Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...

Jenna dazedly walked around the Adventuredome, seemingly unaware of the people around her. She was admiring her new (plastic) rings she may or may not have stolen. All of her fingers had one, well except for the finger with the ring pop. Anyways, as Jenna was traveling through the amusement park, she walked straight past the carasel. With absolutely no intentions of turning around or any real awareness of why she was in Vegas at all, a grin that screamed moron split across her face. Before she could get two far from her destination, Jenna turned around with absolutely no warning. 

The reason for this was not remembering the meeting she was already late to. No, it was because she saw the gems on the horse in the carasel. She wanted the shiny things, so she began to walk towards the moving ride with all intents of just jumping on. This did not happen. Instead, a random kid shoved her causing a random emerald that was up her sleeve to fall into the mirror.

Jenna's eyes widened at the horror that just occurred and quickly dived to follow the gem. The ditz tucked into a roll as she grabbed the stone and stood up perfectly straight with her arms to her sides, as though she had just finished a gymnastics routine.

"Tada!" the girl crooned into the room filled with supervillains.

More gems of real value fell out of her sleeves and hat.

Smiling brightly, she looked around, "Ten out of ten ending, right?"

That revealing grin never left her face through the entire thing.
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Dark Ice

Bastien gave the hint of a smile at the woman being startled by him.  It was a little more comforting to realize that she was not quite as terrifying as she seemed at first glance.  He was also surprised at the strong handshake she gave as he had figured her for being similar to the glass cannon he is.  Snapping himself out of his train of thought he focused on The Dullahan as she began speaking again.  While she did try her best at mimicking how he said his name that only called to attention how she was trying to do his French accent on his name.  Again the slight smile crept back onto his face and he nearly let out a soft laugh, "Zank you for trying to get my name correct, but it was just a leettle off.  It is indeed a pleasure to meet your acquaintance as well."  Once again Bastien had to remind himself not to lean his head down to kiss her hand as he was most certainly not in France anymore.  

The Dullahan then did something that shocked Bastien, she pulled back her hood.  As she did Bastien caught sight of... a normal face.  Truly it was by all means just a human's face.  Admittedly it was a pale blue but it was still a human face.  Bastien hid his shock the best he could but probably couldn't help the slight widening of his eyes, She is more beautiful then I would have guessed.  Perhaps she hides her hood to simply conceal her identity, as it is not for fear of how people may react to her.  Before he got too deep in this thinking, Bastien decided to not try and profile his teammates as he was beginning to and instead focus on the conversation at hand.  Taking a few seconds Bastien gave another light smile and responded, "I would not be surprised at zat statement.  Zat is quite the 'eavy scarf, no?"  Giving a light chuckle as he adjusted the own scar on his neck Bastien continued on, "As you might see, I quite like scarves myself.  It is one of zee few zings I am able to make use out of.  Pardon me for saying, but I am quite shocked at your face.  It is much more beautiful than I would 'ave thought for 'ow you 'id it with your 'ood.  As well as your 'air shape and brightly colored eyes being quite zee equal sight."  Bastien gave a smile and then blew a little bit of cold air in between his hands, "Now, sorry for 'aving to move our conversation, but I believe we may need to go through zee entrance as Doris said, no?"  Giving one last look at The Dullahan he began walking towards the mirror portal, walking slow enough so that she may walk beside him and continue their conversation before they go through.

Sora was already standing, though with all the talk of taking over the media, she was certain she was in the entirely wrong place and should get out before she ended up dead. Then someone came in full fanfare and all, jewels flying and rained on her head. She yelped and scurried away before her tail was stepped on, getting up and realizing, in the room, a familiar voice?

She looked around until she spotted her. Andrea! She was from school. She seemed too cool to talk to...was she a villain?
M...maybe she remembered Sora. At least someone she knew was better than all strangers. She began to scamper over, hoping no one noticed her, when she found herself unable to get over. In desperation, she took a breath and held her hands out, creating a platform. Stepping on - and making it opaque, no panty shots for you! - she floated over and then hopped down....slipping on the floor and smacking right into Noir's back.
"Andrea? Is that you?" She asked nervously, arms accidently hugging the girl for balance. "Nnn, sorry, I'm having horrible luck today..."

@Lilah Tunth

Mikado Saris - Evil Lair

She had been one of the first to arrive. Indeed it was truly mysterious how she wound up there, however her little spot in the corner resulted in everyone overlooking her existence. She wasn't exactly eager to be there and had been quick to stake a claim somewhere out of the way where she could lay down. And thus for the duration of the events that transpired she lay there, unnoticed and out of the way as her chest rose and fell rhythmically in her sleep. Time ticked on and more and more villains poured forth, commotion taking hold as everyone seemed to do their own thing. Eventually the commotion grew to such levels that even she could no longer sleep through it. With a groggy groan and a quick yawn she slowly opened her eyes as she sat up against the wall. She wiped the sleep from her still-tired eyes as a second yawn forced it's way out. Looking around she noticed a horde of people had replaced the once near empty room, immediately cluing her into what had woken her from her slumber. Her gaze slowly drifted to the blonde with the eyepatch as the woman proclaimed something about the media and villains and other such things she had little interest in. Her gaze then drifted equally slowly over towards where someone made a grand entrance, jewels flying and self-congratulating abounding.

Nevertheless it seemed as if perhaps things would be moving forward soon and so she reached out to steady herself on the wall as she dragged herself to her feet. Her hair was a mess, her face still betrayed her freshly woken status and she was clad in nothing more than a loose-fitting T-Shirt and some pajama pants with sneakers adorning her feet. Even among the freakshow that she found herself in she felt a little under-dressed. With a shrug she let out a third yawn as she leaned back against the wall, her attention once again focusing on the blonde as she asked if anyone had any questions. Her head tilted back slightly as she brought a hand to her chin, debating if she should be one to speak up. After a few moments of silent contemplating she moved her hand from her chin into the air above her head, calling out with a raised voice. "When do we get started?" She wasn't too keen on socializing and if they weren't going to get a move on anytime soon she had a nice comfy spot to lay back down in.

Alexa Starr- That Meeting Place

Alexa sat in the rafters of the meeting place, not actually paying attention to anything going on. She knew she should be, at-least to a degree, but she didn't. Not one single sentence. Well, she did pay attention to Noir texting her about coming to the meeting but she ignored that too. As far as she was concerned this was a mere formality and her being there was just so she could say she was there if asked. If something of the meeting came up? Well, she'd make up some bullshit excuse and be as convincing as possible. If they didn't believe her she didn't honestly care either way. She did however admist the minor amount of chaos text Noir back, 'Already here, what's goin' on?'. It was short and simple and sure to raise confusion, so she waved down at her in-case she thought to look up.


Alexa often hid in the sky or some such places. Even though she hadn't known Noir long she was sure that she would be able to figure it out, she hoped so anyway. Though now she decided to pay attention, just because things were getting interesting. Namely with Noir crushing a dudes phone.


Lunaria Safira- Portal > Meeting Place

The reason Lunaria was extremely late was really simple. You see, the issue lied with the portal. Sure, she knew it was a portal. She knew how it worked, that's how she got to Earth in the first place. The thing was, Rutarian teleporters were technology based, not magical based. The reason for this was also very simple, Rutarians simply couldn't go through them. Well, they could. But they always came back out a puddle on the other end and had to re-form, which of course led to embarrassing situations given the fact that this process was always done naked. They could technically dress mid-form, however the clothes typically formed half inside them and half not so they never did.


That was currently Lunaria's dilemma. She had no idea what kind of teleporter it was. The last thing she wanted was to pop out on the other side and re-form into a dazed naked slime girl in front of everyone. With a heavy sigh she went through it regardless, and sure enough, she popped out on the other side a puddle of slime with clothes piled beside her. A few seconds later she re-formed with a groan, not moving an inch as she collected herself, face visibly pink as she knew she was currently naked.

@everyone there
Jenna held her introduction position for a few moments longer before dropping her arms. The cat burglar was not surprised to see her priceless collection of cursed and blessed jewels below her. 

"Oops," she said as she swooped down to retrieve the valuables, "That wasn't supposed to happen!"

Jenna's cheerful demeanor does not diminish when she sees no really cares about her entrance. Instead, she starts sliding in between everyone to get to the table (possibly pick-picketing a few on accident). When she finally arrives at the table, she walks towards the seat that is clearly for Doris (although she isn't sitting in it) and Jenna sits down on the table right in front of said seat.

