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Realistic or Modern Empire of the Dead [more open than a 7/11]

Sofiya threw her head back as she laughed whole-heartedly, holding her head with her free hand while the other gripped tightly on her cigar in her mirth at the scene she witnessed just moments before, her laughter growing stronger as she replayed the scene over in her mind.

Stopping abruptly, the Russian grinned viscously as the hand that held her head fell to her side. She peered down at the young blond woman who had coaxed the laugh out of her, thinly veiled interest gleaming in her sharp, icy blue eyes.

"You are definitely someone I would have wanted on my unit when I was still in the army." Sofiya told her the younger blond she leaned over the railing, her malicious grin widening by a margin as she stared intensely at Conner. "A good, strong woman was always welcome in Russia."

Conner Jacobs


She looked up at the Russian that had spoken to her with a crooked smirk.

"That so? I imagine it would have fit me better than the US then," she replied, chuckling," though I'm afraid i'm a bit too rowdy for the army types."

She held her gun barrel-down to the ground and leant on it, looking up at the woman on the balcony. She could see the same uncaring look in her face that was mirrored in Conner's own. This woman would take a life if she needed to; Conner was curious as to if she needed an ally. She couldn't promise loyalty, but at least mutual respect.

@Maiza Avaro
Marsilla Sadal Ming

"Silence is Key."

Location: Outside Outpost

Interaction: Jakra

Items: Crossbow, Cloak, Two throwing knives, Backpack.


Nodding, she with drew her hand and gave a smirk. "Very true, especially now." She said glancing as Jakra pulled out the bag. "I suppose that will have to do. I mean the routine. " She said and un-shouldered her back pack. "Guess i will see you at the end?" She said duly, concetrating on her task.


Tags: @DwlfTheDuck

OOC: Meh.

DwlfTheDuck said:
Ooc: Delays? That was less than an hour. I'm here replying, six hours later. xD @LilyannaGaming
"Hell, why wouldn't I agree?" Jakra said, her surprise subsiding as she replaced it with her determined half-grin. "A human's gotta do what she has to do to survive." After a few seconds of fumbling, she drew what would have been called a gym bag, back in the old days, from one of her numerous pockets, and shook it open in preparation of stuffing it with resources. Nobody really needed to go to the gym anymore. Everyone got more than enough exercise salvaging resources and fighting corpses.

"So, you wanna search this house, and I'll search the next one along, then you'll search the one afer, an' we'll just continue that pattern until everything's searched?"
"You would have fit in just fine." Sofiya assured the younger woman with a kind exprrssion as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand, putting out her cigar as she pressed it against the cool metal railing, hissing softly as the heat dispersed, leaving fine black ash on the iron.

As Sofiya stared down at the younger blond, the former military woman saw potential. Potential to become something more, something greater than she is now.

Of course, that potential is within everyone, but she is one of the few that she has met that has the ability to harness that potential.

All the younger woman needs is someone to guide her along the way.

"Your personality would not have mattered in the army, after all..." The Russian began, tossing away her burned out cigar from the balcony as her viscous grin came back full force, this time more malicious than ever. "During war, all that matters is whether or not you have the will to kill."

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Alez had ran, and ran and ran, her legs barely able to keep her up, coming to a stop at an old street lamp, that had somehow managed to stay vertical. Her chest felt tight as she focused on breathing, "Damm undead assholes" she breathed. Her body hunched over as she used the pole for balance. Stupidly she had dropped her sack of belongings back with the corpse, but she wasn't too keen on getting it back, she had her bat that's all. Angrily she kicked the base of the pole with her combat boots.
"Yeah." Jakra said, and slipped out the side door towards the next building. She elbowed an already partly shattered glass door to get in, and started searching through the cupboards of the kitchen, which she had ended up in. An empty bleach bottle with a hole in it, some sponges, and a lot of cobwebs. She grabbed the pack of sponges and tossed it into the gym bag. Not, perhaps, what she was hoping for, but she wasn't in the mood to catch some other bacterial infection. The sponges would provide mild, if any, protection from bacteria.

The next cupboard she searched, she had a little more luck; an eight pack of granola bars and a salt shaker full of salt. She was tempted to eat one of the granola bars there and then, but she knew that she would benefit from the trust of Marcy. Also, it just felt a bit wrong to eat one now. It felt like hoarding, despite the fact that she had already been doing so.

She knew that if there was anything in the fridge, it likely would have rotted, and sure enough, she was greeted with some rotten eggs and half a mouldy loaf of bread. She didn't take either.

After one last check of the kitchen, she opened the door to the living room, hand on her pistol. Maybe not as much as she had hoped for, but still more than she expected.

Marsilla Sadal Ming

"Silence is Key."

Location: Outside Outpost

Interaction: Jakra

Items: Crossbow, Cloak, Two throwing knives, Backpack.


