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Fantasy Dude, Where's the Bus?

Levi Johnson

As stupefied as Levi was with the strange and luminous portal, he had to wonder if anyone else had the remotest clue of what was going on. He did a double-take when he saw Sabrina. Either she was big into the web comic Homestuck and he didn't notice her get on the bus that way, or this was some sort of bizarre magical vortex straight out of a sci-fi film. He was beyond thinking it was a dream. And if it was a dream, he figured he'd might as well try to enjoy what he could. Part of that had to do with Chai Maiara over there, just looking as cute as ever. Cute wasn't even the right word. Despite the tousled damp hair (or maybe because of it, who knew?) he was possibly the most adorable thing he had laid eyes on.

His brother's meek voice drew him away from making a creeper out himself, as his eyes were once again torn away from the ridiculously adorable student. He left Charley's side for a moment, wanting to make sure that Johnny was okay. He was just about to walk right over there when the timid older brother skulked off into a crevasse in the cave. This just had to end. There was very little sense in standing around shivering and not knowing what to do, or what happened. They were going to figure this out, and he was going to lead them, if he could.

...insert soliloquy here

"Alright, everybody. Listen up! First thing's first. Anyone seriously injured, or feel dizzy? I'm not sure what happened, myself... But we definitely got thrown for a loop by arriving here, and then we were literally thrown onto that beach. Any broken bones or bleeding? Johnny, c'mon and get back here. I think we should have a roll call to see if everyone is here, besides the handful of people that are standing on that beach. Is anyone missing? Think back to who you were sitting next to, on the bus. You don't have to answer that one, Johnny... I know you were in the seat right behind the bus driver, where no one ever sits. My question is...where is the bus driver?! Maybe we should use some logic for a second before diving into this portal, and figure out what's going on. Mr. Ward is out on the beach, staring at that huge-assed snake with some of the other kids. Reality check, guys. We're not in Kansas anymore..."
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Mood: Sort of confused? Getting his bearings

Location: Guess?

Company: Everyone in the cave!


Chai Maiara

Chai could be considered less confused at this point, as the speech one of his fellow stranded students gave, slightly inspired him to actually think about what was going on, beyond the little amount he had done before, and it actually caused some sort of recallment to the actual bus ride, it seemed...Strangely hazy, he knew he had been on the bus, although he wasn't entirely sure if he was going to school or coming back from a field trip, and who had he been sitting next too? He could vaguely remember that he had chosen a seat next to another boy, and was teasing him in some rather...Well, ways that generally worked toward furthering his conquest toward world dom...Building a skyscraper out of love and affection.

That said he couldn't really remember who that person was, and he certainly didn't think they happened to be with the group, perhaps they were still outside with the serpent, or his memory simply was failing him, but after a long deliberation he decided he would speak up, he needed to get his bearings somehow.

But how to speak up? This was the...What? No, he knew how to talk, why would he need to think about that? Yes, there was no delaying this any longer, it was time to let his sweet, delicate voice of confusion be heard!

"There...I think that someone was sitting next to me...But I don't see...think he's here..."

One could say that that wasn't entirely true, since his memory was hazy, but hey, he finally spoke, that must be worth some points!
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"Hey! You! Human girl! Wake up!"

Ella groaned, blinked a few times, and got up. The back of her head felt like hell- she must have hit it on something. That would probably explain why she had gone out of it for a bit. She looked in the direction of the voice, and saw a teenaged girl with short white hair, gold eyes, and a weird tattoo on her cheeks. She was wearing a simple white dress, strapless, sleeveless, and somewhat low-cut, although not to the point that it totally lost modesty.

(for reference, this is what the girl looked like:

When she saw that Ella was up, the white-haired girl smiled and said: "Great! You're up. I'm El. What's your name?"

Ella was confused. Where as she? Where was the bus? Who was this weird girl, El? Could she give some answers about what had happened? She decided to play along. She said: "My name's Ella."

