Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...

[SIZE= 36px][FONT= 'Times New Roman'][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Noir[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px] After Alex got out of his seat and went through the portal, Noir sighed. That was irresponsible of her. Like really irresponsible. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]She should start looking after them better.... [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]But nevertheless, she stepped through the portal and looked around. It was a rather normal and plain house, but it looked.... Lived in. It wasn't dusty, rather clean actually. The floors were a nice polished wood, and the walls were decorated with multiple paintings and pictures of... machinery? The stepped further into the house, but so far no one seemed show themselves. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Then she startled by a loud ringtone being played. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]I could have sworn I left it on silent[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]. From her pocket. She quickly took her phone out and saw the word 'Dad' sit on the caller identity. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Then she heard a crash from upstairs. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Shit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Taking up her phone, her father greeted her, asked her how the meeting is going, but all she did was said 'not now' and hung up. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"Quiet please. Someone's in here."[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] She whispered to the group. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Taking a book from seemingly nowhere (the simplest summoning spells, really), she searched the contents, before making a plain candle appear with a wave of her hand (hey, summoning spells are pretty handy). Lighting it up by taking out a lighter from an inside pocket of her coat, she held it in her hands and whispered something in Latin. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Thank god for magic. Except not really. She didn't believe in a one true god... although she did believe in gods. Just look at Loki. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]"That should make them avoid the living room for now..."[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] She looked at her team before continuing. "Let's get out while we can."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Noir stumbled about a bit before slightly groaning. Magic was draining. It was too tiring, and the Avoidance spell was a rather complex one too. But she regained her composure quickly. At least she wasn't as sick as she was after summoning Stewart, the summoner had felt so terrible and her immune system was in such a wreck she had caught the flu right after.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Nobody @Mitchs98 @Trust (no longer online) @Sizniche[/SIZE]
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(I know how that feels XD don't worry about Chris he can just ignore if need be but he finds her interesting that's why he isn't moving)

Chris didn't even bother answering any of the questions and silently pulled out his blades only to start playing with them again, though he kept them at a distance from Jenna. "Do you ever stop asking questions?" He asked her with the ghost of a smile at the corners of his mouth. This was rare for him as he never really opened up to people until he had at least known them for a few months at least, and even then it was only to say what his favourite colour was, which is blue if your wondering. He watched as she furiously picked up the scattered gems. Her actions reminded him of a chipmunk and he found that kind of ridiculous. He saw the glint of something shiny and glanced down to see another gem at his feet that she had missed. He bent down to retrieve it and held it out to her in the palm of his hand.

Jenna stopped pouting when the knives came back into view. A grin broke across her face at the sight of the jewel being returned to her, although she did not take it from his hand. She finally backed out of his face and stood up straight (while still being quite a bit shorter than him). 

"No, I don't typically ask so much. There are just so many new people and things going on. I still don't know why they wanted us, we aren't all the best," Jenna shook her head out of her lamenting and waved away the gem, "Keep the sapphire. That one won't do anything bad. It might even help!"

The thief pocketed the other items in her collection. Her eyes were once again drawn to the blades dancing in the air. To get a better look of the glimmering object, Jenna pulled off her goggles. Her peripheral vision was belatedly restored to her. Jenna was surprised by how metallic and overall bland the room full of villains was. It was honestly boring her.

Jenna focused on Chris again, "Do you know where we are? It's boring here, so why are we staying?"

It was then that the burgler noticed the people leaving, "Oh, we aren't staying. I wonder where we'll be going. I hope it's somewhere like a museum, those are fun targets. Do you have anywhere you want to go to?"

Jenna decided that she still didn't have enough information on the point of her interest. None of her questions were answered, after all.


Dark Ice

Bastien gave a light smile to her as she talked, listening to her while also beginning to wonder what exactly his mission was.  Snapping back slightly he managed to catch her bit about somebody looking at her in fear and then her blushing, Wait a second, did I just do something wrong or... oh... it was probably those comments I had said...  Watching her rush through the mirror Bastien gave a light sigh to himself, Damn, I should have said something.  The moments passed though, and I thought I had possibly made a friend there.  Stopping himself in front of the mirror he gave a conflicted look up, That in itself is impossible though.  Bastien hesitantly stepped through the mirror, unsure if his foot would impact glass for a second or just go straight through.

Upon going through he gazed around the room that held villains of all different kinds, gathered around and talking about the teams and missions they had gotten.  Bastien himself decided to stand off to the side, unsure if he really fit into this crowd of assorted oddities and general misfits, To call them oddities though is a bit ironic considering how I look, Bastien thought.  Bastien looked around once more before simply taking a seat on the ground, legs crossed over each other.  Even though he was sitting down Bastien could tell that he was nearly at equal height with most people in the room.  Bastien hovered his hands over the ground and let small snowflakes drift down from them.  Slowly he began to create a small snow town on the floor beside him.

[SIZE= 14px]@Trust (no longer online) @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball (and the other people around the room.)[/SIZE]
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Chris was relieved that she didn't ask questions all the time.

'Speak for yourself...' He thought when she said they weren't even the best. Chris at least, thought he was the best or one of the best. The only person he would ever consider to be better than him was Deathstroke, and everyone else he believed he could beat once he figured out their weakness.

"I believe we are in some sort of hidden room within the carnival but I could be wrong as we did enter a portal which means we could be anywhere at all. We have been recruited to take out the Hero's somehow."

