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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

KneelingAngel said:
Sarah had taken a long looong calming shower and was getting dressed in her room. She pulled on a red Deadpool shirt and dark blue jeans and black sneakers. She heard something about breakfast and walked out of her room, following the others to the dining hall.
(Man, omni expo sucked. Totally not worth the 35 dollars)

Je suis Charlie
I walked next to Seraphine as we followed Tobias to wherever we were going, our arms brushing as we walked. He eventually led us into a large, immaculate looking dining area behind one of the grey doors, and at the serving station were steaming hot trays stacked with bacon, eggs, toast, tomatoes, fresh fruit. Anything you would eat at a 5 star buffet breakfast was there. "Wow" was all I could say as I did a full 360 of my surroundings.
Jacob followed them into the cafeteria and it was ginormous forgetting his pain for a little bit he ran to the food picking up bacon, meats, fruits and some energy drinks exposing his bandaged hands but he didn't care he had something to eat!
Ezekiel took a very quick shower before heading to the cafeteria for breakfast. She got dressed into her high-waisted black shorts and her blue baseball tee tucked inside her shorts. She brushed her hair and let it dry naturally, since her hair is straight. She left her room and headed for the cafeteria. She got lost once in a while but still managed to get there. She got some food and sat down in one of the tables.

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I walked silently, keeping my eyes straight ahead, though I occasionally glanced around to memorize the way. When we were in the dining area, I only spent a moment looking around in awe before smiling slightly and walking over to the serving station and grabbing a plate. I filled it up with waffles, bacon, eggs, and some watermelon, pears and strawberries. I fixed myself a glass of apple juice mixed with an energy drink. I walked around for a second and chose a random seat before sitting down and slowly beginning to eat.
(Yeah, don't go there. It was like a grave yard.. But at least I had fun in my Deadpool costume^^)

Sarah took a bit of everything. She was kinda hungry, but at the same time she wasn't. She went to sit down by the others and started to eat. She wanted to get to training and get it over with.

Je suis Charlie
I walked happily to the serving area, and grabbed a bit of everything. A plate fulled with egg, bacon, toast, sausages, more bacon and some tomatoes and mushrooms, plus a bowl of fruit salad and an energy drink. I had a bit of trouble carrying it, but I got to my seat next to Seraphine, smiling as I sat down next to her and tucking into the food. "Sorry to interrupt your meal, guys" My dad said, standing at the head of the table, smiling warmly as per usual "But, in case Oli didn't tell you yet, the plan for today is basically to show you around the whole campus, which will take a good while, and then to begin your training. But you got plenty of time to eat so enjoy." He smiled once more and walked out. I looked around at all the others and said "So how'd you all sleep?" I couldn't help but shoot a small wink at Seraphine.
"Great!" she smiles. She saw Oliver give a wink to Seraphine and immediately gave a smirk directed at both of them. "Oliphine sounds like a nice name right?" she grins.

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I couldn't help but smile a bit, and I opened my mouth to answer the question before I heard Ezekiel's comment. My eyes went wide as I stared at her in shock, my whole face turning red from blushing. I tried to think of something, anything to say, but couldn't so I just closed my mouth and kept eating. I probably could have thought of something but I also wasn't sure how Oliver wanted to go about the situation. Mainly whether or not he wanted to keep it a secret for the time being or not.
"Uh, I guess" I said, not even flinching "You could try and be a little more creative, but you know, its your fake relationship, you can name it whatever you want." Almost a year with lying to my parents about my addiction and my whereabouts had made me somewhat of a pro at thinking on my feet, as well as masking my surprise really well. I nudged Seraphine very lightly, unnoticeable to the naked eye, just to try and let her know that I was just keeping it quiet for the time being.
Seraphine kept her gaze on the food as she listened silently. Fake relationship? She felt the nudge but refused to look up. "I'm gonna go change," she said simply, not bothering to finish eating her food. She got up and walked out, heading straight back to her room, closing the door before looking through her clothes. She finally decided on a pair of jean shorts and a red tank top. She slipped on her black knee high converse before grabbing her guitar and sitting down on her bed, beginning to play softly. When they were ready to tour, they could come get her.
I sighed, realizing that she had probably taken that pretty personally. The only thing was, I didn't know exactly what these people wanted from us, so I didn't want them to think they could use one of the other team mates, nor did I want the other team mates to know because they could be working for these people already and we just don't know it. I pretended that Seraphine leaving didn't affect me at all, even though all I wanted to do was go talk to her, but I gave it about fifteen minutes after she left until I casually stood up and said "I'm gonna go grab some stuff from my room before we train." as I walked out slowly. Once I was out of site, I picked up the pace and got to Seraphine's room quickly. I gave the door a tap and said "Hey. Can we talk, please?"
Seraphine kept playing up until she heard the tap on the door. "Might as well go along with the fake relationship so why not," she said simply, keeping her eyes on the strings of the guitar. She knew she was probably being unnecessarily harsh but what he had said hurt her. She set the instrument to the side and wrapped her arms around her knees. She heard her stomach growl and remembered she had barely eaten anything.
I opened the door quickly and closed it behind me. "You know I didn't mean that" I said, sitting next to her, but not touching her in case she was really mad "Its just...look we have no idea who these people are or what they want. Not to mention, anyone in the team could already be working for them. The only reason I said that was to keep them off of us. I don't want them knowing that there's someone that they could use against me...someone that I felt for that they could try and hurt to make me do something. I...I'm sorry." I allowed myself to gently lay a hand on her arm to try and show sincerity.
I knew I had overreacted at that moment. I looked down at his hand and took a deep breath before moving my hand away and sliding over so I could lay my head against the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry..." I whispered softly, not wanting him to be mad at me for a stupid mistake.
"Hey, hey" I said comfortingly, as I tucked my arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to me "You haven't got anything to be sorry about." I tilted her head up so she was looking me in the eyes and said "Listen. No matter what I say out there, in front of everyone else, you just need to know that this is real. Okay. This is real for me. That's not gonna change." I leaned down and kissed her gently, putting my other hand on the side of her neck.
I looked up at him with tears in my eyes as I took a deep, calming breath. I leaned up and kissed him back just a gently, placing a hand on his cheek as she pulled a back and looking into his eyes. "I'm sorry..." I repeated softly as I rested my head against his shoulder without another word. "I don't think it should take me half an hour to change clothes. I'll just say I got lost," I said softly with a small smile though it faded quickly.
I nodded and pulled her into a tight embrace. "I also need to go grab somethings." I said, eventually letting go of her but keeping her hand in mine "They'll come fetch us for the tour soon I think. I'll see you then." I smiled comfortingly, and leaned down to kiss her once more, then walked out the room and quietly closed the door. I walked into my room and started collecting some extra clothes and training equipment, like my gloves, that I would need for the day ahead.
I reluctantly returned the kiss and held him there for a bit longer before pulling away and nodding. "Okay," I said softly and watched him leave. I found a small gym bag to sling over my shoulders and placed a blue and green sports bra in it as well as my blak yoga pants. I found some green sneakers and stuffed them in the bag before making sure I had a ponytail holder on my wrist.
Jacob finally got done eating but he had about 4 energy drinks to keep him up and looked at Sarah and yawned saying "hey did you look around here before" scratching his head and pulls his hand back in pain and looks at her and says "and besides what was you're life like before you woke up...you know.....before you came here" he said this in a face that really wanted a friend or someone to depend on looking at her for a question.

