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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Deren quickly sat in the pilot seat and stopped, he turned on the engines and wiggled the joystick. the ship slowly hovered upwards before rocketing forwards. Once away from the cliffs Deren turned and headed for the city.
mika ran into the elevator and then to her room and layed there in her bed a broken look on her face as she watched derens ship race away from the house making more tears slip from her eyes
Deren reaches the city and lands in a public hangar, and spends a few minutes just sitting in his seat and thinking, he didn't think he could ever look at Mika the same again. He stood up and lowered his elevator, locked his ship and walked out into the streets. he wandered along for a long time aimlessly.
Star walked along the street and as always she wasn't watching where she was going and tripped over a curb and felt into the street ungracefully, right in front of a bunch of people and she groaned. Great. Just her luck.
Star said:
Star walked along the street and as always she wasn't watching where she was going and tripped over a curb and felt into the street ungracefully, right in front of a bunch of people and she groaned. Great. Just her luck.
@Star "Pss, come here. You....Just walk it off like it never happened. These people love to see weakness." Kaitlyn started to walk away from the crowd, and if Star had any sense, she'd follow along before someone parted her from her possessions.
The hylotl walked quietly into the restaurant and went straight to the back, when he saw the cook stealing the girls money he growled at the cook and clenched his webbed fists "How about you give the girl her money ?" He asked in a gruff tone as he pushed past the girl and raised his fists "Or will I have to make you ?" He added before cracking his knuckles.

@Daniel reaver
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Maia bit her lip closing here eyes for a couple seconds, since she escaped she had just been trying to recover and forget what had happened. She forced a weak smile her hands trembling slightly "I was captured.." She didn't know if she should say more. She laughed nervously "needless to say it wasn't fun." The change in his tone of voice surprised her. She walked over to a cabinet, many of her wounds were starting to burn in pain. She pulled out some medical supplies and walked over to the sink. She grinned "I'll be fine though" the words were hard to say but she couldn't seem weak. @The Jackal
Jack nodded slowly before pulling his hood down again "Oh" He whispered before standing silently in the middle of the room, he tried to look occupied by looking around at the surroundings but he couldn't help but spare a glance or two at the eldava's wounds.

@trix (I'm still gonna say sorry for the short post :D )
Maia simply nodded to his response and turned on the water, she bit her lip as she put her hands under the stream of water flinching in pain closing her eyes. The water in the sink ran pink with her blood. She pulled her wrists out of the water and looked over her shoulder at jack nervously "could you help me?" She grabbed the bandage kit and put it on the table, she needed to get them covered up "I can tell you what to do" she blushed slightly @The Jackal
(I can only imagine this:

Jack: *Walks away* Fuck dat I ain't touching your bloody hands)

Jack looked up at Maia and nodded "Sure.... What do you need me to do ?" He asked in a soft tone while walking over to the table, he sat down and took the kit before looking up at Maia, he used his metallic hand the whole time to prevent his hands from shaking.

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(lol jerk xD )

Maia held out her wrists after pointing to a little bottle filled with a blue tinted liquid "That stuff needs to go on first" she knew it was going to sting like a bitch and clenched her fists. She watched his hand carefully, she was never really familiar with metal or cyborg body parts, it was something she had never really been around that often. She took a breath preparing for the pain she knew was to follow.

@The Jackal
(I just thought of a puzzle for the temple if they do go to that temple)

Jack nodded before taking the bottle, opening it and then putting it on the wound, once that was on he took the bandages and pulled a length of it off "Now this" He whispered to himself before wrapping the wound tightly with the bandages. He winced at the pain of look on her face despite it being her that felt the pain he was beginning to imagine what the stinging pain was like. Once the bandages was on he smiled to her.

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(sweet :D maybe they can go the next day?)

Maia cringed in pain from the cleaning syrup but knew she had to deal with it or it would get infected. It felt a bit better once he got the bandages on and she took a little breath of relief "thank you" she smiled sweetly. She knew she would have to deal with the rest of her wounds later on. She began putting away the medical supplies "so that temple, would you wanna go tomorrow? I mean. If you're not busy" @The Jackal
Jack stood up and looked at Maia when she asked the question, nodding slowly "Sure... I guess I could meet you at the docking port tomorrow ?" He asked before looking at the other wounds with a look of concern on his face. He picked up the syrup and screwed the lid on before handing it to her and smiling.
(sorry I've been slow today btw I'm packing haha)

Maia nodded "sounds good" she wondered whos ship they would take. She noticed him looking at her other wounds and she gave him a reassuring smile "ill deal with them all dont worry" she put the bottle back in the kit and put it back in the closet before walking back over to him and looking out the window "I should probably get some sleep though, it's been a long month" her eyes glittered though she was slightly sad at sending him away. @The Jackal
(No problem)

Jack smiled and nodded "I guess I'll see you tomorrow ?" He asked in a soft tone while leaning on the side of the table.

