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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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As Jarak looked at the others while waiting for an answer, Arkthes budged her curiously. "Is this your home settlement?" she asked. "I- er- I don't know if I want to talk about it," he replied telepathically, closing his eyes for a moment. The cave dragon looked at him for a moment but suddenly licked, leaving a big, wet, slimy spot on the dragonkin's now-exposed face. "Stop it!" the dragonkin mumbled before throwing the hood back on.


Nifer held a bag in her hand, throwing it up and down.
"And the rest of it?" she asked with a serious tone. Her voice sounded much louder through her mask, and the one who hired her shook his head. "Look, you brought it dead, I needed it alive!" he complained, crossing his arms. "That was not part of the deal, lizard," she grunted and grabbed the male dragonkin's robe from the front. Her gaze could peer to his soul even through the mask, so the male sighed. "...Fine, have it, you thief," he responded, dropping a second bag of gold on the ground. "Fine talk from an actual runaway thief..." she taunted, grabbing her payment. She had the last good look at what she had hunted. A basic big boned fire dragon. She walked away from the meeting spot, letting out a whistle. A golden bird in armor ran to her, making purr-like noises. "Good boy," the dark elf complimented when she hopped on the creature. While her bird, Spek, started running, Nifer grabbed a notebook from her pocket. She lifted her mask a little to see the tiny text on it. "Next up is... Would you look at that, a whole settlement of lizardmen!" she chuckled. As soon as she gained more speed with her mount, the mask was back on.

(Nifer the dark elf on her way to the settlement too >:3)

@Giga take your time ^^ @AEchelon @Cheselth
Eagle nodded to Jarak and replied, "We won't mention your name. Do you have a different name we could call you instead?" When Arkthes licked Jarak, Eagle couldn't help but smile and chuckle a little bit. Normally he would have burst out laughing, but he didn't have the energy for it at the moment. He glanced around to see how everyone else was doing and noticed Max. "Max!" he exclaimed, turning enough to see him but not to drop Lilith. "Where have you been?" Eagle had a worried expression on his face as he gazed at the human. Niruth chirped at Craig welcomingly as though they had been gone forever. It seemed like forever anyway, half a day basically.

Vyra was gathering firewood just outside of the settlement walls when she felt an overwhelming group presence. It startled her so much that she gasped and fell to the ground. Her fellow gatherer rushed over to ask what was wrong but instantly knew when she felt it, too. Vyra caught her breath and stood up. With a running start, she was quickly in the air and summoning her weapon. When it came to her hand with a metallic ringing, Vyra set off towards the group and landed in front of them with a thud, her sword in a defensive position. "I am Vyramyse Urilyassa, a Protector of the Uril'kha'an settlement. State your business strangers or I-I....Wha?" She was in the middle of her speech when she finally realized that half of the group was made up of various dragons. Vyra stuttered, trying to catch her breath and stepped back uncertainly. When she did, she tripped over a root and fell to the ground rather pathetically. "Oww..." she groaned as she rubbed her butt. She looked up again at all of the dragons, this time with excitement and admiration in her eyes. "Wow... so many dragons!"

Niruth chuckled and stepped towards the girl who quickly picked herself up and bowed low. "We are a group of travelers, might I even say friends, who wish to rest within the confines of your settlement for the night. We have had a long day and greatly need shelter." Vyra was trembling out of fear and awe. A dragon had never spoken directly to her like this before. She didn't want to be rude, but she couldn't just let any old dragon or traveler into her home. She stood up straight, not meeting Niruth's eyes, and replied, "W-would you... ahem... would you p-please state all of your own names and place of origin so that I may judge who may enter my home?" Eagle started, "I'm Eagle Grosz of Helatia. This is Lilith Swordfell of... what town were we in?... Well to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure. But she's quite friendly and needs some medical attention."

Razor tilted his head curiously as he watched the girl fly in, stutter, trip and fall, and then try to compose herself. He snickered a little bit at how clutzy she seemed. Then he added quietly, "I'm Razor..."

@MidnightStar89 @Hoki @Giga @ManyFaces
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Az-Rel looked rather nervous now as he tries to keep himself looked calm and steady. He could have laugh at the situation of the silly mistake the dragonkin did but he was in no laughing mood. He was afraid to use his name as it could be associated with the Black Arrow. He wanted to use a different name but he had already told his real name to his newfound friends. This would arose a suspicion and such. Nah, they wouldn't know my name would they? They only called us by their codenames last time. He thought as he prepares to state his name. In the older days, when he and Black Arrow was working together, he was known as the Scarlet Hood as he had wore a dark red hood to conceal his identity. He hope that do not have any suspicion on him. "Az-Rel Runehill of Silatia." he said in his calm demeanor while looking casually into the dragonkin's eyes.. They almost look venomous to him. "Regahn Swift-Arm of Silatia as well" said a voice from behind them suddenly.

