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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

The last punch sent the bag flying across the room into the wall, but it was strong enough that it hardly took any damage. I only realized now that my breathing was short and choppy, and I could feel the anger in my eyes being displayed. l sat down on my bed and held my head for a few seconds to try and calm down, and it worked well enough. My breath was short, but from being tired, not from the frustration, and my body wasn't completely tensed anymore. I picked up the bag off the floor and clipped it back on to its stand.

I decided to go have a shower and remembered walking past two bathrooms, fairly close to the rooms, on the walk to my new room. He grabbed some fresh clothes, a sleeveless shirt and some jeans from the wardrobe and stepped out into the hallway. I started to walk towards the bathrooms, but heard music coming from the room next to mine, and realized it was Seraphine. I tapped lightly on her door, but she clearly didn't hear it, because her door was just slightly ajar and she didn't even budge from her piano when i knocked. I pushed it open to see her looking like she was in her element, playing a great song that I recognized on her piano. She still hadn't heard me yet, so I stood leaning against the door as I watched and listened, not realizing I still hadn't put my shirt back on.
Sarah kept walking through the hallway, but soon got lost. With a deadpanned expression, she just kept walking in this hell she called a maze. "Of course we could just leave." She muttered sarcastically. "Oh but what is missing? Ah yes, a damn GPS with a damn EXIT ROUTE!" She snapped to herself and gritted her teeth. Sarah took a deep breath and sighed as she rubbed her temples. "Such a pain." She muttered and continued walking. Maybe if she walked far enough she would bump into someone who knew where Tobias was.

Je suis Charlie
When I finally finished the song, I could feel my eyes tearing up though I managed to swallow them back. I looked down before standing up, unaware of anyone watching me until I turned around and saw Oliver standing in the doorway. Nearly jumping out of my skin, I managed not knock over my guitar as I felt my cheeks start to get warmer. "Umm..hey...I didn't know you were there..." I managed to stutter, my stage fright starting to take over as I shakily put the piano music neatly in the compartment in the seat before walking back over to my bed. I grabbed the guitar music and stacked it on a shelf on the wall, organizing it by genre, taking the time to calm down as I did. When I turned back around, I sat back down on the piano stool and crossed my legs on it. "What's up?" I asked quietly as I finally managed to make eye contact with him.

Tobias was walking through the corridors, heading towards experiment room 2, when he almost knocked into one of the kids that were busy settling in. "Ah, Sarah, sorry about that" He said politely, giving her a warm, welcoming smile "What do you need. You looking for something? Or someone? I know this compound like the back of my hand by now, even though everything looks the same, so don't worry, you'll get used to it."


I realized that it probably was really creepy, me just standing there and watching her, and I blushed a little at the thought of it. "Yeah sorry about that, didn't mean to scare you" I said, smiling apologetically and scratching at my arm a little "I just couldn't resist really. Don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but your unbelievably good. And you looked so...sincere, genuine when you were playing. Like it was what you were born to do." My smiled turned from apologetic to admiring as I continued "Anyway, uh sorry again. Don't let me interrupt you." I turned around to go, but hesitated, and turned back again "Just, uhm...if you ever need to talk to anyone about...well about anything really, just ask. I'm not really going anywhere" I flashed her a sarcastic smile as I finished.
Sarah stumbled when Tobias almost knocked her over and shot him a look. How could he smile like that after what he had done. "I was looking for you actually." She said, her anger turning a little more into sadness. "Um... Why are we here?" She asked him. "What was so important that you had to take us from our families? How did we get these-these powers? Why are we like this?" She asked and sighed as she bit her lip. "Why had you put us in a family when you just could have kept us here in the first place?" Sarah looked at Tobias. She wasn't mad, she just wanted answers. Maybe her parents, or at least one of them were here too. Oliver's dad was here, if he really was his dad. Which one of her parents were real? What happened to her other real parent?

Je suis Charlie
I couldn't help but notice his blush and smiled softly at it. At the sudden compliment, I felt my smile drop a bit as I began to blush, my cheeks turning bright pink. "Umm...th-thanks," I said softly as I looked down, noticing his knuckles. "Your hand is bleeding," I said silently, almost immediately feeling idiotic for stating the obvious. I kept myself busy by turning around and standing up, grabbing my guitar and movingoverbefkd to my bed, silently leaning back against the black headboard.
When I got done making music on the dj set I had and realized my hair dye was done I got up and took a shower but before I took my jacket off and got a blue t-shirt and black pants and the rest of my attire and took it in with the shower with me and took a shower it felt good but I was still down about my family but felt better I concentrated real hard and made a symbol in the shower and put my hand on it and lighting came out turning that part of the shower into stone it felt great that I had this power but I wonder how my other power "defying laws of physics and nature" worked but stopped thinking about it for now and got out of the shower and dryer off I looked in the mirror while getting dressed there was still beeds of water in it and I just let it stayed down and cut some of it and threw the cut parts in the garbage and but on my blue t-shirt and walking out into the hallway putting on my cat eared hood ja et but didn't put the hood up and let my new blue hair stick out and walked pass Sarah's room which Oliver was in and walked by saying "the bathrooms open" and walked to the water fountain.

