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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Light said:
Julie raises her arms and covers them with Dragon scales to protect herself from the punch. She gets knocked over the ledge and falls back down into the pit with Bruce. Both of her arms look broken. Though the bombs seem to come through, blowing up. Flames engulf the entire floor she was on. Julie let's out an almost maniacal laugh as she lays broken on the floor. In the middle of a fight. "I've won!" She says out loud. Sometimes she questions her own sanity.
The golem charges at Bruce. It fires several rocks out of its chest while raising it's fist to smash him.
Bruce uses his free hand to strike at the rocks, breaking them into pieces. He fires the ki blast straight into the golem's stomach, having to take the thing's fist at the same time, which may or may not have been worth it.
Daimao said:
"As you wish," Alpha replied, before his body melted into an inky black liquid, before reforming into his Cerberus form, standing about as tall as Jackie. He then crouched low and knocked Jackie's legs out from under her so that she landed on his back. All three heads growling, he walked through the portal.
Both Jackie and Alpha are now in in a dome like room. The ceiling is at least 30 feet above the ground and the large dome seems to be an indoor amusement park. There are water rides and roller coasters. Even clowns. There were many paths you could take to navigate through this place. "Hello my guests. It's a shame you've came here because you're going to die here. You shouldn't have learned the truth.. Dragon's Roar. Instead of fighting lackeys... I'll take you on myself. Since I do need entertainment. You two should suffice." Schniezel steps out in front of them. A sword in his grasp.

It was instantaneous. Three people have been summoned to one location in an instant. Two out of the three were previously affiliated with Dragon's Roar. While the third was a pupil. They were summoned to the Capitol of the Deity realm in the very kitchen in which the others disappeared in by one man. Grimm. "Hello hello! It looks like I'll have to fill you in on something's. Would you care to listen?" ( @Wings @TheGodSnake )


Afrobrony said:
Bruce uses his free hand to strike at the rocks, breaking them into pieces. He fires the ki blast straight into the golem's stomach, having to take the thing's fist at the same time, which may or may not have been worth it.
The fist makes contact with Bruce at the same time the golden falls apart. Usually the golden would be invincible as well but due to them reaching the requirements to kill originals. They were like any other golem. The executioner wastes no time swinging his large axe in Bruce's direction.
Cricket was just minding her own business doing her own thing when suddenly, she was summoned, against her will, into a kitchen. Of the three other people there only one was a member of Dragon's Roar. The other was probably a pupil of the member and a lone man standing in the kitchen. He seemed very energetic and was talking to them. "First off, how the hell was I moved here from the other side of the city in a second and second, mind telling me why I'm here?" She werecat crossed her arms defensively in retrospect to the man.

Light said:
The fist makes contact with Bruce at the same time the golden falls apart. Usually the golden would be invincible as well but due to them reaching the requirements to kill originals. They were like any other golem. The executioner wastes no time swinging his large axe in Bruce's direction.
Bruce falls to the floor upon impact. As he watches the golem fall apart he thinks to himself "a little too easy, but I guess I still gotta deal with this guy." He turns around just in time to kick one of his legs up and stop the axe by the hilt before it gets him. "And that was little too close." He pushes himself away from the executioner.
Light said:
Julie raises her arms and covers them with Dragon scales to protect herself from the punch. She gets knocked over the ledge and falls back down into the pit with Bruce. Both of her arms look broken. Though the bombs seem to come through, blowing up. Flames engulf the entire floor she was on. Julie let's out an almost maniacal laugh as she lays broken on the floor. In the middle of a fight. "I've won!" She says out loud. Sometimes she questions her own sanity.
The golem charges at Bruce. It fires several rocks out of its chest while raising it's fist to smash him.
A small, amused chuckle rumbles from the balcony, which lies in shambles. The man peers over the ledge, smile still present appearing to be completely unharmed, besides some pieces of his hair being singed. "On the contrary, I believe that I have the upper hand. Unfortunately, I lost one of my pieces in this game," He nudges the creature, broken, bloodied, and burned, over the edge, and it free falls to the ground, landing in a way that breaks a multitude of it's bones, but, in the end, does not kill it. It shifts and twitches, letting out small moans of pain, until eventually it goes still and falls silent.

