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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

Baby Foxy looked up at Bonita. "T-Thanks..." He muttered weakly, placing his bloody paw on her hand. "You t-t-tried..."
Chica totally did not want to clean, so she just left it there "Someone must have to clean it up, at least sooner or later but until then, come on Sugar." She said as she walked out of the room with the only thing that survived the kitchen mess where the batch of chocolate chip cookies what where put in the oven. She walked out with them and cupcake and started walking around the place.

Bonita sighed, "Well... Thanks... Why do you have blood. Aren't you an animatronic?" She asked slightly scared that caused her to go fully transparent. She solidified herself again and placed her feet on the floor, and started pacing in circles.

@Dawn2Dusk @DarkLordFTW @NightCasterZ :)
Baby Foxy sighed weakly. "I am an animatronic... But I'm half human at this point... I was created by the purple guy, tailored especially to hide my human body..." He coughed up blood. The wound from Riptrap revealed some flesh and blood. "You can see it where he attacked me..."
Riptrap, after some searching, found Bonnie hiding backstage, shaking in fear. Riptrap slowly walked up to him, shaking his head at him, and he clicked his tongue. "Well, well, well, oh well, well, well, well, what do we have here? You always were a coward Bonnie, but who cares, YOU won't exist in a few moments." Riptrap threw back his head and laughed. And about ten minutes later Bonnie didn't exist anymore, he was gone, not dead, but gone. Absorbed into Riptrap.

Alone, just like he died. Alone.

After some more testing, more carefully this time because by now he was more powerful than he was letting on, he found some new abilities that didn't blow up the pizzeria for a second time, though he came close to doing just that. The new, less destructive abilities mainly were large boosts to his physical attributes, such as his speed, ability to jump, strength, and so forth. He also gained the ability to summon an axe, in the shape of a guitar. He headed deeper into the pizzeria hungry for more.

@Dawn2Dusk @CelestialBunny @ferociousfeind @NightCasterZ
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Chloe carefully searched the pizzeria, making sure to drop kick ANYTHING that looked like RipTrap, even somewhat. Nothiing was. She passed by Cheer & Charm castle and flinched for a second, not wanting to be entirely heartless by leaving Valentine for dead. So, up the slightly melting plastic stairs she went, to see her comrade doing what is an animatronic's best attempt at crying. In other words, her eyes were slightly leaking oil and her voice was quietly glitched. She raised it when she saw Chloe. "Do you realise what you've done?! So many innocent people were in here, and now; DEAD! Just like what the people feared would happen if they didn't take away your weaponry! They should've just scrapped you! Nobody visits you anyway, aside from that weird little Charlotte kid! Honestly, what were they THINKING?!" Valentine's voice was glitching the the brink of being inaudible, and Chloe honestly didn't blame her for her rage. She was just an AI who loved kids. But, she was certain animatronic numbers were dropping, she could somehow feel it. "Valentine. There is a demonic murderer in this very pizzeria and now is not the time for your admittedly justified ranting. Do you have anything to defend yourself with?" Chloe said softly. Valentine slowly nodded.

And drew two katanas from her arms.

"lol wtf i just wanted to know if you had a knife or something srsly WHERE ARE THE KNIVES

((Robots gon give it to RipTrap.))
(Riptrap's gon give it to the robots. Also, here is a poem, roses are red, violets are blue, where are the knives? Right behind you. Along with a snorting frenchman.) Riptrap bounded off towards where he felt Chica (Fnaf 1) would be with inhuman speed. After some searching, he found her hiding in a supply closet, clutching a child close to her. It may have already been dead, but that didn't matter, Riptrap ripped it out of Chica's hands and threw it against the wall, where it slumped to the ground. "Rip, why?" Chica pleaded. She didn't get an answer, but it made Riptrap pause for a moment. But it wasn't enough. A scream could be heard before an empty silence was all that was left. A glowing, yellow soul floated out of Chica's body, and Riptrap hungrily grasped at it. After the process of fusing was over Riptrap tried to the best of his ability to not make the place explode then and there, so he settled for some metal wings on his back. He needs just one more soul and then he can level this place without fear of losing souls that he really wanted. As he got up to go find Foxy, a mirror in the supply closet caught his eye. He looked at himeself, and said, "It's me Ri- a MoNsTEr!" He forced himself to look away, and continued his search for Foxy.
Toy Chica witnessed the death of her beloved friend, she gasped and ran back into the hallway and cried. She couldn't believe that monster, that tricked her how could he! She didn't know what to do, she could just as easily be killed. She sat in the hallway crying into her knees.

