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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

I opened my mouth to respond, but still couldn't say anything. My head suddenly felt very light, and not from the shocks, but from the fact that I was pretty sure I was having a heart attack. I leaned my hand against the wall that I had just scorched to stabilize myself, and closed my eyes for a few seconds. "What kind of sick game is this" I snarled, looking up at the corners of the room, assuming that was where they were watching us from "What the hell do you want from us, huh? Congratulations, you managed to scare the living shit out of six teenagers, well done. Now stop this bullshit and take us the FUCK home." By the end of my rant, I could feel the muscles in my neck bulging, and the blue streaks were starting to speed up again.

The voice was calm as usual as it responded. "Home? Why, Oliver, you are home! We have been there through every step of your young lives. We are your true family." That made me lose it. The anger inside me exploded out in the form of a bolt of electricity aimed directly at the door that held us captive. It made a very small dent in the door. The blue streaks were now completely gone from my arms, and my eyes returned to their normal color. I had unleashed all of the energy. "Well that's a little bit rude, don't you think?" The voice said, as calm as usual "If you wanted to go, all you had to do was ask. The gas has done its job, it has cured you of the suppressant that we gave you so many years ago. Now that your abilities are functioning again, you may roam the compound as you please. Tobias will be waiting near by to assist you. I look forward to seeing your progress." And with that, the voice was gone, and I assumed this time it wouldn't chime in again.

"The people here are really fucked up" I said, more to myself than the others as the door slid open "Maybe we should actually take that break I was talking about before we leave here. We should probably talk about what that guy said. Plus I don't really know if I can meet another psycho just yet, I need at least a 5 minute break. Don't know about you guys, but my energy's been sapped." I managed to allow myself a wry smile as I slumped with my back against the wall near the door.
Sarah's mind was going all over the place. What did the voice mean? What was going on? They were their real family? It didn't make sense. Oliver acting like this was scaring her shitless, she didn't want to stand within 5 feet of him, though she wanted to make sure that he was okay. "We should find that guy." Sarah said looked at the others. "We went through the whole building and found no exit, I doubt it just popped up, and we need to find out what is wrong with Oliver." She said and looked at the guy. "You okay?" She asked Oliver, though she kept herself a safe distance away from him.
I looked up at Sarah, smiling but somehow still managing to look extremely sad "Okay? Oh, I only just got about a thousand times more electricity than a human body should be able to withstand pumped into my body and, even though it was the most painful thing I've ever experienced in my life, I got up with not even a scorch mark on my clothes. Then, to top things off, I managed to shoot a physical ball of electricity out of my hand like a character from a comic book. All of this while being talked to by some fucked up crazy guy who thinks hes our family. I'm just dandy." I didn't say any of this angrily, more sarcastically and with a tinge of confusion. I realized that they were probably completely terrified of me, and I didn't blame them. I was pretty terrified of myself. I looked down at my arms where the blue streaks of energy had been pumping through. Now, just a plain human forearm. Like nothing ever happened.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap." I said, looking up at them again, looking slightly less insane now "Its just...I feel fine. No different than I did before I was electrocuted. And that's what scares me the most, the fact that it hasn't even left an itch never mind completely incinerated me. I...I'm a monster..." My eyes widened as the flashes of light from the bolts that I shot started swimming in my head. I bent my head into my lap once more as a stray tear found its way down my cheek. I didn't even bother to wipe it away.
As soon as I got my mind back together and walked towards Oliver looking at his arms and quit key stand there and say "damn don't know what's going on but you survived be grateful of that" and walk away saying "and I agree with Sarah the sooner we find that guy the sooner we can beat some answers out of him" saying that while I ball my fist and punch my hand.
I let out a small sigh as I walked up, not bothering to listen to anyone object. Cautiously putting a hand to Oliver's cheek, I wiped the tear away, ignoring the slight shocks. Pulling back, I sighed softly and glanced over at Sarah then back to Oliver. "No you're not. None of us are monsters. We just need to figure out what the hell is going on okay?" I said softly before looking around. "I wanna go next," I said as I walked to the machine and looked at it cautiously.
Sarah growled and stepped closer to Oliver. "You are not a monster." She told him with a stern look. "If anyone is a monster then its the people who keep us here and created that chair, it's not your fault." She said and turned to Jacob. "For once I actually agree with you, Jacob." She said and turned to Seraphine when she walked to the machine. "Are you crazy?!" She asked and grabbed the girl by her shirt. "No one should even step near that machine, one of us electrified is enough. Look, we need to find that man and get Oliver back to normal." She said and walked to Oliver, sticking out her hand to help him up. "The faster we find the guy the faster we can get out of here and back to our REAL families." She said and waited for him to take her hand.
Suddenly the voice decided to make another visit, but this time he sounded much more panicky then his previous level. "NO!! That machine was built specifically for Oliver, because that is a unique ability of his, if any of you sit in that machine, you will die instantly. If you want to learn about your own specific abilities, speak to Tobias, he is waiting just outside." By the end of the speech, the man had regained his normal calm. I looked up at Sarah's hand, hardened my face slightly and took it, hauling myself to my feet. I cracked my neck left and right and, with my old voice of calm decisiveness returned "Lets go have ourselves a little chat with Tobias." I strode towards the door, the grim determination in my eyes also having returned, and motioned for the others to follow.
I growled some not so nice words under my breath as I walked out angrily. Running a hand through my hair, I let out a sigh and slowly calmed down. "God help me through this please," she mumbled softly as she crossed her arms.
Jacob said "thanks for finally agreeing with me once" and listened to the voice with a smile and said "so this Tobias guy is outside I'll gladly meet with him 'nicely' and talk to him 'calmly' to get answers" and walks out the door with the rest to meet Tobias

