Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...

(Dr.Howard as {Lord Thrashington the Eighth Esquire} )(Location: Circus Circus)(With: Shiba and everyone else)

Shaken around as if he was lifeless doll with loose floppy pieces Howard's body flailed in each direction forming a 'C' with every shake. Upon noticing the halting movement his body gained new life as if he had been reanimated. Howard helping himself from the grasp of the over excited Snaky bits he got down brush himself then leap backwards doing a Marie Rose spin into a bow. "I'm glad you could enjoy the snack! I'm Lord Thrashington the Eighth Esquire but, in truth I'm Dr. Howard. Pleased to meet!" After bowing he returned to standing position pooling out a book titled "Book of friends Real Edition" and looked at Shiba trying to gaze past the dark shades to no avail. Looking around after this attempt Howard noticed that many people where gathered here and they all seemed to be interesting to say the least. Indeed this was where he was to be but, what is he to do now?

Returning to reality he directs his attention to his new friend Shiba and started poking at his skin trying to determine if this hide was that of a normal snake or if it had special properties. "Whoops the creative juices started flowing, I'm a scientist and I was intrigued by your being my apologies." 

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Onyx let out a sigh, clicked another lollipop into the back of her mask, and walked right up to this "madame secretary Doris" lady. "yes, um, hi? I do believe you are, uh, Doris. Leader of this Order of the Twisted?", Onyx mumbled in a voice like a wind chime. She then was promptly distracted by the current skefuffle of three, beings? jumping through a mirror.

(Shun Kantar) (Location: At the Circus Circus Casino, but completely Lost)

Shun Kantar.jpg

"You got a lotta nerve, you bastard!"

"No one cheats the boss, nobody!"

"And you dared to sleep with the boss's daughter!....And wife! At the same time!"

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't put lead in between your eyes and call it a day?"

Ah, the good ol' fashioned mobsters. With slicked back hair, well tailored suits, and pure testosterone fueled arrogance seeping out of every pore, this was definitely the very image of the generic Las Vegas Mob. They were gathered around in a dark room, obviously hidden in the back of the grand casino. There was smoke from cheap cigars in the air, permeating their surroundings and leaving the leather seats they were sitting in, rotten with the smoke stench. The mobsters were all gathered around in a circle, facing inwards, their rage and attention focused on the sole man responsible for their anger. He had pretty much robbed the casino of all their money, taken the boss's quite beautiful daughter AND wife, gave them the night of their lives, then proceeded to pee on the picture of said boss.

This man was none other than our resident supervillain, chef extraordinaire, violent alien, Shun Kantar. Even with the group of muscled men surrounding him, guns pointed at almost every inch of his body, and not to mention, the wife of the boss still sending him flirty winks,it was certainly worrisome that Shun had the biggest shit-eating smile on his face. As if he knew a secret that they didn't know, the cheerful smile on his face wasn't even close to going away, which didn't help with the mobster's anger. The boss, a short, chubby man in an expensive suit, stepped forward and placed his pistol directly to Shun's forehead, irritated with his smile, "You got about five seconds to explain why I shouldn't kill ya, before this bullet bursts out the back of your head."

Of all the things he expected to hear from the captive villain, a loud chuckle was not one of them. With the glares increasing, Shun let loose the biggest laugh he could muster, before pressing his own head harder against the pistol, a manic smile on his face. A bead of sweat rolled down the boss's face as Shun actually pushed against the firearm, his fangs revealing themselves to the world. Without even blinking, Shun rebutted to the chubby man, "Well chuckle nuts, it's simple. You ain't gonna kill me cause I did you a favor. Now you ain't gotta worry about your wife running off with another dude, cause I ruined her for other men. And your daughter? Well, let's just say she definitely gets an A for effort! HA!"

The boss tensed, before pulling the trigger in anger, sending a bullet directly into Shun's head, then turning around and walking away, not bothering to check his work. The rest of his cronies also began walking away, with his wife gasping in shock at the smoke billowing from Shun's downed form. With a satisfied smile, the boss was now satisfied and was about to make his way back to his casino. Key words being, 'about to'.

"Woo! Man, I gotta say, that actually stung a little Chubs Mckenzie! Too bad your pea shooter did jack crap!"

No, it wasn't possible. With all mobster's turning around in shock, they were startled to see a completely alive and uninjured Shun, who was now picking his nose like it was no big deal. He had escaped his bindings from the chair, and didn't even look as if he was just shot. With that same crazy smile, Shun flicked a booger at the boss, hitting him directly in the forehead, "Also, learn to tie better. There's a basic course that the boy scouts provide you!"


Without any warning, the room was engulfed in a rain of bullets and flashing lights. The boss couldn't properly see as he closed his eyes and covered his ears when his men began shooting at the revealed (to them) Meta-human. Even with his abilities, the boss figured that even a hellstorm of rounds would kill the supervillain. A few short seconds after the firing began, it stopped and went completely silent. The boss uncovered his ears and opened his eyes, not hearing a single peep. He slowly turned his head up, expecting to see his men standing over the bloodied remains of Shun. He was not ready for the actual sight though.

"So uh....Little advice, you should tell your peeps to do some research before they go shooting at someone. Cause they never know whether they'll be just a meta, or a highly superior alien from a warrior species."