Looking at those gathered in the room, Jenna says the only thing she finds appropriate, "Hi!"
Three hours early... She had arrived at the meeting THREE hours early, thinking she was late because she had been daydreaming, as per usual.

Honestly, couldn't a girl actually arrive ON TIME for once? She either humiliated herself by arriving hours late, or she was dying of boredom because she arrived hours early... Which caused her to daydream in the rafters, which, in turn, caused her to be completely unaware of the fact the meeting had started. It was a very vicious cycle, but one that she had become oh-so-used to over the last few months... After all, she had absolutely no concept of time anymore. Actually, she never REALLY had a good grasp on human time to begin with, but... The whole situation with her obsession REALLY didn't help, considering she could be zoning out for hours while feeling like it's only been five minutes.

So, yes, there she was, completely lost in her fantasies, and entirely unaware of the meeting beginning below... Or she was, at least, until Cupid lost her grip on the rafters and plummeted down onto the table, landing on top of Jenna with a groan... Completely fine, but a bit confused. "Huh, how'd I get all the way down here?" The super-villain tilted her head and glanced around.

It was only then that she noticed the people around her, merely because she soon realized she had landed on someone, and not on the tabletop as she had assumed she would. She then blinked at Jenna. "Oh, sorry! Didn't see you there!" Cupid giggled good-naturedly, but she didn't move from off of the cat burglar quite yet... She was too busy glancing around at the other villains. "Huh. Has the meeting started already?" She questioned after a minute.

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Kuro was fuming, he'd stolen that phone from the apple store! it was his and Shiba's only phone! he was pissed. smiling sadistically, he stated with sass "well excuuuse me princess! but some of us can't afford a non-traceable phones! besides, my rivals are fucking idiots, they don't know how to trace me, and even if they did, they think i can be 'saved' or some shit, they wouldn't bring anyone else if they DID come here, plus their like, magic girls or some shit, their Baka's to the worst degree! " he didn't even realize that his body had started dematerializing and was currently dripping large quantities of goo from his bottom pair of arms, nor did he realize he was cursing at the girl who'd just broke his phone... in Japanese. "Watashi wa karera ga orokana shunkan ni sorera o utsu koto ga dekiru! Anata wa watashitachi ni atarashī kusona denwa ōjo o karite iru! Sōdenakereba, watashi wa anata no kao o saiaku no teido made okasudeshou! Gesu yarō! Shinken ni! Karera wa watashi ga sukida to omotte, karera ni futatabi sanka shi tari, nanika ni meiwaku o kake tari, futatabi ELIZA ni nattari shiyou! Totemo bakagete iru! E e, anata wa mada watashi ni karite, soko ni atarashī kusona denwa ōjo o hebi ni shite kudasai!" he yelled.

all the pent up rage from earlier this week, when his rivals broke their TV and dishwasher, when they poked him in the eyes... multiple times, when they tried to remind him of 'her' , came flying out in an instance. meanwhile all his eyes had started going ape-shit looking everywhere, for what? he didn't know, he didn't feel like keeping control of them. he was twirling his parasol, he wasn't sure why, he just felt like he had to do SOMETHING with his hands. he sighed, then continued, much calmer but still fairly angry, taking the incident as a personal offense,  "they probably would've left us alone if you didn't break my phone y'know! now their gonna be worried about their 'friendi don't even think they comprehend i'm not 'her'."  his tone changed from rage to having a sadistic tone. "but...feel free to keep raging...it's a nice snack! ahahah...wait, why am i laughing?"  he had a flash of 'her' come through. he sighed, knowing that if he continued he'd get huge emotional backlash from himself, he just shut up after he said that last line, becoming lost in thoughts of 'her'. he hated 'her' . it annoyed him, it was frustrating, he couldn't do what he wanted! his bottom arms had dissolved into a black goo puddle full of eyes that covered the floor around his feet. the edges of his bottom sleeves had began to turn black and eyes had begun opening among the goo.

@Lilah Tunth

meanwhile, Shiba was watching this interaction, looking at their shared crushed phone. mumbling sadly "i just got to level 37 on Candy Crush..." mourning the loss of their only phone and covered his face with his scarf. the scarf rubbed against his scales uncomfortably but he couldn't care less, he just lost all his progress on the numerous games he had. readjusting his sunglasses he shed a single tear. today was a sad day indeed, now he had to do overtime so they could either A. afford a new one or B. be able to steal one again. when that phone got stolen he was accused first, and though he was guilty, he had to feign innocence. which happens to be hard when your a snake person working at the Apple Store part-time in Japan. watching as his partner got obviously angry at the loss of their prized stolen phone. screaming at the girl in question in Japanese, though Shiba mainly noticed that his bottom arms had fully dissolved and were in a puddle by his feet. noting that they were probably going to have to stay behind for a little bit just to let his mentor regather himself, both figuratively and literally. he looked at his mentor with worry, looking one of the others eyes currently looking around everywhere, he wasn't sure why they went crazy when he was angry, but this happened fairly often so the snake had gotten used to it. he looked down at the floor, mourning the fact that he'd never finish whatever that game with a cookie you had to tap, never finish that other game with the cute chibi people and cute monsters fighting other cute monsters and other cute chibi people, never get to level 50 on Candy Crush! he started crying again, using the edges of his scarf to wipe his tears occasionally. he wanted to turn someone to stone badly right now...if it'd even work anyways. 

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Obsidian @everyone else there! 
@Obsidian @Mitchs98

@KuroNoKami39 @Lilah Tunth

  "Thank you for pointing that out, Cicada," Doris said calmly, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "I second your motion to do that, as it will be more effective. However, for those aiming to kill, target all but the big motherfucker behind it all and—"  Suddenly, the woman lost her train of thought at the sound of a ringtone and a superhero's voice. She glared at Kuro, watching as Noir took action by breaking the phone. "....Yes. Thank you, Noir. Kuro, a new phone and phone number will be provided for you from IVA, so stop bitc—" A shit-ton more people entered and fell from the rafters; Doris gave them all blank looks....excepting a naked alien chick. 

  Hot. Damn. Before she could approach the alien, however, Stewart made it there first, looking fascinated. "Another creature!" he chirped, cocking his head at the girl. "Where'd your clothes go?"

  "Th-That's not polite, Stewart!" Doris stammered, her face bright red; she, too, approached the girl, lending her a coat that Doris had packed. "H-Here! P-Put some motherfucking clothes on s-so I ca-can c-c-continue the meeting!"


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin")(Location: Villain's meeting room.)(With: Eerybody.)(Currently Sober)

Eventually awaking from the temporary concussion which had previously jolted her onto the unyielding floor, Miss Mei, the once blabbering drunk was now clutching the agitated red mark in unmeasurable compunction from the events that had unfolded just moments ago. Usually this habitual drinking would build up an immunity in her anatomy but downing a couple of 40oz liquor bottles like they’re Capri-sun packets would make any man or woman succumb to the intoxicant’s fast-acting consequences. “Ugh, this isn’t like my ordinary hangovers, this one in particular hurts like hell. One moment i’m at the Casino, next i’m surrounded by a bunch of freakish looking men and women!” While irritably scrubbing the palm of her hand around her forehead, Mei uses her available hand to help situated herself off the ground and back into a standing posture. Recollection of the incidents were gradually beginning to come back, leaving a regrettable sentiment strewn across her face as she became completely aware of labeling Doris a ‘swashbuckling’ pirate as well as inadvertently hitting on a young-looking man who gave off the unsettling appearance of a dreadful gorgon, not to mention offering him and his eyeball covered companion a room. Remembering step by step of what she went through, Mei’s attention swiftly focused in on Shun, insulting his culinary cooking skills that were passed down from pedagogy was exceptionally rude and she did in-fact feel a sense of guilt for laughing at him but on the other-hand being dropped like a sack of spuds wasn’t something that she was exactly ‘fond’ of.  “Slamming rear and a rocking pair of chesticles?” She growled underneath her breath as she took a few seconds to recollect that bit of information from earlier, Mei’s face was becoming flushed with red at an alarming rate, she didn’t know if she wanted to gracefully leap across the table and deliver an ‘Undertaker’ signature choke slam to him or to be flattered by his the overly direct remark.