He replied in answer to her questions. Just then a few of the teams already called out left and this set off Jenna once more. 

"I don't care where I'm going as long as it pays well." He answered and thought, 'a museum, how cliche.'

He sighed, hoping his team would be called out in the next 5 seconds though this was probably a futile hope.

Sora had pretty much not moved since Mei kissed her. She was utterly floored. No one really touched her, let alone kissed her forehead. As her brain did a few backflips trying to figure out how to react. With Lunaria now teasing her, she shook her head, blushing even worse.

"C-C-C-Crush?!" She stuttered out, looking at goo-girl. No one ever had crushes on her, not beautiful women like Mei! She was barely a kid! It had to be Lunaria teasing her. And with all of this mental gymnastics, she couldn't even tell Mei she likedher name...so with a small slump, she then realized...Lunaria was still hugging her.

"S-So....uhm...why'd you choose to be here?" She asked Lunaria shyly, ears up and tail wagging a bit. She was genuinely curious...plus, it got her mind off of being kissed on the forehead. She might start thinking ecchi thoughts and zone out, and that never was a good idea. Especially not with perverts and whatever the hell else was here. That'd be bad. Really bad.


@Mitchs98 @Obsidian
  "Ahem." Doris cleared her throat, after having watched the sideshow for a bit. It was always good to let the teams process their missions first, but she really needed to get a move on. Which was what she did as she began shuffling her papers. "Mmkay, we have only a couple more teams to announce after those guys left. So! Our next team is Caligino—Cali—Caliwhateverthefuck that is, I don't have time for this bullshit, just a sec." The blonde got out her phone, took a photo of the weird name, and sent it to Siri. "Siri, how the fuck do you pronounce this bullshit?"

  "Caliginoso Hiems Noche," her phone calmly responded.  "Latin for dark winter night."

  "All right, whatever. The team leader is Bastien. Members are Winter's Thrill, Blue Bandit, and Cupid. OKAY, WHY THE FUCK IS CUPID—arrgghh, forget about it. Here's your mission. I'll be opening a portal to Ålesund, Norway. That's your mission location by the way."

@Kingmalikai @purity @Mika9889 @Mitchs98

  In our mission to take down the press, you get probably one of the more....odd assignments. You will find yourself in the town of Ålesund, Norway, a city that, in 1904, was destroyed in a large scale fire. The city was eventually rebuilt, but with it, curiously enough, many portals to separate, small dimensions were formed. From town square, at around one in the morning, these portals will form under the guise of the Northern Lights. Enter the translucent blue one and you will enter the Winter Dimension, which is inhabited by creatures that the Nordic folk tell legends about; Tomte (gnomes), trolls, and fairies. The tomte are skilled woodcarvers and crafters who despise the trolls. Despite their Lawful Good (ugh) alignment, we could use their skillset to build something of a proper headquarters. HEY, WHAT CAN I SAY?! MY STUDENT LOAN ONLY GOES SO FAR AND WE HAVE A BUDGET!! 
  The point is that they'll literally do it overnight and for free....if we chase the goddamned stupid trolls off. Plus we could use a whole species as an ally...hell, you could even try manipulating them into believing that we're doing the right thing here (which we are). Either way, happy troll-slaughtering!

  After handing the ice team their mission and opening a portal to Norway, Doris got out the second-to-last file for the last team's mission. "Ahem. Our final team to be leaving this spaceship will be Ultimum Conveniunt, who will be sent off to New York, New York." She got out her spray bottle, creating the portal to the location before listing the names. "Cicada is leader. Members are Ebony Pride, Liar Gentleman, Mikado Saris, Chris Flamme, and Princess Mayhem. Here's your mission, have fun. Don't die."

@M-Night @Xion136 @Colt556 @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @Talon

In our mission to take down the press, you are tasked with taking down America's biggest newspaper, the Daily Blab. This is probably one of the riskier jobs, seeing as this company is known for the superheroes who have day jobs here (Clark Kent, for example). So you are the team most likely to fight superheroes. Congrats. Have fun. Here's a gun. 

  After that was said and done, Doris looked carefully at all the stragglers, shoving her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she got off the table, weaving between them. "And that leaves the rest of us here, huh. Niya, Asura, Howard, and Doris. A fine crap-team this is! You three get to go on a mission I intended to go on alone, and that is taking down the Intergalactic Press. Here are the deets if any of you want to read them. I'll be right back." She held up the last folder, a glint in her eye, then walked through the portal back to the casino. She needed to grab a couple things from her hotel room....

@MangoSargent @YungJazz @Marumatsu

  The Intergalactic Press is probably the best known newspaper in the universe. Its headquarters, located on planet Orinda S0IU in the Capella Star System, is very ridiculously difficult to get to without a spaceship, so good thing we have one. There are a lot of security measures (not to mention the planet is full of intergalactic battles) and timezones are rough, but with enough grit and nerve, it will be a snap. 

  "AAAAAARRRRE YOU READY TO RUUUUUUMMMMBLE?!" a loud voice shouted through a microphone. Doris blinked, stopping. There appeared to be a wrestling match. Curious, she approached it, leaning on a pillar. "IIIIN THIS CORNER, WE HAVE THE MOST SPEEDY OF THEM ALL, WINSTON A. KNOX! AND IN THIS CORNER, CAROLYN DRAVES!"

