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Fantasy Dude, Where's the Bus?

(Sorry had to be at the school.....and swim practice)

Rosie gave a small laugh as the students were thrown into chaos. She didn't plan to follow the group to the cave. So with a quick movement she stood up and stared at the beasty as her clothes were now wet. She gave it a smile and let her lips move "Hello......" The word hello was the only thing she could think of as she aprouched it's. She loved nature monsters included. "What's your Ms. Snaky" she said to the slightly over grown snake in front of her. "My names Rosie." She said with a joyful grin and then stepped closer to it.
There was a moment where Charles and Charley were next to each other, and then suddenly the girl was gone. Charles was shocked by this and he just stared blankly at the spot she had been in, and then at the Sea-Serpent. He puzzled for a moment that maybe he was in a dream. This was weird. Too weird. Milly appeared then, and started jabbering. He listened, in shock, and nodded slowly. She said there was a light house. He looked around and saw it, he also saw the cave the others had taken off for. He looked back at the snake, and then Rosie. Miss Snake? He blinked a few times before looking around again. "...there's no one else..." He said to himself. He looked at Milly and said quickly and without any further explanation, "There's no one but us...." He headed for Rosie and the beast until he was right next to the girl. "Uhhh... Hello up there! Are you the one I've been hearing talk?" He called up at the Sea-Serpent. He looked over at Rosie and smiled reassuringly. She seemed to think the snake was safe, too. Maybe Rosie and Milly were right. Or maybe they were all three crazy and about to die.
The sea serpent watched as most of the humans ran for a nearby cave. If she were able to, she would have sighed. It wasn’t the best choice – she wanted to help! – but it wasn’t a bad choice either. They would think they were safe from her in there, and they were. The island was very small though, she could swim around it easily. They would not be able to leave without a boat.

Three humans stayed behind. She looked down at them and blinked, her dark scales glistening in the sunset. These three… were not scared. And they seemed polite. The serpent lowered her head all the way down to the sand, raising up a tiny cloud of dust that clung to the fins around her head.

The blonde one was right. Splashing people was rude. She would have to apologize to the humans later. And the white-haired one, she asked for her name. Well, she had a name. She just couldn’t say it, you see, because sea serpents didn’t really have the kind of mouths that made talking nice and simple.

And the man – he understood her? She focused on him the longest, wondering if he could read her thoughts.

Why don’t you go inside the cave? She tried to think at him. The young ones might think I will eat you. That would upset them if I did such a thing.
Levi had not yet made it to the cave, as crawling backwards turned out to be one of the few things in which he was not proficient. His horror was temporarily paused as he noticed that the odd little nature girl was seemingly having a conversation with the beast. However one-sided it might be, he couldn't help but watch in amazement. He tried to recall her name, but it simply wouldn't come to him. That was odd, because he was the captain of the debate team, and generally had a mnemonic device to remember just about everything. He'd seen her before, since she often rode the same bus. That was the same bus that got them to this god-awful place, he made a mental note. Maybe he was meant to know all of these people, for some reason. Of course, he already knew his brother. His eyes tried to seek Johnathan out near the cave entrance, feeling suddenly worried. Pieces of the day were coming back to him.

As he stood up this time, he slowly began to walk half-way between himself and Rosie May Firefly. All of his instincts told him to find his brother and get the hell out of there, but he was in shock. He had to know what was going to happen, even if it was gruesome. He imagined the beast suddenly chomping down on her unsuspecting head, which was an awful thing to think. Then he thought of what he would do if that actually happened, and it confused him. Levi looked down at his hands, palms upturned. They were shaking with a strange energy he had never felt before. It was like friction to the umpteenth power, and he knew he needed to calm himself down. The sensation was inexplicable. But he waited, wondering what it was he had been thinking, a moment ago. He hoped that he wasn't going insane. Since this didn't seem to be a dream, there was clearly no other explanation.
Charles blinked in shock as a voice echoed in his head, a feminine voice. A curious voice. "Why don’t you go inside the cave?" She asked before saying, "The young ones might think I will eat you. That would upset them if I did such a thing." Charles smiled and looked at Rosie and then Milly before saying to the serpent, "Do we have a reason to fear you may eat us?" He looked Rosie and then the serpent, "My name is Charles." He looked over at Milly and motioned for her to introduce herself. "Do you have a name, miss?" He asked the serpent. "Oh!" He said before saying to the girls, "She asked why we didn't go into the caves with everyone else. She said they the others thinks she might eat us, and that might upset them." He thought about it before adding, "I'm not sure if that was an idle threat or not."
Charley blinks, squinting. "Is that...."

