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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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The Black Arrow had been anticipating his move. He used his sturdy and customized bow, and started to wield it like a sword and initiate a sword fight with the hunter. His dagger attached to the front of his bow isn't made out of steel. It was made out of rare materials and minerals that were formed very deep beneath the crust and.. obviously, they will not break easily no matter what. He had spent years creating the ultimate weapon that will suit him. He fought the intruder, swinging his bow accurately and swiftly. At the same time, flip kicks and martial art movements were used at the same time, to confuse the attacker.
Giga said:
The Black Arrow had been anticipating his move. He used his sturdy and customized bow, and started to wield it like a sword and initiate a sword fight with the hunter. His dagger attached to the front of his bow isn't made out of steel. It was made out of rare materials and minerals that were formed very deep beneath the crust and.. obviously, they will not break easily no matter what. He had spent years creating the ultimate weapon that will suit him. He fought the intruder, swinging his bow accurately and swiftly. At the same time, flip kicks and martial art movements were used at the same time, to confuse the attacker.
in defense he has perfected swordfighting and aiming with any weapon for a decade which makes him more than well prepared as each kick is punch is just greeted by a painful side of the sharp blade @Giga
And so was the Black Arrow. An average person would be easily greeted with the painful side of that sharp blade but he was too swift and too fast. He'd then did a backflip out of the smoke, using explosive arrows and begin firing at the spot where he was fighting with the hunter. Or it was just a tactic for him to get out to the open so that the others could take on him. (going sleep)
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Giga said:
And so was the Black Arrow. An average person would be easily greeted with the painful side of that sharp blade but he was too swift and too fast. He'd then did a backflip out of the smoke, using explosive arrows and begin firing at the spot where he was fighting with the hunter. Or it was just a tactic for him to get out to the open so that the others could take on him. (going sleep)
(same, gnight to you) when the smoke lifted he's nowhere to be seen when the truth he escaped to make the fear factor from them rise @Cheselth @AEchelon @Giga @MidnightStar89
Lilith can't fight in smoke... But she can blow the smoke away! She lifts both hands into the sky and crosses them before using wind to blow the smoke away. "Windy day isn't it?"
Niruth turned her face away from the wind blast as dust from the bomb flew into her face. Eagle pushed Niruth's wing, wanting ti see what was happening. When Niruth saw that the silver elf hunter was gone, she lifted her wing. "Lilith," he brought himself to a stand, leaning on Niruth. He didn't have much else to say to her, but the name rolled off his tongue so easily. He liked the way he felt whenever she looked at him.

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Thasethel watched the whole battle with wide eyes, hiding in between the trees. He was a bulky man, but the thick foliage managed to hide him. He kept a steady hand on the handle of his sword and his arm up with the shield. After the situation calmed down, he debated wether or not to help the group or continue to Grandell. He decided upon Grandell, his contractor wasn't going to wait forever. However, when he started walking, he started making a lot of noise, but he didn't notice
Arkthes looked at the fight with a worrying face. She knew that the earlier enemy was now fighting the armored one, but that earlier one wanted to hurt Eagle.

"Lets pretend that never happened, okay?" asked Jarak from further away with telepathy. Ark looked at the limping dragonkin while laying down. "I'm so exhausted... Is everyone alright?" the cave dragon asked from the others, while Jarak walked over to her. "Look at you poor girl... I'll get those out, you did good!" the man complimented Ark. He started to pull those damn stuck bolts out of her scales, throwing them away on the ground. As he was done he sat next to her, holding his leg's painful spot. "Out of all of my wounds this is the most painful one?" he mumbled.

@Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon (Going to sleep now, byeeee~ :3)
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While everyone was fighting Ashoak got some kindle,fallen wood,and long pointy sticks and made a campfire by the lake,should anyone join her she had enough sticks for everyone to put whatever supplies they had on or Costachios fish she had caught.Costachio had a basketsworth of fish which she had gutted and set aside for those who preferred raw meat and descaled them with her claws "Want me to light the fire?" she asked Ashoak,Ashoak replied "Yes,would you please?" she sat down and watched as Costachio lit the campfire.

@Everybody (Also going to assume it's getting late in the rp since a lot just happened)
As Thasethel walked the path back to the city, he saw a faint orange glow in the distance. Since it was getting dark, he decided to investigate, assuming it was a fire. And he assumed right, as he saw two individuals huddled around a campfire. He decided to approach them, leaving his shield on the ground. As he exited the foliage, he said:


Lilith looked around, a little angry. She took a step back but activating a lot of her strength for wind magic had taken its tole in her. Her eyes went back to being bright green before she fell backwards onto her back, sleeping like a child.
Johnny sat down on the grass, back to a tree, as he saw the smoke in the distance. Gigantic pillows of it blowing in the wind, until blowing out all together. He gained a giant smile and let out a small 'Ooo' noise. His eyes widened in astonishment. He's never been out on his own before, he's never witnessed the use of magic with his own eyes, but watching the effects of a fight from a long distance would have to suffice for the time being. He lays one hand on the hilt of his sheathed rapier lying on the ground next to him, the other inches from his face holding up half an orange he plucked from a nearby tree. He listened carefully, hearing the far explosions and the wind through the trees.

