Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...

(Shun Kantar) (Location: That one meeting place at that one room) (With: Dr. Howard, Niyah, Mei, and Shiba) (Feeling: LEGENDARILY PISSED! Also slightly hungry)

Shun Kantar.jpg

So let's go over what just happened. Shun had introduce himself to his fellow villains in his usually awesome (to him) fashion. His intro was then followed by varying degrees of insults. Including, but not limited to: Being called a pillock, having his intelligence insulted in a rather catchy song, and then, oh this was the worse one, his culinary skills, that he had inherited from his master, were laughed at from that two-bit drunkard that claimed herself an assassin.

Standing up from his seat, Shun cracked his neck, letting loose an audible pop, then let out a sigh of relief from the movement. Patting Niyah on the shoulder, Shun offered her a small smile, "Be right back, gonna chat with that Howard guy over there." With that, Shun placed his hands in his pockets and began to leisurely make his way over to Howard's position on the table. Shun began whistling a jovial tune, evidently not caring that the Psychic Scientist had berated him through song, and even appeared to be alright with it. It may have seemed that Shun was simply making his way over to give a stern talk to Howard about how his song was rude, possibly giving the impression that Shun was at least kind and civilized enough to have a decent conversation about someone's words and actions and how they affect others. He seemed like a semi-decent guy as he finally stopped right in front of the table, a kind smile on his face, glancing up at Howard's still posing form, Shun nodded his head at the once esteemed prodigy. Truly this was a good moment to establish an everlasting friendship.

Too bad Shun ruined it by suddenly gaining a menacing glare, jumping up and twisting his body so his back was parallel to the floor, wrapping his arms around Howard's neck. Shun quickly felt gravity take control, bringing Howard down with him, slamming him through the table, effectively splitting it in half and causing a small indention in the floor in the shape of Howard's body. Landing without harming himself, Shun flipped up onto his feet and turned around to admire his handiwork, smiling at the now destroyed table and downed Howard.


(Just in case nobody knows what Shun just did, here's a montage of the move he just pulled on Howard.)

Dusting his hands off, Shun squatted down and patted Howard's head rather roughly, fangs peaking out from his lips, "Don't you ever. AND SHUN MEANS EVEEEER! Insult him with a catchy song again." Contradictory to his prior behavior, Shun then gave a thumb's up, his beastly smile transforming into a friendly one, "Other than that. Good song brotato. Digging the crazy vibes you're throwing. We should chill sometime." With that said, Shun stood up and made his way over to Mei.

With a quick movement, Shun grasped Mei's shoulder, spun her around to face him and promptly headbutted her, slamming his forehead directly against Mei's, putting them, quite literally, eye to eye. A vicious snarl escaped from the Shurian Prince's lips as he glared into the eyes of the alcoholic ninja, "And you! You're lucky you got a rocking pair of chesticles and a slammin' rear, otherwise, that jibe at my cooking skills would be met with a quick trip to the moon." Shun then proceeded to lift up his hand, showing his index, middle, and ring finger being held up to indicate the number three, "If there's three things Shun can't stand. It's One: A lame fight. Two: When a chick gets too clingy. And Three, now pay attention you alcohol poison victim waiting to happen, cause this one is important, is when someone insults the skills that were passed down to me from my master." Shun finally leaned back, taking his forehead away from Mei's and stepping back, flipping her the bird along the way, "That's strike one alcohol breathe. You just be happy that i've decided imma give ya the business later. Otherwise you'd get the same treatment as Howard."

With his tirade finished, Shun turned around and began walking back to his seat next to Niyah, but stopped to turn to Shiba, giving the young boy a blank stare. It was kinda awkward for a minute, before Shun struck a nice guy pose, giving the snakeman a thumbs up and a bright smile, "Cool eyes bro!" Shun then finally made his way back over to Niyah, sitting down next to her and leaning back, a soft smile on his face, as if he didn't just get done with several acts of violence and general unpleasantness. Turning his head over to her, Shun's eyes lit up with glee at the prospect of meeting more of these fellow villains.

"Gotta say Pinkie, this is definitely a good start to this whole, 'villain team' thing."

@Marumatsu @MangoSargent @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @everyone else in the dang place that I keep forgetting about.
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Niyah couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped her at Shuns actions. 

"You tottaly just kicked two people's asses, and then come back over here like a kid at Christmas!" She exclaimed in delight. "I have got to know the thought process there dude, it makes almost no logical sense!" 

