Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...

Chris took one of the pages and glanced over it. He didn't bother commenting on it but merely focused on his two options. 'It's kinda nice that their giving us options.' He thought to himself. He didn't like the idea of sitting in a window and sniping. Sure it was fun, but it wouldn't be as effective as being with everyone else. "I would prefer to stay around everyone else, I believe a security guard can provide me with the necessary cover." He told Cicada and then incinerated the page with a small lazer cutter concealed in the left wrist of his armour. He had already committed the information, crucial to his part of the mission, to memory. He would have to leave most of his suit behind somewhere so as to not attract attention. Chris took of his helmet and set it on a nearby chair. He then unlocked different parts of his suit and pulled off most of the torso, upper arm, and upper leg armour. He was left wearing his boots, shin guards, utility belt, gauntlets and chest protector. Everyone was now able to see his body build a bit better now. He was slim and tall, about 6'", with muscular legs and arms. Overall he was definitely a piece of man-candy. The armour that was taken off, was strapped together into a bundle and he carried it with his left hand, thrown over his shoulder; much like if you were to this your jacket over a shoulder. His blonde hair was short on the sides and back, while the front and top was longer and swept to the right, with a bit of hair almost covering his right eye. His face wasn't cold or hard, but calm and impassive.

(just giving him a proper description cuz I haven't yet :) )

@Colt556 @M-Night @Obsidian @Xion136 @KuroNoKami39


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin")(Location: OOTT HQ)(With: Da homies.)

Odd? Nobody has ever been excited for Mei’s arrival before, nonetheless she was quite pleased with his public display of buoyant joy. How was it that someone that she’s never had previous interactions with was so bewitched by her immediate presence? Well, it wasn’t anything too strange except for the fact that he took a hold of his mentor and drug him a couple of feet across the room like he was some flimsy raggedy muppet. These colleagues of Mei were a bit too much for her to handle as they were complete opposites to say the least, both of their confusing behavior was beginning to leave the woman with a loss of words, contemplating an array of diction to accommodate for this enlarging uncertainty. “Um, I believe the phrase that you might be looking for is welcome back to the land of the living? Or welcome back from the dead? Erm.” She hummed while noticing Shiba getting railed in the side of his rib-cage like he was some sort of walking-talking punching bag. Out of everyone in the room it was evident that these two were the strangest, Mei puffed another exasperated sigh once she remembered generously offering them to stay in the apartment she was residing in, this was going to be a very long day. Hopefully this mission will be finished quickly instead of being drawn out like the contracts she had received in the past, although they were so strenuously extended because of the fact she kept failing at them, maybe this time she’ll have more luck! After all she’s paired with a big group so there shouldn’t be any unfortunate mishaps from the looks of it. She wordlessly progressed both of her hands onto her lap after seating herself down onto the cushion of the chair nearby, patiently listening to the big boss who was giving a short debriefing of this mission that they had just recently received. Wasn’t there leader suppose to be that Augustine fellow? Oh well, she didn’t mind as long as they were doing something productive. He also mentioned something about lemons? She could definitely go for some lemonade right now but now was not the time to start quenching her thirst as she was getting prepared for the IVA’s first mission, how exciting! “Fair enough, i’m sure we’ll do just fine.” Dear god she hoped so, she examined the file for a moment before placing it back onto the table and considered changing back into the stealth outfit but she decided to wait for the leader’s call of how they were going to enter BBC, wether that be

going in guns blazing or all sneaky beaky like.



(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada")(Location: OOTT HQ)(With: Da homies.)
Cicada’s faced boiled a bit crimson for a moment when she overheard the shocking remark that Sora had made regarding her jiggly bits after reading that little comment that she had specifically made in the “Misplaced Princess’s” mission transcript. Jeeze, she must’ve still been going through puberty by the looks if it, Sora gave the impression of not being able to control the direction of her eyes and usually gave full-attention when it came to perverse things although could she be blamed? Lexia was scantily dressed to the point where those melons of hers became a major distraction for nearly anyone in the room. She had full opportunity to re-zip that hoodie of hers so she wasn’t as revealed but where would the fun in that be? Plus that sizable mechanical object embedded on the front of her body was above room temperature so she’d be sweating ridiculously if she had concealed herself in any other clothing. “Exactly, we’ll be securing the boardroom and anyone in it, especially Mr.Bradshaw. Oh by the way, if you wanted a closer look, you could’ve just asked for one.” At the last moment of her sentence, Cicada pivoted on her right foot so that she was facing back towards Sora except in a mannerism that had her back inclined so the bust portions of her chest were a bit too close, it didn’t help that she gently clasped her chin and raised it more up towards them. “Anyway.” She said, still in the same posture but now looking back at Aotani who made a remark involving getting a whole bunch of random junk which included a bunch of strange miscellaneous things such as “Anime hair?” She questioned in a perplexing voice while trying to understand the concept of why they’d need something so bizarre? Being a magician and everything it was sure that his methodical tricks were going to sound a bit off, Lexia wish that he would’ve brought all of his equipment before they began with anything else. “Ugh, alright we’ll make a couple of stops in New Yorrk. Make sure you bring your stuff before-hand so we aren’t having our schedule delayed. I mean we have all day since the big conference meeting at the Daily Blab is tomorrow, just don’t procrastinate anything.” She also asked something about scrubbing the metallic plating of her cybernetic body? She didn’t know if that was an insulting remark to think that the alien technology that was her body was considered to be ‘dirty’ or if she was flattered that someone would scrub her down, although that was a dirty though all on its own. “Wash me? Sorry but my metal is as clean as it is, this material that encompasses my skin is stainless and it does not rust in harsh weather conditions. But if you insist on giving me a scrub-bath I wouldn’t mind it once we get to New York, then all of us can rent a motel or something.” She mentioned while being a tad bit creeped out once she put on his surgical mask. “Riighht, anyway are we all set?” She asked her fellow companions while still being completely unaware of how uncomfortably close she was with Sora. Only being inches away from being smothered by those over inflated cantaloupes.
@Colt556 @M-Night @Talon @Xion136 @KuroNoKami39