He finished the wild orange and threw the seeds and peel on the ground far from him; he watches a nearby bird fly to it, swooping down and landing to investigate, pecking at the leftovers. He stood up and reattached his sword to his side, letting out a long stretch. It looked like the fight wasn't going to go anywhere more exciting, and he had heard from fellow travelers of a nearby town he planned to visit. It was getting darker than he expected, and he didn't want to sleep out on his own in the woods.
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Eagle scrambled over to Lilith so quickly, Niruth didn't have time to help him over. He dove and caught the dark elf's head in his hands before it crashed down onto the ground. He groaned and shifted his position so that she was resting her head in his lap. He sighed in relief and looked up Ashoak. "Hey uh... Thanks for helping us out. We're a bunch of misfits with pride out the wazoo apparently. I would get up to shake your hand, but I have a sleeping girl on my lap." He heard something metal drop to the ground and looked over, a bit startled. He saw a man approaching who didn't seem threatening. He had even put down his weapons and shield. Eagle thought this was a little odd, but accepted it and smiled up at him. "Hello, stranger. I'm Eagle. Care to join us for some fish?" The state Eagle was in was kind of pathetic. His clothes had dirt and blood stains all over them, any of his skin that wasn't covered by cloth had scrapes and bruises all over, and his face was a bit swollen. On top of that, this beaten down young adult was smiling instead of complaining or passed out.

@Cheselth @ManyFaces @MidnightStar89 @GalacticalMoonMan

(sorry it took me a while to respond even though i was online for some of the gap. I didn't really have much to say until now. I'm off to bed, gnight!)
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Ashoak smiled and quickly grabbed three spears and skewered a fish on each spear,she smiled at Eagle "I help those who need help,now eat some fish you'll need to keep your strength up" she said tossing him a speared fish that appeared to resemble a walleye,she had a freshwater bass and she gave the stranger a pike.But then she noticed Lilith "Oh what happened to the dear here?She looks like she's taken quite the bashing" Ashoak said looking at Liliths wounds.Costachio was prodding around the gut pile for fish livers,the best part of the fish for here was fish livers no matter the shape or size but her favorite were cod livers,which she had found and snapped up,she put the guts closer to the fire so they could warm up some then left coming back with more wood and tossed it into the fire causing it to flare up some "Feels like home..." she said as she laid inside the campfire.

@AEchelon @GalacticalMoonMan @anyone else?
Razor came waltzing over to Eagle, seemingly out of the blue. "Are you all okay?" He said suddenly from behind the elf. "That dark elf on your lap seems to be a bit out of it." He tried joking to lighten the mood. He sat down and wrapped his tail around himself lightly before hanging his head a little. "Did anyone..."
he goes back to his camp, exhausted and his weapons beaten down "argh... i need to get my armor fixed and my sword re enchanted and some new bolts..." he said, with that he walks to the town to meet arahel, the elfen blacksmith, and where i got my adamantium alloy armor "ahh!!! steve the silver hunter, its rare seeing you out if your armor, let me guess you got into a fight again and you wont stop until you get whoever your hunting on?" arahel said "yeah... i need my armor fixed, sword re enchanted and you know what to do with this crossbow" i said as i put down a sack filled with my armor, my sword and my crossbow, he proceeded to fix it, re enchant it and make over 400 special bolts in an hour, "nice work as always arahel, here's your payment, so long!" i said as i gave him 100 gold coins and i left the shop and back to my camp @Giga @Cheselth @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon
When Jarak was done tending Ark's wounds that she couldn't reach, he noticed the campfire. It was very welcoming, so they both walked over, stopping where the heat got to them. The dragonkin saw the fish and got up again. "Just a second," he said as he grabbed the best looking fish he could find in the pile. Ark tilted her head a little when the dragonkin came back, but the fish made her happy. "Cooked or raw?" Jarak asked as he smiled. "Cooked!" Arkthes replied with a happy tone. The dragonkin sat by the fire to cook both hers and his meals, and threw the finished one to the cave dragon. "Thank you~" she thanked while munching on the fish.