El laughed. She said (with a strange tone of voice, like she was hinting that it wasn't really a coincidence): "Wow. That's sure an interesting coincidence."

It was indeed, if it was a coincidence at all, but Ella didn't care. She was still too confused about any and everything. She was getting ready to ask El just what the %^@& was going on, but at that moment, she noticed that some other members of her party were facing off a snake monster thing. She immediately got up and ran towards them, with El attempting to catch up, and yelled: "You guys go make for that cave! I can hold it-mmph!"

See, now this is what 'doesn't think before she goes into hero mode' means. El also knew that what Ella was about to do was really ill-considered, and so she had covered Ella's mouth and tackled her to the ground. It probably looked very strange to the others, as Ella had seemed to get into a fight with thin air. And the thin air appeared to be winning.

Finally, Ella managed to get her mouth free, and she yelled at El: "Hey! Don't do that!"

El yelled right back: "You were about to do something stupid!"

Ella was about to bust out a witty comeback, but the thing was, El was absolutely correct. And "You know, you're actually right" just didn't have the sarcastic edge the job required. So she instead grumbled: "Okay, okay, I understand. Now get off me."

El complied. Ella drew herself into a sitting position and dusted herself off. She said to El: "Okay, I'll be calmer about it." She asked the three who were standing by the snake: "What are you guys doing?"
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Attention roleplayers! Since I did not receive a satisfactory number of response to my announcement in the OOC thread, I am going to repeat myself here.

I am doing a roll call. I need everyone to report to the OOC thread and list of where their character is, who they are with/near to, and what they are doing or are about to do. If I don't hear from you in the OOC or see a new in-character post from you by Wednesday (and I will be watching), I will drop you from this thread on grounds of inactivity. And your character will be presumed eaten alive by sea monsters.



Charles watched the creature and listened to her until she decided she was done talking. He stood, speechless at first, and then straightened up. He took a more serious expression on and then turned on his heel to face the three others with him. She'd mentioned a lighthouse, and he'd seen it before. He knew he had! He looked around briefly before spotting the building.

"She said we should go there," He said simply as he pointed at the lighthouse. "She said that was a safe place, but she also mentioned that would should watch out for falling metal yellow chariots." He took on a semi-confused look for a moment before it vanished. "So then, are we off?" He asked looking at the three with him on the beach.

That was when he realize everyone else had vanished. Had they gone to the cave, like he'd seen before? He looked and saw a few at the mouth. "We should tell the others, I suppose." He suggested.
Kyle watched as the beast left, still a bit confused that it didn't attack them. He then heard something behind him and saw Ella fighting with the air. It made him worry that something was wrong with her because she even spoke to nothing. Once she seemed to get control of herself, she asked what his group had been doing by the beast. Kyle answered her, "Well I wanted to make sure everyone here stayed safe. Otherwise it seems Charles here was talking to the beast thing."

He looked at Charles now convinced Charles somehow talked with the beast. Kyle looked in the lighthouse, "ah I see. A lighthouse would be the best place to stay for the night. We don't have time to look for another place." Kyle looked at the cave after Charles mentioned it. He had completely forgot about the other students after his little telekinetic incident. Of course he still didn't know exactly what had happened.

"Falling metal yellow chariots? Does that mean there are flying creatures pulling chariots around here? Anyway, I also think it would be good to make sure everyone is ok in the cave." Kyle said towards the small group on the beach. He looked over at the cave and could see everyone somewhat together. However, it seemed a few students were a bit further in and he could tell what they were doing.
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Unfortunately, neither Levi nor Garnet would receive any sort of response from the direction Johnathan had gone. In truth, he had discovered something is the worst kind of way. The trapdoor everyone had found should have been a red flag to show this cave was hardly untouched. In their case, they found a harmless trapdoor that seemed to defy all logic in time. Johnny on the other hand...

Painful. Agonizing. Terror.