Az-Rel's eyes widen in shock as he turned around, to see the disguised assassin, Black Arrow looking very casual in his somewhat lighter leather armor. More of like a hunter's armor. He had use a much lighter and higher-pitched voice compared to the times he was fighting them just now. His blond hair shone under the sky, a good innocent smile on his face. He was carrying a bagpack, which no doubt will contain his darker mercenary uniform. His unique bow is not with him though. There is absolutely zero to little chance that Lilith, Jarak, Eagle and even the dragons would recognize him now. He walked casually and ignores them "Oh, I am not with them. It's just total coincidence that I happen to be arriving at this settlement, before continuing my travels to the North." he said like as if nothing bad happen between him and the others. Az-Rel was just staring at him, a little shocked before he looks back at the dragonkin.
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Jarak looked at Eagle as he spoke. "I guess you could call me Jyon. Just a random name I pulled out of nowhe-" he was interrupted by a sound of someone landing and speaking. The voice was kind of familiar, but not quite. As he turned around, he would've turned red if he wouldn't be so red already. "Um... I am Jyon Serak, from Pretani," he lied, he remembered the place from a pretty dangerous job actually. He was sure, there would be no way this person was not the one he remembered. "And I am Arkthes, from... never mind, I don't remember," she answered too, chuckling a bit to herself. She felt something off with Jarak's aura. "Jarak?" "I'm fine... I just.. I know her,"

@AEchelon @Giga @Salex @ManyFaces
his eagle returns to the dark hunter and claws the location of them at the map he was holding "good boy... uril'kha'an here i come" he said he shouted and the horse gallops toward the dragonkin settlement of uril'kha'an, and he readies himself for the settlement with revenge in his eyes @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon @Giga
Nifer was riding her brave bird in the forest, when the settlement came into her view. Suddenly she heard a person riding a horse behind her. She decided to ignore it and sped up, the golden bird letting out a chirp before lowering its' head to be more aerodynamic. Pretty soon the arrived to the entrance of the settlement. Uril'kha'an. How on earth do you pronounce that?

"Welcome to Uril'kha'an, traveler. Shall we put your mount into the stables for your visit?" a voice asked. A polite dragonkin... "That would be great, thank you," she answered while hopping off the bird. Spek tilted his head but followed the lizard person when Nifer gave the permission. "Enjoy your stay," the man said while walking to the stables. The dark elf walked through the gates, seeing the big open path open in front of her. There was a market place in the middle, so she headed there. There'd be a bar, it was basically guaranteed. I am on a job, cannot get too drunk... Shame.


Jarak decided to gather a bit of courage to talk to the hybrid dragonkin.
"Excuse me, Vyramyse, but our group here needs a shelter. Could we stay in a place of some kind while we are here? Our dragons are tired and wounded, so are we..." he asked. Arkthes walked next to him, lowering her head to the level of the girl. "Please?" she asked nicely. "Someone is more polite than usually..." the cave dragon teased telepathically. "Am not, shut up..." he responded, giving a cold stare at Ark.

Az-Rel did not say anything. He tries his best to remain calm while the killer next to him, Regahn.. Or Black Arrow was casually looking around, looking ahead at the settlement. "Excuse me, may I ask you something?" he finally asked as he casually pulls Regahn away from the others, trying to make it look not so obvious. "What are you doing here." he asked quietly with a glare as soon as they are out of earshot. Regahn smirks at him. "Its my business on what I'm doing here. What, you're gonna call me out? Gonna fight me now? You know I'll win." he said mockingly. But he was not in the mood to fight. Was just teasing him. He was more focused on dealing his secondary business here. Az-Rel stares at him with a leer, his hands ready to reach his daggers. Before anything happen, Regahn went back "But it has nothing to do with your bunch of overgrown fairies or filthy lizards.. or you for that matter" he said casually, before letting out a mocking smile at him. Az-Rel kneww that he was up to something and just went back as well. He looks at Jarak and walked over to him "How are things going.. Hows your injuries as well?" he asked casually. He was perhaps hoping to strike up friendship with him and ignore Regahn's presence.

