Episode 1: Fucking Shit Up in Vegas Will Get Us Started...

Kuro stared directly into the eyes of 'the envoy of death, reaper of souls and the definition of darkness herself', he smiled sadistically then stated as politely as he could "fuck off mrs..." he hesitated a bit "eh, i don't feel like searching your dead head mrs. anyways, fuck the fucking fuck off i fucking got here first mrs. fucking corpse." his smile twitched slightly as he spoke. all his eyes had been trained on her in specific, giving a hateful stare. 

Shiba noticed this then said "woooowww... look at the time, my friend here is an idiot and probably needs a good nap!" he then proceeded to nervously laugh. poking Kuro multiple times on one of his eyes he knew he had under his yukata, as a form of punishment for cursing the cloaked lady out. though, he'd just been dragged and lost a cotton candy for THIS? no, no, no he was not going to take this, he was fucking pissed. "ehehe... but...we were here first... bitch, don't steal our fucking thunder! ... i-if that's okay with you for next time!" adding the last part nervously. 

@Trust (no longer online) @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball
Naomi smiled as Aquarius got out of the pool. "Thank you! I'm a villain. Here for the OOT thing. I like the tentacles very... different" Naomi said back to Aquarius with a look of amazement on her face. "This chick's pretty cool. Could use some makeup tips though"  Naomi thought to herself as she looked Aquarius up and down "Hey. Could I give you a makeover? I'll do a really good job!" Naomi said in a rather excited tone and patted Aquarius on the back before she corrected her clothes to make sure she looked the best she possibly could. She pulled out a mirror and looked into it, admiring herself in the mirror as she smiled to herself. She was definitely in her own little world right now

Aquarius broke out of her trace and looked down at the girl. "Depends!" she 'walked' closer to Naomi, her tentacles swirling around the girl and her face close to Naomi's "How good are you with makeup?" Aquarius put a finger on Naomi's chin then letting go while giggling a bit. "Before you do i should warn you that you might need the water proof stuff, i get very... wet, often." Winking at her then looking about. "my my there sure are a lot of Villains here aren't there?" Aquarius wondered when everyone would stop their banter and start questioning the meetup.

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(Prize's POV)

I titled my head, a little flow of saliva slowly piling on the furthest tips of my lips, as I saw the candy the man carried being moved from one place to the next. I almost reached out my arms to them, but he spoke again , distracting me. 

"Take me to a bad place? You mean they would wanna take me to prison again? Or do you mean mommy's farm? Well, I guess it's farm now, so, it's not a bad day place. And prison people were meanies, but I don't think it was that bad, I did get out... I didn't bring a change, I didn't know the rookie hero was going to show up. Well, I did think it was weird they said they found mommy, though. Her body did disappear when i killed her, after all."

I had spoken so continually I didn't even notice his offer for...something. But I still noted when he accepted my offer to go check out my killing. I pulled away, and nodded at his requests, making my claws warp away. I trusted this man a bit. My other mode didn't like him very much after he refused to go see mommy with us , but  our body was his making. Even the claws. Those shiny things like my eyes when he handed me the lollipop.

"For me? Yay! Yay! Thank you! " I launched my arms to wrap around him and spin a couple times before opening the lollipop and shoving it into my mouth. By the time I turned around again, though, someone else was there, asking for blood and claiming that I seemed familiar.

"He does seem a bit familiar. I think I may have met him when i was a child or so, but my memory is very very vague....Maybe my other mode knows. We can ask her after I show you my game's results."

I turned to the other one.

"You can come too! Wanna see a dead hero? I bet it's got lots of blood if you need to! Plus there are two cops too! " I giggled. 

@Ambela @mewbot5408



Ghost eyes aka motheal gave a irritated look at the human licking at his own sharp defined fangs. He was no demon and it was obvious he wasn't a vampire despite his heavy thirst for blood.  He already didn't like the human then again he had a distaste for most humans. his eyes stared at the female intensely taking in just the mere structure of her face and the color of her eyes. it was all too familiar but who was she? He couldn't remember if he wanted to. "As a child? I wouldn't be able to remember anyways....perhaps." He told her with heavy exhale running his fingers through his blonde hair.  He listened to the rest of her words in thought as something deep showed in his eyes for only a mere moment. The creature's expression was a puzzling one but he still looked like he would kill if he had to so he could feed. He seemed pleased when she said he could come too but it wasn't like he was smiling. he didn't really smile much. " yes....."
  "'Dark Ice', you say?" Doris placed her hand under her chin, observing this "Bastion". Then she nodded, shaking his hand. "You seem a formidable villain. It's a pleasure. Doris Hewitt, AKA Madam Secretary." Her grip, like always, was a little overly firm (which was normal for someone with super strength), but she had a friendly smile. A few seconds later, she was greeted by their "Drunken Assassin". 

