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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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suddenly a man walked up, wearing a hood covering his face. he dropped a sack of gold in front of me "... what is that for?" steve asked "i need you to hunt someone... her name is lilith swordfell, she is a dark elf... if you kill her then your reward is twice the amount of this, take the sack of gold here as an appetizer..." the man said, he was a relatively rich man showing by his amount of wealth hmm... he must want that elf dead if he's paying this much for me to kill her he thought to himself. "alright... it'll be easy i suppose, she's a dark elf, should be an easy target" he said as he stood up, the man leaves and i stood up, i got into my tent and gets ready to hunt the dark elf @Cheselth @Giga @MidnightStar89 @AEchelon

Razor looked up at the sky, the sun setting made the sky an orange color and the clouds turned pink. He smiled a little as he stood up to get a fish before going to lay back down in the same spot. He didn't cook the fish in the fire but cooked it with small embers. He began feeling the vibrations around him. He loved the feel of heartbeats since it calmed him. Razor looked to Black Arrow and growled a little, his tail flicking. He blinked in confusion at what happened next. But he was calm and glad that the hunter had some sort of change in heart.
he donned his armor and loaded his crossbow, he brought his pet eagle he named 'eyes' and sheated his sword, he put his shield behind his back and loaded his utility belt with other gizmos, he then walked forth out of his tent to the last battle field he fought in which will take about 5 hours travel with his horse which gives them time to prepare @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon @MidnightStar89
Ashoak smiled and let out a happy sigh,seeing everyone enjoying themselves by the fire made her feel happy "Now darlings do any of you need healing treatment from the fights?" she said before taking a bite out of the fish she had and making a satisfied sigh,Costachio seeing the liver thrown snapped it up within seconds and licked her muzzle "What are your names?" she said since she never quite got the names from everyone or she never bothered to remember.Ashoak just shook her head but said nothing she was waiting to see if anyone would speak up about their injuries.

Jarak looked at the Black Arrow with a frown. ''I don't mind you taking a necklace, but if Eagle disagrees, I don't like it either,'' he said in a tired tone. When one of the people he didn't know yet asked about healing, he raised his hand. ''I would absolutely love something for my leg, I think it might be infected already,'' he said with a seemingly calm tone.

As the dragon asked about names, Arkthes opened her eyes again.
''I'm Arkthes, but you can call me Ark if you'd like. This dragonkin here is Jarak,'' she said to the dragon, who seemed to love fish... livers? The cave dragon closed her eyes again, trying to relax so that her wounds would heal quicker.

Jarak smiled when he saw her peaceful dragon. However, a shadow that flew over them caught his attention. A bird. The dragonkin looked up to the sunset -sky, seeing a hawk circling.
''That is not normal hawk behavior... I think we're being watched.''

@ManyFaces @Cheselth @AEchelon
Eagle didnt have time to move as the arrow flew at him. Niruth moved quickly, but not quickly enough. *Clink* Eagle felt a tug on his neck as the chain of the locket fell to the ground. Terrified, Eagle froze in place as the Black Arrow walked up to him. He was so close that Eagle could see the cracks in the skin on his hand. He winced when the dagger cut him but didn't complain. When the man grabbed the locket he softly but urgently said "Wait." He took the locket out of the man's hand and opened it and gazed at his mother's photo. "I just want to look at her. It should stay though." Eagle closed the locked and hesitantly handed it back to the man. He was trying not to cry, but he teared up anyway.

Seeing that Eagle wasn't much in the mood to speak, Niruth piped up. "I'm Niruth Gentleheart and this is Eagle Grozs. He seems to be fine except for that knife wound." She shot a dirty look at Black Arrow and continued. Hey lindy! Im back in mhead, wanna hang? When's your spring break? Niruth smiled and looked over at Razor. "Don't worry Razor. Our enemies today were too much for us and we are mich more experienced in these things. I'm glad you kept yourself safe." She leaned over and nuzzled him affectionately.