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Vyra was satisfied with everyone's answers and relaxed a little. She frowned a little when Regahn spoke so crudely, but she knew not everyone could be kind. She noticed that the hooded figure, Jyon, was it?, had a tail as well and smiled. "It's nice to see another dragonkin. Of course you can stay. I was just a little alarmed by the large energy of your group. Please, come in." Vyra smiled warmly, her voice was light and a little raspy as she spoke. She turned around and walked into the camp. The dirty looks pointed at her started right away, but they were quickly changed to those of awe at the 4 dragons and 6 humanoids followed her into the camp. Never before had any of them seen such a group, let alone 4 dragons traveling together in harmony.

Eagle jumped a bit when he heard a voice he didn't recognize and turned to see where it came from. It was a blond man, slim, seemingly harmless, but there was something about him that Eagle didn't trust. Regahn... where have I heard that name before. He couldn't place it exactly, so he gave up as Niruth and Razor followed Vyra inside.

@MidnightStar89 @Hoki @Giga
he sees a dark elf riding an overgrown bird but he chooses to ignore it, he reaches the outskirts of the settlement, he gets off his horse and pats it on the head, he has his pet eagle by his shoulder and goes to the main entrance of the settlement @MidnightStar89 @Giga @AEchelon (can somebody be a representative as the kinda guard in the entrance?)
AEchelon said:
A guard sees the dark hunter and walks over to him. "State your business, hunter. We do not want any trouble here." @Salex
in a dark, robotic and mettalic voice that resembles any human voice "im here to meet with a pack that consists of about 4 dragons and 7 humanoids, we're friends, they told me to meet them here as im heading north" he said @AEchelon
The guard nodded and allowed the hunter passage into the settlement. @Salex

Vyra led the group to their largest tent, which happened to belong to her. "This is my home, but you can stay here with me." She smiled and clasped her hands behind her back in a cute, innocent way. "As for the dragons..." she thought for a moment, her bottom lip scrunching to the side, "I guess you could stay right outside. We don't have anything big enough to fit you into." She giggled nervously and put a hand on the back of her head. She turned to the Jarak and said, "You don't have to worry about hiding your face here. I know it can be hard in the human dominated world, but you are not the strangest sight around here." She smiled at him, but there was a hint of sadness there. She knew she was the abomination that everyone in her home was disgusted by. She wanted to leave and go off on her own adventure some day, but she had a responsibility to her home. @MidnightStar89

Niruth nodded her thanks at the girl and knelt down to let her passengers off. Eagle slid down with Lilith in his arms. He walked inside and looked for a place to put her down. There was a blanket off to the side that looked quite comfortable, so he laid the sleeping dark elf down on it. She stirred a little and Eagle stayed by her side, hoping that she would finally wake up, but she didn't. She shifted her head position and fell back asleep. Eagle chuckled a little and sat down next to her, leaning on the tent wall. He watched her for a moment before falling asleep himself.

Razor immediately laid down and curled up into a ball. He was very nervous around people of any sort and didn't want to see anyone stare at him. Besides, he was exhausted from the day and needed rest.

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"I'm--" He didn't get a chance to say anything before he and Craig were made to respond. Nodding his head at Vyra, Max smiled, "I'm Max Crowe of Cedric."

"I am Craig."

But the introductions were shortened and soon the group entered the settlement. Max continued to stay behind, his dragon doing the surveillance while he himself went over to Eagle and Lilith. "Is she going to be okay?" he asked with a light tone.

Eagle had started to snore lightly but quickly woke up when he heard a soft voice. He looked up to see Max and smiled. "I think so. Ashoak already used her healing on her, so she just needs rest..." he paused for a moment and then pursed his lips. Eagle stood and wrapped his arms around Max tightly, "I thought you'd left us behind..." Eagle was taller that Max, so it wasn't surprising that Max's face ended up right on the base of Eagle's neck. Eagle was trembling slightly and felt like he was about to break down. It had been such a long day and to think someone you had just started to trust had abandoned you was too much.

@Hoki (hon hon hon hon)
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The action surprised the human quite a bit, who took a step back with the addition of the new weight. His earthy brown eyes widened, looking past the other's shoulder before directing his gaze up, catching mostly a view of Eagle's jaw and hair. "Eagle..." he breathed lightly, still shocked by it. Eventually, the blond lowered his gaze and head, lightly nuzzling the halfa. Arms raised to return the embrace, giving a comforting squeeze.

"I wouldn't leave," he said, "I have no reason to leave you guys behind. I was just...tired.."

He still was, still weakened from his clash with Niruth; even if it wasn't anything major.

