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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Eagle smiled slightly when Lilith loosened her grip. In a calmer, softer voice than he had been using the entire time, he said, "don't worry, your arms weren't too tight." He smiled simply and his elvish features showed a little bit better without the goofy human-like grin on his face. He turned to Max again with the same simple expression and nodded, "Its quite remarkable how many dragons were here at one time. It can't be a coincidence." He always felt more thoughtful up in the air, where he had space and lots of air to think. He then turned to look ahead of Niruth to see storm clouds rolling in. He tapped her scales to bring attention to it and she sent out a telepathic message to the dragons. We're going to have to fly a little higher if we are to avoid the storm, I'll slow down so that the altitude is more bearable. With that, she slowly and steadily ascended to where a airplane in modern day would cruise at.

@Cheselth @Hoki @MidnightStar89
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Lilith took a deep breath, still not used to this all. "Um... How did you meet this dragon?" She patted the dragon but she wasn't brave enough to let go quite yet so she kind of scared herself and ended up tightening her grip again.

"What storm?"
Eagle pointed out the thick cloud cover ahead of them. Now that they were above it, though, the clouds appeared white instead of gray. "Niruth and I after each of us had gone through a tragedy. The man we are going to dethrone at the moment had just taken over my town and I was powerless to stop him. As for Niruth..." Niruth tensed to a point where Eagle could feel her muscles through her scales. "Well, you'll have to ask her another time. She'd rather not tell anyone she doesn't know too well." He frowned slightly and pet the dragon as she relaxed a bit.
Max listened a bit, watching the group from his place lower in the sky. He noticed the pause - and he could definitely identify the tenseness of the female dragon - but made no comment on it. Instead, he tried to avoid the conversation topic with a different question; "Is it that man that attacked your town?" he asked, "Or something else?"

@LThornclaw @Cheselth @MidnightStar89
Niruth shook her head, but didn't look over at the boy and his dragon. Eagle intervened somewhat anxiously, "What about you two? How did you meet?" He smiled at the pair, but it was more of a nervous smile than a friendly one. He didn't want Niruth to dwell on her horrible past for too long. She was prone to breakdowns and self loathing when she did.

Arkthes lowered her head a bit in embarrassment. ''Sorry, I didn't know... I just thought that cave dragons normally aren't good at flying, I haven't really met my kind since...'' the dragon started, but couldn't remember it. ''Since about you were a juvenile, probably,'' Jarak guessed, and Ark let out a confirming purr. However she saw that the others started to rise higher. ''Jarak, we have problems. There's a storm coming, and we have to either follow Niruth and others, leaving Razor behind, or land and possibly lose them,'' she told the dragonkin telepathically, who frowned a bit. ''Let's just follow the others,'' he answered. ''But what if Razor-'' Ark tried. ''I know what i'm choosing, you can just drop me to them if you don't want to follow,'' he replied with a more aggressive tone. Arkthes slightly nodded, starting to ascend above the clouds. Before disappearing from Razor's view, she looked at him with an apologizing face.

@LThornclaw @Hoki @Cheselth (Oh nooo, Jarak's rude side :0)
Lilith frowned. That's a big storm... It doesn't look good... She felt the tensing and then looks to Eagle. "That's okay. I understand." She looked down, realizing how far up they actually were. "Ummm... Hey you know I'm just realizing something.... My biggest fear" She said in a serious tone, still looking down.

Razor huffed again, trying to copy the way Ark was flying for a while until they suddenly flew out of sight. "Hey!! I'm not that slow!!"
"Hm?" Eagle turned his head to face Lilith, saw her expression, and frowned slightly. He broke her grip on his waist and stood on the dragon's back. His face was calm as he stepped around Lilith and sat behind her. He pushed her forward onto the base of Niruth's neck and instructed, "Hold on to these scales right here." He pointed to a few scales that were growing vertically instead of horizontally. "Not too tightly or you'll annoy Niruth." He wrapped his arms around Lilith's waist and murmured in her ear. "I used to be afraid of heights, too. Look at the horizon, even though there isn't much to see, follow the clouds, try to count them if you can. As you count, inhale slowly and then exhale." He smiled and his gaze turned distant. "Neither Niruth or I will let you fall. Ever." The last word was distant, like he might mean something else entirely, but it made sense in this particular context, too.

Niruth looked down to see Razor head straight into the storm. A body as big as his was bound to be struck by lightning in there. Nervous for his well being, Niruth dipped down suddenly. "Hold on!" she growled to the two people on her back. Eagle braced Lilith between his and Niruth's bodies, making sure she knew she was safe. Niruth swooped down underneath Razor as the thunder began. "Razor, watch my wings, watch their rotation. Flying is more than flapping up and down. If you have ever watched a human swim, remember that arm motion and make it with both wings at the same time." She hoped Razor was a quick learner.

