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Fantasy Everything Is Not As It Seems (Reboot, Closed)

At the realization of what Sarah said got Jacob interested to and said "yeah how did he get you when we all woke up we woke up in a grey room and met eachother what did you do when you woke up. Staring at Ezekiel with eyes that wanted answers.
I could t help but tense up at Sarah's skepticism and but her lip angrily. "Could you back off for a while! This girl just had a gun to her head and just because she didn't wake up in a room as far as you're concernwd, you don't trust her!"! I yelled, immediately going on the defense for Ezekiel. "Back off until we can figure this shit out. In the meantime, go back in your little blonde head and keep fantasizing about him," I said coldly, pointing to Oliver at the last statement. I wasn't gonna sit back and let someone so distraught get interrogated so soon.
Ezekiel knew that the girl didn't trust her, which made her even more afraid of what's going to happen. She wanted to break down crying but she knew it wouldn't help to gain this girls trust. After all, they are all strangers to each other, even Ezekiel herself knows that she might not be able to trust these people. But her instincts told her to trust them.

"I-I don't remember anything... All I know is that I woke up in a grey room while two men were exiting my room. Of course I panicked and I was afraid.. So I-I charged at them and started punching them." her breath was trembling "Then they stabbed me with some type of syringe... That's all I remember... Then I woke up while they were carrying me and I-I b-broke down..."

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Jacob looked at Ezekiel with careful eyes and said "well that's all I need to hear for now. Now I welcome you Ezekiel" as Jacob bowed as he said that he got up and said "I still want to know why they wanted us to in here anyways" and as he said that he sat against the door.
Sarah snapped her eyes toward Seraphine and growled. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" She shouted. In case the girl didn't know, they were kidnapped, she didn't have time to fantasize about anyone. Sarah tried to get her cool back, but this was her way of freaking out about everything that had happened. "You're damn right I don't trust her! She could be lying!" She snapped and looked at Ezekiel. That girl just looked to innocent to look innocent!
Jacob looked at Sarah and looked at the other two and said "if you don't believe her don't. But just don't bitch about it we still have to get out that's when you can ask question okay!" Yelling to get all the attention so this argument dosent drag on.
"You know good and damn well she's just as scared as us!" I screamed as I moved away from Ezekiel and shoved Sarah rather hard. "Keep your fucking opinions to yourself until we figure this crap out and quit being a bitch about everything that doesn't involve you!" I added before turning away and cooling down before returning to the girl, gently rubbing her hair soothingly.
Sarah gritted her teeth. "Things that doesn't involve me?" She growled softly. "I don't know if you know this, but this involves all of us!" She snapped. She stuck her nose in the air and walked to the farthest corner of the room. She still didn't trust the girl, but if anything happened to the others she knew who to blame.
Anger fuelled up inside Ezekiel. "I get it that you don't trust me, but seriously? You're actually blaming me for you being stuck in here? Excuse me we are all just the same, we all somehow came here randomly and not knowing where we are." she sighed. "Just because I came here with two men carrying me doesn't make me anymore different than you." She says in her thick British accent. She bit the inside of her cheek and sniffled.

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Jacob looks up and says "woo go new girl" and laughs hard rolling on the ground and can't breathe "oh god she told you Sarah not to be mean or anything but she told you" laughing more.
Sarah turned around and growled at the girl. Who did she think she was?! "That makes you completely different from us!" She said. "Why would kidnappers bring you to us, hm? I don't need to know where we are, I just need to know how to get out of here! You've been in contact with them so you must know more then us." She said. "Shut up, Jacob!" She snapped at the other guy. "Keep your smart ass mouth shut!" Sarah just wanted to go home. She was scared and just wanted to get out of this place.
I completely ignored Jacob and Sarah's remarks as I turned away from them and gently hugged her, rubbing her back gently. "Ezekiel...it's okay. Just ignore her," I whispered softly into her ear. "Just calm down and we can find a way out of here...ALL OF US," I asded, the last part being so everyone could hear. "It's gonna be okay," I said softly, once again just talking to Ezekiel.
Jacob gets up from that remark and says "yes ma'am Jesus you can be scary sometimes" and he sits back down by the door. Just listening to the talking trying to keep his mouth shut.
"Both of you calm down." Connor said, words fulled with a silent force. "Right now, I don't trust any of you. I'm surprised I'm even with you guys. But I'm here now. And it seems that at the moment, we can't get our s**t together to find a way out." Here he just stopped. He wanted to say more, but he couldn't find a way to say it. "I just want to go home." he finally said at last. The truth behind thise words were infinite. He wanted to go home, where everything was normal. Back where his sister was no doubt singing that stupid song, where there was more then just grey walls and the sterile light shining down on them currently. It felt like he was in a depressing hospital. Or a morgue.
Jacob got up and said "I do to I just want to see my mom and get out of these clothes and what the hell were we chosen for we have no connections to eachother hell we don't even know eachother!" He stands up and curls his fist and punches the wall "what the fuck!" He yelled out of anger and sadness balling up inside him but he didn't show sadness just anger.
Ezekiel just walked away where everyone was and sat down in a corner and hugged her knees putting her head inside her arms. "What a great start." she though. "I just want to go home." A tear fell from her eye and fell on the grey clothes she was wearing.

