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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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MidnightStar89 said:
(Thank you~! :D )
Arkthes was in the air when they broke formation. She tried to flap her wings to stop, but pain prevented her. She smashed into the ground from the web's force, and she let out a cry of help. It was ear-piercing to anyone closer than 30 meters, but it didn't actually damage any hearing. "Jarak! Niruth! Anyone, they trapped me!" she tried telepathically. As she tried to struggle, the web tightened, and before she realized she couldn't move at all. The cave dragon snarled and shook her head slightly from side to side, she was not going to just give up.

Jarak saw him, the armored man. It would be too late for him to even dodge him. The assassin silently leaped from the shadows, his claws grabbing onto his forehead, his dagger placed to his neck.
"Make a move and I will cut you," he half-whispered a threat. Then he heard Ark's help call, but he had to ignore it for now. "If you dare to touch Arkthes you will be finished!" he suddenly growled louder, the dagger slightly pressed against his skin... or armor.

@Salex @AEchelon
suddenly from behind a man tackled jarak and 5 people soon followed by doing what arkthes did before to the first tortoise formation group, literally leaping and putting their body's weight on them, and ten 10 more people proceeded to use spears aimed at the dragonkin's head as a warning if it moved, they will kill it. "nice try jarak... but your gonna need more than that" the dark hunter said, he then shot another bolt to the sky, with the same firework symbol at last time, this time requesting reinforcement, soon enough the sounds of hundreds of hooves clapping against the ground can be heard @AEchelon @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces
Suddenly, dark-armored assassins moved out from the settlement towards the entrance where the dragon is being trapped. They quickly leap and make their way to the dragon which was trapped under net. But instead of cutting away the nets and freeing the dragon, they point their bows towards the tortoise formation mercenaries which was distracted by trapping the dragon.

The Black Arrow appeared out of nowhere, in front of Jarak. The dragonkin assassin also appeared out of nowhere and begin swinging his jagged bow as if he was wielding a sword, using his wings to create rapid air waves to induce confusion. The Black Arrow pointed his arrow to the dark hunter's head. "Get... the.. hell... out.. before.. The Devil himself.. arrives.." he threatened him greatly, behind the dark cowl while the dragonkin assassin begin taking down the other mecenaries like it was nothing. He knew with this amount of army, surely the Shadow Brotherhood's Leader has been contacted and briefed on whats happening. He is definitely going to come.. And they will all die..
Vyra rushed to Jarak and swiped at the enemies on top of him with her sword. The sword cut through their armor and into their ribs. "Get off of him!" She roared.

Suddenly Niruth was in the sky again and landed right next to Arkthes. She swatted most of the men off of her and froze the net. It turned so cold that the metal wires shattered, freeing the cave dragon. "Get up and go, I'll take care of Jarak, I promise." Her voice was gruff and determined. It was obvious that her wounds still hurt her, but they were less severe than Arkthes's. She then growled at the shadow brotherhood and formed ice spikes on her back for intimidation and defense.

@Salex @MidnightStar89 @Giga
The Shadow Brotherhood assassins were not interested in the dragons.. Unless they were threatened directly by them. They were more vengeful towards the mercenary league. They fired their arrows towards the tortoise formation mercenaries. Dozens of sharp arrows begin to fly in all direction.
Niruth noticed that they had no intention of harming her or Arkthes, so she focused her agression towards the league instead. Arkthes, take Az-Rel with you. It's obvious that he's in danger based on how agitated the Black Arrow is. She spoke telepathically to her fellow dragon so that Az-Rel couldn't argue.

@Giga @MidnightStar89
while in the mess, the hunter escaped over a small hill where he couldnt be seen, then suddenly through the hill, about 500 soldiers on horseback charged towards the settlement, with the front row using shields with spikes and spears, and the back row with round shield and swords, with the hunter at the top of the small hill looking over the battle @AEchelon @Giga @ManyFaces @MidnightStar89
(500 soldiers? Thats a bit overkill ahaha)

Az-Rel in fact was not in any danger from Black Arrow at all. But it was his leader that he was in danger from. Az-Rel was knocked unconcious by one of the Mercenary League members when he was being attacked by a high number of them. He lies facedown on the grassy floor before waking up, only to see dragons and a battlezone going on..

