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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Vyra flies over to her dragonkin brother. "What are you talking about?" she demands as she lands. She winces and relieves the pressure from her leg that was kicked by the hunter. "What's going on?" her voice shook with both anger and anxiety.

Eagle nodded at Az-rel and rushed inside the tent. Thankfully Lilith had finally woken up, "What's going on? Where are we? What's all that noise?" she demanded, but Eagle cut her off. "No time," he said quickly as he helped her to her feet, "We gotta run or we'll be stuck in a battle." Lilith's eyes widened in shock as Eagle pulled her outside and onto Niruth. Razor was already following Arkthes, so Niruth fell into step behind him. Eagle turned around and shouted to Vyra, "C'mon! We gotta go!"

Vyra looked from the group to the battle unfolding in front of her. She looked at the dragonkin standing with the Black Arrow and demanded, "Tell me what's going to happen to this settlement."

@Giga @MidnightStar89
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It seemed like they had to go, to clear the way for this new conflict that was arising. Thing is, Max had yet to fully move, Craig going after Razor and Niruth's before noticing the absence. He turned his head, clicking his jaw in such a way that his entire, icy form rattled loudly. "Max!" he called, "Come on!"

The human did make his way to his companion, but not to make his getaway; Max ripped that beautiful sword of his from the encasing ice on Craig's shoulder, taking a step or two back to catch himself from the force exerted. "I'll catch up," he decided, looking back at the currently endangered settlement, "I can make sure nothing happens t--"

"No way, let's go!"

A sudden glance - unnoticed by the others - had Craig silencing himself, surprised by the fiery earth of his rider's eyes.


It was a singular command that had the dragon moving again, remaining to the back of the others for security; he even went so far as to extend his wings like a protective shield and weigh them down with literal tons of ice. Nothing would be able to easily break through.

Max put the sword in its sheath and ran over to Vyra, giving a tug on her arm. "Don't worry," he told her, "I won't let anything happen to the settlement." It was a dead serious, honest statement. He would do everything in his power - which would be pretty damn impressive - to ensure its safety.

@AEchelon @Giga @MidnightStar89 //did I miss anyone
Jarak looked at the girl with a worrying, maybe a bit horrified face... even though it wasn't very visible under his hood. "Er... I don't really know, but these signals of reinforcements never mean good. If that one armored hunter almost killed us, what's an army of them going to do?" he apologized, scratching the back of his head after going silent.

"What he meant was that we're afraid of these people. They're strong and for some reason after out group. We are like black cats at the moment," Arkthes tried to explain, looking at the girl. "I know I definitely should not say this but... Jarak- er, I mean-... Cool, I messed it up. He's Jarak Kaera, alright? He didn't want to reveal his name because certain dragonkins here want him dead. He said that he knows you... I think he likes you," she said to her telepathically. Jarak raised an eyebrow, but the slight twitching of Ark's spikes revealed it. "No you didn't!?" he suddenly asked with a very whimpery voice, and the cave dragon lowered her head even more. The dragonkin facepalmed. "Oh god..."


Nifer let out a chuckle. "Excuse me? Friends? My friends are my bow and my steed, not some dragon huggers," she said, crossing her arms. Spek walked up to her and nudged her hand, which basically forced her to start petting his feathery neck. "Don't you have a horse or something?" she asked, while the bird gave that armored man a cold stare.