Almost as soon as he was lost from everyone's sight, Johnny had stepped on a seemingly invisible pressure plate on the floor which, damn the creator, not only opened up part of the ground, but caused the section he was on to tilt in such a fashion to be a radical decline most roller coasters brag about. Oh no no. There was no time to scream for the poor kid. No, as soon as the descent began his jaw collided with part of the floor that hadn't moved when he lifted his head forward out of instinct, sending him into a daze that made the sudden slide downward seem more vividly terrifying than the damn snake outside. Whoever had made this nightmare was the kind of person that had too much time on their hands and nothing to do with it. SCREW THAT GUY.

To picture what Johnny saw on his decent into a pained-fueled delirium is to picture what kids today think when they go through a 'haunted' amusement park ride, only to find disappointment and an overabundance of rubber. Unfortunately, this was not the case for Johnny. After half a minute of Willy Wonka's Tunnel of Terror on Acid, Johnny finally slid down onto the floor at the bottom, hitting the adjacent wall with a thud. It was at this point he was beginning to think pissing off the Snake was the better idea.

He finally got back on his feet and looked around in his groggy state. He felt like he had been clocked in the jaw by some Prize Fighter. Just opening his mouth hurt. Good thing he didn't talk much anyway. It was clear there was no going back up, and the sound of the floor above sliding back into position signaled he had basically disappeared from existence from the others. He was sure most had forgotten him already, though. Looking around again, he began to explore his surroundings. Maybe he'd find a way out. Maybe he'd find some terrifying denizen that made that evil trap. Who knew?
joeymicl said:
Kyle watched as the beast left, still a bit confused that it didn't attack them. He then heard something behind him and saw Ella fighting with the air. It made him worry that something was wrong with her because she even spoke to nothing. Once she seemed to get control of herself, she asked what his group had been doing by the beast. Kyle answered her, "Well I wanted to make sure everyone here stayed safe. Otherwise it seems Charles here was talking to the beast thing."
He looked at Charles now convinced Charles somehow talked with the beast. Kyle looked in the lighthouse, "ah I see. A lighthouse would be the best place to stay for the night. We don't have time to look for another place." Kyle looked at the cave after Charles mentioned it. He had completely forgot about the other students after his little telekinetic incident. Of course he still didn't know exactly what had happened.

"Falling metal yellow chariots? Does that mean there are flying creatures pulling chariots around here? Anyway, I also think it would be good to make sure everyone is ok in the cave." Kyle said towards the small group on the beach. He looked over at the cave and could see everyone somewhat together. However, it seemed a few students were a bit further in and he could tell what they were doing.
Ella nodded to give the impression that she knew exactly what was going on and no, she wasn't completely confused with how they were talking to a sea serpent, nope, not at all. She listened to him quietly, and when he commented on the "falling metal yellow chariots" she told him: "That probably meant the bus. And yes, we probably should check out how people are doing in the cave."

With her stupidity done, Ella had reverted once more into withdrawn sidelines-girl mode. She quietly walked in the direction of the cave, although she didn't enter. She called out to the people inside: "Hello, can you hear me?"

She wondered what the response would be. She would prefer to not go charging in there while (metaphorically) screaming: "LEEROY JENKINS!" but if there were people in trouble, that's what she was going to do.
Sabrina got up and started to walk around to ward off boredom. She decided to follow Johnny to where every he was going to. She lost sight of him after a while, but when she turned her head to look for him, all she could see was a narrow opening. She decided to go over and investigate. She entered the room that Johnny was a second ago, and almost instanly also stepped on that wertched pressure plate. She screamed as she slid face first down the tunnel and was launched out of a opening onto the ground. Sabrina got up, dazed, and then sat back down to catch her breath.
Milly Dawlish

Mood: Cheery

Location: On the beach

Company: Kyle, Charles, Rosie. Ryne and Mardak close by.


...And you two!" He exclaimed at Rosie and Milly, "why did you put yourselves in danger like this?!"

