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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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MidnightStar89 said:
Jarak yelled in surprise as he was thrown away, though because of his grip the man must have bad claw-made wounds in his neck now. He landed on his back, and as he got up, his rage disappeared. "I won't let you kill Lilith, even if it costs my life..." he threatens, grabbing his sword. "No tricks, no special armor or weapons. Genuine sword fight, you against me. If you win, I'm no longer there to stop you. If I win, you will leave us permanently," the dragonkin challenged, having a calm face now.
Arkthes lied on the ground, she tried to see her wings.
"I guess I'm not going to fly for a while..." she sighed, she was quite frustrated.

@Salex @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
"you are challenging this land's finest swordsman, are you sure you can even stand one minute againts me?" he taunted "very well, i accept your challenge" he said, he cannot take the armor off as it is soulbound but he drops his shield and he turned his sword to a damascus steel sword, it's weakest form @MidnightStar89
he takes a stance and slows his heartbeat to react quicker and have more stamina, he seemingly stands there, anticipating an attack as he can read the opponent's movement, "even the legendary black arrow had to escape his fight from me, and we were fighting in smoke... bring it on" he said @MidnightStar89
Jarak investigated his foe with care, although he already knew some of his little fooling tricks. "The Black Arrow, not The Black Sword. I am very skilled myself, why else would I challenge you?" he said with a grin. He took a deep breath and stepped into a good position. "Good try, you come at me first," he chuckled. This was going to be tough, but he was tough too. His sword has tasted less blood than his daggers, but it has endured more fights and repairs. Got you.

he doesnt say a word, the wind makes his cape sway through the breeze, his golden armor shining through the moonlight, his grip seemingly tight to the sword he wields which shines from the moonlight, his visor dark covering his face which he still can see clearly, he stands there in an elegant pose waiting for a movement or an attack, his stance covering his mid section but in a stance such that he can move his sword freely to block any part of his body, he stands motionless like a statue @MidnightStar89
Jarak stared at the hunter for a few minutes before moving his leg a bit. If you insist... He thought, and ran towards the man. He did a feint attack towards his right leg. If he'd try to block it, Jarak would kick his left hand to make the sword unstable in his hands. If he would try to attack back, he would block the hit with his long tail.

the man stayed, he knew he had a slight disadvantage as he had only a sword againts two daggers, he didnt block or counter attack, instead he rolled to the right dodging the attack and grabbing his shield along the way, he then took a defensive stance with the shield @MidnightStar89
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Jarak turned towards the man. "Tsk tsk, didn't I say sword against sword? You don't want me to cheat, do you?" he laughed. He lunged towards him, but hopped against his shield at the last second, bouncing himself behind him by it. As he landed he instantly slashed the sword backwards, possibly making damage to the back of his neck or back. As the slash was done he jumped away from the man.

"technically your using daggers, this isnt even a sword fight... so..." he said, he then reached out his arm on which the shield flies towards his arm strapping it to his armor "now we are fair... and dont you say you weren't going to cheat, i can read your movement before you even do it... you wanted to use your tail before when you attacked me first right?" he said
Jarak turned to look at him, he didn't cause a scratch to his armor, probably a miss. "Does this look like a dagger to you?" he sarcastically asked while pointing with his sword. "And no I did not, I balance myself with this thing too, you know. And about the fairness... what about that shiny armor of yours? I have only a robe and scales," he pointed out.

@Salex (Jarak's using his sword xD )
MidnightStar89 said:
Jarak turned to look at him, he didn't cause a scratch to his armor, probably a miss. "Does this look like a dagger to you?" he sarcastically asked while pointing with his sword. "And no I did not, I balance myself with this thing too, you know. And about the fairness... what about that shiny armor of yours? I have only a robe and scales," he pointed out.
@Salex (Jarak's using his sword xD )
(oh, i think you should read one of ur post, you mentioned daggers)

"alright..." he said, he dropped his shield and his armor dissapeared to thin air, where it is actually stored in his sword, he then took a stance, and since he doesnt have his armor, he is now more agile and can react faster @MidnightStar89 (big big mistake you should've let me use my armor)
Jarak nodded approvingly, when the armor disappeared. "Now that's better," he said with a chuckle. Suddenly his face went serious and he pointed his sword towards the hunter's head like he was aiming. After a few seconds he jumped forward, the sword gave him extra speed when it bounced from the ground. Silently he swung right past the man, 'accidentally' smashing his tail into his face as he went past. He then turned and poked towards the hunter with his sword (Of course trying to hit him in the back) while trying to keep it as balanced as possible if a counter attack would come. If the enemy simply ignored his hit or attacked straight at him, he would just swing his sword in some way or jump out of the way.

