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Realistic or Modern Empire of the Dead [more open than a 7/11]

Caffeine Freak

Caffeine Freak
The year is 2050.

Human kind is on the brink of extinction.


In some places, humanity exists as clusters of tribes existing or fighting with one another. Others are devoid of life - nature is filled with a silence not known to Earth for billions of years.

Just ten years before, an affliction dubbed 'the zombie virus' spread through nations, people came back from the dead to feast on the flesh of the living. Initially, the outbreak wasn't as terminal as some had predicted. Humanity had kept the throne as dominant species as the slow, thoughtless creatures were defeated. Although thousands died, humanity was quick to celebrate their victory.

What they didn't expect was the dead to evolve.

The reanimated carcasses shuffled back out of the shadows, somehow faster, stronger, and wiser to common tricks used to deceive them.

After another bloody chapter, the dead where defeated once more.

And with each defeat, the infected came back even faster, even stronger, even smarter. Some began to build weapons, some began to fashion armor, others grouped together into writhing communities. From that point on, the dead where no longer named 'zombies', for zombies where slow, stupid. These things weren't. The infected became known as Corpses, they may be dead, but they are every bit as intelligent as they were beforehand.

Humans that weren't killed by the outbreak or the chaos that ensued became survivors in the few and far-between colonies. Although there aren't many left, the remaining humans are more determined and capable as their ancestors thousands of years beforehand.

After the first Human Victory in 2041, a select few were taken into the Z-Com program to defend against the plague should the dead ever rise again. These individuals were hardened through excruciating training. Z-Com soldiers would repetitively break their bones and tear muscle tissue during combat training, beat eachother into pulps in fighting rings, sleep no more than once a week - hundreds of thousands of potential recruits from special forces went in, one hundred came out word-wide. With there being so little successful recruits, soldiers where scattered world wide individually to compensate. The training was so demanding that some soldiers died during sessions. Z-Com soldiers were deployed individually in major cities world wide to 'keep the peace' and became known as 'Demons' to the public for their brutal methods of arresting troublemakers.

Now, humans and corpses have reached a standoff in conflict. With the humans forced into a corner, even hordes of corpses are unable to take them all on if the colonies were to ever band together. With suspense hanging in-between the two species, it is uncertain whether humans will die out in the siege or the corpses will slip up and get wiped out for good.

(TL;DR version: Smart zombies have taken over the world, humans and some cool soldiers and defending against them, the world is in ruins, done)
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The Outpost was silent, save for the occasional shuffling of debris in the wind or muffled cry in the distance. The lengthy razor fence surrounding the perimeter crackled will the hum of electricity, from strategic posts at regular intervals hung flickering ultraviolet lights. Beyond the dimly lit street was nothing but empty, thick darkness. Allen McRyan, perched atop a tilted lamppost lingering on the perimeter, stared back at the abyss. He did a mental headcount of survivors that had jumped the fence to scavenge. No more than forty had left during the day, only thirty had returned before nightfall. Three distant screams followed by more silence in the last few hours left roughly seven who were still alive out there. Somewhere in his heart, Allen felt sorrow for the lost souls. The rest of him was focused on scanning the perimeter. While his peers had conversed very little since arriving at The Outpost, there was no doubt that even a fly wouldn't get past that fence uncounted for. Co-operation was achieved in complete silence.

Despite his sharp perception, he couldn't pinpoint the figures that kept shifting just on the edge of the light glare, they each dematerialized as fast as they appeared. Fear wasn't an emotion Allen was very familiar with anymore, but he still felt a twinge of hope that the sun would rise soon.
'Another one...'

Noir Wilder had the raider pinned down and yelling in anger. He'd been harassing some young women in hope of scoring a little fun for himself, and had ended up with a combat boot pressing down on his ribcage and steel cuffs around his wrists.