  Did she just call her a "pirate"? Doris's eye twitched. She was very sensitive about the fact that she only had one eye; therefore, she despised the pirate jokes. In fact, her reaction explained why her grip was so firm; she literally lifted one of the metal bars of the gate that held the line, snapped it off the rest of the gate, and, showing it to Mei, said simply, "Call me a pirate one more time and I will snap your neck." She twisted the metal in her arms, then tied it into a knot—a fisherman's knot, to be exact, for those who are interested in such things—before tossing it to Mei. "Which, as you can see, I am capable of. Super Strength. Just for future reference." Yet another person arrived, putting on a rather professional appearance. She smiled in appreciation, feeling glad that this one was serious; however, someone else was being a total asshole. She grabbed that person by the head, spinning them around so they could look into her eye. "Pathetic name-calling will get you nowhere, especially in front of your new boss. So shut the fuck up, grow up, and realize who you're mouthing off to and in front of. Save it for the superheroes." She let go, obviously disconcerted by this behavior. 

@Kuronokami39 @Trust (no longer online) @Obsidian @Kingmalikai
Kuro screamed as he was removed from his shade, the light burned, it fucking burned soooo much! after having been let go he clung tightly to his parasol and scooted next to Shiba, partially hiding behind him, mumbling curses along the lines of "fucking light..." and "if only our Kami-Sama, McDonalds was here...". he had no idea what just happened but the burning feeling in all of his eyes, which were currently shut tightly, was so intense, he wanted to scream again. he just ended up taking shaking deep breaths and hiding underneath his parasol, not even caring about the painful poking feeling on his palms, black goo began to drip down the side of his parasol's handle. 

Shiba noticed this and simply looked at their new boss, nervously laughing. "our new boss is really scary! right?" looking at Kuro for an answer, though Kuro seemed stuck in his own bubble, to which he was, very much so. "Kuro...?" Shiba stared at him with concern, noticing the goo starting to drip from the bottom of the parasol, realizing what just happened. then looked over at their new boss adjusting his sunglasses. "wow! i-i've never seen it get this bad before! though, hehe, y-you do know that light kills him, right? i just wanted to make sure you knew why he has to stay under the parasol! plus, i wouldn't want him to get needlessly hurt!" he smiled oddly brightly at Doris. "oh wait, we never introduced ourselves! sorry, i'm Shiba, Snakeman =D! and he's Kuro, or Eyes as is his alias! i'm really sorry about him... he can't really control what comes out of his mouth!" Shiba holds out his hand as if asking for a handshake, smiling. "sorry that i did it too, i had a stressful day!" adding that on as safety measures, after what had just happened to his mentor he was fairly scared of her, though not much. it wasn't like he had an obvious weakness that was extremely crippling that would be easy to trigger accidentally, unlike Kuro currently hiding beside him. 

Kuro had pressed himself to Shiba's side, out of a mix of fear, comfort in familiarity and instinct, his middle and lower arms wrapped around Shiba's arm, whilst his top arms were still clutching the parasol, the poking pain had quickly become piercing as he held it tighter above his head for his shade. the shade he needed desperately for survival. he really wanted to go home now, really badly, sit with Shiba in the dimly lit apartment full of stuffed animals and dolls. maybe play some Uno... get some McDonalds... that'd be really nice right now, seeing as he was practically traumatized. his body still burned... but, it was a bit more bearable, at least, enough so he could open a few of his eyes. he noted faintly that he was dripping, though it was the farthest thing from his mind. barely registering anything going on, as a small pool of black goo, currently with one eye, had begun gathering beneath the parasol.

The Plaguemaster

"Hmm, I best go find the meet-up point," Bernard said to the woman who joined him at the Craps table. He stood up from the table, took his winnings, and left.

