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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Lilith didn't know what to do during all of this. She was angry, tired, sore and a bit scared. Not dared for herself, oh no. She was afraid that her newly found friends were going to be killed off. During the big fight, she tried her best to summon up an arrow but she was too exhausted from everything she had to do today. She felt useless. She couldn't exactly go up and use her ebony blades at all. Lilith was not good at close combat and if she were going to go up against a man with armor like that, she would need a whole lot more training in order to survive even four minutes. What was she to do? Lilith pondered this for a bit. Not enough energy to cast arrows, definitely not enough energy to fight without getting sloppy. Then the explosion snapped her out of her thoughts before she looked up at Niruth and then Eagle, realizing that they were both doing the same thing at once. What was this? Lilith got down into a full laying position on the branch she was hiding on and watched. There was nothing she could do, she was too weak and useless at the moment. She would only get in the way. When both fighters were down, however, Lilith wasn't thinking when she jumped down off of the branch. "Eagle!" She checked him to make sure he was okay, not paying attention to the other man. She didn't know if the hunter was asleep or dead and she didn't care. "Eagle, are you alright? Come on, get up..." Just then the hunter was standing, but she didn't even glance at him. She was more worried about her friend. "Niruth, has this happened before?"
Az-Rel walked back, still holding his daggers in attack stance. "You should consider your choices wisely, intruder. Leave all of us now, and we will never cross paths again. Or.. You fight, we will all be merciless towards you."he said in an expressionless tone, being calm and collected but inside him, he was in pure anger. White hot fury was exploding in him. This is due to the fact, this fighter had broke his valued steel bladed staff. He could not forgive him for that. Above all of them, the Black Arrow was watching. He was hoping that he would fight because he knew that this hunter is a very smart and powerful fighter.. But he was better, he thought.
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MidnightStar89 said:
While Jarak was off being... busy, Arkthes heard the enemy get up again. She quickly limped towards him with a growl, but stopped a fine distance away. "You're glad my blood can wash almost any poison out of me. Now, do you want to die or leave humiliated?" she snarled, holding her right front leg a bit in the air. Quite many of the bolts had hit it, but none of them managed to penetrate her chest plating.
@Salex @Giga @AEchelon
"i shall leave..." he said, while walking away, suddenly he grinned, turned around and pressed a button which blew up a bomb under them "HA!!! GOTCHA SUCKAS!!!" he shouted while laughing @MidnightStar89 @Giga @AEchelon
Niruth didnt have time to answer Lilith before shooting an icy blast at the bomb, creating a frozen cage for it. When it exploded, the only damage done was that the ice cracked into little pieces, but they didnt go anywhere other than falling to the ground. She snorted and shook her head disappointedly.

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But before that could even happen, something else intervene. An arrow was shot at their position. This was no ordinary arrow. It was an enchanted arrow that basically enchants anyone with resistance to fire and explosives in a small radius. The effect was instantaneous as almost all of the beings were protected by the explosion that blew beneath them. Little damage is done. However, the impact from the blast still sends many of them flying away. As soon as the explosions clear, a black hooded figure landed in front of them. He looked at Az-Rel who was lying on the grassy floor, meters away before looking at the silver hunter.. Clearly, he had no fear or intention of leaving.. He equip his vicious bow with an attached dagger to its front, made out of rare materials. His arrows are ready to be used from his quivers. He only wait for the hunter's next moves. The Black Arrow has returned.
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AEchelon said:
Niruth didnt have time to answer Lilith before shooting an icy blast at the bomb, creating a frozen cage for it. When it exploded, the only damage done was that the ice cracked into little pieces, but they didnt go anywhere other than falling to the ground. She snorted and shook her ead dissappointedly.
when he saw the ice he instantly pulled out his crossbow and turned it too sniper mode making the shot ten times more powerful, he then took a particle enchanted bolt he made so hard and shot it too the sky appearing he has missed @Giga @AEchelon @MidnightStar89
Niruth watched the arrow carefully. She had seen the way this man had hit Jarak behind a rock, so he must have a plan for this "misfire". Eagle slowly opened his eyes and saw Lilith looking down at him worriedly. "We... Have to stop meeting like this." He grinned a little and then winced. He ached all over and his body was so exhausted. The sun had now set and the temperature started to drop as the sky grew darker and darker. Niruth had been right to watch the arrow. She galloped over to Eagle and Lilith and stood over them, stretching out her wings to protect the two from any arrows.

