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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

(Where do I start?)

Vallen walked along the street with a few of his drones walking along behind him as he read through a display projected in front of him being projected by a drone on his shoulder. His rifle was slung across his back and his array of tools glistened on his belt sending rays of light bouncing around and casting light. He held a small case in his right hand that bore the markers of a food delivery company and steam flowed out of an opening on the top. As he walked his drones followed close behind scanning anything and everything around them.
Jack followed behind Maia and looked at her when she asked her question "I'm a gun for hire or mercenary, call it what you will... But sometimes I will take up bounties" He replied before opening the door for Maia, holding it for her before walking in after her, he looked around at the brightly lit room, painted walls, abundance of tables and chairs, the smell of coffee, and the constant buzz of hushed chatter going on within in the café. Smiling as it reminded him of an old café that he used to go to back on his home planet.

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(Anyone open to talk to Star?)

Star walked along the quiet street. Her bag or tools around her waist and her weapon strapped to her back. A small fox wrapped itself about her shoulda and slept calmly until needed. Star gently pet the small foxes tail and looked about for anyone needing her self or assistance.c
Maia nodded "Sounds fun, full of action i'm guessing" it was amazing how normal killing people for a living was now. She nodded in thanks when he held the door for her and walked in heading towards the counter and ordered her stuff she looked at him "What would u like?" she had already almost forgotten the strange terms they had met on. She noticed the smile on his face and couldn't help but smile herself, she liked seeing people happy. @The Jackal
Jack looked up at Maia and shrugged "Surprise me" He replied before taking out some of his money and handing it to her "Oh, and I'm paying" He added before grinning at her. He pulled his hood down as he was always reminded by his adoptive parents that it was rude to wear a hat, or have an umbrella up, or a hood on inside.

Maia smiled and nodded, she ordered a apple cider for herself and one for him as well, figured it was fitting since it was chilly outside, she also ordered herself a cinnamon bun and a sandwich for them to split since she could never eat a whole one. She grinned bitting her lip momentarily before saying eyes drawn forward trying to hide her blush "I'm paying next time" She sat down at a table near the window and stretched, she wanted to go home and get cleaned up, she yawned slightly and looked outside, the sun was beginning to disappear behind the horizon now.

@The Jackal
Jack took a seat opposite her and looked out the window before turning his attention back to Maia "Its the polite thing for a man to pay for food when he is in female company" He replied before leaning forward and leaning his head on his knuckles "Anyway... What's do you do for work ?" He asked before raising an eyebrow in curiosity, he already knew what Maia's line of work was he just didn't want to seem like the guy that depends on his augments.

Maia took a bite of her cinnamon bun and flicked some of her hair out of her face. She smiled sweetly "Well thank you" She blushed slightly when he got closer to her but hid it well and smiled "I'm an artifact collector and well...i dabble in the black market" she grinned sheepishly. She held of saying she would pick up a bounty here and there as well. @The Jackal
Jack nodded, he'd never really invested in old things and it was rare to see him ever taking interest or collecting something. He took a sip of his apple cider and smiled at the fizzy feeling as the drink ran down his throat "Artefact collector.... Do you go to any temples or planets to collect them or do you buy them from other people and then sell it for a higher price ?" He rose an eyebrow as he remembered the temple back at his home that he was told never to entered because it was 'haunted' by the spirits of a first civilization, what a load of rubbish.

Maia rested her cheek in her palm her hair falling to one side. She watched him when he wasn't looking sure to avert her gaze when he looked up or towards her. She smiled "Both actually, i prefer to go to old locations and find them though," she shrugged slightly "More action and adventure involved." She wondered what was running through his mind, he was attractive, for a head hunter. @The Jackal
Jack nodded "I know of a temple" He stated before lowering his glass to the table and looing at her, her pink hair, he dull eyes and her faded skin. He smiled "I could show you some time" He added before an alert appeared in his left eye, he tried his best to ignore it but he couldn't help but gaze down as his orange eye flashed twice, he began flicking his finger in a strange sort of way to dismiss the alert.