(I'll be gone for a little if you message me just make sure to tag me)
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"Yeah, thanks Jacob" I said as he strolled past, but realized I didn't really want to talk about this stuff with the door open. As much as I had offered to talk to her, I also kind of needed someone to talk to. "Uh, yeah" I said looking back at Seraphine "This is kinda what happens when you...well...don't talk about anything" I afforded her a wry smile. I couldn't really tell if she was fine with me being there, or she just wanted me to shut up and leave or even if she actually wanted me to stay. She was difficult to read. I decided there was only one way to find out. I had been standing in the opening of the door for the length of the conversation, so I gestured inside and said "Uhm...may I?"


"Wow, wow" Tobias said as Sarah spewed out as many questions as her brain could handle all at once "Lets just slow down a sec. Walk with me a bit." He slowed his pace and began to walk with Sarah next to him. He always found it easier to talk when walking. "I can answer the first three questions, and we'll take it from there" He said, smiling at her again "1, You're here because the world needs you to be here. You need to hone your skills and your powers to help and protect it from whatever is coming. 2, well that one I can't really answer because we don't know exactly what is coming just that it is big and is definitely coming. 3, these powers were a result of some freak coincidence happening at the time that you were each being born. For Oliver, I know that the building that he was born in was actually struck by lightning as he was leaving his mothers' womb. I don't know the exact story of it, but I'll dig for some more info and get back to you on that one." He raised his eyebrows as he waited for the next few questions.
At the gesture, I widened my eyes and quickly nodded, realizing how rude I had been. "Yea of course," I said with a shy smile."just make sure the door is closed...I thought I had closed it before but I guess not," I said softly as I looked down and changed notes, absentmindedly playing the song I had written softly. I looked up, smiling a bit more confidently before noticing the clothes. "Unless you want Togo do what you were about to then come back...I'm not going anywhere," I said, offering a small shrug at the suggestion.
I looked down and realized that I had been trying to be all serious and helpful while shirtless and sweaty. I sighed and laughed at the same time, but wasn't as embarrassed this time "Yeah, probably a good idea" I said, still laughing a little as I spoke "I'm just gonna get a quick shower." I turned on my heel and headed towards the bathrooms. The bathrooms were unbelievably clean, well, at least in the Male bathroom, and was huge. It had 5 closed off showers, as well as 2 small rooms that held fancy looking baths. After soaking my knuckles in the hot shower water and throwing on my clean clothes, I dumped my old stuff in my room, and tapped on Seraphine's door again. "Okay" I said with a smile as I stepped in and closed the door behind me "Now that I'm not making a complete ass of myself, maybe I'll seem a little more easy to talk to." I took a seat on the edge of her bed and looked over at her. "So, how you doing?"
Getting over his shock, Connor makes his slow way further into the room. It was exactely what he would want in a room, how did they do this? He was pretty sure he hadn't said anything. His mind retreated from the thought of his mind possibly being read. Instead, it turned towards the paper he still held. Smoothin it out, he read. "Subject has control over pqrticles in the air, or wind, and things within the ground, or earth. His ability to manipulate these degrade over time, and the earth quickly returns to it's normal state. The only way, found through experimentation, to keep the changes on the earth permanent, is by slowly and gradually changing it. It is very similar to how hills are formed, only sped up a few hundreds of years."
I couldn't help the small, girlish giggle that escaped my lips as I watched Oliver leave. I looked down and continued strumming softly as I closed my eyes. Setting my guitar down, I got up and walked over to my shelf and looked through the music and smiled when I found the music for Stairway to Heaven. I say back down on my bed with the music and laid it out as I rested the guitar on my thigh before reading over the music and began playing it with a smile, singing along softly. I had just finished when I heard Oliver tap on the door. As he walked in, I rested my arms over the top of the instrument and let out a small sigh as I rested my chin on it. "I don't think it was either of my parents. I think it was my sister because she's the one that took care of me. I highly doubt they would send a cocaine addict to watch over me and my dad died when I was really young," I said suddenly, deciding that if I could trust anyone out of everyone it would be him. "Even if it was her, she's still my sister and she's having my niece, biological or not. And there's a huge gap between me and her so it only makes sense," I added as I looked down and ran a hand through my hair to push it out of my face.
I nodded and looked at the scarring that the cuts on my knuckles had left, before looking back at Seraphine. "Its harsh, I would imagine, not knowing which one of your family members is biological." I said, looking her directly in her eyes "Almost got to think of who, if it came down to it, you would want to be your real family member if you had to choose. But the way you put it, it sounds like your sister it the most likely one. Which is good, seeing as though you seem to be close with her. How old is she? Whats she like?" I was finding it difficult to talk from where I was busy sitting, so I moved a few feet so I was sitting directly next to Seraphine.
I shrugged ever so slightly before moving over so he could easily sit next to me. "Well she's thirty-seven and honestly, I wish she was my mother. She always treated me like one of her own and she's the only one out of my family that ever cared and I'm not just saying that. I can go to her for anything I need. She kept me away from my mom until I got tired of it and ran away then she took me in when she moved out. She was the one I went to..the I my one I told about my dad hitting me...then he died a couple years later, it wouldn't surprise me if she killed him. This seems like the kind of place that would teach how to cover up a murder" I said, my eyes cast down and my memories flooding my mind to the point that I was telling all my secrets without realizing it. By the time I did realize, it was too late so I let it go. "She never blamed me when I got in trouble at school. Instead she would go up there and chew the staff out then I always got chicken and waffles afterwards at a local diner," I added with a small laugh at the memories.
Sarah walked with Tobias and listened carefully. If that had happened to Oliver's mom, how did she get her powers? "So what's my story?" I asked. I didn't really know if I wanted to know. "If one of my parents are real then where is my other parent? Why would you even put us in a family when you just could have kept us here and trained us from when we were small?" She asked. She had so many questions, she was just blabbering her mind. She wanted answers.

