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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Razor shivered as he didn't expect to be rubbed against. I- be careful for my spikes! He warned suddenly as he looked over, tail swishing more. They're sharper than they look... He shifted a little, not sure what to do until Niruth began to lead the pack. He stood up after giving a tiny smile to Niruth and followed her. Well I suppose this means more flying lessons.
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She turned to Razor with a sad smile. "Not at the moment, Arkthes can't fly and it shouldn't be too far to walk." She leaned down and put her ear against the ground. She felt the most vibrations coming from the west, so she set off in that direction. "Keep your ears open for the camp. We don't know exactly where it is and we don't want to scare anyone."
Razor gave a childish groan when Niruth said that and hung his head a little. Alright fair enough. And that part about keeping an eye out is gonna be hard for me since I'm borderline blind. He snickered a little before jumping up and 'flying' low to the ground. He figured he had to get some practice at least.
Az-Rel, who was quite injured from the fight looked up and nodded at Eagle "The settlement is... 2 miles northeast of here.. I haven't been there yet, but it was my next stop.. if they are welcoming in the first place. We need to get there ASAP." He announced as he picks up his broken double bladed steel staff.
Jarak looked at the ground for a moment before snapping back into reality. "Who- wha- ! My sword! ... Ow," he mumbled, before realizing the wound in his shoulder. His sword-half that cut off was behind him, it had made a quite small cut in the shoulder. He cringed at the sudden pain of different wounds, but also a terrible headache. "Why am I... Arkthes?" he called out.

Arkthes raised her head and looked around with a sleepy expression. She had fallen asleep. The cave dragon stretched, her pain was mostly gone, however her wing was in bad, bad shape. She walked over to the dragonkin and nudged him, letting out a purr.
"Uh... Alright, I heard we were going for that settlement... I wonder which one it is," he thought out loud, before walking to Az-rel. "So... I heard some of you could maybe possibly heal me?" he asked.

@Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon @Everyone :D
Niruth paused when Az-Rel said that the settlement was northeast of their location. Her cheeks turned a bright blue with a blush of embarrassment; she was heading west. She turned around like nothing had happened and walked over to Az-Rel. "If you need a ride, you may ride me, but this is a one-time offer." She didn't mean this is a distrustful way; the man had saved Eagle's life! She just meant that only Eagle could ride her all the time. Although, Lilith was an exception at the moment, seeing as how she was still out cold. She then nodded her head in the direction of Ashoak and said, "She can help you best."

@Giga @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces @Cheselth
(okay, seemingly showing by the fact that no one noticed my dead body dissapear in smoke, i conclude that you all think im dead)
Razor gave off a tiny snicker at Niruth. Don't worry, I'm sure I would have been confused as well, but you might need some practice feeling vibrations. Cave dragons are usually the best choice for that. He said as he got back onto the ground and kind of galloped like a horse.
while nobody noticed, the pill he swallowed actually was to only slow the heartbeat so much it would stop but come back in a few minutes, once he escaped in the smoke, he took his sword and his crossbow, and headed to his horse, on which he escaped on, but the horse made a sound of metal horseshoes clapping off to the distance leaving a slight trail @AEchelon @MidnightStar89 @Cheselth @Giga
He hesitated on whether or not to decline her offer.. Yet he was very surprised and shocked that a dragon actually.. spoke to him. He had never deal with dragons before in his life, while his rival has. "Erhm... It's okay.. Erh.. I need to be.. heading there anyways.. I..erhmm, I'll consider!" he stuttered a little bit as .. he was a bit nervous talking to the dragon. Its true he needed to be heading to that dragonkin settlement to receive some information and was following a hunch on something. Plus, he needed to get his blade fixed.
Jarak had to let out a little chuckle at Az-rel's stuttering, it was amusing. Arkthes nudged him a little, messaging 'shut up'. The dragonkin just rolled his eyes and leaned against her. ''Jarak, I heard... hoofsteps, metallic ones,'' Ark told telepathically. She tried to stay as normal as possible, as not to cause worry to others. ''Now that you mention... the hunter's body is gone. That fu-'' ''Ahem.'' ''...uuusion fighter.'' ''What?'' ''What?''