“Don’t even think about it.” Mei announced to Shun before turning herself away from his sights while in the swiveling chair. It didn’t help that she removed attention away from him only to become embraced by the sight of a gorgeous woman who was completely naked, oh did I mention she was made out of goo? That’s also important, I think. Simply looking at her in such a revealing posture made Mei’s nose begin to bleed, if her face was red before, well it’s most likely bright as the Sun now.  She took a moment of silence to admire the view but then decided to be a generous person and saunter over to the embarrassed woman so that she wouldn’t feel as awkward being in her ‘birthday suit.’ “I believe these are yours miss.” Mei acknowledging the woman, picked up slime covered clothes and handed it to her while hatching an idea in mind which made herself feel uncomfortable but in hopes that it would redeem some of this woman’s composure although it would be at Mei’s own expense. Sighing she unslung the baggage that had been wrapped around her waist, dropping it to the floor, creating a loud thud which resonated through the room that probably gained the attention of most of the people in there. Already having her dignity shamed by her drunken behavior she realized that it was already beyond repair so in order to make this slime lady feel more comfortable she literally started undressing in-front of everyone, taking one more look at Shun before shaking her head in disappointment. “Enjoy this while you can pervert because this is about as close as you’re going to get when it comes to getting me ‘undressed’.” After ending her sentence she managed to switch herself back into the combat suit she had stored in the luggage which she had brought, taking one more look at Lunaria while casting a generous smile. “See? Now you’re not the only one, we all have beautiful bodies. It’s okay to embrace them. “ Mei sighed in hopes of cheering her up, patting her on the shoulders before sitting back down at the conference table in her new uniform.

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[SIZE= 36px][FONT= 'Times New Roman'][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Noir[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

"No need, Madam Secretary, I shall cover the costs personally."[SIZE= 14px] Noir gritted out at the idiot... Who seemed to melt? No it was more like liquidate into a puddle of black goo. Blech. Stepping away from it, she crinkled her nose in disgust. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]"As for the fact that you've probably worried them... Well that's not my problem now is it? You said it yourself, if they are incompetent, then defeat should be simple. Yet you have allowed them to be hypnotised by the idea of 'saving you'... That just sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Of course this was just talk, inside Noir was rather, nerve-wrecked. Because it was stupid of her, acting out like that. But this man... No boy. This boy put her in danger, put the entire task force in jeopardy, he could have been the reason Stewart and Alexander gotten hurt. [/SIZE]

No, she couldn't allow idiocy to reign. 

"I understand I might have acted hastily and imp- Oof!"

Noir suddenly felt something hit her in the back. Being blow away a bit by the impact, she landed as gracefully as possibly (and hey! Pretty graceful, her training pays off!)  and looked at the source of trouble.

"Andrea? Is that you?"

She looked at the girl and frowned.... Was she from school. 

[SIZE= 14px]"I would prefer if you called me Noir..." She said before feeling a pair of slim hands wrap around her waist. What? Suddenly realizing the girl latched on to her the disgruntled ceremonial dagger wielder huffed. [/SIZE]

The girl (Sarah? Sasha? Sandra?) just said: "Nnn, sorry, I'm having horrible luck today...".

Noir pushed the girl off, a bit harshly but hopefully not to much and answered. "Yes, Andrea, but I would prefer if you simply called me Noir, Miss... Sora, right?"

Suddenly feeling a buzz in her coat pocket, she reached out for her phone and saw. 

 Already here, what's goin' on? 

Noir snorted, of course she was. Honestly, this day was insane. She turned to look at the action she missed of the other side of the room, a thief with gems filling the pockets to the brim, and a small naked girl curled up in embarrassment. Is this what they meant with 'sometimes it's better not to get out of bed'? 

[SIZE= 14px]@KuroNoKami39 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Xion136[/SIZE] @Mitchs98
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Winter's Thrill (From the Evil Lair → Portal)

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Crystal tapped her empty coffee mug, the vivid aroma filling the apartment with its bitterness. “Should I leave now?...Maybe...” She glanced at the clock on her wall, and started to grin. “Maybe so.” She picked up her crystal weapon and grinned widely, placing it on the holster on her back. She slinked on her pink heels and clacked down the stairs of her home.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Crystal skipped through the crowds of people, her white mane fluttering in the breeze complemented her puffy dress nicely. However, what was off about the picture, was the unsettling smile she had on her face. Her old, frightening eyes watched every single move of each person slinking past her. Her face had mostly been hidden by her long bangs, but her smile reeked of wickedness. Moderately short for her age, moving against this giants was one of the most challenging things about her life, apart from the tall cupboards. Mindlessly walking through the streets, she soon reached her destination. A circus? She perked an eyebrow at the clamour once she arrived, watching the stupidity unfold. Naturally most of them were taller than her, so she slinked towards the back corner awaiting her assignments.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]I’m not exactly here to socialize, [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]she reminded herself. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Just here to have a good time...[/SIZE]

The poor girl let out a small whimper as she was pushed away. She regained her balance and looked away, blushing embarrassedly...wait...

"O-Okay...N....Noir...." wait...was that a n...nude...

Sora's entire face went red, and if anyone was looking they'd see one nostril start bleeding. Sora took a breath and looked away, closing her eyes tightly as she fished in a few hidden pockets, withdrawing a hankie and cleaning her nose from it's somewhat predictable chronic nosebleeding. Since Noir seemed really not interested in her, which Sora couldn't blame, she did flatten the gym...Sora started moving away. The girl didn't want to be a pest...but somehow she always annoyed someone. "I....I'll leave you alone Noir...." she whimpered. "I'm sorry for bothering you." She turned and headed away from her, subconciously heading for the poor naked slime girl who probably needed help...and considering Sora had a somewhat multi-layered outfit on, she could loose the outer shirt and still be very decently dressed. Her head was tucked down, ears laid flat as she went.

I always mess everything up...

The loud crash yanked her head up, and now her other nostril began bleeding as the other woman began changing clothes. Sora was frozen,accidently entering Useless Lesbian mode as her brain tried to process the beautiful nude and almost nude women...which made her stand there, blushing deeply.

@Lilah Tunth @Mitchs98 @Obsidian
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(Shun Kantar) (Location: THE RANDOM ROOM!) (With: Drunk Chick, Goo Chick, Robot Chick, Howard, and the rest of those jabronis.) (Feeling: Trolly, Bored, urge to fight everything.)

Shun Kantar.jpg

Turning to Niyah, Shun let out a boisterous laugh of his own. Pinkie actually found his random acts of violence funny! That was a new one. Leaning back in his seat, Shun thumped his chest in pride, "There's not supposed to be any logic. All these scrubs gotta understand is if they think they can step to me, they'll quickly be met with a one way trip to Suplex City, courtesy of Shun." Shun proclaimed, his own pride flowing from him as like an ocean. It was evident that Shun would just as likely beat up his fellow 'teammates' along with his enemies. Truly this man was the personification of 'battle'.

Anyway, as more loonies and weirdos entered the room, along with Ms. Eyepatch giving a speech about heroes, newpapers, and blah blah blah, Shun zoned out. His thoughts were preoccupied with his next big fight and who it could possibly be with and the hidden proposition from that robot girl. Shun would definitely hit that, bet she even had a vibration feature. Reaching into his pocket, Shun pulled out a notepad and pen, quickly flipping the front cover up and scribbling on the first page. If the people saw the page, it would read: List of Chicks i'm gonna bang. The list was pretty long and had a large number of names crossed off, although none of them seemed to be actual names of females, but titles attributed to them since Shun didn't deem them important enough to acknowledge with names. At the bottom, two new names were written, labeling Mei and Lexia as: Drunk with the phat ass and Robo-boobs.

Flipping the notepad close in satisfaction, Shun put it back in his pocket, quickly going back to his lazing about and not listening to Doris. His attention however was quickly diverted to the gelatinous and very naked form of the Lunaria. Whistling in appreciation, Shun's hand blurred for a second, before reappearing with a phone, snapping a picture of the girl and saving it. Shun chuckled perversely at the new addition to his phone, "Hehe, never thought I'd be attracted to living gel-o, but there's a first for everything."

It only got better as Mei woke from her beat down slumber, grumbling along the way. She glared at Shun, even telling him that he shouldn't even think about getting with her, to which Shun responded with a flirty wink and blowing a kiss in her direction, obviously mocking her. His smile only became wider as he observed Mei get a nose bleed from the naked goo girl, saving that information for later, Shun's perverse smile became the widest ever seen as Mei began undressing. Of course, the assassin only made it worse by promising him that he wouldn't get farther than watching her undress.

Sliding over in his chair, Shun stopped right in front of Mei's nearly nude form, only a few feet from her. Shun reached into his pocket, digging a little before finding what he wanted and pulling it out. In his hands was a stack of one dollar bills, positioning it so that the large stack of money laid flat on the surface of his palm, Shun began sweeping the money off one by one with his other hand.