The Black Arrow fire a couple of shots towards the dark hunter but failed. His dragonkin associate has taken down all the members of Mercenary League that were surrounding Jarak. The Black ARrow turned around and faced Jarak "You.. Lizard. Find your own group, take them and the overgrown lizards with you. NOW. Or you'll face an inevitable death, not by me.. but by the Black Devil." He said, in almost threateningly voice. But somewhere in that voice, there was a tone of fear. The Black Devil was their leader. Perhaps one of the most notorious and fear-inducing leaders in the continent. His skills in unarmed combat and magic are not just veteran skilled but elite skilled.. It was once known he had taken down 20 Warriors, Rangers and Mages within under 90 seconds.. He was unarmed and only had dark fine clothes on. The Warriors, rangers and mages had full armor protection and weaponry but was no match for him. He's currently infamous for wearing an eye-patch over his left eye which is nothing but a hole. He had a huge scar running down from the whole of his left eye. He was known as the Black Devil as he had tortured his victims in the most inhumane way possible, corrupted justice warriors and fighters and wore only black clothing.. And he is coming..
Vyra finished getting the rest of the league members off of Jarak and then grabbed his shoulders. "We have to go," she shouted at him urgently. Her hands were trembling at the mention of the Black Devil's name. She didn't want to stick around for that. Niruth grunted in annoyance at being called an overgrown lizard, but trotted over to Az-Rel all the same. She picked him up by the collar of his shirt and carried him out of the settlement.
"ready the barrier formation.... and the archers, i sense a strong force coming...." the hunter said. the 500 men sent out was slaughtering everything in it's path, and has killed over half of the brotherhood of shadows. "sir!!! we're winning!!! the casualties has been sent back to the base, should i call for more?" the second in command said. the hunter opens a map and pinpoints where to send the cavalry "there... send the rest there" he said, he points at a flank route to ambush the reinforcements coming from the brotherhood of shadows, then about 250 men rushed there on horseback and waits to ambush the brotherhood of shadows @Giga @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon @ManyFaces
Despite losing half of their members... members who've they worked with each other with a long, the Shadow Brotherhood remains vigilant.. Even with only 35 of 70 which was sent them left, their extreme skills trump many of the Mercenary League Army. They did not have many members compared to the Mercenary League. Well, quality beats quantity, the Black Arrow thought before joining his brothers and sisters into the fight. There were no reinforcements coming, so the ambush was for nothing. Instead, they approached from a different angle. It was time they started to use explosive arrows.. Suddenly, there was a much even sinister feeling and disturbance around the area. The Black Arrow could sense the Devil is coming. He only hoped that Az-Rel and the others has made it to safety.
from the top of the hill, a man blows a trumpet making a deep sound, that's when the stampede of the horsemen stopped, now with only about 400 men left, all of them retreated while using their shields to cover their heads, about 100 archers then came to the hilltop, lighting their arrows on fire and firing 2 times launching 200 arrows to finish off about the rest of the brotherhood of shadows, then a man severely injured came running to the hilltop while in gasp, he fell down from his horse gasping for air, the hunter then goes down from his horse and puts his arms on the head of the dying soldier. "MEDIC!!! come on, dont die.... stay with me godd*mnit!!!" he shouted. "t-t-the... the whole cavalry... was wiped out... all 250... except me.... they said to give you a warning.... the devil... it's coming..." he said as his last breath came, and he dies. the hunter stood up, fearing this would happen... "ready the barricades... send the rest of the archers down, time to end this slaughter..." he said. then from the top about 150 builders came down from the hilltop and starts constructing wooden barricades in preparation of the incoming devil.... @Giga @AEchelon @MidnightStar89 @manyface
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Jarak agreed on leaving, he was glad to be free'd by the assassins. He ran to Arkthes, jumped on him and ran further from the battle. Then she saw Az-rel and Vyra. Niruth had told her to get him, and she wanted to help. The cave dragon didn't hesitate running to the assassin, grabbing him with her mouth and stopping to give the female dragonkin a chance to climb on her. "I'm really sorry, but we have to get out!" she told Az-rel telepathically. "Get on, Ark's a fast runner," Jarak told Vyra.


Nifer frowned at the warriors, that was bad news. They were merciless... though based on some yells and threats, there was someone worse coming. The dark elf jumped on her mount and they ran towards familiar-ish voices. "Get on, Ark's a fast runner," some dragonkin yelled.
"Mind if I follow you?" she asked, and Spek made a nervous chirp because of the cave dragon's presence.