Nodding, she took her pack and went off to the small kitchen attachment. A few discarded cans, trash, a pack of water, and a few other countless pointless items. Looking at the piles she made she sighed. Throwing the water to the side and putting medical and food supplies in her bag. After a whiles she scouted the living room, only grabbing cloth. She headed to the bathroom to see if there was any medic supplies. Finding only outdated medicine. She left it and grabbed the discarded and only barely half empty med kit, before setting off to the house Jakra went into.


Tags: @DwlfTheDuck

OOC: Meh.

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Conner Jacobs


"Aye, well that I do," she responded chuckling. She liked this woman, maybe she could actually have a "friend" here, if not temporarily. Although, she couldn't promise anything if she had to work with McRyan.

"What'a you 'ere for? You one a those demon cops or som'in else," she asked, leaning back on her gun casually.

@Maiza Avaro
"The Z-Com tried to recruit me nine years ago soon after I pulled out of the army." Sofiya told the younger blond, crossing her arms with a crooked smirk as she thought back on that day.

Sofiya was cleaning her prized sniper rifle when she heard a knock at the front door. Narrowing her icy blue eyes, she carefully set her rifle down on the table before approaching the door, but kept a hand on the pistol holstered on her belt.

Quickly opening the door, Sofiya was met with the sight of a man in a well tailored suit, five trained bodyguards surrounding the supposedly important man, whom she's never seen before in her life.

"Who are you?" Sofiya asked in Russian, arching up a blond eyebrow as she looked the man up and down, before coming to the conclusion that he was with the government. "Why are you here?"

"Miss Pavlovna, I assume?" The man asked instead of answering. At her wary nod, the man continued with one of the fakest smiles she's seen. "I'm with the government. We want you for the Z-Com program, a program to help combat the infected."

"I thought that the infected were gone for good." Sofiya told him firmly, not asking asking a question, her eyes narrowed in thinly veiled suspicion as she fingered the pistol strapped on to her belt.

"The world's governments has the suspicion that the infected will soon come back." The man answered the question he knew she had, still smiling that fake smile. "Which is why we are taking the best of the best to be drafted into the program."

"No." Sofiya said sternly, inwardly smirking viscously at the poorly hidden surprise on the man's face.

She pulled out her pistol and pointed it at the man, skillfully ignoring the many rifles that were pointed at her by the man's bodyguards. "There's a reason I left the army, you know, and I don't need you or the government to tell me that I have to keep fighting your battles."

"Now, leave. And never, ever come back." Sofiya put all her malice into that last sentence before slamming the door at them, the sound revebrating thoughout the entire house, slightly shaking it's foundations.

"But no, I am not and will not be part of that program." Sofiya said as she finished reminiscing, feeling a bit disgusted with the world's governments when she remembered seeing the soldiers that were the result of the program. "I am just another survivor."

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"-you have the right to remain silent, et cetera, et cetera-" Allen recited as he dragged the half conscious raider through the square. "You have the right to have an attorney present when peace is restored. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you" He sighed the last words as he hurled the body into a vacant makeshift cell-block before chaining up the gate. "Alright." He mused, going back over the progress report for the day so far. Six fights between survivors, three identified raiders and one loiterer. Luckily the prison cells were mostly empty, people who spent a single night in them weren't too enthusiastic about ending up back in one.

With the sun up completely now, Allen decided now would probably be a good idea to check out the gunshots he heard earlier. Corpses may be less active during the day, but the bastards loved crawling out of their holes to chase down loud noises.

With that thought in mind, he jumped the fence and snaked his way through the ruins of the city.
(Sorry! I'm posting now)

Max woke up and stretched. Looking around in a daze all he remember was fighting a raider gang that was after him "Geez I suppose they put up some fight." He told himself as he looked at the cut in his shoulder. The pain screaming for attention made the boy clutch it grabbing his mask he forced it on. His shoulder getting worse with every movement it was forced to do he finally zipped the mask and got up. Grabbing his weapons he made his way out seeing the carnage that happens only yesterday. After a while of lookin blankly at the corpses he just shrugged and started walking "They're fault for trying to get revenge for me attacking their leader or something like that...I think that was the reason?" Max questioned trying to think why the gang was after him again.
Conner Jacobs


"Nice t'know, we got too many a them demons runnin' 'round this city,"she replied, standing back up and holding her weapon over her shoulder," y'ever need help beatin' one of 'em up, I'm around."

She chuckled at her last words, knowing somehow that the two of them could probably take on one of the Z-coms. She started to walk away but was caught face to face with Mc Ryan again, who was inspecting the gun shots she'd set off to scare the survivors earlier.

"Hey look, sorry McRyan, but ya got'ere a little too late to join the party," she teased, standing relaxed with her gun over her shoulder and a hand on her hip, her smirk plastered on as always.

