Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...

Mikado Saris - Evil Lair

The entire room was one big cluster-fuck as she was quick to find out. It explained why she woke up but it also proved to be an immense time waster. A lot of the people there had broken up into little groups composed of bickering idiots. The girl falling on top of another girl, a girl breaking some blob-man's phone, a registered sex-offender proving the need for restraining orders, another sentient blob that had a fetish for exhibitionism. No matter where she looked she saw nothing but chaos and while normally she wouldn't much care there were other things she would rather be doing. Fortunately it did seem as if there were a few others who looked just as unhappy with the situation as she was. Unfortunately even the loud slamming and shouting of the weird plague doctor guy didn't seem to phase the merry misfits and the fact that Doris herself got in on the action further hurt their chances of things moving along. Seeing the writing on the wall she allowed herself to slide down the wall to plop gently on her butt before falling sideways to once again lay on the floor. The meeting wasn't going anywhere, nobody needed her attention for anything, the best course of action would either be to leave or sleep. Since she still needed the money that left the only option as sleep. With a yawn she curled up on the floor and closed her eyes, the cacophony of sound filling her ears as she attempted to tune it out and fall asleep. If nothing else she was sure someone would get her up when it came time to actually do something.


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin" and Lexi)(Location: Boardroom thingy)(With: Da Sooper Dooper Villains)

(Sorry for the big ol' response, sometimes I have difficulties with writing small packets. Strange huh? O.o) 

Mei can typically withstand many things without feeling discombobulated but seeing a slime-girl beginning to sob uncontrollably was one of the things that she didn’t want to see, substituting one pair of garments all the way down to the bare-skin in front of the opposite gender and the same gender wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle, besides, any dignity she might have had left after consuming a whole bunch of liquor and acting out on her ridiculous intoxicant rather than making a full-blown effort to be responsible was thrown completely out the window but you know, who needs dignity when you’ve got spunk. Remorse, disgrace, and a compelling urge to start having a heated exchange with Shun was stirring itself inside of her soul like some form of cauldron. The only thing stopping Mei from erupting into a string of Gordon Ramsay styled string of insults towards Shun’s culinary cooking skills was the fact that Lunaria had transformed into a literal sad pile of goop and slithered underneath the table while still undergoing the whole crying dilemma that had been placed on her shoulders. “Frustration isn’t even the first word I could use when it comes to describing how outrageously pissed I am towards you.” She swished her face in the direction of Shun with heaping amounts of aggression raging inside of her eyes like a never-ending forest fire only to be doused out by the metaphorical firefighter known as Sora the surprisingly useful ‘useless’ lesbian. Noticing that she had just begun to change in-front of this young girl was enough to make her freak out a bit after she came to the rescue, placing up that gigantic barricade of condensed energy was a bit more reassuring now that she mentioned it. Total respect for that brave young maiden looking girl, not wanting to be a lump on a log, Mei slouched herself forward and aligned herself a bit underneath the table so that her head and left shoulder was completely visible to ‘slimy’. Displaying a face full of pressured kindness, Mei continued to comfort the poor girl as she still remained concealed in the shadow of the furniture.

“Hey, I know you’re embarrassed but you’re a tough um.. Slime girl? I remember the first time I had to be naked in front of everyone but it was a time in my life where I never had someone to stand up for me except for one employee who came to teach me that everyone was going through the same thing that I was feeling when they were changing. Trust me when I say you’re never alone, us being villains it’s understandable that I do things that people would frown upon such as kidnapping, murder, and stealing but that doesn’t mean i’ll abandon my comrades in there time of need.” Seconds of silence passed until she worked up the courage to come back out and start changing again, something warm was beginning to sprawl across Mei’s chest and it wasn’t a feeling of rage but some sort of kindness? She felt sick to her stomach in a sense because of how generous she was being towards another villain but in a way she was happy. A noisily sounded “oomfph” crackled out from Mei’s throat once she felt the goo-girl’s arms being wreathed around her, feeling this sentiment of affection was strange. Very strange, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. “You’re very welcome, my name is Mei just for the record!” She sounded off in an awkward tone while witnessing the compression of slime being slid down the front of her body after having the personification of silly putty break off from her. Mei’s concentration was immediately disrupted by Shun’s fist which pummeled through the front of the barrier like it were a punching bag made entirely out of pretzels. His unimpressed look that was carved in his face was screaming “Death” wordlessly, Mei knew that this altercation could be the last thing she’d ever go through so she decided to place herself in front of harm’s way by stepping in the direction of both of the women, shielding them from the potential violence soon to be enacted upon them as she stared down Shun, going against someone who could literally create grand canyons with a punch alone was something that was truly terrifying, in the back of Mei’s mind she was questioning why she even put herself on the line for a couple of halfwits.

She hastily flinched once he saw his hand coming forward but it was only to pat the slime-lady on the head in a compassionate way, attempting to open one of her eyes she noticed this and let her guard down while clasping her chest in a bit of terror before being finally approached by him. Fearing another unanticipated headbutt she covered her forehead with both of her hands, surprisingly enough he actually apologized to Mei and even offered free drinks. “Oh uh.. Thank you? I’m sorry for insulting your culinary skills, i’m sure your food tastes wonderful, I just didn’t expect a chef to look so strong. Perhaps i’ll have to try your food someday. But don’t think that means you’ll get an invitation inside of my pants! You may have Robo-boobs over her fooled with your sensual charm.” After mentioning “Robo-boobs”, Lexia cut in only to say something a bit too straightforward.  “Hey, my boobs aren’t robotic! They’re 110% jiggle. Secondly if there’s an itch I need scratched i’ll damn well scratch it and after seeing that picture I saw on his phone, he can definitely scratch it pretty darn good.” Despite being a genius she sure did speak like the female version of Shun, which was a bit alarming. Mei was trying not to gag from envisioning both of them going at it but regained her composure to have a conversation with both of the girls that she ‘protected.’ “Lunaria huh? Such a fitting name to go with such a beautiful woman. As for you maid-girl, thank you for sticking up for both of us. You’re so young but it looks like you’ve got the courage that would dwarf half of these men and women.” Mei happily took note of both of them as she situated herself onto the seat while wiping off the goopy stains that she had on the front of her outfit.

@YungJazz @Xion136 @Mitchs98 (Other peeps I guess?) 
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  Stewart eventually decided to find his mistress, as she was the one he knew the most besides his little brother. Luckily it didn't take long, seeing as she was interacting with Alexa nearby. The demon scampered to his mistress's side, listening as she talked with Alexa. Stewart stayed next to her during the conversation, pulling out a piece of chalk from his pocket and looking interestedly at it. This one was a mustard yellow, the type that humans trying to be fancy and clowns wore. 

  "Everyone here is so weeeeeeiiiird," he commented, staring at the naked slime girl, then allowing his eyes to drift towards the alien guy who kept hitting on all the girls. Then there was some human sleeping in a corner, a fox maid, and yet more ridiculous characters. 


  Meanwhile, once Doris had gotten the whole clothes issue out of the way, she cleared her throat, walking back to the table. "As I was saying, thank you very much for pointing that out, Cicada. Now, moving on! This mission is a very complex one, seeing as there are so many news networks out there, along with a couple other issues, so we will divvy up into teams." She got out a large box, placing it on the table and pulling out the first folder. 

  "Our first team is Circle of Hell, lead by Noir. The other members are Stewart, Alexa, Lala, Plaguemaster, and Alexander." Doris slapped the file onto the table. "Read the mission, study it, there will be a quiz. If you have any questions, ask them now so I won't have to deal with them later."

@Lilah Tunth





@Trust (no longer online)

Mission: Enter the Motherfucking Shadow Realm and Fuck Shit Up (EMSRFSU)

  All right, you shitty motherfuckers, so you say you're fucking demons, badass fallen angels, high as fuck summoners, all of that bullshit? Good for you. I happen to have a smart enough ass to know that the Interdimensional Public Radio is located in the motherfucking shadow realm, along with all the demons and bullshit. To enter it, you go to Edinburgh, United fucking Kingdom, to 23 Pansy Avenue's toilet, then you toss a motherfucking blueberry muffin and a dish rag in there like those assholes in Vine videos. The boss-ass demons in the Shadow Realm are fucking savages. Anyways, find IPR and fuck shit up for me until you've taken it over. Love you, bye. 

Madam Secretary

  Stewart rose to grab the file, walking back to Noir and handing it to her. He was relieved they were all on the same team, that was for sure. 