Bonita gasped when she heard that monster, Riptrap's voice. "Ripper?" She said hopeful, "No it's that stupid monster! I have to find a way to get Ripper back." She said as she walked through the place, then she fell to the floor as she bumped into someone or more like something. She hit her head hard, then she looked up and saw a monster who looked like her friend, "Ripper?" She said, he didn't look like himself. (She had amnesia) @DarkLordFTW
Polly looked at the amalgamation of the two souls, horrified. "THIS IS WHAT WE GET FOR BREEDING MURDEROUS SOCIOPATHS!"
"Hmm, oh yes, you." Riptrap said coldly, turning his gaze away from Bonita to look at the animatronic bird. "You're exactly right, however. Polly." spat Riptrap.
((Ahh! I suck at life! D:))

Chloe's ears perked up at the screams. She lowered her voice as low as robotically possible. "Ok. While I am extremely confused as to why you have katanas in your arms and how you have katanas in your arms, you are like the perfect fighter. You don't have a dead kid inside you, so you don't have a soul for RipTrap to take. I've heard three screams so far, so I'm gonna assume three animatronics are gone. I think we have to take the last remaining one's soul. It's gonna suck." Valentine nodded, at both the notion of taking the remainder's soul and at the fact it will suck. So, off they went, checking around for the last animatronic. It was Foxy. They found him in a small backstage area of Pirate's Cove, trying to hide. "Uh, hey Foxy. Well, uh, we kind of... So, we basically need to take... Your... Soul. Yeah. I don't know how this'll work, but please bear with me because if I don't take it... He will. So, uh. I'm really sorry. You're a great friend." Chloe whispered softly, crouching down to meet his shaking form. Foxy looked up, oil flooding from his eyes, smiling as far as robots can. Valentine waited outside, ready to kick some RipTrap azz. There was a small flash of light as Chloe tried her best to kill him quickly. A small, red soul floated into the air and humbly made it's way to Chloe for her to absorb it. She did so, a small explosion took place, but other than that she was fine. Chloe emerged with her arm regrown, a sharp hook attached to it. She had an eyepatch over her eye, and her tail looked somewhat whip-like. Valentine stood there, shocked. "What? Do I look different?" Chloe asked. Valentine nodded. "Oh, cool! Now I guess I'm sharing a body with Foxy." She flipped up her eyepatch and a burst of blue and red lightning of some sort shot from it. She quickly flipped it back down.

((Haha, RipTrap! You are no longer special! :D ))
(Curses! My completely original, not-Asriel-in-any-way plan hath failed! But I'm not done yet!) Riptrap could feel the energy from an absorption of a soul radiating from Pirate Cove, and he didn't much like it, roaring, "WHO! WHO JUST STOLE MY KILL AND SOUL!" He screamed, and ran so fast that most would think he just teleported to Chloe and Valentine's location. "I'm going to rip you apart atom-by-atom! Do you have any idea what you, what you, you've... Heh, heh, HA! Oh this is just perfect! Too perfect, two souls for the fight of one! It's funny how dumb you are!" Riptrap continued to laugh and picked Chloe up by her...neck?(Does she have a neck? Also, this helps show the emotions that Riptrap is feeling. [media]

[/media]) Riptrap decided to go old-school, and pulled out his knife, still chuckling to his self, and raised his arm. "Any last words, cat?"
(Yeah, she does. I drew a random sketch of her the other day, here it is. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.62b7bd2a98f45c809d1cc0531f0d0612.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="111417" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.jpeg.62b7bd2a98f45c809d1cc0531f0d0612.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> It looks crap but I dun caer.)

"Yes, I do, actually." Chloe sighed, bringing her hand up to wipe oil from her eye. "Boop!" She yelled loudly, flicking up her eyepatch and blasting away RipTrap with a powerful jolt of colourful lightning. Valentine had fled to gather up the remaining animatronics, so it was just Chloe and RipTrap. "Compassion is overrated! But I would like to ask, what do you get from murder? A small burst of happiness crushed by emptiness afterwards? It seems my talking brought out some good in ya, so bear with me, alright? Why? Just, why? That is all. Now, prepare for justice or something in the form of more explosions and cool-looking lightning!"



