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Fantasy Dragon's Roar 2: The Destruction of Fate ( Finished )

Simi is spit out of a portal last minute before she's enveloped by the blast. She ends up in the kitchen of the capitol building of the deity realm. A shell or cocoon made out of dragon scales drops in afterwards. It had a snake of witch mana design coiled around it. It seemed like whatever was inside wasn't moving. It was either dead or asleep.
Afrobrony said:
Bruce awakens as he's portaled into the guild building, feeling the pain from his attack bite him the second he opened his eyes. He set himself up on his elbows and looked all around him. "Did I actually make it through all that? Yeah... yeah I did." He turned and sat up, looking at Isaac and thinking "we made it, buddy, we survived and that's all that matters." He stood up with his pain still running through his body. The other guild members were going to have a lot on their hands already with everyone else and their injuries, no need to be burdened by one more person. He hobbled along the walls until he finally reached his room where he sat on his bed and used his ki on his reopened scars to cauterize them.
Bruce dressed himself up in the clothes he'd worn to the party, as they were all he had, and made his way to a portal to the mortal realm (because that's the only method he has). Yeah, he was done after getting ripped apart and killed, he'd thought he was always brave and strong enough to handle the threat of death but after all that Bruce was cool with staying out of that. "See you later shitlords!" he yelled out as he went through the portal and to his new life as a legitimate business man and not a cold hearted criminal, that was going to stay the past... as far as he could see.
Isaac watched as Bruce left not saying anything. Mostly because he was speechless that Bruce was actually leaving, but he could also understand why he left dying isn't the greatest feeling ever, Isaac knew from experience. So he had an idea of what Bruce felt like, and he knew he couldn't stop him so he got up and went to his room. Isaac then flopped onto his bed and went to sleep thinking "We just won a war, we are so awesome."
Light said:
Mist doesn't even say a word for a moment as he stares. "Uuuhh... well stuff is sticking out. I don't know if that's safe." Mist slightly pokes it. "Yeah definitely not safe. When did this happen? What was that explosion about?"
Jackie jerks away from his touch, even the slight pressure bringing stabbing pain into her shoulder. "Happened about 5 minutes ago. Isabel had a mana overflow and blew up," She looks at the cocoon when it skitters across the floor, then lays down on her back, entirely done, "This is bullshit. Our leader just turned into a fucking egg."


Timor doesn't react immediately, instead keeping her back turned to Julie. "She is safe, Julianne. I am sure of it; Simi wouldn't let anything happen to your grandmother. As for your sister..." Timor trails off, then continues, her tone more controlled and cautious. "She is alive. Whatever state she is in at this moment, I know this for sure. Grimm would've contacted me if either of them were dead."


Light said:
Simi is spit out of a portal last minute before she's enveloped by the blast. She ends up in the kitchen of the capitol building of the deity realm. A shell or cocoon made out of dragon scales drops in afterwards. It had a snake of witch mana design coiled around it. It seemed like whatever was inside wasn't moving. It was either dead or asleep.
Simi feels only a portion of the burn before she's spit out onto the floor of the kitchen, and she somewhat slides across the floor, her hair a disheveled mess and windblown, but she seems alright. She skitters out of the way of the cocoon after, yelping as she tries to avoid getting crushed underneath it. She circles it, and when she judges that it isn't going to bite her or explode or something, she presses her palms on the surface, "Quod caleat," She whispers, then when she puts her ear to it, she rears her head up with wide eyes. "Ut spiret... Hoc... Numquid iste est domina?"

Latin Translation

Quod caleat = It is warm

Ut spiret = It breathes

Hoc... Numquid iste est domina? = Is this... Is this the mistress?​

Light said:
Grimm has Layla float upside down. Sitting on his lap side ways. He has the face of Jigsaw. While he rides the tricycle. "It's alright. I bought you nice ride. We've got nice rims." He points to the standard tricycle wheel. "Kick ass engine." He points towards the rusty chains. "You know your friends are jealous. It's all yours after I take a spin in it. It's time to catch ourselves a wild Harbinger." A pokemon trainers clothes appear on him as he starts to move. "Don't even get me started on the roar of the engine." The tricycle seems to be giving off sounds as if it were old. He moves through a portal. Making a slow journey towards Harbinger.
Layla smiles wide enough that it crinkles her eyes, "They are positively green with envy. They long for a husband with as 'sweet' of a ride as mine has," She loops her arms around his neck as they make their overly slow progress, leaning her head in the junction of his shoulder and his neck, and sighs contently, "That was a close call for me. I'm surprised to be alive," She turns his head so she can kiss his cheek, then she kisses his lips chastely, "I'm glad to see you unharmed, though."