"So... mmhm.. did anyone escape the battle without a scratch?" he joked. Jarak was in a good mood after this fight, the enemy escaping was a victory for him.

@Cheselth @AEchelon @Giga @ManyFaces @GalacticalMoonMan
he sat down in his camp for a while and just thought for a while what he should do, clearly he cant do it by himself so he kept thinking and thinking
he put his things in his camp and goes back to the town, and heads to a tavern. the tavern being filled as usual, he ordered a beer and drinks and relaxes till midnight
Eagle replied to Askoak, "we all used up all of our energy. Lilith and I rely on magic a lot of the time, so our energy drains faster than we would like." Eagle took the fish and began eating it. He noticed that the other dragon was eating all the livers, so he tossed her the one in his fish.


Niruth came over then, but not too close to the fire. She laid down with a huge sigh and a bit of a groan. Eagle piped up, "Erm, do you have any uncooked fish?" Niruth had never liked cooked food, probably because she was an ice dragon and hated the heat in her mouth.

When Jarak and Ark came over, Eagle chuckled tiredly, "I don't think so." But when Razor showed up without a scratch, he added, "maybe this guy." He placed his hand in Razor's snout reassuringly. "Lilith will be fine. We all used more energy than we'd expected to."

@Cheselth @MidnightStar89
Razor gave a little sigh of relief. "I do apologize, though... I did not help when I should have been." He was sitting and watching during the fight, afraid to get in there. Sure he can be reckless but that armor scared him.

Lilith would be out for a while. Using the power of her mark for the first time should really take a lot out of a person. Her breaths were quiet and almost peaceful.
after midnight a guy in the tavern got too drunk and hit steve in the head with a bottle, him being drunk as well punched him in the face and somebody shouted "BAR FIGHT!!!" and eveything goes to hell in the tavern, with glass shards flying everywhere and the piano man surprisingly still plays his piano in the midst of the fight (yep... my character can't get 10 seconds without getting in trouble)
Jarak looked at Niruth, as Eagle asked about the fish, he thought that maybe the ice dragon didn't eat cooked fish. He hopped back to the fish pile, throwing one of them to Niruth's feet. "There ya go, fresh fish!" he said with a slight laugh in the tone. He then went back to Arkthes, cringing a little as his wounds stung like a frostbite. He sat down to the cave dragon, who now rested her head on her front paws. "...It's a nice night for a stormy one," she suddenly said, as she closed her eyes. "I guess so, I'm not a night expert, though," the dragonkin replied. He layed on his back, hands behind his head. "I hope you guys are okay with the idea that we're going to walk... Arkthes isn't going to fly with that wing for a few days at least," he said to the others. Ark let out a deep sigh, it was annoying to not be able to fly.

@Cheselth @AEchelon
(sorry for my.. INCREDIBLE LATE POST. Don't worry, its not going to lead to another battle scene. Remember that locket i told u about

@AEchelon ?)

"Not so fast. All of you" The Black Arrow announced menacingly. Without warning, he took out his bow and arrow again. He plans to start up everything again. He points it towards Eagle from an angle. "We still have a score to settle" he said, as he completely ignore everybody else. Az-Rel became furious. "You can't do this, after everything that's happen. Why even bother helping!" Az-Rel said as he readies his daggers again, fearing another heavy battle its undergone its way. The Black Arrow smiled a sly grin which couldn't be seen under that hood. He let's go of the arrow before anybody else could stop him. Az-Rel yells as he quickly leaps to stop him. There was a distinctive metal noise as the arrow had hit something and instead of Eagle's chest, it hit his locket. It was teared off from him and landed in the grassy floor a few meters away. "There. Normally, I would usually cut the person's head off as a proof of that I've assassinated my target. But, my employer, lucky for you, is a rather formal person and has a quite high reputation. Showing him a possession of the target would be enough. He hates messy work" he said as he walks towards the locket. As he passes by Eagle, he decided to nick his skin with his dagger, making a cut, smearing his dagger with blood. He then picked up the locket and smeared the blood on the locket. "There, with this, everything is solved. Just.. don't enter Helatia for a while, especially in the wealthy region of it." he said as he picks up the locket, not knowing it contains the semi-burned picture.
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one hour later... (i have a sudden feeling when reading those 3 words, the narrator from spongebob says it suddenly...) he wakes up, in the tavern all beat up surrounded by drunken sleeping men and glass shards everywhere. "uggghhhh.... what in bedlam's name happened?..." he said tiredly "you got hit in the head with a bottle starting a bar fight, you were knocked out for 1 hour, altough you beat up at least 30 people before the alchohol knocked you out" the pianoman said packing his things. he stood up and went back to his camp and sat down outside his tent near the fireplace eating a sandwich

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