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Fandom Everlasting: A FNAF Roleplay

"Ready? It'd be better to just get going, wouldn't it? 'Sides, we both know what's about to go down. But I do have a question for you. What will you do if you win? And, uh, do you really think you can win? 'Cause I have news for you. You're gonna have a really, really, bad time." Riptrap asked, narrowing his eyes, sizing his opponent up.
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(I'm here but my characters are out of place. Toy Chica is by herself and Bonita is with Valentine.)

Bonita gasped, "What are you talking about Ripper?" She giggled," No one is going to fight anyone. I mean we are all friends here, aren't we" she said innocently. Last thing she remembered was being Ripper's friend and she didn't know what was wrong with him or why he was acting so evil, but she was determined not to lose one of her only friends.
"If I win, I'll just go back to a life without murderous demon bunnies, thanks. Enjoy your freshly kicked ass, Bad Time Tim." Chloe laughed a little bit too casually, hinting at the possibility that she

was not going to tell anyone what her plan of attack is until the trashbin's next post- lol soz I meant Dawn2Dusk.
(I know Celestial, its just that this thing has basically died before, and I don't want it happening again, sorry.) "You're very forgetful, you know that, Bonita?" Riptrap sighed. " My name is Riptrap, and I am no longer Ripper, I am an amalgamation of Vincent, Ripper, Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie." Riptrap said with a smile. "And you, cat, you're really confident, aren't you?" Riptrap laughed. "I'm gonna enjoy ripping you apart and taking your soul. I won't stop here, I can't, not after everything that I've done. I will win and ERASE EVERYTHING!"
"Can you not erase everything right now, or is that too hard for the little bun bun? Never the less, go right ahead." Chloe (Cloxy? ._.) grinned, flicking her whiplike tail left to right and readying her weapons, thinking to herself, this is going to be very interesting.
(Heh, name fusion.) "Oh, this is gonna be so fun." Riptrap closed his eyes, opened one and shrugged, chuckling to himself. "Why do you fight? For love? For honor? For others who can't protect themselves? Idiot. But hey, at least you'll get one thing... Sweet release. Now then, let's BEGIN!" Riptrap raised his arms upward, and two hearts appeared, both with a stitch down the middle, and their right sides were red, with a few other colors mixing in, making it really look similar to a near black, the other side of the hearts was a very bright shade of purple. The hearts shimmered slightly. Riptrap brought his hands down and they went flying towards Chloe, splitting apart as they neared her, becoming a large barrage of shards.
Chloe flicked a few shards back with her tail, before bailing and dodging them, flicking up her new favourite weapon, the eyepatch, to destroy the remainders. She stood there, head tilted to the side with her eye still fizzling with electricity, waiting for RipTrap's next move.
"Here we go." Riptrap summoned four more hearts and attacked again with them with them, following up with a dashing swipe with his axe, aiming for her eye.
Chloe shifted her eyepatch from down to up, using the bolt of electricity to destroy the shards again and to knock back RipTrap. "I fight for people who can't. I assure you, when I win this, no more nightguards will be resting in peace unprovoked." She laughed, a rather dark and robotic laugh, something you would most definitely not expect to come from a robotic cat. She then grabbed RipTrap, holding him up with suprising power. This proved unuseful, and he was struggling remarkably so she kicked him back, jumping off of him to get as far back and possible, and landed (on her feet) about six metres away.
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(Who is White?) "Tch, cats. And pirates. And heroes. Ah well, you're gonna get a hero's death now!" Riptrap pointed at Chloe, and a bolt of black electricity burst out and arced towards her, shocking her. He ran up to her, and then he picked her up by her neck, and made sure to keep her eye covered. He opened his mouth wide, and a dark energy started to brew in there.
Who comes to save the day? None other than the inactive twat parrot animatronic, Polly! Polly rushed in, head on, and rammed themselves into Ripperspringtrapfreddybonniechica, possibly knocking them over, or at least distracting them.
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(I honestly have no idea where "White" came from. An autocorrect, maybe? .-. Will fix it now.)