The Plaguemaster

Bernard pinched the bridge of his mask-nose and sighed. He wasn't sure what to be more ashamed of; the fact that he had to work with incompetent millennials who decided this was cool yesterday, or the fact that he actually deserved to be working with these fools. Indeed, the Plaguemaster didn't quite have a spotless track record with the IVA. Last year, in an attempt to eradicate all non-super-powered beings with a specially made disease, he accidentally cured that year's strain of flu. (Needless to say, the disease did barely more than cause sniffles.) A year before that, he had planned to make an airborne version of malaria to poison a city, but ended up needing to evacuate an IVA building because of him creating a potential biohazard from all of the 'testing'. Oh, and all the samples of the disease he had were killed in the HazMat sweep. The year before that, though, was a doozy; he planned to make a disease to create an army of mutants to rule the world... except all it did was cause people to begin naturally developing strange hair colors. The IVA didn't particularly care for that one, but several cosmetics industry moguls still send him 'thank you' cards.

So now here he was, in a conference with these idiots, standing as he watched one beat the ever-loving crap out of two others. The one in particular that intrigued him, however, was the one who claimed to be part of Cicada 3301. It seemed suspect to him... 

"Cicada 3301? I've heard of it. What I find unusual, however, is how forthcoming you are about who you are. Cybercrime? Never would have suspected that of Cicada; the puzzles seemed more like the work of a world government," he began to speak somewhat to himself; it was clear he was familiar with Cicada recruitment methods. "And I would expect more restraint from such an infamous group. So why are you so forthcoming to a group that hasn't even agreed to pay you yet?" He looked around at the shoddy crew assembled by the IVA. "Heck, with this staff, I doubt the IVA would give us the honor of working with you; they picked the bottom of the barrel for a reason on this one."

To say Bernard was suspicious was an understatement; the outwardness of the person who claimed to be from Cicada was... incongruous with what he knew about the group. She could very well be a spy; the IVA is definitely an organization worth spying on, at least for secrets on interdimensional travel.


Caroline Draves

Caroline jogged through the 'Authorized Personnel Only' entrance to the casino. Not a drop of sweat had formed in the four mile jog, and not once had she taken a breather along the way. She was saving her energy for the fight, and boy did she have a lot of it. Quickly making for the changing room, she got dressed into her typical fighting gear. She still had quite a bit of time until the fight, and practiced her punch with the equipment in the changing room.

(Tell me when @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball)
Shiba sighed in relief as Mei lifted herself off him. freedom! god, she was more annoying then their rivals! he prayed for his own sanity. wait... did she say that his name sounded like a dogs name? ...go to hell miss Mei...go to fucking hell. though she did also say it was adorable too. he slightly hissed then responded with faux cheeriness "well! we're here for the villain meeting! more as a 'villain-get-away' vacation from our rivals though..." he rubbed the back of his head nervously, then asked "wait...why did you ask when i'll be...eighteen? i'm... already... eighteen...thousand..." completely naive to the indecency her tone implied. 

Kuro stared at his friend then cracked a mischievous smile, reaching in his yukata and goo to pull out a flask. time to be an asshole! "well, if you want to borrow mine...this stuff should keep ya' drunk for about an hour or so!" Kuro smiled at his partner even more as his partner stared at him with the 'WHAT THE FUCK' face. holding out the flask to Mei, the miss drunken idiot. "well, if you want it anyways! oh, and i wouldn't mind buying you a drink sometime, just so long as i get outta my crap apartment i don't give a shit!" noting his partners expression of despair, he was soo glad they didn't have to buy out today, feeding off his partner was fun! Kuro's grin widened as he realized he was probably providing more fuel for a nuisance. "tonight's gonna be one hell of a night, eh?" he asked Shiba, Shiba's only response was a mix of a whimper and a hiss. Kuro was ignoring the kid who broke out into song and got piledrived or some shit into the table. until this guy, the same one who made a violence to the kid, threatened Mei, his grin grew wider. "my offer still stands!" he said cheerfully. 

Shiba facepalmed silently praying that their rivals find them and would just make their punishment be buying them cotton candy or something...though, they ARE broke so that probably wouldn't be a good idea. then Mr. Dr. Howard started singing. at first he just started silently crying under his sunglasses, and then he started humming along clapping when Mr. Dr. Howard was done. then a guy, flipped him into the table? the hell? then the same random guy just threatened Mei in front of him, made an awkward moment, gave him a thumbs up, and complimented his eyes? he just got up and walked to go sit in the empty corner of the room crouched on the floor, crying, this was not how he wanted to spend his day. everyone here was insane!  though... well... it would be fun to invite them to a party sometime! too bad their apartment is often occupied by one of the magic girl hero's. oh well! he sighed turning to face the corner, and taking off his sunglasses, they were really starting to become uncomfortable. wiping his eyes with his sleeves staring intensely into the corner wall whilst crying silently, well not so silently, he was making quiet hissing noises but that was about it. 

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Marumatsu @ everyone else that's there...
Motheal looked up hearing the woman  and glared back sharply. He still followed  beside him admiring him the entire time. He somewhat  knew what Jeremiah was thinking about and ran a finger right down the middle of his spine just to tease him a little bit. "It's okay...your mothy isn't a filthy human,remember? " He told him.