The clouds zipped pass as the electricity began to build around the four of them. Eagle's hair was starting to stand up on them, but he was determined to keep Lilith safe. She was already frightened enough as it was. He felt useless for not being able to do anything other than hold her in place, though. If they were struck by lightning, they were all going down. They'd all die from this height. C'mon, Razor, you can do it. He thought loudly, but knew dragons couldn't hear his thoughts.

((Eagle isn't trying to flirt i promise.... he just... IS a flirt.))

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Lilith didn't know in the slightest what was happening or why but she was doing exactly what she was told. She took a deep breath, but couldn't help but blush about all this. She was both embarrassed and scared so you can imagine all these mixed feelings screwing with her train of thought. And then everything started happening at once. This wasn't helping with the fact she was already frightened and she couldn't help but hold on as tight as possible. "Well this just isn't my day now is it!?"

Razor hoped he could get this whole thing down before he went down. He desperately tried to do exactly what he was told, and he was getting it down but this was a stressful situation. "Al...most..."
Niruth purred and clicked soothingly, trying to drown out the thunder. Eagle chuckled, but it was obvious that he was scared too, "I-i... guess not." He buried his face in the girl's wild hair, his arms around her were now trembling. Niruth noticed Eagle's fright. This obviously wasn't working fast enough. Niruth started to slowly inch her way upwards, creating an updraft for Razor to glide on. "Never mind, keep your wings perfectly still and let the current pull you, don't fight it." She then pulled ahead of Razor, still blow him in altitude, though. She arched her neck up and gently ascended above the clouds again, hoping the draft was enough for razor to follow basically on top of her.

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Lilith wanted so badly to just get off this terrifying ride and was ready to just yell to the dragon when she felt the arms around her begin to shake and her hair move down from him placing his face in it. Lilith wanted to calm him down but couldn't work up the courage to say even a single word, then they began to move upwards. This calmed her a little.

Razor tried harder to do as he was told when suddenly he was to keep his wings still. He let out a deep sigh, not of annoyance but of worry, and did as he was told. He put his faith in the other dragon and kept his wings as straight as possible.
Craig went off coarse, trying to avoid disrupting the cave dragon's flight. But, that meant he and Max both got further away, the dragon either keeping higher above or farther below - to the point where he was getting considerably close to the storm. Max - when in a lower part of the path - leaned waaaaay back and smiled up at the others, even if he knew they couldn't see him.

It was beyond nice to look up and see others that were with you by their own choice. It was quite a sight and the human enjoyed it. The only issue was how long it would last. Who knew...

Jarak looked down, as Niruth suddenly descended, probably to help Razor. He shrugged and looked out to the horizon, maybe there were some kind of gigantic trees or buildings as 'land'marks.

Arkthes turned her head to look her rider straight in the eyes. ''Why are you such a douche today?'' she asked, however her mouth remaining unmoving. ''This is not a place for this kind of a discussion, Arkthes,'' he replied, rolling his eyes. ''I don't know how to help him, you're the one supposed to tell me how!'' the dragon demanded, but Jarak just gave her a frown. ''No wonder noone else tolerates you for a long time!'' Arkthes suddenly let out loud, a growl coming from her at the same time. The dragonkin shuddered a little, but held down tighter to the spikes in front of him. The cave dragon sighed, cursing something in dragon-tongue and kept flying, occasionally trying to look down for the others.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth
Crow walked out of a merchant shop carrying several bags of food. Some bags contains meat, others contain bread, and carrots. Yet again Zagar's appetite has me buying a bunch of food. He walks out of the town he was in to the forest were his dragon Zagar was resting. Hey buddy I'm here wakie wakie. Zagar grunts as he wakes up. I hope you woke me for a good reason. He growled towards Crow, who chuckles. Yeah I brought you some food. He holds up the bag full of food. Zagar snarls. Really that's what you got me. That's not nearly enough to feel me up. Luckily, I ate some nearby animals while you were away. You can keep that petty food. Crow drops his arms. Woow ungrateful much. He jumps into Zagar using a small fire spell to lift him higher. Alright let's go. Zagar gets up onto his feet. Finally I get to stretch my wings. Zagar crouches down then jumps into the air, and flaps his wings lifting him higher in the sky. Where to? He asked as he flapped his wings to stay a float in one position. I don't know just fly around. Crow said as he laid down on the back of his dragon.