CelticSol said:
Jackie jerks away from his touch, even the slight pressure bringing stabbing pain into her shoulder. "Happened about 5 minutes ago. Isabel had a mana overflow and blew up," She looks at the cocoon when it skitters across the floor, then lays down on her back, entirely done, "This is bullshit. Our leader just turned into a fucking egg."
Simi feels only a portion of the burn before she's spit out onto the floor of the kitchen, and she somewhat slides across the floor, her hair a disheveled mess and windblown, but she seems alright. She skitters out of the way of the cocoon after, yelping as she tries to avoid getting crushed underneath it. She circles it, and when she judges that it isn't going to bite her or explode or something, she presses her palms on the surface, "Quod caleat," She whispers, then when she puts her ear to it, she rears her head up with wide eyes. "Ut spiret... Hoc... Numquid iste est domina?"

Latin Translation

Quod caleat = It is warm

Ut spiret = It breathes

Hoc... Numquid iste est domina? = Is this... Is this the mistress?​

Layla smiles wide enough that it crinkles her eyes, "They are positively green with envy. They long for a husband with as 'sweet' of a ride as mine has," She loops her arms around his neck as they make their overly slow progress, leaning her head in the junction of his shoulder and his neck, and sighs contently, "That was a close call for me. I'm surprised to be alive," She turns his head so she can kiss his cheek, then she kisses his lips chastely, "I'm glad to see you unharmed, though."
The cocoon has the witch design come to life. The witch mana snake rises off the cocoon. "I apologize for her current state. I would have left her body the way it was in a comatose state but her body was breaking apart and her skin was boiling under the exoskeleton. She also blew up afterwards. She's not a very pretty sight at the moment." The snake moves around and examines the room. "Dragon's Roar must govern the deity realm in her place until I decide it is time she should awaken. I hope you all understand the responsibility coming with this and I assume she would apologize for having to shift this burden upon the guild. Consult me if you need anything concerning Isabella. This is goodbye..... for now." The snake retreats and could around the cocoon. It turns back into a design.

Mist sighs and looks at Jackie. "Yay?"

Grimm nods his head and smiles. "I'm glad to see that you're alright as well." He doesn't hesitate to kiss her as if he hasn't seen her in years. He exits the portal on the other side and ends up in Harbingers location. The Jigsaw theme plays as he rolls up to the original. He has jigsaws face as well. "Hello Harbinger..... I'd like to play a game. You have gone to far lengths to not only anger my granddaughters guild. But to anger both my wife and I. You are the original of creation and the beginning. I am the entity that shall show you the end."
Light said:
The cocoon has the witch design come to life. The witch mana snake rises off the cocoon. "I apologize for her current state. I would have left her body the way it was in a comatose state but her body was breaking apart and her skin was boiling under the exoskeleton. She also blew up afterwards. She's not a very pretty sight at the moment." The snake moves around and examines the room. "Dragon's Roar must govern the deity realm in her place until I decide it is time she should awaken. I hope you all understand the responsibility coming with this and I assume she would apologize for having to shift this burden upon the guild. Consult me if you need anything concerning Isabella. This is goodbye..... for now." The snake retreats and could around the cocoon. It turns back into a design.
Mist sighs and looks at Jackie. "Yay?"
Jackie looks between the egg and Mist, then shakes her head, struggling to her feet and holding up her unharmed arm in a gesture of 'fuck this', "Nope. Nope. I did not just almost die to have some snake bitch tell me I have to take care of a realm of child abusers/deities. I'm not done. I'm out. I'm going to Fiji," Jackie puts her fingers in her mouth and lets out a perfect, New Yorker taxi cab whistle, and Maverick appears beside her, grabbing her arms as he waits for her command, "Drop me off at Selai's, and while she deals with my arm, book me a resort in Fiji. Also, find Alpha and tell him he's invited and that there'll be lots of booze," He nods, and the two of them disappear.