Shun was literally treating Mei as if she was stripping for his entertainment, what great start to their camaraderie. As she finished undressing, then redressing, if Mei looked down she would find herself surrounded by a large pile of ones. And right in front of her, sat Shun, his sunglasses hanging on the edge of his nose, the trolliest smile on his face, "Geez drunkard, if you wanted to strip for me, all you had to do was ask. Looks like i'm already halfway into your pants, won't be long now before we're back at your place."

Sliding back to his original position next to Niyah, Shun gave Mei a two finger salute, mocking her more and letting her know that he only saw her as a joke. Finally turning to the rest of the room, Shun shifted his gaze from one person to another, making notes inside his head of each and every one of them. Satisfied with his observations, Shun crossed his arms and leaned back.

"So these schmucks are who i'll be working with? Gotta say.....thoroughly underwhelmed here."

@Obsidian @MangoSargent @Mitchs98 @everyone else 

(Now open for interaction since I finally replied.) 
Sora was pretty frozen, until that utter jerk began walking over and flipping bills around the girls. Sora was many things - shy, scared, nervous, and socially anxious - but things get to her, causing her to gain  a will of iron. How despicable the man treated the girls made her angry, and she shook her head clear, breaking from Useless Lesbian mode and marching through the throng. She looked between Mei and Shun, then walked over and looked up, fox ears held high, green eyes wide at the perverted jerk.

"Sir?" She said, looking up. Her voice was soft and cute, entirely adorable, making her maid outfit even better. "I'd like to let you know....that you're the reason there are lesbians." She said to Shun, then marched over and stood in front of the Goo Girl and Mei, and lifted her hands, which formed a massive Aura Wall, opaque, that blocked the view so they could finish getting dressed in peace....though she was facing them with dried blood on her nose...

Sora twitched. oh god what did I just do. She thought, realizing she just did something totally stupid and probably out of her usual self. Oh goddess.

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Mitchs98
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Jenna sat on the table, staring at the girl who fell from the sky. Jenna slowly raises her left had and sticks her ring pop in her mouth. Seeing no other course of action, Jenna decides to do a random thing.

"Hi!" she manages around the candy, "Get off of me."

There was no malice in her tone, but with these types you could never really be sure. (However, Jenna may not have the mental capacity to actually feel malice, so there is that.)

Jenna looked around the room, taking stock of the people there. She barely took note of the tall guy, giant squid girl, or the naked girl. No, her focus landed on the shy girl who just put up the very shiny shield. If that were something permanent, she would try to steal it. A smile broke out on her face as she bit into the candy she had, effectively shattering it. After Jenna realized this, she look at the ring with despair in her eyes. She gently pulled the plastic ring off of her hand. By doing this, the thief accidentally shifted her sleeve to give clear view of the gem embedded in her wrist. Jenna gently placed the ring on the table, but that was as far as her ceremony went before her attention was caught by the random cyborg sitting a few feet away.

"So, Ms. Cyborg lady," the dope began in the same manner as she usually does, "Where are we? Why are we here? Why hasn't anyone kicked me out yet? I should probably go since I have a meeting to get to. Oh well, what's more important is where you got that jacket. Do you know how much stuff you can fit into something like that with just a few modifications?"

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Niyah mood did a 180 as she got up and walked over to the trio of girls that now surrounded Shun. She put a hand on his shoulder. 

"I gotta agree with that statement dude. What you just did went from pervy to douchy really fucking fast." She sighed and took her hand off his shoulder. "You gotta respect girls no matter how much they turn you on. But if you can't do that maybe we won't get along as well as I thought." Her gaze fell on the water bubble that the cute shy girl had made before glancing at Shun again and walking in the opposite direction. The one friend she started to make and he had to go and be a douchy bastard pervert in the first hour 


@Mitchs98 @Obsidian @Xion136
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The Plaguemaster

Bernard could only look around at the utter chaos and uncontrolled discussion. In an unrestrained anger, he slammed both of his hands down on a desk in the room, facing towards the group. "Quiet!" Bernard shouted sharply. His osteoporosis then got the better of him, and he retracted his hands in severe pain from the table, trying to make as little noise as possible. He took a moment to relax his pain nerves a bit, and began speaking again.

"We're professionals here; at least for the most part. Collect yourselves and listen, because this conversation probably won't be repeated. Remember, if we don't work, we gain absolutely nothing from this endeavor." Bernard took a breather, and sighed. He then look towards the organizer, none other than Madam Secretary herself. "So, you plan to take over the media, huh? Ambitious, but at the same time a risky first step. How do you plan to tackle this?"

Bernard may not be the best, but he took his work deathly serious. No matter what, he always has his eyes on the prize, no interruptions or tangents. That's how his mind works.


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Chris Flamme

View attachment 219782

Chris leaned against a wall, watching the proceedings. He wore his battle suit with the helmet held in the crotch of his left arm. All his weapons were in their places. Knives in their spots, swords on his back, sniper also on his back and his dual pistols at his waist. He would have been an imposing figure except for his blonde hair and cute face. If the past was anything to go by there probably a few people picturing this so called assassin, known as The Sniper, as a muffin or something close. No one really expected him to be anything but an innocent muffin till he started killing. Then perspectives changed and people usually feared him. Except other villains. They usually thought Chris was a joke. Till they were dead. Yup, Chris was definitely a prime example of "don't judge a book by its cover".

He sighed and adjusted his stance, switching his helmet to the right arm. This meeting was taking way too long. He was generally impatient in these types of situations, which is somewhat ironic as he could easily wait all day for his target to appear and had once waited two whole days for his target. But that fact was irrelevant at the moment as he restlessly scanned the room, habitually scanning faces and saving them to his memory, classifying each as either friend, enemy, or unknown. The last was the worst because he believed it was always best to know where people stood. Some here looked bored or closed off while others excited or shy. This was definitely the biggest gathering of villains, other than villian-con.
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"People use weird words to make themselves seem more intelligent, I suppose," he replied, looking at Prize with a finger lifted - it was a habit of his. He always lifted his finger when he was informing somebody of something. He looked at her with a grin, figuring even the word "intelligent" might be too weird for her to understand. "That means smart, by the way." The scientist glanced at his wrist watch, internally praying they'd show up on time, or, if anything, not too late. It always seemed he was late to anything that he had to be on time for. He was very bad with schedules and maintaining them.  "Eh?"  he asked in confusion when she mentioned him being sad earlier, lifted a brow ever-so-slightly. His brow then furrowed when she asked if she were a bad girl. "Of course you're not a bad girl, you're a very good girl and you know that." He rubbed the wrist the vampire had grabbed, though it hadn't hurt or anything whatsoever. "And I wasn't sad," he continued, "Just maybe... Be a little careful around strangers, okay?" He coughed awkwardly, a few moments later adding a mumbled "especially ones that are demanding blood." He shook his head slightly, annoyed with himself for making Prize feel as though she had done something wrong. 

His light expression returned when Prize chased her communication device in circles, clapping his hands for a mere second when she finally reached it. "Doris is the woman we're supposed to meet today, yes. We're already a little late but we should be able to make it somewhat on time if we hurry." There was a few seconds of awkwardness after he set his coat over her shoulders, now left in a creamy yellow sweater and jeans, and he did feel slightly exposed without his coat on. He didn't have time to think about it long, as Prize had grabbed his hand and practically dragged him to see her game's results. When there, he bent over for a moment before even looking, his hands on his knees and he was panting slightly. He was too young to be considered old, but he certainly acted old at the moment. He was not an athletic person. He did recover fairly quickly, though, and looked at Prize when he did. "Well, where are they?" 


@Idea - it is a bit rushed, I kept getting distracted ~ hhhheeeehehe... I'm off to bed now. Zzz.
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Kuro froze at the idea of getting a new phone. he bit his lip, it wasn't worth crying like 'her' over spilled milk, yet, it still hurt. all his most important pictures were on that device. he became far more cold and polite as he spoke this time, his goo having stopped dripping, "that...is appreciated. i suppose..." he stared coldly at Noir after the strange maid fox girl let go and got a nose bleed. his eyes turning into a mix of purple and red. saying with an oddly cold and feminine voice "don't ever talk about my rivals, they have the right to attempt to save me, i have the right to let them stay hypnotized. if i didn't we'd have a serious threat on our hands. since they use all their resources on me, they are unable to reach their full potential, which, believe me... is extremely powerful, since we are speaking about the embodiment's of humanities hope, happiness, and love. which, oddly enough due to superhero's, is at an all time high." he sighed after the word's left his mouth. he realized something, he wasn't exactly mad at having his phone broken. he was more upset about the fact that he'd never be able to regain those pictures, those old text messages, the progress in Candy Crush... he spent 10 dollars on that game! he firmed his resolve for doing this in the first place. to fulfill that promise, to destroy it all. as another villain slammed their hands on the table he looked at them. then simply stated, as his eyes went back to their normal crimson red, "i can't help but agree, let's get back to business." kneeling on the ground he sighed. he wasn't going to get anywhere without having all of him present, he put one of his middle hands in the black goo covered in eyes as his parasol twirled above him. the goo slowly began working it's way back up to their proper spots, reforming his 5th and 6th arms slowly. he sighed, knowing this would take a while.