She had only been deployed at this outpost a few days, and this was the fifth troublemaker she'd had to deal with. It wasn't anything the soldier couldn't deal with, but it was still a frustration. The last place Noir had been stationed at wasn't nearly as bad. But at least it would be sunrise soon, and the crime levels would subside.
Olivier scanned the battlefield, dropping his machete to his side and cleaning against the clothes of the now deceased corpse.

"Well that was underwhelming" he sighed - standing back up and surveying his handiwork, 3 dead corpses lay around him. Slowly and methodically he began to search through their remains, many survivors shied away from this kind of work... That was what made them from survivors into corpses all the more quickly. He found nothing much of use, one of the corpses had a necklace of teeth, he contemplated wearing it to seem more intimidating but quickly concluded that he'd rather not have tetanus if at all possible. Regardless he took it still - it would fetch a decent price if he could find a market around here, there was always some 'badass' looking for something to show he was tougher than the rest. Olivier chuckled at his own dark humour before.

After stripping the bodies of anything useful he stood back up, preparing to return to the outpost. Recently some Z-Coms had been stationed there and they would likely be riling some people up. Olivier spat at his feet, his distaste for the Z-Coms was nigh-on immeasurable. Not only for their arrogance, ruthlessness and disrespect for humanity. But because he very nearly had become one.

He jolted himself from his thoughts, seeing a few corpses arise in the distance. There were still a few hours before the sun rose... and Olivier still had plenty of energy for killing corpses.
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Alez stood in the streets, her eyes glaring around watching for movement, her mission today was to find a new belt, she had broken her last one running from a corpse. Now she had to lung around her gear in a makeshift bag, which makes combat very awkward as she digs through it to find which gun to draw or which knife she needed. A wind blew steadily over her as she watched the rumble in front of her, a bat held tightly in her right hand, she twirled it around as she waited for something, or maybe she was planning on where to find herself a belt.

She made her way down the rumble heap she stood on, the sack of items clanging as she dropped, she stilled as she scanned her surroundings once more. Using her bat she cleared away some broken glass from a window frame, slipping into the run down store. The store had been looted more than three times over, but who in their right minds steals belts, she kept telling herself this as she ripped things off the shelves, opening boxes and kicking in cupboards. She stood in the centre of the store, annoyed she let out a yell , swinging her bat down onto the already broken counter.
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Allen's eyes narrowed as a sharp crashing noise broke the silence, followed by echoing screeches. That sound was too close for comfort, corpses would no doubt be drawn towards it. The last thing Allen was in the mood for was a horde of them overrunning The Outpost. With a sigh under his breath, Allen leapt into the dark void beyond the fence and began zig-zagging his way through the debris, towards the source of the noise.

Not too soon later, he came across a battered up old speedmarket - one that had been stripped clean for supplies by scavengers of The Outpost since its heritage. Either an outposter was seriously trying their luck, or someone else was in there. Considering these two possibilities, Allen silently scaled the side of the store, pausing atop the roof to gaze through one of the ceiling windows. The person he saw loitering inside was no doubt another raider, but Allen knew the drill - innocent until proven guilty - so he kept his assumptions buried. Eerie groans began resonating uncomfortably close. With not much other choice, Allen pried open the window and slipped inside.

As he hit the floor, he spoke up to address the stranger. 'Z-Com task force, McRyan - I order you to vacate the area immediately' He kept up the professionalism in his tone, despite the back of his mind telling him to double time it.

Alez turned around slowly, her bat still raised above her head, "I am really not in the mood today Z-Com task force" she put a fancy voice on as she finished "McRyan". The groans grew louder, making her glance behind her, Alez started to feel uneasy, this would have been an easy in and out if McRyan didn't feel the need to join in, her jaw set in a hardline. "I'll vacate as soon as I'm done looking alright" she barked at him, kicking over some rubble on the ground poking at what was under it with her bat.

She knew she didn't have long til the corpses were there, she could hear the groans of them closing in, she watched McRyan as she moved, would he grab her if she didn't listen, "I want to check the back room, THEN I'll vacate, Z-Com Task Force McRyan" She teased again, before disappearing into the rear of the shop.