  Meanwhile Doris worked on opening a portal to the neighborhood the house was in, and once she succeeded it, she pointed at the portal. Once the first team left, she would get started with the next assignment. 
Once again, Cupid's attention snapped back to Jenna. "Oh, riight-- Sorry. I betcha don't appreciate the random girl who happened to fall on you staying in place..." She said, her small white wings extending for a second as she flittered off of the cat burglar and landed beside her, choosing to sit on the table with her legs folded under her. She then began to study those around her, taking note of a few.

Alright... Sooo, there's the naked slime girl, goo boy, the girl I landed on, the pirate, and... Are those demons? Yep, definitely demons... At least it isn't my ex-boyfriend. She was actually... Quite focused, for once in her life. Hmm... Who else? She looked around for a moment longer but honestly didn't find anyone else that was especially noticeable to her.

And then her mind blanked a bit, and she lost what little focus she had almost instantly. That was a fact she realized almost as soon as it happened, and she instantly groaned quietly at herself.  Aw, c'mon, I wasn't done using that... I have to focus sometimes, JEEZ!  I definitely have to work on that some time--  However, Cupid's attention then went back to Jenna.

"... Sooo, what's your name?" She asked curiously, either completely ignoring or being completely unaware of the fact that the other female had started talking to another person.

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Sora didn't expect it, but suddenly was was hugged by the slime girl, whose name was apparently Lunaria, and smooshed against Drunk Woman, whose name was Mei. Since she was pretty small, she sort of disappeared against Mei and Lunaria, and slightly struggled from mammarial suffocation,which thankfully she escaped from. But...her arms slid around Lunaria in a warm hug. She felt really nice...squishy, smooth....she was really cute...

She nuzzled, her fox ears up and happy, tail flicking about. She was about to say moore, most notably her name, but Shun arrived...and she clammed up. She shook in fear....until he poked her head. Apparently...she had impressed him...she never impressed anyone...

"...next time, I'll make sure to protect my friends with a mountain range." She promised, green eyes sharpening in response. As much as she appreciated his turnaround, she would protect her friends...architecture be damned! But he just poked and walked, leaving them alone in the end....which Sora was fine with.

With everything sort of settled, she turned to Mei and Lunaria.

"I....I'm Sora!" She said, her voice a bit more confident. "N-Nice to meet you. Glad I could...actually help." She smiled, shy and sweet, at the two. She was a bit slimy from the clothes, but that was fine. She had made at least two friends, and that's what counted. Then she blushed. "I...I have courage?"

She honestly thought she was a nervous wreck half the time, to be fair...so, after the goop was wiped off, she hugged Mei.


@Obsidian @Mitchs98 @YungJazz



The Lucky Star Resort, Casino, and Restaurant was having a great day. But then some assholes with an armored truck crashed through the front door and started taking every bit of cash that wasn't in a machine. With a few hostages, they loaded up and hit reverse....only to slam into...a Panzer IV Aus. H.

"I don't think that belongs to you." 

Now standing in front of them was...a magical girl. A more hi-tech but no less impressive magical girl, her twintails blowing in the light wind from outside. Her staff twirled, and pointed at the armored truck. "Give back the money and the hostages, and I can guarantee you won't get hurt."

"Why don't you strip for us girl, and we'll decide?"

One explosion later, the truck was on it's side, with Akatsuki having dropped from the ceiling and stabbing the door, ripping it off with Tonbokiri. Her hand cannon now pointed inside, covering the robbers, who were dazed from the sudden explosion. Akatsuki dragged out the three hostages, with the magical girl landing on the side.

"And I'm a boy." Sailor Sonata said brightly, before flying off. Akatsuki rolled her eyes and dropped inside to restrain them.

They tried to jump her.

There was barely enough left to arrest when she was done pummeling them, and when the cops finally dragged them out, they were sent to the hospital with multiple broken bones and a few concussions. Sonata, meanwhile, was busy talking with the casino manager about security and what could be done to ensure such brazen attacks didn't succeed again. He left with a nice, hefty payday to fuel their anime addiction, and now stood beside Otome and Akatsuki. "Ready?"

They nodded. He threw his staff up. "League of Extraordinary Otaku, AWAAAAY!"

And then they began walking home, because they could swing by a maid cafe for pocky on the way home!
The moronic thief looked at the angel who just got off of her. She simply blinked.

"I'm Ebony Pride. Or Jenna, Jenna works. Ebony does, too. And you know, Pride like lions. Cause everybody knows a good cat bugler has to be cat themed," Jenna smiled as if her statement was the most obvious thing in the world before getting distracted.

Jenna stared at the metal leg on the table in front of her. Ideas swam around her head. Oh the things she could hide on legs like those, though she was very unsure of how the jewels might affect the person connected to them. The curses might be a problem, but they couldn't be that bad. Nah, a little death and destruction were never that bad; it's not like she kept the society killing curses on her anyway. That reminded her, Jenna really should put those away. This however did not hold her attention very long, as nothing that isn't shiny really does.

The announcement by Ms. Boss Lady was what had her attention now. So she was in the villains meeting. That was good. Plus, there was something about taking down the media. Why should she bother with that? That's where she gets all the info on her targets.  Oh well, it could be fun. Teams especially could be fun. Teams make good distractions. 

Jenna quickly turned around to face Doris, "Ooh, ooh. Can I be on the team that has the most shiny stuff? I can always add more to my collection! Gems are the best! Even though none of them are nearly as good as my star ruby."

As you can tell, Jenna only really got the "important information" from her surroundings. Nothing else.



(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin)(Location: Villain Conference Thing)(With: Evil people)(Making a post at 4:44 A.M.)

Overhearing the cutesy tone of the young girl’s voice, Mei sluggishly brought her knees to the side of the furniture, halfway transitioning her feminine figure so that it was positioned in the direction of Sora who had just introduced herself to both Mei and the slimy woman. “Sora?” She repeated the maiden-looking woman’s name while placing her hand onto the edge of her right knee with disappointment beginning to fill itself inside of the drunkard’s expanding lungs. All of them had something that Mei did not and that was an alluring name, Sora and Lunaria? Both exotic titles to be called but Mei? She couldn’t help but feel excruciating boredom from just the utterance of that name alone. “Ugh, you have a cute name as well? Lucky, i’ve heard that Sora means ‘Sky’ in Japanese! Ha I wish we could change names.” She replied, awkwardly scratching the back of her head once she was embraced by the adolescent’s tightened grasp that was coiled around Mei’s waist, apparently her compliment regarding the whole courage thing was more than enough to make this girl be put in good mood.


She didn’t know what to think when she felt the comforting warmth being pressed against her own body, only revealing a calm smile for a moment, she interlocked both of her lips before planting a kiss onto Sora’s forehead while giving her a small hug in return. “You’re very welcome, we’ll have to continue to this meeting in due time but it seems that I have to talk to my new room-mates about the living conditions and guidelines of staying in my freaking apartment without burning it down somehow.” Silently removing herself from the passionate squeeze, Mei made a few steps towards the other side of the room before eventually placing her posterior down onto the ground while being next to an emotionally unstable Shiba and a fuming Kuro which oddly enough sounds like a delicious treat just by the name. “What’s wrong Shiba? Oh and don’t worry i’m not Miss Drunk anymore! I’m surprisingly not being a bit of a snob towards anyone! Shun’s headbutt must’ve helped me out with that! But I was going to talk about the apartment you and your partner were going to wind up sharing with me.” She proposed to both of them, hopefully getting rid of the emotional tension that both of them were feeling.

@Xion136 @KuroNoKami39(Other people I forgot to mention.)

(I am like, Dying from lack of sleep. I was up with my friend for a while now and I went under the whole guilt thing because I had to make a post)(I'm probably going to sleep for light-years now! Sorry for half-assing this but i'm like nearly unconscious from this whole no sleep at 4:44 A.M.)
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[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]Lala the Dullahan[/COLOR]



Lala giggled in embarrassment upon hearing she had mis-pronounced it, languages had never been her strongest subject, but was a bit confused by her new teammates shock upon taking her hood down, which she managed to notice on his face before he successfully hid it. "uhm... Yeah.. I guess it is quite heavy, but it's pretty useful at times. You would be surprised at how much easier it is to reap someone's soul while they're looking at you in fear than pleading for their life. The hood just makes it easier." Lala smiled, explaining how she used it most commonly. Suddenky he sprang a variety of compliments on her, causing her to blush slightly out of compliments, he voice shaking slightly as her breath became slightly more rapid, "uh.. Yeah.. We should uhm.. Probably get going." she mumbled, walking towards the mirror in a rather fast-pace, eager to hide her embarrassment, if her heart had of beating, it would have skipped a beat, and stepping through calmly. Did he mean those things? The best thing she had ever been called was a nuisance before then, she was just a bother, constantly talking and trying to maintain spotlight. Get those thoughts out of your head Lala! You have a job to do! And you're sure as hell going to do it well! The dullahan thought In an attempt to psyche herself up, not to mention get her romantic Thoughts out of her mind. She briefly waited for the Frenchman to join her, but in the meantime, listened to the words of her new "boss.