@AEchelon @Salex @Giga
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Vyra hesitated when Jarak offered his hand to her. She didn't know if she trusted him anymore. She didn't even know why he had left her like that. She gently took his hand and climbed onto Ark behind Jarak. Thank you both, really. She spoke to them telepathically She slowly wrapped her arms around Jarak's waist and blushed a little.

Niruth nodded to the dark elf and cooed at Spek to calm him. "We won't hurt you little one." She said reassuringly. "Ark since you have two riders now, let me take Az-Rel." She turned so that Ark could place the man on her back.

@Giga @MidnightStar89
Az-Rel was still knocked out at this point as he was on the cave dragon's back.. He stirred awake, realizing they were escaping from the village.. He looked around and noticed something amiss. The Black Arrow isn't here.. Scarier yet, where is Lilith and Eagle! "Lilith! Eagle, where are they!" he asked as he realized he was on a dragon.. Oh man, not this again, he thought nervously as he struggles to remain on top of the dragon.

"Black Arrow, status update. Now." said a rather inhumane, demonic voice. The Black Arrow paused, for the first time since he had met Lilith in the dark forest, he felt a shiver running up his spine. He turned around slowly, answering at his best casual voice.. Fortunately, he can be very professional when it comes to reporting to the Black Devil.. Others weren't so lucky and a broken limb is usually considered the least harsh punishment. "The Mercenary League has sent a cavalry on us. They were threatening the settlement of (I forgot the name of the dragonkin settlement lol) where our prime employers reside." he reported in a smooth and professional voice. The Black Devil was not impressed. He was not happy.. Especially with these so-called mercenaries. The Black Arrow looked at him with no fear, yet a lot of fear is residing in his chest. The Black Devil was a rather large, muscular figure dressed fully in black leather armor with spiked gauntlets and leg armor. His face is covered with a dark tribunal mask, hiding up the horrible scars that has been inflicted on his face. He had no weapons. He only used his spiked fist as his weapons as he plunges them deeply into their victim's chest. He looked towards the oncoming cavalry. He made a hand gesture in the air and suddenly a dark looming shadow flew above them. It was the same dark red fire dragon which roared at the cavalry. "Destroy them" the Black Devil commanded and as if the dragon was under mind control, it flew straight for the cavalry spewing flames. He, with his top assassins behind him, started walking towards the cavalry as well, intending to slaughter them all. The Black Arrow joins in with their fight.
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(thank you)

Luke was walking down a dirt path. The dirt path was going through wheat and corn fields as it swerved like a brown snake going over the hills of wheat and corn. Luke walked a steady pace as he wiped off sweat from his forehead. Almost there. The guy said that the forest was near here. I hope he was right. ,he thought to himself as he climbed up a hill. The corn and wheat rose way above his head, but the hills helped him see the dirt path in the distance. He could also see a small green strip in the distance. Luke smiled as he begins to walk faster. Almost there in the shade!

Luke has just left his home town of Waton as he walks through the acres and acres of corn and wheat fields. The city thrived on selling wheat and corn products to its neighbors. This is why the small town was put right in the middle of a very vast corn/wheat field and it is also why the heat was unbearable at times. Luke's thirst of knowledge led him to leave his town and to explore the world beyond.

After a while walking through the intense heat of the sun. Luke had made it to the shade of the trees. He sighed relief as he keeps walking. Now its time to find a new town or city. He thought as he walked into the dense forest, leaving his past behind him. Quiet literally.
Arkthes nodded to what Niruth said and turned to grab the half-unconcious Az-rel. "Lilith and Eagle are fine... right?" she said, but asked confirmation from the ice dragon. She laid the man down on the back of Niruth, apologizing the coldness. She then turned to the newcomer. A dark elf on a... big bird. "Who are you, anyways?" Jarak asked, frowning a little.


Spek didn't get much calmer, when the dragon actually spoke. However, the words sounded soothing, so he guessed they didn't want to eat him.

Nifer stroked her bird's neck, looking at the speaking dragonkin.
"I am Nifer. I prefer not to tell my full name to half-strangers, my apologies about that," she introduced herself, making a bowing-like gesture with her hand. Spek took the example and bowed a little bit too. "Heh, this here is Spek, my trusty pet," she added with a chuckle.