@Caffeine Freak
Conner Jacobs


She flicked her hair over her shoulder as she stared down at the weaker raider she had pinned underneath her boot. She took her cigarette out of her mouth and blew smoke at him, replacing it seconds later.

"Didn't 'ey ever teach you not to mess wit'a lady?" she said to the terrified-looking man underneath her. Her accent from living in Boston, Massachusetts most of her life was quite thick, but her shortening for words was just from a lack of education. She'd never had a family to force her to school, so she had never really cared much for correcting her speech.

"P-please, just let me go," the raider begged her before she pressed her boot harder down on his chest. She chuckled, he must be new to this, especially to have tried attacking her, which got them into this mess in the first place.

@ anyone
Sharkiee said:
"I am really not in the mood today Z-Com task force. 'McRyan'. I want to check the back room, THEN I'll vacate, Z-Com Task Force McRyan"
An unnatural series of banging noises began playing from the other side of the walls. Storming into the back-room, he grabbed the particularly intractable individual by the arm as she began scrounging through deserts of rubble - the professionalism in his tone, empty. "You hear that? That's the sound of the corpses following your ass. Not one hundred feet from this two-bit broken down junk store is a sanctuary of innocent people. Families - mothers, fathers, children - don't think for one second that I will hesitate to break your legs and feed you to the hungry bastards if you make one more goddamned noise."

Judging by the look he got back, it was relatively clear Allen was wasting his time. "So I highly suggest you vacate the area." He added sarcastically, dropping the scavenger's hand and wiping his own on his shirt. "Don't make me come back." Was all he said before maneuvering his way upwards and back through the ceiling window, disappearing into the night.


That could've gone better was all Allen had in his head on the journey back. The corpses were more interested in the noise than him, so he managed to slip past easily. Despite himself, part of him wondered if the scavenger would make it out alive. His thoughts were interrupted, however, as the sound of begging caught his attention. Veering his course towards the source, he came to a standstill before two figures, one who was clearly taking joy in the suffering of the other. With a sigh, Allen approached them, calling out the phrase that had been wired into his head since day one of training.

"Z-Com task force, Agent McRyan - I order you to vacate the area immed-" he was cut off as the dominant figure turned toward him. Allen broke into a humorless laugh. "Conner fuckin' Jacobs- I wouldn't have recognized you if your face wasn't plastered over every damn wanted poster in the city." The emotion in his voice faded as he took out his standard issue 9mm pistol, cocking the barrel.

"I'd like to make a deal with you, Miss Jacobs."

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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.fa78e9ffe6cc4ec7bdfafb282ede6601.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129906" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.fa78e9ffe6cc4ec7bdfafb282ede6601.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marsilla Sadal Ming

"Silence is Key."

Location: Outside Outpost

Interaction: No one.

Items: Crossbow, Cloak, Two throwing knives, Backpack.


'Just keep running' was the only thought she had as she ran through the area and into a small, yet surprisingly un-raided town. Of course it was probaly just luck, but she had to gather supplies for the trip back. She stepped into the open from her cover, and was surprised. A raider was just sitting there, in the open with no weapons. He or She saw her and came in a run, And Marcy responded with a shot and recollection. Then slunk into the first building.






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Conner Jacobs


She took her foot off of the other raider and he scurried away as fast as he could. She held her gun over her shoulder with a smirk.

"Allen McRyan, I wouldn'ta recognized you if it weren't for your smell," she responded, tossing her cigarette down at his feet chuckling," now why in this god damned world should I make a deal wit'you?"

@Caffeine Freak
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Smoaki said:
Conner Jacobs

She took her foot off of the other raider and he scurried away as fast as he could. She held her gun over her shoulder with a smirk.

"Allen McRyan, I wouldn'ta recognized you if it weren't for your smell," she responded, tossing her cigarette down at his feet chuckling," now why in this god damned world should I make a deal wit'you?"