Pure, unadulterated fear surged through the fat man as he gazed upon the sight of Shun, unharmed and standing over the out cold bodies of all his henchmen. Not even a single scratch or a single drop of sweat was coming from the, now identified, alien. He was even yawning! And the worse part? He was making his way over to the fat man, that same smile on his face. The boss began retreating, falling down and crawling backwards in fright, trying to get away from this monster. As he hit the wall, he could feel his heart stop as Shun made his way over and crouched down, so that he was eye level with the mob boss. Outstretching his hand, Shun lifted his index finger, moving it towards the boss's face. The man clenched his eyes shut, too afraid to witness what the monster was going to do with him.

"Boop! Next time, send better minions!"

He poked his nose....He freaking poked his nose. The boss watched, mouth agape as Shun stood and stretched his arms over his head, as if it was just a game. Making his way over to the boss's beautiful wife, Shun cupped her chin, the woman leaning into his touch, and winked, "Sorry babe, but I gotta run. People to fight and girls to bed. Ciao!" And with that, Shun let go of the woman's chin and did the unthinkable. He jumped, straight through the ceiling and to the roof of the casino. He left behind a happily sighing woman and a fat man who had just peed himself, both looking skyward at the being who shot through layers upon layers of steel and concrete.

Landing on top of the roof, Shun scratched his head in thought, glancing around at the grand city of Las Vegas. Pulling out a piece of paper from his pants, Shun leaped down from the casino top, not even caring as people gaped at him for doing such a feat of superior ability. Landing on the ground, causing a cracks to form on the concrete, Shun began walking in a random direction, his eyes still on the paper, telling him where to go, "Carousal huh? Never thought a secret villain meeting would be held at a children's fun ride....I'm gonna ride it."

With a new excitement in his eyes, Shun began making his way towards the carousal, eager to meet this new organization and gaining the chance to fight heroes, bed heroines, and cook great meals, "Can't wait to see how fine these chicks will be. Hope I get to fight a kryptonian. Man, I really should've made me a sandwich back at the casino, they definitely didn't know how to make a proper one. Oh well, time to party!"

And here comes Shun Kantar, the Shurian powerhouse, ready to make his mark. Too bad he was going the wrong way and kept making wrong turns. Someone help this dude.

@Literally anyone who can get Shun to the carousal.

(Yeeeaaaah! Finally made this freaking entrance! Shun's here and ready to go! Bring on the heroes! Bring on the fights! Bring on the HOT CHICKS!.....Also, someone help Shun, he has no idea where he's going.) 

Dark Ice

[SIZE= 14px]Bastien nodded as the woman he know knew was called Doris shook his hand.  He noted how much more stronger she was then him and resolved that it's best he stay out of her way during any kind of engagement with foes.  It was off putting that her smile was so friendly as it seemed to counteract the tough appearance, but he figured that was a sign that she wasn't threatening him, Really wouldn't do to make any of these people mad at me.  Bastien didn't react too much to the people around him as they began to scream and insult and make yet another scene, If anything I can play it off as though I'm not a part of the group if we get too much attention.  Doubtful that anybody would believe I'm not a part of this group though.  Somebody that seemed to be sticking out to Bastien was the woman off slightly to the side covering herself in a dark magenta coat.  While it was difficult to make out here eyes, her hands could be seen and they appeared to be claw-shaped, A ghastly figure, I wonder what she has gone through...  Truly, if I'm to know somebody in the group I'd rather it be one of the more serious contenders.  The woman seemed to bounce slightly and he found himself even more curious of what she might be doing, Does she perhaps have some ability that she can use by jumping?[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]While Bastien had listened to Doris about going through the mirror, he wanted the chance to talk to this person first.  Taking a few long strides that only helped to draw some more attention to himself he walked over and began to introduce himself, "Hello mademoiselle!  My name is Bastien Blanchet, I assume zat you are also joining in zis mission of ours?  Might I get your name?"  Bastien made to lean his head down before realizing he was in America, Different customs mean that I have to stick to the new greetings.  Even if it isn't to my boss.  Thus he instead stuck his hand out for a handshake.  Bastien also knew that Doris might get mad if he were to continue and not listen to her instruction, so he assumed that they would be moving this conversation through the mirror quite shortly.  [/SIZE]

Shiba smiled "don't worry about it! if you were wondering, it's a mix of human skin and snake hide. even though i'm not really a snake per say..." he shook his head. "N-Nevermind! hehe," he nervously laughed. readjusting his sunglasses and pulling his scarf a bit higher on his face. "i'm Shiba! hiya Mr. Dr. Howard!" then realized that Mr. Dr. Howard had just said he was a scientist he lit up, glowing like a Christmas light. "Do you wanna study me later or something?! i'd love to get out of the house sometimes!" he said cheerfully. noting that their nemesisses? nemesi? eh, he could ask Kuro later. wouldn't be able to find him and interrupt him doing something for once! he noticed he should probably do something while waiting for his mentor to finish what he was doing. though... Mr. Dr. Howard was... warm-ish... it wasn't any sun or anything but... he hadn't had human contact at all, well other then the occasional noogie from Love... but, everyone he knew was cold, so, so cold.  so he ended up hugging the scientist once more, mumbling to himself, "warm..." he squeezed the scientist closer to him, he didn't even mean to do it this time. it just kind of, happened. oh well, it felt nice and that was all that mattered. he really hoped he wasn't making Mr. Dr. Howard upset.