Hearing her nickname, she let out a small yelp. "Christ, Jeans!" Charley yelled back.

Of course, Charley had to name Levi something. And if that something wasn't Levi Jeans, by God there was nothing worth fighting for in the world. "This isn't a dream, nimrod! Come on and..." She glanced at the three standing there for what seemed like the worst amount of minutes.. "Guys, just saying." She called, "There's kind of a giant ass snake about to kill you!" Charles seemed strangest of all, just....standing there. Charles started talking, and Charley became even more confused. She thought they were crazy at first, and then seemed to realize something. "Wait...if I'm like The Flash or something, that means Charles...can communicate with the snake?" It was a guess, but a guess worth fighting for.
Garnet had made a mad dash to the cave, with everyone else. She leaned against the wall and rubbed her eyes. She could feel a few tears of distress welling up, and no respectable teenager cried in front of their classmates. The sun was starting to go down as well, and the stars looked even more vivid, like she could just reach up and scoop them from the sky. Would there be enough light?

“We… were on the bus, right?” she asked her classmates, dearly confused. “I wasn’t imagining that?” She looked at the front of the cave, and saw Johnny’s back – as he was literally backing into the cave, very slowly. He was probably paralyzed with fear. Poor thing. Garnet took a step, and was just barely able to grab his shirt tail and yank him into the cave.

“You’ve already almost suffocated in sand,” she scolded him like a worried mother (It helped her ignore her own distress). “Now you’re going to stand like an idiot out in the open? What if you get eaten, huh? What if we get on the bus and go home and Levi and Mr. Jumal and Mr. Ward are going to have to explain why you aren’t there with us?”

Upset, but not really at Johnny, she let go of his shirt with a huff and turned around, looking at her classmates in the cave again.

“Where… IS the bus?”
Rosie replied to the serpent's question "Um well I don't like people....and your not biting my head off so why should I want to go in that damp cave with everyone else...." Then Rosie came in arms reach of the creature and with a small pet on the forehead of it she then spoke again to the beast. "Do you mind telling us where we are..." Then Rosie moved her hand to pet the creature again.

(Pressed the button by accident....)
Upon being pulled inside the cave and being scolded, Johnny merely looked down at his boots in a rather pitiful manner. He had done nothing to be of use to anyone here, and he had in fact been a detriment as he has suspected. The fact it was Garnet, whom had been victim to something inappropriate dealing with him made it more clear too; he was lower than dirt and didn't really have much reason to remain here.

"...It would be better if I wasn't on the bus. And no one would really notice I was missing, either.." he said in a soft voice, still staring at the ground.

At this point, the person-sized wad of depression known as Johnny could be seen slowly imploding from sheer lack of self-worth. LET'S WATCH, SHALL WE?
Charley surveyed the cave. There wasn't much to it...however, there was something in the corner of her eye. She tried to dismiss it, but decided to rather choose to see it instead. Kneeling down, Charley noticed it was a small doorknob attached to the ground. However, she did not see any cracks where there could be a trapdoor. Maybe it would come in handy...she attempted to pull on it and pry it out, but it was no use. She knocked on the ground where there could be a door, but there was no answer. It was just...there. Waiting to be turned. Maybe it could still be an escape route...

"Hey...look what I found."
Milly Dawlish

So far this dream had been fun, but Milly would be lying if she said she wasn't starting to feel a chill from her damp clothes, still, it wasn't too cold yet, but by the looks of the sun it seemed that it was late in the day, which meant that it would be getting colder pretty soon. Deciding to give it some thought once she was elsewhere, Milly walked after Mr Ward, her teacher, the only adult nearby, and so by default, the best person to stick with according to a 16 year old girl in a strange place. Sure it was a dream, but everything was so life like!

"Oh, emm, I'm Millicent, but you can call me Milly, it's easier... well if you can talk that is. Can you talk? Wait..." Milly said, following Mr Wards lead with introductions, but she paused in thought at the fact that Mr Ward was replying to well, nothing. Was he just assuming the snake could talk? He continued to talk, calling the snake "Miss" which hit Milly like a slap to the face, causing her to completely forget about Mr Ward responding to nothing.