Milly looked at Mr. Jumal with a little bit of confusion, as far as she was concerned there was no danger anywhere in this place, at all, you can't get hurt by a dream after all. either way she knew he, her representation of him, was just looking out for her, as he would have done in real life. At least some things about this were accurate. She didn't respond to him, merely smiled and continued to draw circles in the sand with her heel.

More interestingly, Mr. ward seemed to be talking to the snake, although Milly herself couldn't hear it say much other than the occasional hiss of some sort, maybe it was magic or something, she didn't understand, and probably didn't need to, but what did come to light was the snake having the same idea as her. The Lighthouse on the hill, the only building in sight and the only real shelter from a cold night, caves weren't known for their cozy warmth after all. When he was done, the snake slid back into the water, maybe it was going to get ready for bed too? Milly seen it off with a wave and a smile.

"Yeah, telling the others would be great! I can't imagine they would be happy with us going to the lighthouse without them or something, I mean if there's hot chocolate and warm beds at the lighthouse and they're in a cave all night that wouldn't be fair would it!" Milly thought aloud as she looked over to the lighthouse. a soft warm glow was leaking from a few small windows on the buildings side, like a fireplaces flame lighting up an old library, she could feel the comfort already.

"I think I'm going to go on ahead then, let anyone who lives there know we're coming, fifteen people turning up without warning could be a shock! what if they don't have enough beds, or if they have to get out the spare mugs or something, I know I would be annoyed if it was my house and I wasn't ready for guests." she added, walking away from the little congregation that had gathered around her. The lighthouse wasn't too far away, but it wasn't exactly close either... A walk like that needed company.

"Would anyone like to join me? I would offer a snack for the journey but I don't have my bag. I think it must be with the bus or something." Milly asked as she continued to half walk, half skip, backwards along the beach in the direction of the lighthouse.

Sabrina would find no indication that Johnny had been anywhere near where she had landed, save a few drops of blood from where the floor had collided with his jaw. The trail led only so far before stopping at a various doorways. The probability any of them having traps like the last one was fairly high. The person who made this place was certainly sick in the head..

Johnny had in fact gone through one of the doorways, and before anyone thinks he had lucked out...

The darts sticking out of his back as if he was a pin cushion said otherwise. Fortunately there had been no poison on them..That or it hadn't taken affect yet... With a groan, he walked down the corridor hunched over to keep the pain from being too crippling. A few minutes past before he finally got to the end of the corridor, which opened into a large library. Standing perfectly still, he was hardly about to set something ELSE off. He inspected every nook and cranny before he began moving.

Perhaps he wasn't alone as he had hoped..This place looked inhabited.
Sabrina got up. She looked around the area that she was in. "Where the hell am I. What the hell is this place." she said to no one in particular. Sabrina noticed a faint trail of blood that lead somewhere. She followed the trail all the way to a weird hallway full of doors, where the blood trail just faded away. Curious, she walked over to the closest door and opened it. Inside, there was nothing in particular, other than a table and a chair. Sabrina walked into the roon and heard a familiar clicking noise. Suddenly, five knives flew out of nowhere and managed to strike Sabrina, one in her upper right leg, one in her shoulder, and one more in her stomach. The rest of the knives zipped right by her and sunk into the ground, couple of meters away. She stood there in shock, before sinking onto the ground, out cold from the shock. The wounds weren't deep, thanks to her tough scales and hide, but it did cause some serious bleeding.
Mood: Confused, but much less confused.

Location: Heading toward the trap door.

@welian (Garnet)

@Loki Laevatein (Levi)


Chai Maiara

Chai, who was now much less confused, and getting slightly scared at the prospect of being stuck in a dark cave, and was generally excited at the prospect of jumping into a seemingly magical trap-door to a sunny island, that perhaps was some kind of resort, with a hot spring! And Comfy hotel room! Maybe even a nice gift shop, with little mints and plush dolls.