"Oh, that's cool, I've never been in a team before! But I don't think I'll be too much use, other than to reap the souls you all will take."

She spoke out, embarrassed once more as she had to admit that her powers weren't exactly combat orientated. She could still fight, as she had become accustomed to using a mix of scythe battle training and her teleportation, but it wasn't the most practical fighting style in the world. Lala also wanted to complain about not being the leader, but didn't want to speak up about the matter so simply grabbed the file and read through the rather... Vulgar report, that sounded like something an angry teenager might write with the sheer amount of use of the word "fuck". The "Envoy of Death" then followed Doris to the portal she had created and stepped through into a rather mundane and modern house.

(Prize´s POV)

I looked up, placing a hand on my chin. I had no idea why I did that, maybe it was some leftover habit from my other self. I just did it when I was thinking hard anyway. Like, really, really, super super hard! So hard my head might explode!

"So...if I use weird words too, I will look smart too Docchie??" I inquired excitedly. I could already picture myself with people around me, "Prize, make us company" and "Prize, you´re too smart for us, we surrender our eggplant farms!". How could I help but giggle at the thought? I pictured myself in glasses, holding this big golden cup with Docchie and some other scientists friends giving this diploma thingie reading "To Prize for her intelligence". It even made me blush a little! I wanted that! "Hey, Docchie, can you teach me some weird words? Can you? Can you? Pleeeeaaaase? Pretty please? Pretty please with a beheaded police officer on top?"

There was a spark of a glitter in my eyes as the scientist reassured me that he wasn´t sad at all, and that I had in fact been a good girl. I nodded at his request to be careful around strangers and even saluted him, eyes closed and a big smile and all!

"Yay! Yes, yes, captain Docchie!" I chuckled and leaned on the guy again with a huge grin spread across my face, and showed him the top of my head. I was practically making tiny jumps in place with how excited I was. "Pet me , pet me!"

He did have a point though, I thought as I ran. Surely, anyone could be a hero or cop. I mean, they had just tried tricking me with a shapeshifting hero, who knew if the next one would be as bad at their task as that one? But regardless, I had many bodies and even mine could be repaired and upgraded. As long as Docchie was there making me stuff... Oh, and now I had to show him the bodies! They were right around the...corner?

"Huh?" I tilted my head as I stopped. Did I take the wrong turn somewhere? But there was only one turn, so why was there just a big pool of blood instead of the hero and officers I killed? Even the cars were missing! I felt tears crawling into my eyes, who´d do something so horrible? Why? I just wanted to show Docchie the people I killed before we went to meet the other villans, so who stole the dead bodies? WHO? I fell to my knees... "No... why? Why aren´t they here, who stole them?"

A tear rolled down from each of my eyes.

Shiba stared at Miss not-currently-drunk blinking twice, "what's wrong...? oh... i...lost all my progress on Candy Crush..." he sniffled, holding back the tears once more. then Mei said something about an apartment they were going to end up sharing with her...wait... was she offering for them to move in with her?  he ended up hugging her, squeezing tightly forgetting all about the drunk incident, almost. "Theé mou ... Theé mou !!! Sas efcharistó, sas efcharistó, sas efcharistó!!! i frikárei 'agapó tóso polý tóra !!! efcharistó!!!" he shouted excitingly, not even realizing it was in Greek. squeezing her tightly, he attempted to push his sunglasses back towards his eyes, proving to be difficult when your currently holding someone in a death grip but he managed to do so. he was so happy! they could finally get away from the stupid-head trio that breaks into his home. Shiba then questioned, remembering he never got to ask " heeeyy... why did you ask for my age when you where drunk?" 

@Obsidian @*shrug* i dunno, whoever? 
[SIZE= 36px][FONT= 'Times New Roman'][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Noir[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px] [/SIZE]She didn't bother looking up, hearing the voice of non other then her pseudo friend, she smiled slightly and replied to the girl's comment from her seat. "I suppose I am happy to hear that you think that. Although the fact that they are idiots doesn't worry me as much as what shall happen after the world is taken over. I bet more then some would want to have all the power to themselves..."

[SIZE= 14px]Seeing Stewart skipping to her, she nodded to him, noting that he and Doris seemed well acquainted, surprisingly enough. [/SIZE] She sighed and tensed slightly when she heard the first team member assignment.  "Our first team is Circle of Hell, lead by Noir. The other members are Stewart, Alexa, Lala, Plaguemaster, and Alexander." Noir's eyes widened. What? Why was she made team leader. She half wanted to make her take it back... But a part of her was pleased about it. 

She was always a follower, never really loud or having a need to be a leader... But this could change that.

"Read the mission, study it, there will be a quiz. If you have any questions, ask them now so I won't have to deal with them later."

She wanted to ask why she was picked. Wouldn't have the Plaguemaster been a better choice? Based on his behavior, he seemed like the perfect leader.... But you don't look a gifthorse in the mouth. 

[SIZE= 14px]Seeing Stewart hop back with the envelope, she took it when he handed her it.  When she opened it and begun reading, her brows rose to her hairline. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]It was rather, uhm... Vulgar.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Oh, that's cool, I've never been in a team before! But I don't think I'll be too much use, other than to reap the souls you all will take."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Wanting to reply to what seemed to be her new teammate, the summoner opened her mouth. Only to shut it when she ran through the portal. Deciding that it would be the best course of action, the girl walked right after. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Alright, time to do this.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Wait. She halted. Waitwaitwait. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball[/SIZE] @Nobody @Mitchs98 @Trust (no longer online)
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(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin")(Location: Boardroom thingy)(With: Da Sooper Dooper Villains)

Comprehending the psychological temperament that Shiba must be going through was an inordinately confusing experience. Mei wasn’t one someone who thoroughly enjoyed mobile games, especially after playing that dastardly ‘flappy penguin’ game where she vividly recounts trying to guide a poorly-modeled penguin creature through a series of hoops which touching the inner or outer sides would result in an immediate game over, eventually causing the protagonist character to crash out from the skies above and into one of the piles of snow that laid about the ground. Remembrance of seeing the main character’s death occur not only once but several times was enough for Mei to cast the thousand-yard stare, simply peering into the void as if she had just witnessed all of the atrocities committed by man and woman upon this planet in a matter of seconds. World once spinning, now has stopped inside the mind of this visibly shaken Mei whose bro was beginning to furrow heavily from hearing the gradually increasing sound of the penguin plummeting into the icy sheet of white snow, savoring the bitter memory before being awoken from the trance-like state by her colleague who was giving Mei another firm yet compassionate hug which was beginning to feel more like suffocation as the time went on. It was definitely apparent that Shiba was ecstatic to be away from his previous apartment that he was residing in, although she really couldn’t tell what exactly the words resonating from betwixt both of his lips meant as they were in a language that Mei didn’t exactly understand all too well but in someway she was flattered to see all of his outburst of joy radiating throughout his body. Like a recurring event she had been delivered a question that she had avoided earlier when she was drunk, revolving around having a bit of a private night with him when she was completely ‘shit-faced’ and vacant of nearly any intelligence. Having her face light up like the decorative lights wrapped around a Christmas tree, Mei shifted her surveying glance from left to right, only to look back at Shiba with a face full of crimson and direly thinking of a solution to this question without trying to continuously avoid it.