The man seems unphased and unbothered, and he holds out one of his hands, "Perhaps you'd like more of challenge, then," he waves his hands, and out of the shrapnel of the balcony, forms something four legged and about the length of an average car. Once he deems it satisfactory, he leans down and gently blows on the creation, and all the stone falls away and reveals a small, albeit strong looking dragon, with white scales and pales eyes. The man jerks his head towards her and mutters something to it, and it looks down at Julie with piercing eyes. After a moment of intense studying, the dragon lets out a roar in challenge.
Light said:
Both Jackie and Alpha are now in in a dome like room. The ceiling is at least 30 feet above the ground and the large dome seems to be an indoor amusement park. There are water rides and roller coasters. Even clowns. There were many paths you could take to navigate through this place. "Hello my guests. It's a shame you've came here because you're going to die here. You shouldn't have learned the truth.. Dragon's Roar. Instead of fighting lackeys... I'll take you on myself. Since I do need entertainment. You two should suffice." Schniezel steps out in front of them. A sword in his grasp.
It was instantaneous. Three people have been summoned to one location in an instant. Two out of the three were previously affiliated with Dragon's Roar. While the third was a pupil. They were summoned to the Capitol of the Deity realm in the very kitchen in which the others disappeared in by one man. Grimm. "Hello hello! It looks like I'll have to fill you in on something's. Would you care to listen?" ( @Wings @TheGodSnake )


The fist makes contact with Bruce at the same time the golden falls apart. Usually the golden would be invincible as well but due to them reaching the requirements to kill originals. They were like any other golem. The executioner wastes no time swinging his large axe in Bruce's direction.
Alpha and Beta growl at Schniezel, as Gamma cackles like a hyena. Glaring at the man holding the sword, Alpha opens his fanged maw, firing a beam of magical energy at Schniezel. Meanwhile, Gamma continued to laugh. Because he was Gamma.
Light said:
Both Jackie and Alpha are now in in a dome like room. The ceiling is at least 30 feet above the ground and the large dome seems to be an indoor amusement park. There are water rides and roller coasters. Even clowns. There were many paths you could take to navigate through this place. "Hello my guests. It's a shame you've came here because you're going to die here. You shouldn't have learned the truth.. Dragon's Roar. Instead of fighting lackeys... I'll take you on myself. Since I do need entertainment. You two should suffice." Schniezel steps out in front of them. A sword in his grasp.
Daimao said:
Alpha and Beta growl at Schniezel, as Gamma cackles like a hyena. Glaring at the man holding the sword, Alpha opens his fanged maw, firing a beam of magical energy at Schniezel. Meanwhile, Gamma continued to laugh. Because he was Gamma.
Jackie shakes her head at Schniezel, "Damn, and here I thought we were gonna have a whale of a time at Six Flags," she takes off her shirt, leaving her in a sports bra, and four tendrils sprout out of her lower back, writhing like snakes, as two others grow from her shoulder blades, though these ones have serpents that resemble deep sea fish. She pulls out her pistols and fired at Schiezel as Alpha attacks him.
Wings said:
Cricket was just minding her own business doing her own thing when suddenly, she was summoned, against her will, into a kitchen. Of the three other people there only one was a member of Dragon's Roar. The other was probably a pupil of the member and a lone man standing in the kitchen. He seemed very energetic and was talking to them. "First off, how the hell was I moved here from the other side of the city in a second and second, mind telling me why I'm here?" She werecat crossed her arms defensively in retrospect to the man.
"Well this is because Dragon's Roar is banding back together! They're going to fight the Originals, the beings that created the universe and deities themselves. They control fate meaning they have controlled everything you have done in your life up until now. You can only kill an Original by being cut free from the strings of fate and having the blessing of a deity. Once you are told of their existance you are instantly cut free from them. So now... All three of you truly are free and have a will of your own. I also happen to be a deity! The deity of Death and Torture at your service! So you three have a choice now! Join Dragon's Roar in their quest to slay all the Originals whom have royally messed up your lives. Or just live on and leave. Jackie, Alpha, Julie, and Bruce have jumped in that portal already." He points towards the portal a couple feet away from them. "Enter there to join them if you'd like."