@Caffeine Freak
@Caffeine Freak ?
Jakra drew her revolver, knowing that she would need more food for her stash. Some might dub her a traitor for hoarding food, but if being a traitor meant doing extra labour for extra self-preservation, then she was fine with being one.

She had hiked a little less than a mile or so from The Outpost, in the hopes of finding an unnoticed farmhouse stocked with food. Of course, this was optimistic thinking. Most likely everything within a twenty mile radius had been completely ransacked, but occasionally she got lucky. Otherwise, how would she be able to hoard food?

Not hoard, she told herself. preserve. Maybe when things got really desperate, she could unveil her stash, and be the hero. At least after everyone had finished killing her for keeping food to herself.

To her uttermost surprise, Jakra came along an area that seemed to be mostly stocked, and part of her wondered if this was the camp of some raiders. Quickly, she ducked into the nearest building lest she be seen.

She turned around and flinched when she saw an Asian woman wielding a crossbow. She brought the pistol up and was about to flick off the safety, when she realised that she vaguely recognised the woman, having seen her in The Outpost.

DwlfTheDuck said:
Jakra drew her revolver, knowing that she would need more food for her stash. Some might dub her a traitor for hoarding food, but if being a traitor meant doing extra labour for extra self-preservation, then she was fine with being one.
She had hiked a little less than a mile or so from The Outpost, in the hopes of finding an unnoticed farmhouse stocked with food. Of course, this was optimistic thinking. Most likely everything within a twenty mile radius had been completely ransacked, but occasionally she got lucky. Otherwise, how would she be able to hoard food?

Not hoard, she told herself. preserve. Maybe when things got really desperate, she could unveil her stash, and be the hero. At least after everyone had finished killing her for keeping food to herself.

To her uttermost surprise, Jakra came along an area that seemed to be mostly stocked, and part of her wondered if this was the camp of some raiders. Quickly, she ducked into the nearest building lest she be seen.

She turned around and flinched when she saw an Asian woman wielding a crossbow. She brought the pistol up and was about to flick off the safety, when she realised that she vaguely recognised the woman, having seen her in The Outpost.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.63906c02e5c76d63679f69269e5ea1f7.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129970" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.63906c02e5c76d63679f69269e5ea1f7.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marsilla Sadal Ming

"Silence is Key."

Location: Outside Outpost

Interaction: Jakra

Items: Crossbow, Cloak, Two throwing knives, Backpack.


Spinning around as she heard the faint sound of foot falls, she stared at Jakra as she held her cross bow a little to tightly. "why are you here?" She said impatiently, but in a barely whisper. Scared she would attract unwanted attention. She lowered her weapon a little, annoyed that she had company. She looked at the girl as she glared.






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Jakra lowered the revolver, and hastily replied "Salvaging food," She decided not to mention anything about her stash. "for the shared stockpile." she added, a little too quickly to sound one hundred percent honest.

In an attempt to cloak her obvious lie, she attempted to start a conversation.

"I've seen you around The Outpost before," she stated. "but I never bothered to ask your name. May I ask what 'tis?"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.c316656f205e352ddf0792c0caf372bd.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129986" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.c316656f205e352ddf0792c0caf372bd.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marsilla Sadal Ming

"Silence is Key."

Location: Outside Outpost

Interaction: Jakra

Items: Crossbow, Cloak, Two throwing knives, Backpack.


Having to get to know everyone's names, she sighed. "Marcy." She said and shook her head at the all to obvious lie. "You know you can't lie to a former CIA correct?" She said putting her crossbow back to it's hip clip. She took out her throwing knives and sighed. "You want resources, i will split with you, but you will have to watch your own back once they find out, if they do." She said, really uncaring at the moment.


Tags: @DwlfTheDuck




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"vacate this area" she spoke over and over again in a mocking tone, "who are you to boss me around?" she spat, knowing he had left she got back to her scavenge. She could hear the corpses walking around the store, grabbing at things, trying to get to her, she paid little to no attention to them. Pulling out bits of fabric that would have been a shirt, if the rats hadn't of made a meal of it, tossing it over her shoulder meakly.