“Well uh.. When I was drunk I was trying to..” She gulped, messing up her words before trying again except a little bit more unnerved than before. “When a man and a woman have a mutual feeling..” That probably wasn’t the best one to use, she was running out of options faster than a fish that had accidentally leaped out of water and onto shore. Looking at Madam Secretary hatched an ingenious idea except it was more of prolonging the inevitable once more so she could think of something better to say. “Miss Doria? Not to intrude on this debriefing but you wouldn’t mind handing out our file next? I believe that there’s something that I left on at my apartment and I don’t exactly want to run the bill that high so if you’d be so kind.” She was hoping that Doria would be able to deliver the envelope to her group next so that they’d have something else to speak about as well but Mei finally thought of something to help in this situation. “So, you and your friend here said they like Mcdonalds right? Hm. Well, maybe you and I can pick up some food and we’ll be able to talk about it, i’ll probably have to get my lovely Mercedes Benz S-class that’s parked at my apartment so that we’ll be able to have a comfortable drive there and back.” Phew, that was a close one! Quick-witted thinking somehow dragged her out of that heap of a mess except only for a couple of hours or so unfortunately. Still thinking about and being this close to him was the outside of her skin boil with awkward tension. “Erm, you’re a bit too squeezy there friend.” She said, trying to rotate her body in a more comfortable position so she the front of her chest wasn’t so pushed against his upper body.

Shiba looked at Mei curiously as she tried to explain, noting she asked Miss Madame Secretary a question. was she trying to avoid the topic? her face was crimson-y...maybe she was sick, nahh, you can't be drunk when your sick and she was drunk just moments ago! or at least that's what Love told him... either way, he was a big snakey! he could handle whatever she was trying to say! he pouted, though when she switched the topic to possibly buying them McDonalds his face quickly changed to a warm smile. he eased his grip slightly, not noticing her uncomfort much more then she said he was being squeezy. then realizing they'd be moving in with her, he should probably ask. he bit his lip, this was going to be hard to say. plus he didn't want to ruin his chances of getting out of that hell-hole! but, it was better to ask now, they could always use their crap apartment for those if she got uncomfortable...or not, they couldn't really afford rent for this month...or the next one... or the one after that...or...the year... yeah they didn't really have anywhere else to use for his parties. he made a pinched expression in thought. should he ask, should he not? to be or not to be? to quote or not to quote? these are the true questions. giggling to himself at his own strange Shakespearean quoting skills. he decided to just ask "heeyy... do you mind...err... tea...parties...? with...blood and...stuffed corpses..with...like...human...err...corpses...?" asking and smiling nervously, though he got quieter with each word he spoke until the last one was just barely a squeak. 


meanwhile, Kuro had almost finished gathering his goo. all he needed for was for his bottom wrists and hands to reform and he'd be done! he started humming a little Japanese tune, mumbling some of the lyrics as he waited, he was starting to get really bored. the process of regathering himself was overly tedious. he started whisper singing, playing the music quietly in the background of the room. he prayed no one else could hear it, though, it was background music in Japanese, he was sure, since the Japanese had the best music that seemed to blend into the background, it wouldn't really be noticed. yawning, he twirled his parasol. he mindlessly wondered what he and his partner were having for dinner tonight. sighing he stared at the floor and the eyes in his goo that seemed to give him dead stares as they moved closer to coming back on his skin. he went back to listening to the quiet background music he was playing while whisper singing with the chorus. 

the song that is playing in the background now-

@everyone in the room! i'm too lazy to list all ya folks so yeah!


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin)(Location: Villain Conference Thing)(With: Evil people) 

His curious look was a but of a surprise to Mei who was attempting to make small breathes as to contain the overwhelming panic from the inspecting gaze that was being placed down upon her like a ton of weighted oxygen that was encompassing her petite figure, Mei emitted a stressful “Umm” as the uncertainty of how to get out of this situation was beginning to wear thin on her anxious mind. Although he did exhibit a cheerful smile soon after she mentioned Mcdonalds which was definitely a load off her mind to see that the plan worked out in the end even if it costed a bit of cash stored away in her bag. Except there was still the issue of this prolonged hug that was beginning to make Mei a bit irritated to say the least, at-least he gave her the common courtesy to at-least loosen his once tightened grasp around her body. She still didn’t have enough space for her semi-busty chest which made her feel all the more embarrassed to still be hugging him, seeing Shiba bite his lower lip was one of the worst things he could do in this situation as she saw it as an indication of something else! Mei was shocked to believe that he could’ve figured out what she was mentioning when she was drunk out of her mind. Great! Now she accidentally twirled another person around her index finger because of that flirtatious inspiring alcohol, seeing this misinterpreted action of his was bringing Mei to the point of becoming a ‘tomato’ again. Was this snake person going to start making out with her or something else? It was only brought to light once he spoke about having a ridiculously morbid tea party? Was this some way of telling Mei that he wanted to go out on a date? She was shaking her head in absolute confusion while she was looking at him, trying to understand what in the hell was going on as she still remained pressed up against him. “What do you mean by that? Uh, you don't eat people do you?” Thinking about it now it felt as if she was being constricted earlier, him being a snake and everything was he contemplating eating her from his form wrapping around hers? The thought of it was enough to bring a worried look on her face.

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noticing her worried look and tone Shiba was worried himself. did he say something wrong? "i-i mean, like... sometimes i have... err... what's the best word for them...? uhh... people who i try to make happy? i guess? over and... i sometimes throw them a tea party to make them happy... but... sometimes they still aren't and so... i make them happy... i guess? and i don't eat people! well... unless you count when i still lived in Greece with mama...But i don't do it anymore!!!" he stated hurriedly. though, that was partially a lie. he did it last week actually, remembering his last party and cringing. it was kind of gruesome...but they said they'd never be happy! he had to prove them wrong! that was a totally different thing...was it though? he did...kind of gut them, and deboned them... and drained their blood to use as creamer, and he did do it to his most of their neighbors this month... "okay, maybe i do it...often... but i wouldn't hurt you! pinky swear! " he said nervously. he let go of her, though still kept close proximity, and held out his pinky finger. the half picked black nail polish was starting to bug him but oh well, it was worth a few moments of annoyance to not ruin his and his mentors chances of leaving their shitty apartment!

though, Shiba himself wasn't even sure if he'd be able to keep his promise, he thinks back to why and realized that, most of the time whenever he held a tea party, unless it was only with Kuro and his stuffed animals, if the people didn't have constant smiles he'd get sad and, if they were the only ones there... cut their faces so it looked like they were always smiling. either that or sneak into Kuro's secret drug stash and even Kuro himself couldn't guarantee survival for anyone who tries that stuff for longer then about, one millisecond? trying to remember the exact line he scrunched his face in thought. eh, it didn't matter much, he'd ask later. then drug their tea... there's a reason why his mentor possesses the ones they want to kill, but Kuro usually joined him when he had one where he just wanted to make someone happy! his mentor had kept him from going crazy during those parties, so it would be fine! Shiba sighed, praying to Elpis she'd at least believe him more then he believed in himself. he pulled up his sunglasses, he really had to get new ones that fit just right, so he didn't have to keep adjusting them. 



(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin.")(Location: OOTT's Bathroom area.)(With: No-one)(Sober)

Thank goodness! She didn’t know what she’d do if she kept being in such a close-proximity with someone, being released from the embraceable clutches of Shiba was a bit more relieving now that she has more oxygen flowing throughout both of her lungs while completely ignoring the fact that he had just admitted to consuming people like they were an afternoon snack, still wasn’t exactly the most reassuring thing when he said he ‘pinky promised’ that he wouldn’t use her as a makeshift chew toy. “Well i’m not sure about having my apartment be turned into a gruesome carnival full of dead bodies or something like that but you and your friend will definitely be able to stay with me!” She said in response, combing through the front of her bangs awkwardly while thinking about who she was offering a room to stay with. She probably should’ve been more cautious about randomly offering someone who’s entirely covered in eyeballs from head to toe and his best friend who gives the impression that he would shed his dead skin all around the house, envisioning those flaky scales stuck in the bristles of the carpet was gag-worthy. Unexpectedly the lining within one of her pockets started vibrating, noticing this right away she was able to retrieve the tablet out from skin-tight battle suit, fumbling with it in the palms of her hands before being able to check the notifications that were beeping noisily out of her phone, “No, this can’t be right. Why would they?” She paused with a look of concern beginning to form itself across her face, skimming the peak of her fingers across the screen rapidly while sifting through information. “Shiba, if you’ll excuse me. I just need to use the lady’s room for a moment so if you’ll debrief me with what Doria says next, that would be wonderful.” Hurrying to get out of that area as fast as possible, Mei swung herself around and made an immediate b-line for the bathrooms while both of her eyes still ‘attached’ to the screen of her phone.

(Uh, i'm probably gonna need a day off from all of this. Haven't really been thinking straight.. Depending on if there's a lot of posts, I might be on today.)(Just didn't want to stick you in a waiting response loop if you wanted to post today.) 