@Lilah Tunth @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Shiba was snapped out of his blind sobbing by the villain slamming his hands on the table and saying they should get back to the meeting. he rubbed his eyes with the edges of his scarf one last time and watched the meeting from the corner he was in. standing up, he readjusted his sunglasses. he leaned back on the wall, picking at his nail polish. he watched the meeting from this small corner, watching his mentor reforming himself. he looked around noticing the new villains, a fox girl with a nose bleed, Miss. Mei after she woke up, he really hoped she wasn't drunk anymore, three girls crowding a boy. a jelly slime girl, he though she was kind of cute, but digressing. he said confused "taking over media...? that sounds easy..." remembering the countless times The Hopeful and Lovely Trio has been on TV and had dragged him and Kuro with them. he practically knew the TV station place like the back of his hand, he just prayed that he would have to go somewhere the trio of rivals had been and not somewhere they'd never went to before. 

@Obsidian @Sizniche @ literally everyone who's there i lost count and am too lazy to go back through all the posts... 


(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada)(Location: Villain Meeting Room)(With: All da homies.)

Observing both the naked ‘squishy’ goo-girl and the bare-bodied drunkard who was beginning to undress herself was like unwrapping Christmas presents early, swaying motions of Mei’s figure was more than enough to short-circuit the cybernetic woman that gave the impression she was having a difficult time controlling herself, thoroughly biting her lip was definitely an indication of how she was handling this ‘intriguing’ moment. Thankfully before she could have some sort of irreversible melt-down from this situation, Shun drastically ‘killed’ the provocative ambience which was lingering throughout the room like prolonged flatulence. (Gross) Heaving ’dead presidents’ left and right out at Mei like she was some dime-store prostitute was a bit disgusting to say the least, although Lexia only found mild humor out of this, she was none too pleased about having these unprofessional imbeciles turning this board-meeting into a gentlemen’s club. Uncomfortably leaving the cushioned seat that she was situated in, Lexia leisurely swung up her index finger in the direction of the ceiling tiles, eventually resulting in the electronic tablet zipping out of his perverse clutches and into the compact grasp of an irritable robot lady. “You really need to learn how to control yourself, both being extraterrestrial life i’m finding it quite hard to believe that we might have more common than we think.” She huffed in utter exasperation before swishing the peak of her fingers against the transparent screen of the phone in order to get back to the photo gallery, eventually erasing the newly taken photograph of the naked goo-lady while coming across a couple of snapshots which made her burst out laughing from them being so embarrassing, one in particular made Lexia’s head turn sideways as she analyzed the whole photo.

“Oh wow, usually you’d delete those after you send them.” Blushing heavily she pressed the button near the middle with her thumb so that she could get back to the phone’s menu. The colorful expression on Lexia’s face alone was enough to rival a ripe tomato, evidently from the picture that she had seen only a minute ago was something that was definitely ‘lewd’. “You didn’t even use a zoom feature for that? You think with all that bragging you do you’d have to use the Hubble space telescope just to get a good picture! Ha! I’m impressed though so you’ve got me hooked, so here’s the deal ‘Shuni’! We both like challenges right?” She displayed a ridiculous smile as she adjusted the phone’s camera towards herself, skimming her fingernails against the center front bridge of her own bra before pulling it out a tad bit. Not exactly having it to the point of revealing but it would be something that would make Shun’s head spin off his shoulders! Lexia gently tossed the phone back at him before managing to take the tempting photograph. “You keep yourself under control and you’ll be able to see what it’s like sharing a room with a robo-babe! But only by step by step improvement will that ever happen, that’s unless you’re scared of having your resolve put to the test.” Just like that the challenge was issued, would Shun be able to handle himself under all this sensual tension being placed down upon him? Or will he resort to his perverse conduct that’ll eventually get him denied by a bodacious cybernetic babe?

He could only find out (Next time on dragonball Z) soon enough. “Oh? Well, i’m pretty sure that your closely resembling doppelganger should be able to tell you why you are here! Madam secretary is the big cheese of this entire operation so you should speak to her about any questions revolving around this. As for my jacket? Well it’s pretty damn stretchy so it helps contain these boobs of mine! Storing random junk in it would be a pain in the ass even with modifications but since my legs are already completely made out of metallic plating so i’ll often have things strapped to them during missions.” She responded to Jenna, jokingly bringing up one of her bionic legs up onto the edge of the conference table before smacking the side of the metal plating.

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[SIZE= 36px][FONT= 'Times New Roman'][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Noir[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px] Looking at the fox eared girl running off, Noir shrugged, and then continued the argument just a bit further. She liked having the last word. [/SIZE]

"Threat? Maybe now, but with our new mission? Be ready have that nlittle hope snuffed out." She crossed her arms. "Contact the Black family and say that Andrea Black has requested you, they shall connect you to me directly. Just do it during standard work hours." She started walking away, nearly sauntering, and she started looking around, perhaps for the only person she knew who could make coming here worthwhile. While she and Alexa weren't exactly close friends, she did find the winged presence to be rather nice. She was pleasant company,  and at the moment that's all she could ask for. She continued her search before a slam made its way to her ears.

[SIZE= 14px]Withdrawing Orion from his sheath ("Finally! I though you would keep me cooped up in there foreee-"), she quickly turned to the source of the noise. Relaxing when it was just a man in a plague doctor suit, although something about the way he moved made her slightly afraid for some reason.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Hearing him adress the order with a command to basically 'stop dicking around', the girl winced slightly. He was right. It was stupid causing drama, and considering she partook in it.... Eesh. She lowered her head slightly in shame. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She could practically hear her instructor screaming about how she was shaming him. She closed her eyes before exhaling and opening them again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Noir decided that for now, she'd simply keep quite and sit still. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Until something else just pops up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@KuroNoKami39 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Xion136[/SIZE] @Mitchs98 @Sizniche
@Obsidian @Mitchs98

@KuroNoKami39 @Lilah Tunth

  "Thank you for pointing that out, Cicada," Doris said calmly, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "I second your motion to do that, as it will be more effective. However, for those aiming to kill, target all but the big motherfucker behind it all and—"  Suddenly, the woman lost her train of thought at the sound of a ringtone and a superhero's voice. She glared at Kuro, watching as Noir took action by breaking the phone. "....Yes. Thank you, Noir. Kuro, a new phone and phone number will be provided for you from IVA, so stop bitc—" A shit-ton more people entered and fell from the rafters; Doris gave them all blank looks....excepting a naked alien chick. 

  Hot. Damn. Before she could approach the alien, however, Stewart made it there first, looking fascinated. "Another creature!" he chirped, cocking his head at the girl. "Where'd your clothes go?"

  "Th-That's not polite, Stewart!" Doris stammered, her face bright red; she, too, approached the girl, lending her a coat that Doris had packed. "H-Here! P-Put some motherfucking clothes on s-so I ca-can c-c-continue the meeting!"

  Reveal hidden contents


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin")(Location: Villain's meeting room.)(With: Eerybody.)(Currently Sober)

Eventually awaking from the temporary concussion which had previously jolted her onto the unyielding floor, Miss Mei, the once blabbering drunk was now clutching the agitated red mark in unmeasurable compunction from the events that had unfolded just moments ago. Usually this habitual drinking would build up an immunity in her anatomy but downing a couple of 40oz liquor bottles like they’re Capri-sun packets would make any man or woman succumb to the intoxicant’s fast-acting consequences. “Ugh, this isn’t like my ordinary hangovers, this one in particular hurts like hell. One moment i’m at the Casino, next i’m surrounded by a bunch of freakish looking men and women!” While irritably scrubbing the palm of her hand around her forehead, Mei uses her available hand to help situated herself off the ground and back into a standing posture. Recollection of the incidents were gradually beginning to come back, leaving a regrettable sentiment strewn across her face as she became completely aware of labeling Doris a ‘swashbuckling’ pirate as well as inadvertently hitting on a young-looking man who gave off the unsettling appearance of a dreadful gorgon, not to mention offering him and his eyeball covered companion a room. Remembering step by step of what she went through, Mei’s attention swiftly focused in on Shun, insulting his culinary cooking skills that were passed down from pedagogy was exceptionally rude and she did in-fact feel a sense of guilt for laughing at him but on the other-hand being dropped like a sack of spuds wasn’t something that she was exactly ‘fond’ of.  “Slamming rear and a rocking pair of chesticles?” She growled underneath her breath as she took a few seconds to recollect that bit of information from earlier, Mei’s face was becoming flushed with red at an alarming rate, she didn’t know if she wanted to gracefully leap across the table and deliver an ‘Undertaker’ signature choke slam to him or to be flattered by his the overly direct remark.