@Cheselth @Salex
The Black Arrow was prepared for this. He believed he had found his equal as he took out one of his rarely used arrows and shot up in the air. The enchanted arrow exploded half-way, creating an enchanted field above them, preventing the bolts from raining down on them. He then shifted his gaze towards the fortified being. His face was hidden behind a hood. His face mask had came off earlier but it was still dark to tell who it was. He studied the being, noting that he has complete armor from bottom to top. Only cowards armored themselves from bottom to top with iron or steel. They were afraid of the pain.' he thought as he pulled multiple customized black arrows which can impale nearly anything, including dragon scales. They were expensive arrows, so he had to make them count. He was doing this so that his rival would still be there for him to fight and not for others. "I know who you are. You're a coward." He said with a sneer, not even ready to fire his arrows yet and just holds them in the other hand.
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the arrows rained down but the silver hunter was still standing shocked, until he spoke to BLACK ARROW "... hello... black arrow, ive been expecting you" (@Giga is it ok if the black arrow and my character had a friendship before? if not ill re edit the post) @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon @Cheselth
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Niruth looked up to see the Black Arrow when she hearn the explosion above. She snarled at him protectively and hid Eagle and Lilith under her wing out of the archer's view. Niruth knew she didnt have enough energy to fight anymore but she could protect. Eagle tried to stop her, knowing how weak she was, but she paid no attention to his pleas.

@Giga @Cheselth
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"alright black arrow, i accept your challenge..." he said as he loaded an adamantium tipped bolt magazine "let's see who's precision and reflexes are faster..." he said while flinching his eyes and readied his crossbow to semi-automatic mode @Giga @AEchelon @Cheselth @MidnightStar89

Lilith sighed at Eagle in relief before lightly patting him shoulder. "You're tough for being part human." She gave a little chuckle before taking a deep breath. "I've got some unfinished business to take care of. I'll be back soon." She calmly said before standing up and walking around the wing, to the black arrow. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. For now." Lilith bowed her head a little and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her eyes weren't her usual bright green color. They were light blue, like the sky. "You, dragon hunter, have reached the point of no return. If you choose to fight again, then it is a fight you shall get. Be warned, I will not have mercy. If you have plans to run, do so now." Her mark began to fade a slight bit. She get no energy but she's running on pure adrenaline at this point. "I am Lilith Swordfell, protector of the land. None shall harm my friends without first going through me." The familiar comment made her grab her blades and get prepared to fight.
Niruth, tired of all the testosterone around her roared and marched herseld right in between the two enemies. "Enough!" She growled. "Enough fighting. We are all exhausted and need rest and food and drink. If you two want to fight a battle to the death, that's fine with me. But you will let the rest of us leave without any trouble." The proud dragon grimaced and waited for their answers.