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Vyra turned to Max with worried eyes. She put a gentle hand on his and sighed. "This isn't your home. You should be with your friends." Then she heard Jyon speak to her and she turned to face him. Terror crept across her face as Jyon spoke, but then she heard the dragon's voice in her head. Jarak...? she widened her eyes and dropped her sword. "J-jarak?" at first she stepped back, but then she found a little courage to approach him. She pushed the hood away from his face and looked him in the eyes. She put a hand to her mouth and stepped back again, bumping into Max. "S-sorry..." she muttered, still staring at her old friend.
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"i do... and he is a breed of horses... one of a kind, hard to find, and the main reason your acquaintances could not kill my horse... you should leave nifer.... and dont ask me how i know your name, i know everything, but you should really leave if you value you life" he said "see there?" he said as he pointed towards the battle "more will come, itll be ugly" he said @MidnightStar89
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"War is coming, my sister dragonkin. Evacuate everyone in this settlement. You should go with them as well." said the assassin dragonkin. The Black Arrow looks at them and towards the entrance. He could hear them coming with his enhanced senses which he had acquired over the years of intensive training . "The Mercenary League has always been.. quite of an annoyance. They're wannabes. They know nothing of true assassin work. We'll make short work of them. You need to get away. Get away, very far. Go to the mountains if you must." The Black Arrow said. Az-Rel walked up to him "No. I'll stay and fig--" he was immediately interrupted by the Black Arrow. He grabbed him by the shoulders "I've done horrible things to people.. in the last few years.. But you never gave up on me.. and you never even commit a kill on a person whose soul has not been tainted with blood of his victims.. Get out now.." He said as he pushed him back. "Get on the bloody overgrown lizard, they're not as bad as you think. " he chuckled to Az-Rel as he equips his composite bow. "You think that I would actually leave you? We fight like before!" Az-Rel yelled back, he had no intention of leaving. Then, the Black Arrow turned back and look at him "He might come.. If he does, we both won't have a chance to survive.. let alone die quickly" he said in a low but threatened tone. Soon, shadows appear out of nowhere.. Some came by nearby forests, some came by horses and some.. actually came by a dark sky dragon. Before they even knew it, several members of the brotherhood has arrived. Each of them, sporting the same uniform but in lighter colors. It seems its very obvious that the Black Arrow is high top-ranked. Black Arrow hopes that all of them would leave now.. He might try not to kill anyone caught in his cross path but if his leader shows up.. It would be really different.. The leader of the Brotherhood is no joke. Nobody has ever lived to tell their encounters with him. He is literally death himself.. Black Arrow hopes that he doesn't shows up.. It depends on the severity of situation.. and things are looking really grim now.
Vyra snapped out of her shock of seeing Jarak and whirled around to look the Black Arrow and the dragonkin. "I'm not going anywhere," she retorted. "You'll have to drag me out kicking and screaming or dead." She raised her blade as shadows began to appear around her. She didn't recognize anyone and was a little bit frightened. She grabbed onto the closest person's hand, which happened to be Az-Rel's. She was trembling slightly, but there was a determination in her eyes that was unmistakably fierce. @Giga @Hoki @MidnightStar89
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Az-Rel looked at the dragonkin, looking slightly frightened and tried to calm her. "You need to clear out the settlement. My deepest apologies, your settlement will become a warzone soon.. We both do not want any innocent losses. There's nothing else you can do" he said, trying to somehow persuade the rather vigilant dragonkin.
Vyra blushed a little and let go of the man's hand. She from him, to the growing number of shadow assassins, to Max, to Jarak. Here eyes lingered on Jarak a little longer than on anyone else, and she sighed. "Okay..." She mumbled. Most of the dragonkin had fled anyway, but she rounded up as many people as she could find and led them towards the exit. She ran back over to Max and grabbed the boy's hand, tugging gently. "C'mon, this isn't our fight." She let go so that he could make his own decision and turned towards the exit. She didn't look at Jarak when she spoke, but her voice was quiet and unsure, "Please come with... I have so much to tell you..." Then she was gone, running for her life on an injured leg.

((We should wait for someone else to reply before continuing.))

@Giga @Hoki @MidnightStar89
the mercenary league, was filled with unqualified fighters until a year ago when a new leader took over, the dark hunter rode his horse to the estimated 100 or so mercenaries in formation, as they saw his armor, they all saluted to him. a mercenary came up to him and spoke "archer rain is ready high commander, just say the word sir!". he waits until he sees the brotherhood of shadows in the settlement yet the pack remains there "hmph.... archers!!! front row arrowhead!!!" the hunter said. the archers go out of their formation and makes a new formation resembling an arrowhead cone shape. "ready!!! steady!!!! aim!!!!" he shouted as the archers lit their arrows on fire and aimed high "FIRE!!!" he shouted, which then the singalmen made a hand singal, and the sky is suddenly filled with arrows flying up, then the arrows started to point down and fall at maximum velocity towards the dragonkin settlement like a rain of flaming arrows @Giga @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon
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Ghorza, a young female Orc, who is dream to see the other side of the mountains, and meeting other races that she hear from stories. She can't wait as she dream some more....