meanwhile, most of Kuro's goo had went back into his body, it was mainly just an eye that refused to go back into his body. to which he was planning on screaming curses at it. then he remembered what happened to get it out of himself in the first place and decided to keep his mouth shut, his head began to hurt slightly, though it was easily ignored. he really hated keeping it in like this, but... it wasn't worth his fucking boss bitch getting mad at him again. he shivered at the thought. he strangely was hit with a strange sentimental value while his eyes searched the circus as he tried to get his eye back onto his skin. beginning to realize that as 'her' the group 'she' belonged to used to come here every summer, remembering their smiles and feeling nothing. he even remembered in that form, 'she' was grinning too, yet, the emotions behind it had long been forgotten by him. taking out his phone he texted 'them', having a strangely friendly conversation with his rivals as he waited for his eye to return to the palm of his top hand. 
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Since no one else was making any moves to go to the portal yet Niyah got back out of line and started to wander around the casino again. Her eyes widening, she ran up Shun with a huge smile.

"Duuuude!" She exclaimed. "That's one badass haircut you got there. You here for the OOTT meeting right? You tottaly look like an A-class supervillain!" 

Though she looked ecstatic and somewhat ditzy with the way she approached him in conversation, Niyah was really looking him over with thousands of thoughts at once and trying to figure out what she could gain from the man in the form of information or ideas for weaponry. Slime, smoke, and heat bombs, she had found, werent as effective as they used to be.
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(Shun Kantar) (Location: Lost as F#ck) (With: Niyah Dejolie: Ruining a first impression)

Shun Kantar.jpg

Shun was contemplating what he should make for dinner tonight. He was leaning towards beef stew, when some random pink haired chick ran up to him. Shun blinked in confusion as the girl began talking with exuberance, complimenting him on his hairstyle and calling him an A-class supervillain. As she chatted him up, Shun continued to stare at her in confusion, squinting every once in a while, as if he was pondering one of the universes greatest mysteries. As he directed his attention towards her eyes, Shun blinked as he noticed they were unnaturally focused for a ditzy girl such as the one in front of him. It was as if she was analyzing him and searching for any flaws or weaknesses he had, something like that.

And then it hit him. With a snap of his fingers, a metaphorical light bulb appearing over his head, Shun's eyes lit up in realization as he figured out what bother him about this girl. With all the tact of a rampaging T-Rex, Shun pointed at the pink haired girl, a smile on his face.

"Holy Crap! You're fake as F#ck!"

Wow...so uh, Shun had literally called out one of his future team members, literally within the first few seconds of meeting them. Nodding his head as if he solved a great mystery, the idiotic smile of Shun's only grew wider as he patted Niyah on the shoulder with one hand and threw her a thumbs up with the other, giving a 'nice guy' pose, "Don't worry pinkie! Good ol' Shun would still totally bang ya! Even if you're two faced! Now do ya mind taking me to this Carousal place. I'm itching for a fight and some poon, so lead the way!"

With that said, Shun continued smiling, not even realizing that he had insulted Niyah, while simultaneously hitting on her. Truly this was a start of a beautiful friendship!

At his first comment Niyah froze before a huge smile spread across her face. Laughing, she reached up to clap him in the shoulder.

"Your smarter than I thought you were!" She said, the excitement visible in her expression. "I think we're gonna get along just fine. The carousal is this way." She pointed in the opposite direction Shun and been heading. "And we might wanna hurry because we're supposed to be at the base soon." As she started to walk back to the Adventure Dome she realized she had yet to introduce herself.

"I'm Niyah by the way." She said turning around and holding out her hand.

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(Shun Kantar) (Location: That meeting place he keeps forgetting the name of) (With: Pretty much most of the OOTT)

Shun Kantar.jpg

Shun smiled, taking Niyah's hand and shaking it with his own, "Shun Kantar. Fighter, Lover, and Chef extraordinaire. At your service." Leaning down, Shun kissed the top of her knuckles, coming off as a smooth operator. Leaning back up to a standing position, Shun followed behind Niyah, admiring her slim form and already formulating plans to bed her. Stowing those thoughts away for a later date, Shun pondered the meeting he was about to attend. For all the secretive messages and hidden rooms, Shun was kinda underwhelmed by this whole situation.

It was wicked dope that he was invited to join a villain team. It was not dope that he got lost along the way. Who gives crappy directions like that! Let's not acknowledge the fact that Shun was the one who got lost, even though the directions were pretty clear and a map was provided. Anyway, arriving at the Adventure Dome, Shun let out a small whistle at the gathered villains, slightly impressed the this crew of misfits. Assassins, humans, snake people, metas, magicians, and many more. A plethora of villains had gathered and Shun's ever present smile grew wider at this assortment.

"Wow. Look at all these guys. Jeez it's like all the rejects of the world decided to get together and throw a horrible party."

And then he had to ruin it with his usual banter. Shun glanced at every person in the room, sizing them up and judging. He let out a sigh, already deeming that most of these folks in this place. Oh well, time to get this show started.