"Miss?! Uahh, I'm sorry! I called you Mister earlier! I, well, snakes don't look very much like either to me. Sorry." Milly rambled, slightly talking over Ward's question from the serpent. Shivering a bit as the cold set in a little more, the blonde girl thought through her reasons for not running away before.

"Well, I don't really know, but I do know. I mean it's my dream, so nothing can hurt me if I don't want it to, so you're safe! Because I want you to be safe! Makes sense, right? I don't know how it works because it's a dream and I'm pretty sure even scientists don't know how they work yet, though they are trying to find out." she answered with a cocksure attitude, taking up a triumphant stance as she let her reasons be known, but Milly's stance didn't last for long, as thoughts trailed off to other points and questions.

"I don't remember my dreams ever being this real though, I mean I feel cold. But it's not like you always remember your dreams once you're awake, so maybe I do feel cold in my dreams and I just don't remember it later." she added, rocking around on her heels, trying to draw a circle in the sand with her feet.

"Looks like a giant sea serpent to me..." said Sabrina, scratching her head. Well, she would have been able to scratch her head if it wasn't for a pair of long and slim horns that were sticking out of her head. "What the-" she exclaimed. She quickly ran over to a small pool of clear water to look at her reflection. What she saw caused one of the most horrifying screams to come out of her lips. Instead of seeing her normal self, she saw that there was a pair of long and slim black horns on the back of her head, teeth as sharp as blades poking out of her mouth. A pair of wings sprouted out of her back and nearly ripped off the shirt that she was wearing, and her fingernails became sharper and sharper by the second. A tail was also coming out of her body.
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One could say that a certain feminine looking young man was utterly confused.

Chai still wasn't sure what was going on, except that he was standing in the middle of a cave, of which when he walked over to it...He wasn't exactly paying attention to anything, but now as he stood in a rather damp, cold, and seemingly dark cave, of which he had no idea how he ended up on, he thought about many things.

One of which would be the fact that he was in a cave, had quite a bit of sand in his hair (And clothing, although that was a bit more private) and was confused, which I know I just stated above, and around him ran about everyone else on the bus he had been on, as such by deduction he could only assume the bus had turned into a skyscraper, of which had a very large mass of water and an island placed on top.

He would wish someone could explain to him what was going on, but even if the others knew anything more, they appeared to be occupied with some strange things, of which Chai could only assume was irrelevant to his own issues of being in a cave covered in sand. and as such he decided asking them wouldn't be a very useful course of action, and would wait until someone decided to explain to him personally.

Not even talking about the sea-serpent.
Kyle watched everything occur around him, but didn't want to move. He was afraid that odd sensation would happen again and someone else would possibly get hurt. There was a big possibility that he'd hurt them even more and he couldn't take that risk. Having no control of his power now it reacted to his emotions. A kind of domed force field of invisible energy surrounded him and could only be seen imprinting the sand around him.

Kyle only noticed this when the beast accidentally splashed water on everyone. The water had landed on the invisible field of energy and slid down it. He knew none of his appendages had moved and wondered what had caused this. I think I should just calm down and assess the situation. The students need the adults to be brave as well. I need to do more than stand here and worry about myself.

When he finally snapped out of it was when Charles started talking to the beast. Kyle was very confused and walked forward towards the small group left on the beach. He looked at Charles, "are you communicating with the beast here? And you two!" He exclaimed at Rosie and Milly, "why did you put yourselves in danger like this?! I mean I know I didn't exactly help but.....never mind I just want to make sure we are safe for the time being. Our number one priority should be finding shelter until sunrise tomorrow. Then we can finally find our way home."
Mardak Thiaflihm

Mardak gained a bit of consciousness, his head banging like a drum with disorienting screeches reminding him of his first hangover but much worse. Gaining a little control of his senses Mardak started to make sense of the world around him. The last thing he remembered was being on the bus, sitting and listening to music and now there was no bus to be found anywhere, there wasn't even a road. He looked around at the terrain around him and saw a never ending ocean, he noticed the sand all around him, he though he might be hallucinating considering there wasn't a beach anywhere near their bus route but upon shaking his head and massaging his eyes a couple of times he was sure that something big had happened.