"GHORZA!!! WHERE ARE YOU? I'M HUMGRY!!!" Awaken from her dream, she hear her master calling her as she signs. She make dinner using a pig head (see in the picture) and walk to her Master. "Here I am, Master. Dinner here!" She place it on the table as Master is goggling up.

Once her jobs is finishes, she also asked her Master to give her some vacation. Now Ghorza is packing her stuff and wear a hooded-clock and headed outside her hometown.

"Cowards.. they won't even dare to face us" the dragonkin assassin said. There may be hundreds of them but there were only less than 30 Brotherhood Members. But these people are no simple assassins or mercenaries. Each one of them has even earn their own names across the continent. As the sky was filled with arrows, the Black Arrow gave a simple gesture, which resulted in all of them firing up an enchanted arrow to the sky which was basically generates a force field above them to prevent the arrows from raining on them. They still attempted to find cover
Vyra heard the flaming arrows barreling down towards them and instinctively grabbed onto Jarak, wrapping her wings around him. After she did this, she realized how the dragonkin probably didn't need this kind of protection, but it was something she used to do when they were little. "Sorry..." she muttered as she kept running.
Ghorza is walking somewhere in the forests. She can see the trees, the grass, a birds flying and some fresh airs. "Ahh.....its so wonderful....I can't believe I spend all day in the caves..." She giggle herself. She keep walking to the path road.

Costachios mouth snapped shut when she was shot in the neck with and arrow but soon after she let out an enraged and pained bellow that shook the leaves,Ashoak looked at her wounded companion who shoved her away.Ashoak crawled backwards a few paces watching as Costachios wound sputtered blood "Only a coward would hide and use arrows" she cried unable to get through to Costachio they needed to flee or the others would no doubt leave them behind.Costachio roared "COWARDS COWARDS COWARDS!!!" before lighting herself ablaze and whipped anyone with her tail that got too close,the arrow due to all her whipping around seemed to dig deeper into the dragons throat causing her to cough up blood which still didn't seem to snap her out of her want to fight and defend.

@everyone around
Vyra looked back at her home one last time, but instead of then turning around and leaving, she stopped short. Vyra stared at the fire dragon in shock for a moment before taking off as quick as she could and flying back to the dragon. She dove into the flames without thinking much and dug her claws into Costachio's scales so that she wouldn't get flung off. Vyra pulled out the dagger and started sucking and then spitting out the poison in the wound. The flames were starting to get to her, and she didn''t know how much longer she could take it. @ManyFaces
once he saw the rain of arrows unable to pass through the forcefield, he shouted "TORTOISE FORMATION!!!". at this point the mercenaries seems to look like a grand army, they dropped their bows and unsheated their swords, they proceeded to grab their large rectangle-like shields and made a tortoise formation that made 5 tortoises, as they slowly marched towards the settlement, the hunter watched from afar to not get into trouble @Giga @AEchelon @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces (formation appearance: Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet )
Jarak was stunned for a moment, but the sounds of battle woke him up back to reality. Luckily he was outside the settlement when the arrows flew, but he was still furious. "Like we always do!" he commanded and jumped on his dragon, who ran into action.

Arkthes saw a formation. A tortoise formation would save them from arrows and swords, but what about a dragon that literally weights tons? She leaped onto the formation, and a few screams of agony was heard. Blood was spilled as the bodies couldn't do anything, it was too late. Ark jumped and hopped around the formation, pretty soon most of them were dead or too wounded to move. As nobody moved away from the group, the cave dragon spitted acid on the pile, hearing the yells of the last survivors. This wasn't usual Arkthes, she didn't want to murder those, who were incapable of defending themselves. This was full fury, probably from the earlier fight which almost cost her life.
After that the dragon hid behind a wall, from which she leaped onto a second formation.

But nobody really noticed, where was Jarak? He had disappeared as soon as Ark leaped towards the first formation, but where was he?