He didn't remember where everyone was supposed to meet, so he began to wander around the Circus Circus building, thinking, I really wish they would've held this meeting in the Stratosphere rotating lounge or something, this is all a bit gimmicky for my taste.

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @MangoSargent

Caroline Draves

Meanwhile, Caroline Draves was sleeping off a hangover in a hotel. She had been incredibly stressed; her debt was going to be compounded again soon, and if she didn't win her upcoming fight, she wouldn't be able to pay off the increase.

(Caroline is closed for interaction, until it is ideal to introduce her.)

Lala the Dullahan


"Mortal insults mean nothing." Lala stated briefly to the odd, namless steanger she had only recently met that seemed rather fond of the word "fuck". The reaper held out a pale-blue hand with dead but not decaying flesh to the supposed leader of the group. "A pleasure to meet you Mrs... Hewitt" Lala said with a soft smile that could not be seen, having heard the secratary's name moments before introducing herself. The Dullahan felt very content, nothing made a person seem more bad-ass by not getting annoyed, usually, like in the film, a fight would break out and kick their asses! Lala wasn't so sure about that part, but knew that she could always teleport away if need-be. "What are our goals for today's meeting? I know that the mirror's a portal, but I can't remember where it leads to.." the reaper mumbled, holding her scythe up straight and maintaining a perfect posture. Gagh! She felt so cool! It half-made her want to giggle but she suppressed it and smiled widely, glad that her face was hidden. Suddenly Madam Secretary seemed to become enraged at a small pirate joke. Lala made a mental note not to mention eyes, or anything to do with eyes for that matter. "What do you mean steal your thunder? I'm the least suspicious here in this little rag-tag group..." Lala mumbled, a little oblivious to her surroundings due to the excitement of what might happen. Evil villain groups meant death for mortals, and more death might get her closer to Death the reaper! "Who knows, if I reap enough souls, he might make me like... his head-Dullahan!" she said internally to her body, that agreed in excitement, taking control and making her hop up and down for a couple of seconds. "quit it, you'll ruin the image!"  Lala hissed, retaking control and glaring downwards.


Niyah frowned at the fact that she had been left before she could ask her questions. 

"Well damn. Guess that I wont be making those flue bombs anytime soon. Oh well, might as well go back to the Adventure Dome and see what's going on there." She got up and headed back to the theme park bored as hell since she didn't get any new ideas for inventions while she was there.


(Mei "The Drunken Assassin" Yamato)(Location: Circus Circus Thingy at Carousel)(With: Madam Secretary, Lala, and everyone at the carousel) 
[SIZE= 14.6667px]Interpreting anything for Mei was difficult enough being upside down on a metallic carousel horse but being plastered to the point of no return while having worsening vision from the adverse effects of the drinks only made it one-hundred times harder, especially having it feel as if everything she was looking at was being put through a fish-eye[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] lens that was balancing on top of a spinning record player. In spite of that fact, she significantly drew her tone a bit lower as she was singing the crude folksong once she saw the expression on the woman’s face become a sickening grimace, ultimately taking but a second to reverberate an unfortunate gulping sound until she straightened up her posture and situated herself on top of the halted floor of the carousel, sitting in a courteous seiza-stance as she reluctantly became aware of just how dangerous and important this individual truly was. A solitary droplet of sweat was visible as it beated its way down her forehead as she noticed ‘Madam secretary’ placing her vice-like grip around one of the metal gates, elevating it out in front of her as if it weighed as much as a feather after detaching it off from the rest of the machinery. Mei encountered various types of foes from all around but never before has she been intimidated by someone that was threatening her very way of existence, this woman in velvet red adjacent from where she was sitting was something far more formidable than what she has ever encountered, not only was she the so-called ‘head honcho’ of the villainous escapades but she invoked an unspeakable terror from the heated words of her voice and aggravated demeanor.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14.6667px]Mei could only represent an ounce of consternation through a soft eep as Doris casually contorted the entirety of the metal gate like it were some makeshift silly puddy that she was molding inside of her feminine mitts, transforming it into a mangled mess of a fisherman’s knot before having it thrown to the ground in-front of her, making an abrupt ‘clanging’ sound which resonated throughout the carousel and the surrounding areas nearby. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Um, I-uh.-um. Sorry miss! Please forgive me for my outburst.” [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]Mei’s face reddened with overwhelming embarrassment as she hung her head forward as a sign of respect towards Doris while still assuming her polite seiza-stance. As expected this intoxicated condition of hers would lead her to making an unmannerly introduction to those who she wanted to impress, not a very good way to start her newfound ‘profession’. Somehow she still wasn’t able to keep a straight face as she witnessed a woman decorated in a lengthy pair of inky lavender robes with her head concealed with a headdress that hid her face from the lighting and people around her, only giving off a deathly glare from the eerie flaxen eyes which became noticeable through its darkness. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Vengeance shall be mine.”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] Mei gave off an unannounced and childish impression of 'Reaper from Overwatch', quoting one of his lines and apparently not learning the lesson that she was taught earlier about being respectful to those who she hasn’t met, only to be put back into her place after noticing the eye-patched lady snatch another person by the head causing Mei to leap backwards out of fright and stand herself back up while whistling a innocent tone, looking around the room as if she said nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 36px][FONT= 'Times New Roman'][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 128)]Noir[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]

[COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)][SIZE= 14px]Noir sighed as she briskly walked to where Stewart was. Instead of letting him come to her, the girl jumped over the fence around the carousel, making her pale blue coat move with her[/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR= rgb(0, 0, 0)][SIZE= 14px]. Casting a small 'Shade' charm on herself (one that made her face obscured in cameras), she made her way to the money grabbing pony ride and stepped on the podium it was on. Noir walked towards Stewart (completely ignoring the stares, somehow) the girl took Stewart's hand as gently as she possibly could in the short span of time she took it in. And looked for the mirror with a black horse engraved at the top. 'Well, that's the portal...'[/COLOR][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Letting go of her practically little brother's hand, "That's one of the portals for the meeting," the practitioner of Wiccan magic jumped into the mirror portal, appeared on the other side stumbling slightly, before continuing to wait for Stewie.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball[/SIZE]
The Demon of Bleach

  "What do they think they are doing, leaving me all alone to have fun by themselves," Alexander complained about the obvious lack of awareness of his brother and Noir although, it was probably his fault for escaping the trio to go the cotton candy stand. Probably his fault. Probably. But it wasn't his fault though, it was the Cotton Candy's fault for being so sweet and fluffy. Thus, you find a Demon of Hell waiting somewhat patiently for a sugary treat, in Las Vegas, with several humans.

"Next Customer please," It was at this point that all hell began to break loose, Alex walking up to the cotton candy stand, his head barely poking up above the counter-top, the employee blinking at the shorty, "Excuse me, sir, where are your parents?" The circus attendant trying to be polite to what seemed like an abandoned child in foreign attire.

In naive honesty, the reply was, "Burning in Hell." To which the employee was flummoxed at what seemed like a ten, maybe twelve at most, child was cursing out his own parents translating it to: 'They should burn in hell".

"Now, Now, you shouldn't badmouth your family like that. Here you go, some cotton candy, now let me take you the child resource so your parents can find you again."  And so, the tragic tale of the 120-year-old demon being treated as a child by someone one-sixth of his age had taken place. Although, Alexander could forgive the mortal for the act due to the cotton candy that he had given to him. For free nevertheless. Thus, he pushed his luck about twice and ended with three sticks of cotton candy.

The following words now echoed in the circus: "Would the parents or guardians of 'Alexander von Buch', please come pick him up at the Child Resource center." The brief announcement repeated one more time before stopping, although rather than feeling embaressed, he was pretty content with the sweets the employee had given to him. However, he couldn't help but wonder how far he could have pushed him for more cotton candy. 

