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Futuristic Eluvian Bounty

Jack looked around and noticed the Maia coming out of an office, he walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder soflty "Morning" He said simply before looking at some loose strands of hair that were out of the hood again, he smiled when he saw that the colour was restored in them and her hair was brighter.
Makeda's eyes shone in the dim light of the nearby star, the glowing blue tint of the AR modules in her eyes shifting an moving around displaying important information.

Damn. I'm never going to find this guy at this rate...

Her AR flicked off as she walked towards an alleyway. Looking up at the derelict fire escape she grabbed the ladder and began climbing up the rusty scaffolding. When she reached the top, a slight breeze blew her dark chocolate hair into her face. Reaching up she brushed it aside. Sifting through her bag she pulled out a small computer and began typing away. A profile page came up on the screen.

Target Name: Jack Lispen. Well known gun for hire and aug. He is under surveillance by Cencrys Multinational for his use of a top secret augmentation not yet released to the public...at least that's what they claim. This guy is exceptionally intelligent and deadly with his augs so I'm willing to bet they only want him for his DNA...or whats left of it. It's not my mission to speculate. I'm being payed to run recon on this guy and interrogate if needed. Last seen location: Leaving the residence of an Eldava girl named Maia. According to city surveillance scans, he had elevated levels of Serotonin in his system...Well lover boy, I have a feeling you'll be back there soon.

Makeda proceeded to set up her rifle on the top of the stairwell, a small shack-like structure on the top of the building. Peering through the scope she made note...

Wind speed: 5 km north north-east, Target spotted. Distance: 35 km.

Make grinned.

"And what are we up to this fine evening?"

@The Jackal @trix
Maia smiled when she realized it was him after she relaxed from the surprised "Morning to you too" she handed him the drink "Coffee?" her eyes shone brighter than they had been the previous day. She grinned "Did you have a good sleep?" she tilted her head to the side slightly. A weird feeling ran up her spine, she felt like she was being watched but she didn't care at the moment. @The Jackal @Neon Stack
Jack took the coffee "Thanks" He said before leading her to his hangar "Well I slept in that... I dunno if that counts" He stated before pointing at his ship, the custom officer was hanging around with his hand scratching the back of his head as he waited for another chance to bill someone for not paying where he or she parked, he walked up to his ship before taking a sip of his coffee. Stepping up onto the wing he took a seat and sipped his coffee again.
Maia nodded to his thanks and followed him "Well that's good i guess" she smiled sheepishly. She examine his ship when they got closed, it was a nice looking ship. She raised a brow watching the customs officer curiously. She hoped up onto the wing and sat down sipping on her coffee "Nice ship" @The Jackal
Jack smiled "Thanks" He said simply before looking at the customs officer, he shot him a vile glare and the officer soon scurried off to hang around another hangar. He turned his attention back to Maia and smiled "How did you sleep ?" He asked, he felt compulsed to ask the same question but didn't want to seem creepy.

@trix @Neon Stack
Make followed the two through the scope.

A date...he's going on a date...( -_- ")

She blinked and engaged thermal tracking following the two carefully through the scope.

I can't believe they are paying me top dollar to babysit this guy.

@The Jackal @trix
Maia nodded "No problem" she flicked her bangs out of her eyes and pushed her hood back gently her hair falling around her shoulders. She began sipping on her coffee once again watching the sun rise she said absently "I love sunrises and sunsets..." her gaze was locked on the horizon. The best view of the plains around the city was from the docks. She glanced at him "And it was better than any i've had in a long time" she smiled. She still felt the weird feeling in her spine and seemed to be getting worse, she was sure she was just paranoid from the whole Donovan thing though. She wondered if Jack was curious about how she got her wounds. @The Jackal @Neon Stack
Jack nodded as he stood and finished his remaining coffee in a single sip before walking over to a garbage bin that had been placed outside each hangar, he opened it and dropped his coffee into it. He returned to Maia and sat down again "So... You ready ?" He asked before standing and opening the glass cockpit, sitting on the edge of the cockpit while waiting for her response.

Maia smiled and tossed her cup out as well before hoping up onto the wing and nodding to jack. She grinned "I sure am, are you?" She walked over to the cockpit and playfully pushed him in laughing. @The Jackal
Jack fell back into the the cockpit seat and chuckled as he righted himself up, looking at Maia and nodding "Yeah.... C'mon" He said before pointing to the seat behind him, it had an abundance of consoles and buttons and infront of the seat in the middle which allowed someone to slot their legs on each side was a large sceen that was black. He slipped into his own seat and waited for Maia to jump into her seat.

@trix @Neon Stack
And where do you think you're going?