  After the rules were made clear, the battle began. Caroline's opponent, this Winston Knox fella, was a tall man with a rather agile build, teal-colored hair, blue eyes, and a confident look on his face. He smirked at the sight of his new opponent, cracking his knuckles. "No questions at all, reff. Let's get to it." With that, the referee blew his whistle and stepped back; Winston, in contrast, took a step forward, aiming his first punch at Caroline's face—

  Doris, meanwhile, watched this very carefully through the one eye she could see out of. This could be a chance to snag another OOTT member, seeing as it was a boxing match. She would observe these characters' fighting styles...then she would determine who would best suit the mission for Team Kickurass. 


@Mitchs98 @Lilah Tunth @Sizniche @Nobody

  Stewart looked carefully around the house, viewing the rather interesting pictures on the walls. Odd human inventions, he deduced, continuing to explore. 


  The demon jumped, now levitating three feet in the air and above the staircase; that had startled him. Tremendously. He freaked out even more when Noir's phone rang. That caused him to fall to the ground with a soft BANG, rubbing his head, obviously pained by that. 

  However, with that came a brilliant idea; perhaps he could find the items if—

  No. He had to stay with Lady Noir, as was his contract. 

  But it was worth a—



   It was too late anyways; Stewie had already turned into his sock form. And the owner of the house was headed towards the stairs. Without thinking, Stewart propelled his sock-self at the person's face, that way they wouldn't see the other four. It was quite an interesting sight; a pair of blue knee-high socks attacking a twenty-something British man, who was cursing heavily as he tried pulling the socks away. Once he did, he had been lured back into his bedroom. Stewie turned back to his human form, looked around for something, and found a quite heavy book on machinery. The house owner turned around to face Stewie. 

  "What the f—"


  The Demon of Nails Scratching on Chalkboards boredly watched as the human fell unconscious. He emerged from the bedroom, victorious, and bowed. 

  "I have taken care of the owner of the house~!" he chirped, smiling innocently. 
Sebastian opened the door of the car as he finally arrived outside. His master was already waiting  inside. 

"What about New York? It's a nice place..."he suggested. 

Noctis sighed ,"Whether you want. Mother built a good reputation there so I think I might be able set shop there." Noctis reached into his pockets and pulled out a lolipop. " Say... maybe I use my earned money for all day buffet for chocolate . Sounds tasty ,huh?"he placed the lolipop into his mouth after unwrapping it.

"Yeah, very delicious. "The butler agreed. The car started and transformed into a hover car. The butler pulled down the controls and took off.

"Music ,sir?"

"Why not ."Noctis replied.

'Fly me to the moon'
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Aotani looked at Cicada as she mentioned something about her need of anime hair, she simply responded to that comment with "of course! we must force feed anime hair, orange juice, and twinkies to under three month old kittens or else we shall have horrible luck on the mission. is that a problem?" as Lexia made the comment of having clean metal the magician frowned, making her surgical mask 'disappear'. she would have to scrub her down soon, though, her other (filthy) teammates were crowding her, including a maid fox girl. Aotani then realized, MAID FOX GIRL! pulling out an extremely sharp card, the joker, why was she not surprised? and cut some of Sora's hair, not much, just a little off the bottom. smiling and she got the hair required for the ritual, stating happily "never mind, i have acquired the anime hair. now all we need is the orange juice, twinkies, and baby kittens." looking at the girl dressed as a cat adorned in jewels, she asked curiously "you don't happen to be under three months old, do you?" a small smile spread across her face, gathering these things would be easy compared to the bad luck they may face! she didn't see why they were confused, it was simple common sense!