@Lilah Tunth @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball


[FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT]

[SIZE= 14px]Why was he here? He'd flew from Manhattan to some sort of freak show in Las Vegas. Even if the proposal was profitable, it meant he had to have a [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]partner, or a team. The aspect was quite cringeworthy; though probably not as much as the gay carousel bobbing it's inanimate pack-animals situated in some sort of literal eye-rape casino where no was no such thing as too may flashing lights. He was almost surprised that there weren't more epileptics flailing about now. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Supposedly, Jeremiah was supposed to meet someone, and address them with the title "Madam Secretary" like some sort of sophisticated high-end academy teacher. Sullenly, the villain takes in the environment and sits down on a bench, waiting for some sort of sight - not that there weren't. There was so much crazy though, it was hard to tell if it was some sort of freaks show event going on, or a gathering of villains. It looked to be the former, gaging the childish antics of most, but then again secret identities were quite "in" right now. Even at this moment, he had one, and it was the same one he used to get into the casino - well, actually, it was a false identity. But close enough. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]The group called themselves "The Order of the Twisted" and focused on uniting villains. Jeremiah huffs, fingering the lighter in his pocket. As much as he wanted a light, he couldn't get it hot enough in here without making a hobo blaze. No, it would instead smolder out. From his bench, he noted the fact people stepped away from him, the freezing aura around him similar to that of an icy blast of a late autumn day, not late spring like it was. He smirks slightly to himself as he watches faint frost creep up the bench seat with his prolonged presence. Though, it slips away as he recognizes his target. Some sort of pirate wannabe, if outward appearance entailed anything. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]So, without further ado, he slips through the crowd inconspicuously in his local garb.[/SIZE]



[open for interaction]
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Motheal picked up on a familiar scent looking up at prize and the scientist. "Actually...I take that back. It looks like there's a change in my plans.... maybe our paths will cross again later. " The male told them brushing aside his bangs from his eyes turning away quickly to follow  the scent. Nexus merely hovered behind him. "Where you going mothy?" The spirit asked.  He looked up coldly at the rabbit and shook his head. "None of your business fuzz for brains..so be quiet." He anwsered it shaking his head. He sniffed at the air as it grew colder and his eyes flicked to a all too familiar man. Motheal was quick to head straight for Jeremiah only to run at him with full speed. It looked kinda weird considering his face was blank the whole time up until he pretty much tackled the guy having a sharp look on his face. ".... you're late!"

[FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT]

[SIZE= 14px]Jeremiah was almost there...[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]And then what felt to be a truck collide into his course, and consequentially, himself, knocks him to the ground. Entangled in the many limbs of someone else, Jeremiah prepares an angry vent, but it falls away as Jeremiah realizes who it is. Regretfully. Of all the memory gaps the kid had, he could't lose the ones of Jeremiah. But then again, he kinda liked Mothy, and not to mention he might be useful. Maybe if he wasn't so clingy. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Oh, hey Mothy," The albino replies playfully, ruffling the other's hair, "How's it going?". It was so uncharacteristic of himself, he could've puked. And he willingly touched him like, ewwww germs. He had met Motheal after he had fallen into one of his ruts, and had gone to the wrong places looking for fun. He actually enjoyed the stranger's sense of humor, but he was so.... obnoxious? Was that the word he was looking for? It was close enough, he decided.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Standing up, attempting for the conversation to not be so intimate, he brushes himself off and readjusts himself. This was not how he had planned things to go. How did Mothy even know he was going to be here let alone in this part of--- You're kidding. Mothy was a villain too. Go figure. Sighing, he mentally face palms and prays whomever runs this thing has patience for idiots. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]@mewbot5408[/SIZE]

(Dr.Howard as {Lord Thrashington the Eighth Esquire} and himself )(Location: Amusement Area)(With: Shiba,  Everyone attending the meeting )

The Lights around the area captivate the rather awkward man. Due to his emotional state his capes outlines begin to glow various florescent hues, not able to contain his excitement he creates a salubrious atmosphere around the roller coasters dancing and singing.

"Oh man what a day, 

A new way to explore!

An invitation for me?

I have to see what's in store!

Oh what a wonderful day for me!

I'm one of the greatest minds, here let me show you. See! (He Levitates items from the nearest concession stand popcorn and cotten candy mostly)

To share this gift.

Oh boy its why I'm here!"

People cheering all around thinking he is one of the random show casters that wonder around the amusement area Lord Thrashington has a ecstatic time until Dr. Howard notices time is running short. He continues on this escapade for awhile until he has passed all the items out and came to as DR. Howard

"Well its rather unfortunate that I must stop but I have to find this place I'm looking for a mirror of sorts."