(@Daimao )


(If you want to feel what Jackie is feeling, this is it.)

Light said:
Grimm nods his head and smiles. "I'm glad to see that you're alright as well." He doesn't hesitate to kiss her as if he hasn't seen her in years. He exits the portal on the other side and ends up in Harbingers location. The Jigsaw theme plays as he rolls up to the original. He has jigsaws face as well. "Hello Harbinger..... I'd like to play a game. You have gone to far lengths to not only anger my granddaughters guild. But to anger both my wife and I. You are the original of creation and the beginning. I am the entity that shall show you the end."
Harbinger is crouched outside the remains of Schniezel's castle, ruined by the explosion. His usually pristine robes are dirtied by dust and soot at the bottom, his fingers running over the flat of Schniezel's sword, his body either missing or vaporized by the explosion. He stands when he hears Grimm and Layla's approach, keeping his back turned to them, and he laughs bitterly, "Yes, yes. Victory is sweet, isn't it, Grimm? Death has won over Life again, and now you have come to claim my life for my crimes, which are judged by those who don't understand our purpose," He turns finally, and his smile is forced and pained, "But, who am I? My side has lost, and now it is me against a Deity, and a woman who has slain not one, but two deities," He drops the sword, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender, "I have lost, and I surrender. There is no purpose in me fighting a battle I have no hope to win. You may kill me, if you wish, and you will have no resistance from me," His gaze hardens, and his smile grows with malevolence, the look in his eyes akin to someone with nothing left to lose, "But before you strike the final blow, perhaps you should know the full consequence of your actions."

Harbinger looks directly at Grimm as he walks to him, keeping his hands up, "You see, every creation is tied to me, and every life I have created is bonded to my own life force," Layla's face grows steely, betraying nothing, but her hand grips Grimm's arm very tightly, "And from my own creation to now, I have created hundreds of thousands sentinent beings, who have gone and created lives and families of their own, including the lovely woman standing beside you. However, and pardon my own hubris, but I never imagined that there would be a day someone would hate me enough to try and kill me, so I never took actions to preserve them if my life were ever in danger, so-"

"If he dies, so do we," Layla cuts in, her eyes focused on Harbinger's face with a sharp enough gaze that it could cut through steel.

He smiles, "Very smart, Layla. Yes, it's true. If I were to die, she, and every one of her kin, would die. Any creature I've ever created would die, so not only would your family be in ruin, but you'd also be solely responsible for every other family you ruined. Every life tied to Layla's, including the goddess of healing and purity-" Layla snarls at this, and Harbinger casts her an amused glance, "-would die with her, and that's not even taking into account the other fall outs of her death. Valhalla would be left without a leader and without law, with the crown falling to a child barely 8 years old. Itami would have another grave he'd become obsessed with defending, and every secret Layla's kept, every treasure she's ever guarded would be fair game," Harbinger tilts his head to the side, "But again, this is your choice. Do not think this is a last ditch effort to preserve my life; you may still kill me, if you wish, but I wanted you to know the price of your decision," He raises his head proudly, his expression fierce, "So, decide, Deity of Death. You came here to claim a life, and I expect you to be able to decide between killing the Originals, or reaping my soul, the thousands tied to it, and the soul of your wife."
CelticSol said:
Jackie looks between the egg and Mist, then shakes her head, struggling to her feet and holding up her unharmed arm in a gesture of 'fuck this', "Nope. Nope. I did not just almost die to have some snake bitch tell me I have to take care of a realm of child abusers/deities. I'm not done. I'm out. I'm going to Fiji," Jackie puts her fingers in her mouth and lets out a perfect, New Yorker taxi cab whistle, and Maverick appears beside her, grabbing her arms as he waits for her command, "Drop me off at Selai's, and while she deals with my arm, book me a resort in Fiji. Also, find Alpha and tell him he's invited and that there'll be lots of booze," He nods, and the two of them disappear.
(@Daimao )


(If you want to feel what Jackie is feeling, this is it.)