Jarak coughed a little, but got up. ''So, shall we leave? We could make it before it's fully dark, and even then the cave dragons can lead the way,'' he suggested, to which Arkthes stood up and nodded approvingly.

@Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon @ManyFaces @Salex
Ashoak got up and disappeared into the woods briefly before coming out with some ground balls of herb that had a scent similar to peaches and nutmeg mixed together.She tossed one to everyone hoping they could catch the balls,but they were solid so a good chucking would be required to break them apart "Chew until you feel better then spit the pulp out,don't swallow" she said as she approached Costachio who allowed the ent to board her back "If you eat you can maybe fix your wing so we can light the sky ablaze" she said happily while her maw flickered with light in the darkness.

Arkthes saw a ball of some kind fly towards her, so with instinct she leaped into the air and caught it. Another one hit her head, to which Jarak started laughing at her silly face. The dragonkin grabbed the ball that was on the ground, examining it for a while before starting to chew on it. ''Thnks!'' he mumbled, and Ark sighed. ''Don't even try to speak while eating, silly,'' she said while eating hers. ''Thank you both, though my healing takes a while with such wounds,'' she spoke telepathically to both Costachio and Ashoak.

@ManyFaces (Woo, fast reply!)
Niruth chuckled at Az-Rel and nodded slowly, "If it makes you uncomfortable, I understand." She turned her head to look at the ent as she spoke, and opened her mouth to catch the ball of herbs. Eagle reached out and caught both his and Lilith's, putting hers in his bag for now. He put his own in his mouth and chewed awkwardly at first, since it was so hard, but it got easier as it softened. Niruth spoke up, "Let's go," and began walking northeast.

Az-Rel blushed slightly out of embarrassment, although the others didn't see him. He really had never deal or interact with dragons before. This is because he had actually managed to avoid all conflict and interaction with them.. until today. He picks up his.. sadly broken blade and tries to place it into his blade sheath but it kept falling.. He had no choice but to carry the broken pieces itself. "Damn that crossbow hunter.." he cursed as he begins to take a slow walk.
his horse carried him back to his camp, where he was knocked out mid way, his horse made him fall beside the burnt out camp fire, where then his horse waits beside him until he wakes.

when he wakes up he feels a horrible pain in his chest and arm area, he tried standing up to only be pushed down by a sharp pain, he ignored his pain and rides up his horse on which he rides to the town healer, on which when he arrived on the door he fainted and the only thing he heard last was shouts and people surrounding him and picking him up and he blacked out.

he wakes up in a bed with the healer standing beside him. "you're lucky your alive, you sustained a huge stab wound, which luckily didnt have an infection, 6 broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder, here" the healer said as he injected a liquid to his body "that will heal up your wounds dramatically faster" the healer said again. "thanks....ill pay next time i come, and thatll be probably soon" the hunter said as he stood up and walked back to his camp with a cast in his arm
Jarak nodded when Eagle told them to go, so he started limping after him. Arkthes' wounds were fine enough for normal walking and trotting, so she suddenly grabbed the dragonkin on her back. Jarak cringed a little at the nasty-looking stab wound, the cave dragon's venom made her dried blood look like it was rotten or infected. Nasty.

However Ark felt fine, she continued walking after the dark elf. "Why are these hunters after exactly dark elves? Are you hated around here or something?" the dragonkin asked. "And don't get offended, my family is kind of hated through all dragonkin families, heh... Don't know about other races," he added. At that point Jarak knew, that he might've screwed up. He didn't even mention his last name to these people, and now he said that his family is hated... Way to earn trust.

Eagle looked over at Jarak and shrugged. "I'm not sure. When the Black Arrow came for me, I think there was some other reason that his employer wanted me dead." He frowned down at Lilith and stroked her hair. "As for Lilith... I don't know." He looked back up at Jarak with that same frown. "It was only recently that I embrased my dark elf side, but not because of any descrimination that I saw. Mostly it was because I wanted nothing to do with my father." Eagle shrugged and looked forward as Niruth's ears flattened. She had been told the full story and wanted to bite off that b*stard's head for abandoning Eagle.