( @TheGodSnake )

Afrobrony said:
Bruce falls to the floor upon impact. As he watches the golem fall apart he thinks to himself "a little too easy, but I guess I still gotta deal with this guy." He turns around just in time to kick one of his legs up and stop the axe by the hilt before it gets him. "And that was little too close." He pushes himself away from the executioner.
CelticSol said:
A small, amused chuckle rumbles from the balcony, which lies in shambles. The man peers over the ledge, smile still present appearing to be completely unharmed, besides some pieces of his hair being singed. "On the contrary, I believe that I have the upper hand. Unfortunately, I lost one of my pieces in this game," He nudges the creature, broken, bloodied, and burned, over the edge, and it free falls to the ground, landing in a way that breaks a multitude of it's bones, but, in the end, does not kill it. It shifts and twitches, letting out small moans of pain, until eventually it goes still and falls silent.
The man seems unphased and unbothered, and he holds out one of his hands, "Perhaps you'd like more of challenge, then," he waves his hands, and out of the shrapnel of the balcony, forms something four legged and about the length of an average car. Once he deems it satisfactory, he leans down and gently blows on the creation, and all the stone falls away and reveals a small, albeit strong looking dragon, with white scales and pales eyes. The man jerks his head towards her and mutters something to it, and it looks down at Julie with piercing eyes. After a moment of intense studying, the dragon lets out a roar in challenge.
The Executioner starts to fire rock melting beams out of its eyes at Bruce. It continues to charge him. His axe splits in half. Becoming more light weight now that he has two.

Julie attempts to get up the best she can without being able to use her arms. She throws her head back and let's out a completely crazy laugh as if she couldn't contain her excitement. While she does this she heals her arms to an at least useable condition. "Don't blame me if I rip you creation apart." Julie has completely lost it. She's imagining Tenebris being the prize if she wins. Which is making her yandere side show out. She backs up into the wall behind her and phases into it. She drops down on top of the Dragon and phases her hand into its back. She makes it become physical and grabs onto an organ, she swiftly crushes it and phases through its body to drop into the ground. She hides in the darkness waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

Daimao said:
Alpha and Beta growl at Schniezel, as Gamma cackles like a hyena. Glaring at the man holding the sword, Alpha opens his fanged maw, firing a beam of magical energy at Schniezel. Meanwhile, Gamma continued to laugh. Because he was Gamma.
CelticSol said:
Jackie shakes her head at Schniezel, "Damn, and here I thought we were gonna have a whale of a time at Six Flags," she takes off her shirt, leaving her in a sports bra, and four tendrils sprout out of her lower back, writhing like snakes, as two others grow from her shoulder blades, though these ones have serpents that resemble deep sea fish. She pulls out her pistols and fired at Schiezel as Alpha attacks him.
Schniezel whistles and shakes his head. The bullets stop in front of him and come together to form a reflective plate. Thus making the magic beam ricochet and rocket towards Alpha's separate heads. Schniezel backlinks onto a rollercoaster that travels around the dome right when it came to their area. He expects them to jump on as well while it's passing by. "Lets make this amusing shall we?"
Light said:
"Well this is because Dragon's Roar is banding back together! They're going to fight the Originals, the beings that created the universe and deities themselves. They control fate meaning they have controlled everything you have done in your life up until now. You can only kill an Original by being cut free from the strings of fate and having the blessing of a deity. Once you are told of their existance you are instantly cut free from them. So now... All three of you truly are free and have a will of your own. I also happen to be a deity! The deity of Death and Torture at your service! So you three have a choice now! Join Dragon's Roar in their quest to slay all the Originals whom have royally messed up your lives. Or just live on and leave. Jackie, Alpha, Julie, and Bruce have jumped in that portal already." He points towards the portal a couple feet away from them. "Enter there to join them if you'd like."
( @TheGodSnake )

The Executioner starts to fire rock melting beams out of its eyes at Bruce. It continues to charge him. His axe splits in half. Becoming more light weight now that he has two.

Julie attempts to get up the best she can without being able to use her arms. She throws her head back and let's out a completely crazy laugh as if she couldn't contain her excitement. While she does this she heals her arms to an at least useable condition. "Don't blame me if I rip you creation apart." Julie has completely lost it. She's imagining Tenebris being the prize if she wins. Which is making her yandere side show out. She backs up into the wall behind her and phases into it. She drops down on top of the Dragon and phases her hand into its back. She makes it become physical and grabs onto an organ, she swiftly crushes it and phases through its body to drop into the ground. She hides in the darkness waiting for the next opportunity to attack.