He slid his hands down over his sides drawing his lips to his ear.  "Jeremiah,  I can't wait to feed any longer so be good and stay very still..." He mumured and that was when he bit right into his shoulder.
@Obsidian @Sizniche

  Doris watched boredly as all the others arrived, some confused, some hysterical, one drunk, a couple amazed. Oh well. As long as everyone arrived in a timely manner. She fidgeted with her eyepatch, whilst attempting not to smash in her face. The woman looked blankly at a random girl as she took off her hoodie, then this pervy look formed on her face at the sight. Not bad. Not bad at all~.  She continued watching as this "Cicada" spoke of joining, even complimenting Doris's....ahem...ass. 

  Doris's cheeks went slightly pink, but she recovered, grinning at Cicada. "Well, welcome aboard, Cicada," she said calmly. "Glad to have you here. Motheal....get a fucking room," the blonde added to Motheal, her nose scrunching up as he tried biting someone. 


@KuroNoKami39 @Lilah Tunth


  Meanwhile, Stewart was still staring out the window when the others arrived. He actually didn't do much until he heard the sound of someone hysterically crying. Curious, he peeled his eyes away from the window, slowly walking towards this person and rubbing his shoulder. "Er...hi, random snake thing," he said awkwardly. "The liquid pouring out of your eyes suggests that something is wrong. Would you like to converse with me about it like humans do in their glass prisons when they are not saying lame jokes and causing laughter?"  That last part was about televisions, but hey. To be fair he wasn't very good when it came to knowledge of human technology. And it was the thought that counted. 

@pretty much everyone else

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT][/SIZE]

      "Mothy!" Jeremiah hissed in return, wanting to tame his bloodthirsty friend. His spine tingled from the other's touch, and Jeremiah had nearly broke his hand at the sudden invasion of space, but that thought was thrown out the window as sharp pain was sent through his shoulder area to his brain, evidence of Mothball's sharp teeth. Jeremiah gasped, partially from the stinging sensation, partially from the sudden introduction of Mothball's venom to his bloodstream that flowed waves of Novocain that pleasured his whole body. He felt his face flush followed by his body heat rising in response to the stimulation. The air grew warmer, that is until Jeremiah forcefully broke away from the other, panting, and holding his blooded shoulder. 


       Thought he felt publicly embarrassed, he felt more angry than anything, but he let it go. Motheal had done the same things years ago, and now karma was biting him back. Literally. The air, once almost steamy, instantly grew cold again as Jeremiah regained his composure and dignity. Noting the woman that had told Mothy to get a room not to be someone Mothy would normally know, Jeremiah stalks to her with a hardened look. 


"Oi, Eyepatch, are you Madam Secretary? Or have I wasted my time coming here?" the albino stood accusingly, perfectly content to get revenge by ruining her moment as well. Not to mention he was kinda pissed now. Didn't particularly care whether she felt offended now or not. 




(Mei "The Drunken Assassin" Yamato)(Location: Super-villain Conference Room)(With: Too many to count)(Unconscious)

Mei’s interchanging expression rivaled that of an overjoyed child at unwrapping presents during Christmas time while listening to his exuberant response, still being a bit too ‘dense’ to completely understand that his light-hearted disposition that he held towards her was more of a pungent tasting bitterness, his pronouncement concerning the questioning behind asking about his real age only managed to sculpt an even more ludicrous smile as she gave thought about the ‘intriguing’’ reasoning behind why she said it. Casually pressing hard knuckle of her index finger beneath the columella of her nose, shifting her unsecured hand into a tightly clenched fist while miserably failing at trying to keep her composure after realizing just how foregone in age this enthralling figure was. “Wait, you’re eighteen-thousand years old? That’s absolutely incredible! That’s like.. Eighteen-thousand years old, yeah! You’ve managed to keep this sort of appearance up after all these years? You’re old enough to be my great grandfather and then some!” Concentrating heavily on his face, Mei closed in his distance with him back into an uncomfortable enclosure between both of them as if to further examine Shiba except in a very embarrassing fashion before being interrupted by his unfaithful yet ‘faithful’ companion who was basking in the moment of his friend’s wordless dementia spiraling around his brain like a Ferris wheel from just how excessively obnoxious Mei was being towards his soon to be colleague. Kuro’s offering was met with a mixed emotions from both Shiba and Mei, mainly a startling surprise from the woman who proceeded in immediately breaking off from him and ending the prolonged ‘pestering’ that she was unknowingly administering to him only to abruptly launch herself forward onto the other man while still being the intoxicated mess that she is. There are many ways to achieve everlasting friendship with someone such as her and one of them is supplying her with the means to continue her rampaging self-destructive alcohol consumption! “You may just be a supervillain but in my eyes, you’re my absolute hero.”