@Colt556 @M-Night @Xion136 @Talon

Shiba smiled then remembered what the humans used to call it, saying cheerfully "yeah, welcome back from the Underworld!" after he made this comment, he looked around the room for anyone that could be this Mr. 'Augustine', the cheerful smile had quickly drained from his face once he realized he couldn't judge people on appearances alone, besides, he couldn't really see well with his sunglasses, everything was tinted an extremely dark blue. the only reason he was able to find Miss Mei was because she was wearing light colors, thank Zeus...or not, considering he was still pissed off about the entire 'letting Perseus kill my mom for some stupid wedding' thing. biting his lip and sitting beside Miss Mei he became lost in thought and his entire demeanor seemed to change to a more angry one, on one hand, he supposed he'd have killed someone's mother to prevent his mother from being forced into marriage, on the other hand, he wasn't exactly a 'good person' so he could probably get away with something like that, plus, he expected punishment in some form or another,  but no, they praise Perseus as a hero for leaving him orphaned! what the Hades?! he hissed slightly under his breath, it wasn't fair! his face contorted with frustration as he tried to wrap his head around the entire situation. 

Kuro smiled at the fact Mei-Chan seemed to not have noticed that they practically were the cockroaches of BBC, no one wants them there, but no one cares enough to actually do anything about them, it's not like they were harming anyone or anything. noticing his partners subtle change in mood, he readjusted Shiba's sunglasses, they really needed to get some that actually fit properly, he could only imagine how many times the snake had to suffer through readjusting the things. humming to himself as he plopped down on Shiba's lap, it wasn't something he did often, but Shiba was definitely the most comfortable chair he'd ever sat on. crossing his legs he went back to staring into his own eyes, honestly he was just bored out of his mind at this point. attempting to strike up a conversation with the Mei sitting next to them, he said "so... who's the person you hate the most?" honestly, it was the most casual question he could think of. though he'd probably be unable to answer himself, he was still curious. besides, the snake he was currently sitting on top of was out of commission as a speaking partner. once again awaiting getting enraptured in his own eyes once more, until then, he needed someone to talk to and Mei-Chan had been the only option. 

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Mikado Saris - Evil Lair

She kept her gaze on their Glorious Leader as she seemed to have some minor run-in with the Sniper. The talk over how to address her was one she actually cared about, as she didn't like the sound of 'Cicadia'. However, the suggestion put forth by Glorious Leader was also really subpar and too long for her tastes. To that end she came up with her own name for the woman, one that was easy to use and still signified leadership. A truly magnificent name! But that would have to wait as Glorious Leader turned to address the group, briefing them on the details of the mission. She had been fast asleep when the boss gave out information on the mission so this time she'd actually have to pay some attention if she was going to get paid. For the most part it seemed like it'd be a pretty easy mission, just the way she preferred it. Although as she got more information she couldn't help but wonder why she was even assigned to a mission like this, it seemed like there wouldn't be all that much for her to even do. It was at that moment that some nameless stooge popped up with a computer that contained Glorious Leader's porn stash. She was really beginning to question the priorities of some of the members in this group, then again her reaction with the foxgirl wasn't exactly much better.

Upon being handed a small piece of paper that contained her personal directives she quickly focused on it and skimmed over it. The very first thing was Lexia saying she was open to snuggling with causing her to glance over at the woman just in time to receive a wink. The offer was sort of tempting but then the question on whether or not those metal bits were removable or not played through her mind. Snuggling up to sentient full-scale figurine wasn't exactly the most comfortable of ideas. That was a question that would have to wait for later as she lowered her eyes back to the paper to read over her actual mission objectives. Reading through the two of them it became abundantly clear that Glorious Leader had no idea what she was capable of or how she generally conducted her missions. It wasn't exactly a surprising revelation, her methodology didn't lend itself to much in the way of fame. Indeed she was one of the only villains that didn't even bother with fancy costumes or villainous nicknames, such things didn't matter when nobody ever saw you to begin with. The first option was immediately thrown into the trash bin of her mind, there was no value in doing that and she may as well just go home if that was the case. However, the second option did pique her interest. She hadn't ever been a high-class CEO before and it would put her directly in the room with the target. A small grin tugged at her lips as she turned her attention away from the paper and back up to the raven-haired woman. "I'll go with Option B, Chief. Seems more fun that way."

Unsure what to do with the little paper her gaze quickly darted from the woman over to the pretty-boy sniper as he burned his own little slip. She tilted her had ever-so-slightly to the side as she figured that was a good idea and so quickly crumbled up the slip and gently tossed it over to the man. "Deal with that for me, will ya?" With the paper now being the sniper's responsibility she looked over at the magician who continued to spout extraordinarily random stuff. Given her usual style she couldn't care less about things like 'luck' and felt the entire thing would be a complete waste of time. The magicians antics continued which caused her to speak up. "If you guys are going to go on a shopping trip I'll just stay home or something. Make sure you pick me up something good while you're out, though."

