smiling softly at her.
(I'll finish reading everything first, then I'll reply, because I was at school when everybody was on sorry! :'D )

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((Sorry. School.))

Connor looked at the stack of hands in front of him. Mentally shrugging, his hand joins the growing pile. "I'll do it." he said simply. And to be honest, he was a little curious about what he could do. If he had super powers, he wanted to know what he could do.
Ezekiel starred blankly at the papers. She had mixed emotions running throughout her body. She wants to cry but she couldn't. She wants to run away and keep running but her body sat still. She was too shocked to say a word, even lifting a finger up. She just sat in her seat with questions and emotional statements swarming through her mind, but no reaction or move was made. "I've been living a lie..." she thought.

A few minutes passed with her just sitting there and the other teenagers having their own reactions to the situation. Oliver stepped up and finally said something to calm everyone down. She listened carefully at him and knew he was right. Her parents probably loved her like their true daughter and it's time to help people with her powers she never knew of.

She quietly stood up her chair and tucked it in and walked over to where the four teens had their hands stacked upon each other. She let out a deep breath and stacked her hand in a fist on top of Connors.

(whenever I read Oliver's name, I always imagine Oliver Queen from Arrow wowow)

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Sarah looked at her shredder paper on the ground with a small frown. She had shredded it before she had even looked at it. To be honest, she was quite curious what "powers" she had, even though it would probably be fake. She sighed and took a breath. "I guess I'll have to figure mine out on the way." She sighed a bit disappointed but shrugged it off. Maybe it was better that she didn't know. "So now what?" She asked the others.

Je suis Charlie
"Well now" I said, having planned everything up to round about here "We...uh. I guess we should go talk to my da-, Tobias, tell him that we'll work for him an everything." I shrugged, trying to make it sound like it was no big deal, that it wouldn't affect me, but doing a terrible job at it. "Uh, yeah, lets...go do that" I said, turning to walk down the hallway where I saw him leave, but hesitating. I wasn't sure if I had it in me to talk to him, but then I remembered my promise to myself to stay strong and walked with purpose towards where he left. "Ah, have yo-" he said as I neare with the others following, but I cut him off. "We'll work for you." I interrupted quickly "Help you save the world basically. But only because we don't care if our friends or our family we're fake, the relationships we made with them were real, no matter what you say. We'll fight for them." He paused, seeming quite stunned, and said "They were real. I know my relationship with you was never fake. Anyway, thats great news. Come let me show you to your rooms. Sorry about those grey rooms you were put in, those were just a precaution." He led us to a hallway with doors on each side and filled us in. When the doors opened and he told us whose room each was, it was amazing, because it was a room suited exactly to the persons hobbies and likes. We finally made it to mine, the last one, with Seraphine's next to it and Connor's opposite. I walked in and was in awe. The room was big, with a king sized bed, a desk and some gym equipment, as well as a guitar, which i'd always wanted to learn and a punching bag. "Its perfect" I said "Thanks." He nodded and walked away and i sat on the edge of my bed.
I remained silent as I followed back to Tobias, folding my papers up and putting them in my pocket as he led us to our rooms. I watched as she group slowly thinned out and finally came to a stop at my room. Hesitating only briefly, I opened the door and walked inside, dropping my jaw ever so slightly. It was a very large room with a king sized bed decorated with black and purple sheets and a matching comfortor. Across the room from the bed sat a very shiny black grand piano as well as a teal and black acoustic guitar beside that exactly like the one back home. Without a word, I closed the door and found a journal as well as a pencil before grabbing the guitar and sat down against the wall and began playing something random, deciding to write a song in order to let my emotions out.
Ezekiel opened the room she was assigned to and just by seeing a glimpse of a bookshelf made her have a huge smile her face.

Her room walls were white that had a few streak turquoise and gold streaks by the side of the doors to the washroom and hallway. She had king sized bed with a white bed frame and a turquoise blanket with white, gold, turquoise patterned pillows.

She was amazed by the place, it was her dream room. She had a white head-dresser and a white closet. She also had three white bookshelves filled with her favourite books and books she has yet to read.

She wondered what was the small metal railing up on her ceiling that is connected to another closet. She opened the closet to find a punching bag which the railing was for, a mat for doing some yoga and martial arts, a small punching dummy and some equipments for boxing and martial arts. She also noticed a small organ with microphones and harmonized and mixers attached to it.

It's the room she ever dreamed of, all girl and classy with a secret closet that has all her fighting stuff in. "Wow." was all she could just say.

