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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Arkthes snarls in pain because of the other wing, she also saw a quite big piece of the webbing fall to the grass. Luckily the webbing doesn't bleed that much, but it is still painful to get stabbed, regardless of the spot. As the hunter hops off she tumbles backwards, coughing some blood. Only a small puff of smoke came as she coughed (along with the blood) before falling on the ground, breathing heavily.

Jarak was almost at the forest, when he felt more pain in a spot that didn't even exist on him. "I'm coming... hang on!" he told telepathically, but there was no echo. It didn't deliver. A tear appeared into the corner of his eye and he started running.

Arkthes lied on the ground. She cut the connection to Jarak to stop him from feeling her pain.
"You... You will fall before them," she snarled as she tried to get up. Her legs shook from the pain, the hunter probably had hit some important spot in her body, or something. She stopped growling, but flicked her tail slowly.


(Ark won't die, no worries... probably >:3)
he sheated his sword while still having his shield attached with straps to his arm, he took out his crossbow and loaded an expensive wurtzite boron nitrite tipped bolt magazine and aimed right to the dragon's head (oh god please dont let her die, somebody stop me already!!!) @MidnightStar89 @Cheselth @Giga @AEchelon
Arkthes saw the crossbow, but simply closed her eyes and looked away. She let out a quiet whimper, lowering her head in fear. She had been defeated... she failed.

Jarak came to the flames and frowned. He could sense Ark's pain in the air, the same way he could sense someone's evil thoughts. He ran into the flames that seemed to just circle him. Not a burn was made on him, he had been training himself to endure his friend's flames. Very soon he saw the enemy; The armored assassin. As he saw Ark, his eyes seemed to glow. He has to die!!!

Jarak jumped out of the flames at unbelievable speed, grabbing the man's crossbow with his other hand, and his other wrist with his other hand. As he hit the man, he kicked him into the ground, now standing on the man. "You f*cker... nobody hurts my family without paying!!" he hissed. If the man looked at Jarak, it would look like he was seeing double, like the dragonkin was standing on him with a shadow with glowing red eyes.

@Salex @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
MidnightStar89 said:
Arkthes saw the crossbow, but simply closed her eyes and looked away. She let out a quiet whimper, lowering her head in fear. She had been defeated... she failed.
Jarak came to the flames and frowned. He could sense Ark's pain in the air, the same way he could sense someone's evil thoughts. He ran into the flames that seemed to just circle him. Not a burn was made on him, he had been training himself to endure his friend's flames. Very soon he saw the enemy; The armored assassin. As he saw Ark, his eyes seemed to glow. He has to die!!!

Jarak jumped out of the flames at unbelievable speed, grabbing the man's crossbow with his other hand, and his other wrist with his other hand. As he hit the man, he kicked him into the ground, now standing on the man. "You f*cker... nobody hurts my family without paying!!" he hissed. If the man looked at Jarak, it would look like he was seeing double, like the dragonkin was standing on him with a shadow with glowing red eyes.