“Don’t even think about it.” Mei announced to Shun before turning herself away from his sights while in the swiveling chair. It didn’t help that she removed attention away from him only to become embraced by the sight of a gorgeous woman who was completely naked, oh did I mention she was made out of goo? That’s also important, I think. Simply looking at her in such a revealing posture made Mei’s nose begin to bleed, if her face was red before, well it’s most likely bright as the Sun now.  She took a moment of silence to admire the view but then decided to be a generous person and saunter over to the embarrassed woman so that she wouldn’t feel as awkward being in her ‘birthday suit.’ “I believe these are yours miss.” Mei acknowledging the woman, picked up slime covered clothes and handed it to her while hatching an idea in mind which made herself feel uncomfortable but in hopes that it would redeem some of this woman’s composure although it would be at Mei’s own expense. Sighing she unslung the baggage that had been wrapped around her waist, dropping it to the floor, creating a loud thud which resonated through the room that probably gained the attention of most of the people in there. Already having her dignity shamed by her drunken behavior she realized that it was already beyond repair so in order to make this slime lady feel more comfortable she literally started undressing in-front of everyone, taking one more look at Shun before shaking her head in disappointment. “Enjoy this while you can pervert because this is about as close as you’re going to get when it comes to getting me ‘undressed’.” After ending her sentence she managed to switch herself back into the combat suit she had stored in the luggage which she had brought, taking one more look at Lunaria while casting a generous smile. “See? Now you’re not the only one, we all have beautiful bodies. It’s okay to embrace them. “ Mei sighed in hopes of cheering her up, patting her on the shoulders before sitting back down at the conference table in her new uniform.

The poor girl let out a small whimper as she was pushed away. She regained her balance and looked away, blushing embarrassedly...wait...

"O-Okay...N....Noir...." wait...was that a n...nude...

Sora's entire face went red, and if anyone was looking they'd see one nostril start bleeding. Sora took a breath and looked away, closing her eyes tightly as she fished in a few hidden pockets, withdrawing a hankie and cleaning her nose from it's somewhat predictable chronic nosebleeding. Since Noir seemed really not interested in her, which Sora couldn't blame, she did flatten the gym...Sora started moving away. The girl didn't want to be a pest...but somehow she always annoyed someone. "I....I'll leave you alone Noir...." she whimpered. "I'm sorry for bothering you." She turned and headed away from her, subconciously heading for the poor naked slime girl who probably needed help...and considering Sora had a somewhat multi-layered outfit on, she could loose the outer shirt and still be very decently dressed. Her head was tucked down, ears laid flat as she went.

I always mess everything up...

The loud crash yanked her head up, and now her other nostril began bleeding as the other woman began changing clothes. Sora was frozen,accidently entering Useless Lesbian mode as her brain tried to process the beautiful nude and almost nude women...which made her stand there, blushing deeply.

@Lilah Tunth @Mitchs98 @Obsidian

(Shun Kantar) (Location: THE RANDOM ROOM!) (With: Drunk Chick, Goo Chick, Robot Chick, Howard, and the rest of those jabronis.) (Feeling: Trolly, Bored, urge to fight everything.)

Turning to Niyah, Shun let out a boisterous laugh of his own. Pinkie actually found his random acts of violence funny! That was a new one. Leaning back in his seat, Shun thumped his chest in pride, "There's not supposed to be any logic. All these scrubs gotta understand is if they think they can step to me, they'll quickly be met with a one way trip to Suplex City, courtesy of Shun." Shun proclaimed, his own pride flowing from him as like an ocean. It was evident that Shun would just as likely beat up his fellow 'teammates' along with his enemies. Truly this man was the personification of 'battle'.

Anyway, as more loonies and weirdos entered the room, along with Ms. Eyepatch giving a speech about heroes, newpapers, and blah blah blah, Shun zoned out. His thoughts were preoccupied with his next big fight and who it could possibly be with and the hidden proposition from that robot girl. Shun would definitely hit that, bet she even had a vibration feature. Reaching into his pocket, Shun pulled out a notepad and pen, quickly flipping the front cover up and scribbling on the first page. If the people saw the page, it would read: List of Chicks i'm gonna bang. The list was pretty long and had a large number of names crossed off, although none of them seemed to be actual names of females, but titles attributed to them since Shun didn't deem them important enough to acknowledge with names. At the bottom, two new names were written, labeling Mei and Lexia as: Drunk with the phat ass and Robo-boobs.

Flipping the notepad close in satisfaction, Shun put it back in his pocket, quickly going back to his lazing about and not listening to Doris. His attention however was quickly diverted to the gelatinous and very naked form of the Lunaria. Whistling in appreciation, Shun's hand blurred for a second, before reappearing with a phone, snapping a picture of the girl and saving it. Shun chuckled perversely at the new addition to his phone, "Hehe, never thought I'd be attracted to living gel-o, but there's a first for everything."

It only got better as Mei woke from her beat down slumber, grumbling along the way. She glared at Shun, even telling him that he shouldn't even think about getting with her, to which Shun responded with a flirty wink and blowing a kiss in her direction, obviously mocking her. His smile only became wider as he observed Mei get a nose bleed from the naked goo girl, saving that information for later, Shun's perverse smile became the widest ever seen as Mei began undressing. Of course, the assassin only made it worse by promising him that he wouldn't get farther than watching her undress.

Sliding over in his chair, Shun stopped right in front of Mei's nearly nude form, only a few feet from her. Shun reached into his pocket, digging a little before finding what he wanted and pulling it out. In his hands was a stack of one dollar bills, positioning it so that the large stack of money laid flat on the surface of his palm, Shun began sweeping the money off one by one with his other hand.

Shun was literally treating Mei as if she was stripping for his entertainment, what great start to their camaraderie. As she finished undressing, then redressing, if Mei looked down she would find herself surrounded by a large pile of ones. And right in front of her, sat Shun, his sunglasses hanging on the edge of his nose, the trolliest smile on his face, "Geez drunkard, if you wanted to strip for me, all you had to do was ask. Looks like i'm already halfway into your pants, won't be long now before we're back at your place."

Sliding back to his original position next to Niyah, Shun gave Mei a two finger salute, mocking her more and letting her know that he only saw her as a joke. Finally turning to the rest of the room, Shun shifted his gaze from one person to another, making notes inside his head of each and every one of them. Satisfied with his observations, Shun crossed his arms and leaned back.

"So these schmucks are who i'll be working with? Gotta say.....thoroughly underwhelmed here."

@Obsidian @MangoSargent @Mitchs98 @everyone else 

(Now open for interaction since I finally replied.) 

Sora was pretty frozen, until that utter jerk began walking over and flipping bills around the girls. Sora was many things - shy, scared, nervous, and socially anxious - but things get to her, causing her to gain  a will of iron. How despicable the man treated the girls made her angry, and she shook her head clear, breaking from Useless Lesbian mode and marching through the throng. She looked between Mei and Shun, then walked over and looked up, fox ears held high, green eyes wide at the perverted jerk.

"Sir?" She said, looking up. Her voice was soft and cute, entirely adorable, making her maid outfit even better. "I'd like to let you know....that you're the reason there are lesbians." She said to Shun, then marched over and stood in front of the Goo Girl and Mei, and lifted her hands, which formed a massive Aura Wall, opaque, that blocked the view so they could finish getting dressed in peace....though she was facing them with dried blood on her nose...

Sora twitched. oh god what did I just do. She thought, realizing she just did something totally stupid and probably out of her usual self. Oh goddess.

@Obsidian @YungJazz @Mitchs98

Niyah mood did a 180 as she got up and walked over to the trio of girls that now surrounded Shun. She put a hand on his shoulder. 