The reality was probably completely different, but it was a possibility, and everyone loves a bit of fantasizing about not having sand in your hair and being in a comfortable place.

But, he's a trap, Trap-doors are used for traps, what's the worst that could happen? With that

thought he decided it would be best to just jump into the door, which in hindsight was sort of terrible idea, but it definitely beat standing around.

Now, what happened after he hopped in....

(Well, I'm actually not sure. But that'll be coming to you in another post, soon)
Beo woke up in the sand, but stood up. He looked around for a moment and then tried to get a good look at himself. He stared around for a moment and said,"Where...am I?" He squinted for a moment and realized that his glasses and hat were missing. He walked around the beach for a moment and found the hat buried in the sand and his glasses stuffed into the hat. He shook off the hat and carefully put his glasses on. He then started to yell,"Hello? Anybody here?" He kept walking around and trying to find someone until he finally stopped and waited to see if he could hear a response.
If any of the teenagers up by the entrance of the cave were quiet and paying attention instead of panicking about losing the bus and being one a strange island with giant sea monsters, they might have noticed a faint rumble or a slight tremble in the stone as some vast unseen mechanism below the cave activated. In one room, a knife trap came to life, successfully piercing the hide of a young half-dragon girl. Not even a minute later, a false panel in the wall slid open, and a young woman in dark robes carried – well, attempted to carry, more like cautiously dragged for two feet, huffed, and then used a small magic stone to levitate the victim a bit off the floor – Sabrina away.

“I always get the fat ones,” she complained quietly, bitterly to herself. Her hair was covered by a hood, and her lower face by a cloth mask. “Just because I’m the only one who can actually keep their balance while holding a claymore, Omazige sends me to do heavy lifting, and nooo, I can’t take the cart, the wheels will squeak…”

The library, relative to the rest of the island, was rather normal – that is to say, it wasn’t as overtly trapped. After all, many of those books were quite rare, and the owner didn’t want them to risk destruction. Speaking of the owner – if Johnny could listen as well as he could get into trouble, he would hear footsteps around the library. Another guardswoman, much like the one currently kidnapping Sabrina, was prowling about the sacred texts, waiting for the unwitting intruder to make another mistake. Too bad, the poor guy was kind of a cutie. She felt bad about the darts - normally they were tipped with a light poison that would paralyze the victim and numb some of the pain, but well... this was a sacred, private island, and they hardly ever actually got intruders, and you know, she might have said one little white lie to Omazige about whether or not the darts had actually been properly prepared or not.

So uh... yeah. Poor guy had just a bunch of normal darts sticking out of his back. Maybe if she bribed him, he wouldn't tell anyone how lazy she was.

Meanwhile, at the lighthouse, there was a flurry of activity as priestesses assumed their positions. The gate to the courtyard was drawn closed, and although the lighthouse continued to shine brightly across the ocean, kindred to the beacons just barely visible across the ocean, there was a stillness of anticipation in the air.
Beo slowly put his hands in his pocket and walked for a moment until he noticed a lighthouse. Maybe there was something happening there? He then started to jog over and see that there were actually people there. He didn't really know them, but in this situation he could personally care less. Before he began to sprint over he froze and thought to himself for a minute. Were they friendly? Would they notice him? He stopped walking, but stayed within sight of the lighthouse and yelled,"Hey! Are you guys from the bus too?"
"Hello? Can anybody hear me? Hello?"

Ella was getting worried. She wasn't hearing anything from the cave but her own echoes. She was about to just plunge inside and d*** the consequences, but El grabbed her hand. Ella jumped in surprise, and turned around to face the other girl. El told her:

"Are you some kind of idiot? Don't go down there! You're just going to get yourself caught by whatever is down there, and it won't help the others any!"

Ella knew that what El said made sense, but she also knew that people could be hurt, and she could help them. And she couldn't just leave people to an uncertain fate when she could help them. She told El:

"They could be hurt in there. I don't want to abandon them."