  A loud gong rang; bewildered, Doris slunk over to one of the chairs and say down just as the audience shouted in unison:


@Sizniche (You can do your thing nao)
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Jenna was pleased with her mission, despite it not being in a museum. Regardless of this, she was confused. Doris' announcement had confirmed the whole "defeating the superheroes" thing the Sniper had mentioned. This just didn't make any sense to her, though. However, Jenna mostly dismissed this to talk to her companion.

"Well, I guess I know where I'm going! I've always wanted to be a reporter. What about you? Do you know where you're headed off to? I didn't hear the boss mention you at all. Are you even supposed to be here?" a little bit of suspicion filled the thief generally happy tone as she began to whisper conspiratorially, "Are you a spy for someone? That would make you my enemy... probably. If you are working for heroes, it wouldn't really bug me. I don't mind heroes; they don't bother me. What about you? Do you have any real enemies? I don't think I want to be your enemy; let's not be enemies, okay?"

Jenna's wide eyes stayed in their typical innocent position as she said all of this, revealing no malice despite the darkness lingering there. There was no indication that any of her words were a lie. Any potential backstabbing only seemed to peak her interest in the villain in front of her. Taking a moment to look around the room once more, she took note of the portal behind her. Jenna put on her goggles effectively cutting off her vision again. She prepared to move into the portal, wanting to see what she would do next. However, she lingered near her colleague to wait for his response.

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"They only serve bloody cocktails and iced water. Sebastian explain this!"The white haired boy complained. He wanted something sweet ,other than the cocktails that his older self would like. " Sir, this is a bar. I could buy you a milkshake from a fast food joint and deliver it before the move. " the butler suggested.

Noctis paused his thoughts then mummbled."Fine " he said as he finally came to his conclusion.  He waved off his butler and pulled out his phone. "I'm bored. I wish something intresting would happen around here."Noctis started to play his mobile game .
Chris was relieved that his team was finally called out, but not so much that they used his real name. And look at that, he was with Jenna. He sighed and shook his head." No no, I'm the Chris Flamme that was called out but I prefer my villain name. That's why I told you I was the sniper. I am, it's just not my real name." He hoped that was enough explanation to get Jenna on the right track but decided she would always have questions so it didn't really matter. "Now, let's find that Cicada person and get this over with. He pushed off the wall he was leaning against and took exactly 3.476 steps before someone somewhere, introduced two people in two corners he didn't see. "What the hell?" It seemed like a boxing match or something was imminent.


@Ultimum Conveniunt team pplz, might as well start grouping up...

Mikado Saris - Evil Lair

She was curled up facing the wall, her breathing rhythmic and light as she slept. It was only with the mention of her name did she let out a groan as she rolled over onto her back and slowly opened her eyes. As she stared at the ceiling above the noise of the room once again filled her consciousness. After a few moments she slowly sat up, looking around before her eyes settled on the portal near the boss lady. While she had heard her name she hadn't heard anything prior to that, not that it particularly mattered. If push came to shove she'd just ask one of her teammates what she needed to know. So with a yawn and a small stretch she pushed herself to her feet and slowly made her way towards the portal. While the names of the other members were called she didn't know any of them so it was difficult figuring out who was going to work with her and who wasn't. She kept a close eye out for others grouping up near the portal, figuring those would be the names listed off along side her own. As she approached the portal an announcer came out announcing a pair of individuals in opposite corners. Despite the commotion she was entirely unphased, completely ignoring the little event as she came to a stop next to the portal. She stared at the magical entrance with half-closed eyes, pondering what she should actually do. The temptation to just walk through and get on with it was almost overwhelming. Indeed the only thing stopping her was the fact that she should probably wait for their 'leader'. With a tired sigh she took a few steps over the nearby table and sat down on it, waiting for her teammates to make their presences known.

@Talon @M-Night @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @Xion136


(Cassady Tribb)(Location: Mojave Desert Bar&Grill)(With: N/A)

After a few minutes of senseless violence, Cassady finally felt satisfied with the revolting ‘sculpture’ she had strenuously constructed while only using that man’s body to manufacture a mutilated masterpiece on the animal-skin covered cushioning of his dune-bashing truck. Goosebumps carried their way out onto her skin as she climbed back over the middle arm rest while placing herself onto the driver’s seat, scratching underneath her unblemished chin before cranking the volume dial button to the left, modulating the stereo system as she shuffled her grimy boot onto the gas pedal. She wasn’t exactly too concerned with the shuffling of the dead body in the back seat but more focused on getting to the destination that was a few clicks away from where she committed the dirty deed. Now that she thought about it, she could’ve persuaded him to for directions to where she was heading instead of ending his life straight off the bat. “Fuuuuck” She sighed, lightly smacking her forehead onto the middle of the steering wheel after realizing her mistake, luckily for Cassady while she was having her break-down in the vehicle she was promptly caught off guard by some flashing neon lights that were blistering through the night’s sky, somehow managing to break through the fog enough for her to catch a momentary glimpse of it before it became obscured again by the brushing winds that were carrying even more of the Mojave’s sand. She never understood why they decided this branch of the I.V.A was located so far out from civilization but then again nobody willingly decides to come out here so it would be a bit incognito for them, very clever actually. Cassady shrugged her shoulders backwards in relief while slouching herself into the seat, shooting the corpse in the backseat an exhilarated look. “Would you look at that? Seems like you’re going to have some company back there after all!” She announced before pulling into the nearly emptied lot of the pub and parking into one of the spaces, turning the key in the ignition and stepping out out of the driver side of the pick up. Cassady could already feel the tingling sensation of her contractor’s complimenting words just from completing this bounty, thoughts of him and her being together as something more than just associates was something that she desired above anything else. At long last she had awaited a chance to prove herself to him and killing these sub-par super mutants, perhaps maybe then she’ll be given the chance to actually be with him. “Alright, let’s do this..” She whispered excitedly after taking a few steps towards the main entrance of the bar and then immediately kicking the twin doors off the hinges before charging in, laughing maniacally as she begins another slaughter.