Stunning the people around him with his sudden change of attitude and his immediate disregard for the people he was just performing for, he begins his advance towards the carousel area taking big funny steps and swinging his arms having his forearms dragged by his upper arm snapping then falling the opposite way until he reaches the ally way noticing people around the carousel gathered. With a happy smile he ran down the alley way letting his upper body drift in the wind (Kind of like Ed from Ed Edd n Eddy) and snagging another cotton candy from a passerby for the only person he can recognize from this distance. Shiba. halting with his body snapping up right like when you step on a rake and it flies up. He meets Shibas face and smiles begining to speak.

"Hey  Mr. Snaky  I saw you dropped your cotton candy so I got you another one!" 

Not a moment sooner the person man whose wife the cotton candy was stolen from appeared and tried to take it back from Howard however he simply looks the man into the eyes and says "Sir, I'll have you know I am a Doctor" and pushes him back a bit away from his new snake friend. Not soon after a groups of Howard take the man and his wife away while Shiba an Kuro notice their new boss.

"Well now here you are one cotton candy" he smiles launching one foot to the rear and thrusts the cotton candy forward bouncing his upper body up and down until Shiba takes the "gift" paying no attention to no one else or anything else happening around him.

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Motheal stared at him with lavender eyes still illuminated a little. He didn't mind Jeremiah messing with his hair  and he got up off him. " Hmm...fine I guess.  I heard you were assigned to me.." he told him brushing aside his bangs tilting his head a little  bit with his hand on his hip. He licked at his sharp fangs a little as he spoke. Motheal looked like he was debating on trying to drink Jeremiah's blood or not. It was extremely tempting considering both his hunger and half the time the other man smelled intoxicating. He liked Jeremiah and even if his face was nearly blank or had irritation half the time a sort of feeling showed through a little when he was around the ice human. He couldn't help it."it's been too long...."
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@Nobody @Lilah Tunth

  Stewart blinked as Noir quickly grabbed his hand, pointing out the portal, and was about to follow her through when....

"Would the parents or guardians of 'Alexander von Buch', please come pick him up at the Child Resource center. Would the parents or guardians of 'Alexander von Buch', please come pick him up at the Child Resource center."

  The demon flinched in recognition of his brother, Alex's, name; guess he needed to chase after the kid now. Stewart didn't go through the portal with Noir, instead fighting against the spell that kept him following her orders. One step at a time, like lead was attached to his feet, he walked to the child resource center, where Alex was just sort of nonchalantly sitting there eating candy. "Hi, Alex!" he chirped before grabbing his brother's hand and slingshotting back to the carousel, running past the horses, and vaulting through the portal, still holding his little brother's hand. "Soooooooooorrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! You know I can't stay away from Lady Noir for looooooooooooooooooooong!" Stewart added as an apology before landing face-first on the ground of this alternate dimension. There was a low engine rumble below them; the room looked almost like it was suspended in outer space. Stewart bit his lip, standing up and dusting himself off, then walked over to the window.

  Yep. They were drifting in far outer space, the portal being their only way back to Earth. Stewart pressed his nose against the glass, amazed. "Whoa...."


@Obsidian @Trust (no longer online) @Kingmalikai @Kuronokami39

  Doris nodded at the apologies she received. Well, now these guys had the idea of who was in charge....and who they'd be dealing with if they fucked around rather than achieved the task at hand. "...Yes. Our meeting will be assigning teams for our first mission, which we shall discuss once everyone has arrived. Mei, I expect you to behave more professionally next time and never bring up the eyepatch, am I clear? Kuro, I do not tolerate rudeness towards your fellow villains, seeing as we are working together for our goal. With that note," She took out her phone to contact those who hadn't arrived yet and text them. "You saw the dark-haired woman and those two young boys, I presume? Enter the meeting area through the same mirror they went through while I send a friendly reminder to everyone else."

  This is Madam Secretary. Please meet me promptly at the carousel in the Adventuredome. The meeting is starting soon and I would hate it if you missed out on important details.