@Talon @M-Night @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @Xion136
Caroline Draves

Caroline barely had time to get into her defensive stance before Winston's fist was barreling towards her face. An ambitious move, sure, but this wasn't a heavyweight bout; Both fighters combined were probably lighter than most Welterweights in the new weight class system, and logically magnitudes more agile. Caroline ducked downwards and inwards, attempting to land a hit straight in his core, potentially shaking his footing.

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Sora gulped as Cicada pivoted, but instead of panicking her face entirely went red and she was sort of stuck staring...not that she minded, they were very nice breasts, and they looked soft and warm...she started to zone out and fantasize a bit, when she felt her hair cut. She yelped and jerked, accidentally pushing into Cicada's chest and not accidentally hugging her. She peeked out, her small arms holding Cicada as she saw the "magician" putting her hair in a baggy.

"M-Meanie!" She accused him quietly, not letting go of Cicada. She really knew no one in her group, save Mikado - who sort of creepily had petted her and such, and looked like she wanted to do something....

I want Luna or Mei.... she thought quietly, still holding Cicada. I mean....she did say all she had to do was ask...and others were being a bit scary....could their leader really blame her? Probably, they were villains.

"...can I take up Mikado's declined offer and being carried?" She asked quietly. It seemed safer than walking with some of these other guys, like that "eye candy" of a sniper who probably was trying too hard...she glanced around once more, spotting Jenna and her jewels...and that was it...that was their team...

....Lexa seems okay....ish...

@Obsidian @Talon @M-Night @KuroNoKami39
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"Wait, then who am I? I get who the other people are with the whole nicknames, but who am I? I don't think I'm much of a 'Madame Secretary clone', but that's the only option left," Jenna stared at Cicada with confusion in her eyes.

Dismissing this, Jenna read her mission. Surprisingly, the idiot noted something that might come up as a problem in the ordeal. Jenna was also disappointed with the lack of opportunity to steal something. Oh well, she can always hit up a few places when they went shopping.

Shaking her head, the girl decided to point out what she noticed, "I think I'm a bit young to have a teenage daughter, I'm only twenty-two. I could have a little sister though. That works for me if it works for you. Also, what are we doing to make sure we can keep control of the situation? I don't know about how long this would last if we don't. By the way, are we allowed to pull any of our usual jobs while we're in New York? I hear there are quite of few jewel exhibits and jewelry stores there, not to mention the magic ones that are rumored. I could always add to my collection. Could we use that in any way? I wonder if we'll be forced to deal with any supers. Everyone knows that the work at the Daily Blab. I wonder why. Why would a super hero spend so much time in their secret identity with people reporting on their alter ego and trying to figure out who they are? It just seems stupid. Then again, it could be to control the release of any identities when they are found out. Maybe it's the reporters who hold all the powers with the supers."

Jenna managed to lose her point within that statement. She could only hope her team got the point; you know, if she realized how far off topic she got. It was then that Jenna noticed the sniper next to her, and she could admit to appreciating the view. However, the job she had laid out for her and the prospect of what they could do on those stops held more of her attention then the hot guy standing next to her.

@Talon @Obsidian @Xion136 @KuroNoKami39 @Colt556

I would like to volunteer Jenna for any injury or the brunt of any injuries if they are sustained as she is the most inept member of the team. She has no powers and her fighting ability is questionable with the whole curse thing.
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Sora had pretty much not moved since Mei kissed her. She was utterly floored. No one really touched her, let alone kissed her forehead. As her brain did a few backflips trying to figure out how to react. With Lunaria now teasing her, she shook her head, blushing even worse.

"C-C-C-Crush?!" She stuttered out, looking at goo-girl. No one ever had crushes on her, not beautiful women like Mei! She was barely a kid! It had to be Lunaria teasing her. And with all of this mental gymnastics, she couldn't even tell Mei she likedher name...so with a small slump, she then realized...Lunaria was still hugging her.

"S-So....uhm...why'd you choose to be here?" She asked Lunaria shyly, ears up and tail wagging a bit. She was genuinely curious...plus, it got her mind off of being kissed on the forehead. She might start thinking ecchi thoughts and zone out, and that never was a good idea. Especially not with perverts and whatever the hell else was here. That'd be bad. Really bad.


@Mitchs98 @Obsidian

@Kingmalikai @purity @Mika9889 

Lunaria Safira: Talking to Sora > Announcing presence to team.