(Guys I turned my super strength into water control because I didn't like super strength)
We stormed outside as a group, and waiting for us in the corridor was a man. I had been so ready to walk up to this Tobias guy and rupture one of his organs, but when I saw him all of those emotions faded and I felt my knees buckle. "Hello, everyone" he said to us with a warm and nurturing smile that I knew so well "Welcome to The Compound." He was a part of this. He knew we were here, knew what they did to me and to the rest of us and yet he...hes smiling at us. I could have blown up, I could have lost all sanity, but all I managed to do was stutter one small word that had so much meaning. "D-Dad?"

(( #PlotTwist (> :D )))
Jacob looked at Oliver and said "this is your dad" and looked at the two carefully noticing a few similarities and thought that if olivers dad was here than his mom was here he finally let out a tear because he thought he would never get to see his mother again and leaned against the wall sliding down and says "I can see my mother again thank god" as he shakes and smiles.
Sarah stormed outside with the others, wanting her answers and a way home. She stopped when Oliver did and looked at Jacob (or did you change it to Tyler?) and frowned. Something wasn't right. It was Oliver's dad? How was the man here? She didn't like it. There was something fishy going on. "No one is going to see or parents again, are we?" She asked Oliver's dad. It had to be the Tobias guy. "This is all some trick isn't it?!" She demanded. It didn't make sense to her. They were on their own, how could one of their parents just pop up like that unless they had something to do with it.
I froze when Oliver mentioned the word dad. "What the hell is going on here?" I demanded, just as furious as Sarah. I would have the we on Oliver but the shock in his voice said he didn't know about it either. "I want out of here and I want to see my sister!" I said through clenched teeth as I crossed my arms angrily.
Tobias shook his head slightly and seemed a little bit nervous as he responded. "Uhm, look kids, we have a lot to talk about, and I personally have a hell of a lot to explain so if you will just trust me for these next few minutes, as hard as it may seem, and follow me to somewhere we can talk, that would make things a hell of a lot easier." He motioned for us to follow, and I noticed in my shock that he had still not glanced at me once. I didn't say anything, didn't even know if the others would follow, but I just followed after him. I no longer had the energy to protest or fight about anything. He lead us into a nearby room with a circle of seven chairs, and he picked up a large file as he sat down. I sat down in the chair opposite him, the one farthest away, and stared blankly at the floor.
I tightened my jaw in anger and though about lashing out again but finally decided it wouldn't solve anything. I let out a long breath and followed to the room without a single word. I wanted to be as far away as possible from him but Oliver had already taken it, so j settled with the next best and satin the one to the left of him. I put my head in my hands and sighed softly, closing my eyes and taking several steadying breaths. I didn't care where we were or how we got there at that point. I didn't cate about a possible feud with Sarah. I was willing to become best friends if it meant I could get out. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
Lexie said:
I tightened my jaw in anger and though about lashing out again but finally decided it wouldn't solve anything. I let out a long breath and followed to the room without a single word. I wanted to be as far away as possible from him but Oliver had already taken it, so j settled with the next best and satin the one to the left of him. I put my head in my hands and sighed softly, closing my eyes and taking several steadying breaths. I didn't care where we were or how we got there at that point. I didn't cate about a possible feud with Sarah. I was willing to become best friends if it meant I could get out. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible.
As soon as he said to follow him Jacob got up wiping my face and walks into the room I didn't care where we were anymore Jacob just wanted to get out and see his mom and came into the room and sat into a chair holding his hands together looking at the floor he just prayed his little sis was in this world and was well.
Sarah for agreed with Seraphine and took the same stance as her. Cautiously she followed after the others into a room, but she didn't sit down like the others. Last time anyone of them sat down in a seat they got electrified. She didn't trust this man, she didn't trust this situation and she didn't like it. She crossed her arms over her chest and just looked at the man called Tobias. "Start talking." She said.
So that's exactly what we did. And I really wish he hadn't. He explained to all of us the lie that we had been living for our entire lives, that only one of our parents was actually blood related, the other was simply assigned to look after us, how the friends we made at school purely became friends with us because they were told to and how everything that we had been told was usually a lie to stop us from knowing about our special abilities. "You all have witnessed one of these abilities in action" he continued, looking at me for the first time "But all of you have unique 'powers' if you will. Two of them to be precise. We planned on only telling you the truth about your lives when a time came that this world desperately needed you. And that time is now. There is something out there, bigger than anything we could have ever thought possible. And its coming to earth. Fast."