A few more things had been thrown over her should as she picked up items to inspect exactly what they were. She froze when she heard a crunch of glass, aware of exactly what it was she spun around, a corpse stood in the door way of the back exit, the only exit. Her heart started racing, her eyes watching it, and it's eyes watching her. It did not speak, or scream, it simply jumped towards her, causing her to stumble back. "Shit" she cursed as she fell back on to a broken shelf, "where's Mr McRyan when you need him" she muttered struggling to her feet, it leaped at her again this time she didn't move out of the way as fast, as she moved out of its way it grabbed her leg making her fall but she was closer to the exit. Her bat leant against the wall by the door frame, she reached forwards for it, her fingertips grazing it as she tried to get it. she heaved herself forward, pulling the corpse with her. Knocking the bat it toppled down next to her, quickly she grabbed the bat and turned sitting herself up facing it. She swung hard down on its head, making it squeal loudly, "shhhh..." she hesitated before hitting it once more harder, it fell limp, she didn't stay to find out if it was dead. She grabbed her bag making a run for the window she had come in through.
"A former- ah." Jakra bit her lower lip, feeling, for a moment, like she was back in Primary School, and had been caught misbehaving. Mere months ago, she had been a very good liar, but eventually, survival became more important than dishonesty. She slipped her revolver into it's holster.

"I'm Jakra, by the way." She said, holding her hand out. "And I'd be interested. I have a... seperate food stockpile that I could share, if you have anything to offer."

DwlfTheDuck said:
"A former- ah." Jakra bit her lower lip, feeling, for a moment, like she was back in Primary School, and had been caught misbehaving. Mere months ago, she had been a very good liar, but eventually, survival became more important than dishonesty. She slipped her revolver into it's holster.
"I'm Jakra, by the way." She said, holding her hand out. "And I'd be interested. I have a... seperate food stockpile that I could share, if you have anything to offer."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.74ee3c930078caaa256e5e3b3ee5d9d6.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/pretty-asian-girl1.gif.74ee3c930078caaa256e5e3b3ee5d9d6.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marsilla Sadal Ming

"Silence is Key."

Location: Outside Outpost

Interaction: Jakra

Items: Crossbow, Cloak, Two throwing knives, Backpack.


"Yes CIA." She said watching the girls reaction. Sighing, she looked in around taking in the place. She sighed as she looked back at Jakra. Watching as she put the gun away. Taking the hand with her free one, She nodded. "We need to gather what we can from this town, we can split the findings, and i won't tell anyone, if you agree."


Tags: @DwlfTheDuck

OOC: I am soooo sorry for delays



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Smoaki said:
"Allen McRyan, I wouldn'ta recognized you if it weren't for your smell, now why in this god damned world should I make a deal wit'you?"
[sorry for the wait, spare time is more of a luxury nowadays]

Allen smirked. This was the girl alright. "Being with the military has its benefits. I know you and your gang of junkies are still scraping by. Let's say I make a generous donation in your name - food, water, weapons - in return, all I ask is that you skive off this part of town." Under normal circumstances, he'd use more permanent methods of negotiation, but a raider that killed more raiders seemed to be too much of an opportunity to pass up.

Inhuman screeches rang out from the other side of the alley.

"I'll let you think about it. Come find me at a more appropriate time." Darting figures were now making their way towards them. Allen gave Jacobs one last smirk before scaling the building beside him and jumping roofs back towards The Outpost. The sun was thankfully breaking horizon.
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Conner Jacobs

(It's alright, busy happens)


She chuckled and rolled her eyes as he jumped off. She preferred just to do it the old fashioned way and she shot through the walkers coming her way. She held her gun over her shoulder in her usual fashion and walked down the street just like it wasn't the apocalypse. She brought a cigarette to her lips and lit it with what was left in the lighter she had. Being one of the most wanted raiders in town sometimes was a good thing, she had the most supplies, mostly derived from bribes like this. She often follow what they told her for a couple days, then just come back and keep terrorizing the raiders and survivors of the area. Although, even she wouldn't go after the outpost. She'd sometimes steal supplies on their way in, but never once inside, there were too many people around.
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Ooc: Delays? That was less than an hour. I'm here replying, six hours later. xD @LilyannaGaming