Mei replied with an emphatic pleasure outlining her tone before entwining him with both of her arms, pulling him in for a momentarily close-fitting embrace after being gifted with such a ‘selfless offer’, possibly achieving a new ‘best friend’ was one thing but having him propose buying Mei a drink? That’s the quickest way to gain a number one spot in Mei’s buddy list. “Don’t worry pal, i’m able to offer a solution to that issue of yours! You scratch my back and i’ll scratch yours, you know? Since you’re going to be my alcohol supplier, i’m sure it would be very beneficial if both you and Shiba over there stay in my apartment which is a bit down the road from the casino!” Aligning her physique backwards she briskly unwrapped herself from him and took the metallic flask from his hand, continuing with discussing the proposal after she slid the empty one across the polished broad table and placed the new one between her ample bosom. “Four-Five -ish star apartment, astonishing food, best of all an indoor tavern next to an indoor swimming pool! What else could you want? My room-mate and I have both been looking for people to make up for the lack of space for this apartment we’ve been given so ho-” Mei was carrying on with her blabbering mouth only to be thankfully interrupted by an even bigger jackass who she insulted, being spun around like some sort of elegant ballerina she looked at him with amusement. “Oh, hey there Chef Boyardee, are you here to talk about your cooking skills some more?” Not even having enough time to blink she experienced the unpleasant first hand knowledge of having an Alien superman head-butting her, nearly rendering her unconscious just from the forceful pressure that was delivered.


“Oheug, eiao?” She uttered out from her mouth, sounding like she was speaking in tongues while giving him a dazed look as she was once again scolded for her insults which was becoming a reoccurring issue. The only thing that was managing to keep Mei from collapsing to the ground with her wobbly knees was Shun still keeping a firm grasp on the drunken woman’s shoulder. “Sorry, I left the turkey on in the oven.” She said in an incoherent tone of voice while he took his forehead away from hers, Mei sunk to the ground before drifting off into ‘la-la land’ with everyone possibly rejoicing with not having to deal with the outlandish craziness of the woman.


@YungJazz @KuroNoKami39


(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada")(Location: Villainous conference room.)(With: A lot of peeps.)

Simply raising an eyebrow to all of the mayhem that was happening from one end of the room to the other, Lexia’s busty chest rose as she alleviated a disappointed huff from her diaphragm, she didn’t exactly know how to phrase her next set of words. She could probably start by acknowledging that she had a strange urge to leap over the conference table and deliver a swift throat punch to Doctor Howard after experiencing the delirious Disney musical in which he put on full-display in front of a supposed villainous meeting area, Lexia being reminded of that event could only secure the pinnacle of both her index finger and middle finger around the bridge of her nose as she tried to avoid obtaining a ‘hellacious’ migraine. Shun’s behavior was, well. Strictly uncalled for but she did admire the fact that he managed to bring an expeditious conclusion to not only the ‘Merlin the wizard’ singing about how great he is but the stubborn drunkard who didn’t know how to seal both of her lips closed. “Shun is it? That was a bit of an over excessive  parade of violence but it’s evident that you know how to keep some of these numbnuts in line! However let’s try not to potentially kill our allies with over the top professional wrestling moves please.” He was but an immense curiosity to Lexia, having such an orthodox descent with no files regarding who exactly he was aside from his drawn-out bragging speeches that included a few things about his person and his origination.



Having such little information made him a very unpredictable asset and a dangerous one at that, understanding these anomalies with unclear history was going to be something of a problematic issue as records regarding them are little to none. Improvising and making plans for these potential reliabilities was going to be exceedingly difficult as assessing their strengths and weaknesses was going to prove more than challenging, she was going to have to get close to them to ensure that her intervention with the IVA would not be interrupted by prospective turncoats. All of this was but a mere turn-based strategizing game, seeing which hand to discard and which techniques to dish out was a thrilling concept, “Sexual harassment? On your first day of being associated with the Order? Ha, i’m sure that there are some women here that would be more than happy to oblige in relieving your fleshly desires. Just make sure that these needs of yours don’t interfere with business that’s being set forward from here on out.” Lexia’s alluring voice was more than deliberately giving the impression of one of those interested women being herself, although somewhat of a dishonest play she didn’t mind having those kind of one-night stand relationships with anyone. Hence one of her nicknames being ‘Strumpet.’ Another figure, except one with a shadowy conduct was something that was a bit of a puzzle,


