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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

"Does there need to be a reason besides I really like you?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her "Plus, you know, I really would've regretted it if I didn't" I smiled, and lay down on the bed so that she was lying on top of me.
As Sarah was walking by I smiled at her and walked toward Tobias and look at him. Gloomy and ask "h-how did my parents die because in the file it said they died" he looked at Tobias in the face with the wall that was carved away to look like an arrow head and was floating on his finger tip spinning slowly.

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I silently thought for a moment before shaking my head slightly. "I guess not," I said softly as I laid back with him, staying silent for a while before realizing I was still in jeans and a shirt. I reluctantly got up and grabbed my guitar, placing it back on it's stand before going over to a decent sized dresser and pulling out some comfortable black shorts and a green tank top. "I'm gonna go grab a shower real quick. Wash the stress away," I said jokingly as I headed for the door. "I'll be right back," I added softly as I walked out, knowing a blush was obvious. I soon found one of the female bathrooms and walked inside, smiling softly at the cleanness. With five closed off showers and two large bathtubs in the back, it was nice actually. I chose the first shower, managing to calm my nerves. Once I was out and dressed, I towel dried my hair on the entire way back to my room. Walking in and closin the door, I looked in the mirror as I finished drying my hair, making sure it was back to its natural brown color before brushing through it and looking around. Pulling open the top drawer in the dresser, I almost jumped with joy as I saw various hair dyes. Looking through them carefully, I chose a bright neon purple before pulling the piano stool over and sitting down, beginning to streak my hair. When I finished, I pulled the chair back over and began to play softly, practicing Fur Elise without a word. Once it was done, I hurried out and back to the bathrooms, holding my head over a sink as I washed it once more and dried it carefully. When I returned to my room for a final time, I brushed through it once more before blow drying it, streaks of purple going through out my hair though not covering it.
"Well I wondered what you were doing in such a rush" I said, standing up and walking over to Seraphine "That looks...really amazing actually." I gently brushed one of the purple strands of hair as I placed my other hand on her lower hip.
I blushed lightly as I looked down, a small smile appearing on my face. "Thank you," I said softly as I looked back up at him, managing to stifle a giggle. I brought my arms up and wrapped them around his men without a word as I rested my head against him, a bit of left over emotion surfacing. "I wanna go home," I mumbled softly against him as I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. "But this is kind of cool to me. I mean think about it. Im sure we've all had times where we've felt unneeded and now finally someone actually needs us for something good," I said softly as I looked up at him with a smile and kissed his cheek gently.
I nodded lightly and pulled her even closer to me. "I know what you mean" I said looking down at her with an excited smile "Yesterday, Ii was a normal kid who had made enemies with the wrong people, and was looking at a dangerous price for doing that. That made me felt like I put my family in danger, that I was more use dead than I was alive. And now? Pretty much the entire weight of the worlds future sits on our shoulders. Its daunting, but its also...exhilirating..."
Sarah placed her hand on Jacob's shoulder and sighed. "He doesn't know, Jacob." She said. "He only knows Oliver's story since he raised him. We'll figure it out when we meet the higher ups. They have some of my questions to answer to." She said and started walking away. Sarah looked at her document as she walked. "Defense shield and changing gravity points in my body.." She mumbled as she read her paper. She sighed and deadpanned. "I couldn't have gotten a little more flare?" She grumbled and slowly went to find her way back to her room.

Je suis Charlie
Tobias bowed his head apologetically to Jacob and said "I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid shes right. I know very little when it comes to your backgrounds, I only really know about your abilities. I'm sorry Jacob" And with that, he was off again towards the experiment labs.
Jacob looked at Sarah when she said that and said "oh, ok" and walked down the hallway and shot the arrow at the wall making a big dent and walked to his room walked past Sarah's room and said "thanks for telling me that Sarah" and began walking towards his room door.
Sarah turned to Jacob a little confused. "Tell you what? I only told you what Tobias told me, he doesn't know a lot so we will just have to find the higher up." She said and opened her bedroom door. "Nice hair color by the way, I suits you." She said before turning back to reading her document and entering her room. She wanted to see how much info she could get out it. The more she knew, the better.

Je suis Charlie
I nodded silently as I let out a small sigh before pulling back and taking Oliver's hand. I pulled him back to the bed and pulled him down as I laid down, not wanting to be left alone. "Just a little longer," I whispered softly as I closed my eyes, knowing it would be too much to ask for the rest of the night. Instead, this seemed like the safest route. "How are you holding up with all this?" I asked suddenly, realizing I had only been talking about myself.
I wrapped one arm around her and put the other behind my head to prop myself up a little. "I...I actually don't really know yet" I said, gently stroking her hair as I talked "A part of me feels like I'm still in shock and thats why im not crying or getting emotional about any of this. But then another part of me thinks its because I'm actually excited for the days to come, for the first time in a while. We get to learn more about ourselves then we ever truly knew, and that excites me more than anything."
I nodded ever so slightly as he spoke as to not disturb him playing with my hair which was a weak spot for me. I smiled softly as I closed my eyes and thought carefully about what to say. "That's understandable. Sarah doesn't believe it and she's ready to get out of here but I think that everything happens for a reason and we were chosen for a reason. We just don't know why yet," I said softly as I turned my head a bit to look at him. "At first I wasn't happy about this but I'm coming to terms with it and now im excited about it. I just spend my time letting my emotions out with my music. If I'm not able to do that then eventually I lose it," I added as I straightened my head and yawned softly, realizing how tired I was.
((Think I got like 2 more posts max ( :( )))