Chloe clawed at the hands around her neck, trying to remove them before RipTrap could blsst her to bits. And then Polly happened. She took the oppurtunity to swipe up Polly before RipTrap could touch him with the axe, and broke into an uneasy sprint to get away from him. "You ok?" Chloe asked while running quite aimlessly. "I can put you down if you want."
Riptrap roared with fury and frustration at his kill being stolen from him, and dashed after them, firing off hearts when he could. When suddenly, a spectral image of Ripper, appeared in front of the two. "What are you two doing? Just kill us already! Why are you so focused on saving us? We are a monster! We've hurt you all so much, killed so many of your friends! ...Guys, Don't you have anything better to do? Don't SPARE us. You'll get yourself killed! I-I HOPE you can win." As soon as Ripper said hope, the injuries they sustained were healed. Then Ripper's spectral image went back to Riptrap, who moved rather slowly over to Polly and Chloe, and the hearts that had already been fired off disappeared, and he fired no more as he got closer to the two.
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"Dude, that was f**king EPIC! If you can hear us, well, then, we'll compromise and semi-spare you! Like, beat your ass into the ground and then get you to not be an asshole demon rabbit. Kay?" Chloe said, ripping off her fixed hand to reveal her bazooka. It was still there. She twisted the nozzle of her weapon (this is how the more powerful one readied to fire, similar to cocking a gun.) and pointed it at RipTrap's face, a deadly serious look on hers.

"Don't move. In fact, don't even blink. Blink, and you're dead."
"Go ahead then. KILL ME! I know you have it in you. Get back at me for all the pain I've caused you, in this life or otherwise! Exterminate. The. Problem. Or maybe you can't. But if you can, then I hope you enjoy the rush. Cause if I don't get out, then you will." Riptrap replied, deadly serious. "Everyone loves to kill. Makes them feel powerful, gives them strength. They want more. You'll want more. Killing more often makes it easier to distance yourself from people, to lose feeling for them. You'll take the souls, I'm even making this easy for ya. Take my power, and destroy those who have done you wrong. It'll make so easy to kill, you'd be godlike, cat-fox. You could just go and eliminate all humans.Commit genocide, and create a new world, with you as ruler of it. A world with only animatronics. You could do that, so easily right now." Riptrap said to Chloe. (Woohoo, Doctor Whoville! Also, I have a question for ya @Dawn2Dusk , would you like to try and start an Undertale rp?) @CelestialBunny @ferociousfeind
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Polly looked towards Riptrap, and attempted to scowl. It didn't work. He decided to say, "I can see where you're going with this, you murderer, but there's more than just a murderer in you, isn't there? I'm going to keep knocking you over until you realize what you've done, and apologize." Polly squawked at him, his digital eyes refocusing on the nearly god-like being, "If I had any sort of motto, It would have to be 'don't kill, and don't be killed', I dearly hope you could learn from me, a rotting animatron from twenty, thirty, maybe forty years ago." Polly then turned to Chloe, "There is only one real option. Right now, it's two against... five? six? I have no idea how many souls Riptrap has, but maybe mine can disrupt the balance. I trust you'll do what has to be done."
((@DarkLordFTW Actually, yeah! That'd be awesome. I can only ever seem to find Undertale roleplays that are either packed to the brim with even characters as minor as that turtle shopkeeper taken (Then again pretty much all characters in Undertale are rp-able...) or have stupid concepts like "Undertale in College cool leg" or "Teenage Undertale", stuff that'd you'd find in a prepubescent fangirl's crappy fanfictions that have said prepubescent fangirl smack bang in the middle of it all- woah this is long. In other words, definitely!))

Chloe hesitated. "I may have it inside myself to kill. I may have done it many times before. But... I'm determined to bring some good out of you. It sounds stupid. I might die, hell, I might become a f**king GOD because of it! But... I know you can change. And I'm gonna prove that to you...

By wiping the floor with you until you beg for mercy!" And with the power of friendship (but mostly red and blue lightning and explosions) she started to do just that when Foxy's soul retreated out of Chloe's body, holding up both of his middle fingers and quietly singing "F**k This S**t I'm Out". A small explosion took place and Chloe was back to normal.

"Wait, hold on hold on HOLD ON- Souls can exit their body WITHOUT A BEACON OF AURA?! WHAT THE S**T?"

Suddenly, a weird chick floated down from the heavens and said in an angellic/stupid voice, "I don't knoOoOw, okay? Just roll with it, it's april fools biIiIitches, and I was frankly running out of ideas regarding how to wrAaAap up this buuuullshit with RipTrap, yeah, you, bunny, Ripper was cool and you're an aaaaaaasshole so fuck you! Alright? Ok, bye motherfuckeeeeeerrs!" And with that she drifted back up to heaven.

Chloe wore what was a robot's attempt at a poker face. "Well damn, that was retarded and unnessecary. Also, how come she doesn't have to censor her cuss? This is like the terrible self-insert fanfic Valentine wrote about her and Bonnie... You know what? Let's just friggin start again tomorrow when it's April fools again in a bunch of countries. I'm done and couldn't care less. Dawn2Dusk has a terrible sense of humour."

And that was the truth.