Zagar takes off flying straight ahead. Unknowingly heading towards a group of fellow dragon tamers. @LThornclaw
Niruth surfaced above the clouds and noticed Craig trying to get out of her way. She cooed at hime gratefully and somewhat apologetically. She raised up a little more so that Razor would fully be above the clouds if he was still keeping his wings still. Niruth was getting very tired. Not only was she carrying two people instead of one, but the effort it took to stay clam in the face of danger and not to raise her voice at Razor was very tolling. It's not that she was actually angry with Razor, but she wished she had better assessed his ability. "Don't worry, we'll take a break soon." She reassured him.

Now that they were above the clouds, Eagle realized how hard he was clinging to Lilith and slowly loosened his grip, sitting up so that they weren't pressed flat against the dragon. "Sorry," he said softly and a little sheepishly. It looked like he wanted to say more, but was too embarrassed by how scared he was to finish his sentence. His attention was caught by Max and Craig, so he took the opportunity change the subject. He waved at them and grinned again, though this time his grin was obviously tired and weary. "Lovely weather we're having!"

@Hoki @Cheselth
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Once out of the storm, Lilith remembered to loosen her grip on the dragon's spikes, trying to be polite even if she wasn't completely calm herself. She felt Eagle loosen his grip and heard him apologize. She chuckled a little to herself. "No need to be sorry. We were in a dangerous position by being in those clouds." She took a hand and patted the dragon before quickly retracting it and putting it on the spike again, still not being brave enough. "I'm just glad your partner is smart enough to be able to get three creatures other than herself out of danger in a timely manner."

Razor had exhausted himself earlier by forcing his own speed to go up, by now he was regretting that. He looked up to the dragon who had just saved him and purred a little. "Thank you." Was all he said. He hoped everyone would go land for a real good rest sometime soon, but made no mention of it. He didn't want to make any mention of it either. He's already made himself look like a useless factor to the 'team'. He sighed, still keeping his wings straight.
Ashoak noticed that Max and Craig were riding towards a storm "Oh we should follow them,they might get struck or blown off" she said looking towards the storm and then looking towards where the town was to be and sighed,she didn't really have anything to do so she could check on them and she also remembered something about others waiting for him so there might be other people flying in that storm.Costashio grunted in disdain and stole the other half of the wolf from Ashoaks hands "I don't want to get wet...but if we catch up there might be hope to find another town and other dragons" she replied and laid down allowing Ashoak to climb on her neck,Ashoak climbed on and wrapped some vines on Costachios horns that could buy her time to remount if thrown off."Lets hurry,we don't want it to be too late to help" she said and Costachio flipped up into the air and began flying through the air at a fast pace due to how streamlined her body was,she was at the edge of the storm in no time and could hear flapping wings of other dragons.
Niruth chirped at the girl and then again at Razor. She was feeling tired as well and knew they had better rest soon, even though she could have probably been there in a full day's ride on her own. Niruth started looking for an opening in the storm, or at least a less dangerous part of it. While looking around, she glimpsed another dragon that she hadn't met yet raising up through the clouds. She didn't know what type of dragon it was or if it was friendly, and normally she'd speed away so that she wouldn't have to find out. With Razor's bad flying and how exhausted she was now, Niruth hoped for the best. "Arkthes, there's another dragon on our tails. I'm too exhausted to protect the group if it attacks, will you help?" Niruth asked telepathically as to not alarm anyone else. She spotted a thin layer of clouds about a 5 miles away and clicked her teeth at Razor to show him.

Eagle noticed and called up to the riders. "See that thin layer of clouds? There shouldn't be any lightning to worry about there. Let's rest for a little while there before getting back in the air. Niruth needs a break." Eagle didn't mention Razor's state because he didn't want to put him under the bus. Besides, Niruth was actually quite exhausted.

@Everyone but specifically @MidnightStar89
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The male ice dragon was the first to react, tilting his body to the left so that the left wing could graze against the clouds. It was a ticklish feeling, even through the stiffened set of the membrane. Craig made a slight clicking noise, a growl rumbling loudly from his chest. A scent had registered in his nose and he still didn't like it; the fire dragon. If anything, the scent made him feel more aggressive than he should've been and it was starting to take an effect on his external physical state.

"Wha-- Craig?" Max winced as a burning cold began to seep through his clothing and engulf his hands from where they held on. "What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?"

"I'm perfectly fine," the dragon growled in response, having yet to become aware of what he was doing. Nonetheless he craned his neck back so that he could catch a sight of the fire dragon. Though Costachio meant no harm - right now - that didn't relieve the male beast.

The human frowned lightly, looking back to see what Craig was so engrossed in just to manage a simple glimpse. He didn't have very good sight in comparison to that of the other species, so it was only pure luck that he saw as much as he did. "Craig..." Max tried, hoping to calm the hostile air his companion's body was taking. It was acting instinctively, and the icy form had begun to grow in layers of defense; which meant Max's hands were stuck, encased in ice around the spikes he had initially held onto for control. "Craig, it's fine," he reassured, "They're not bad guys. They won't hurt y-- OW!!"