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The Demon of Bleach

  "Ow." Alexander was the sole word of pain that came out of the Demon after the Human slingshot, correction, DEMON slingshot of a brother flew him back over to Miss Noir. His cotton candy flying away in the process, leaving him the sticks. Thus. The Demon of  Bleach was both incredibly depressed by this loss of life, in other words, his lack of food. Of course, the logical thing for him to do was mourning his sugary treat for most of the meeting, not pay much mind to anything else until the Mission was handed to Miss Noir and Stewart.

... Then the mourning came to an abrupt stop when a familiar voice called for him (although it was more like a shout to end someone's eardrums), "C-coming!" The sniveling demon running over to his brother's mistress, looking at the familiar portal...'at least coming out will be better than...a demonic slingshot...' the only difference he saw in the 'group-making' was the Dullahan and... a 14th-century hazmat suit...?

@Lilah Tunth @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball
  Stewart excitedly smiled as the Lala girl walked in through the portal, followed by Lady Noir. However, a few seconds later, she realized that someone was missing. And so did Stewart. He cleared his throat, trying to sound as grown-up as possible, before Alex joined him. The demon stepped through the portal, took a deep breath, and looked around the dimly-lit house. "Iiiiinteresting human housing unit."

@Lilah Tunth @Trust (no longer online) @Nobody @Mitchs98  @Sizniche


  Doris found the next file, deciding instead to just go down the line of missions, not a care in the world. "Our next teams will be going in the same place, so it really doesn't matter what. The Misfit Monsters and the Ketsueki Alliance, respectively, are going to good old DC. The leader of the Misfit Monsters is Pae. Members are Boo and Naomi. The leader of the Ketsueki Alliance is Motheal, with Pocket, Jeremiah, and Onyx as members. If I find out you've been doing nothing but making out, you're dead meat." She handed each folder to the leaders before continuing. 

@Ambela @Petroshka @Legend:D

  You are the assholes who get to fuck up all previous files of the villains of OOTT, which can be found in the FBI headquarters, Washington DC, America. Why is this necessary? I think the answer is obvious there—if we're going to take over the press, we must destroy any evidence of all our crimes commited in the past. After doing so, report to Doris and she will give you the materials to make it seem as though it was the superheroes who committed heinous crimes, as Ketsueki Alliance wrote false crimes. Good luck. 
@SolistheSun @mewbot5408 @SmashyWarhammer @SilverDama

Since your team is admittedly one of the smaller ones, you will collaborate with the Misfit Monsters. Your goal? To find the files of the superheroes (Located in Washington DC), hack into them, and replace those files of their do-gooding with the most horrendous crimes you can think of. When finished, report to Doris at Circus Circus Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, so she can give you the materials to carry out those crimes and make it look as though the supers did it. 

Once she got the files to the leaders, Doris opened the next portal, which lead to DC. "Read it, study it, get outta my spaceship. Next team is Death, Co., lead by Augustine Shmidty, and with Prize as second-in-command. The members are Mei, Shiba, and Kuro. You're gonna be in London. I expect a lot from you noobs. Here is the mission info." Doris slapped the next folder onto the table, waiting for someone to grab it. She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose once again, observing who was left without a mission. 

@Ambela @Idea @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39

In our mission to destroy the press, you have the important job of taking down one of the best-known television news programs, BBC, its headquarters being located in London, England. I recommend setting up some sort of a crime that is newsworthy so you can get yourself close to the reporters or apply for jobs as interns. Either way, be sure to take down this powerhouse. 
Chris watched as people and creatures conversed about the upcoming missions and what not. The teams started to be called out. He wasn't on any that were called out. He hoped they would let him be by himself, unless absolutely necessary. Most villains were completely unprofessional and made him want to drink bleach or something. No teammates also meant no worrying about others, it was much easier that way. He fiddled with a knife, flipping and catching it repeatedly. He had done this so much that he didn't have to look at all and he soon pulled out a second blade and began to flip the two knives.

@anyone who wants to interact

(Shun Kantar) (Location: THE ROOOOM!!) (With: Mei, Lexia, Sora, Lunaria, and Howard [finally acknowledged names!]) (Feeling: Guilty, Apologetic, a little annoyed, and also somewhat content)

  Reveal hidden contents

As more and more people became fed up with Shun, the person at fault let out a huff of breathe, obviously irritated. Maybe he had went a little too far, it was a habit he had picked up from his master and he probably should've tried to get rid of it. Of course, his irritation only escalated as Lexia took his phone and began rummaging through it with gusto. A tick mark appeared on Shun's forehead as the robot girl deleted his picture, which he was going to do after seeing the slime girl cry, but taking his property simply agitated him to no limit.

As Shun stood up to confront Lexia, he stopped himself from pursuing his anger as he lazily caught his phone that was returned to him. Inspecting the erotic shot that Lexia had taken of herself, Shun directed his attention up to her, his eyes lazily gazing at her robotic figure, glancing over it. While her proposition sounded enticing, Shun contemplated the idea for a few seconds, considering the pros and cons. With a light pat to Lexia's shoulder, Shun let out a small chuckle as he passed by the hacker, "Thanks for the compliment there Lex. We'll see how the future pans out, but for now, my attentions are elsewhere. Maybe we couple share a couple drinks later, on me of course. For now thought, I got a little situation to handle."

With his part said, Shun moved past Lexia and back to the gathering of females behind the wall of Aura formed by some maid looking chick. Reaching into his pockets, Shun pulled out a cigarette and lazily flipped it into his mouth, clamping down on it. Bring his hand up the smoke stick, Shun snapped his fingers so fast that he caused a small combustion to light the cigarette ablaze, light smoke leaking out from it. Placing his hands back into his pockets, Shun adopted a lazy posture in front of the Aura Wall, gazing at it with boredom etched onto his face, puffs of smoke flowing from his lips. Shun slowly brought his left hand out of his pocket and raised it up, clenching his hand into a fist and pulling it back. With the sound of a gunshot echoing through the room, Shun threw a punch at the Aura Wall, creating a small shockwave that whipped a light gust of wind around the room. His fist slammed against the wall of energy, cracks forming from the impact, before crumbling all together from the force of his punch.

Now looking at the exposed forms of Mei, Sora, and Lunaria, the said slime girl hugging the two women, Shun let out a puff of smoke as he leisurely made his way to stand in front of them. A tension struck the room, no doubt from the fact that just earlier Shun proved that he was willing to thrash someone for simply insulting him, so what would happen if someone straight up implied that he was a reason for their sexual preference, then proceeded to block themselves from his view, obviously nothing good. Shun stopped right in front of the group of females, glancing down at them with an intense look of concentration. He was possibly contemplating what manner of violence he was going to commit against these girls, two of which had insulted him. It was possibly the tensest the room had been since his arrival, nothing good was going to come from this.

But then Shun completely went against the image that those around him had built, grabbing his finished cigarette from his lips and flicking it into a trash can, then placing his hand on top of Lunaria's head, patting it gently with a kind smile, "Hey slime lady, sorry for my actions earlier. Didn't stop to think, usually gets me into all types of trouble. So sorry about my actions." Apparently Shun had felt some form of guilt towards the perverted acts he had committed against the slime girl, plus Lexia had talked some sense into him for his actions. Shun had a soft spot for those as innocent and happy as her, but his crude ways had made the girl cry and Shun couldn't stand it when a woman cried. His entire presence exuded sympathy and kindness as he gently rubbed Lunaria's head, before removing his hand and turning to Sora.

A beastly smile adorned his face as Shun faced the girl who looked like a maid, respect for the way she stood up to him, "I gotta say kid, you got some guts standing up to me. I respect that, wouldn't recommend doing it again, but I respect that." Shun proceeded to poke the girl's forehead in a teasing manner, finding a newfound affection towards the fox girl, "I like ya kid, but try not to go around pissing off alien warriors that can punch mountains into oblivion." His teasing done, Shun turned to the last person in the group, his eyes staring into Mei's own with his beastly smile fading into a small smirk, "And sorry bout the whole 'money' thing, thought it would be funny. Guess it wasn't, so my bad. Look forward to working with ya Mei, hop by my Bar sometime, just don't drink all my stock."