Makeda pulled the bolt of her rifle back and pulled out a large bullet from her bag.

If they take off, I won't be able to keep an eye on him. This tracker should do the trick.

Makeda pushed the bullet into the chamber of the rifle and locked the bold shut. Removing her suppressor from its case, she fastened it to the end of the barrel. Placing the butt of the gun to her shoulder she peered back through the scope, aiming for the thermal image of the ship. She took a deep breath and gently squeezed the trigger. The firing pin clicked and a slight pop echoed through the street. The bullet whizzed through the air before it finally struck the ship with a light *tink*.

@The Jackal @trix
Maia chuckled and nodded hoping into the seat looking at all the buttons around her. She looked up as the glass closed over them, it was a small ship compared to hers and had a very different field. She buckled herself in and ran her fingers through her hair "I'm ready" she smiled bitting her lip thinking. @The Jackal
Jack smirked before the ship took off and the screen infront of Maia turned on and showed a camera feed of in front of them "Oh and don't touch any buttons unless I say so" He said before the ship shot forward and soon lifted into the atmosphere, there was a low thud as the ship went through the atmosphere and soon they were speeding through space, swerving in between ships that were leaving and coming in.

Maia jumped slightly when the screen turned but smiled. She chuckled and pouted playfully even though he couldn't see her "awe I wanted to press the buttons!" She smiled nervously. She watched the screen, she loved being in space free from bonds and generally more free to do what you wish. She took a eep breath closing her eyes letting her head fall back. @The Jackal
Make stood up and placed her gun on her shoulder. She watched as the ship punched through the atmosphere and disappeared from view.

Shit...this is going to be much harder than I thought.

Her AR flicked on and a small radar appeared in her view. A red dot moved away from the center. She flipped a switch on her gun and it folded up to be no bigger than a handbag. Placing it in a holster on her lower back, she packed the rest of her things and pulled on her coat. It was black with green accents on the seams. Looking at the persacom on her wrist, she pressed a small blue button. A Gust of wind blew down on her as a ship descended. It lowered a small cable that she grabbed on to. Pulling her up into the ship.

"Follow tracker 23 Epsilon. Keep a distance of 5 megameters."

"Yes commander." The ships AI replied as it took off towards the sky.

Makeda placed her things in the storage bay and sat in the pilots seat. The screens came into view as the ship hurdled towards space. As she left the atmosphere, the glanced at the tracking panel to view the comm status. She waved her hand over the panel and a small sound wave appeared.

I wonder what they're up to...
Jack continued to fly at a low speed until they broke free from the large crowds of ships that was when he leaned forward and pushed a lever forward which began to slowly increase there speed until they were flying through space at a fast but smooth pace.

Maia was leaning back hands behind her head eyes closed. She asked softly "you never did explain what you were fighting with Donovan about?" She closed an eye and looked forward at the back of jacks head over the seat. She really was curious, since even though jack didn't know Donovan had held her captive the past month forthright her. She looked down at the bandages around her wrist peeking out from her hoody cuffs. @The Jackal
Jack chuckled "I got bored" He replied in a soft tone that masked his nervousness, he looked over his shoulder even though he couldn't see Maia, he fell silent after that statement and began to go back to flying the ship to a nearby planet that resembled earth except for the water was a dark red and the land was a mixture green and blue. Jack lowered the ship down into a clear landing spot before the opening the cockpit and jumping out.

Maia raised a brow knowing he was lying. It made her kind of suspicious, she would figure it out. Her eyes widened at the sight of the planet and when he hoped out she soon followed. She looked around "interesting looking place" she poked him pretty hard "I know you're lying by the way" she raised a brow at him. She bit her lip slightly "by the way..." She looked at him rubbing her wrist "he's the one who gave me all these wounds" she looked away nervously. She figured he might as well know if they're going to be spending time together. @The Jackal
Jack looked down at her "Hey... Don't poke me" He said playfully before looking back up at the temple that was situated atop a large mountain, the large temple glinted in the sunlight and from this distance it looked like it was made from solid gold. Jack jumped down from the ship and landed in a soft patch of blue grass, he looked around at the surrounding forest then back up at the mountain that stood out like a beacon. "Donovan ?" He asked in a concerned and angered tone, he looked at her before looking at the bandages on her wrists "How.... ?" He asked in an equally concerned tone.
Maia chuckled sticking her tongue out "I will do what I want" she followed his gaze up to the temple and her eyes widened "it's beautiful" she hoped down onto the grass beside him. She bit her lip slightly and nodded looking away "yea.." She clenched her fists but it made her wrists hurt so she stopped "he has been hunting me for a very long time" she snarled "sees me as some kind of trophy. He finally caught me....I barely escaped" @The Jackal

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