@MangoSargent @Everybody else in that meeting place that I keep forgetting about. Too many to tag. Pretty much most of the people in this RP
Naomi kept a grin over her face as Aquarius got closer and talked to her. Naomi giggled "I'm very good. In fact, I'm the best with makeup" Naomi giggled a little more and couldn't help but admire Aquarius this girl had so much confidence she wasn't afraid to show off her tentacles which made Naomi very interested in her. "Soooo. You're here for a meeting too aren't you?" Naomi asked  and turned around to face the tourists who were gathering to look at Aquarius. She had never known anyone that could draw a crowd better than she could and this just made her admire Aquarius more, she was definitely very interesting. "Aaaand I always carry waterproof stuff on. Gotta look fabulous even if you are at the beach or a swimming pool. Even a cruise ship!" Naomi said in a tone that could show that she was getting giddy

The Plaguemaster

"We all suck at what we do, you provincial pillock," Bernard says in his aged voice behind Shun, "Otherwise, the IVA wouldn't let you waste away here." He approached the group, finally finding the actual meeting point near the ride. Even though he wasn't in the group until now, he took personal offense the Shun's remarks. He then turned to Madam Secretary.

"But where are my manners?" Bernard said to her, "My name is Bernard, but everyone at the IVA calls me the Plaguemaster." He offered his gloves hand to shake.

@YungJazz @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

Caroline Draves

Caroline's wake-up call from the hotel began to ring. If Caroline were sober, it would be a gentle hum. Unfortunately, however, Caroline was not sober.

Hungover from a drinking spree done on a fake ID, the ringing phone only worsened her headache. She rolled over in pain off of her hotel bed, falling to the floor with a thud. After a bit of moaning in agony, she pulled herself off of the ground and got dressed. She took a look at the time, and it was, fortunately, well before the required time to be at the match. For a moment, she forgot where she would be fighting at, the headache clouding her memory. It was... Circus Circus, right? It was an unusual place for an MMA fight; she was more used to fighting at The Palms. It was a paycheck, though, and a paycheck was what she needed. It was a bit of a ways away; she had gotten a hotel at a place pretty far from the Strip, because everywhere that was on or near the Strip was insanely expensive. No way was she paying three figures a day for a room she'd have to stay in for weeks; that kind of endulgence would just put her even deeper in debt.

Being unable to even afford a cab, she began to jog to the venue.

(Caroline still closed for interaction; it's coming up!)
Niyah snorted at Shuns remark and fell into place beside him. Observing the Plaguemaster she felt a twinge of annoyance, reminded that she let him get away so easily before she could ask all her questions but let it slide. She could always corner the old man some other day.

"We should get in line." The pink haired girl said noteing Shuns reaction to being around all the others. It was relatively similar to her own. "Wouldn't want to be the last ones on base would we?" She winked at the man and started to head towards the line she had already left a few times before.


(Dr.Howard as himself )(Location: Adventure Dome}(With: Shun, Niyah)

Looking at Shiba's elated response to his study of the boy confused Howard a bit. After evaluating the possibilities Howard began thinking of what he would do with information on creating half snake people the idea did intrigue him especially the fact that Shiba did well to protect his eyes this of course allowed Howard to believe the medusa race was still in exsistance and who would not want a small army of people who can turn others to stone. Once the boy stated he had free time to be evaluated,  Howard grew happy with excitement  before he could show it though, this quickly faded when he remembered the last experiment he tried making a half human breed. Lets just say one explosion is all it takes for Howard to get excited and blow everything else up. Again coming to reality he notice Shiba hugging him once more squeezing. "Okay Let's not be weird that's usually my thing." With this Howard moved out of Shiba's grasp and put up a small barely visible force field. "Noo touchy Doctors orders" He says this with a rather random sass kind of like oh no you didn't then proceeds to collect himself. "However I would not mind studying you when we get some free time. We should all have the time once we find out what we are all doing here." Checking the time and the line Howard begins Advancing towards the Adventure Dome to meet up with his team. "It was nice meeting you Snaky! Stay alive out there death does not look good. Just look at these people." Howard's other clones? I think they're clones at least anyway they bring the body of the two people whom had confronted him about their stolen cotton candy. Howard takes a few seconds checking the dissected bodies before he give the approval to store them away for later.


Advancing into the Dome he sees many people and shudders before making his way to an area and sitting next to a rather powerful looking lad and what seems to be his companion. Finding a seat next to them he quickly hops into the seat looking straight forward as if nothing happened then proceeding to lean into Shun and saying. "I'm confiscating this seat in the name of Lord Thrashington the Eighth Esquire. If you have any problems with that you will have to talk to my supervisor after the beep." He shifts his gaze onto Shun and then slowly starts to sit straight up while turning his head slowly keeping eye contact with Shun. Once fully straight up he then whispers under his breath "Beeeep".

@YungJazz   @MangoSargent

(Welp Good night friends)
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Niyah snorted and looked at the man with a raised eyebrow.

"That's certainly an interesting way to start a conversation. And are you Lord Thrashington then?" She asked, though she knew he wasn't. Being an a-grade hacker had its perks and one if those was that she knew most of the people here as well as how they helped the mission. Dr. Howard (a rather underwhelming villain name she noted) would be very useful to them, no matter how partially insane he seemed.