His final piece said, Shun turned back around to walk back to his seat in the corner of the room. Walking back to his seat, Shun stopped by the still down form of Howard and glanced down curiously at his form. Shrugging in a 'screw it' manner, Shun reached over and picked Howard up with ease, carrying him over to the seat next to Shuns, setting him down so that he was leaning back against the chair. Nodding his head in satisfaction, Shun sat back down in his chair, crossing his arms and leaning back. Shun took one last look around the room, before gaining a satisfied grin, closing his eyes to rest up and catch a few Z's, no doubt expecting to be caught up on what he was supposed to do once awaken.

@Obsidian @Marumatsu @Mitchs98 @Xion136 @whoever else wants to talk with Shun.


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin" and Lexi)(Location: Boardroom thingy)(With: Da Sooper Dooper Villains)

(Sorry for the big ol' response, sometimes I have difficulties with writing small packets. Strange huh? O.o) 

Mei can typically withstand many things without feeling discombobulated but seeing a slime-girl beginning to sob uncontrollably was one of the things that she didn’t want to see, substituting one pair of garments all the way down to the bare-skin in front of the opposite gender and the same gender wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle, besides, any dignity she might have had left after consuming a whole bunch of liquor and acting out on her ridiculous intoxicant rather than making a full-blown effort to be responsible was thrown completely out the window but you know, who needs dignity when you’ve got spunk. Remorse, disgrace, and a compelling urge to start having a heated exchange with Shun was stirring itself inside of her soul like some form of cauldron. The only thing stopping Mei from erupting into a string of Gordon Ramsay styled string of insults towards Shun’s culinary cooking skills was the fact that Lunaria had transformed into a literal sad pile of goop and slithered underneath the table while still undergoing the whole crying dilemma that had been placed on her shoulders. “Frustration isn’t even the first word I could use when it comes to describing how outrageously pissed I am towards you.” She swished her face in the direction of Shun with heaping amounts of aggression raging inside of her eyes like a never-ending forest fire only to be doused out by the metaphorical firefighter known as Sora the surprisingly useful ‘useless’ lesbian. Noticing that she had just begun to change in-front of this young girl was enough to make her freak out a bit after she came to the rescue, placing up that gigantic barricade of condensed energy was a bit more reassuring now that she mentioned it. Total respect for that brave young maiden looking girl, not wanting to be a lump on a log, Mei slouched herself forward and aligned herself a bit underneath the table so that her head and left shoulder was completely visible to ‘slimy’. Displaying a face full of pressured kindness, Mei continued to comfort the poor girl as she still remained concealed in the shadow of the furniture.

“Hey, I know you’re embarrassed but you’re a tough um.. Slime girl? I remember the first time I had to be naked in front of everyone but it was a time in my life where I never had someone to stand up for me except for one employee who came to teach me that everyone was going through the same thing that I was feeling when they were changing. Trust me when I say you’re never alone, us being villains it’s understandable that I do things that people would frown upon such as kidnapping, murder, and stealing but that doesn’t mean i’ll abandon my comrades in there time of need.” Seconds of silence passed until she worked up the courage to come back out and start changing again, something warm was beginning to sprawl across Mei’s chest and it wasn’t a feeling of rage but some sort of kindness? She felt sick to her stomach in a sense because of how generous she was being towards another villain but in a way she was happy. A noisily sounded “oomfph” crackled out from Mei’s throat once she felt the goo-girl’s arms being wreathed around her, feeling this sentiment of affection was strange. Very strange, something she hadn’t felt in a long time. “You’re very welcome, my name is Mei just for the record!” She sounded off in an awkward tone while witnessing the compression of slime being slid down the front of her body after having the personification of silly putty break off from her. Mei’s concentration was immediately disrupted by Shun’s fist which pummeled through the front of the barrier like it were a punching bag made entirely out of pretzels. His unimpressed look that was carved in his face was screaming “Death” wordlessly, Mei knew that this altercation could be the last thing she’d ever go through so she decided to place herself in front of harm’s way by stepping in the direction of both of the women, shielding them from the potential violence soon to be enacted upon them as she stared down Shun, going against someone who could literally create grand canyons with a punch alone was something that was truly terrifying, in the back of Mei’s mind she was questioning why she even put herself on the line for a couple of halfwits.

She hastily flinched once he saw his hand coming forward but it was only to pat the slime-lady on the head in a compassionate way, attempting to open one of her eyes she noticed this and let her guard down while clasping her chest in a bit of terror before being finally approached by him. Fearing another unanticipated headbutt she covered her forehead with both of her hands, surprisingly enough he actually apologized to Mei and even offered free drinks. “Oh uh.. Thank you? I’m sorry for insulting your culinary skills, i’m sure your food tastes wonderful, I just didn’t expect a chef to look so strong. Perhaps i’ll have to try your food someday. But don’t think that means you’ll get an invitation inside of my pants! You may have Robo-boobs over her fooled with your sensual charm.” After mentioning “Robo-boobs”, Lexia cut in only to say something a bit too straightforward.  “Hey, my boobs aren’t robotic! They’re 110% jiggle. Secondly if there’s an itch I need scratched i’ll damn well scratch it and after seeing that picture I saw on his phone, he can definitely scratch it pretty darn good.” Despite being a genius she sure did speak like the female version of Shun, which was a bit alarming. Mei was trying not to gag from envisioning both of them going at it but regained her composure to have a conversation with both of the girls that she ‘protected.’ “Lunaria huh? Such a fitting name to go with such a beautiful woman. As for you maid-girl, thank you for sticking up for both of us. You’re so young but it looks like you’ve got the courage that would dwarf half of these men and women.” Mei happily took note of both of them as she situated herself onto the seat while wiping off the goopy stains that she had on the front of her outfit.

@YungJazz @Xion136 @Mitchs98 (Other peeps I guess?) 

Sora didn't expect it, but suddenly was was hugged by the slime girl, whose name was apparently Lunaria, and smooshed against Drunk Woman, whose name was Mei. Since she was pretty small, she sort of disappeared against Mei and Lunaria, and slightly struggled from mammarial suffocation,which thankfully she escaped from. But...her arms slid around Lunaria in a warm hug. She felt really nice...squishy, smooth....she was really cute...

She nuzzled, her fox ears up and happy, tail flicking about. She was about to say moore, most notably her name, but Shun arrived...and she clammed up. She shook in fear....until he poked her head. Apparently...she had impressed him...she never impressed anyone...

"...next time, I'll make sure to protect my friends with a mountain range." She promised, green eyes sharpening in response. As much as she appreciated his turnaround, she would protect her friends...architecture be damned! But he just poked and walked, leaving them alone in the end....which Sora was fine with.

With everything sort of settled, she turned to Mei and Lunaria.

"I....I'm Sora!" She said, her voice a bit more confident. "N-Nice to meet you. Glad I could...actually help." She smiled, shy and sweet, at the two. She was a bit slimy from the clothes, but that was fine. She had made at least two friends, and that's what counted. Then she blushed. "I...I have courage?"

She honestly thought she was a nervous wreck half the time, to be fair...so, after the goop was wiped off, she hugged Mei.


@Obsidian @Mitchs98 @YungJazz



The Lucky Star Resort, Casino, and Restaurant was having a great day. But then some assholes with an armored truck crashed through the front door and started taking every bit of cash that wasn't in a machine. With a few hostages, they loaded up and hit reverse....only to slam into...a Panzer IV Aus. H.

"I don't think that belongs to you." 

Now standing in front of them was...a magical girl. A more hi-tech but no less impressive magical girl, her twintails blowing in the light wind from outside. Her staff twirled, and pointed at the armored truck. "Give back the money and the hostages, and I can guarantee you won't get hurt."

"Why don't you strip for us girl, and we'll decide?"

One explosion later, the truck was on it's side, with Akatsuki having dropped from the ceiling and stabbing the door, ripping it off with Tonbokiri. Her hand cannon now pointed inside, covering the robbers, who were dazed from the sudden explosion. Akatsuki dragged out the three hostages, with the magical girl landing on the side.

"And I'm a boy." Sailor Sonata said brightly, before flying off. Akatsuki rolled her eyes and dropped inside to restrain them.

They tried to jump her.

There was barely enough left to arrest when she was done pummeling them, and when the cops finally dragged them out, they were sent to the hospital with multiple broken bones and a few concussions. Sonata, meanwhile, was busy talking with the casino manager about security and what could be done to ensure such brazen attacks didn't succeed again. He left with a nice, hefty payday to fuel their anime addiction, and now stood beside Otome and Akatsuki. "Ready?"

They nodded. He threw his staff up. "League of Extraordinary Otaku, AWAAAAY!"

And then they began walking home, because they could swing by a maid cafe for pocky on the way home!