“The Plaguemaster” he called himself. This abnormality was outfitted in a seventeenth-century plague doctor’s outfit that was surprisingly well in-tact aside from the few stitched up patches here and there. It was surprising to see a medical practitioner become so involved in the cyber-world and the Cicada 3301 criminal organization, his voice alone was riddled with immense skepticism and for good reason too. “Brilliant minds co-exist with one another it seems, you’ve heard of my syndicate? You’ve done your research quite well. It’s more than understandable that you’re questioning my arrival but it is more of a benefit to myself and my own group. Funds, information, challenge! It’s our own ambition to seek out all of these in order to gain true enlightenment. Government? No, I may have diplomatic immunity because of my status but all of you are fair-game, i’m only revealing my presence to you all because this collaboration will help us both out. IVA doesn’t even know that i’m here except for Doris now but OOTT are but a branch of IVA and an insignificant one at that, they shouldn’t figure out that i’m working for them if this beautiful young lady dressed is able to secure my payment and not reveal my identity to the ‘big-cheese. After delivering a massive speech, Lexia was surprised that she didn’t wind up falling asleep. Must’ve been the coffee apparently! “Cute, thank you for the warm welcome.” She gave a soft smile at Doris as she noticed her cheeks become tinged with a pink-hue.
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Shiba chuckled, he supposed today wasn't the worst, and hey. someone asked if he'd like to talk about it. he quickly wiped his eyes and responded "i'll be fine... today was just really..." shitty? fucked-up? stressful? he couldn't wrap his head around it. "weird...but... i think i'm okay now, i don't need to talk about it! but...glass prisons? do you mean the television systems?" remembering when he called televisions those once, he's come a long way in terms of human knowledge. shoving his sunglasses back on his head. he turned around, smiling cheerfully. "I'm Shiba! and i'm not a 'snake thing' i'm a Medusa!" stating with a bubbly tone. holding his hand out to the child looking being. he couldn't seem weak after all! he was supposed to be the one comforting others, not the one on the receiving end!


Kuro smiled, his grin essentially stretching from ear to ear. he just got them a place to stay that their rivals didn't know about! oh god was he happy, the fact that he got them to stay with a drunkard and whoever she's rooming with didn't even cross his mind, as he focused on the 'we got a new place to stay that isn't crap!' part. though the girl did just squish some of his eyes in her close embrace he couldn't care much. he just got a get-away free card and he was ecstatic! he slunk back into his dark corner, grinning. he wanted to kiss miss drunk Mei and stab her at the same time, basking in the fact they get away from their rivals. he was buying McDonalds tonight! even though they're...kind of... completely... broke...ehehe... he could think about that later! maybe force Shiba to get a part-time job at McDonalds (on top of his part-time jobs at the laundromat, the super market, Wendy's, Starbucks, Chipotle...the list goes on really) ...then he could get some free chicken nuggets too! doing a fist pump with two hands, as he began twirling his sakura blossom patterned parasol, fun times. 

@ everyone else who's in the area... 
(Prize´s POV)

"Yep, yep!" I nodded vehemently at the man, as I attempted to unwrap my own lollipop. It wasn´t all that easy, my hands weren´t very good at...well, most things. Most things that required "skill" or "sub...subleblty." or whatever the word was, I couldn´t remember. It was way too weird a word. But it wasn´t the only one. Not even my other me liked words very much. They hurt her heart and hurt my head. Words were mean. But weird... funny? It made me curious about it. Why did people bother using words in the first place? We could smile, we could growl, we could punch... That more than enough to talk, no? And even if we did need words, why make them so complicated? "Hey, Docchi , why do people use weird words?"

After the whole ordeal with the vampire had passed, I turned to him. I didn´t really like him disagreeing with my ideas, and I didn´t like him hurt by them. Even I was aware that I wasn´t the smartest eggplant in the bucket, nor the most attentive. But few things spell discontempt with more clarity than the expressing the scientist made after I invited the vampire to go with us, which only got worse after the vampire accepted. The man did smile soon, even before the vampire left, but ... you know... Wait...he did smile , didn´t he? Then everything was fine? Was it? I was confused.  Maybe asking would be for the best? After all, he was the only person who could possibly know the answer...wasn´t he?

"I wonder why he left too... Hey, you seemed a little sad earlier. When I invited that vampire. Was I a bad girl?" I looked down, fidgeting a bit with a slight pout, but one of lips downwardly bent. Even that delicious, sugary lollipop was tasting a little bad in my mouth after saying that. I hated those words, "bad girl". They always made me flinch. And if properly translated to that witch´s language, they could even hurt me! Just thinking about it stinged a little... Nomatter how much I wanted the words and the deeds and the pain to get out of my head already, they were all still there. Even when they seemed like they would vanish, they returned, they always returned.

I tilted my head at his statement and reason to hurry.

"Doris? Who´s Doris? Is that the person we´re supposed to meet today? You know her? I... " I felt a small buzzing sound on my back. I turned around to find who was doing that, and kept turning, looking for what was causing that buzzing, like a dog chasing it´s tail,  always going left , and when i finally turned right to catch it off guard I was already a little dizzy, and slipped. Fortunately, my wings were online, so I didn´t have a problem getting back of my feet. I giggled, and felt that buzzing again, but only I remembered: My communication device! I giggled again. That had been installed to communicate with Docchi over there, but it could also be used as a cellphone... I closed my eyes to open the message. Oh, we did have to hurry! Still, she was a little bossy, but oh well, so was I...so long as I got some attention to find those eggplant farmers. I smiled to myself.

I felt fabric being placed around my shoulders, blushing a little.

"Th-thank you." I told him, simply, looking away. I waited a couple moments, unsure of what to say, but then remembered I still had to show him the hero I killed.