Schniezel whistles and shakes his head. The bullets stop in front of him and come together to form a reflective plate. Thus making the magic beam ricochet and rocket towards Alpha's separate heads. Schniezel backlinks onto a rollercoaster that travels around the dome right when it came to their area. He expects them to jump on as well while it's passing by. "Lets make this amusing shall we?"
Bruce rolls out of the way of the beams, jumping up as soon as he can and dashing straight for the executioner. "You're just full of surprises." He draws and swings his sword just as he gets close.
Sonter felt the pull of a summons and turned to Nopos, "Brace yourself, be ready for a fight," as they suddenly appeared in a kitchen, Sonter saw Grimm and stopped himself from drawing a weapon, this was a man who could kill him and Nopos instantly. After listening to Grimms explanation Sonter shrugged, "Nothing good has ever come out of me being around the people from dragons roar, I think my student and I will leave. As Sonter turned to leave Nopos blocked his way, "You cant just leave them to die, what if they actually need our help. youve taught me to not hold grudges, you have to stay to that too."

Sonter turned back around and Sighed, "fine, we'll go, what can we expect on the opposite side of this portal?"

TheGodSnake said:
Sonter felt the pull of a summons and turned to Nopos, "Brace yourself, be ready for a fight," as they suddenly appeared in a kitchen, Sonter saw Grimm and stopped himself from drawing a weapon, this was a man who could kill him and Nopos instantly. After listening to Grimms explanation Sonter shrugged, "Nothing good has ever come out of me being around the people from dragons roar, I think my student and I will leave. As Sonter turned to leave Nopos blocked his way, "You cant just leave them to die, what if they actually need our help. youve taught me to not hold grudges, you have to stay to that too."
Sonter turned back around and Sighed, "fine, we'll go, what can we expect on the opposite side of this portal?"

Grimm smiles. "Oh! Most likely death or a trap or an ambush. Sounds fun doesn't it? The most you can expect is running into the others though. Maybe you might find Mist in there.... he's never returned since his secret travel into the Originals realm."
Sonter cursed quietly, "Little brother... Fine Nopos, Lets move" Sonter walked through the portal, Nopos close behind. their world went dark as the portal absorbed them.

(gtg to work, wont be back til midnight EST, care to lay out where they exit the portal for me @Light?)
Afrobrony said:
Bruce rolls out of the way of the beams, jumping up as soon as he can and dashing straight for the executioner. "You're just full of surprises." He draws and swings his sword just as he gets close.
The executioner intentionally let's Bruce slice into his stomach, thus cutting it open. Magma and large leech like organisms spill out and flow in Bruce's direction. At least 20 leeches come out.