@Marumatsu @YungJazz
Shiba was simply surprised when Mr. Dr. Howard pulled away. noting silently to not hug him again, at least, when he's awake. the sass kind of confused him and caused him to giggle a bit, grinning oddly wide when he said he wouldn't mind studying him sometime, finally! he could get away from their stupid rivals! kekeke... Kuro could deal with them himself, he was gettin' the hell outta dodge! though, he was somewhat worried about his mentor, but he was far more annoyed with their rivals to care. though his grin slightly faltered when he spotted the dead bodies, slightly wishing he could take a sharpie or something (possibly dip a finger into Kuro's goo) so he could draw a smile on their faces. smiling,he shouted "Αντίo!" as his new friend left, waving goodbye. he was in a very good mood, smiling happily as he readjusted his sunglasses and pulled up his scarf. 

Kuro sighed, he finally got the eye back onto his palm. getting back up and texting his rivals he had to go, receiving texts of

have fun!

 good luck!

 oh and don't forget the lunch we packed you! CAUSE IF YOU DO I'M GOING TO FIND YOU AND FORCE FEED YOU IT! 

Kuro sighed once more, his rivals were more like annoying moms or something, though he supposed it was mostly because of 'her'. he did throw away their lunch pack other then the McDonalds chicken nuggets they put in, he ate those. did they wish to keep him alive so they could save 'her'? that'd be impossible.  "c'mon Shiba, let's go" he stated, somewhat annoyed, not because his partner seemed in a happy mood or anything, though that did add to it. it was mostly due to his thoughts of 'her' and his rivals. he couldn't wrap his head around why 'they' acted like they cared. he shook his head, "hurry up, kid!" he stated as he grabbed Shiba's hand preventing him from speaking back, and started dragging him fairly quickly, to the mirror and going through dragging his partner along, finding two empty seats in the shade and dragging his partner to go sit over there with him. twirling his parasol over his head as his eyes scoured the area, judging everyone silently. 

@ i'm not sure who's even there... though i think it's almost everyone in the RP
@everyone around Doris

  Doris took note of all the new people arriving, then, nodding slowly, walked over to the carousel, weaving through the horses and reaching the mirror. "Well, my friends!" she called, turning around. A couple people stopped to watch, assuming it was a public show, as the blonde spoke. "Now is the time! We shall properly introduce ourselves in the meeting room, but for now, let's roll. Any questions asked will be answered at the meeting. Remember, as discussed, through the mirror." She then turned around and leapt through before promptly arriving in the room and dissing down. Hopefully everyone was smart enough to pick up on the hint. 

[SIZE= 16px]Jeremiah Nicoles / Frost Flow [/SIZE]

      Stomach lurch. Nausea rising. Jeremiah recoils from the call out with a barely concealed grimace. Though it wasn't because the aspect wasn't, you know, inviting, but the sheer fact Jeremiah was a mild germaphobe led to the reaction voluntarily. Did not help the situation that Motheal was still checking him out and running his tongue over his lips.


"Please refrain from using such vulgar insinuations, and keep them to yourself," the frosty male retorts angrily. He didn't even know why he got so defensive about it, or why he wanted to shut the assumption down. Maybe his subconscious was starting to get angry at him for not germ-singhis hands earlier. And he sat on that bench. God - if there is one here - only knows who's sat upon it. Uncomfortably, he shifts, already imaging the filth generated from others creeping across his body, burrowing into his skin, and melting his image into a imperfec---- NO. He reminded his conscious. 


For a moment, his cold aura pulled together for a second, but his sudden rebellious thought wafted the freezing air over his  fleshy surroundings. So, with regained vigor, he follows the women's gaze under the assumption there was some sort of additional party. Annnnnd bravo. Target once again acquired.


"Come on Mothy, there's the Boss-man," Jeremiah gestures, approaching and then halting before the eye-patched amazon, "Madam Secretary, correct?" He outstretches a white gloved hand meticulously. Moments before he had no such material upon his hands, well, let's just say that the dingy environment was starting to wig him out a little. 


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Aquarius saw someone jump through a mirror? "Oh! looks like the meeting is finally becoming a meeting!" She looked back at Naomi the girl. "I'll let you give me a makeover after the meeting." She winked at the girl and 'walked' (i think i need another name for it XD) toward the carousel Ignoring (or enjoying) any eyes that might be glaring at her, with another glance toward the girl she went through following the eye-patched woman from earlier. upon entering she 'walked' off to the side just in case if anyone were to trip on her. 

@Legend:D @idk who else i haven't been keeping up D8 @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball

[COLOR= rgb(128, 0, 128)]Lala the Dullahan[/COLOR]

Lala was startled by the strange accent of what she could only assume was to be one of her other team members. "oh, uh... Why hello there... My name..? That's not really important, you can just call me... The Dullahan!" the undead woman told, unwilling to reveal her name, nobody on the planet could be called Lala and still be cool, is what she thought anyway. The 'envoy of Death' gave the french man a strong handshake when offered, pleased that not everyone on her team was very mean. She was evil, but she was only really evil to fit in, but even then, doing her job wasn't exactly evil, was it? "A pleasure to make your aquaintance mr. Blanchet" trying to pronounce the name as similarly as he had, mimicking the accent so as to remain inoffensive.  The pale-blue reaper was rather caught in her own fantasies and wasn't listening to what her leader was saying, although she probably should've.