(Sorry guys, been traveling to Dallas to see my dad who I haven;t seen for about 4 months =^^=)

Sarah was slowly eating her food though kept an eye on Seraphine and Oliver. Seraphim's reaction to Oliver's response to Ezekiel's name thing, triggered something in her mind. She wasn't completely sure of what was going on, they had all known each other for an entire day, there was no way that the two of them had a relationship. It was a pretty stupid combination, Seraphine and Oliver? It made Sarah laugh internally. They weren't a match, but if they were that would just be the stupidest thing to do at this moment. Sarah snapped out of her thoughts when Jacob asked her a question."Huh?" She asked. "Oh well, you know, nothing special. Top of my class, barely having any friends and my parents spoil my little sister more then me. I don't know if they've been doing on purpose or not, a lot go things have changed in my mind after getting here." She said. "I just started college, but I guess I can forget all about that now." She said and took a sip from her milk. "What about you?"

KneelingAngel said:
(Sorry guys, been traveling to Dallas to see my dad who I haven;t seen for about 4 months =^^=)
Sarah was slowly eating her food though kept an eye on Seraphine and Oliver. Seraphim's reaction to Oliver's response to Ezekiel's name thing, triggered something in her mind. She wasn't completely sure of what was going on, they had all known each other for an entire day, there was no way that the two of them had a relationship. It was a pretty stupid combination, Seraphine and Oliver? It made Sarah laugh internally. They weren't a match, but if they were that would just be the stupidest thing to do at this moment. Sarah snapped out of her thoughts when Jacob asked her a question."Huh?" She asked. "Oh well, you know, nothing special. Top of my class, barely having any friends and my parents spoil my little sister more then me. I don't know if they've been doing on purpose or not, a lot go things have changed in my mind after getting here." She said. "I just started college, but I guess I can forget all about that now." She said and took a sip from her milk. "What about you?"

Srry I'll get back to you tomorrow. DX
((Very slow replies, possibly no replies, for next 4 hours. No power.))

Eventually, Tobias came to fetch whoever was in their rooms first and then led us back to the dining room to collect the others. We followed him without a word, tense to find out where the training area was and what it was like. We eventually got to the door which was actually at the end of a corridor, which I hadn't seen yet. "Welcome" he said, as he approached the door slowly "It all begins here." The door opened to reveal a massive, sized arena-like room filled with every type of training equipment you could ask for. Dummies, balloon and even metal, every exercise machine ever invented and anything else in the world that could be used for training was in there. A boxing ring dominated the room in its center, and all the other stuff laid around it. There was even a specialized shooting range that had extra strength target which could withstand shots from say...a freaky teenager with weird super powers...me.
Jacob looked at Sarah and said "oh I had a normal life" he kept looking and said "my life consisted of me waking up and my mom making me breakfast and my little sis playing with me and I would usually go to school and get in fights like a usual delinquent and come back to my sister scolding me and giving me a big speech on not to do it again" Jacob looked like he missed it but said "I'm glad I'm up because I get to see a new world and meet new people like someone gave me a clean slate and I wonder how my sis is doing" and then Tobias came in to get them and Jacob got up and followed him into a big training room and Jacob saw metal and something's he could use alchemy on and then he remeberd something and went over to Tobias about to ask him a question.
I silently followed around, allowing myself to memorize the way. Once we arrived at the training room, I instantly dropped my jaw in complete awe of the size of the room. I silently walked inside to the boxing ring, smirking ever so slightly before moving over to the shooting range. I found a bow and a quiver of arrows before placing the sheath over my head and shoulder and walking up to the first on. Once I tested out the feel of the bow, I held it up and pulled and arrow, carefully positu ones it and pulled back, aiming at the target and taking a deep breath. After I released the arrow, I stayed like that for a few moments before smirking ever so slightly, seeing I had hit the dead center. "I'm keeping this one," I said softly to myself before gladly inspecting it.

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