TheGodSnake said:
Sonter cursed quietly, "Little brother... Fine Nopos, Lets move" Sonter walked through the portal, Nopos close behind. their world went dark as the portal absorbed them.
(gtg to work, wont be back til midnight EST, care to lay out where they exit the portal for me @Light?)
Both Nopos and Sonter appear in the amusement park beside Jackie and Alpha. Pitted against an Original named Schniezel riding a rollercoaster expecting them to jump on as well to continue their fight on it.
Light said:
The executioner intentionally let's Bruce slice into his stomach, thus cutting it open. Magma and large leech like organisms spill out and flow in Bruce's direction. At least 20 leeches come out.
Both Nopos and Sonter appear in the amusement park beside Jackie and Alpha. Pitted against an Original named Schniezel riding a rollercoaster expecting them to jump on as well to continue their fight on it.
"Shit!" Bruce spins around behind the executioner, slicing at the leeches "I am not letting your guts touch me, mister." He thinks about the beams that came out of his eyes, "what a painful existence, attacking people with your insides."
Afrobrony said:
"Shit!" Bruce spins around behind the executioner, slicing at the leeches "I am not letting your guts touch me, mister." He thinks about the beams that came out of his eyes, "what a painful existence, attacking people with your insides."
The leeches start to spew magma and jump at him. If they acquire enough blood. They themselves turn into executioners. The executioner itself continues to shoot beams out of its eyes but cannot move.
Light said:
The leeches start to spew magma and jump at him. If they acquire enough blood. They themselves turn into executioners. The executioner itself continues to shoot beams out of its eyes but cannot move.
Bruce continues to slice through the leeches, hitting most of them before they can latch on, he isn't able to get them all due to the lack of distance between him and the executioner to begin with.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce continues to slice through the leeches, hitting most of them before they can latch on, he isn't able to get them all due to the lack of distance between him and the executioner to begin with.
Two leeches latch on to his arm and start to suck blood. The last 8 leeches continue to Chase him and spew magma as the executioner continues to fire beams.
Light said:
Two leeches latch on to his arm and start to suck blood. The last 8 leeches continue to Chase him and spew magma as the executioner continues to fire beams.
Bruce takes a second to think about whether or not to bite the leeches to give them a taste of their own medicine but realizes that maybe not the best idea considering they spew magma. He ignores the two on his arm for the time being to take care of the others, grabbing the executioner's head and turning it to blast the leeches with the eye beams.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce takes a second to think about whether or not to bite the leeches to give them a taste of their own medicine but realizes that maybe not the best idea considering they spew magma. He ignores the two on his arm for the time being to take care of the others, grabbing the executioner's head and turning it to blast the leeches with the eye beams.
The beams wipe out all the leeches but the two on his arm are about to be filled. Once they are, they'll turn into executioners themselves. The original executioner is still alive and is firing beams out of its eyes. The cut on its stomach stops spilling things out.
Light said:
The beams wipe out all the leeches but the two on his arm are about to be filled. Once they are, they'll turn into executioners themselves. The original executioner is still alive and is firing beams out of its eyes. The cut on its stomach stops spilling things out.
Bruce rips the leeches off his arm, in the hopes that they didn't get too much of his blood and cuts the head off of the executioner.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce rips the leeches off his arm, in the hopes that they didn't get too much of his blood and cuts the head off of the executioner.
The executioner finally falls, dead. The last two leeches crawl along the floors. Ready to pounce at him again.
Light said:
The executioner finally falls, dead. The last two leeches crawl along the floors. Ready to pounce at him again.
Bruce just simply jumps forward, landing and squishing the last two leeches.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce just simply jumps forward, landing and squishing the last two leeches.
The executioner is now completely gone. Leaving Bruce with the option of standing there or assisting Julie.
Light said:
Julie attempts to get up the best she can without being able to use her arms. She throws her head back and let's out a completely crazy laugh as if she couldn't contain her excitement. While she does this she heals her arms to an at least useable condition. "Don't blame me if I rip you creation apart." Julie has completely lost it. She's imagining Tenebris being the prize if she wins. Which is making her yandere side show out. She backs up into the wall behind her and phases into it. She drops down on top of the Dragon and phases her hand into its back. She makes it become physical and grabs onto an organ, she swiftly crushes it and phases through its body to drop into the ground. She hides in the darkness waiting for the next opportunity to attack.
The dragon roars in pain, then barrels directly at her due to it's ability to see in the dark, tanking her over and pinning her arms to the ground. It roars into her face, practically deafening her with the volume, then bites into her neck.

Light said:
Schniezel whistles and shakes his head. The bullets stop in front of him and come together to form a reflective plate. Thus making the magic beam ricochet and rocket towards Alpha's separate heads. Schniezel backlinks onto a rollercoaster that travels around the dome right when it came to their area. He expects them to jump on as well while it's passing by. "Lets make this amusing shall we?"
Jackie slides off Alpha's back and shoves him forcefully to the side, causing the beams to go wide. She grumbles something along the lines of 'you're fucking heavy', glancing at the reflective plate Schniezel made with her bullets. She sighs, "Just my luck, get the motherfucker who controls metal," She slides the shotgun off her shoulder and throws it down, along with her pistols. She stands up, "Why should we put ourselves on what should be the stupidest fucking battleground I've ever seen? I'm fine down here, thanks."
Light said:
The executioner is now completely gone. Leaving Bruce with the option of standing there or assisting Julie.

Bruce chooses door number two of helping Julie. He runs off in the direction that she chased the figure from before. "At least that fight didn't take too much out of me, just some blood."

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