Her eyes seemed to soften a little from their sharp yellow shape as she gazed upon the man that was greeting her. The endless abyss in-front of her face made her appear cool and all, but it was somewhat restricting on her breathing, so she pulled back the hood with her free hand which had just been used to shake his to pull back the hood


"Ahh... That's better. You wouldn't believe how tight that is, it's like being choked..." Lala smiled, although it still remained hidden by the scarf, as her elegant white-blue hair draped down, bar a single strand that seemed to comically maintain it's unusual shape, reminiscent of the scythe she was carrying.

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(Mei "The Drunken Assassin" Yamato)(Location: Super-villain Conference Room)(With: Too many to count) 

[SIZE= 14px]At long last the frightening executive eye-patch woman was able to announce the upcoming congregation, inevitably putting a start to this collaboration of nit-wit scoundrels that were surrounding the oversized child’s machine. Alas a new beginning for Mei and with a respectable underground conglomerate that’ll be acting as her primary magistrate, working underneath the Intercontinental Villain’s Alliance (IVA for short) ladder was a bit questionable in the back of her mind but understanding the overwhelming connections that these guys have, it would be foolish to decline such a gracious offer. Discerning future problematic occurrences was the first thing that she managed to comprehend including participating in conjoining herself with other colleagues during extensive missions which Mei was more along the lines of what you’d call a “Screw everyone else and let me handle my own business” type of contract killer, she didn’t exactly mind 'buddying' up with people but the thought of being ordered around by these hooligans was an unbearable thought to have stored within her own mind. Mei had a newfound respect for this bone-chilling eyepatch lady even though she threatened to her very existence after issuing a badly timed pirate joke, intimidation and extraordinary leadership was something that everyone here needed to get themselves straightened out, especially one of which who had the atrocious personality of a dog turd smoldering out in the blistering heat of the red-hot Sun. Shun Katar was his name and being an egotistical maniac was his ‘game’ apparently, he labeled himself as a fighter, exemplary chef, and a lover above all else.

Just from the utterance of that sentence alone was enough to make Mei slightly outburst with ill-mannered laughter that sunk through the ambiance of the environment around her. For some reason imaging this man being outfitted with culinary garments was something beyond her imagination.
“Ba-haha! Can you believe this freaking guy?! Chef? Nooo damn way, you’ve gotta be kidding me!” [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Mei’s loud-mouthed observations were eventually going to get her killed one day, especially when she prolonged the situation by busting a gut while rolling across the metal floor of the carousel only to conclude the obnoxious outburst with ‘Jackfrost’ a.k.a Jeremiah literally giving her the ‘stank’ look from afar. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]“Heh, you’re no fun.” [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Mei vocalized before stretching her back across the ground and nonchalantly stumbling back onto her feet while wiping a few tears away from her eye, only to be accidentally fall back into the portal where Madam Secretary went through. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]“Oh what the f-.”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] Mei was abrupty interrupted by the sight of having a tentacle being gently slapped across her face, it was bad enough that it was some weird-looking tendril but it appeared to be oozing with something. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]“Oh, I hope that’s just one of your arms instead of something else.”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] She said in a slightly disgusted voice before eventually bumping into some scaly-skin figure that was a few feet in front of her. Accidentally leaning against him in a overly intoxicated fashion while gazing at his appearance. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]“Sweet mother Teresa, what the actual hell are you suppose to be kid? Some sort of snake thing? Eh, that’s pretty neat. So do you eat like birds and rats?”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] Two minutes in and she managed to already cause a loud raucous, unbelievable to think that this individual has been capable of murdering people as well as surviving to live the tales. [/SIZE]

@YungJazz @SolistheSun @Petroshka @Kuronokami39
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Shiba stared at the person currently leaning on him, oblivious to the fact that what they just asked should be insulting. "well...err.. not really...? i.. mainly just eat pigs and McDonalds..." noting that she was one. probably extremely intoxicated and two. she was, sadly, part of the villain meeting. sighing, she was kind of warm...debating whether or not he should hug her or not. he sighed... should he attempt it...debating taking off his sunglasses, tapping the bridge of them in thought. he looked over at his friend currently enjoying the shade. sighing, deciding if he had to deal with her anyways, then he might as well do the introductions! "err... hi!" putting on a fake cheery smile. "I'm Shiba! nice to meetcha!" 

Kuro held up one of his bottom hands and opened an eye to look at both his friend and the strange lady who was currently leaning on his partner. listening somewhat as his friend answered the insulting question and introduced himself, he was fairly sure his friend was contemplating turning her to stone, he chuckled at the scene. he opened his other bottom hand eyes and waved at the others in the room, he was bored and didn't feel like texting his rivals. sighing and contemplating actually helping his friend get the obvious drunk away from him, but he was enjoying his friends silent suffering for being nice. he grinned menacingly, this was going to be a fun day. though, he should probably introduce himself too. "hi mrs. drunk, i'm Kuro," smiling slightly. "and i think my friend would like it if you got off him!" deciding for once not to be a total asshole to his partner, don't get him wrong, he was still going to be somewhat of an asshole, but, he just didn't feel like staying silent. noting Shiba mouthed the words 'thank you', he simply staying silent in response.

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Well, okay. Onyx mumbled, and followed quickly. She took a handful of candy and threw it over to the children watching. "Don't question any of this" she yelled. Onyx then took of the mask, winked, and went up to the portal. She poked the portal, then stepped through.