@Cheselth @Giga @Salex
AEchelon said:
Niruth, tired of all the testosterone around her roared and marched herseld right in between the two enemies. "Enough!" She growled. "Enough fighting. We are all exhausted and need rest and food and drink. If you two want to fight a battle to the death, that's fine with me. But you will let the rest of us leave without any trouble." The proud dragon grimaced and waited for their answers.
@Cheselth @Giga @Salex
Cheselth said:
Lilith sighed at Eagle in relief before lightly patting him shoulder. "You're tough for being part human." She gave a little chuckle before taking a deep breath. "I've got some unfinished business to take care of. I'll be back soon." She calmly said before standing up and walking around the wing, to the black arrow. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. For now." Lilith bowed her head a little and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her eyes weren't her usual bright green color. They were light blue, like the sky. "You, dragon hunter, have reached the point of no return. If you choose to fight again, then it is a fight you shall get. Be warned, I will not have mercy. If you have plans to run, do so now." Her mark began to fade a slight bit. She get no energy but she's running on pure adrenaline at this point. "I am Lilith Swordfell, protector of the land. None shall harm my friends without first going through me." The familiar comment made her grab her blades and get prepared to fight.
"you move you dragonic beast.... and this adamantium tipped arrow will pierce your head" he threatened and continues to taunt lilith by saying "and please... protector of the lands? you barely did anything when i was fighting your friends before, you run out of energy too fast... a tired prey is a dead prey" with his crossbow ready @Giga @AEchelon @Cheselth @MidnightStar89
"Indeed it is, darkskin." He said without shifting his gaze at all, still intending to hurt Lilith with his slur. "As for you. You're going to be my first kill that is not requested by anybody else. You're the first person I want to kill with great intention.. Because I hate your cowardly methods" the Black Arrow said to him, almost with a growl in his voice. He clearly despises him. Especially for the fact he had completely covered himself in full steel armor and uses rare and overly-powerful methods like a kid. He just wants to end it fast, not enjoy the battle like he is. He shifted to the right as the arrows left his bow, going straight towards him. He continue to fire multiple arrows at once, sometimes up to three arrows in one shot as he strafe and strafe to his right
Giga said:
"Indeed it is, darkskin." He said without shifting his gaze at all, still intending to hurt Lilith with his slur. "As for you. You're going to be my first kill that is not requested by anybody else. You're the first person I want to kill with great intention.. Because I hate your cowardly methods" the Black Arrow said to him, almost with a growl in his voice. He clearly despises him. Especially for the fact he had completely covered himself in full steel armor and uses rare and overly-powerful methods like a kid. He just wants to end it fast, not enjoy the battle like he is. He shifted to the right as the arrows left his bow, going straight towards him. He continue to fire multiple arrows at once, sometimes up to three arrows in one shot as he strafe and strafe to his right
with little effort the silver cladded hunter shot his adamantium tipped arrows aiming at the arrows, as they both keep shooting, each arrow hits a bolt and each bolt hits an arrow, making a stalemate @Giga
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Lilith narrowed her eyes and and glared at the hunter. "At least I have some value of life. You go kill anything in sight. You're no better than a man with no soul..." She responded. Once the black arrow began attacking, she used this chance to rush the armored man at blinding speeds, trying to find a weak point in his armor. Right now the only one she knows of is where the dragon but I to his arm. Anything that bends like that and has to be fixed a lot will weaken with every fix. She went for that one, her blades glowing purple. She wanted to listen to Niruth, but she felt she had to do this.
While he continues to fire his arrows, he knew that he is merely serving as a distraction. He expected someone else to use that advantage to sneak around him or attack him straight on. He was satisfied as Lilith went full rush towards him. Good, she served as another distraction, he thought. He expected his former partner, Az-Rel to be the one doing the sneak attack from behind. And he understood it well. He quickly ended up behind the hunter, sneaking towards him swiftly with two swift daggers, intending to weaken the armor if he can.. slice his neck. Or he could just snap his neck, it was easy. Damn the hunter for being in full armor.
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"*********... how am i gonna beat this?! this is a stalemate!!!" he said pretending to be distracted, when they both get close he said "na ah ah, your little cheap sneak attacks wont save you now..." which at that point he shot a bolt to the ground which makes smoke spreading everywhere in the battlefield @Giga @AEchelon @Cheselth
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"Hmmph. I would say smoke is my middle name. But I am the smoke." The Black Arrow said, not needing his sight to find his enemies in the blinding, eye-watering mist. He tries to hear his enemy. He continues to fire his arrows at where he feels.. correction.. KNOWS his enemy is at! If it comes to the point where he comes close, he would wield his legendary bow like a sword and will begin to fight him close combat. The long dagger, attached in front of the bow makes it possible. Az-Rel could also sense the intruder in the smoke, but he was less experienced. But when working with The Black Arrow, they both would be an unstoppable duo.
"your not the only one that can fight in smoke..." he said, utilizing his 5 senses he doesnt have to see where they are, he grabs the arrow in his hand and throws it too the ground, hearing footsteps he put away his cross bow and pulls out his enchanted sword turning it to slay mode (sword sharpened to point being able to cut steel like knife through cold butter)

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