I noticed her yawn and realized that she probably wanted to get some sleep. "Anyway, enough of my blabbing on" I said, tilting her head up to look at me "Its been a long day and we probably could all do with a good nights sleep" I leaned down slowly and kissed her gently again. After I pulled back eventually, I rolled off the bed and walked to the door. "Night." I said, with my hand paused on the door knob, looking back at her.
Jacob was in his room dying his hair some more dying it a lighter blue to go with his blue eyes and got up and went to the middle of his room and drawled an alchemy sigh. And pressed his hand against it and lightning went everywhere and the lights flickered and sword appeared while the lights were still flickering and he yelled "sorry!" And looked at the stone sword he created and said "woah this powers is handy but it's slow I'll have to find someway to speed it up" (auto mail yay) and picked the sword up swinging it a few times and putting it back and thinks "what is my second power about God" and sits on the bed trying to figure it out.
I let out a small sigh as I hesitantly returned the kiss and watched him go to the door. Before I could stop myself, I uttered a single word that I could either be glad about or I could regret. "Stay..." I said softly before taking a deep breath and continuing. "Please...just until I fall asleep is all I ask," I said nervously as I turned over on my side so I was facing him hesitantly as I nervously bit my lip.
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I smiled as I heard that one word that I had been waiting...hoping to hear. I shut the door, walked over to her and kissed her again, much more passionately. I pulled myself back down onto the bed, keeping my lips locked with hers, and held her by her waist, pulling her closer and closer until there wasn't a single inch of space between us. I eventually managed to get myself to pull back. "Okay" I said, breathing a bit heavily "Yeah. I'll stay" I changed my position slightly so she was lying with her back to me and I wrapped my arms around her waist once again.
((sorry, I had school.... of course))

Ezekiel admired her room again, then she walked over to her bed and lay down then took out the papers that Tobias gave to them and read what her powers are. "Subject has the power to move things with her mind within eight feet of her (telekineses) and being able to communicate with another's mind but they cannot reply back to her (telepathy)."

"Whooh, I'm a subject!" she said to herself sarcastically. She smiled at the fact that she has the ability to move things with her mind, since ever since she was little, she would always admire any character with that special ability. And now—soon she will get her ability. But something she can't get her mind off is her parents and her brother. She may never get to see any of them again which is giving her a small panic attack, instead she just stood up and grabbed a book from her shelf and started reading it to calm her down. "The Death Cure by James Dashner" was the title of the book. She realized that she has read it before but continues to read it anyways to calm herself down.

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I allowed a wide smile to appear on my face as I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as I pulled him closer to me. When he pulled away, I did as well, smiling softly as I breathed heavily in an attempt to catch my breath. I turned on my other side and pressed my back into his chest and interlockedher fingers with his as she closed her eyes and smiled a bit. The smile slowly faded as I allowed myself to slip off into a deep sleep, my entire body relaxing as I began to dream.
Sarah sat on her bed and read the document. It was a lot to take in and confusing, a lot to wrap her mind around, but she would do this so once it all was over she could just forget about it and go home. Sarah eventually asleep in her bed with the documents over her face.

Je suis Charlie
I felt Seraphine's body slowly start to relax against mine. I tried to think about everything that had happened that day, about all the horrible emotions I should be feeling. But I couldn't. I was too calm, too peaceful to think about any of those things. Eventually, even though I didn't plan it, I felt my mind slipping into unconsciousness, and my breathing began to level out.




I awoke the next morning, with my arms still tucked around Seraphine and our fingers still intertwined. She was still sleeping when I woke up. I decided not to get up just yet, so I shifted to make myself a bit more comfortable.
The next morning, I yawn softly as I slowly started waking up, taking several moments to notice that Oliver was still there. I brought his hand up without a word and kissed it gently. I finally got yp the strength to turn over and smiled softly as I gazed up at him. "Good morning," I whispered softly and giggled a bit.
((Only be back on a laptop in a couple hours so slower replies my powers out))

I smiled as i felt Seraphine eventually start to stir from her sleep. She turned around to face me, her beautiful eyes looking straight into mine. I tucked one hand around her, resting it on the small on her back and the other reaching up and brushing a stray strand of hair out of her eyes. "Can I just say that you are by far the most beautiful site I have ever had the fortune of waking up to" I said, a smirk playing on my lips "And I've woken up with a perfect view of Paris before..."
Sarah woke up with a groan, but when it was still dark when she opened her eyes, she jumped up, making the document fall from her face. She grabbed her heart and sighed, good thing she hadn't gone blind. She laughed softly at her own stupidity and grabbed some new cloths before she head to the bathroom to take a shower.
((That's fine ^^ in in no rush))

I felt my entire face warm up as I blushed and smiled softly. I rested my head against the crook of his neck as I let out a soft yawn and looked back up at him, kissing his lips gently. Without a word, I sat up and stretched out my muscles before scooting off the bed and standing up. I ran a hand through my hair before walking over to the piano and sitting down. I moved my hair out of my face before beginning to do scales, something I did every morning and something I had no intention of stopping. Once I finished, I began to play something I had written years before, smiling since I remembered it.

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