Eagle looked up at the eagle flying above when Jarak mentioned it. He frowned and looked down at Lilith. He looked over to Ashoak and said, "Will you hide her? Somewhere not even we know. Razor, you go with the the healer and her dragon. Niruth will speak to you telepathically when it is safe."

@ManyFaces @Cheselth @Giga @MidnightStar89 @Salex
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Razor sighed. "I'm Razor. I have no last name but I am in no need of healing." He looked to Niruth when she spoke and blinked in confusion. A ton of smoke came out of his nose before he looked away and coughed up more smoke. He looked up to the eagle in the sky and narrowed his eyes. His tail swished violently around.
"your time is near, dark elf..." he said, he stopped the horse and got down, he then walked to the previous site and the eagle returned to him, he readied his crossbow and climbed a tree
Arkthes opened her eyes slightly when she proceeded to lick Jarak's wound. It stinged a lot, but it was not venom that would hurt the dragonkin, the opposite actually. "Ow!" Jarak complained. "Stop moving or I'll bite you," the dragon chuckled. The pain in Jarak's leg was almost fully gone, when Ark stopped. She raised her head and looked towards the sound she heard. Probably only she and Razor could hear the noise of horse's galloping, but it stopped as there was a metallic sound of someone getting off. "We have company..." she hissed quietly. Jarak let out a deep sigh, facepalming a little. He got up hesistantly, turning towards the forest Ark was looking at. "Sneaky attack or do we just yell them to get out of their little tree-hiding habits?" he asked from the rest of the group.

@Salex @Cheselth @AEchelon
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"How about we just make it for that dragonkin settlement. We had enough attacks today. We won't be attacked in public. I am pretty sure you could get us in without any problems as well " announced Az-Rel to Jarak, hoping that he would agree. He certainly didn't want to be in another battle. The Black Arrow has gone off to get his payment as well. He was ready to run all the way to that settlement if it means rest.
Jarak nodded at the idea. "I'm sure I can get us iAAGH!" he was interrupted by a bolt to the side of his neck. As he grabbed it and pulled it out, he smelled it. "Poison..." he hissed, throwing it to the ground. As he was grabbing his daggers, he felt numb and fell to his knees. Arkthes let out a panicked screech, looking to the forest where noises came from. A low growl came from her, and her neck faintly glowed. She roared, releasing a humongous wave of purple fire. After that she ran through the fire, snapping the closest three in half with swoop from her tail. She breathed more fire, at the same time jumping around the flames like a cat, it would be really difficult to aim at her. The scales on her grew stronger as she got in contact with flames, and quite soon the whole little patch of forest was burning. "Die!" she roared. Meanwhile Jarak lied on the ground, quietly snarling from burning pain all over him.

@Salex @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
"Damn it!" Az-Rel yelled as he dive towards the ground in order to avoid any more crossbow shots and stares at the dragon going in alone, charging into the deep forest. He looked at Jarak who's now lying, writhing on the grassy floor, growling in pain. Az-Rel crawl towards him and tries to tend to his injuries. He knew he has some anti-poison vials with him but he has no idea what kind of poison it is. "You're going to be okay, stay with me" he said as he continue to tend to his wounds before looking up and staring into the jungle, wondering if he should help the dragon to fight whoever that person is. He had no time to identify the type of poison. Feeling adrenaline pumped throughout his body, he carries Jarak up and tries to get away from that dangerous spot.
the hunter goes down the tree, like satan going through the gates of hell he emerged from the blaze seemingly untouched with little burn marks "that's just a little presentation of what i can do to your loved ones..." he said as he put away his crossbow and unsheated his sword and shield "now where is lilith... tell me where she is and you can all leave this unharmed, not tell me and you risk your loved ones in danger..." he threatened @Giga @MidnightStar89 @Cheselth
Jarak looked at Az-rel, at least he tried to. His vision was quite blurry and he felt nauseous. "Thanks for help..." he mumbled, but closed his eyes as he cringed.