Harbinger is crouched outside the remains of Schniezel's castle, ruined by the explosion. His usually pristine robes are dirtied by dust and soot at the bottom, his fingers running over the flat of Schniezel's sword, his body either missing or vaporized by the explosion. He stands when he hears Grimm and Layla's approach, keeping his back turned to them, and he laughs bitterly, "Yes, yes. Victory is sweet, isn't it, Grimm? Death has won over Life again, and now you have come to claim my life for my crimes, which are judged by those who don't understand our purpose," He turns finally, and his smile is forced and pained, "But, who am I? My side has lost, and now it is me against a Deity, and a woman who has slain not one, but two deities," He drops the sword, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender, "I have lost, and I surrender. There is no purpose in me fighting a battle I have no hope to win. You may kill me, if you wish, and you will have no resistance from me," His gaze hardens, and his smile grows with malevolence, the look in his eyes akin to someone with nothing left to lose, "But before you strike the final blow, perhaps you should know the full consequence of your actions."

Harbinger looks directly at Grimm as he walks to him, keeping his hands up, "You see, every creation is tied to me, and every life I have created is bonded to my own life force," Layla's face grows steely, betraying nothing, but her hand grips Grimm's arm very tightly, "And from my own creation to now, I have created hundreds of thousands sentinent beings, who have gone and created lives and families of their own, including the lovely woman standing beside you. However, and pardon my own hubris, but I never imagined that there would be a day someone would hate me enough to try and kill me, so I never took actions to preserve them if my life were ever in danger, so-"

"If he dies, so do we," Layla cuts in, her eyes focused on Harbinger's face with a sharp enough gaze that it could cut through steel.

He smiles, "Very smart, Layla. Yes, it's true. If I were to die, she, and every one of her kin, would die. Any creature I've ever created would die, so not only would your family be in ruin, but you'd also be solely responsible for every other family you ruined. Every life tied to Layla's, including the goddess of healing and purity-" Layla snarls at this, and Harbinger casts her an amused glance, "-would die with her, and that's not even taking into account the other fall outs of her death. Valhalla would be left without a leader and without law, with the crown falling to a child barely 8 years old. Itami would have another grave he'd become obsessed with defending, and every secret Layla's kept, every treasure she's ever guarded would be fair game," Harbinger tilts his head to the side, "But again, this is your choice. Do not think this is a last ditch effort to preserve my life; you may still kill me, if you wish, but I wanted you to know the price of your decision," He raises his head proudly, his expression fierce, "So, decide, Deity of Death. You came here to claim a life, and I expect you to be able to decide between killing the Originals, or reaping my soul, the thousands tied to it, and the soul of your wife."
Grimm thought about this. He's no longer sitting on the tricycle. Instead he's in his usual form holding Layla in his arms. If she didn't want to kill Harbinger she wouldn't have allowed him to get this far. Hey knew what he had to do but couldn't bring himself to do it immediately. He has chains grab on the each limb of Harbinger to pull him apart while a drill was slowly making its way to his chest. Grimm would have at least a minute before he's sitting in the splash zone with a broken heart. For once, he hated what he governed with a passion. To him death wasn't all too bad. He slightly understood why others found pain in it and tried to be as sympathetic as he could. Yet he could never be empathetic... until now. He could feel his legs growing weak as he falls back. He sits on the ground and holds Layla to him tightly, unable to say anything past the incoherent cries coming out of his mouth. This was no longer a game to him. Even in a serious situation he'd still find the time to make jokes. Yet here he was... feeling a cold pressure within him that he couldn't explain since he's never felt sorrow before. He started a death game and many people died. But for Layla... for one life. He'd do it all over again if it was to preserve her. He didn't care about her siblings and sadly didn't care all too much about Usagi at the moment. Layla is all that matters to him. She's all that will matter to him. She's all that has mattered to him. Who would restrict him from toying around with the lives of others because he ran out of legos? Who would he actually carry the emotion called love for? His family wasn't ideal but with Layla and her family. Even if he wasn't a truthful member, he did feel happier in a sense. Their child needed their mother more than anything. Their child wasn't brought up much between the two but he loved the child no less then he loved Layla. He couldn't bring himself to having their child go through this. If anything he'd lie and say Layla went for a very long vacation. He felt like he's failed his child and his wife. He wasn't allowed in Valhalla so who would take over? His bed, no the entire world to him would never feel as warm without her being there. All he would have left is their child which would pain him but at the same time give him a reason to push on without Layla.

( Harbinger dies in your response. )

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