"Hell, why wouldn't I agree?" Jakra said, her surprise subsiding as she replaced it with her determined half-grin. "A human's gotta do what she has to do to survive." After a few seconds of fumbling, she drew what would have been called a gym bag, back in the old days, from one of her numerous pockets, and shook it open in preparation of stuffing it with resources. Nobody really needed to go to the gym anymore. Everyone got more than enough exercise salvaging resources and fighting corpses.

"So, you wanna search this house, and I'll search the next one along, then you'll search the one afer, an' we'll just continue that pattern until everything's searched?"
It wasn't long before Allen was back over the fence. A few corpses were hanging around outside when he left, gone now. No doubt they split once they saw the sun coming up. Ignoring the looks and slurs passing refugees gave him, Allen shoved open the door and stepped into what was left of the town hall, now one large stockpile warehouse. A few junk merchants began hiding their products as he walked in, the supplier however was slightly more used to is presence.

"One bottle of water, one food ration."

The skeletal woman nodded and reached into one of the crates behind her before handing him what he asked for.

It'd been a few days since Allen had eaten or drank anything, despite being able to pick up rations three times a day. He concluded that survivors needed it a lot more than he did - though he also preferred to travel light.

After downing the water and practically vaporizing the half-loaf of bread, Allen set out to see if he could catch any of his peers around The Outpost.

Sofiya let out a puff of smoke from her cigar as the sun rise above the horizon, sighing as she offhandedly watched the ever growing commotion that was brewing below with half-lidded eyes.

Apparently, some nameless fucker thought it would be funny if he stole nearly all of the food and water of the group he was a part of and run away with it.

Said nameless fucker was currently being beaten to a bloody pulp by the group he just betrayed just below where she was at, and it was steadily attracting a crowd as the night continued to transition to day.

The Russian leaned over the balcony railing of the long abandoned apartment she and her former unit were staying in for the time being, resting her chin in her free hand while the other lazily held onto the cigar she was currently smoking.

Being a former military woman, such graphic violence was nothing to bat an eyelash at, and with the latest outbreak happening all around the world, Sofiya was actually rather surprised that people were still affected by seeing such things.

"I guess they are still clinging on to the past." Sofiya muttered under her breath, her Russian accent having faded considerably over the years of speaking English. "Some people just don't know when to let go."
Conner Jacobs


She came up on the fight Sofiya was watching and roller her eyes. She took her cigarette out of her mouth for a moment before shooting a couple rounds into the sky, scaring them all to face her direction.

"Y'all can either leave it be or deal with me," she said from behind her cigarette that rested in a corner of her mouth. She'd heard about what one of the men had done earlier.

"If he wants to steal, fine, put 'em out here in the streets with me and see how long 'e lasts," she responded, holding her gun relaxedly over her shoulder," or beat 'em to death for all I care, but take it out somewhere else. If you take up my land I can't get supplies, if I ain't gettin' supplies, I ain't leavin' you alone."

This got the people's attention. She'd struck a deal with them to leave them alone as long as they didn't cause trouble; they were causing trouble, so she wasn't leaving them alone.

"Oh yeah? Why don't you make us," one of the men threatened, pulling out a knife and standing forward from the crowd. Everyone else stayed silent, knowing how dangerous she could be.

"a'ight," she said, pulling her gun down and shooting him in the stomach in one brief movement. He fell to the ground and she turned to the crowd with a threatening glare.

"Anyone else want to try their luck? No? Alright then, matter settled," she said, turning and starting off. These survivors were too much for dramatics nowadays. What, did he expect some kind of a duel? She didn't work that way. You challenge her, she gives you her end of the challenge, her way.

@Maiza Avaro

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