Lunaria giggled a bit and nodded, "Yep, a crush~" She replied with a smirk. "She did kiss you and not me after all!" She pointed out. Honestly she found the fox's reaction to the whole thing relatively amusing and adorable. She seemed fairly shy in general so it only served to make her cuter. At her question she blinked, "Oh..well. I need money for something very important to me." She told her. "It's...a bit complicated and personal.." She said with a small sigh. She was going to explain a little bit further until more mission details were announced and they were assigned teams, Sora unfortunately getting a different team than her. She frowned a little when she walked off, "We can talk more later okay!" She called out waving.


Afterwards she had to figure out just who the hell her team was. Looking around she couldn't tell, so she guessed she'd be shouting. "I'm the Blue Bandit! Who is on my team?" She called out curiously, wanting to get to know them as soon as possible.

@Lilah Tunth





@Trust (no longer online)

Alexa Starr: Meeting full of chucklefucks > Building full of chucklefucks and Noir


Needless to say, Alexa was more than surprised when Noir of all people was chosen to be her leader. Both surprised and very, no...extremely fucking happy she was. Had it been most of these other idiots she would of ditched the Order and just went back solo again. After all, she was more than capable of causing mass suffering for funsies alone. Of course the mission was marginally important and interesting too, but the fact she'd be lead by a competent person was more than enough. She did however hang back until it seemed all of her group was through the portal before entering herself, thus missing..well..everything that'd went on before. She didn't think it was important, nor did she care. She did however walk up to Noir and wait for her to get off the phone, planning on getting her to fill her in when she did.
_NY_ Located:Mueseum/Jelewery exhibit

(I'll just wait until someone plans to steal jelewery from the mueseum)

"And other words..I - Wow! We already here"Noctis exclaimed.

The butler nodded,"It seems so. I took a little short cut that was left in the wide open for no reason."he landed the car in a parking lot. 

"I'm a explore this place. I'll call ya if I get lost."Noctis said as he exited the car.

"I hope this boy does not cause anymore trouble. I'm tired of cleaning bodies out of the basement. "the butler sighed. He had nothing to worry about, for right now. As long Noctis isn't in his adult form, he wont o anything that is extreme. 

Noctis walked down the streets and headed toward a jelewery 

exhibition . He remebered that

this muesuem held his items. Many of which his mother sold to the muesuem.  "I didn't need this crappy jelewery anyways."he muttered to himself.
"If she's gonna be a "CEO", why don't I be her "security guard?". Might be smarter. Though I don't care either way. I'm fine with cleaning up and stalking around the building too." He commented and then caught the balled up paper that was thrown at him and incinerated it. Chris really didn't care. It wasn't his priority to worry about such things, that was Cicadas job. But he still felt like giving input anyway. The magician was acting wierd, he raised an eyebrow and watched as the girls talked about... Something. He wasn't too sure and dint really want to know as it would probably just confuse him even more. He nodded in agreement when Jenna said she didn't look old enough to have a teenage daughter and that was the end of his input. He did want to leave though. They could talk on the way or something, like in the motel or wherever Cicada had said HQ would be.

@M-Night @Obsidian @Colt556 @KuroNoKami39 @Xion136


(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada")(Location: New York, Times Square)(With: Sora)

“Option B for Mikado and Mr.Snipity Snipes a lot it is!” Lexia who might actually be related to Kim Jong Un after being labeled as “Glorious Leader”, carefully placing her index finger up to the side of her temple which made two pixelated check-marks reveal themselves inside of her eyes which then vanished after Mikado spoke about staying at the hotel while everyone else goes shopping, maybe her laziness might prove useful in this situation? Besides someone’s going to need to keep a keen watch of the room they’ll be located while everyone is away doing their own thing. “Perfect! Hm. Wouldn’t that be incredibly boring staying in a room while everyone else is in a shopping environment?” She hummed, not exactly grasping the concept of wanting to become fully secluded indoors. Although Mikado was probably still exhausted from the meeting, granted that would take the life out of anyone as well as reading that gracious amount of text that she printed out on the transcript! What was she going to do while everyone was away? It wasn’t like that hotel that they were going to be staying in had anything that she could do for fun except maybe for that Mei character because of how large-scaled the indoor bar was. Suffering from temporary boredom is something that she wouldn’t let Mikado go through as Lexia knew first-hand what boredom could do to a person’s sanity!