((Sorry if I offended anyone. I love April Fools because you can do anything and be like "o lol april fools".))
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Dawn2Dusk said:
((@DarkLordFTW Actually, yeah! That'd be awesome. I can only ever seem to find Undertale roleplays that are either packed to the brim with even characters as minor as that turtle shopkeeper taken (Then again pretty much all characters in Undertale are rp-able...) or have stupid concepts like "Undertale in College cool leg" or "Teenage Undertale", stuff that'd you'd find in a prepubescent fangirl's crappy fanfictions that have said prepubescent fangirl smack bang in the middle of it all- woah this is long. In other words, definitely!))
(Finally someone else that thinks the EXACT same thing!!!)

Winter sat in the back deactivated. Of course, this was the place she was in for most of the year. She was a winter time attraction and nobody seemed to care about her while she was back here. She hated it back here. It was so stuffy, no one seemed to care, and she was treated like an old attraction until it was time to pull her out again in the snowy months. She had had enough. She activated and a small whiring could be heard from her gears and mechanics that have not moved since the end of February. She was going to have her fun, she deserved it.
(Great! Would you like to start it or me? My last Rp I started kinda just sat in a dusty corner before I forgot about it. Though it DID have to compete with your TF2 Rp. Which was freaking great.)

The power of friendship hurts."I'm just gonna pretend that weird stuff never happened. So, that's how it is? You won't do it then? You won't finish me off? Just hurt me until I beg? Huh. Hesitation gets you killed, you know? Then again, I hesitated before... And you're still alive, so I guess that shows where that'll get ya. Tch, how are you gonna be strong with a resolve as weak as that? Don't you want power? Don't you want to be able to save your friends? Help them? Protect them? Protect... Charlotte? I may only be able to remember your nickname, cat, but I do remember her. I remember how much you loved her, how much you wanted to protect your only human friend. You could do that. All you need to do is kill me. You'd have all the power you need to help everyone. If only I could break your ability to show me mercy. But, uh, looks like your a bit too determined to outright murder me. That or you're hardheaded and stupid. However you have made your choice. Its the wrong one. I've got a question for you. Do you really think the worst person can change? That everyone can be a good person, if they just try? Heh heh heh heh... Good thing I don't make promises to people about not killing them. If you won't fight... then... the-then... THEN JUST LET ME WIN!"(Save the world starts playing.) Riptrap screamed. "I can't take the pain anymore! I'm done with the hurting, the guilt, the loneliness, the being stuck! I'm done with it all. I'll take your souls and make it so I don't have to, so I can finally be free from it all! I'm not gonna give up this time, I won't let you or anyone else hurt me-us ever again!" Riptrap grew wings and flapped up into the air, combined his axe and mace, and became something... different. His smile was now made up of the teeth of a carnivore, and his head became similar to that of a demon. The red oozing out of the cracks of the suit aligned, connecting with each other, and glowed. His eyes flashed Purple, Red, Brown, Blue, and Yellow constantly. His feet and hands became claw-like, and his elbows and knees had sharp edges to them, like a suit of heavy armor. His previous wounds were gone. He summoned hearts that did the same as his eyes, flashing colors constantly. He opened his mouth wide, and a colorful energy started building there, and while he was preparing his attack, the hearts exploded and launched a beam of energy down towards Chloe and Polly. Riptrap wasn't holding back anymore. He was so singularly focused on attacking them, that he didn't even notice Winter, or Valentine and Bonita running around the pizzeria.. (This took forever to write. I cri) @The Unamed Beast @ferociousfeind @Dawn2Dusk @CelestialBunny
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((I'll start it, maybe? Or I can just conjure up a creative title for it. Or you could just do what you want cause a pirate is free, and you are possibly a pirate. Long posts are my downfall as you can see from the last one I wrote... By the way that was purposely stupid and I' m slightly sorry.))

"Well s**t. Let's hope this ends up unfusing his souls..." Chloe said, and sprinted away from the quickly approaching beam. Foxy's soul had returned because it felt bad for the stupid joke it played, and the small explosion that came with uncontrolled fusion was just what Chloe needed to evade the beam. She summoned lightning from her eye to fight against the beam whilst she ran from it. "I refuse." She said quietly to nobody in particular.
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(Okay, I just wanted to know in case you would like to start it, but if you would like to, just tell me the name and we can get started. Or vice-versa, I'll send YOU my Rp's name.) "Survive this!" Riptrap finished preparing his attack and... closed his mouth. He flew down in front of Chloe and landed. Then he opened his mouth again, and a large multicolored beam shot out from it. Two hearts appeared and exploded, colliding with his main beam, and mixed together. His eyes stopped flashing colors and stayed red. @Dawn2Dusk
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