"I gotta agree with that statement dude. What you just did went from pervy to douchy really fucking fast." She sighed and took her hand off his shoulder. "You gotta respect girls no matter how much they turn you on. But if you can't do that maybe we won't get along as well as I thought." Her gaze fell on the water bubble that the cute shy girl had made before glancing at Shun again and walking in the opposite direction. The one friend she started to make and he had to go and be a douchy bastard pervert in the first hour 


@Mitchs98 @Obsidian @Xion136

The Plaguemaster

Bernard could only look around at the utter chaos and uncontrolled discussion. In an unrestrained anger, he slammed both of his hands down on a desk in the room, facing towards the group. "Quiet!" Bernard shouted sharply. His osteoporosis then got the better of him, and he retracted his hands in severe pain from the table, trying to make as little noise as possible. He took a moment to relax his pain nerves a bit, and began speaking again.

"We're professionals here; at least for the most part. Collect yourselves and listen, because this conversation probably won't be repeated. Remember, if we don't work, we gain absolutely nothing from this endeavor." Bernard took a breather, and sighed. He then look towards the organizer, none other than Madam Secretary herself. "So, you plan to take over the media, huh? Ambitious, but at the same time a risky first step. How do you plan to tackle this?"

Bernard may not be the best, but he took his work deathly serious. No matter what, he always has his eyes on the prize, no interruptions or tangents. That's how his mind works.



Kuro froze at the idea of getting a new phone. he bit his lip, it wasn't worth crying like 'her' over spilled milk, yet, it still hurt. all his most important pictures were on that device. he became far more cold and polite as he spoke this time, his goo having stopped dripping, "that...is appreciated. i suppose..." he stared coldly at Noir after the strange maid fox girl let go and got a nose bleed. his eyes turning into a mix of purple and red. saying with an oddly cold and feminine voice "don't ever talk about my rivals, they have the right to attempt to save me, i have the right to let them stay hypnotized. if i didn't we'd have a serious threat on our hands. since they use all their resources on me, they are unable to reach their full potential, which, believe me... is extremely powerful, since we are speaking about the embodiment's of humanities hope, happiness, and love. which, oddly enough due to superhero's, is at an all time high." he sighed after the word's left his mouth. he realized something, he wasn't exactly mad at having his phone broken. he was more upset about the fact that he'd never be able to regain those pictures, those old text messages, the progress in Candy Crush... he spent 10 dollars on that game! he firmed his resolve for doing this in the first place. to fulfill that promise, to destroy it all. as another villain slammed their hands on the table he looked at them. then simply stated, as his eyes went back to their normal crimson red, "i can't help but agree, let's get back to business." kneeling on the ground he sighed. he wasn't going to get anywhere without having all of him present, he put one of his middle hands in the black goo covered in eyes as his parasol twirled above him. the goo slowly began working it's way back up to their proper spots, reforming his 5th and 6th arms slowly. he sighed, knowing this would take a while.

@Lilah Tunth @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Shiba was snapped out of his blind sobbing by the villain slamming his hands on the table and saying they should get back to the meeting. he rubbed his eyes with the edges of his scarf one last time and watched the meeting from the corner he was in. standing up, he readjusted his sunglasses. he leaned back on the wall, picking at his nail polish. he watched the meeting from this small corner, watching his mentor reforming himself. he looked around noticing the new villains, a fox girl with a nose bleed, Miss. Mei after she woke up, he really hoped she wasn't drunk anymore, three girls crowding a boy. a jelly slime girl, he though she was kind of cute, but digressing. he said confused "taking over media...? that sounds easy..." remembering the countless times The Hopeful and Lovely Trio has been on TV and had dragged him and Kuro with them. he practically knew the TV station place like the back of his hand, he just prayed that he would have to go somewhere the trio of rivals had been and not somewhere they'd never went to before. 

@Obsidian @Sizniche @ literally everyone who's there i lost count and am too lazy to go back through all the posts... 


(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada)(Location: Villain Meeting Room)(With: All da homies.)

Observing both the naked ‘squishy’ goo-girl and the bare-bodied drunkard who was beginning to undress herself was like unwrapping Christmas presents early, swaying motions of Mei’s figure was more than enough to short-circuit the cybernetic woman that gave the impression she was having a difficult time controlling herself, thoroughly biting her lip was definitely an indication of how she was handling this ‘intriguing’ moment. Thankfully before she could have some sort of irreversible melt-down from this situation, Shun drastically ‘killed’ the provocative ambience which was lingering throughout the room like prolonged flatulence. (Gross) Heaving ’dead presidents’ left and right out at Mei like she was some dime-store prostitute was a bit disgusting to say the least, although Lexia only found mild humor out of this, she was none too pleased about having these unprofessional imbeciles turning this board-meeting into a gentlemen’s club. Uncomfortably leaving the cushioned seat that she was situated in, Lexia leisurely swung up her index finger in the direction of the ceiling tiles, eventually resulting in the electronic tablet zipping out of his perverse clutches and into the compact grasp of an irritable robot lady. “You really need to learn how to control yourself, both being extraterrestrial life i’m finding it quite hard to believe that we might have more common than we think.” She huffed in utter exasperation before swishing the peak of her fingers against the transparent screen of the phone in order to get back to the photo gallery, eventually erasing the newly taken photograph of the naked goo-lady while coming across a couple of snapshots which made her burst out laughing from them being so embarrassing, one in particular made Lexia’s head turn sideways as she analyzed the whole photo.

“Oh wow, usually you’d delete those after you send them.” Blushing heavily she pressed the button near the middle with her thumb so that she could get back to the phone’s menu. The colorful expression on Lexia’s face alone was enough to rival a ripe tomato, evidently from the picture that she had seen only a minute ago was something that was definitely ‘lewd’. “You didn’t even use a zoom feature for that? You think with all that bragging you do you’d have to use the Hubble space telescope just to get a good picture! Ha! I’m impressed though so you’ve got me hooked, so here’s the deal ‘Shuni’! We both like challenges right?” She displayed a ridiculous smile as she adjusted the phone’s camera towards herself, skimming her fingernails against the center front bridge of her own bra before pulling it out a tad bit. Not exactly having it to the point of revealing but it would be something that would make Shun’s head spin off his shoulders! Lexia gently tossed the phone back at him before managing to take the tempting photograph. “You keep yourself under control and you’ll be able to see what it’s like sharing a room with a robo-babe! But only by step by step improvement will that ever happen, that’s unless you’re scared of having your resolve put to the test.” Just like that the challenge was issued, would Shun be able to handle himself under all this sensual tension being placed down upon him? Or will he resort to his perverse conduct that’ll eventually get him denied by a bodacious cybernetic babe?

He could only find out (Next time on dragonball Z) soon enough. “Oh? Well, i’m pretty sure that your closely resembling doppelganger should be able to tell you why you are here! Madam secretary is the big cheese of this entire operation so you should speak to her about any questions revolving around this. As for my jacket? Well it’s pretty damn stretchy so it helps contain these boobs of mine! Storing random junk in it would be a pain in the ass even with modifications but since my legs are already completely made out of metallic plating so i’ll often have things strapped to them during missions.” She responded to Jenna, jokingly bringing up one of her bionic legs up onto the edge of the conference table before smacking the side of the metal plating.

Lunaria Safira- Meeting- Currently contemplating suicide

The first five seconds with her new allies and already Lunaria wanted to just sink into the cracks in the floor and never come out again. One would figure she'd be trying to cover herself but she was much to stunned to do it, especially considering someone had walked right up to her and asked where her clothes were. She whined in response and curled around herself more, not responding verbally and hoping if she stayed mostly quiet people would think she was dying and leave her alone. Soon though Doris came over offering her a coat, which she just took from her and mumbled a thank you before lazily putting it on her back....which didn't actually cover anything whatsoever.


Next was Mei who actually walked over handing her her clothes....which she noticed were all slimy. She sighed heavily, just great. Now she had to walk around in uncomfortable clothes. Lunaria herself wasn't actually slimy on the outside, her texture being soft, springy, and a little squishy. Though when she de-formed she must of splattered on her clothes and thus that happened. The only other time she was slimy was after taking a bath, annoying but it happened. She mumbled another thank you, trying to work up the courage to get dressed. Needless to say she didn't expect Mei to start undressing, causing her eyes to widen and her blush to darken as she looked up to see..well...everything between her legs and everywhere else fairly clearly.