“You know what, i’ll let you have a looksie at my laptop while we’re gone. Password to unlock the desktop is Juicybuns301. Oh and if you find any files on my desktop that are labeled as hardcore or bdsm, i’d highly advise you don’t look through them! Also if you get bored you’ll be able to log on my steam account without any issues! Feel free to play all of the games that I have on there.” Cicada delightfully reached up underneath her arm to seize her clutches onto the side of the laptop before directly handing it to the lethargic beauty of a woman, hoping that she’d at least enjoy doing something besides snoozing all day while waiting for them to come back from their supermarket adventures. “Oomfh!” Lexia let out an abrupt exhale once Sora pushed herself even further into her slender frame, which made the bosom of her body press against her even more. “Oh my, aren’t you just aggressive? Anyway, we should probably all get a move on, instead of overloading me with questions you can just schedule a meeting with me and i’ll answer your questions directly! But as of now we’re going to take a trip to New York!” Being overwhelmed by crazy amounts of people wasn’t something she was too fond of, nodding to the whole carrying question that Sora made, Lexia swepped her arms underneath the back of her thighs and carried her on the front of her. “Fuck-a-yoooou responsibility!” She joyfully shouted, Lexia swished her arm into the air before snapping both her fingers together once more which caused that tablet on the side of her hip to activate, playing Take on me by a-Ha which blared throughout the conference room. “See you guys there!” Her voice trailed on into an echo once she dived through the portal with Sora. Both of them had arrived in the heart of Times Square! Both of them were getting a bit of weird looks from random bystanders who were traveling to their place of work.

[SIZE=13.333333333333332px](Too many people to respond to, can’t handle it. Lazy-post.) [/SIZE]
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Jenna was unaffected by being ignored. She just wanted to get a move on with all of their escapades. If she was lucky she could stop at a museum or something. Her hopes were high. Maybe she could snatch something off somebody, too. That would be fun. The thief nodded to herself with a smile; this would be fun.

Jenna walked forward to step through the portal when she looked back at Chris. Her glace was not only to check to see if her friend was coming, but also to get a second glance at his figure. His lack of armor surprised her. It took Jenna a moment to realize this was for the mission. He was going to be blending in as a normal person. So was Jenna. She hardly ever gets to go under cover. Maybe she could use this to become a spy one day, like how she thought Chris was a spy. It was almost a shame that he wasn't. Drama is always eventful. Jenna typically avoids drama when she's back home. She also typically walks around while using the modifications in her outfit. Her outfit really isn't something to wear during the daytime, outside of Vegas that is. 

The girl decided her outfit wasn't a good daytime outfit. She took off her hat and goggles with a fluid move of her hands. The accessories were quickly stashed in the bag at her side (without dropping any jewels for once). After this, Jenna reached up and unzipped a few hidden zippers in her top and slip off the back and sleeves; these were also stashed.

Jenna turned to Chris, Mikado, and Aotani, "This looks good for walking in the daytime, right?"

@Talon @Obsidian @Colt556 @KuroNoKami39 @Xion136

Mikado Saris - Times Square

She couldn't help but quirk a brow as their Glorious Leader asked if it would be boring staying back while they all went shopping. If anything she was the one that had the right to be confused. Spending hours walking around crowded places, dealing with actual human beings in person. In the world of modern technology she prided herself on her ability to keep real life interactions to a minimum. God invented the internet for a reason after all. However she wasn't opposed to the solution their Glorious Leader came up with. She was just going to steal a computer of some type when they got there anyways, so being able to use hers was just as good. In fact it made things a lot easier on her, although she'd probably still have to steal a mouse and other accessories. Laptops weren't bad but they were a bit limiting in what they could do, especially for games. She reached out as the laptop was handed to her, taking hold of it and flipping it around to hold it sideways by her side. "So rifle through your porn and play your games, sounds good to me." She offered a small nod as she affirmed her future actions. "Then again, if I was going to do that I should have stayed home to begin with. No offense but my setup is a lot better than a laptop." Her little remark was overshadowed by their walking dakimakura shoving her face into their leader's chest. If there was one thing she could take away from this group was that several members seriously needed to get laid or something. Glancing over at the pretty-boy as he offered up his own suggestions she was at least thankful not everyone around her was thirsty as hell. 

And with the usual gusto she was beginning to expect, their Glorious Leader absconded with the Fox and dove into the portal. With the most energetic of the group gone she allowed her gaze to drift up to the ceiling, a small sigh escaping her lips. If she had known the mission wasn't going to be until tomorrow she wouldn't have even bothered to show up. Alas she had no easy means back home without these portals so she had little choice but to continue on. At the very last she could chill out at.. wherever it was they would be staying. Her attention was pulled from the ceiling as the second most energetic member piped up. The question caused her to look down at her own ensemble before offering the woman a simple shrug. "I'm not someone you should ask on clothing advice. Besides, what does it matter? None of those people are ever going to see you again anyways. May as well wear whatever's easy and comfortable, right?" With her words of wisdom given she walked towards the portal, casually stepping through it to get to the other side. However, what greeted her was far from what she had expected. Rather than some secluded location, or their hideout, she was smack dab in the middle of the busiest location in all of New York. There were already onlookers staring at the duo that had gone on before her but she only added to the strange sight. Some cyberpunk looking chick holding a foxgirl maid with another buxom beauty dressed like she just got out of bed. For a stealth mission they sure weren't being discreet. At least the others weren't so outstanding in their appearances. She walked a few steps to stand beside the raven-haired woman, generally ignoring the looks they were getting. "This doesn't look like a place to stay to me.. If I had known we'd have to travel to our place I would have taken you up on that offer...."