"Well, what are we waiting for then, let´s go!" I reached out a hand to grab his and pull him as I half-ran half-flied to the scene.

Motheal had drank swallowing his delicious blood but was interrupted shortly by  Jeremiah jerking away. His hunger wasn't exactly sedated but it was probably enough to prevent him from pouncing on anyone else. The red blood was dripping down the inhuman's pales  lips and he licked the blood off his hand like a cat cleaning cream from its paws but his face looked like that of a predator that had lost his prey. He knew Jeremiah couldn't hurt him. Motheal knew where he stood and he knew he held a sort of standing to the snow human."That's her..." He told him.
Onyx, through the portal, looked at the chaos. Not knowing any of these people, she went to go stand by a wall or something."Hi?" She said quietly to no one really. Not sure what was going on, she created a sharp dart and began to quickly twirl it in her hand.
Kuro sighed, deciding that the confused, girl looking creature whom had just confusedly said 'hi' deserved some sort of attention. besides, he was an attention hog and was already starting to feel abandoned, with a strange burst of confidence, possibly due to having just found a place for himself and his dear partner (whom was speaking with the small demon from the carousel) away from their rivals. he walked up to her, opening all his eyes, all of which began looking around crazily, and simply said "well, how are you mrs. or more likely miss, because, yeah. that." he motions to her body. "so...eto... you a villain, kiddo?" twirling his Sakura blossom patterned parasol over his head, honestly, he was really bored and wanted to go back to his dark corner, but, he was feeling overly confident tonight. some of his eyes had began to focus on her, and his smile hadn't diminished at all from his previous conversation with the currently passed out drunken assassin whom agreed to let him move in with her.

"Ah, Hi! I'm doing fine. And I guess I'm a villain. All these thing people call bad are honestly kinda fun. I don't know why I'm here though, these guys called me up so I guess I have to start communicating with people again. Not that I didn't miss it." She answered. Onyx crushed the dart in her hand and put the pieces in a pocket on her jacket. 
Kuro would have grinned even wider, if he could that is. focusing all his eyes on her. "mm...yeahh, yeahh..." saying sleeply. "i guess it's cause we have a mission or something. maybe we get to fight some heros...oh! maybe we could kill some heros!" becoming far more ecstatic as he thought of his own brutal murdering of his rivals. "it would be fun to do that to them..." muttering to himself. attempting to get back into speaking from his blood-soaked fantasies, he said nonchalantly "mmm... so are you human, or what are you? don't worry, i won't judge, i mean, i'm like the embodiment of hate, sorrow, yada yada yatatacha! and my partner is a snake person, so yeah, i'm fine with whatever." chuckling as he realized his partner was a literal snake person. he supposed it hadn't dawned on him until he actually said it. 

"Mhm, that would be interesting, just not killing. That's rude, I prefer to just push into traps." Onyx mumbled and took off her mask.

  Stewart brightened up once the person he was talking to brightened up, feeling relieved that he was doing okay. Even better, he understood what Stewie had meant! Hardly anyone had! The boy gave Shiba a wide, cheerful grin. "Mm-hm! A tell-a-vision! I enjoy viewing the humans imprisoned inside. Do you? I think it's a lotta fun~! Like home, except less fire." The demon nodded twice, resting his head on his hands, then smiled brightly at Shiba. "Stewart von Buch is my human name, by the way. I'm the Demon of Nails Scratching on Chalkboards and I wanna rule the world and the demon realm!" He grinned confidently, placing his hands on his hips as he stood up. "Pretty cool, huh?"


  This is....a lot more people than I anticipated.... were Doris's thoughts as she watched everyone converse. She had just recently torn the two lovebirds(?) away from each other, was watching villain after villain fall through the portal, and generally got overwhelmed. Just how many people did the big guy at IVA hire?

  Obviously a lot, so doing this would be a chore. The blonde took a deep breath, then stood up, stepping away from the table before punching at the wall. There was a loud CLANG, enough to gain everyone's attention but not enough to destroy the ship. "All right, folks, this is it. The big moment for all of us toughies and baddies. For those who don't know, I'm Doris Hewitt, AKA Madam Secretary. IVA has been gracious enough to lend me a team, and a huge one at that, so let's get this bullshit started."

  "If you think our first order of business is that of your typical villain—defeating superheroes—then you are sadly mistaken, though you will be in on the action, rest assured. So. Here's a question; what determines society's views on us? Is it the government?" Doris shrugged. "Perhaps. But what I'm getting at here is the media. Newspapers, television, radio, et cetera. Those are going down first. Then we take over with the interns of IVA and they will spread our message of evil throughout the world! Thoughts?"