Looking around he saw three people standing, he couldn't make out who they were from back there, but in front of them he saw two brightly glowing orbs. With a sudden jerk he shouted "Hey! Watch out" but he was too far for them to hear him. As his vision cleared he saw a beast form around those orbs, a giant snake is the only thing he could compare it to but still he couldn't make out the people standing in front of the monster. This is when he realized his glasses had been cracked to the point that a gentle tap might shatter them.

He tried to stand up but his body wouldn't bend to his will and he fell down again. This time he heard some indistinct voices coming from the other side, he saw a cave and silhouettes of people, he was glad that he wasn't alone here, wherever here is. Now two paths were presented to him, he could either join the people standing in front of the beast or he could run over to the cave and see what awaits there, but to do either he had to first get to his feet.

As he sat there contemplating his next move could feel a tingling sensation throughout his body, it had been there all along just wasn't the most pressing concern for him before but now, it was much more noticeable. It felt like someone had attached a small battery to his body and was trying to slowly electrocute him.
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This was odd, the smell of the ocean breezing by, and distorted voices all around. Ryne was confused and couldn't see clearly "Why can't I see!" He began to panic, before chuckling to himself realizing that his wet hair draped over his eyes. Sitting up he moved the hair from his eyes, looking out to the sea awestruck. "Where the hell am I?" The scenery was quite pleasant, with the waves glistening against the horizon, Ryne was taking it all in, but realized he had to sort out the situation he was in. Looking around he could see some classmates in a nearby cave, they looked rather frantic and scared, all of them staring at something. Following their eyes Ryne slowly turned, his eyes widened as they fell upon something storybook, a serpent its eyes shone like rubies shimmering in the sun.

"Holy shit" Ryne jolted to his feet, he noticed three people standing in front of the serpent ever so casually. The confusion was starting to distort his reason, he knew that he should probably join the others in the cave, but how could he miss the opportunity to approach such a beast. He began to walk towards them, the serpent growing larger with every step closer. Ryne's mouth was wide open in amazement, he couldn't step any closer, frozen in awe at this majestic creature.
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Chai Maiara

Mood: Confused

Location: Inside a cave?

Company: Everyone else in the cave.

Other: Covered in sand. @Giyari This works nicely!

Chai, still standing in the damp cave, in fact he had probably, decided it would be best for him to actually do something instead of just standing around confused, sadly he didn't really have any ideas of what to do. Coming up with ideas, or even acting on them wasn't really his strong suit, although if he had a box of cookies and a skyscraper...Well, he wouldn't be in a cave, and would probably be enjoying his cookies on a skyscraper, which would be much more enjoyable than this, and he really did need a bath, or at least wash out his hair, the sand was really starting to get itchy.

He decided it would be best to try to talk tom someone, perhaps communication would dispel some of his confusion, that said he didn't really have an idea of who to look for, and due to his lack of understanding at the situation, and everybody seemed to be doing their own thing, and some odd things seemed to be going on that he would most likely want to stay away from, due to the amount of strangeness already applied to his current situation, as such he decided it would be best for him to look for...Well, anyone else that seemed as lost as he was.
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Charley decided it was best to take action and grip the door. "Alright guys, I'm going in!" As she turned the knob, a strange light crawled quickly across the floor, forming a door crack. "What the..?!" Well...there was no turning back. She pulled open the door, and shielded her face, dress ruffling in the wind as a bright light shone through. She could see it clearly. A blue sky ruffled with white clouds light as a feather. She crouched down and squinted, seeing a strange object in the distance. It could very well be an island. And where there is an island, there are people. And where there are people, there are answers. The peaceful waters rubbed against the rocks, where a lighthouse towered far in front of the island.

Levi Johnson




Levi took a few steadying breaths, and he finally stopped shaking. He looked at the palms of his hands again quizzically, wondering what had almost just happened. He wasn't sure what had come over him, or why he had felt so violent for a moment. He assumed it must be his pounding headache. In all probability, he knew he must have at least a slight concussion. He felt fine for the most part, but something was just ...off. Giving a annoyed and wary glance over to his teacher and the students that still stood facing that monster, he jogged to the entrance of the cave.