Eagle nodded, satisfied with the Max's answer. He pet the human's head before releasing him from the hug. He grinned at the boy and rested his hands of his shoulders, "Well the next time we're attacked by a lunatic in a suit of armor, be there, ya hear? Even if you're just the cheerleader." Eagle chuckles.

"Right, right," he promised with a smile, a dust of red covering his cheeks. He'd never say it out loud, but Eagle had been a lot warmer than one would expect of an ice dragon rider.

It was quite pleasant.

Letting his gaze wander the other's form, Max's brow furrowed. "What about you?" he asked, "Are you okay?" Despite the fact that Eagle seemed in better condition than he, that didn't stop the flow of concern.

the dark hunter asked a few dragonkins around where the pack went until he got to a big tent, the whole pack can see the dark hunter altough he is unrecognizable, with his voice changed, his whole armor changed, he is unrecognizable altough noticable enough to get the pack's attention as he walked in a menacingly slow way to the tent @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon @Giga @Hoki
Eagle's cheeks flushed a bit when Max asked bout his injuries. "Me?" he asked, scratching his head guiltily, "yeah, I'm fine." Ealge then noticed that his shirt was still off from earlier and that he didn't have an extra since he used it on the Silver Hunter's wounds. His star-shaped scar was visible as well as his open eel bite wound. He had smaller scratches and bruises all over him from being thrown around as well. "Fine" was not the most accurate description of how Eagle was doing.


Niruth looked up from where she had rested her head and stared at the Dark Hunter. "Who are you," she growled. It was more of a demand than a question.

@Salex (and @MidnightStar89 @Giga )
Laughing quite lightly, he removed the brown, protective cover over his blue, woven turtleneck. Though it was a bit small for the halfa it'd definitely work for now. He handed it over with a smile, the free hand rubbing his neck where - unbeknownst to Eagle - his Mark resided.


Craig was the first to react with a hostile attitude, turning his head to view the Hunter but Niruth was the one to respond, demanding identification. A growl rumbled from deep within his chest, making the longer ice spikes of his body rattle like chimes and glass bottles.

He wasn't one for talking; in fact, he was quite primal in the "stare down then decide" sort of way, and continued to behave as such, padding impatiently at the ground as he investigated.

@Salex @Giga @MidnightStar89 (@AEchelon )
"i am the dark hunter.... you might know my rival the silver hunter, i received news he was killed...." he said, his voice came out echoey, metallic and robotic, covering his real voice and the helmet blocked his face which connected to the armor, his armor was jet black, his cape white, his gauntlets grey and his sword visibly red. @AEchelon @Hoki @MidnightStar89 @Giga
Eagle blushed again and took the cover and put it on. "Thank you." It covered his scars well enough, so he sat back down and leaned against the tent wall.


Niruth shook her head. "No, he only pretended. He teleported away in a plume of smoke when he thought no one was watching. I noticed, but didn't want to say anything at the time." Her tone was challenging and untrustworthy. Then his scent hit her. It was him, no doubt. All the disguise in the world couldn't hide a scent from Niruth. She lowered her head threateningly and the dragonkin around her backed away, knowing the body language all too well. Telepathically, Niruth warned the Dark Hunter, Go. Before I tell everyone your secret, Silver Hunter scum. Niruth's tail whipped around restlessly.

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AEchelon said:
Eagle blushed again and took the cover and put it on. "Thank you." It covered his scars well enough, so he sat back down and leaned against the tent wall.

Niruth shook her head. "No, he only pretended. He teleported away in a plume of smoke when he thought no one was watching. I noticed, but didn't want to say anything at the time." Her tone was challenging and untrustworthy. Then his scent hit her. It was him, no doubt. All the disguise in the world couldn't hide a scent from Niruth. She lowered her head threateningly and the dragonkin around her backed away, knowing the body language all too well. Telepathically, Niruth warned the Dark Hunter, Go. Before I tell everyone your secret, Silver Hunter scum. Niruth's tail whipped around restlessly.

"hmph, thought you were to stupid to know... you mustve thought im dead, its gonna take more than that to kill me" he thinks in his head so niruth can hear him "you think im afraid of you? or your friends? i survived worse, tell them, see if they'll believe" he thinks in his head again so niruth can hear him @AEchelon
Before Niruth has time to react to this evil creature's challenge, Vyra speaks up. "Hunter, you entered under the pretext that this group consists on your friends. However, seeing as they have no idea who you are, I'm going to have to ask you to leave this settlement." A couple guards walked over and grabbed the dark hunter, leading him towards the exit. Niruth sighed in relief. @Salex

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