@Talon @M-Night @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @Xion136



(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin.")(Location: ???)(With: N/A)(Inoperative.)

Startled by the question, Mei readjusted her posture when she sat upon the cushioned piece of furniture. She didn’t exactly ‘hate’ them, they were just a bit off. Was it that obvious that she was discomforted by their random antics? No it couldn’t be that transparent. “Why do you ask? I wouldn’t say that I have any form of distaste to both of you, i’m just a bit thrown off by the things you say sometimes.” She was hoping that she didn’t say anything rude, last thing that she wanted to receive was another headbutt from someone who she had unknowingly peeved off. Thankfully any interaction were soon cut-off by the sound of her phone ringing once more but instead this time it wasn’t a notification but a call from Mei’s roommate which sounded visibly distressed on the other end. “Wait what’s happening?!” She asked, nearly jolting out from the seat as she heard him on the other end of the phone. “Ok-Okay, slow down. I’ll be there in a couple of minutes.” Mei swished her thumb up to the phone, ending the call as she sat up out from the office chair. “Looks like i’m going to be helping out my roomie! They’re having a bit of issues, something about accidentally letting a bat inside the room or something, don’t ask why.” Looks as if Mei was going to be out of commission for quite sometime while she took care of the furry intruder in her house, looks like her team was going to have to do things without her this time. Mei didn’t hesitate to leave the way she came as fast as possible, disappearing out of the OOTT head-quarters once she had left through the portal.


(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada.")(Location: Majestic Hotel)(With: No-one)(Inoperative.)

“Hm, damn that really messed my tech up.” She muttered, still holding up Sora by her delicate legs as she took begun to took a gander at how the portal had affected the electronic equipment carried through it, considering that she was composed of electronic components there was a few sparks bursting out from the sides of her own mechanical legs, scattering electricity alongside the concrete ground as they were continuing to get odd looks from people all around them. “Well, looks like our snuggling session is going to have to be tonight instead of now! Seems like my gear is having a bit of a malfunction after traveling through that vortex, should’ve expected something like this to happen. Oh well!” She lowered Sora back onto her feet while Cicada brought herself down to the ground, sitting criss-cross as she inspected the damaged equipment around her feminine figure. “Looks as if i’m going to be fixing my stuff yet again, i’ll meet all of you back at the Majestic Hotel. Try not to get lost on the way there, it should only be a couple of blocks north of where we’re currently positioned.” Suddenly she backed away from Sora as the exterior of her own body was beginning to be covered in electricity which was pulsing all around the outside of her body, Cicada wasn’t wasting any time trying to fix this equipment as she was planning on transporting herself as quick as she could to the hotel. “Oh and if you guys come across some cotton-candy or something, do a girl a favor and pick some up, toodles!” Before they knew what was happening the surges of current flowing across the atmosphere around her collapsed in on Lexia’s body causing her to vanish into a spherical state of electricity that instantaneously bounced onto one of the overhead power-lines.

(Gonna take a break, all of you can decide who's in charge.) 
Onyx's foot began to tap at a high speed while she waited. She needed to get someone on her teams attention, but she didn't want to take part in the angry ruckus

*someone on my team notice meeeee*

Dark Ice

Bastien was still idly playing around with the snowflakes fluttering from his hands.  At this point a small replica of the old Parisian street he grew up on had been constructed from the snowflakes.  It's architecture was beautifully outlined and looked as if it had been captured by a photograph with the amount of detail that had been put on each of the buildings, the corners that lead into alleys, even down to the pebbles and their arrangement along the ground.  Bastien gave a genuine smile at it, warm thoughts flooding his mind as he remembered the moment in particular, Why yes, I remember this... it was Christmas, the year was-  "Ahem." Bastien's eyes flicked up to Doris who was clearly growing impatient at the wait.  Blushing slightly, Bastien stood up and allowed the snow town to fall to the ground as he walked over and rejoined the group of people.  Even still he zoned out of most of the conversation, only tuning in when he heard Doris' phone chime out about a 'dark winter night'.  

It was then that Bastien found himself interested in what was being talked about, and it was also then that Doris declared he was the team leader of this group.  Though Bastien was glad to be considered as responsible enough to be selected as the team's leader, he couldn't help but wonder at his fellow group member's, From the sounds of it I have one other person who has an ice power.  A person known as Winter's Thrill, whoever that is.  It seems that I also have someone named the Blue Bandit and Cupid.  Great.  Seems like I'm 1/7 the way there to getting the fairy-tale creature pack for holidays.  It also seems as if we will be going to Ålesund, Norway.  At least it's up my alley temperature-wise.  Walking closer to Doris he took the folder out of his hands and opened it up to read about their mission.  Halfway through and Bastien was already becoming confused, What is this nonsense about trolls and gnomes and fairies?  I was joking about the whole fairy-tale creatures thing.  From the looks of it this isn't a joke, so I guess I'll be expected to go through this mission just as seriously as I would if it weren't with the interesting names for creatures.  Having had enough of the mission detail, Bastien set down the folder and turned to begin looking for his group.

