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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

((Sorry for not replying, I got unexpectedly pulled into an evil trap known only as my bed))

I smiled as she played the music, resting my back against her backboard and swaying to the music. Eventually, I decided it time that I should go do a couple other things. I slowly got up and walked up behind her, leaning down and gently kissing her neck as I whispered "I should probably go do some other things. Gotta talk to my dad, figure out what the plan is and...well...take a shower and stuff."
((Completely understandable haha))

I smiled softly when I finished the song and tilted my head a bit as I looked over at him, a smile spreading across my face. "Have fun with that. I should probably get dressed just in case we start training today," I said as I looked up at him and kissed him gently. I moved away as I stood up and looked over at him. "Oh, and have fun being all non-emotional about all this," I said with a teasing smile as I let out a small laugh.
"Hey" I said, smirking at her as she called me out "Someone's gotta do it. If we all lose our shit, well...then I guess we all lose our shit and everything just goes haywire. Anyway, now I got you to help me out with those gooey emotional bits that I need to express." I smiled evily at her and grabbed her by the hips, pulling her towards me and planting a firm kiss on her lips. I eventually pulled back and said "Bye now" as i turned towards the door.
I couldn't help but laugh a bit more as I rolled my eues. "You didn't seem to have a problem with it," I said as I let out a yelp when he pulled me close. I kissed him back and smiled a bit. "Hopefully I'll see you soon," I said before playfully pushing him towards the door. "I have to get dressed?" I said and closed the door after kissing him one more time. Walking over to my dresser, I found a pair of Galaxy yoga pants and a purple spirts bra. After slipping on a pair of sneakers, I moved my piano stool out the way and brushed my hair, putting it up in a ponytail before getting on the floor and stretching. Even if they weren't training today, she could still get a workout in. Once she finished stretching, she turned on her stomach and began working on push up, making sure to keep her breathing steady.
I smiled as she closed the door, and made my way over to my room. I grabbed a black shirt that was slightly too small for me and a pair of sport shorts, and made my way over to the bathroom. After I finished freshening up, I made my way through the hallways of the massive compound. I had tried to memorize each turn the previous day as we had been walking to our rooms, but it was impossible. I eventually managed to find someone who took me to my dad. "Ah, Oliver" he said, smiling at me as he stood up, almost hugging me, but then thinking twice about it "We assumed you would all be beat. You're up earlier than we expected. Could you wake the whole group up within the next hour, we need to get started on the tour and then onto the training." Well, he sorted answered my questions before I even asked them then..."Uh, yeah sure. Was actually just about to ask you what the plan was, but I guess there it is." I said, as I turned to leave.

"Oliver...wait." He said just before I was out the door "I hope you know...I'm truly...I mean, I was just...I'm sorry. I only ever wanted the best for you, and trying to give you a normal life seemed to be the best life that I could give to you. I'm sorry that I had to lie to you for so many years to do that. I know this is a cliche but...I only did all that because I love you." I could feel the lump forming in my throat as he spoke, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes, but then I remembered my promise to myself. Harden Up I thought again Swallow your emotions. At least out here, don't let them show. Without turning around to look at him, I said plainly "Good to know" as I left the room and shut the door. I didn't need to see him to know that I had just hurt him badly.
Jacob woke up on the floor with a whole bunch of alchemy sights all over his room covering every bit of floor to where you can only see symbols Jacob was lying on them when he woke up his hands burned of pain form all the summoning and sat up remembering last night but fell asleep while doing that lying back down on the floor and lied on his back with his arm over his eyes covering them from the light.
I finished up the pushups and switched into sit-ups before finally standing up. I couldn't go outside but that didn't mean I couldn't go for a jog. Despite not having any music to listen to, I headed out of my room and began jogging down the hall. Exercising wasn't my favorite thing to do, hence the lack of workout equipment in my room, but it did help me think things through. I closed my eyes briefly before making a turn after turn, memorizing which turns I took.
((sorry if I haven't been replying as much lately. I've been busy with school stuff..))

Ezekiel woke up facing down on the creme coloured carpet. She sat up and looked confused then realized she must've fell off the bed as she slept. "Hmm... must've fell asleep while reading.." she thought to herself. She stood up and sat down on her bed not knowing what to do. She decided to do a morning workout.

She opened her closet and changed into her blank and blue shorts and her navy blue tank top. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and opened her equipment closet and pulled out her punching bag and dummy. She began with stretches so she wouldn't sprain or pull a muscle while practicing. She then started to practice her punching on her punching bag.

Punching the punching bag reminded her of her brother Dean who trained her and got her all into the martial arts. She then moved over to her dummy and started practicing her kicks and punches on it, hoping to get her mind off her brother. She missed him so much, it burned inside her not knowing if he's okay and alive or not...

She put the dummy and the punching bag back in the closet and drank some water.