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As soon as everyone was done talking to eachother they went to Tobias and told them they were in and they walked out into a hallway and thinned out into the rooms that were there's he walked all the ways own the hall and intered his room and closed the door and turn on the lights it looked like his room the walls were good and had silver paintings on it that looked like his and there was a king sized be that had yellow comforters and pillows and a turntable where he used to make music and on top of his dresser right by his beds there was his headphones he walks up to them slowly and puts them on and regains his self of sense and jumps on the bed in a lazy like fashion.

(Damn all the elemental powers are taken ill have to go with extra unique powers. xD )
(What about alchemy? Been watching too much full metal^^)

Sarah walked towards her door and opened it carefully. There was a twin sized bed, nothing too big, with a TV and Xbox consoled. There was a book shelf with her favorite games and the ones she still wanted to play, DVDs and books from her favorite author, comics and mangas. There were some drawing gear, a desk and chair and an egg chair hanging from the ceiling.

Most people would probably think that her room would be boring because it wasn't grand, but it had a little bit of everything. She loved it. Though best part of her room was her window. It was big enough to sit in.

Sarah shook her head and slammed her door shut. No, she didn't trust these men. There was still something fishy going on and she was not going to be grateful until she knew everything.

Je suis Charlie
KneelingAngel said:
(What about alchemy? Been watching too much full metal^^)
Sarah walked towards her door and opened it carefully. There was a twin sized bed, nothing too big, with a TV and Xbox consoled. There was a book shelf with her favorite games and the ones she still wanted to play, DVDs and books from her favorite author, comics and mangas. There were some drawing gear, a desk and chair and an egg chair hanging from the ceiling.

Most people would probably think that her room would be boring because it wasn't grand, but it had a little bit of everything. She loved it. Though best part of her room was her window. It was big enough to sit in.

Sarah shook her head and slammed her door shut. No, she didn't trust these men. There was still something fishy going on and she was not going to be grateful until she knew everything.

Je suis Charlie
(Aye I was thinking of that and I'll be able to defy space and time)
Connor walked into his room, and got no further. In one corner, a hammoc by a rather loud looking sound system on one side and a large bookcase filled with books, most notable for him being the 15 book series "The Wheel of Time" by Robert Jordan (shameless adverising). And windows, he could look out and see nature right outside. Of course, those views might just be holograms, but he wasn't thinking about that. When he was home, he always liked having a large yard. And outside he could see a large yard. There was also a bed by the wall, close to the hammoc, with a TV on the other side and a comfy looking rocking chair in front if it.
The thought of sprawling out on the amazing looking bed and watching a movie or playing some PS4 was extremely tempting, but I knew that it wouldn't help with my stress and anxiety. So I did what I always did when I was stressed. I tossed my shirt off onto the bed, strapped my fighting gloves on and began my high intensity training routine. It involved moving so fast and throwing so many punches and kicks from every single angle imaginable, so it didn't really leave you time to think about anything. I started throwing too much force into each punch, and my knuckles starting to split and bleed slightly, but I didn't really care. Anything to keep my mind occupied.
Sarah sighed and took a Deadpool comic out of the bookshelf. It was so ridiculous. Not the comic! But the fact that they were basically locked up again. "This is almost as bad as the grey room." She grumbled and tossed the comic on bed before she decided to get changed into something not grey. She opened the closet and pulled out a white and blue striped tshirt, light blue skinny jeans and pulled on a pair of brown boots. Her wardrobe was the exact same as the one she had at home. Groaning, she walked out of her room. She wanted to find Tobias and find out what was next. Why put them through all of this? What was so important that they had to be taken away from her family. Sarah quietly walked down the hall, not wanting the other ones to notice her. She wanted to talk to Tobias.

Je suis Charlie
While Tyler was in his room he picked took out his paper of powers and looked at it and read it saying "subject Jacob has the power of alchemy and defy the laws of physics and nature" he smiled and said "this could be fun and remembered he had hair dye and extra clothes so he went over to his desk and put blue hair dye in his hair and put on all black clothes and a black jacket with cat ears on it and sat at his desk making music.

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By the time I was done, I had written an entire song. Closing the journal and strapping it back, I got up and tossed it onto my bed before putting the guitar back. Walking over to my closet, I opened it, finding a large box in it. Pulling it out, she set it on her bed and opened it, smiling widely as she saw sheet music for her guitar and piano piled up to the top of the box. She pulled it all out and organized it before walking back to the closet and pulling out a black tank top and a blue flannel shirt before finding her white skinny jeans. She found her matching blue converse and changed before brushing out her hair, glad to be in some comfortable clothes and feel halfway decent again. She pressed a few keys on piano, smiling at the pleasant sound before sitting down and looking through the sheet music, she decided to ignore that for now and go with something she knew by heart. Pressing on the keys softly, she closed her eyes and began playing My Immortal by Evanescence, soon beginning to sing along with it, not caring about the slight chance of someone hearing her like she normally would hate.

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