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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

((Sorry, life got busy and batteries died.))

Connor awoke with the same grunt like every morning and went to turn off his alarm clock. Rolling over, he flings his arm out in the general direction the clock was supposed to be, and found that it was not there. Opening his eyes, he sees that he is in a strange room, completely grey, and he was wearing grey clothes. He definitely hadn't put those on before he went to bed the night before, so why was he wearing them now? And where the hell was he? There was a door, so perhaps the answers were behind it. Walking over, he gives the door a try, fully expecting it to be locked. When it opens easily, he is rather shocked.
Sarah was right in front of the unknown door and basically jumped in Oliver's arm. She placed a hand on her heart in shock and took a deep breath. Jesus Christ that had given her a heart attack. She looked at the guy and rubbed her face. "Great another one." Sarah said. "Well this just makes everything so much better." She was being sarcastic of course. What the hell was going on?!

Je suis Charlie
Sarah and I were about to start following the others down the hall, when yet another door opened up near me. I saw a young guy, around about my age, as all the others were, looking dazed and confused. "Hey, man" I said, trying not to frighten him "Don't be too alarmed, I'm just as confused as you. We all are." I gestured to the rest of the group who were just turning a corner "I'm Oliver Steele, but you can call me Oli." I extended my hand to him kindly.
((Sorry, last post. It's late and I'm tired.))

Connor had a small heart attack of his own when what he saw were two other people. And his confusion only grew when they said they didn't know where they were either. That just put the icing on the cake right there. That and a picture of Jigsaw popping up somewhere. Looking between the hand, it's owner, and the girl, Connor decides to tentavely take it. "Names Connor." he said simply.
"Oliver Steele. Just call me Oli." I said shaking his hand with a smile, trying to remain as calm as possible for everyone's sake "Just follow us. We're trying to get some answers in this place, but we don't really know where to start. You may as well just stick with us." With that, i turned to make my way back to the other two.
"I'm Sarah, those two over there are Serafine and Jacob." Sarah said and pointed before following the two as Oliver talked to them. "Hey guys, any luck so far?" She asked.

(My replies are probably gonna be very little in the next couple of hours because of work, just so you guys know^^)

Je suis Charlie
Jacob looks back and say "nope no luck this place feels like it's changing every turn we take but that's just me I seriously don't know how were going to find our way out this place at the pace were going at" and leans against a wall waiting for the other two.
Seraphine sighed softly as she turned around and made her way back over to the three. Stopping beside Oliver, she crossed her arms and shook her head. "These halls are like a maze. There's no way to know where we're going," she said simply as she frowned slightly.
Connor dumbly dod as he was told, and stuck with them. Then he heard something about a maze. Ge remembered a tip for solving mazes. So, he spoke up to try and help this new and strange group of people. "Always take a right, that's what I've been told."
I looked over at the new male and thought carefully. "I'm not saying it'll always work but I suppose it's something to start with," I said with a small shrug as I looked around for confirmation.
Sarah shrugged. "Doesn't matter which way we go, every maze has an exit, right? Otherwise we'll just have to find a way through the walls." She said and sighed. "What do you think Oliver?" She asked him. This placed just looked the same all over, but they had to find a way out of this. Standing still was not an option. She didn't want to die yet.
Connor wasn't sure what was going on, what to do, or who these people were. His first reaction was to stay away from these people, and look for an exit himself. But fir skme reason, he stayed. So far, there was no reason to not trust them. And until proven otherwise, he would stick with them. Or he might be selerated from them two turns later.
((Sorry I was gone guys emergency weekend.))

I leaned against the wall and thought carefully for a few seconds. After a few moments, I turned my attention to the others and said "Always go right seems like as good as a place to start as any, but we need to be really careful. The fact that we've been kidnapped but have yet to come into contact with our captors means that they're testing us for some reason. Stay alert, especially when turning a corner, and do not seperate from the group. Lets go. " I nodded to them all as a sign of understanding then proceeded to begin making my way trough the maze of grey corridors.
I shrugged slightly and turned away, silently following Oliver through the corridors. Running a hand through my hair, I let out a small sigh as h stayed close for fear of getting lost or something. After every door we passed, I checked it to see if it would open but none of them would.
After about half and hour of walking through endless halls of grey corridors with doors on either side that never opened, I was finding it harder and harder to keep my cool. Eventually, I stopped and leaned against a door for a second to catch my breath. "Okay guys, lets take 5" I said, a little irritated that we hadn't found anything "I think we nee-" I began to say, but was cut off as the door suddenly slid open and I fell backwards. "For fuck's sakes" I shouted as I sat up "We pass through endless doors for nearly an hour and the one door I lean on decides to be the one that actually works" I shook my head, and actually laughed a bit at my luck. After regaining myself, I examined the room that I had just entered. It was grey, like the rest of them, but this one had no bed or table. Instead, there was a large machine in the very center, which looked to consume a lot of power, and small, barely visible slits in the roof. "What is that thing" I asked quietly as I stepped into the room. The door didn't slam shut behind me. Good start.
Sarah followed the others through the hallways and sighed. Nothing. She was happy when Oliver said that they were taking a break. Her feet hurt and she was getting tired. Her eyes snapped towards Oliver when he fell. "Oh my God are you okay?" She asked and helped him up. Sarah looked at the machine and tilted her head in confusion. "I don't know what it is, but I think we should keep going. It's no use to us." She said and turned back to walk out of the room.