Arkthes was definitely in no state of conversation. As she saw that the person emerged from the flames, steam came from her mouth and nostrils. She stopped for a moment. "Why do all of you want to just slay us?!" she asked with a snarl. Her eyes were normally pure white, but now in this rampaging stage her eyes showed a faint glow of purple. She spitted acid at him, then jumped at a tree, which gave her the ability to hop right behind him, where she spat more acid. She knew to keep her distance from the sword. Because of her rage, the acid was even more powerful. "I will destroy you!" she roared.

@Salex @Giga
MidnightStar89 said:
Jarak looked at Az-rel, at least he tried to. His vision was quite blurry and he felt nauseous. "Thanks for help..." he mumbled, but closed his eyes as he cringed.

Arkthes was definitely in no state of conversation. As she saw that the person emerged from the flames, steam came from her mouth and nostrils. She stopped for a moment. "Why do all of you want to just slay us?!" she asked with a snarl. Her eyes were normally pure white, but now in this rampaging stage her eyes showed a faint glow of purple. She spitted acid at him, then jumped at a tree, which gave her the ability to hop right behind him, where she spat more acid. She knew to keep her distance from the sword. Because of her rage, the acid was even more powerful. "I will destroy you!" she roared.

@Salex @Giga
him being prepared for the fight knew what to do as he encountered the dragon before, he raised his shield which has 5 layers in which the acid dissolved the first layer "i have no intent of slaying you, and you cannot destroy me" he said "i am only here to hunt the dark elf lilith... you had your chance to leave beast, now you shall perish under my blade" he stated, he readied his sword to dragon mode and the sword suddenly is covered in scales and a dragon eye in the hilt @Giga @MidnightStar89
As Arkthes looked at the shield, she recognized it as a layered shield. Just shoot it many times. Easy. She thought. As she saw the sword change she was surprised. Her own scales had turned spikier and stronger, it was clear that her scales had changed. She spat more acid as she backed away a little, she made sure to keep her distance every time he would come closer. She spat more acid every now and then, sometimes flames.

this time he got smart, he used his sword to block the acid and used the shield to block the flames. "you dragons cannot use your cheap acid-fire tricks on me, you want me? come get me!" he said, he whistled from where the sound of horse shoes clapping can be heard, from the forest and from the fire, his horse jumped over the blazing fallen trees on which he jumps on to the horse riding head on to the dragon @MidnightStar89 @Giga
Arkthes took a battle position, but when the horse arrived, she was surprised how brave it was... How brave and foolish. As the horse ran towards, she shot fire towards it and with her tail slashed the ground under it. The tail's spikes grabbed onto the horse's legs, so she smacked it away against a tree. Either the tree or the horse made a loud snapping noise. She didn't yet see where the human fell, so just in case she backed off a little, looking around carefully.

the horse used iron armor which made the tree snap, the hunter seemed invisible for a while but the horse proppeled him to the sky which made him seemingly fly to the air, he then put his sword in a stabbing down motion aiming right to the dragon @MidnightStar89
Arkthes looked at the horse, seeing that it just made someone fly into the air. She heard leaves rustling above her, so her normal reaction was to shield herself with her wings. She let out a very loud screech of pain as the sword slashed through the webbing of the wing, even hitting basically the only spot without spikes. Her scales weren't strong prevent the hit, luckily he didn't hit her spine. As dark purple blood came from the wound, she turned her head to the hunter. "Got you," she snarled. The sword was stuck between her scales, so she swinged her tail at the human, either stabbing through his armor or forcing him to leave his sword there.

Jarak kept his eyes closed, but suddenly let out a quiet-ish yell.
"NO! Ark!" he yelled, forcing himself up. He shook his head as his vision was still blurry, and he started clumsily limping towards the flaming forest.

@Salex @Giga
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the tail stabbed through the weak point of the armor making him bleed, he didnt make a voice though the pain was horrifyingly painful, he took out the sword and stabbed her wing again and fell down, he held his wound and blood was coming out, he goes in a defensive position with his shield @MidnightStar89

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