(Lexia U. Domain "Cicada")(Location: Villainous conference room.)(With: A lot of peeps.)

[SIZE= 14px]Clamorous squealing racket was unmistakably unavoidable to miss as each nefarious affiliate brought themselves one by one into the spacey boardroom. This irritating noise was coming from none other than one of the comfortable leather chairs situated alongside the rest which were fashionably complementing the chocolate-colored conference table. Creating the squeaking sound was a feminine figure that was concealed by loose-fitted hoodie who was swiveling the seat from side to side as she adequately situated her posterior into the cushioned seat of the piece of furniture. “Well, well, well. Would you look at the time? To think that i’d be waiting for all of you here with open arms by the moment I got here! Oh but no, I made all these delicious complimentary treats that were left surprisingly unattended. ‘Madam Secretary’ or should I say Doris Hewitt? If i’m correct?”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] The inscrutable woman announced before ascending her arms up near the sides of her cheeks, sluggishly bringing back the ashen hood of her outfit while unzipping it, eventually revealing the woman’s enigmatic identity as well as giving off a cheeky smile that was distinguishably a sign of immense overconfidence.[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] “Ah, you maybe wondering who I am? Or how I managed to conveniently bring myself here without any form of discernment from you or your fellow colleagues. That’s the thing, I am similar to that of the oxygen in which you inhale throughout your expanding lungs! In a way i’m everywhere at once, I can be anywhere at anytime and all of you wouldn’t suspect a thing.” [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Lexia adjusted the couplet of prosthesis legs onto the conference table, awkwardly leaning herself backwards in the ergonomic chair while basking in the prideful display of attention until she was interrupted by one of the Cicada 3301 colleagues that showed up into the room with a steaming cup of coffee in his right hand and a folded labtop that was being hugged underneath his left arm. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]“Actually you left some of IVA’s electronic equipment here which gave us an opening to transport ourselves here without you knowing.” He nervously took a sip of his coffee after Lexia briskly swished her head to the side with a look of exasperation beginning to coil itself within the features of her face, unknowingly divulging the supposedly ‘secret’ method of how they were able to access the enclosed room. Releasing a tremendous sigh from betwixt her smooth lips she casted her sights back onto Doris and her syndicate of diabolical ‘ruffians’.[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] “Anyway the point i’m trying to make here is that if you leave yourself open, expect to be metaphorically smacked on that cute ass of yours pretty hard.”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] She winked suggestively, bringing her hands back together in order to make a loud slapping sound before continuing to finalize her introduction. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]“You and I both know that you’re in need of criminals with a select set of skills that are willing to go above and beyond the call of duty, that being said and looking at the profiles of most of the associates that you’ve been given. Your chances of succeeding are around, well.. Thirty percent? With all these negligent delinquents backing you up it’s possible that they’re much higher than that but expect to have the ‘supes’ on your back in a matter of minutes! With my unmatched technological know-how and your leadership skills, i’ll be able to provide exemplary backing support, ultimately bringing your chances of triumph to around seventy percent! Pretty impressive am i right?”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] She questioned, crossing her mechanical legs over one another while slouching herself forward to wrap her mitts around a ceramic cup containing ‘hot cocoa’ with a couple of marshmallows surfacing to the top.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]“Oh and you can call me Cicada! I’m the founder of the infamous cyber criminal organization known as Cicada 3301, lending my services to you will not be a task gone unfunded i assure you but i’m sure that the Intercontinental Villain’s Alliance is willing to cough up a bit of expenses!” A haughty chuckle surface from her throat before mistakably tipping the handle of the ceramic cup at an angle that caused the toasty liquid to spill across her chest, making her yelp out in surprise before chucking that dinnerware at the sturdy wall. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]“Holy shit that’s hot!”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] She bellowed out before using a part of her sleeve to wipe off the steaming drink off from her upper body while trying to regain her professional appearance. [/SIZE]

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball (Mainly Doris but she's also addressing the rest of the colleagues with her.) 


(Mei Yamato "The Drunken Assassin")(Location: Villainous conference room.)(With: A lot of peeps.)

[SIZE= 14px]“Oh, uh well. Huh? Mcdonalds? Never thought a sidewinder would find greasy chicken-nuggets that appealing. I mean raw chicken is a bit understandable but still that’s pretty interesting you know? I never would’ve guessed.” Mei’s brow furrowed, lost in frivolous thoughts of what kind of meals are suitable for a carnivorous snake, still being completely unaware that she was uncomfortably close to the adolescent who was most likely wondering who exactly was this intoxicated moron that was perched up against him like he was a tree. Nonetheless she was still entertained to be accredited by someone who wasn’t seeking to scold her for the unscrupulous attitude she was publicly putting on display except it was apparent that he was getting uncomfortable from the ludicrous idiocy that was slithering out from Mei’s mouth but somehow he managed to maintain his calm, tapping the plastic rim of his eyeglasses before deciding to make a hasty presentation. Shiba’s courteous attitude was something that was more ‘taboo’ of anything to Mei as only a handful of people throughout the history of encountering her were able to tolerate such behavior, charmed by this, Mei’s skin started to light up with a rosy-hue which conveyed the slight embarrassment she was experiencing. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]“Shiba? That’s adooorable, that’s kind of like a dog’s name! Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you too. You can call me Mei, as you can tell i’m a bit well really really drunk right now but don’t let that bother you none! So.. When’s your eighteenth birthday?” She whispered in a indecent undertone, piling on more awkward tension to the atmosphere around them before being saved by one of his companions who stepped in to also introduce himself before things could get too ‘heated’. Mei transitioned her glance between both Shiba and Kuro, momentarily processing what he said before taking herself off of his friend and standing herself up straight with a bit of wobble to her posture.[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] “Ha, Mrs drunk? Silly, that’s Miss Drunk to you! I’m not married at all, well unless you want to change that! Having a boyfriend to buy me alcohol all the time? That’s a dreaaam come true! Sorry for acting so ‘crazy’ it’s just that i’m excited when I meet new people! Except when i’m not murdering their faces of course!” [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]She giggled, retrieving the flask that she had from earlier to see if there was anything left in it, thankfully it was empty by the time she brought it to her tongue.[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] “Damn. Oh well! At least i’ll be able to straighten myself out once this meeting happens! Which also reminds me, why are you two here?”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px] A boozy hiccup left her mouth, questioning both of them while gradually regaining what she has left of her ‘sanity’. [/SIZE]