@AEchelon @Giga
"Yes, they are safe with Razor, Max, and Craig just beyond that large hill over there." Niruth nudged her head in the direction they were facing. "Nice to meet you Nifer. Let's go." And with that, she started off at a cantor. @Giga @MidnightStar89

Hidden away behind the hill, Eagle sat with his friends, huddling with some of the dragonkin children for warmth. He was also entertaining them with some of his magic so that they weren't so scared. He turned to Max and Lilith and asked quietly, "Do you think everyone else is okay? Niruth just took off without any notice. Do you think one of them spoke to her telepathically?" @Hoki @Cheselth
Jarak sighed in relief, it was glad to hear they were okay. As Niruth commanded them to go, Arkthes begun to walk behind her... or anywhere nearby, going to the same way as her anyways. "You aren't too badly wounded, are you? I got off easily, just a few bruises," Jarak asked from Niruth and Az-rel, at least if the man was awake enough to answer.


Nifer shrugged a little at the dragon's command, she didn't want to piss it off. It was gigantic compared to the dark elf after all. Spek's long legs walked easily on almost any terrain, he was from the more wandering side of his specie. The dark elf felt kind of uncomfortable following two people on dragons. How could these people trust them? They could easily eat these humans in one bite.

@AEchelon @Giga
Lilith let out a tiny sigh and looked at Eagle before glancing at the small, dragonkin group and smiling. When Eagle spoke, her smile quickly vanished and she turned her gaze back over to the half human. I'm sure they'll be fine, Eagle. Have faith in your partner. If your dragon gets into any sort of trouble, she can handle herself fine. It's the enemy I'm worried about. She joked a little to lighten the tension. Lilith was sitting down in a criss-cross applesauce position so she picked up one of the dragonkinlings and sat them in her lap. She always loved kids, she thought they were adorable no matter the race. Besides... Niruth wouldn't just leave you behind without a good reason, that's something I know for sure. Lilith gave him a reassuring grin and pat the child on the head lightly, to which he reacted with a tiny sigh of contentment and cuddling for more warmth, being a cold blodded reptile and all.

Razor waved his tail around a little while he peacefully slept like a baby. His snores were quiet and sounded almost as gravelly as his talking voice. He gave off a tiny smile due to a dream and twitched like a dog would. He was exhausted from all of the events happening at once and couldnt help but to slip away into unconcsiousness.
the cavalry at the very front row gets slaughtered, from his hilltop the hunter can hear the screams of agony of his men dying, the souls trying to flee from its inevitable death, and others trying to fight back. "that.... son of a.... send a retreat signal" the hunter said in a regretted state, that's when his second in command blows a trumpet to make a signal of retreat, what's left of the main cavalry now only about 200 people left from the slaughter makes a run for it running over the hilltop, as the backup arrives they weren't soldiers at all, they were medics who came to help the soldiers but was too late, with no choice left in his hands, the backup cavalry wiped out, and with only 200 men left in no state left to fight back, "... I can't bear this.... send everyone.... back to HQ, I've had enough of this slaughter...." he said, the injured soldiers makes a run for it back to the HQ, before the hunter leaves, he shot a bolt which goes over hill and it stuck itself to the ground and there is a white note stuck on it saying "this battle, left many bloodshed, but was it worth it? all the good men dying? sometimes I don't know myself... we will meet again... rest easy for now... -the silver hunter". and the silver hunter left, back to the town he resides in @Giga @AEchelon @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces @Cheselth
Costachio and Ashoak saw the others flee from the battlefield,Costachio knocked down a few trees and lit them on fire in case anyone tried to persue after them.As Costachio kneeled down Ashoak climbed onto her neck and grabbed her horns,the fire dragon began running like the wind and didn't fly as to avoid being spotted,once she could see her friends in the distance Ashoak waved and Costachio slowed her pace down to a trot."Never a moments peace..never" Ashoak muttered hobbling over to the group,despite not really fighting she was no longer in her youth and the excitement took a lot out of her.Ashoak went over to Lilith looking her over "Finally awake I see,hope you enjoyed the nap because I suggest we get as far away from this place as possible" she said to the others.