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin)(Location: Villain Conference Thing)(With: Evil people)(Making a post at 4:44 A.M.)

Overhearing the cutesy tone of the young girl’s voice, Mei sluggishly brought her knees to the side of the furniture, halfway transitioning her feminine figure so that it was positioned in the direction of Sora who had just introduced herself to both Mei and the slimy woman. “Sora?” She repeated the maiden-looking woman’s name while placing her hand onto the edge of her right knee with disappointment beginning to fill itself inside of the drunkard’s expanding lungs. All of them had something that Mei did not and that was an alluring name, Sora and Lunaria? Both exotic titles to be called but Mei? She couldn’t help but feel excruciating boredom from just the utterance of that name alone. “Ugh, you have a cute name as well? Lucky, i’ve heard that Sora means ‘Sky’ in Japanese! Ha I wish we could change names.” She replied, awkwardly scratching the back of her head once she was embraced by the adolescent’s tightened grasp that was coiled around Mei’s waist, apparently her compliment regarding the whole courage thing was more than enough to make this girl be put in good mood.


She didn’t know what to think when she felt the comforting warmth being pressed against her own body, only revealing a calm smile for a moment, she interlocked both of her lips before planting a kiss onto Sora’s forehead while giving her a small hug in return. “You’re very welcome, we’ll have to continue to this meeting in due time but it seems that I have to talk to my new room-mates about the living conditions and guidelines of staying in my freaking apartment without burning it down somehow.” Silently removing herself from the passionate squeeze, Mei made a few steps towards the other side of the room before eventually placing her posterior down onto the ground while being next to an emotionally unstable Shiba and a fuming Kuro which oddly enough sounds like a delicious treat just by the name. “What’s wrong Shiba? Oh and don’t worry i’m not Miss Drunk anymore! I’m surprisingly not being a bit of a snob towards anyone! Shun’s headbutt must’ve helped me out with that! But I was going to talk about the apartment you and your partner were going to wind up sharing with me.” She proposed to both of them, hopefully getting rid of the emotional tension that both of them were feeling.

@Xion136 @KuroNoKami39(Other people I forgot to mention.)

(I am like, Dying from lack of sleep. I was up with my friend for a while now and I went under the whole guilt thing because I had to make a post)(I'm probably going to sleep for light-years now! Sorry for half-assing this but i'm like nearly unconscious from this whole no sleep at 4:44 A.M.)

Lunaria Safira- Very Happy

Lunaria genuinely felt encouraged by Mei's words. For these guys supposed to be villains and what not they were actually decent people, at-least some of them anyway. Mei and Sora were for sure. She giggled a bit at their reaction to her hug, liking the fact they'd both hugged her back. She was pretty sure she'd just made herself some friends already, or at-least she considered them to be. They'd helped her out of a pretty bad situation where she'd likely of just stayed under the table until everyone left, though thanks to them she didn't. "Sorry I'm getting slime on you guys.." She told them, a little embarrassed.


When Shun came over she glared and hugged Sora tighter to refrain from punching him, though rather than tease her further he actually apologized. She blinked and stared, "I um...thank you." She replied with a slight smile. "Means a lot." She said. When Sora introduced herself she smiled, "It's very nice to meet you both. Sora, Mei." She told them. "Really...thank you both very much." She added with a small sigh. When Mei kissed Sora's forehead she grinned, "Oooh~ Someone has a crush." She teased. When Mei walked off she looked to Sora, "She totally likes you." She said with a chuckle.
Jenna noticed a flashing light reflecting off of something in the corner of the room. Sliding off of the table- and nearly face planting- she moved towards her latest point of interest. She wove her way to the person she just noticed. Despite not having a clue as to who he was, the cat themed girl approached him. She held back a few seconds, just watching him flip his knife. Jenna began to get bored with the show and turned back. She nearly walked into a wall, once again leaving many jewels scattered on the floor. Jenna stared at the ground. She stared for quiet a few minutes. Quietly sighing she began to gather the jewels. She was not thorough. In fact, when she spotted the jewel that landed near the man who she was originally approaching, she was enraptured by the knife once again. She left many of her precious (cursed/blessed) gems just laying on the ground.

Abruptly, Jenna stands in front of the blond. Her eyes are still following the movements of the blade for no apparent reason. Her sudden rise nearly left her tripping forward, into the mildly annoyed looking villain. Luckily, the dolt did not fail in this scenario. However, her graceless actions were sure to catch the attention of the person she was practically shoving her face into. If this wasn't enough, Ebony decided to talk.

"Hi, I'm Ebony Pride or Jenna," Jenna smiled as she held her hand out to the man who's face she still wasn't looking at, "Who are you?"

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Kuro flinched as the file was slammed down on the table, having finally finished reforming his arms he grabbed the file mumbling "first" as he read through it. London? BBC? they've been there before! this mission was definitely going to be a slice of cake. mm...cake. he shook his head to regather his thoughts. so they had a leader? Augustine or something? he'll probably just run off, he knew exactly how they could get in. though, it wouldn't be as fun as just killing some people, it works much better then staging a crime. besides, he'd be unable to kill without loosing control, and it's really hard to regain control after that. he looked at Shiba, spying Miss. Mei walking off with a tablet. walking towards his snake partner then stating victoriously "we're on the same team!" Kuro smiled then gave the file to Shiba for him to read through. 

Shiba smiled then waved bye as Mei excused herself. though he was confused about the gruesome carnival line, he was only throwing tea p- yeah... actually that was kind of accurate. he'd be sure to be careful how often he threw those for now. he turned his head to look at Madame Secretary who just announced he, Kuro and Mei were on the same team, as well as some folks named, Auguestine Schmidty? like Mike from that one really scary game? he'd have to ask them. as well as a person named 'Prize'. This would be fun! as Kuro noted as if he didn't hear the first time that they were on the same team. Shiba took the file happily from Kuro and read through, smiling, they were to go to BBC in London! they stole food from there when The Hopeful and Lovely Trio went for interviews! they were like the common pests they gave left overs to! getting in would be a piece of cake...that is, if it were just him and his mentor. it'd be kind of hard to sneak others in, and he didn't want to stage a crime somewhere in London, as he wasn't really familiar with that area.

@Obsidian @myself trollolololol! @i'm not sure who? possibly the teammates?

(these two are now open for interaction)
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Jenna noticed a flashing light reflecting off of something in the corner of the room. Sliding off of the table- and nearly face planting- she moved towards her latest point of interest. She wove her way to the person she just noticed. Despite not having a clue as to who he was, the cat themed girl approached him. She held back a few seconds, just watching him flip his knife. Jenna began to get board with the show and turned back. She nearly walked into a wall, once again leaving many jewels scattered on the floor. Jenna stared at the ground. She stared for quiet a few minutes. Quietly sighing she began to gather the jewels. She was not thorough. In fact, when she spotted the jewel that landed near the man who she was originally approaching, she was enraptured by the knife once again. She left many of her precious (cursed/blessed) gems just laying on the ground.

Abruptly, Jenna stands in front of the blond. Her eyes are still following the movements of the blade for no apparent reason. Her sudden rise nearly left her tripping forward, into the mildly annoyed looking villain. Luckily, the dolt did not fail in this scenario. However, her graceless actions were sure to catch the attention of the person she was practically shoving her face into. If this wasn't enough, Ebony decided to talk.

"Hi, I'm Ebony Pride or Jenna," Jenna smiled as she held her hand out to the man who's face she still wasn't looking at, "Who are you?"


Chris blinked, watching the girl basically make a fool of herself. She stuck her face right up close to his, almost causing both knives to stab her back. Chris quickly caught them before they could do anything and slid them into their sheathes. He glanced at the gems and back at her. 'Wierd...' He thought before replying. "The Sniper." He stated his official title not wishing to give his real name. He didn't give his real name to anyone unless he completely trusted them. Except, when his team was called out then, they would probably say his real name. He hoped not. "What do you want?" He asked abruptly, wishing to get this conversation over with. She didn't seem to bright though and he doubted she would leave him alone.
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(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin)(Location: OOTT Boardroom's bathroom.)(With: Nobody)

Soft panting breathes wriggle their way out from Mei as she manages to hastily swing open entryway leading into the woman’s restroom, clenching the mobile device within the sweaty palm of her delicate right hand as she lingers each of her fingers around the sternum of her chest as she looks around nervously. It felt as if the incredible pulsations of her heart were going to cause her to throw up on the bathroom tiles between the inner arches of her feet, continuously watching alert notifications pop-up onto the phone was alarming enough but taking a closer inspection at them revealed something one-hundred times more horrifying. Why? Why did she become apart of an organization in which was being hunted down by some deranged lunatic who’s out with a particular vengeance towards anyone associated with them, including Mei. She never asked for this, in-fact I don’t think anyone did except all of them ran the risk of being brought to prison by those sickening super powered benefactors but being brought to the slaughter like cattle from this one individual was enough to send goosebump delivering shivers down Mei’s spinal column. A reluctant resembling look was glistening around her own two eyes as they reflected the news article on the lit-up screen of Mei’s tablet, revealing that one of the International Villain’s alliance branched off buildings in the remote location of the Mojave desert had been hit by one a lone unknown stranger whom without any help with any accomplices single-handedly liquidized every single one in a way that would be considered immoral. Accidentally skimming through the write up of public information with a flick of her thumb made her give off a nauseous notion once she surveyed most of the pictures with a single glance.