El's face softened a bit. She could now sympathize with Ella's predicament, but still, Ella really shouldn't go down there. Fortunately, she had a compromise:

"How about you go down to the lighthouse, and I'll go check the caves out?"

To Ella, however, that was also unacceptable. If Ella wouldn't do it herself, she could not in good conscience ask others to do it for her. She shook her head and said:

"No. You could be hurt or get stuck, too."

El knew something that Ella didn't know. She looked a little resigned with Ella's ignorance (sheesh, that girl had already managed to summon El and didn't know diddly-squat about what she was?) and then demonstrated her Get Out Of Creepy Cave Free card. She teleported down the beach, and then back.

Ella's mouth dropped open in surprise. El snorted with laughter at Ella's comical expression, and said: "I can get out of there any time I want. You go to that lighthouse, and I'll catch up."

Ella reluctantly nodded and ran to join the rest of the group going for the lighthouse, while El journeyed down into the cave to see what she could see.


welian said:
If any of the teenagers up by the entrance of the cave were quiet and paying attention instead of panicking about losing the bus and being one a strange island with giant sea monsters, they might have noticed a faint rumble or a slight tremble in the stone as some vast unseen mechanism below the cave activated. In one room, a knife trap came to life, successfully piercing the hide of a young half-dragon girl. Not even a minute later, a false panel in the wall slid open, and a young woman in dark robes carried – well, attempted to carry, more like cautiously dragged for two feet, huffed, and then used a small magic stone to levitate the victim a bit off the floor – Sabrina away.
“I always get the fat ones,” she complained quietly, bitterly to herself. Her hair was covered by a hood, and her lower face by a cloth mask. “Just because I’m the only one who can actually keep their balance while holding a claymore, Omazige sends me to do heavy lifting, and nooo, I can’t take the cart, the wheels will squeak…”

The library, relative to the rest of the island, was rather normal – that is to say, it wasn’t as overtly trapped. After all, many of those books were quite rare, and the owner didn’t want them to risk destruction. Speaking of the owner – if Johnny could listen as well as he could get into trouble, he would hear footsteps around the library. Another guardswoman, much like the one currently kidnapping Sabrina, was prowling about the sacred texts, waiting for the unwitting intruder to make another mistake. Too bad, the poor guy was kind of a cutie. She felt bad about the darts - normally they were tipped with a light poison that would paralyze the victim and numb some of the pain, but well... this was a sacred, private island, and they hardly ever actually got intruders, and you know, she might have said one little white lie to Omazige about whether or not the darts had actually been properly prepared or not.

So uh... yeah. Poor guy had just a bunch of normal darts sticking out of his back. Maybe if she bribed him, he wouldn't tell anyone how lazy she was.

Meanwhile, at the lighthouse, there was a flurry of activity as priestesses assumed their positions. The gate to the courtyard was drawn closed, and although the lighthouse continued to shine brightly across the ocean, kindred to the beacons just barely visible across the ocean, there was a stillness of anticipation in the air.
El quietly walked into the cave. Usually, she would not have liked to go inside (she was somewhat claustrophobic), but it was for Ella, who was quite an interesting girl. She had even managed to conscience-goad El into going into a small, very enclosed cave. And staying there for a while. El shuddered. The things that trying to be a basically decent person drove you to. Sometimes this human "conscience" thing seemed entirely overrated.

Well, the faster she did it, the sooner it would be over. She counted in the cave several people, all of whom she had recognized as coming in on that Falling Yellow Thing. However, not all of them were there. El sighed in irritation. She would have to go in deeper. And so she did.

Once down, the first thing she did was nearly fall into a trapdoor. She, however, managed to teleport back to safety, just in time to see this one kid (wow, was he (or perhaps she) cute! Now she truly understood what the urge to go pick something up and cuddle it meant) jump down the trapdoor.