(Mei Yamato "Drunken Assassin")(Location: Conference room)(With: Evil peeps.)
“Who could do this?” Mei stood up after she had eventually regained her composure while still in one of the stalls of the bathroom, still traumatized by what had just happened while she sauntered up to next to her cracked phone. She didn’t know if she should tell Madam Secretary about this news article that she had found but then again it could’ve been just some mad vigilante who decided to carry out his/her vengeance on one of the IVA’ operative bases, why should she care? They weren’t in any harms way, besides! They were in a portal, it would be near impossible for someone to figure out how to get in. She sighed with a bit of relief as she placed her slightly damaged phone back into her pocket. “Damned hang-over has got me all emotional, just to think that we’d be in serious danger.” She laughed at the thought of it as she continued back out of the bathroom with an optimistic expression on her face, she wasn’t going to let anything ruin this day for her! These guys and gals maybe a bit dense in the head at certain moments but they’re pretty damn tough, a lot more tough than expected. Especially that dude who head-butted her in the face, Mei still thought he was kind of a prick but then again she still deserved it for calling him those names. “Weren’t we assigned a team-leader?” She thought scratching her head and she surveyed the populated room with her eyes before sitting back down, Mei sighed and thought it would best to wait for both Shiba and Kuro to make a decision before she went forward with this mission. 

Carolyn Caroline Draves

Caroline jogged into the octagon, trying to bring up her energy. She was still a tad bit hungover, and probably would be for the rest of the day; not good for the fighting business, but how else is someone in crippling debt going to spend their time? Gambling? She already learned her lesson. She looked at the person on the other side of the octagon. Ever since metas came to prominence in the world, MMA regulation has become a bit lax; as a result of the entire rulebook of the MMA needing to be rewritten, the leagues were no longer separated by gender, weight classes were expanded a bit ("Bantamweight" now used to be three different weight classes before; Bantamweight, Featherweight, and Lightweight), and most of the rules against excessive violence were removed. The only rule at this point was that you had to stop when the referee blows the whistle, which he does when bones start to break or if someone taps out. Whatever, works for her.

The referee gestured in both competitors into the center, as the crowd around them chanted. "Alright, listen. Try not to intentionally break bones or cause other permanent injury, although such actions are not necessarily against the rules. Do not try to kill the other competitor. If I blow the whistle, all fighting must immediately come to a stop or the person attempting to inflict serious injury is disqualified. Any questions?"

Caroline's look was expressionless. "No questions."



(Lexia Domain "Cicada")(Location: OOTT Boardroom)(With: The Crew)(Team: Ultimum Conveniunt)

 Lexia’s attention-span was getting a bit ‘squirrely’, twiddling both of the pads of her thumbs together as she eagerly awaited for her name to be called. Now would’ve been a good time to pull out her laptop so she could at-least drown everything out until there was something that she could do, Cicada sighed underneath her breath knowing that she didn’t want to be disrespectful so she continued to wait although it was quite obvious that she was gradually losing her patience as she kept fiddling with miscellaneous objects on the conference table like an impatient child at a doctor's appointment. Eventually the lecture was beginning to sound more like someone speaking in some extraterrestrial language instead of something she was able to comprehend, slumping forward, Lexia crossed both of her arms onto the table and interlocked her fingers as she placed her chin atop of her knuckles then suddenly knocking her the front of knees into the bottom of the table once her team was called. She couldn’t help but be flattered at being issued leadership although in the back of her mind she knew that she was the only one capable enough of leading these hooligans through their objective without them getting seriously maimed or worse. Cicada hastily clasped her hands onto the end of the catalog envelope, pulling it closer to her so she could get a better idea of what they were getting themselves into and from the looks of it they were getting their hands dirty in New York, New York! Considerably the most populated area when it came to those intolerable ‘supes’ and their origination. Ultimum Conveniunt? Last resort for Latin she was thinking, how delightful to see where Miss Doris had put all of her faith. Either that or she’s just wanting to butter-up Lexia and possibly figure out what ‘robotic sounds’ she’ll make in her private quarters. “How flattering.” She noted while scooching the chair backwards as she jolted upwards with excitement filling throughout her lungs before approaching ‘Madam Secretary’ with a considerably curious look trailing its way onto the woman’s face. Stepping up next to Doria with the envelope still being clenched by her tightly secured fist as she used her available hand to compassionately grasp the side of her hip before pulling her into her so that she could examine the secretary’s lovely curves up close. An enticing few breaths had left from her bottom lip as they were pushed up next to each other, Cicada had already been seducing a couple of people once she had arrived but now she was focusing on her boss for reasons unknown.