Az-Rel knew that the subject of dark elves, dragonkin and orcs particularly have been quite.. the controversial subject around the continent. He had nothing against them and personally felt all of them should be treated as equal. "Well.. what to do, humans think that they're.. at the top, they are the prime specieis and such. Just because there is a huge population of them and such. It disgusts me really. Black Arrow has shown the same attitude, especially towards dragonkin and such. I suspect.. he had run in trouble with them once." Az-Rel stopped himself before he could continue. He knew the full story and everything.. like how he used to work with Black Arrow.. But now is not the time to tell them. He felt he would stick around with them for a while, knowing that the Black Arrow is possibly heading towards the dragonkin settlement.
"I see," Jarak responded quietly to Eagle's story. He then turned towards Az-rel and sighed. "Humans are definitely what they call 'racist'. Some of them want all to be equal, but when they meet the one they've been protecting, they show fear. I've seen too many horrified faces on my... jobs," he mentioned. Arkthes shook her head a bit. "At least you have almost only humans to worry about. Almost every other race except dragonkins hate us. I guess that's only because we're sort of related," she told, folding her wings a bit more.

@Cheselth @AEchelon @Giga
"Oh but I've never hated dragons!" Eagle perked up a bit, seeming to recover from seeing what he thought was a lifeless body. Niruth chuckled as Eagle continued with a glint in his eyes. "I've always been fascinated by dragons and wanted to know more ever since I was a child." Niruth added cooly, "He didn't even hesitate when coming up to me. Sure, he was respectful, but very blunt."

(Cheselth gave me permission to play as her characters for now)

Razor was half walking half hovering over the ground. He wished they could fly there so that he could get in some more practice, but he didn't say anything. Niruth already knew, anyway. He listened to the conversation and tensed a little when Arkthes said that most races hated dragons. Razor had first hand experience in that, and he didn't want to get too deep into that conversation. "How far away are we now? It can't be much longer, right?"

@Giga @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces
his ribs have healed but his hand is still a little broken but healed to the point where it can be used normally, he donned his armor and sheathed his sword, loaded his crossbow and goes in the town to the most wanted list "let's see.... ahh.... eagle... niruth.... az-rel... jarak... arkthes... hmmm.... let's see.... all of them equals... holy hell!!! 5 thousand gold coins!!! this is the pack I fought earlier... they must've thought I'm dead by now.... ill use that to my advantage" he said, he then goes back to his camp where he paints his armor from silver to black, his sword painted red and his cape changed to white, his shield also changed to grey and he changed his mouth slit in the helmet to make his sound echoing and robotic like... "I wouldn't call this better.... but it'll do to at least strike some fear... so now I suppose I'm called the dark hunter.... d*mn it i liked the silver hunter title" he said, but he ignores it and readies himself to hunt the pack again "hmm... last time i heard when i was in the tree... they are headed for the dragonkin settlement.... then that's where i go" he said as he reads his map, he then climbs on his horse, and tells his pet eagle to scout ahead @AEchelon @Giga @MidnightStar89
Hating dragons? It was understandable and all, but that didn't mean any of them had to like it. Max stayed toward the back of the pack, even letting his trusty companion keep ahead of him. He was exhausted from everything - and because Writer-kun got horribly lost - and decided that for now he was to keep to himself, rubbing his hands together as if they were cold.

Jarak heard Eagle and scratched the back of his head, like an apology. He then heard Razor. "I don't know, can't be that far... Waaaait, waaaait. Do I recognize this place?" he suddenly asked, and Arkthes tilted her head. "...I don't, though you told me you were from a settlement of some kind," Arkthes replied in a calm way. The dragonkin threw the hood over his head. "Guys, I don't want to bother you, but I don't think I'm very loved in this place. If you could not mention my name, that'd be great. However I don't think they know what I look like," he asked as he turned to look at the others. His face was surprisingly well hidden under the hood, though his tail was of course visible. He had grown to look very different than when he left this place, so those dragonkins shouldn't recognize him... right?

@AEchelon @Giga @ManyFaces

(@Salex , one little thing... Nobody really knows Jarak's name. Only by the name "Son of Kae'ra" or something like that. This is basically the first group he has revealed his first name to~! And nobody knows Arkthes' name either, he doesn't really go around and tell everyone "Look, here's my dragon Arkthes!". Just saying, though I don't know why most of our group would be wanted either...)
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