@Maiza Avaro @Caffeine Freak
Jakra walked over to what must have been a fancy cabinet at some point, and unjammed the door, which had been hanging from it's hinge and in a strange position. Some broken china, a teacup, nothing fancy. She wondered if Marcy was having any luck.

Ooc: Should we just skip to when they're done, or are you planning to make something happen during the search?


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/thCAJI2IY3.jpg.f6c7c286dc59f8ab77a4411458f0d00c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130680" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/thCAJI2IY3.jpg.f6c7c286dc59f8ab77a4411458f0d00c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marsilla Sadal Ming

"Silence is Key."

Location: Outside Outpost

Interaction: Jakra

Items: Crossbow, Cloak, Two throwing knives, Backpack.


After a while they finished the houses of the town and she sat on the roof of one, waiting for Jakra to come out the last one. They hadn't found much, but it was good enough. Sighing, she let her legs swing as she held the cross bow tightly in her hands. She watched the streets below for movement. (Sorry short post. )


Tags: @DwlfTheDuck

OOC: Yep.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e950d9809efaaecbc83dec008b85a1c8.jpg.afd6abe38b0f069e14bed99386358339.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130688" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e950d9809efaaecbc83dec008b85a1c8.jpg.afd6abe38b0f069e14bed99386358339.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Upon Wings Of Darkness"

Location: Streets

Interaction: Max

Items: Everything in the image xD .


She ran across streets and alley passages, having pissed off the nearby raider group. Eventually, they gave up and she saw a survivor. She went up to him and took her ring off. She extended the cord incase needed and tapped her shoulder with a wide grin. He shoved her hood off as he turned. 'well, I can't let him go now can I?' She thought with a sigh and darted around, wraping the cord around his neck, chocking him to death. Sighing she put the ring back on, and started towards an abounded Factory warehouse she claimed. She spotted another from her perch on the roof and lept down in front of him. Pulling out her sword. "And who are you?" She addressed him.


Tags: @Yaboku God of War

OOC: Popping out of nowhere xD



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As he continued walking Max messed with his hair yawning a bit "Geez..I suppose I woke up to soon..." He told himself. While doing so he looked at the person talking to him. Seeing the sword he just shook his head in disappointment "I'm the cannibal." Max stated as he pulled out his knife from the sheath on his side. He threw it between each of his hands sighing "Guessing I won't be allowed to leave without a fight? Oh well I'm running low on my food supplies." The cannibalist boy stated as he messed with his mask unzipping the it to expose his mouth.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e950d9809efaaecbc83dec008b85a1c8.jpg.3a4fe8b3f19c69f00136b7dae7928480.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130694" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/e950d9809efaaecbc83dec008b85a1c8.jpg.3a4fe8b3f19c69f00136b7dae7928480.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"Upon Wings Of Darkness"

Location: Streets

Interaction: Max

Items: Everything in the image xD .


She glared at the boy as he pulled out his weapon. 'raider' was the instant thought. She sheathed her sword and smacked her wrist against her side and you could hear a soft 'click' as the crossbow extended. "You try that and I will let out three of my bolts before you reach me" She said, hood blowing down revealing her face. She straighten her posture and ended it with a signature glare. The sun is rising. she thought and felt instantly more self conscious. "We better make this little feud quick."


Tags: @Yaboku God of War

OOC: This will not be an easy fight when she has concealed weapons all over. xD




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He just shrugged a bit "So I'm still alive so far. If I'm meant to die I'll just hurry up fate." The boy stated looking at her wrist. Sighing he just stood there. After just staring at the girl with a blank stare he rotated his shoulders. Only to growl in pain as he got to the wounded one the pain shooting up his body. He wasn't in any condition to fight at the moment but if he had to he would. Listening to the girl he seen her hood get blown down. So he looked at the sun "I'm sure it's fine." Max told her sighing as he looked back at the girl.

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Smoaki said:
"Hey look, sorry McRyan, but ya got'ere a little too late to join the party,"
"The corpses aren't too picky about which party they crash. I'd keep that in mind, Miss Jacobs." He reprimanded as he arrived, before turning to the other woman. A look of intrigue slipped from his features. "A little too organized to be one of your junkie followers, I presume." His interest was short lived, despite the obvious revulsed stare he got in return, he switched back to the raider. "I trust you came to a conclusion on that deal I offered earlier." A pointed look formed in her direction.

@Smoaki @Maiza Avaro
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Conner Jacobs


"Well, in fact, I- duck," she said all of a sudden, shooting over his head and killing a corpse that had crept up behind him while he was distracted by her and Sofiya. She held her gun over her shoulder with a smirk.