@Salex @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
"i... i..." he stuttered, he hasnt felt this much pain since the first time he hunted "im sorry..." he said, he freed his other hand with the crossbow and shoots to arkthes @MidnightStar89
But before the bolts even reaches Ark, a flash of red came out of nowhere. Az-Rel had leap with his ancient and power daggers out, in a defensive stance. He attempted to block the bolts from reaching Ark. It seems that there is a new flash of anger in his eyes, as he had enough with this assassins.. He had enough of it.. It was already bad enough he had to deal with the Black Arrow but even Black Arrow was never this cruel. He maybe violent and used scare tactics but he would never take the lives of others who were loved. He only take the lives of people who he knew were alone. He can see that Jarak loved Ark very much. He wouldn't stand by and allow this vile assassin to destroy his loved ones. "You.. have.. just made an unforgivable mistake.." he said through gritted teeth, feeling his blood rushing in his body as new strength and agility courses through him. He successfully block the bolts and along with Jarak, he run quickly towards the assassin and attempts to plunge his two unbelievably strong daggers into the armored assassin "Just die!"
Giga said:
But before the bolts even reaches Ark, a flash of red came out of nowhere. Az-Rel had leap with his ancient and power daggers out, in a defensive stance. He attempted to block the bolts from reaching Ark. It seems that there is a new flash of anger in his eyes, as he had enough with this assassins.. He had enough of it.. It was already bad enough he had to deal with the Black Arrow but even Black Arrow was never this cruel. He maybe violent and used scare tactics but he would never take the lives of others who were loved. He only take the lives of people who he knew were alone. He can see that Jarak loved Ark very much. He wouldn't stand by and allow this vile assassin to destroy his loved ones. "You.. have.. just made an unforgivable mistake.." he said through gritted teeth, feeling his blood rushing in his body as new strength and agility courses through him. He successfully block the bolts and along with Jarak, he run quickly towards the assassin and attempts to plunge his two unbelievably strong daggers into the armored assassin "Just die!"
"SHINOBI!!" he shouted and before they could reach him a log took his place with a kunai stabbing in the log with a piece of paper saying "fooled ya" stuck on it, where he actually is is behind a tree and he climbed that tree @Giga @MidnightStar89
During all of this, Razor was hidden under a lot of bushes, afraid to fight the dragon hunter. He seemed to be too strong for him to fight, but he knew he had to help somehow. He didn't know what to do and this made him scared. His tail swished a little but he didn't notice.
When Jarak was hit by the arrow, Eagle almost froze in fear for the dragonkin's life. Niruth snapped him out of it with a low growl, though. He somehow mustered enough strength to pick up Lilith and follow Razor into the bushes. He placed Niruth down and took off his jacket, placing it on her to keep her warm. There were scars on his arms that looked like someone had taken an ice pick to the arms and scraped along them. The scars continued up his neck and even onto his face. They weren't very noticeable before because there wasn't any context to them. Eagle turned to Niruth and ordered, "Ice me." Niruth widened her eyes and protested, "With the state you're in, it'll kill you!" Eagle took off his shirt in preparation. The scars continued onto his chest, becoming closer and closer as they neared his heart. Right above his heart was a star shaped scar. "Earuth obviously wasn't enough to kill that b*stard. Now ice me." He held out his arms, standing right in front of Niruth's mouth. She closed her eyes and roared, letting out a freezing blast of ice onto Eagle's skin. Eagle gasped at the chill but endured it. When Niruth was done, Eagle stood there with grand Ice Armor and a helmet. It was so thick that it looked like a white sort of metal with a blue tinge to it. Eagle then chanted something and the armor began to glow blue. Enchanted Ice Armor. Impressive trick if it wasn't for the maniac assassin 5 feet away. Eagle took out his ice pick daggers and walked out of the bushes. He saw the log, the daggers stuck into it, Arkthes lying on the ground, Az-Rel and Jarak fired up, and approached. "How can I help?"

@Giga @MidnightStar89 @Cheselth
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When the assassin shot bolts towards the defenseless dragon, Jarak slashed his knife into the "man's" face. When it turned out to be a log, his eye twitched a little. He felt something grab him and pull towards a tree, where he actually saw movement in the leaves. He was now running towards the tree with incredible speed. Before the assassin would even have time to react, the dragonkin had grabbed his sword and ran at the tree, yelling in anger as he made a cut with the sword. The tree made a simple cracking sound as it started falling. "Leave now or you will pay with your life!" he demanded. As he spoke, his voice turned more echoing than normally, and there was a clear fire burning in his eyes.

Arkthes started to get power from Jarak's anger, so she slowly got up despite of the pain. She had to get away from this battle. Veeeery slowly she started limping out of the forest, leaving a dark purple blood trail on the way.
"Anyone nearby...? Razor? Niruth? Eagle...?" she called out.

@Cheselth @Salex
Eagle rushed over to Arkthes, "I'm here. I'm here. How can I help you?" He decided that for now, Jarak could handle that guy. He'd never seen someone so upset before, and he didn't want to get in the way. (sorry for the short post)

When Arkthes saw Eagle, she was glad and surprised at the armor. "I could use some help getting out of here, Jarak seems uncontrollably angry right now," she responded to him. A stab to the back was surprisingly effective against her, she had to do something about that some other day.

As Jarak waited for an answer he swinged the sword in his hands, but sheated it and grabbed his daggers.

@AEchelon @Salex
he jumped off the tree "if your this angry i have a feeling love's in the air..." he taunted. "well then dragon, have at thee!!!" he shouted, he whistled and his horse came running towards the hunter, as the horse ran to him he jumped over the horse to the saddle and charged towards the dragonkin (i forgot which is which but i was directing to jarak) with his crossbow @AEchelon @MidnightStar89 @Giga @Cheselth
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Eagle nodded at his friend and clicked his teeth somewhat loudly. Niruth jumped out of the bushes and swooped underneath Arkthes so that the cave dragon was on her back. Niruth had to focus on staying warm enough for Arkthes, though, so she moved a bit slower than normal. She brought the dragon over to the bushes and set her down softly. Eagle was right on their tales. "I can stop the bleeding," he offered, "But it requires ice magic. I don't know if that would be more painful than the wound itself on you, though." Eagle frowned and knelt by Arkthes's head.
Razor looked at the sleeping Lilith and placed his wing over her. He was going to protect her if anyone came by, even if it means he would die. He kept a watchful eye out for any danger as his tail seemed to grow thick, deadly spikes.
Jarak's eye twitched a little at the taunt. "Of course I love my only friend!" he yelled as he turned around. When the horse ran towards him he ran towards it, jumping out of the way at the last moment. He then noticed that the person was walking towards Lilith and Razor. "Take one more step and I will kill you..." he threatened, holding his daggers in a ready position.