"Ah, kid! Don't..." she called down uselessly, momentarily forgetting that only Ella could hear her. What kind of an idiot was he? El facepalmed. It was incredibly cramped down there. Merely thinking about it made her shudder. Nevertheless, the cute kid (and probably the others) were down there too, so that's where she had to go. And so she jumped down after him.

Gah, it was so closed-in down there. El almost reflexively teleported out, but managed to stop herself. She checked on Cute Kid. He seemed to be fine, and so she turned around, attempted to quell the claustrophobia, and walked down the passageway. She saw spatters of blood, and followed them. There seemed like there would be someone injured on the end of the line. The trail led to a door, which hadn't really been properly closed. She squeezed in, and found herself in a library. It was a bit more spacious in there, and she relaxed a bit. Inside, there was one of the people from the bus in there. He was the one that looked really ordinary. He didn't look as ordinary now, though, given the darts sticking out of his back. He looked like a pincushion. Yikes.

Quiet footsteps (were they footsteps? It was hard to tell) sounded in the library. Pincushion Man didn't seem to notice them (he was probably distracted by the fact that he had DARTS STICKING OUT OF HIS BACK), but El did, and she looked around to see who was causing the noise.

The person causing them was doing a very good attempt to remain hidden, but she was focusing her efforts on Pincushion Man and didn't know that El was there, so El managed to find her. The robed woman was shadowing Pincushion Man, probably waiting for the best opportunity to strike. Given that she hadn't done anything yet, El decided to shadow her in turn.

But before she did that, she quickly teleported out into the fresh air for a short amount of time, enjoying the openness and then returned. Man, she hated enclosed spaces.
Charles looked at the others and then focused on Kyle, "Go see the others in the cave and tell them that we should head for the lighthouse. I'm going with Milly, on ahead." He then headed after Milly without waiting for a response. "Wait up!" He said, jogging up to her said, "You're right. You can't go alone, and snacks come later. Right now we need to figure out where the hell we are." He looked back to see if anyone was going to head with them and then looked forward at the lighthouse. "I wonder what kind of reception we're going to get. I mean, we did sort of fall from the sky - if the sea creature is to be believe." He pondered on this. That was how gods were made. Perhaps they'd be treated as such. Maybe they'd be treated as cursed. Different cultures have different reactions to the same thing. This could go either very well... or not so terribly.
Milly Dawlish

Mood: Happy

Location: Next to the Lighthouse

Company: Mr Ward, Beo (Bill)

@Isune @TheDaftStudent

Other: Slightly ghosted Mr Ward, wanted to get things moving along without deelaaay~

"I'm hungry now... I had a pack of cookies saved from my lunch in my bag." Milly sighed as her teacher caught up. If it was any other dream she could have just "wished" for some cookies and they would have appeared, but this dream seemed different somehow, it had been different so far anyway. The sand was soft under foot as they both walked towards the lighthouse, but it soon gave way to a nice rocky solid grass that sloped up the hill to the bays peak, but not before, behind a slight rocky outcropping, they passed an interesting sight.

Sitting half wedged in some soil amongst some delightfully colourful flowers, Sun Roses, Hydrangea , Phygelius, and Philadelphus, was a garishly out of place bright yellow chariot, also known as the back end of a school bus. The front wasn't here, it seemed, either that or it was buried in the ground, but the back door was still accessible.

"Oh!" Milly cried out as she jogged off towards the heap of metal jammed into the ground. The smell of flower blossoms outweighed the slight taint of oil to the air as she got closer, but more importantly, the door was already open! Jogging around to the back, Milly took a jump at the rear bumper, her blonde hair floating into the air as it followed her back down afterwards. She was too short, typical. Not to be put out from one shot she took another jump, barely catching the ledge with her finger tips. Third time lucky...

On her final jump, Milly seemed to rocket into the air, and with outstretched arms she felt the cod steel meet her skin as she got a firm grasp of the sold black bumper. With a few heaves she got her elbows up, then her torso, and with a wiggle her legs snaked through the bus's door, and promptly sliding all the way inside onto the back of a seat. The forty-five degree or so angle was awkward but manageable once she got a foothold, but more importantly, the bus wasn't empty!