“Figured that i’d expand my pay-out on this little mission you’ve set up for me but because you’ve been so generous, i’ll do this one for free. Besides it’s rather more rewarding seeing that cute little smile of yours when you’re in a good mood!” She tucked the beige colored envelope underneath her arm before brushing her thumb against Doria’s cheek, sliding it upward and swishing the bangs away from her eyes while presenting a suggestive wink. “Cute.” She slackened her grip around her waist and turned around, showing off a cheerful posture as she sized up each of her team-mates. One of which gave the impression that she was suffering through insomnia although she wasn’t someone that she’d mind too much sleeping with, especially after getting a good look at that face. She’d might have to take her for a spin as well if she flew that way of course. The others looked like some stereotypical James Bonds Villains except for the Lesbian house-carl and the one who resembles more of a K-pop singer than a fully-trained marksman. Aside from Mikado and “Harry Houdini” a.k.a “Liar Gentleman” with his magical illusionist powers it appeared as if she was the only being in her group with some alien-leveled superpowers so it would be taken as little surprise if they going to go with the stealth-route for this mission. “Looks like i’m going to be the one who’ll be leading you through this hellacious task. We’ll go through a debrief once we make it through that portal! Make sure you’ve got your equipment already on you before we all head out, we’re not turning back because someone forgot use the bathroom!” Cicada gave everyone a heads up that they’d be moving out in a few minutes, giving them enough courtesy to prepare themselves for this task they had been issued. Knowing that she had already brought most of her stuff in one container she was already set once she picked up her backpack full of ‘goodies.’ “You think you’re able to handle yourself out there sleeping beauty? Or do you want me to carry you while you get some shut-eye?” She asked Mikado in a serious-tone, adjusting the strap of her backpack while looking at her with a bit of concern. Last thing Cicada needed was someone falling asleep during the mission, if she had to carry her while she slept in order for her to be awake during the mission then she’d do it.

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Aotani had actually been there an hour ahead of time, she had been cleaning the men's rest room when everyone else had arrived. this place had terrible lavatories and she had planned to rid the meeting place of filth, after all, it was not unlike they wouldn't be using this place as a meeting room once more. she had simply been hiding out until she heard her stage name called, she simply left the mens room and leaned on the wall beside the door. Aotani then preceeded to sigh, she'd have to work with a team? this was not what she had signed up for, though, crying over dropped cards or being furious was not going to help the team in anyway. as she heard the 'leader' tell everyone to get ready to leave, she began pulling out a large string of extremely colorful handkerchiefs tied together from her sleeve, counting as she kept pulling them out. if she remembered she had around 100 tied together from her last show, which conveniently happened to be in the carnival. though her stagehand wasn't very helpful whatsoever she still managed to dazzle the crowd, and that's all that mattered, at least today, buying the twinkie and force feeding it to that dog was a harbinger of good luck! why would no one believe her when she said so? as she pulled the string of handkerchiefs from her sleeve, she checked her mirror. the reflection of the magician was extremely blurry, that was good, the illusion magic within hadn't run out from the aforementioned show, more good luck from the twinkie dog magic! she put away the mirror as she inspected the group of villains surrounding her. was she to be working with such filth? she scrunched her nose in disbelief, everyone here looked so...impure, as the best word to put it. guessing her 'force feeding a dog a twinkie' magic had run out, she had begun focusing on counting her handkerchief line. if she was correct, she had pulled out around 30 of them, a small pile of the handkerchief rope had already begun forming in front of her. next she would have to count all her cards and make sure she had 24 smoke bombs, exactly. otherwise her father will find her and confront her about running away, it made perfect sense since she had a show in a carnival setting and the music in the background during such a show had been a pop song, at least, to her paranoid mind it did. 

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Obsidian @anyone who wishes to interact with the Liar Gentleman
Poor Sora had flinched when her name was called. She shuffled over to where Mikado was...and as she looked to Lexa, her face went red again. Seeing how Lexa treated the boss both made her get a bit hot under the collar, and scare her - She doubted the boss would like that. Very much. She hoped Doris didn't really care. She sat down beside Mikado, then shifted her attention to Lexa, their team leader.

"...she's pretty." She whispered quietly. She looked over to Mikado. 'H....hello." She said quietly. "I-I'm Sora." She smiled, ears now laying flat a bit. "Y-you're Mikado?" she asked softly, her emerald eyes wide and shiny towards them.

@Obsidian @Colt556
Jenna followed Chris to where Cicada was and aptly absorbed her new orders. The thief randomly pulled her hat out of a pocket and placed it neatly on her head. Then she proceeded to adjust her goggles. She checked to make sure her gun was still in place, completely missing the lack of a magazine or any ammo at all. Jenna then took stock of all her shinies with great care as they are the most valuable things to her. Feeling pleased with her collection (though noting the place where the gem she gave the Sniper goes) she moved on in her preparations. Jenna pulled her boots up, adjusted her sleeves to look like her top is just one piece, and she dropped the plastic rings that were adorning her fingers. Finally, Jenna brushed her fingers against the jewel lodged in her wrist with the utmost care, wincing when she pushed it into her skin. Then, the girl looked at Chris.

"It's good to know who you are and that you're supposed to be here," her grin toned down a notch, "Although, it would be more interesting if you weren't. Think of all the delicious drama. It is nice to not have you as my enemy."

Jenna turned away from her companion to look at Lexia. She was quite pleased with the choice of leader as Cicada seemed quite capable. 

The robber looked towards the portal with excitement in her eyes, "Ready whenever you are, Boss!"

@Talon @Obsidian
( Area: Exiting Golden casino.  With:???)