Lilith looked around when a bolt, seemingly from nowhere, lands right in front of the tiny group. Reading it made her wonder what the heck she missed while she was out. Eagle, I don't think you ever answered my question about what happened exactly... She looked back at him just before hearing the thuds of a dragon and turned her head towards it. Blinking in confusion to what the rider says, she pipes up again, Yeah, sure... Where would we go, though? And what about the children? She looked to the now sleeping dragonkin in her lap and sighed, frustrated with what all is happening today. I curse all this chaos... And then she broke into a whisper. The point where you must fight for your survival for hours on end is the beginning of it all. Be warned child for you may have to use your mark more than just once in the coming days... This was something her mother told her before she had to leave home and find a new home, though she didnt catch herself actually whispering it. Her mother was the previous chosen for Whisper until, with a kiss on the forehead, she gave that power to her. Lilith always knew her mother was right but for this to happen so soon after recieving the mark..? This was all just happening so fast. What was she to do... It had only been a year, she didn't train with it yet... Lilith was clearly frustrated.

Razor grumbled as he lifted his head to all the talking and yawned. Time to go already..? I was just having a great dream, too...
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Niruth arrived at the group huddled in the trees at the same time as Costachio. She wasn't able to apologize to Eagle before he jumped up and ran over to hug her. She chuckled and nuzzled her friend lovingly. "I agree with Costachio. Let's go." Eagle then turned to Lilith, sighed, and scratched his head a bit. "Well... you passed out and the Black Arrow actually protected us against the Silver Hunter. We thought the Silver Hunter had actually died, but apparently he didn't. We left his body where it laid and made our way to the settlement. Vyramyse allowed us into the camp and even into her home. That's where you woke up. Then somehow a war broke out between what looked like assassin and mercenary guilds or groups. I'm not really sure on that part. We were running away by then." @Cheselth @ManyFaces

As Eagle was explaining all this to Lilith, Vyra jumped down from Arkthes's back and ran over to her dragonkin brethren to ask if they needed any help. Instead of being met with warmth, she was slapped across the face by an elder male. She lost her balance a little and took a few steps to the side to gain her balance. She didn't protest, but put a protective hand on her cheek. "How dare you bring such violence into the town. I will not allow you near our children. Your filth is no longer welcomed here, we've endured you long enough." Vyra looked down at the ground, still holding her cheek, as the dragonkin picked up their things and departed. The dragonkinlings were obviously upset. They were young enough to not care that Vyra was different and actually liked her, but they followed their parents' lead and left the group.

Eagle walked over to Vyra and gently touched her shoulder. Vyra jumped and stepped away from him, refusing to look up. "Please," she whispered softly, her voice wavering, "I'll only bring misfortune to you." She was trying to hide her shock, but a tear falling from her cheek and onto the ground gave her away. "Vyramyse... Come with us. We won't treat you like that," Vyra cut Eagle off with a shake of her head. He sighed and frowned. Vyra then looked up at Jarak, trying to tell him how much she had missed him and how hurt she was that he didn't bring her with him when he had left without saying a word.

Her cheek was red from the slap, but now that Eagle had seen the abuse, he noticed small scars and bruises all over the halfa's body. "Vyramyse... how often do they hit you...?" He approached her again, a little slower this time, and held his hand out, palm up. Vyra turned her gaze to Eagle, whose heart sank at the look on the dragonkin's face. He figured that the answer was either everyday or multiple times a day. Eagle looked at Jarak and gave him a desperate look. She obviously knew him better and Eagle felt like he was intruding on personal matters.


(@Giga )
After a while of walking, Luke decided to sit down near a tree and relax for a bit. The sun had scorched him as he traveled through the cornfields now all he wanted to do was rest. Luke's calves burned and his muscles ached from towing his pack and going through the heat most of the day. Even though he did get a head start early in the morning, he was barely a mile into the cornfields before the sun rose above the horizon and scorched his already tan skin. He sighs as his body begined to relax underneath the tree's branches. Don't give up yet, he thought to himself, At least get to a village before you doze off. Luke sighs as he lifted himself off of the cool ground. He stretched out his aching muscles and begins to look around. The path had long been gone since the villagers did not travel further than the fields. The merchants usually have a map to help them navigate the woods as well.

Luke begins to turn his head, looking for something else than the same thick trees. He grabbed his bag and threw it over his shoulders and begined to walked the opposite direction he came in. Or hopefully the opposite direction.
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