"Mr Ward! Look! she called out from inside the bus. There was still a few bags inside, although not enough to match the students that she could remember from the beach. The others must have been with the front of the bus. Soil was covering a lot of the windows but there was still just enough evening light coming through to make out what was around. Milly looked about, keeping an eye out for her own bag, a brown leather satchel type. It was a nice classic piece her grandmother had picked out, but all that Milly could make out were rucksacks scattered amongst the chairs...

"Mr Ward, I think my bag is missing with the rest of the bus, but I think this could be useful!" she continued to shout to her teacher, whether or not he was actually there. The something useful she had mentioned was a first aid kit. Nothing spectacularly fancy, but it could help. As if it was waiting for her to mention it, a beige strap caught her eye from under a large black band patch covered bag, it was her satchel! With a shout of excitement Milly yanked the leather bag into her arms and flung it over her shoulder before continuing her way out.

"Here, you can have this. I think your bag must have been with the front half of the bus too." Milly explained cheerfully, handing Mr Ward a bag of his own, a nice patch covered metalhead-esque rucksack with chain accessories and badges included. She had stuck the first aid kit inside.

With the bus checked over, the pair continued up the hill towards the Lighthouse, and on getting up near the building, another student.

"B... Bill? Bell?" Milly pondered as she got closer to the boy, not noticing anyone else in view.


The guardswoman heard a faint noise behind her, most likely footsteps. She turned around, and did a double take – she swore for a split second, that she saw a girl in black standing there! But… there was no one there. The guardswoman blinked, nervous, and looked back at her original prey, the boy covered in darts. Maybe in this state, he would come quietly.

“You there!” She spoke as commandingly as she could muster. “State your name and your business here, or else I’ll arrest you!”

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The guardswoman would have the greatest view of seeing Johnny's spine snap up with such speed and impact that his entire body unfurled from his slouched position to standing attention with enough force to not only dislodge the darts from his back, but shoot them outward in random directions- One of them going straight for the guardswoman.

"I'MSORRYI'MEXISTINGPLEASEJUSTLETMESTOPBEINGABOTHERTOEVERYONEAROUNDMEANDJUSTLETMEGOINADARKCORNER!!" he exclaimed, staring at the opposite wall wide-eyed, not turning around to see what the darts had done.

After a long pause, he finally looked down at the ground, starting to calm down finally.

"....J-Johnny....My name is Johnny....I fell down a trap and ended up here.."
Mood: Still Confused.

Location: On the floor, in...Somewhere?

@welian (Garnet)


"...Huh? Of course I'm alive...I just went through the door, there...Wasn't anything dangerous?"

Well, at least for him, perhaps he simply missed the deadly spikes and spinning blades of death, despite this he could say for certain that he wouldn't have been harmed on his short, albeit slightly cramped trip down the trapdoor, although....Well, now he was certainly very confused about where he had ended up, due to now being in very brightly lit hallway and not a cave, or as one would think, still underground.

Despite this, he seemed to be rather comfortable, sitting on the floor of the hallway...Too be fair he had fallen in a rather comfortable position, and had no reason to move until everyone behind him would make their way down, and it seemed Garnet was the first...Or the only one that made it through, but he had no reason to think that.
welian said:
LibraryThe guardswoman heard a faint noise behind her, most likely footsteps. She turned around, and did a double take – she swore for a split second, that she saw a girl in black standing there! But… there was no one there. The guardswoman blinked, nervous, and looked back at her original prey, the boy covered in darts. Maybe in this state, he would come quietly.

“You there!” She spoke as commandingly as she could muster. “State your name and your business here, or else I’ll arrest you!”

Ella didn't go down into the cave- she called down, had a conversation with thin air (during which the thin air apparently surprised her in some way), and then ran to join the others going to the lighthouse.

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