He was just in time to see Charley raising the door, and watched as bright light filled the twilit cavern. At home, while they had been on the bus, it was only afternoon. On this dream-scape of an island, it was almost night time. But beyond reason, it seemed to be daylight coming from the recesses of the cave. Nothing made sense here. "Charley, wait for me," he called, watching as she crouched down to look into the portal. "Do you... I mean. Are you getting how frickin' weird this place is? Is nobody getting how crazy all of this is, or is it just me?! For fuck's sake, Chuck. There's a goddamn snake the size of Rhode Island out there!" he shook his head and folded his arms over his chest. He looked around at the other students in the cave--some wet, and shivering. He smiled at Chai, then his eyes had to seemingly tear away from him to find his brother. "Shit, Johnny...are you okay? I didn't know for sure if you caught the bus or not, with your luck..."
Mardak Thiaflihm

Sitting in the sand, Mardak suddenly felt someone coming towards him. A figure came up from behind and walked past him. He recognized this person, it was Ryne, who took a few steps forward and then stopped and started staring at the serpent. Seeing Ryne, Mardak once again gathered his wits, got onto his feet and started walking towards Ryne. Staggering to a few feet of Ryne, Mardak called out to him "Hey! You ok?"
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Now standing in the shadow of the great leviathan, Ryne was frozen with a mixture of awe and fear. He was trembling to his very core, his heartbeat reverberated through his entire body. He began having second thoughts, with the serpent so steadily concentrated on the school welcoming committee, Ryne was now reconsidering his actions, and maybe the cave was a better option.

"Hey! You ok?"

The voice sounded familiar, turning Ryne noticed it was Mardak and he looked rather disoriented. His nerves were back an order seeing a familiar face "I'm fine, just a bit confused as to what happened." He was smiling now a lot more at ease. Turning back to the serpent with more confidence now that he had someone stable behind him. "How long have we been under the supervision of this creature?"
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Mood: Slightly less Confused

Location: Still in a cave, but kind of closer to everyone else

Company: Everyone in the cave, but closer


Chai Maiara

Chai was, as one may expect (since he apparently couldn't make a decision about what to, beyond sitting still and waiting) Standing in around the same place, one could say that he was almost frozen in time, but perhaps not much time had passed at all, despite this, he had decided in that short amount of time that he would actually do something instead of stand and think about what to do.

He could swear by his Grade B Zettai Ryouiki that he would finally do something that could be considered useful, perhaps he would walk a few feet and talk about what was going on, or perhaps he would go and talk to that person who had briefly looked at him, which would most likely result in something useful.

But, sadly he was unable to make a decision on what to do about his current situation, and the most progress he made would be moving a couple of feet closer to the rest of the group, this he thought may trigger some kind of inclusion in the events unfolding.
Johnny looked towards the direction his name was said with the same solemn look that seemed to be glued to his face since birth.

"...Oh, hey Levi..." he muttered, before looking at the ground again. Levi was the epitome of all Johnny wasn't. The core example being he actually had a Damn backbone. There was no resentment toward Levi. More of, Johnny came more to terms with how ashamed he was of himself when his little brother was around. He was sure Levi already had an understanding of what was going on.

Whether on purpose or not, Johnny began walking away from the group, and further in the cave. He didn't feel like he was of any use to the others. He looked up to see what the others were going on about; a door. He looked around for somewhere less prone to being so attention driven, and found a narrow opening to a chasm. Perfect. He can't annoy people if he's not around them. Sounds logic- For an idiot.
Sabrina, noticing that no one noticed her scream, ran over to a wall and sat down. Being the loner and such that she always was, she decided to just stay there until everyone waas gone and then she could go exploring. She wanted to see the entire island by herself, and wanted to be alone so that she wouldn't be distracted by anyone else.
Whatever the serpent was going to say next, she had forgotten, as more and more of the humans are getting up and running around, including a not-human that started screaming. She glanced at the source for a moment – a dragon girl who had just run off. The serpent almost rolled her eyes. Dragons. So overdramatic whenever they find out their scaled weren’t quite as shiny as the day before. But this girl, the one with the pale hair petting her, that was nice. Kind of like a super-friendly handshake. And this man could understand what she was saying, that was helpful. The other man was admonishing the young girls for putting themselves into danger – the serpent nodded, he made very important points. The blonde girl should have been taking notes, the serpent didn’t yet have the heart to inform her that was awake though.

“You all, in front of me,” she tried to think at the entire group in case they were all telepaths. “You should look for a lighthouse.” She reared back up slowly, looking down at the humans again, and then turned around and started pushing herself back into deeper water.

“Uhmmm… just… be careful, okay? Watch out for each other. And for big yellow metal chariots falling out of the sky.”



@The Akolite


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