@SolistheSun @MangoSargent @mewbot5408 @Sizniche @Idea @Legend:D @Mitchs98 @Ambela @Petroshka @SilverDama 

[SIZE= 16px][FONT= 'Courier New']Jeremiah Nicoles / Frost Flow [/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]Jeremiah quirks and eyebrow, "Really now? They've already started dividing us up? I haven't even gotten so much as an [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]hello yet." He muses to his 'friend,' "It has been to long hasn't it Mothy?" Or not long enough, depending who's side you were on. And then his butt beeps. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]Growling in irritation, Jeremiah looks at the simple phone and clicks to display the text. It seemed this Madam Secretary didn't have patience. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"You really are part of this whole twisted business right? Well, it seems the boss-man wants us to hurry up. Let's head on over there," Jeremiah states, swishing his straight white hair to the side only for it to slip right back into it's original position. He flips the phone, revealing it's lit-up contents to his companion before shoving it into his pocket once more. Hopefully this wasn't a complete waste of time. Though then again, judging by the way Motheal was staring, it was only a matter of time before it was just Jeremiah being held in a place he'd rather not be. Admittedly, he rather liked the stare. Even if he was gazing at the albino like an otaku would ramen.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]In a suave manner, Jeremiah turns. He [/SIZE]was[SIZE= 14px] in front of the blood carousel. Now what? He bites his lip, and watches the shifting passerby. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]@mewbot5408[/SIZE] @FemTheHufflepuffRiceball


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Kuro shivered slightly "one minute...". he returned to his previous mental state fairly easily, after rubbing against his partner's side slightly he felt much better. now onto the problem of he just dripped, meaning, some of his goo (currently pooled below his parasol with two eyes) had fallen off. he sighed letting go of Shiba's arm and crouched on the ground, dipping his bottom hand into the goo currently pooled by his feet. "this- this may take a while..." he muttered to himself as the goo slowly began traveling back into his body. he sighed, he was really starting to hate this job, but if it'd get The Stupid Leader (trademark) of The Hopeful and Lovely Trio to lose hope, it was worth it. 

Shiba sighed, this was going to take awhile, and well, he wasn't going to leave without Kuro, his friend and mentor. one of the most important people who had just had some mental trauma and he really didn't wish to leave him alone. Shiba turned to look around the amusement park, having nothing better to do whilst Kuro regathered his darkness. when he noticed the bouncing man (who reminded him of Hapi... GODDAMNIT!!!) who was holding the best treat EVER, PERIOD. assuming it was for him, he ended up screaming enthusiastically "COTTON CANDY!!!" snatching the cotton candy and downing it in one gulp. joyously hugging the stranger saying in a loud strings of "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!!!". squeezing the person whom had just given him the best sticky cottony treat ever!  noting that he was probably going to be choking over the apartment toilet tonight. "ohh...errr... sorry! i should introduce myself right?" not even letting go of the man, looking at him through his sunglasses, dark, he sighed. he really needed to get contacts or something...if they could afford them, so that he could see everything normally, without such a damned dark tint!

@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @Marumatsu
As Niyah walked back into the Adventure Dome she herd her phone go off and checked it, smiling when she saw the text. 

"Lets get this show on the rode." She said, the somewhat twisted smile in her face getting a few stares. As she walked over to the carousal she saw that a lot more people where there than before which made her raise am eyebrow. 'Was I really downstairs that long?' she thought as she hopped into the line so that she could enter the portal.
 "Well, of course, you could escape any bad place you wanted to, hmm? You'd much rather have fun and eat candy instead of that, though, wouldn't you?" He stuck his own lollipop in his mouth, letting out a humming noise when he did. Strawberry and Cream Swirl, his absolute favorite flavor. He grabbed a few he had thrown on the ground and shoved them in his coat pocket. They were just too good to pass up! The next thing he knew, Prize was spinning around him excitedly, which made him smile more. He really enjoyed how optimistic, in a rather twisted way she was. Before Prize could even lead him to the dead heroes and officers, something had grabbed his wrist. His face took on a more serious expression and stopped his humming immediately, turning around to look at the... demon that had grabbed him. His smile returned though this one was more sarcastic and rather passive-aggressive. He yanked his wrist away from the demon, lifting a finger. "While that offer sounds almost irresistible, I'm afraid Miss Prize and I are doing something." He turned from the demon, but turned around seconds later when it asked Prize if he knew her. He lifted a brow and watched in silence. His face fell slightly when she asked him to come along, not having the heart to even consider arguing. His face fell  more when the male agreed. He quickly replaced it with a fake smile.