Je suis Charlie

"To be honest, I only know Oliver's story because I was there" Tobias said, sounding slightly ashamed "But for most of you only your true parents know what the coincidence was. As for your other parent, well that was their choice. We didn't keep any tabs on them. The deal we made with your parents was basically that one of them had to stay and work with us, and the other was allowed to go wherever they wanted in the world, all expenses paid. In some cases, it wasn't even one of the biological parents that stayed behind, but rather a sibling or another close family member. And as for your last question, we didn't intend on taking you out of the controlled lives that we gave you. We only put so much thought and care into the planning of these lives so that you would, if all things went well, be able to live normal, happy lives. But things didn't all go well. With this...thing coming to Earth, we had no choice but to pull you out and to begin your training ASAP."

I nodded slightly as she spoke, listening to as many of the little details as I could. She laughed as she finished, but the laugh seemed twinged with sadness. I wasn't really sure if it was my place, but it seemed like the right thing to do. So I carefully tucked an arm around her shoulders, pulling her a little closer and whispered near her ear "I will make you a promise right now. Come hell or high water, I'm gonna make god damn sure that you see your sister again. That you get to meet your niece. Cause I'm pretty sure you'll be an amazing aunt. And I hope I'll be there when all this happens, just so I can see that look on your face. The look of true, pure happiness." I smiled at her, looking deep into her eyes again.
"Yeah." Sarah sighed and deflated a little bit. "Do we ever get to go back to our families once everything is over?" She asked him a little hopeful. "Oh and once more thing... Do you have another copy of my document? I kind of ripped it to shreds when we first got here." She admitted with a nervous smile.

Je suis Charlie
After taking a drink Tyler looked up and signed wondering what to do and thought to ask something to Tobias and walks down some corridors looking for him while he was walking he noticed that each wall looked a little different from little scuffs to scratches and looked at each one remembering directions then saw Tobias but he was talking to Sarah so he waited while not saying anything.

Tobias opened the file he had been carrying, and passed a document to Sarah with a smile. "We expected them to be ripped the first time by at least one of you" He said matter-of-factly "It was a very frustrating process. As for your families...our families, if you kids are as powerful as the scientists who first encountered you believed and are able to stop whatever is coming here from destroying our world, then yeah, you guys will get to go home no questions asked. No pressure" He winked at her as they walked, trying to lighten the mood, but knowing it was a lot to take in "Is there anything else?"
I hesitated for a moment before setting her guitar off to the side and closing my eyes, resting my head against his shoulder. I silently enjoyed the comfort of the embrace as I finally glanced up at him and letting out a small sigh. "Thank you," I whispered softly as I cautiously wrapped my arms around his waist and kept my eyes on his. "Nothing would make me happier than having you there," I added just as quietly and offered a small smile that tugged at the corners of my lips.
Sarah looked at the piece of paper Tobias had given her and took a deep breath. "When do we start training?" She asked him. The sooner they got this over with the better. She turned her head and saw Jacob standing there and watching them. "He might have some questions." She said to Tobias and waved Jacob over.

Je suis Charlie
I smiled back down at her, but that smile was quite quickly replaced with a serious look as I stared into her eyes. I eventually could no longer help myself, so I gently placed my spare hand on her neck, pulling her slightly closer to me, then I leaned down and kissed her softly.


"We start tomorrow" Tobias said, looking over at Jacob "We decided to give you the rest of this evening to get settled and get some rest, but first thing tomorrow you will begin your training."
Jacob was looking at the wall and drawing a little symbol on it and connecting his finger with it and a little bit of lightning came out pulling out the little piece of wall and turning it into a spear head shape as it floated over his finger he looked at it in amazement and saw Sarah waving at him in the corner of his head and he pulls his hood down revealing his hair and walks over slowly with the piece of wall floating over his finger.
The blush on my cheeks only grew darker as I closed my eyes and returned the kiss. I brought my hand up to rest on his shoulder for a moment before finally pulling away to breathe as I looked up I to his eyes. I knew I had only just met him that day and I wasn't sure what the kiss was about but I really didn't care because none of that mattered to me. For a single split second, I was happy. I smiled softly and gave him one more brief kiss before leaning my head against his chest, letting out a small sigh though one question did bug my mind. "What was that for?" I asked softly as I closed my eyes quietly.

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