Arkthes bared the coldness of Niruth, and when she was put down she took a deep breath.
"It's fine, I can get that done with my own venom... and sorry for the bloodstains," she apologized as she saw the dark stain left on Niruth's back. She lied her head on the grass. "Though... Lilith is in danger. He wants to hunt her," Ark said, her tone was serious like someone just died.

@Salex @Cheselth @AEchelon
Ashoak growled as she was supposed to protect Lilith and Razor,She pointed at the two and Costachio stood in front of them mouth open and ready to spew out fire should he come any closer,Ashoak on the other hand was tired of all this nonsense and the fact this hunter wanted to kill Lilith in her weakened state there was no way she could let the girl die honorlessly in her sleep.Ashoak clapped her hands together and slid them across eachother and once she was done she had vines coming from her palms which Costachio lit on fire,neither of them exchanged words just nodded appreciatively before Ashoak ran at the assassin whipping the firey vines at him trying to get him to back up or fight her.

he held his sword tightly and his shield firmly as he know that this will be easy as hell, he rushed and stabs ashoak in the abdomen
Most likely to his surprise Ashoak grabbed his sword with the vines and flung it or him towards the lake "Leave them alone,don't you have anything better to do than trying to kill us?!" she angrily barked at him,her eyes were narrowed and she seemed to have a different aura around her.Ashoak had gone mama bear mode to defend her allies and she was determined to protect.

@Salex (She's a tough old bird)
while she flung it he held on to it but didnt get flung since the heaviness of his armor "you have no idea what im capable of ent, now leave before i turn you into a stump... last chance..." he threatened
When the armored hunter was still threatening the ent, Jarak had gotten behind him. He grabbed his neck from behind, his grip was strong like a dragon's jaws. "Stay put or your neck will be snapped in half..." the dragonkin promised with a growl, his tail slashed angrily from side to side. The glow in his eyes was creepily red, he would've snapped that attacker's neck if the others wouldn't be such nice people.

@Salex (You really shouldn't move, he will snap the neck :'D) @ManyFaces
Razor roared at the attacker and lashed his now deadly tail around. YOU WILL LEAVE BEFORE I CUT YOU DOWN!! He yelled at him as the dragonkin and ent began fighting the man again. No one messes with my FAMILY and gets away with it!! He stood up as the edges of his mouth grew blue flames ((shhhh this ain't no mega evolution)) and his already deadly spikes, on his back, grew longer. This was something he had always been afraid to do in front of his parents. His eyes began to glow red as he lunged at the attacker, but not knocking him over. This lunge was to get close enough in order to fit the man's face in his mouth and then wrap his tail around his legs. His mouth would be as hot as a volcano at this point, but this only happens on rare occasions such as this one. He cannot gain this power from simply willing it to happen, he has to be in a certain state of emotion.

(You really can't move now xD unless up can but the neck snapping.)
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while being trapped he stayed calm, even his voice showed no fear, as he knew he was only playing around "okay enough playtime, 7 versus 1? time to up my game... SURVIVE MODE!" he shouted and his armor emits a shockwave blast that makes anyone arround his vicinity get blasted away 10 to 15 meters, once the dust finally goes away, his armor and his sword and shield changed to a gold-silver color with a newly formed red cape behind him @ManyFaces @Cheselth @Giga @MidnightStar89

(now i know what your thinking "he is being too op" and yes i am aware of that, but when im just a human fighting 7 other different races and two of them are chosen by keepers, i kinda have to step up my game, but dont worry i wont be as op as the first time i fought with you all :) )
Jarak yelled in surprise as he was thrown away, though because of his grip the man must have bad claw-made wounds in his neck now. He landed on his back, and as he got up, his rage disappeared. "I won't let you kill Lilith, even if it costs my life..." he threatens, grabbing his sword. "No tricks, no special armor or weapons. Genuine sword fight, you against me. If you win, I'm no longer there to stop you. If I win, you will leave us permanently," the dragonkin challenged, having a calm face now.

Arkthes lied on the ground, she tried to see her wings.
"I guess I'm not going to fly for a while..." she sighed, she was quite frustrated.

@Salex @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon

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