The demon vampire blood sucking whatever he was had run off to do something else before he could even see Prize's 'game results.' Dr. Schmidty was rather glad about that, though, someone who right off the bad demanded his blood wasn't someone he exactly wanted to be around.  "That was quite odd - I wonder why he left." He looked to Prize with a shrug.  "We should hurry along, though, Doris is expecting us." As if on cue, his cheap little flip-phone vibrated in his pocket, a specific pattern he had set up just for Doris' texts. "Speak of the devil," he muttered to himself, opening his phone to read the text before looking back at Prize. "It's Doris. Think you could hurry and show me? I'd hate for us to be late - it makes us look bad.... And here, put this on, some nasty men will stare at you!" He shouldered off his coat and placed it over her shoulders. "Just until we're away from civilians at least?" 


It won't let me tag anyone else for some reason - @mewbot5408.
I went through my older post and edited a bit because I was a little confused and it made it easier for me to reply.... <-< 

Motheal nodded. "Pretty much." He anwsered as he crossed his arms. He was still staring at him licking his fangs in anticipation. He gave another nod in agreement before following Jeremiah with a little way about his steps as he exhaled. Light on his feet as usual. He guessed that they were to go through that portal perhaps. 

He found that he couldn't look away from the other. not only was he wanting to drink Jeremiah's blood but he was kind of admiring his looks. They weren't exactly kids anymore so it gave the inhuman perverse ideas. He shook his head a little bit from simply admiring his butt alone. Now was a bad time to get excited. They had a job to do and playing could wait.


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(Mei "The Drunken Assassin" Yamato)(Location: Circus Circus Thingy at Carousel)(With: People at the Carousel) 

Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours, Mei was soundlessly dangling her own two legs over the side of the amusement park’s pony-ride only to leisurely bring herself back up onto the leather saddle of the mechanical machine with after witnessing a couple of new faces become present near the carousel. One of which had a bit of a drawn-back personality, in a way this individual which had presented himself was more than mysterious to say the least, Jeremiah’s facial features were astonishingly difficult to interpret although Mei had no difficulty taking a gander at his prepossessing mug that was blessed with a ‘snowy’ pigmentation that complimented his slumping white hair that hung mere inches below the lobes of his ears. Shrugging back her shoulders she hung her head backwards to avoid having to strenuously move around the crowd of indiscriminate malefactors in order to get a better look at who he was associated with, judging from his tastes alone it seems that he’d be interacting with someone from a modeling agency. A soft inspecting hum brought its way out from her lips as she discovered the person who Jeremiah was speaking to, definitely not an ‘agent’ from the looks of it but someone who was staring directly into his very eyes as if it were some compassionate hidden feeling that he was trying to express with his everlasting gaze.

[SIZE= 14.6667px]“Heey, are you two gonna do it or something?”[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] Of course, of course she had to ruin such a moment between them because of her loud-mouth couldn’t keep her buried thoughts deep inside of her head, understanding that she just blurted out such an idiotic statement, Mei swished her head in the opposite direction only to look back at ‘Madam Secretary’ a.k.a terrifying [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]eye patch[/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px] lady who was already scolding Mei for the intolerable behavior she was publicly presenting. [/SIZE][SIZE= 14.6667px]“Yes Sir! I uh- i mean ma’am! You need not worry about someone such as myself, i’m just not exactly well trained in holding my liquor but i’m someone who is able to murder, maim, or seriously injure without any discretion!”[/SIZE] Mei gave off an overconfident tone before leaping off of the decorative painted carousel horse, adjusting her posture up straight and giving her a salute while trying to maintain her balance. [SIZE= 14.6667px]“You’re as clear as Everclear boss!”[/SIZE] She slurred excitedly while retrieving a broad steel flask out from between her garment’s breast area, cautiously situating it up to the midsection of her mouth, downing all of it like a fish gulping down gracious amounts of water before placing it on the pinnacle of the dummy horse’s head. [SIZE= 14.6667px]“The serrated teeth of my widow-maker have not earned a true opportunity to bathe within the blood of those who are unfortunate enough to encounter it! So who are we murdering the hell out of today?”[/SIZE] She shifted her hand back against the comfortable side of her waist as she wiggled her body from side to side in an overjoyed fashion, anticipating the idea of collaborating with important villains and earning a splendid wage.

[SIZE= 14.6667px]@FemTheHufflepuffRiceball @SolistheSun @mewbot5408[/SIZE]
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