Noctis frowned upon losing against this guy named 'FalconLord'. Noctis exited out of the game after being frustrated as he kept losing to the same person. "I'll destroy FalconLord!"he said a little louder than he suppose to .  Various of people looked at him as if he were an odd person.Noctis reaction to this was a shy laugh while looking down at the table.

"Sir,  I have your drink. "His butler placed the drink in front of Noctis. "Thanks "he looked over his shoulders ," By the way, cancel the meeting . I'm already bored and I don't even need more boredom."he got up from his chair and took a sip of his milkshake. His butler sighed at his masters laziness. Even if Noctis was 10,000 year old, he acted like kid. 

"Where should I go next? Maybe Paris would be nice,hmm?"Noctis asked his butler.

"Somewhere you could get a job."he said with a slight annoyed tone.

"A job? I guess more money will be helpful. "Noctis removed his mouth from the straw. "Is drinking milkshakes and punching people a job?" Noctis asked in a playful tone.

"Unfortunately, now. But you do have a full degree in medicine. You could use that in your advantage....I mean you already know how to do many things."

Noctis smirked and placed the empty glass cup on the table. "You should talk to my older self. He's more interested in those type thing.. but I won't dismiss this opportunity. "

Noctis exited the casino . A black limousine was parked in front,  seemingly waiting for him to be picked up . "Come on Sebastian! ".
Chris inwardly groaned as he saw his new squad captain. 'How wonderful, she's probably a complete ass or a control freak. Or, even better, both.' He thought as he stood in front of her. He looked over at Jenna as she spoke but said nothing. He gave her a small nod and then looked back at the Cicada girl. "What should we call you." He asked. He didn't waste any words with her. It was work time and he didn't talk very much while working. Then again he barely spoke at all. He put his helmet into place and was ready to go. He carried everything he needed in his belt. He noticed Jenna's pistol was missing bullets so he pulled a clip of 9mms out and held it out to Jenna silently. Chris looked around at the rest of the team as they gathered and shook his head slightly. 'How the hell are we supposed to get anything done...' He thought.

@Xion136 @M-Night @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @Colt556

Mikado Saris - Evil Lair

The first person to make their debut was cyber-punk looking girl. Based on her possession of the envelope it was safe to assume she was the one put in charge of their group. She gave the woman a quick once-over. Based on appearance alone she seemed competent enough, although the way she immediately started on their Boss did well to lodge doubt in her mind. She held her gaze firmly on the two women until she noticed their second arrival. She glanced over at the young girl that sat beside her and like the raven-haired woman she was quick to give the girl a look-over. However unlike their leader the white-haired girl seemed to brighten her mood as her sleepiness gradually left her. The girl's introduction was meek, her demeanor submissive, the animal ears that adorned her head were laid flat and all of this combined painted an adorable picture. A grin swept across her lips as she focused her attention completely on the demure foxgirl. "Yeah, I'm Mikado." She shifted slightly and reached out her hand as if to offer a greeting. However rather than wait half-way her hand continued on up to the top of the girl's head and absently stroked the fox-ears, gently rubbing them between her thumb and index finger. The appearance and texture were exactly as she thought they'd be from her games causing her grin to widen even further. Diverting her gaze from the girl's ears to her large emerald eyes she offered an apologetic smile, although didn't bother stopping her stroking of the girl's ears. "I've never seen a foxgirl in real life before. I'd replace my pillow with you in a heartbeat..." Her tone fell slightly more monotone as she spoke that last statement and her hand ceased it's ministrations to slowly slide down the girl's head. It seemed as if the blonde-haired girl was being tempted to do something she knew she shouldn't.

It was only with the words of their leader that she broke out of her little revere. She offered the girl a small pat on the head before bringing her hand back to her side as she turned her focus on Lexia. At the mention of gathering up their gear she looked down at herself. A simple T-Shirt, Pajama bottoms and sneakers really didn't do much to make her seem fit for combat. A quick glance at the other three members of their team really drove that fact home as they were all either dressed in impressive get-ups, or at least normal clothing. Not that it really mattered that much to her, whether she was properly dressed her not she'd still perform the same so it wasn't worth the hassle. It was probably likely all of her teammates actually relied on the things they had so it made sense they'd actually invest the time and effort. Her eyes quickly darted back to their leader as she offered to carry her. The offer was tempting, however she was now firmly awake and as such simply shook her head. "I'm fine. I was just using nature's time machine until it was time to actually do something. If I have to wait around to even start the job then I may as well spend that time enjoying my dreams." Her tone mimicked the seriousness of Lexia's a she rejected her offer. While she was lazy she didn't really enjoy spending all her time sleeping but it was super effective for situations like this. When one of their more energetic members openly stated her readiness to get started she hopped off the table and took a step forward. "So am I, let's get this over with. I'd rather not spend all day downloading a backlog of shows."

@Talon @M-Night @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @Xion136
Jenna's eyes widened even more than they already were. The wonder adorning them seemed to let her defy the nature that should keep them from opening that much. However, the shock of seeing a villain offer her the clip she didn't know she was missing elated her. Sure, he was probably only doing it to make her less of a dead weight, but she still appreciates the offer. Jenna gratefully accepted the magazine and put it in her gun before checking the safety. It just wouldn't do to shoot herself on accident... again.

Jenna turned her grin to the mostly silent man beside her, "Thank you! I always forget to grab the ammo for this thing."