Bastien was about to call out when a girl seemed to do it for him, "I'm the Blue Bandit! Who is on my team?"  Turning once again to face the girl he saw a stranger sight then what he just read.  A girl who seemed to have blue skin, blue clothes, and blue hair.  Although Bastien couldn't say for sure, he had a feeling that this girl wasn't quite human.  Wasting no more time with observations, Bastien walked up and introduced himself, "Bonjour, my name is Bastien.  Zee team leader of,"  Bastien racked his head for whatever the team name was and turned up with nothing, "our team."  Giving another smile he nearly leaned his head down again before having to once again remind himself of the different place.  So he awkwardly saved the moment by reaching out with his hand for a handshake instead, "So I suppose we are just waiting on zee rest of our teammates then, no?"  Bastien turned his head around, awaiting for any of the other teammates to call out their arrival.

At the sound of her name being uttered by Doris, Cupid instantly snapped back to reality... She had been daydreaming again, of course. So, quickly, she glanced around at the situation, piecing together what she had missed.  Oookay... So my team was assigned? And... Iiif I heard right, it's a lot of ice users? Wonder why I'm in it, then... She figured out what was going on easily, but was quite curious about why... From the names she heard, it seemed to be an ice-user team. Which she was not...

Then again, she really wasn't... Anything like anyone else. She was a big-time villain once, and a creature who used the strongest, rawest emotions there was to her advantage... Love. Where could she have been placed? She was a fallen angel. Heck, she wasn't even supposed to be on this team! She was a big-time villain... She had ruled a city! But, of course, one little mistake screwed her over... One little backfire. Of course. Because that's how life works for her... One mess-up and everything crashes down.  Of course.

And, with that thought, she flared up a bit for a moment, growling suddenly... Before she snapped a rubber band on her wrist. "Bad Cupid! No losing your mind yet... Meet the team first, then maybe go ballistic and snap... But probably not," She muttered to herself, before fluttering into the air and cupping her hands around her mouth like a megaphone. "I'm Cupid! Who's on my team?"

@Mitchs98 @purity @Kingmalikai
Chris looked at the spot where Cicada had been moments before and sighed. "Well, that's lovely... What now?" He asked turning to the others. "I guess we should head to the hotel then, rest up and prepare." That was the logical option, it meant no running around and losing eachother. It also meant everyone could talk a bit more and get better acquainted. He almost always worked alone, but he did know that a team that knew eachother well worked a lot better. He looked at them and shrugged. "I don't care really, I'm just saying that going to the hotel is smarter. You ladies can decide though." With that he crossed his arms and took a step back.

@M-Night @Xion136 @Colt556 @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39
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Sora didn't want to be let go, but it seemed Lexa had no choice. She stood and watched Lexa jet off, before walking over to Mikado. She nervously grabbed Mikado's arm, pressing closer.

"N....not really good...in crowds this big..." Sora was a shy, nervous girl, making the huge amounts of people just terrible. Shaking more, she began to take deep, controlled breaths, mentally counting each inhale and exhale. It helped keep her calm - something she had learned awhile back. The poor girl stayed close to Mikado though, and watched as Chris left. Mikado was the only one she really...knew, to say something. She glanced at Mikado. "D....do you know the w-way to the hotel?" She didn't know where the others were....probably in her peripheral vision.

@Obsidian @Colt556 @Talon @M-Night @KuroNoKami39
Jenna stumbled out of the portal just after Chris. She glanced around the crowd of people surrounding them and was surprisingly unperturbed unlike her maid looking companion. She briefly caught the disappearance of Lexia, though the thief did not catch any of what she said. Luckily, Jenna did hear the current impromptu leader's words.

Jenna thought it was best to respond to the sharp shooter, "Going to the hotel is fine by me. I wonder what type of place we'll be going to. Do you think the budget lets us have nice things? I hope so. I could always steal some nice things, though. I want to go rob the museum. Can I go rob the museum after we go to the hotel? I haven't done that in a while. Do any of you want to come with me when I rob the museum? It'll be fun!"

Jenna's priorities were obviously straight. She also forgot the meeting. This was all to be expected.

Despite her oblivious nature, Jenna noticed her panicking teammate. The cat lady walked over and gave Sora a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder. After that Jenna slipped her way into the crowed around the group and slowly began to work on dispersing them with some... convincing comments. She then resurfaced next to Talon and began to await more responses.

@Talon @Xion136 @Colt556 @KuroNoKami39 @Obsidian

So, not completely useless.
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