He paused for a few seconds, and then continued "I know this is more than you can probably handle at one time, but i thought it would be easier to hear it all in one go. Like ripping off the band aid. I'm also deeply apologetic about the way you were all brought here and how roughly you have been treated, but it was merely a test set up by the Director to test your willpower. You all did very well, if its any consolation." He stood up and said "I'm going to leave these six pieces of paper with your names on it on this table, containing descriptions of the data we have on your individual abilities. I'll be just down the hall if you need me. I think you need some time to think and talk to each other." He walked out, touching my shoulder as he left and it took every ounce of self restraint I had not to break his hand. I was utterly shattered. We all were.
When Jacob heard this he was broken his whole life was a lie he dosent even know if he has a family because he was raised by his mom only he just stared at the guy leaving the room and puts his head down and dosent even want to look at his document he just sits there depressed and he never got depressed he started sobbing wondering if he had a family and just sat there no will and said "I-I can't believe this I never wanted this and I never wanted a new world how do I even now if I have a family it was only my mother me and my sister and they said one of our parents weren't even our parents" and just stared at the ground sobbing.
Sarah was shocked and frozen at Tobias's words, she couldn't move from where she stood. Hearing everything, she couldn't believe it, it was all a lie, it had to be! She growled when Tobias left and grabbed her document. "He's lying." She said and ripped the paper to shreds without looking at it. "Why should we believe him?!" She shouted and turned to the others. "He's lying." She told them. It would be a sick game if it was true. She was not going to believe it

Je suis Charlie
I glanced up at Sarah's outburst and sighed softly as I grabbed my paper. Reading over it, I froze in my spot. Turning to her, I finally stood up and looked her in the eyes. "If he's lying then how come Oliver was able to survive 1,667 times the amount of electricity in his body than a normal person. I don't want to admit it and I know you don't either but that fact alone doesn't lie. You and I both know he's telling the truth," I said softly, my eyes dropping to the floor at the thought of my sister, my friends, my niece not being real.
Jacob finally stands up and picks up his papers slowly and opens it his worst fears were realized "he had no family they died for a strange reason and he threw the papers on the ground and they fly out and he goes over to a wall and punches it until his knuckles bleed.
"Maybe he is just.. Different." Sarah said, she didn't want it to be true! "Who would make up a fake family? Fake friends? A fake life? That's just twisted! No human creatures would ever do something like that!" She said through gritted teeth, she didn't want to break down and give in to this sick whatever. "It's not true..." She mumbled and started shaking as she looked at the ground.

Je suis Charlie

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