Maia blinked when he mentioned a temple and she smiled "I would like that" The thought of travelling with him made her blush slightly. She blinked curiously noticing the blinking in his orange eye, she took a guess and said "Messages can get annoying can't they" she used to get them all the time. @The Jackal
Jack nodded "It's a pending job.... It does get irritating at time" He replied before dismissing the alert and returning his attention back to Maia, finishing his apple cider he frowned and eventually shook the frown off before smiling again "So... Why did you come to Eluvia ?" He asked while raising an eyebrow again, he usually did become interested about people he met and it was a habit for him to gather as much information about people as possible.
Maia smiled sheepishly "I've actually lived here my whole life, how about you?" her eyes glittered with intrigue. It was odd for her to show so much interest in someone and talk freely without being nervous about it. She glanced out the window, the sun was half gone behind the horizon now, she looked back at Jack as they finished their drinks and food "Did you wanna come to my house for a bit?" she blushed at the thought that she had even asked. @The Jackal
Jack nodded "I see" He said before looking at the window as well "I came here for work... And cos it got too unpleasant at home" He frowned at the thought of his old home before shaking the memory out of his head as well "Uh... Its really up to you" He said before biting his bottom lip, he'd just arrive and his first few minutes were quite action packed and the remaining consisted of fighting a demon, meeting an eldava and then going on the equivalent of a date with said eldava.
Maia nodded slightly, she wondered what he meant by unpleasant but figured it wasn't something she should ask about. She blushed watching him bite his lip, her eyes lingering for a moment before meeting back up with his. She smiled nervously "why not, come on let's go" she stood up adjusting her jacket. her mind was racing, what an interesting day. @The Jackal
Jack nodded after a second "Okay then" He replied before standing and pushing his chair in with one hand and pulling his hood up with his other hand, he then used both free hands to adjust his hood so it was comfortably over his head. He walked to the door and held it open for Maia before walking out after she left, walking along side her.
After a bit of walking they reached Maia's shop, which she unlocked with an old looking key and stepped in holding the door open for him "welcome to the shop.." For being an artifact shop it was really clean and organized with shiny delicate looking things everywhere you looked. She walked towards the back of the store and down a hallway to another door which she opened and they stepped into a entry way. She took off her jacket and hung it on a rack. Her once porcelain clear skin was covered in gruesome scars and some poorly healing wounds. She flinched as she pulled her one sleeve off, thick red gashes surrounded her wrists looking like they were from some sort of restraint. The back of her shirt was ripped but the wounds seemed to have healed.
Jack noticed the wounds and took a step forward, he had expected her too look different but this was a whole different story the wounds looked terrible and were barely actually closing "What happened ?" He asked in a soft but concerned tone, the extent of the wounds made him feel sick and this was coming from the person that kills for a living, he looked her up and down and inched closer, he was eyeing the gashes around her wrists in particular which set him on edge and reminded him of Donovan.

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Vallen walked into a small cafe and placed the container on a counter and ordered a dark coffee. black with no cream or sugar and after it was made he left the container, still steaming on the counter, and walked out. His spider drones moved behind him scuttling along the side walk. He sipped coffee and as he rounded the corner Vallen pressed a small button on his belt and the container back at the cafe exploded into cloud of dark red smoke. Staggered by the smoke the cafe customers and workers had no idea they were being pick pocketed by the small drones taking jewelry and tech.
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Gilgog said:
Deren was nervous, he did find it creepy, he couldn't help it. "That would be like me skinning myself." He muttered, not looking at her face. She seemed so human, but didn't look human, it induced fear in Deren, only a little. @Daniel reaver
"except this is what i truly look like" she whispered to him with a frown as she looked away from him knowing it put fear into him to see what she really looked like
Kaitlyn watched the conflict disappear as fast as it had started, and sulked back away, unsure if she could compete in this world. Not as an independent, at least. She started to track Shaun again, hopeful to form an alliance, even if it was just for her own protection for a while.

Deren felt under pressure, he didn't want to hurt Mika, but he couldn't handle the situation at all, he did, as much as he hated to admit it, find her creepy. He couldn't control how he felt, instinct took over, and nothing in his brain said at all that mika was attractive, only fear and confusion coursed through his synapses. He turned around and ran to his ship. The elevator lowered as he approached it and he quickly raised the elevator is he jumped onto it.Deren didn't run away from her because he was scared though, he ran becasue he needed space and time, he thought Mika would too. @Daniel reaver
Gilgog said:
Deren felt under pressure, he didn't want to hurt Mika, but he couldn't handle the situation at all, he did, as much as he hated to admit it, find her creepy. He couldn't control how he felt, instinct took over, and nothing in his brain said at all that mika was attractive, only fear and confusion coursed through his synapses. He turned around and ran to his ship. The elevator lowered as he approached it and he quickly raised the elevator is he jumped onto it.Deren didn't run away from her because he was scared though, he ran becasue he needed space and time, he thought Mika would too. @Daniel reaver
mika looked up shocked as she turned back to her original look as a tear slipped down her cheek before she looked away and ran back to the house with her hands to her face. she couldn't take that because it broke her. it made her feel like he never really cared for her at all

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