Nifer sighed when the man left, but the battles always interested her. She climbed onto the bird, commanding it to go closer to the settlement. After they were quite near the walls, the bird refused to proceed.
"You seem to be wiser than I am," she chuckled before running right behind the walls of this battle. She climbed to see the settlement, now filled with arrows and screaming dragonkins. She was mad at the sight, how could they take the lives of innocent people? She grabbed a bomb from her pocket, activated it and hopped off. A huge hole was blown to the wall, from the smoke she waved her hands towards the survivors. "Dragonkins, over here! Quickly!" she yelled, and it didn't take long when the citizens trusted this shady-looking dark elf.

She left the hole as people started running through, but she only left to get Spek. She rode back to a sight of bunch of crying, shocked and possibly wounded dragonkins. "Thank you!" someone said from her tears. Nifer just took a deep breath.
"It's alright, run to hide before these murderers come to look for you. I'll make sure they won't know where you went," she assured. As the people took off, there were many footprints left behind. With a swipe from her hand, green sparkling smoke covered the ground and went after the group. As the smoke cloud left this spot, it looked, smelled and was perfectly untouched.

@Salex @AEchelon (I think Vyra will be glad x3)
Vyra whipped around and watched as Arkthes crushed a majority of the enemies. She winced at the sound of bones crushing and agonized cries, but she was glad that Ark was helping. She didn't see Jarak anywhere though, an that worried her. Jarak... she thought at him, where'd you go? Are you safe? Then there was another explosion that distracted her and she saw the remaining dragonkin flee through a hole in the fence that a dark elf had created. She grinned and waved at her, "Thank you!"

Once the arrow was removed from Costachio she realized someone pulled the arrow out and ceased being aflame,Costachio turned towards the person on her back and grabbed them in her mouth before carefully putting them down "Many thanks to your efforts,now i'll just get help with the bleeding" she said in a tired tone,she was losing blood as they spoke but she ambled towards Ashoak at a quick pace and showed her the wound.Ashoak pulled something out that looked like nightshade berries but white and rubbed them on Costachios wound then popped some in her mouth to stop the bleeding "Now I have to help who helped you!But my vision is blurred from your smoke" she said meaning they'd have to be closer for her to see them.

Vyra turned back to the flame dragon and nodded. "Of course! Anything for a mighty dragon." When Ashoak mentioned Vyra, she piped up again, "Oh no, I'm alright." She had burns all over her, actually, but she hadn't noticed them yet from all of the adrenaline pumping through her.

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Nifer heard a distant yell, it was a dra-... a hybrid dragonkin. She nodded back as an answer, then hopped onto the wall. She was quite well blended in with the shadow that a tree behind her casted. From there she watched how this would proceed, but the flaming dragon still made something click in her. Oh how much I want to help you... but as much I want your dragons' heads. She thought before continuing her way, sneaking to a great position on the wall. A shadow and a spot where she saw the whole settlement. Nifer of course saw the formations, and the dragon that squished one.

@AEchelon (I'm waiting for @Salex to react something, before posting with Jarak & Ark~)
the commander sees the opportunity as the first tortoise was crushed, the second tortoise near the dragon took the chance and broke the formation, they threw a net with weighted posts and trapped the dragon, the more the dragon moved the more tangled it would get @MidnightStar89
(Thank you~! :D )

Arkthes was in the air when they broke formation. She tried to flap her wings to stop, but pain prevented her. She smashed into the ground from the web's force, and she let out a cry of help. It was ear-piercing to anyone closer than 30 meters, but it didn't actually damage any hearing. "Jarak! Niruth! Anyone, they trapped me!" she tried telepathically. As she tried to struggle, the web tightened, and before she realized she couldn't move at all. The cave dragon snarled and shook her head slightly from side to side, she was not going to just give up.

Jarak saw him, the armored man. It would be too late for him to even dodge him. The assassin silently leaped from the shadows, his claws grabbing onto his forehead, his dagger placed to his neck.
"Make a move and I will cut you," he half-whispered a threat. Then he heard Ark's help call, but he had to ignore it for now. "If you dare to touch Arkthes you will be finished!" he suddenly growled louder, the dagger slightly pressed against his skin... or armor.

@Salex @AEchelon

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