(Sorry this took so long I was a bit busy!)
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[SIZE= 14px]Suddenly cringing as the two landed on the ground, Noir quickly realised her mistake and facepalmed. "I'm so sorry Alexander! I just, completely forgot about you!" She sighed and looked at him. "But you shouldn't have run off like that either..." Going to where they fell, she helped the younger demon up, and sighed- yet again.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]'Geez, I'm kind of happy I don't have any [/SIZE]siblings[SIZE= 14px]...' She thought with a resigned expression. Looking around the place where the meeting was supposed to take place, the girl did a double take. 'Not the... Wasteland I was expecting, considering how crappy this organisation is so far.'[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Looking at the two children of a scary species, the girl frowned slightly, "Please stay close to me, I don't want you two getting hurt somehow, okay?" She asked as softly as possible. To a point, she didn't want her reputation ruined for having disobedient minions, but her worry was genuine, there were monsters here, monsters that were probably greater then the two demons. She didn't want to take the risk that one of them pissed off someone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Noir walked to what seemed to be the lounge and plopped down on one of the comfy looking couches. Taking her phone out, she saw a missed text.[/SIZE]

 This is Madam Secretary. Please meet me promptly at the carousel in the Adventuredome. The meeting is starting soon and I would hate it if you missed out on important details.

Not feeling like going anywhere, Noir didn't budge, although she was a bit confused.

She would just stay here and wait until everyone arrived. Looking through her contacts, Noir frowned, before hesitating, and she started typing.

 Hey, This is Noir! When are you getting to the meeting????

'Sent to Alexa Starr.'

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Nobody @Mitchs98

(Dr.Howard Sadly as himself )(Location: Adventure Dome!)(With: Friends wonderful friends! (Shun, Niyah)

Intrigued by her curiosity he could not help but to smile and stand up swiftly placing his gaze on the Lassie and began his reply. "Glad you asked my dear lady, somewhere in the depths of my mind lays Lord Thrashington." he flicks his hand and twitches his face as if he is a director or trying hard to make a point either way he looks like an idiot. "I can tel you seem to be lacking in attentiveness as a "Beep" occurred making I Doctor Howard said supervisor." After saying this he adjusts himself and looks at the girl concentrating as if he is reading something. Taking his time he returns to the conversation with a firm yet calm look showing he is satisfied with whatever was brewing in his mind. "You seem to be as a tree to me and just so I have counted your rings. Indeed it seems the mathematics here equate to your rings being insignificant to mine, that is without saying, I Doctor Howard am Older and as such I will adult the situation in song!" He jumps onto the conference table spins around and faces Niyah.

Oh what wonderful timing you see,

You almost could have found a better me.

Did my words grasp a hold of you?

Surly you jest! Oh what a mess! This won't Do!


(starting to walk around the table area gesturing at other villains while he joyously continues)


I'm Just as clever as they come

and that's quite alot if you hang with Shun

You ask How did i know? 

(Random see through silhouettes appear as back up singers) how did he know?

I'm that type of smart you just can't beat!

Yes what a treat!

                ohhh what a treat

You get to meet!

                 well well met!

Someone whose even more crazy than yellow snow!

                               Why that snowww?

Because dear ladies and gents your in the Howard show!

                              Its his show~

So just sit back

                            ohhhh sit back

Why don't cha have a snack?

                      Yummy snack!

 then get prepared to be entertained!

By that guy with a big old Briain

Yes it Dr. Howard bask in his glow

He just might have a big ego

Ladies and Gents!!!!!! The How-ard Showwwwwww!!!!


shibity bop bibity flop let's go!


Finished with his random acts for the moments he pats down his clothes and returns to his seat ready to continue with the meeting paying little attention to what is actually going on at the moment. Tuning in to hear Lexia speak of criminals who go above and beyond the call of duty he simply picks up a cup of coffee takes a sip and says. "Well indeed I was just told to attend and now I have performed for you all. Is this not above and beyond hmmmm?"

@MangoSargent @Obsidian(@literally anyone else in the room who has seen Howards in all his glory. Defiantly going to do better and lengthier posts on the weekends.) 


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