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(Cool drawing. Also thanks.) "GAH! Heh," A shimmer of energy surrounded Riptrap as he summoned his wings, hat, and axe. "You're gonna have to try a little harder than that, cat! And to answer your question, it's actually hard to describe, but it is so liberating to kill them, no more having to worry about those who have done you wrong. I found it fun, after the first kill, it filled me with such happiness, but there was something, gone afterwards, something missing. And... I was... sad. I was... so alone. Always, alone. If I couldn't be loved, I thought, then maybe I won't be so alone if I ended their lives, maybe they would stay around, stay with... me. They didn't, at least, not in the way I envisioned." Riptrap looked forlorn, and was filled with a deep self loathing and regret.
"Hey. It's okay. I know how you feel. If we just drop this fighting, we can be friends and you won't have to be alone in this world." Chloe's statement was true, she missed Ripper and maybe if RipTrap became less... Murderous, everyone would see more Ripper in the fusion of souls, possibly even Freddy and the gang would come out to play, too. Chloe had it all planned out. "But," she sighed, "If not, I'm ready for a fight."
"Huff" Riptrap huffed. Goes without saying, don't it, Rip? But you did anyway. "Heh, do you really think I can go back? Really? After all I've done, you think I can just go back on it all? Spare you? It might... It might be better if you just kill me. But I might be able to come back, I mean, is there any real way to destroy a soul? A mix of 6 souls? In fact, if I kill any one of you, I'll have 7 or more souls. I'd become almost unstoppable, I'd become god-like. I might even be able to make a new world, a better world, one where anyone could do anything, anything at all. A world without anything wrong with it. A world free of strife or suffering, or maybe vice versa, a world with nothing but war and murder and backstabbing. But, hey, I could just kill all of you without even trying, one hit and you'd probably go down, or maybe I underestimate you, and you're all secretly extremely powerful. But, a friend? With me? A mOnStER?! No, no, it isn't possible for me to be saved from what I've become, that isn't how the world works. At least, not this world, in this world, you can't SAVE anyone. In this world, it's either kill, or be killed trying to."
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"SQWAK! That's some deep shit right there!" Polly spoke up, "Although, it does seem strangely familiar. I wonder if we could get those other souls to overpower Purple Guy~" He looked back and forth between his exoskeleton. Yep, no weapons. "I've got nothing to fight with, you'll have to fight him yourself or whatever~"
"Eh, you're close, it has to do more with how strong emotion is, but it basically is what you said. However, I am still not any one of them. I am my own being. Of my own will and mind. It wasn't Purple Guy who just took the souls of the old animatronics, it was me. And he's right, Chloe, you're the only person who's standing in my way."Riptrap said, bored. The deep thinking was going against his primal anger and urge to kill, and was beginning to over power it again. He does think, however, that he might be able to stave it off a bit longer before all that came out of his mouth were jokes and witty comebacks. @Dawn2Dusk @ferociousfeind @CelestialBunny
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"Indeed I am. D to the w to the i. Deal with it! I'm not gonna give up. Why? Because if I'm not dead, I'm doing something right! Heh! I'm kinda losing the plot here, what with the weight of a shitake mushroom-load of people's on my shoulders... Isn't it funny how we're sitting here and talking, contrary to the basis of an actual FIGHT? I find it funny, at least." Chloe grinned robotically.

Valentine sprinted over to every place robotically inhabited (according to her database for when she needed to interact with other animatronics) and found only Bonita. "Follow me. It's an emergency."

She said quickly, running off to find any other survivors.
Riptrap chuckled. "True, too true, but I thought you didn't want to FIGHT me, but I'd be happy to oblige." He replied, grinning, which, considering he kinda always is grinning, looked a bit terrifying.
Toy Chica had begun walking around the pizzeria, watching the corners before turning scared that she might run into the horrible 'new' guy. She couldn't believe it, Bonnie, Chica, Foxy and Freddy are gone? She was alone, since she didn't like to hang around any of the other animatronics.

Bonita looked up and saw another animatronic, "Okay?" She said skeptically, following the robot, "Who are you? and Do you know where I am?" She whispered. The animatronic seemed serious and her head was killing her. What's happening? I'm so confused, she thought.

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