For once, the thief deemed this enough for her to stay and looked back to her leader. The satisfied smile did not leave her face as she thought of ways to repay Chris. Ebony Pride does not have debts. Ever. Besides, it would be rude to her new friend as he had been decreed within her mind. These thoughts fell to the back of her head, where thoughts like them always go. The place where she can't touch them. For once, she did not forget them as she moved forward.

Ebony Pride took note of her teammates, making note of who they were and guesses at what they might do. This will be fun, and she might get a few more trinkets along the way.

@Talon @Obsidian @KuroNoKami39 @Xion136 @Colt556
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(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada")(Location OOTT HQ)(With: Da crew.) (Made this easy for all of you to read.)

Absolutely ‘magnifique’! All of the members of Ultimum Conveniunt were already prepared to set forth to their destination. She didn’t know what to expect from all of them as far as progress went but a majority of them were capable enough to handle themselves out in the field especially for an assignment that was so simplistic that someone would blatantly have to go out of their way to screw things up for the group! As a re-cap all of them were on their way to the Daily Blab, America’s biggest news source, one if not the biggest contributor to benefactors such as ‘Spider Man’ and a few others, mainly publicizing short-stories of these powered-up idiosyncratic men and women which gets further lodged into the feeble minds of the impressionable adolescents who become ultimately inspired by them, these millennials usually develop into these freakish hasbeens who believe in a false sense of justice because their league of fully-grown adults in their pajamas will be able to ‘stick-up’ for them. Manipulating these Daily Blab’s washed up CEO was going to prove a bit difficult concerning that the main target that they were going for was Antonio Bradshaw whom had a strong head in between his shoulders since he had been licking those mutant’s polished shoes for generations, of course he was going to think he was untouchable but he was in for a damn good wake-up call! Cicada’s expression had a more than pleased demeanor to it, she couldn’t help but internally squeal in delight as she wanted to reveal to Antonio just how vulnerable the foundation of the pedestal he placed himself upon really was. Lexia’s blithe perspective when it came to the light of things was sucked in by the living motivational vacuum which happened to be ‘Mr.Sniper’ himself who was one the first to acknowledge the woman except in a rude fashion by asking how she wanted to be labeled with his monotone words that were attempting to paint a dark cloud over her beautiful sunny skies. “Chris Flamme was it? Goodness me, who wouldn’t want to bask in that wonderful personality of yours. Hm let’s see! You can call me Pseudoprime for now but in your case it’ll probably be more along the lines of ‘Pseudo-bitch’ from now on.”

(Part 1)(Talks with Chris Flamme at the end and continues.)(Nothing too important)

Cicada briskly adhered to her own hidden ‘venomous’ disposition, briefly chuckling at how their interactions will play out in the future of things. She could already tell that he was going to become very irritated by the fact that Lexia had been chosen for leadership. “Don’t worry though Grumplestiltskin i’ll make sure to pick you up an ice-cream before we make our way into that building, boop!” She blurted out the last of her sentence with an interjection that resulted in Lexia raising her index finger and poking him softly on the tip of his nose, further teasing him before shifting immediate attention to the entirety of the group. “Boss lady? Heh, that’s amusing. Oh? Well then Mikado i’m eager to see what you can really do out there! Anywho i’ve reconsidered and decided to have the debriefing here as it would be an opportune moment to do so.She adjusted her voice so that everyone in the squadron could properly comprehend the details of the plan which had been created ahead of time while she was addressing Chris, being composed of alien technology, processing solutions and strategies was enough to outmatch any man-made supercomputer. “So we’ve got Grumpy, Jailbait Fox, David Blaine, Cloned Madam Secretary, and last but not least Sleeping beauty! What a phenomenal force to be reckoned with. Let it be known that our target is the Daily Blab or should i say we’re going to be going after Antonio Bradshaw who happens to be the director of this press, any further information regarding him will be explained in this envelope that i’m carrying.” She paused to let in a breath of fresh air before continuing to preach to the choir about the scheme that was in store for them. “We’re not going to kill him so get that thought of yours out of your head Chris, instead we’re going to force him to publicize the Superheros but in a way to make them sound more like a public nuisance than saviors to humanity. Before you even begin saying, oh! Lexia isn’t he just gonna turn his back and run to the ‘supes’ afterwards like the chicken-shit that he is? Well of course he is! But we’re going to be selectively placing IVA associates into his building to act as ‘workers’ so that he’ll be too scared to make a dastardly escape after we leave.” Cicada made a confident snap betwixt her middle finger and thumb, catching the echo of the sound, one of the Cicada 3301 members unzipped the bag near their leg and retrieved a couple of neat little trinkets that were going to assist them on their journey through this mission. After setting them on the table the colleague returned back to the corner of the room and went about with his own business.

(Part 2)(Teases Chris Flamme, mentions the members and the plan at the end.) (Important)

“Thank you for that Mike” She said, unfolding the personal laptop in front of her which revealed a bunch of suggestive images on the front of the screen that she had unknowingly left after having a moment of alone time to herself, Cicada nervously chuckled while reaching out to place her hand over ‘Foxy’s’ eyes as she desperately clicked out of the NSFW (Not safe for work.) images and opened up a word document on her desktop, sighing with relief she unveiled Sora’s view so that she was able to properly see again. “Sorry about that, so i’ll be printing out optional schemes for each one of you, all of them will go with our incognito strategy as it would be unadvisable to go in with our heads stuck up each other’s asses. Read up! If you have any discrepancies or any other ideas just give good ol’ Pseudo-bitch here a heads up!” Pointing her thumb arrogantly at herself as she swelled up with overwhelming quantities of pride once she swished her hand across the screen, transferring a mental transcript of the plan from her brain to the word document. “Here. Just tell me which ones you’re all going with and then we’ll be able to make our inevitable trip.” She stated, handing each one a piece of paper that had optional choices written on them.   