@everyone present
Motheal had drank swallowing his delicious blood but was interrupted shortly by  Jeremiah jerking away. His hunger wasn't exactly sedated but it was probably enough to prevent him from pouncing on anyone else. The red blood was dripping down the inhuman's pales  lips and he licked the blood off his hand like a cat cleaning cream from its paws but his face looked like that of a predator that had lost his prey. He knew Jeremiah couldn't hurt him. Motheal knew where he stood and he knew he held a sort of standing to the snow human."That's her..." He told him.

Shiba smiled at Stewart, responding happily "yeah! it's really fun! that's pretty cool! i'm just planning on getting rid of nuisances that continuously pester me and my roommate at our apartments..." he scratched the back of his head nervously. Shiba wasn't sure how to continue speaking until Doris spoke, giving her announcement. he didn't have any questions so he just stayed silent as he adjusted his sunglasses and pulled his scarf a bit higher. his scales scratching uncomfortably against his scarf, he really needed to get a new one, or find a better way to cover his face. until he heard his partners panicked shouting.

Kuro, interrupted from his thoughts by Doris Dip-shit's (or Dumbass, he wasn't sure which one sounded better, he'll ask Shiba later) announcement. he couldn't care less until she asked 'thoughts?'. right then and there, a quiet yet cheery Japanese pop song began playing from his phone. he quickly fished his phone out from his goo then internally panicked, his rivals were calling him. his rivals were calling him! how the hell did they get his phone number in the first place?! a few minutes later, he screamed panicked "EVERYONE SHUT THE FUCK UP OR ELSE WE'RE ALL FUCKED IT'S MY FUCKING RIVALS!" took a deep breath in an attempt to calm down. then answered his phone, putting on an annoyed tone "what do you want?" as a feminine voice, the voice of Love from The Hopeful and Lovely Trio responded "wow, that's no way to greet your friends!" as the phone was obviously on speaker, Kuro wasn't sure why it was stuck like that, but he supposed they hacked into it or something to make him unable to turn the speaker mode off, probably also to get his number in the first place."you guys, are not, let me say that again, ARE NOT, in any way, shape or form, will ever, EVER, be my friends. you got that?" attempting to hang up, but quickly realizing he was unable to do so, they must've hacked that to.

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @SilverDama @Obsidian @MangoSargent @YungJazz @everyone else who's there
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[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT][/SIZE]

       Finally receiving a definite answer, Jeremiah relaxes, his hostility lessened, but still guarded and hard to read. This Doris was speaking, and rather intelligibly too. 


     "I think... it's a good idea. There are two sides of a war, human terrain and physical, but if that's the case," Jeremiah pauses, almost to the point of dramatic affect, "How are we going to look like the good guys? Or is it more of a lesser-of-two-evils kind of thing?" 


     Personally, he had a good deal of human terrain work, and the cartel was always wondering how to benefit themselves, and often 'smudged' the truths a little for everyone's benefit of the doubt and their added ignorance. He had focused so much on the woman before him, that he still had not noticed that he was no longer within a casino, even as he propped against the wall he believed he was in another of the themed gambling zones - made sense at least. 


Sora was always late, but that was more the fault of New Vegas' traffic and high crime rates that usually closed off every street she needed. And ever since one of those superheroes had banned her from using even platforms to get to anywhere, she was stuck in traffic, trying to get to the meeting place for, what she hoped, was a Hostess-filled meeting of food, preferably free food she could stuff into her messenger bag to save a few bucks this week. With her luck it was Google messing up again or some such thing, but right now she just wanted to get the letdown over with and maybe go to the arcade and look for leftover quarters she could use to play a few games. She yelped instead, as some asshole in a red Ferrari cut off her 1982 Pontiac Trans-AM KITT replica (because LVPD auctions can be so great) and forced her to swerve, nearly into oncoming traffic.

Sora, despite her innocence, sometimes wished she had built-in missiles. Seriously.

Finally arriving at the location, she followed the directions and looked at a mirror. The Circus Circus Hotel and Casino was really big, and she hoped she was in the right spot. So, taking a deep breath, she stepped through - and tripped, executing a perfect forward somersault and landing on her (most adorable) ass. Fox ears flat, she groaned.

"Is this the Order thing's meeting place?" She asked, looking up and rubbing her head. She had missed pretty much everything that was said, and just started to get up, wondering why there was so many people and why the woman up there had an eyepatch. Does she really need is or is she trying to look cool? She's pretty, she doesn't need to look cool really...maybe an accident?

Poor, innocent Sora had no idea what she had gotten herself into.
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(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada)(Location: Villain Meeting Room)(With: All da homies.)