The hylotl chuckled "Try me" He replied before drawing both swords and spinning them, one was reversed one was pointing straight forward, he moved into a defensive stance before raising one blade so it was level with his face and the other so that he was tilted downwards like a spinning top that had run out of spin "C'mon... Gimme your best shot" He said through his mask again.

@Daniel reaver
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Maia smiled sweetly and nodded blushing like crazy, this was the longest she had conversed with someone in a long time. Let alone go on a date with a person. She brushed some of her hair back her wrists still aching a bit "Sounds good! How about 9AM?" she tilted her head to the side slightly. Figured that would give them lots of time to get going and not be rushed. She bit her lip thinking to herself He is really cute...Am i going crazy? I doubt he would want to date me. She glanced down at herself especially since he first met me looking like this.

@The Jackal
Jack nodded "Sure.. 9 sounds good" He said before turning to the door, he opened it quietly before turning to her and smiling "See yah" He said before waving and closing the door behind him, he picked up his pace in the hallway and was at the door before Maia had a chance to reach the door. He closed it behind him and then pulled his hood up before heading down the street with his hands in his pockets.
Maia smiled after him and nodded waving slightly "see ya" she blushed slightly. She watched after him for a couple moments before turning towards the bathroom and tending to her wounds after a nice shower. She went to bed and curled up drifting into an easy pleasant sleep, something she hadn't gotten in a while. Memories of the day floated behind her closed eye lids.


Maia yawned as her alarm went off 8:30, she sat up and ran her fingers through her messy hair a couple times before she got up and headed to the bathroom. She looked at her reflection and thought to herself hey at least you don't look like you're half dead now. A lot of the color had returned to her hair eyes and skin. The markings on her skin more apparent, but the scars and wounds still laced her body. She quickly changed some of her bandages before getting dressed. The threw on a pair of ripped up white jeans, a black corset and a black hoody with white fur around the hood and bright pink glowing circuit looking designs on it, She smiled at her reflection in her mirror beside her door "Now that's better"

@The Jackal
@Daniel reaver[/URL]
The cook gruneted a little as his arms seperated down the mittle and his legs seemed to stretch as if he was croushed down to seem nirmal and stared down the thing in front of him as he pulled out three more cleavers with his three other arms while staring down the thing considering it was 12 feet tall now "no you try me budy" it said tohim
Jack was woken by the loud banging at the window of his ship, opening his eye drearily he stared at the angered face of the customs officer outside his window. When he noticed it was the custom officer he shot up and looked around, he looked at the window again and nodded to the officer that was yelling something about opening up. He tapped a button on his console and the cockpit roof slid open "Uh... Sir, sorry for the interuption but your ship hasn't been payed for being left here" The officer said in a nervous tone, this was a rookie who didn't know about his little run away "Uh sure..." Jack replied before taking out some money and handing it to him "This will suffice.... Oh and here" He handed him an extra 100 dollar note before standing and stretching, he watched the rookie run off back to wherever he came from before realizing that he had something on. He jumped from the cockpit and closed the glass cover before heading to the docking port, he looked around while walking before stopping at the main entrance to the port and leaning on a crate.

The hylotl shrugged before crouching down like a cat and then launching himself backwards, he landed on the edge of a bench and then launched himself forward towards the cook, landing on his shoulders he dropped down while dragging his sword along his back. Once he reached the bottom of the cook he sliced his legs out before kicking them both out as well, sending the cook onto his knees.
Maia walked out of her apartment and made her way through town hands in the pocket of her hoody, the hood up shadowing her face. She stopped by the cafe her and Jack had been at the previous day and even the thought made her smile. It was windy outside. The trees planted at intervals down the road were swaying in the wind. She bought both her and Jack a coffee and headed towards the docking bay. She reached the docking bay and wondered where Jack was. She went to the office and asked the man behind the desk "Can you tell me where a man named Jack docks his ship? Has a augmented eye?" The man gave her the number and she began heading towards where he had said figuring that's where he would be. @The Jackal

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