Je suis Charlie
I was about to turn and follow Sarah, when I heard a voice echo through the room saying "I wouldn't be too sure of that. That machine could show you things about yourself that you never thought possible, Oliver." I froze as the voice said my name. "How do you..." I began, but decided it better not to ask any questions "Like I'm gonna walk in there and just do as I'm told. People say I'm not very good at that." The voice stayed level toned as he (it was clearly a man) responded with "Look. All we need you to do is for all of you to simply walk into that room. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I chuckled, not as intimidated as I thought I'd be and said "So whats the hard way, then?" Now it was his turn to chuckle as a door near us opened, and a girl my age was dragged out by a big guard with a gun pointed at her. "This girl is in the same situation as you are Oliver, scared and confused, but even more so. Shes special, like you all are.You wouldn't want her blood to be on your hands, would you?" The smile disappeared from my face as I saw the girl, who looked frightened and confused beyond belief. "Alright, alright" I said "Have it your way. Guys...we have to." I reluctantly stepped back into the room, and the girl was thrown in after me. I had to catch her from almost falling. "Don't worry" I whispered to her as comfortingly as possible, as I motioned for the others to come in "We're in this with you. We'll try our best to protect you."

(( @chasingshadows ))
Ezekiel closed her eyes and nodded at the boys statement. She was frightened, as she closed her eyes, a year fell from her left eye. All she wanted was to go back home to her parents and her brother. But she somehow got taken away from her family. As she opened her eyes more tears fell and she started shaking in terror of what might happen next.
(Sorry for not responding)

Jacob walked in the room and said "what the fuck was that about after wandering around for an hour we meet someone and they threaten us to go into a room what the hell this is screwed up" and Jacob looked at the rest and sat down near a wall "now what do we do"
((All good))

"I'm Oliver, just call me Oli" I said, knowing this wasn't the greatest time for introductions, but thinking it might calm the girl down a bit "Thats Sarah, Connor, Jacob and Seraphine." I tried to look her in the eyes, to give her something to concentrate on while everything was going haywire around us. When the last one of us stepped inside, the door slammed shut behind us, but I kept looking straight at her to keep her as distracted as possible.
I sighed when we finally decided to take a break. Noticing a door open, I waited for everyone before walking into the room, jumping and turning when the door slammed shut behind me. "Really fucking original," I muttered underneath my breath before turning back and looking at the girl. My entire demeanor changed when I saw her, realizing that she was even more scared than we were. Normally I wouldn't care but there was something about her. Walking up slowly, I gently rested a hand on her back and pulled her into a tight hug, hoping she wouldn't pull away and not caring about any possible objections. "It's gonna be okay," I whispered soothingly into her ear as I rubbed her back. Pulling away slightly, I brought my hands up and gently wiped the tears from her face before pulling her back in and allowing her to cry on my shoulder, hating seeing anyone in this state. They'll pay for this.
Ezekiel cried on the girls shoulder but decided to try and stop since she might look weak. She pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears and sniffled. "I... Uhm... I'm Ezekiel..." her voice shook as she introduced herself. Her bottom lip trembled as she tried to stop herself from crying.
Jacob stands up and says "welcome Ezekiel we welcome you with open arms" and says "hey Oliver what room is this by the way it gives me a chill down my spine.
I smiled softly at the girl's attempt to calm down as I kept an arm gently on her back, stroking her hair gently. "I'm Seraphine," I said softly as I looked at the others befrore returning my gaze to Ezekiel. "If anything I know that I'll take that bullet before I even think about you getting hurt," I said softly as I looked at her, knowing it was completely uncharacteristic of me, but when I looked at her, I saw my inside self, just wanting to go home.
Sarah looked at the girl, quite skeptical. Somewhere she didn't trust this girl. How did the girl get into the man's hand while they were locked up in a room. Was it a trick? When the door slammed shut behind all of them and Sarah got over her jump she tried studying the new girl. Ezekiel.. Wasn't that a guy's name? It only made her more skeptical for Sarah. This girl knew where the men who kidnapped them were. "Forget the room for a second, Jacob." She said and stepped up to the new girl. "Maybe we should ask Ezekiel how she got into the hands of those people and how they found us." She said. She did not like this girl and she didn't trust her.

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