(Part 3)(Cicada covered Sora's eyes for a moment and printed out a transcript for the members.) (Important)

(Team Ultimum's transcript will found here vvv. Yikes this took a lot of time!) 

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Sora was about to extend her hand, when Mikado's suddenly was on her head. She meeped cutely as her ear was rubbed, slightly flattening as she sort of mewled happily. She didn't try and stop Mikado, but as the hand slid down her face, her eyes got a bit wider...but she relaxed. The mention of pillows had been forgotten...but hey, there always was something to make her blush. Like being called Jailbait Fox. Am I Jailbait? No, I look 16 nor do I dress like a whore. My dress is cute and more cosplay...unless she's into maids?!

"Jailbait...Fox..?" She questioned, before her eyes were covered...not before seeing ecchi things. "...was that Keijo? I thought I saw Sayaka and Nozomi doing ecchi things..." She said. She bit her lip though, and waited for Cicada to let her see again, before sitting there quietly. She just listened like a good girl, staring at Cicada's boobs, then took the paper...and blushed.

"It's not my fault there's so amazing!" She blurted out...then went quiet....and looked down....

"...what are we supposed to do when we get to the boardroom? Secure it or something?" Sora asked, still not looking up.

@Obsidian @Colt556
Onyx, still by the wall, realized she was on the wrong end of the room. She scooted along the wall, avoiding the chaos for a bit. When she finally reached the table of files, she glanced down at whatever teams files she was on, then walked over to the portals and started waiting. For what, she didn't know.
Shiba smiled cheerfully as he spotted Miss Mei, grabbing Kuro's hand and dragging him towards Mei for once today. "welcome back from the...what do people call it again?" he questioned slightly, turning to his mentor who was recovering from being dragged across a room. "eh, doesn't matter anyways!" he cheerfully said as he turned back to face Miss Mei. "so, we have a 'leader', to let you know, though, i'm pretty sure me and him know what we're doing the most here. cause i mean, we practically are uninvited gu-" he was cut off by a shockingly weak jab to the rib, really it was more of a light poke, by Kuro standing beside him. Shiba looked at his mentor whom of which looked seriously pissed. did he say something wrong? then he realized he'd almost let slip that they've been there many a time before. he wasn't a hundred percent sure why he was being shut up, but, it was his mentor! Kuro probably knew what he was doing, so Shiba just let his mentor take over the cover-up of what he'd just said. 

Kuro had been looking into his own eyes, somewhat entranced, until Shiba, his Snake-Shit of a partner, grabbed one of his hands (he was fairly sure it was a lower one as he got a painful squeezing feeling on one of his eyes somewhere) and dragged him off to go meet with Miss Drunken Assassin Lady. as he began speaking to her, he was recovering from being dragged half way across the entire room by a super strong snake with a death grip like you would not believe, or maybe he was just sensitive, probably the latter. noticing how Shiba had begun speaking about how they've been to BBC multiple times before Kuro jabbed his partner in the ribs, his elbow kind of hurt from that, possibly because he was probably the weakest person in the room. he gave the snake a death glare, after having gotten the little snake-shits attention, he jumped into his cover up of talking mission details and personal comments. it wasn't much, but it would at least get them off the topic of them being the resident rodents of the place "so, our mission is to infiltrate the TV station BBC, not sure what that stands for, Bitch Bitch Control? i dunno, anyways, and take it out. then put some interns from IVCA or whatever the villain organization was called again, i personally prefer to call it LEMONS but that's a story for another day. any questions? good, read the goddamned file." he shoved the file into her hands then started twirling his parasol.

Aotani raised an eyebrow at the name 'David Blaine', it was interesting as she had heard of him before, she had even opened for him once. she had the job of distraction, easy enough. the workers had probably never seen such a dazzling performance before, tugging the entire rope of Handkerchiefs back into her sleeve in one moment, she realized that they were most likely going to need good luck, and that they were going into a media office. she looked dead seriously at their 'leader' and said in the most polite voice "we're fucked without anime girl hair, orange juice, twinkies and kittens of no later then three months old. we must buy some before the mission, it is necessary for success." meaning every word, if they didn't they'd all be caught and sent to jail, then the universe would come to an end due to the filth! she couldn't let that happen!

she eyed their leader, Cicada was it? currently with their other boss if she remembered correctly. a metal woman thing was their leader? she seemed awfully flirty, she was most likely impure as well, plus her metal may be dirty... being completely distracted by this thought she pulled out a scrubber from within her sweater vest and dawned her cleaning gloves. forgetting about everything she had previously said before this moment, "Leader, would you mind if i cleaned you before the mission?" she was really only asking to be polite, she had already gotten the liquid soap from the bathroom, it was a bit rudimentary but it would work, and the bottled water she had left over from her previous show, preparing to clean the mechanic woman, whether she wanted it or not. she pulled up a surgical mask that has seemingly come from nowhere. 

@Obsidian @Talon  @M-Night  @Xion136 @Colt556
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