Max couldn't keep the cry from leaving his lips, burying his mouth into his shoulder out of mild surprise and desire to not concern the others - he couldn't cover his mouth with his hands after all..

The ice had snaked up through his skin and made it under his cozy sleeves, even nipping at the already sensitive nerves of his damaged arm. Craig really needed to relax.. But there was no getting through that thick skull.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth @MidnightStar89
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Lilith sighed, a little exhausted. She looked at her surroundings and tried to get a grasp on possible events. She began to go into deep thought when she heard the sudden yelp of someone nearby. She could hardly hear it but she knew it was there. Curious, she looked around and shortly noticed the ice dragon seemed to be more than a little agitated. Then she looked to Max and growled a little. What's going on exactly..? I can't see very well, but I know that human is upset about something. "Hey, uh... Can you guys make out what's going on over there?" She asked, having a concerned tone in her voice.
Costachio paused and began readying a fireball,it snaked through her body and she let it turn white and green trying to show her own intentions without shouting through the rain,she blasted it high up and in front of her making a sizzling explosion like fireworks that symbolized truce and that they were coming in peace but it might not be too clear but she hoped they got the message,Ashoak inched closed brushing past Costachios hair causing the dragon to grunt unhappily but allowed Ashoak to send a second message by letting out a loud sharp whistle signifying the dragon was not alone or feral.

@the group ahead
Eagle looked over at Max when Lilith brought his attention to him, but was distracted again by an explosion and then a whistle. He looked back to see a dragon zooming towards them. Eagle could only assume the whistle was from a dragon rider, making it known that the dragon wasn't wild. Something seemed off though. Even if the rider meant no harm, the dragon's energy was all wrong: hostile, agitated... Eagle didn't like it. Niruth knew right away that it was a fire dragon from the explosion. She grumbled internally, but tried not to show any agitation outwardly for fear of hurting Eagle and Lilith. Instead, with a stern tone she snapped at her fellow ice dragon. "Craig! How dare you lose your temper while a person is on your back. And your closest friend, too. For Sentient's sake, you're hurting the poor boy. Can't you hear him scream through that thick ice plating of yours?!" She couldn't stand it when dragons hurt their riders. Whether it was on purpose or not, it was a major misuse of trust. Niruth huffed out an ice sigh and then looked behind her again. She made a guttural sound, letting the dragon and rider know that the group was a friendly one as well.

@Hoki (Niruth angry grrrr~)

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Lilith stared in the direction the ice dragon was staring to try and make out why it might be agitated just when the explosion was set off. Immediately she put a hand over her eyes and made a pain hiss sort of sound. The light was a bit too much for her to handle so suddenly but she shook her head and tried to get over it. She was temporarily blinded and she knew how long it was gonna be since this wasn't the first time it happened. She's usually in a dark forest or room so anything she wasn't ready for would have some kind of punishment to her sight. It would be about 4 to 5 minutes before she could see correctly again. "Well this is a crappy day for me. At least now if I fall, I won't see it coming." She said in a growls kind of voice just before the dragon she was on began to speak.

Razor didn't know what to think. This was all happening so quickly and suddenly that he hardly had a chance to think or react. It was strange for him.
"I-it's okay..!" Max exclaimed, tilting his head to look up at the she-dragon. "I mean.. I'm okay and all." He really wasn't; sometimes he forgot how cold Craig's ice really was. There was a sort of "burn" mark on his arm from the first time he and Craig had a frigid encounter. With any luck, this new ice wouldn't scar.

But Niruth scolding sort of triggered a bit of anger in the younger dragon, and his attention was directed upward with a jerk. "I didn't lose my temper!" he snapped, teeth clacking together, "And it's not my fault-" There was actually concern in that last part, eyes shifting to look at the human that gently struggled to get his hands free. "-I can't... I can't control what happens like this..." It was still his first encounter with a fire dragon anyways; on the ground, he could curl around Max and protect him. Like this, he had no other way to secure the boy.

The other option was to land, but that'd currently require him to dive through the storm.

Arkthes glided through the sky, cold wind and rain smashing against her face. Suddenly a request from Niruth was heard, so she looked back to see a dragon. She didn't even have to response when a firework-like blast was shot from it, clearly a fire dragon. "Who are you, fire dragon?" she asked from the stranger telepathically. Her ability in telepathic communication was surprisingly good, from the amounts of time Jarak wanted to assure that she could hear him. "What is it?" the dragonkin asked, so Arkthes responded, a fire dragon. The cave dragon looked towards the others, who seemed to focus on Craig, the ice dragon. We're not the only ones with relationship problems, it seems...

@Everyone ^^

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