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Jacob finally got up and looked around his room thinking "damn I don't want to clean this up yet" and looked at his hands that were burned from an alchemy symbol of fire and thought "I think that symbol was meant to be for a big area instead of my room and I fucked my room up quick dang" he looks at the ceiling and sees a burn mark from the symbol and sighs and gets some bandage from the drawer and wraps his hands and when he done he gets out a wooden daggers and a test dummy and started practicing on the dummy cutting it up and he drops the knifes because the pain on his hands and thinks "damn I need to find a healing sighn" and reads it "transmutation for the human body is phorbiden to be used by any alchemist because alchemist are not seen that much and if you use transmutation on a human the user will have to pay a price depending on what there doing bringing someone from the dead can cause you losing full body parts or even death" he looks at the book and says "looks like I'll have to use those spells as a last resort" and heads out the door putting his hands in his pocket so nobody knows he was practicing his powers without authorization. And heads out the door with a symbol imprinted on his check made of chalk without him knowing and goes out to go to the water fountain and says "where do we get breakfast by the way" to himself.
When I finally stopped jogging, I walked around in circles to calm my breathing and heart rate. Once calm enough, I jogged back to my room, walking inside and sittin down at the piano. I thought about going to shower and decided to since I wasn't sure if we were training today or not. After finding a pair of shorts and a loose sleeveless shirt, I headed to the bathroom and grabbed a quick shower before getting dressed and drying my hair out. Heading back to my room, I brushed my hair and put it up in a ponytail before sitting on my bed and resting.
I jogged back through the corridors, this time actually having managed to memorize my way back to our rooms. As I ran past each room I gave it a loud knock and shouted "Up, Lets get up guys we gotta get started with their program. Breakfast in like 15 minutes." I got to the last room, Seraphine's, and poked my head around as I opened it slowly. "Hey" I said with a smile as I stepped inside and closed the door quietly behind me.
I heard my door open and smiled slightly before I even opened my eyes. When I did though, I slowly rolled off my bed and walked over to Oliver with a small smile. "Hello," I said softly as I leaned up on my tiptoes and kissed him gently. My legs were slightly sore but I didn't care. I started thinking of his scarred knuckles and looked up at him. "Do you mind if I start borrowing your room in the mornings. When I was home I had a punching bag out back but I hated it so they didn't give me one and I couldn't help but think of how else you split your knuckles," I said before quietening off, realizing I was rambling.
When Jacob heard Oliver say breakfast in 15 minutes he poked his head out and said "ok!" And went in his room to put on some clothes he went to his dresser and pulled out new pants and a new shirt and grabbed his cat eared hoodie and head phones and he made sure to grab extra bandages for his knuckles and went over to the bathroom quickly and went to his shower washing off slowly while not trying to heart his knuckles anymore and got out of the shower drying his hair and body and got his clothes on slowly and put his shirt around his neck keeping it there because he needed to rap his ribs because of a blowback in one of the symbols sending him flying so he wrapped his knuckles and went out in the hall wrapping his ribs and stomach slowly to not feel that much pain from them and he went to tight on one spot and yelled loud in pain "damn it!" And dropped the bandages trying to pick it up.
I smiled and kissed her again to stop her from rambling. "Yeah...thats...fine" I mumbled in between kisses, until I eventually pulled back and held her around her waist "Anyway, I just came to check that you were up and ready. Breakfasts is in 15 minutes, then we got a tour and then we start with training." I smiled down at her as I gently rubbed her back.
I smiled softly as I gladly returned the kissed before pulling back. "Thank god. I'm starving...where do we go?" She asked suddenly as she rested her head against him. I knew I was probably letting my guard down more than I needed to but I didn't care. I looked up at him and wrapped my arms around his waist as I smiled slightly and relaxed, closing my eyes without another word.
"Uhh..." I said, realizing that blowing my dad off like I had may have felt good in a way, but I actually had a couple more questions that I should have asked "I'm sure they'll come and collect us when its ready. But until then..." I smiled mischievously at her as I leaned down and kissed her again, this time much more passionately. I pulled her with me to the bed and lay her down gently, so I was laying over her, our lips staying locked the entire time.
I kept my eyes closed before looking up as he spoke. Noticing his mischievous smile, I couldn't help but blush as I kissed him back without hesitation. Keeping my arms around him to keep from falling, I giggled softly as I felt my back against the bed. I finally had to pull back to breathe and smiled softly as I looked up at him, the blush on my face still present. "Why do I get the feeling you're enjoying this?" I asked with a laugh as I kept my arms around his neck.
((Chilled we'll just assume your character does everything with us))

I had a look of sarcastic amazement glued to my face as I smiled at her again. "Enjoying this?" I said, sounding genuinely outraged and pompous "How could any sane man possibly enjoy making out with a beautiful girl? Its just preposterous to even think of it." I grinned at her as I found our lips meeting again and my hand rubbing her thigh.
I laughed lightly as she shook my head ever so slightly before returning my lips to him. I soon tensed up ever so slightly and pulled back with a smile. "Sarcasm is an ugly trait Mr. Steele. But if you go any further until I give the green light then you can expect to not be in this situation again with me," I warned with a sweet smile as I kissedhis neck playfully then moved my lips to his passionately.
I couldn't help but keep grinning as she spoke, but made sure I noted what she had said. We had just started kissing again when I heard my dads voice calling outside "Come on guys, lets go, time for breakfast, UP, UP, UP." He knocked once and each door and waited outside for each of us. "Continue this later?" I said looking back down at her with an eyebrow raised, laying one last kiss on her an then scooting off the bed and holding out my hand for her to take it.
I frowned slightly as I heard Tobias and looked back up at him. "You act like I could say no," I said softly as I waited for him to get up before I took his hand and got up myself. I smiled softly and walked to the door, opening it without a word and walking out and leaning back against the wall.
(At omni expo, I'll reply once I'm back. Sorry I told you guys so late. Btw, leaving for Texas tomorrow so my replies will be really slow

Je suis Charlie
(Hey guys the best I can do is reply like once or twice during the weekend and I'll be on till 5:00 or 6:00 pm)

Jacob herd Tobias saying it was time for breakfast he put on his bandages fast lay and said hopped out of his room hungry saying "yay breakfast already" with a big grin on his face walking toward Tobias really slowly so his body doesn't get sore and nobody realizes he was practicing early.
Sarah had taken a long looong calming shower and was getting dressed in her room. She pulled on a red Deadpool shirt and dark blue jeans and black sneakers. She heard something about breakfast and walked out of her room, following the others to the dining hall.

(Man, omni expo sucked. Totally not worth the 35 dollars)

Je suis Charlie

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