"Well lookie here, they ain't always perfect," she said mockingly, chuckling," but yes, I have decided. Hear me out, you give me what you promised, and I stay here, but I only go after other raiders and anyone who goes after your prey."

She raised an eyebrow questioningly. She was offering to be a kind of protection for the Outpost, if temporarily. Considering how she usually just went after whoever she wanted, this wasn't a terrible deal.

@Caffeine Freak
Allen smiled coldly, wiping the coagulated blood from his uniform with a gloved hand before reaching into his side satchel - retrieving a small, taped up package. "Three days worth of rations and medical supplies. Consider it trade credit." He tossed it to her. Straightening up, he continued, "I accept your terms, Miss Jacobs. I also trust that you will stick to them - or suffer the dire consequences that follow the slightest doubt I have of your loyalty."

Oh, this deal would work very nicely in his favour.

"Until then, I have work to do. I'll have your first official payment tomorrow." By then Allen had already turned away and strode off toward the gathering of corpses, effortlessly shoving aside the ones that lunged at him.


It wasn't until halfway back home that he stumbled upon a single corpse standing utterly still in the middle of the road.

A few others were hobbling after him, desperate to try and keep up with his brisk pace, but this one merely stood before him - as if corpses could get any more lifeless. This one was new - no more than a week old - but somehow more.. muscly. Curious, Allen approached the anomalous corpse. Still, the creature stayed perfectly still. "What's your deal..?" He pondered, analyzing the corpse.


Allen stopped analyzing. "-Huh?"


The corpse had spoke, and in one lightning movement, had its meaty hand wrapped around Allen's neck - lifting him off the ground.

"KillKillKillKillKillKillKillKillKillKill" The thing rasped, tightening its grip.

Allen struggled for breath, but kept his cool. Leg back, leg forward. Leg back, leg forward. Leg back-

He managed to get a precise kick under the deader's chin - sending its head knocking back with a crunch. The thing screeched and threw Allen with bone-cracking force into a nearby telephone box - smashing the glass completely - before sprinting off down the streets and out of view.

With a groan, Allen managed to pry himself from the now-mangled phone booth, dusting himself off.

The rest of the trip back to The Outpost, Allen couldn't help but stride a little faster.
Conner Jacobs

(God damn picture stopped working)

She was sitting by the outer wall of the Outpost cleaning her gun barrel boredly when she saw McRyan walk up. She had no motivation to move, so she merely sat against the wall and smirked at him.

"What's up McRyan? Y'look like y'just saw a ghost," she teased. He really did look terrible though, bruised and dirty, as well as a bit cut up.

"And got thrown through a building," she added, chuckling and sliding herself up on the wall, still leaning against it. She pulled out a cigarette from a half-used pack and pulled out her fading lighter, lighting it and blowing out smoke with her usual smirk. She didn't expect him to stop to talk to her, but she couldn't help but comment. She could never.

@Caffeine Freak
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[Gonna have my first break in a long time now, hopefully that means more updates!]

Allen tried to pull a smirk but couldn't muster it. Instead, he muttered "Rough day on the job I guess." He blinked suddenly, clearing his throat. "I mean- nothing I couldn't handle, degenerate. If you think my appearance is any indication of my physical limits then you'd be sadly mistaken." He cleared the fence and hoisted himself onto the wall - a good distance from the raider. As he gazed towards the cityscape he swore he spotted a muscly silhouette atop one of the crumbling skyscrapers vanish as he looked closer.

"I head one of the crazed survivors rant about a talking corpse," He said carefully. "I don't suppose you've seen something like that before?" His eyes were still glued to the skyscraper.

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Conner Jacobs

"Eh, not really my personal interest to let 'em talk even if they can, but yeah, I seen a few" she said, putting down the now black smeared rag she'd been using to clean her gun," what, you seen one a'em?"

@Caffeine Freak
Allen thought for a moment. "A few of them mumble gibberish from time to time or spout out random words occasionally but - I guess I've only really seen one that's said something that it meant to say.." He drifted off, his distant stare settling on the sun. "It'll be sundown in an hour, I've got to make sure everyone's inside. You should get to safety too - not that I care." Throwing his legs back over the wall, Allen made his way to the square, barking at passing survivors to get off the street. Talking corpse or not, he had a job to do. Still, perhaps a little field research would be in order tomorrow.

Conner Jacobs

She mock saluted him as he jumped down onto the other side of the wall. She sighed, slinging her gun onto her back, held in place by a couple bungie cords she'd found. She jumped up to the edge of the wall and sat looking out at the deserted city. She... wasn't one much for sleep. She sighed and dropped the butt of her cigarette down onto the ground of the city outside the wall. She'd never admit it to anyone, but she missed the old world. She missed when she was a kid. She looked around her before pulling out an old picture of two smiling people, one an older-looking man and the other a sweet-looking little girl.


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