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I dropped my hands and head as Ezekiel walked away. Letting out a sigh, I moved to a random wall and stared at it, not moving for what seemed like forever. I finally began kicking and punching the wall, an ear-shattering scream coming from my throat. When I finally calmed a bit, I finally let the tears flow, sobbing softly as I leaned my head on the wall. "My niece was supposed to be born in a couple days. I was supposed to be there," I managed to say as it was the only thing I could think about.
I sighed and held my head in my hands, leaning against the wall. "We all are on edge, guys. But lets be honest, without each other, we're all screwed. So put your mistrusts, your disputes and your emotions away." I said, looking at each of them as I spoke "I know it sounds weird, and almost impossible in this situation, but we need to concentrate on staying alive, and the only way to do that is to stick together and not to fight amongst each other. Whether we trust each other or not is not the problem right now, the problem is simply staying alive." I stopped to think about what to else to say, until I noticed an almost invisible pinkish color flowing in from the "GAS!" I shouted as loud as possible "Everybody try and cover your mouths as much as possible." I started to cover my mouth with the end of my shirt, when the voice chimed in and "Its no use. This gas can enter your body from anywhere, not just your mouth. It has already been in the room for 3 minutes, and it has taken affect. It will not harm you, it will simply release what we have kept hidden. You are more special than you could ever know. To prove it, would you kindly sit in that machine, Oliver?"

I only now noticed that the machine actually had a seat in its core, and I sighed loudly. "Not even going to ask what the hard way is this time." I said, as I walked slowly to the chair and sat down in it. As I put my arms to the rests, they were clamped down, as were my feet. "Oliver, you have the ability to control and conduct any form of electricity, among others, so because we didn't think that any of you would believe us, we decided to demonstrate rather than try and coax you into belief. Plus, we've been waiting to see this for a long time." He paused, almost with glee, and then continued "This machine is going your body with an estimated 25 thousand amps of electricity. A normal human body can only withstand a maximum of 15 amps. Not thousand, just 15. Good luck!" My eyes had grown larger and larger as he spoke, but before I could object, the machine made a humming noise, and an instant, unbearable pain shot through my entire body. I could feel myself writhing and screaming for the seconds that felt like hours while the machine was left on, but then suddenly it was all over. And I felt my head drop.
Sarah didn't listen to Oliver, it didn't matter anyways, but she snapped her head towards the others when Oliver shouted gas. She covered her mouth, but then the voice said it was useless and for Oliver to get into the seat of the machine. "Oliver, don't!" She shouted but he didn't listen and sat down. She could only watch in horror as electricity shot through his body. "Oli!" She shouted and ran for him when his body went limp. She touched his shoulder and felt small shocks go through her arm, as if he had shuffled over a carpet. "Oliver, can you hear me? Oli?" She asked and shook him softly, not wanting to move him, afraid that she was going to hurt him.

Je suis Charlie
Ezekiel listened to Oliver's short speech and didn't bother to move. When she heard there was gas her head popped up and covered her mouth but uncovered it and went back to her position when she heard it was no use. When she heard the voice telling Oliver to sit down, she was afraid of what was going to happen that her head popped back up and watched in terror of what was happening right before her eyes. She wanted to help but her body was too afraid to go and help him.

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My head snapped up suddenly, and I could feel each jolt of electricity coursing through my body. I looked down at my forearms, and saw small blue streaks running through them every second. I could feel the same thing happening in my eyes. "Don't." I croaked, my voice rough and weak "Don't touch me. You don't know what might happen." The clamps released me, but I didn't yet have the strength to stand up.
Sarah let go of Oliver's shoulder when he told her not to touch him. She just looked at him with sad eyes. She took a step back when she noticed his arms. "Oliver, what happened? What's going on?" She was getting scared a little, not the situation but of him. Something had happened to him, to all of them.

Je suis Charlie
I eventually managed to find the strength to find my feet, as shaky as I was. My hand instinctively went out to grab something, but i quickly withdrew it as I realised I might hurt someone. I tried to speak, but nothing came out. I took a few steps, and started to feel the energy flowing through my body, and I actual started to feel...normal. Somehow. "I...uh" I said, extremely confused "I feel kind of fine." The bolts in my arms had slowed down, but I still felt the extra energy. Then I remembered what the man had said about what I could do with electrical energy. I stuck out my hand like I had seen ib countless movies, and bright purple bolt shot out of my hand and crashed into the wall. The blues streaks slowed down even more. I didn't say anything. I had nothing to say. I just stared blankly at my hand.
I turned and rested my head against the wall as I let out a small sigh, listening to Oliver. When I heard gas, I immediately covered my nose and mouth woth MU ski rt but dropped it when I heard it wouldn't work. Watching as Oliver went to sit in the chair, part of me begged him not to but I knew it was no use so I stayed silent, watching in horror at what happened unfold right before my eyes. When he went limp, I felt myself start to panic before noticing one small detail. He was still breathing. Calming down, I stared silently but didn't move from my spot. I noticed him stand up and hold his arm out and found myself having to dodge just to get out of the line of fire. Looking at the mark he made, all I could manage was, "Woah..."
Imwas just standing there with my fist still up against the wall when I heard the word gas and covered my mouth fast trying not to inhale it and stood there listening to the voice and heard the gas wasn't poisonous and uncovered my face and when I saw Oliver walking towards the chair and looked at it carefully and noticed something wierd but couldn't figure it out. And when he sat in it and was being electrocuted I looked and said "damn it's an electric chair." And only watched in fear as he was being electrocute to death when I saw him go limp I looked away until he stood up and looked at him saying "Dafuq was that?!?!"

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