@Salex (I did~. "His sword has tasted less blood than his daggers, but it has endured more fights...". But that meant that he has killed less with his sword, but he did have it. As in the earlier post "...he threatened, grabbing his sword...". ^^ Sorry if I confused you!)
(oh yeah, its alright, i was confused as you said swordfight but you said daggers ^_^ )

when the dragonkin turned around he is no longer there, but only a note in the ground saying "look up" @MidnightStar89
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Jarak swinged his sword forward, but as he saw the note he instantly jumped backwards, as a dodge of some kind. At the same time of his jump he raised his sword to protect himself from hits. He listened to every sound as he went completely silent, he'd be able to know where the enemy was before he could come closer at all.

meanwhile above the dragonkin the hunter was falling to the dragonkin in a high speed and when he saw the dragonkin raise its sword, he ignores and goes full swing and using the shape of his sword he minimized wind resistance making his sword swing as hard as possible, he swings the sword to the dragonkin's sword but no sound was made, when he landed the dragonkin's sword split to two pieces

Razor was not blown very far away for his claws were dug deep into the ground when he felt something coming. He growled and readied another attack when the dragonkin began to speak. He had a worried look on his face but he backed off and sat next to Lilith like he was guarding. While he watched the whole fight go down, all he wanted to do was to just jump in. But he couldn't. He was afraid for Jarak and definitely didn't want the hunter to win. Razor growled again as the hunter broke the sword and hesitantly went to bite one of his razors off. It would hurt but they grew back 100% of the time. He pulled out the sharpest and sturdiest one he could find and threw it to Jarak, cringing with the pain he caused himself. Jarak! Use that! This is how Razor was unique. He was almost like a porcupine.
he stood there ready for an attack when suddenly his eyes flinched and he shouted a screech of pain, he dropped to his knees and dropped his sword from which he then used both of his hands to hold his abdominal area, this happened from his fight with the dragon before and the wound became worse now in which the wound started bleeding heavily on which he just fell to the ground wincing in pain @Cheselth @MidnightStar89 @Giga @AEchelon
Razor blinked in confusion before looking to Ark. She must be pretty strong then... He gave the dragon equivalent of a thumbs up. Which would literally be a thumbs up with their paws if they could, before looking back to Jarak. What are we to do with him? He obviously cannot fight in that condition. We can't just leave him like that, either. It would be cruel.
Niruth shook her head at her friend sympathetically. Don't worry. There's a lake right there that I can wash off in, she reassured Ark.

Eagle watched carefully as Jarak and the Silver Hunter went at it in a classic sword fight. He was ready to jump in if he had to, but also wanted to take care of Lilith. He knelt down next to her and stroked her cheek. "Lilith... please wake up." He was worried that something else entirely was wrong, and he wanted to help. He jumped a little when he heard a cry of pain and looked over to see the Silver Hunter on the ground. What happened? he thought to himself. What did I miss?

Warily, Eagle stood and walked over to the hunter, the shirt he had previously taken off in hand. "We're not going to let him die. We will not become him." His voice was steady, but he was terrified of what he was about to do. He knelt down next to the man and tore his own shirt. Eagle made a wad and pressed it against the bleeding wound, and then wrapped the rest of the shreds around his midsection. His fingers trembled as he tied the knot.

@Salex @MidnightStar89 @Cheselth
he knew he couldnt do anything, and he didnt want to lose his dignity, without anyone looking he swallowed a pill, while eagle was wrapping around the bandages, the feeling of his heart beating stopped, he stopped moving, he stopped breathing and his pulse gone, he seemed.... dead @AEchelon @Cheselth @MidnightStar89
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Eagle froze, feeling the man's heartbeat slowing to a stop. He stared at the man in confusion; a wound like that could eventually cause death if not tended to, but it was too soon for him to have bled out. Eagle frantically felt for the man's pulse and tried to wake him up. He had seen a dead body before, but he had never had someone die in his arms.

After he had convinced himself that the man was actually dead, he scrambled away and ended up sitting a few feet away just staring at the body. The ice armor melted off, leaving all of his scars exposed. "H-he..." Eagle couldn't get the words out and tried to swallow the growing lump in his throat. He actually felt slightly relieved that the man was dead, but he hated himself for feeling that way. He just stared at the body for a long time.

@MidnightStar89 @Cheselth

(someone help my bby~ :<)
(my grand finale has cometh, all rejoice or mourn over the silver hunter's death... for he fought valiantly but fell.... or did he?)
Razor watched, worried that something was going to go wrong. When Eagle scrambled away from the body, he had known what happened. He hesitantly stood up and walked to him. It's okay. You tried even though he had terrible intentions. You are more honorable for that than he ever will be. The spikes on his tail went down as it waved a little.
Ashoak groaned and sat down,her vines retracted and snuffed out their own flame."I don't think i've had to get into a fight in a while,I don't think the menace is dead...yet he's not quite alive so we should put out the campfire and get moving..." she said ending with a crackling sound as her wood grew thicker as the outcome of battle,her body was adjusting as it expected more fighting despire Ashoaks inner protests.Costachio rubbed against Razor like some sort of cat silently praising him for his efforts in the battlefield,since Ashoak suggested the snuffing of the fire Costachio was quick to start nipping at the flames appearing to be eating them.

Eagle was shaking now and covered his eyes with his hand. He didn't want anyone to see him like this. Niruth got up slowly and walked over to the boy. She licked him and purred, making him stand up with her spikey tongue. Eagle wrapped his arms around Niruth's beak and relaxed onto her. She lifted him up and put him on her back. She nodded at Razor.

Niruth turned to Ashoak and Costachio and nodded. "Let's go then." The ice dragon walked over to Lilith and picked her up by her shirt, putting her next to Eagle. She turned to Az-Rel and asked, "Where is this dragonkin settlement?"

@Cheselth @ManyFaces @MidnightStar89 @Giga

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