Wordlessly crisscrossing both of her cybernetic legs while diligently listening to ‘Madam Secretary, Lexia was beginning to comprehend the devilish scheme which Doria had laid out for all of the villainous lackeys. Surprisingly it wasn’t exactly targeting those egotistical superheros but instead it was the ‘fourth estate’ she was planning to thoroughly dismantle from its boastful foundation of fictitious stories and over exaggerated lies. Journalism was but one admirable asset that was gaining in the favor of the heroes, publishing stories of one after another putting a conclusion on criminal activity would act as a beacon of shining confidence to only them but the citizens as well, extinguishing these pretentious correspondents would definitely be beneficial to not only the Order of the Twisted but the IVA as well. Exceptionally clever from someone who labels themselves as no more than just a malicious secretary, step-by-step procedures were the only logical way of putting an eventual end to these ‘goodie-two-shoes’. Calibrating each plan and heaving it into the working cogs would prove more than difficult as the odds tend to be in the favor of the morally just, discretion was going to be a big factor in proceeding with these endeavors. Luckily being the unmatched brilliant mind that she is, Lexia thought while casually twiddling her thumbs together like a fidgeting addict, anticipating the idea behind taking down big media corporations was like having your cake and eating it too. Many circumstances were playable depending on which course of action they all should take, straight-up eliminating them would arouse suspicion and placing IVA agents in there would definitely be a problematic issue in remaining unnoticed. Manipulating the media mogul on the other hand and positioning fellow collaborators underneath their noses would most likely be the best option for all of them. Ecstatic and wanting to place her two cents into the mix, Lexia promptly slid her heels off from the undamaged segment of the table before situating herself back up onto both of her feet, thumping her smooth palms onto the surface of the conference table to get the attention of nearly everyone in the room.

“Doria, I don’t want to sound like i’m kissing your ass right now but this procedure is ingenious, Media have always been one-sided! Promoting these ‘supes’ like they’re some product on an infomercial channel. More and more ‘superheros’ are pushed out of the ‘woodwork’ each day because of these overlooked publishers, giving these ordinary citizens this false sense of hope.” Lexia announced outwardly, strolling around back and forth like an insane mad scientist that just finished configuring their own Frankenstein’s monster. Pivoting on one foot before standing at attention at the end of the table while crossing both of her arms underneath her chest before directing her undivided attention back at Doria. “Although, this astute plan does not go without consequence. Killing the CEO and using it as a base of operations would have more benefits but it would also have extraordinary repercussions! Those heroes would definitely figure out something is amiss and tear it down before we even know what hit us. Which is why i’ve figured out something that could be of more use, although it’s entirely up to you gorgeous. You see, manipulating this CEO out of terror will get him to stay quiet about us but he will also be able to broadcast propaganda which in return makes these do-gooders look like crazed costume freaks! Law enforcement and citizens will fear them and act out against them! Making our jobs much easier.” She turned, placing her hands behind her back and folding one on top of the other before swishing her head to the side, parting the strands of hair that were blocking her vision. “Meaning, we manipulate him and place working defectors in the new station so he won't fuck up. If he acts-up well, we’ll just have to beat some sense into the poor bastard. Crowbars, legs, you know the drill!” Lexia finished her input, commencing to let out a soft-whistling tune before taking a seat once more and placing her hands behind her head, confidently awaiting Doria’s opinion.

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball (Mostly everyone, or just everyone in the room)
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"Mhmhm, can't say I'd be to helpful in infiltration. Not the best at stealth-ing. Needa know what your plan for that is." Onyx mumbled. She then threw a dart that narrowly missed someone's head

(que interaction)

Seeingthe fact that more and more people were storming in, Noir decided to stand up and walk to where the sound was coming from. It wasn't exactly crowded but she nearly bumped into someone once or twice.

[SIZE= 14px]"If you think our first order of business is that of your typical villain—defeating superheroes—then you are sadly mistaken, though you will be in on the action, rest assured. So. Here's a question; what determines society's views on us? Is it the government?"[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] Madam Secretary shrugged and Noir raised a brow, [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]'The [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]government[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]? Pfft. No, it's those stupid articles.'[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Perhaps. But what I'm getting at here is the media. Newspapers, television, radio, et cetera. Those are going down first. Then we take over with the interns of IVA and they will spread our message of evil throughout the world! Thoughts?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Noir was about to say something but someone else piped up,[/SIZE] screaming about how their rival was calling them[SIZE= 14px]. That made Noir angry. Did they know NOTHING about being a villain? Of course not. But still, it was a rather obvious fact, the phones they used needed to be special ones, not just the shit you can get anywhere. Or else it could easily be hacked into, did they not realise that? Did they not understand? Did he even realise that he put the entire company in jeopardy just now? If his phone is traceable, he could lead them all to their doom![/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She heard someone else give out an idea, but she wasn't listening, Noir was storming to the bastard who earlier shouted for everyone to shut up.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Taking the idiot's phone out of his hand by snatching it, she threw it to the ground and stomped on it. Hoping it broke, she looked down at the guy and growled.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Do you have any idea of what you just did? If they could call you, it means the phone is easily traceable. And you know what that means? They could break in here without a second thought. In fact, if a hole armada of heroes suddenly run in here, I wouldn't be surprised what so ever."[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] She glanced at the broken phone. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"Get yourself a new one."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@KuroNoKami39 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball[/SIZE]

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