“No, that’s..” Publicizing her disbelief was briefly cut off by stifling of her throat which reverberated a dry-heave at the sight of viewing the aftermath of the unsympathetic extermination, Mei couldn’t help but tremble with wordless trepidation as the vibrating tablet slid its way out from between her palm and onto the floor, fabricating a few cracks within the screen as it impacted with the harsh ground. Not wanting to make a mess with the oncoming feeling of sickness she burst through one of the stall doors, kneeling down and leveling herself with the toilet that was already placed within her grasp. She didn’t know if she could bring herself to doing this duty anymore from just witnessing that sight alone, what could she do? Inform Doris and insight panic into the rest of her colleagues? Or just continue on with the plan and act like nothing happen? Then again she could leave and save her own skin even it meant risking the others and throwing them into their inevitable doom. Cries mixed with gasps of oxygen was beginning to drown out the atmosphere of the bathroom while the unnerving ambiance settled its way in like some unwanted squatter. She couldn’t just abandon them especially after becoming acquainted with them, despite the fact that they are also villains some of them are worth saving just from their interactions with others. To think that these delinquents aren’t as cold and heartless as everyone depicts them as, most of these sentient creatures feel the same things that we all do whether that be pain, compassion, or undying love for someone. With eyes full of salty tears and an expression full of remorse, Mei lurched her frame sideways to place it right beside the brim of the toilet before casting one last gaze at the cracked tablet that stood a mere six feet away from her foot. Thinking of who could commit such a heinous act brought her thinking that this wasn’t an ordinary villain who was capable of feeling and experiencing emotions like a mortal, no, this wasn’t a villain but a monster instead.


(Cassady Tribb)(Location: Mojave Desert)(With: Dead person)(Mood: Ec-fucking-static) 

(Cassady Tribb, 5 miles away from destination. 5/2/20xx 35.0110° N, 115.4734° W. Mojave Desert, Nevada. USA. Earth. Milky Way Galaxy. Universe.) (2 hours prior to meeting.)

Blankets of finely grained sand brush across the sturdy asphalt of the lonely road as its continuously blown through parts of the terrain from the western winds. Whistling sounds of the dust storm could be heard from miles on end as well as a cranked up stereo system that was blaring its way through the shrouds of barely transparent particles of sand that were tearing through the atmosphere, beyond that stereo system was the passive face of a gorgeous woman whose intentions were less than a favorable thought to bare in mind. “C’mon, don’t you got anything better to play in this shit-storm besides this poppy ass trash? How am I supposed to amp myself up for murder if there isn’t anything good on?” Cassady transitioned through the dial on the motorcycle’s dashboard with hope in mind that she was going to find something that was remotely satisfying to her tastes, to Cassady’s dismay she found that most of the radio stations were being blocked by the storm’s interference which at that moment she was contemplating whether to punch a ravine through the Mojave desert all the way back to the Grand Canyon. Additionally adding to this sour attitude was the fact that she forgot to bring any goggles or sunglasses so now she’s taking short-bursts of sand to the front of her face while driving through this hell-hole.

Luckily for Cassady the savior arrived dressed as a freaky looking redneck dressed in all denim in a beat-up janky pick up truck that looks as if it hasn’t seen a car wash in over five years, it wouldn’t be surprising if the dust of the Mojave Desert was actually apart of the paint job now. Raising an eyebrow she watched as the passenger side window began to roll down as the vehicle pulled up beside her, at-least he was courteous enough to block most of the sand that was blowing through but the scrutinizing undressing eyes that were inside that thick skull of him were looking at her breasts as if they were a prize just out of his reach. “How ‘er you doin’ sweet heart?” He said in his less than charming voice, Cassady didn’t mind the hygiene as much because of the fact that she has been through a lot more disgusting situations including bathing in the visceral bits and pieces of her enemies just so she could understand how it would feel, but the fact that this man’s breath smelt like he had a dying tooth rotting in his mouth for over a decade was a bit off-putting. Looks like she’d have to put her A-game on for this one although, she probably wouldn’t have to give it too much though knowing the person inside of that vehicle had the face only a very tolerable mother could love, edging her forefinger up to the top of her chest she brought her index finger all the way down to the metal zipper which nearly sunk its way down all the way to her navel, revealing a little bit more than what considered to be PG-13.

Well, i’m just looking for love out here, perhaps you can get this lil’ girl here a nice ride through this dust-ball and maybe I can show you all of the love i’ve got in-store.” Cassady replied in flirtacious tone as the man in the junky pick-up was trying to figure out if what he had just seen was some sort of Mojave desert mirage. Gulping in an over-emotional tone he brought his collar a bit outward before letting out a nervous. “Sure” before pulling himself over to the side of the road with Cassady following behind his rear bumper and immediately shutting off her motorcycle, snatching the keys out from the ignition before heaving it up onto the dusty bed of the truck like it was a feather. “Hooly jeebers woman, you’re strong as hell!” His lower-lip dropped in a surprised fashion after having the pleasure of seeing the small-framed woman heave a 423 pound motorcycle into the back of his truck. Giving off a courteous smile to his compliment while hopping onto the cushioned passenger seat, Cassady situated herself over the manual transmission and eventually onto his lap. “Well, what can I say? Seeing handsome men always gets me riled up inside. How about I show you how much I can rev you up instead of my bike?” Before he could even say anything she gently clasped the sides of his chin and brought his lips next to hers, eventually curling her tongue against his before clamping down her teeth on his and tugging herself backwards making it get completely ripped out from his mouth. All he could mutter was a “Why?” Until he was drown out by Cassady who spit out his bloodied tongue out onto his thigh. “What’s wrong baby? Cat got yer’ tongue?” She said in a cutesy country-girl accent while reaching her hand backwards and turning on the stereo to its maximum volume before sliding the seat backwards. She wasn’t exactly sure why she was doing this, she thought while tearing the innocent man apart piece by piece with the end of her metal hook as his screams were being muffled by the sounds of heavy rock blaring inside of the vehicle, all she knew was that this feeling that was surging throughout her body was heavenly.


Song inside of the Truck: 



Finally, Jenna looked up at the man who she was confronting. The girl blinked in confusion. She was disappointed at the blades disappearance, this showed on her face. Despite this, Jenna was curious about the person who said more than one word to her and didn't walk away. She figured it would be a good idea to answer his question, despite the lingering feeling of betrayal at the lack of shiny objects spinning through the air.

"What do I want?" Jenna's eyes were bright despite her pout, "Well I want a lot of stuff. I want jewels and gems and to meet Catwoman. I also want to know why you put those knives away, they were shiny. Why do you want to know? What do you want? Where are we? Why are we here? I also want answers, apparently. Do you want answers? I only got here because a kid knocked into me, I don't like kids. Do you like kids? They have lots of shiny things but not pretty things. Sometimes they do help me into a vault and then try to get someone to shoot me. Have you ever been shot? Have you ever had a crippling injury? Ooh, and more importantly than all of that; do you like star rubies? Nice name by the way, not many people must get it wrong."

Jenna waited for an answer before remembering the gems on the floor. She swooped down and picked them up. Most of them. As absent minded idiot she was, she neglected to pick up the jewel by 'The Sniper'. She then popped up as if she hadn't just grabbed a bunch of expensive jewels off the ground. The thief waited for a response to her inquiry.


Yay, this is done. I wrote the entire thing out and then my internet quits on me when I try to post it, forcing me to rewrite everything. Oh and Talon, if Chris really wants her to go. he'll have to physically move away from her or distract her. Good luck.
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