She quickly adverted her gaze, or rather she wanted to. But instead she found herself staring the entire time she changed. At her words she nodded shyly and looked away, "I-I guess you're right." She stammered in response. She was actually going to get up and get changed after having worked up the courage to do so thanks to Mei....until Shun took a picture of her. The unmistakable click of a camera on a phone was enough for her to have all confidence thrown out of the window. "D-Don't take pictures of me.." She protested, the fact she wasn't moving not actually helping her situation at all. When he actually started tossing money on them that was the final straw. Without another word she deformed and slid under the nearest table, quiet sounds of sobbing able to be heard as everything else went on.


"Stupid magic portal.." She mumbled inbetween her sobbing. When more people actually started standing up for her the pile of goo with a face looked up curiously. She'd expected the majority to make fun of her, not actually be helpful or try to make her feel better. Sniffling she moved out from under the table and formed back to her previous naked glory and walked over when the barrier was formed. She got dressed in her clothes, slimy or not and proceeded to hug Mei and Sora in a group hug. "Thank you both." She said. "I'm sorry you had to do that because of me.." She added, tightly hugging them before moving back. She was still understandably blushing from what had happened, "I um...I'm Lunaria, nice to meet you both." She told them with a shy smile.

[SIZE= 36px][FONT= 'Times New Roman'][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Noir[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px] Looking at the fox eared girl running off, Noir shrugged, and then continued the argument just a bit further. She liked having the last word. [/SIZE]

"Threat? Maybe now, but with our new mission? Be ready have that nlittle hope snuffed out." She crossed her arms. "Contact the Black family and say that Andrea Black has requested you, they shall connect you to me directly. Just do it during standard work hours." She started walking away, nearly sauntering, and she started looking around, perhaps for the only person she knew who could make coming here worthwhile. While she and Alexa weren't exactly close friends, she did find the winged presence to be rather nice. She was pleasant company,  and at the moment that's all she could ask for. She continued her search before a slam made its way to her ears.

[SIZE= 14px]Withdrawing Orion from his sheath ("Finally! I though you would keep me cooped up in there foreee-"), she quickly turned to the source of the noise. Relaxing when it was just a man in a plague doctor suit, although something about the way he moved made her slightly afraid for some reason.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Hearing him adress the order with a command to basically 'stop dicking around', the girl winced slightly. He was right. It was stupid causing drama, and considering she partook in it.... Eesh. She lowered her head slightly in shame. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She could practically hear her instructor screaming about how she was shaming him. She closed her eyes before exhaling and opening them again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Noir decided that for now, she'd simply keep quite and sit still. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Until something else just pops up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@KuroNoKami39 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Xion136[/SIZE] @Mitchs98 @Sizniche

Alexa Starr- Rafters > Floor- "Why the fuck am I here again?"

Needless to say the second Alexa had actually started paying attention she was heavily dissapointed she had and wished she hadn't. Everything was general fuckery down below her, people acting like highschoolers or at the very best party going college students; one kid was even whining about some dumb phone game. None of these guys had what it took to be a villain in her opinion. Now, she wasn't the most heartless and cruel badass bitch there was by far, but she did know acting like an idiot when you have to work with these people was a bad idea. Even more-so when you were actually serious.


Only a very select few were acting like they actually had some sense, and those were generally dark and silent brooding types such as herself. It was actually possible they weren't intelligent and the first thing out of their mouths would be unintelligent drivel or completley and utterly off topic. With a heavy sigh she hopped from the rafters and landed with a thud beside Noir. "So....these people are idiots." She told her casually, loud enough anyone remotely near her could hear. Did she care if they did? Nope. She had wings, air superiority bitches. "Good to see they haven't drug you down with them." She said. She didn't know Noir all to well, but she was probably the only person here she'd talk to.

(Shun Kantar) (Location: THE ROOOOM!!) (With: Mei, Lexia, Sora, Lunaria, and Howard [finally acknowledged names!]) (Feeling: Guilty, Apologetic, a little annoyed, and also somewhat content)

Shun Kantar.jpg

As more and more people became fed up with Shun, the person at fault let out a huff of breathe, obviously irritated. Maybe he had went a little too far, it was a habit he had picked up from his master and he probably should've tried to get rid of it. Of course, his irritation only escalated as Lexia took his phone and began rummaging through it with gusto. A tick mark appeared on Shun's forehead as the robot girl deleted his picture, which he was going to do after seeing the slime girl cry, but taking his property simply agitated him to no limit.

As Shun stood up to confront Lexia, he stopped himself from pursuing his anger as he lazily caught his phone that was returned to him. Inspecting the erotic shot that Lexia had taken of herself, Shun directed his attention up to her, his eyes lazily gazing at her robotic figure, glancing over it. While her proposition sounded enticing, Shun contemplated the idea for a few seconds, considering the pros and cons. With a light pat to Lexia's shoulder, Shun let out a small chuckle as he passed by the hacker, "Thanks for the compliment there Lex. We'll see how the future pans out, but for now, my attentions are elsewhere. Maybe we couple share a couple drinks later, on me of course. For now thought, I got a little situation to handle."

With his part said, Shun moved past Lexia and back to the gathering of females behind the wall of Aura formed by some maid looking chick. Reaching into his pockets, Shun pulled out a cigarette and lazily flipped it into his mouth, clamping down on it. Bring his hand up the smoke stick, Shun snapped his fingers so fast that he caused a small combustion to light the cigarette ablaze, light smoke leaking out from it. Placing his hands back into his pockets, Shun adopted a lazy posture in front of the Aura Wall, gazing at it with boredom etched onto his face, puffs of smoke flowing from his lips. Shun slowly brought his left hand out of his pocket and raised it up, clenching his hand into a fist and pulling it back. With the sound of a gunshot echoing through the room, Shun threw a punch at the Aura Wall, creating a small shockwave that whipped a light gust of wind around the room. His fist slammed against the wall of energy, cracks forming from the impact, before crumbling all together from the force of his punch.

Now looking at the exposed forms of Mei, Sora, and Lunaria, the said slime girl hugging the two women, Shun let out a puff of smoke as he leisurely made his way to stand in front of them. A tension struck the room, no doubt from the fact that just earlier Shun proved that he was willing to thrash someone for simply insulting him, so what would happen if someone straight up implied that he was a reason for their sexual preference, then proceeded to block themselves from his view, obviously nothing good. Shun stopped right in front of the group of females, glancing down at them with an intense look of concentration. He was possibly contemplating what manner of violence he was going to commit against these girls, two of which had insulted him. It was possibly the tensest the room had been since his arrival, nothing good was going to come from this.

But then Shun completely went against the image that those around him had built, grabbing his finished cigarette from his lips and flicking it into a trash can, then placing his hand on top of Lunaria's head, patting it gently with a kind smile, "Hey slime lady, sorry for my actions earlier. Didn't stop to think, usually gets me into all types of trouble. So sorry about my actions." Apparently Shun had felt some form of guilt towards the perverted acts he had committed against the slime girl, plus Lexia had talked some sense into him for his actions. Shun had a soft spot for those as innocent and happy as her, but his crude ways had made the girl cry and Shun couldn't stand it when a woman cried. His entire presence exuded sympathy and kindness as he gently rubbed Lunaria's head, before removing his hand and turning to Sora.

A beastly smile adorned his face as Shun faced the girl who looked like a maid, respect for the way she stood up to him, "I gotta say kid, you got some guts standing up to me. I respect that, wouldn't recommend doing it again, but I respect that." Shun proceeded to poke the girl's forehead in a teasing manner, finding a newfound affection towards the fox girl, "I like ya kid, but try not to go around pissing off alien warriors that can punch mountains into oblivion." His teasing done, Shun turned to the last person in the group, his eyes staring into Mei's own with his beastly smile fading into a small smirk, "And sorry bout the whole 'money' thing, thought it would be funny. Guess it wasn't, so my bad. Look forward to working with ya Mei, hop by my Bar sometime, just don't drink all my stock."

His final piece said, Shun turned back around to walk back to his seat in the corner of the room. Walking back to his seat, Shun stopped by the still down form of Howard and glanced down curiously at his form. Shrugging in a 'screw it' manner, Shun reached over and picked Howard up with ease, carrying him over to the seat next to Shuns, setting him down so that he was leaning back against the chair. Nodding his head in satisfaction, Shun sat back down in his chair, crossing his arms and leaning back. Shun took one last look around the room, before gaining a satisfied grin, closing his eyes to rest up and catch a few Z's, no doubt expecting to be caught up on what he was supposed to do once awaken.

@Obsidian @Marumatsu @Mitchs98 @Xion136 @whoever else wants to talk with Shun.
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