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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Niruth shook her head at Craig disappointedly and shot a message out to all the dragons including the fire dragon behind them. "We're coming up on that thin layer of clouds, dip down under them and we'll find a place to rest." Niruth then chirped at Eagle so he wouldn't be surprised. "Here we go," he said quietly to Lilith before Niruth folded in her wings halfway and dove under the clouds. There was a light rain in this region, but no threat of thunder or lightning. Niruth searched for a place that could fit 5 dragons comfortably, which was hard to do. There was a lake up ahead with a clearing to one side of it, so Niruth clicked and chirped to the others, pointing it out.

Within a few minutes, Niruth gracefully landed and leaned to one side to let Eagle and Lilith off. Eagle jumped off and ran up to Niruth's head. He wrapped his arms around her nose and stroked her chin. "I'm so glad you're my friend, you know that?" He cooed to Niruth, who chuckled and nudged her rider, almost knocking him over. The two of them laughed together while waiting for the others to get settled.

@Cheselth @Hoki @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces
Craig followed after the others, but a bit more grudgingly then he would've liked to admit, tucking in his wings to make the descent faster. The ground trembled with his heavy landing and he unfolded his wings again, stretching them out around his form. Max, on the other hand, had to wait a moment, shaking the excess water from his hair. With it being so cold on top of Craig, he thought he was going to freeze with the addition of rain; but it wasn't all that bad. Frankly he enjoyed the cold.

Only problem was that he was still stuck.

Frowning lightly, he looked over at the others. "Um.." the human tried, "Eagle? Do you have anything sharp on you? Lilith?"

Craig looked over his shoulder then, a wave of guilt washing over him when he saw his rider's predicament. Though his hostility was gone, there was currently nothing he could to help; he could bite it off, but that ran the risk of chopping off Max's hands.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth @ManyFaces @MidnightStar89
Eagle looked over at Max when he called out and smiled. "I have just the thing." He unsheathed his icepicks and used a floating spell to hover above Craig. He knew how touchy dragons could get about who was one them, so he wasn't going to risk upsetting Craig more than he already was. "Don't move," Eagle joked as he dug the pick into the ice around Max's hands. Soon enough, the boy's hands here free without a singe scratch from Eagle's weapons. "There you go deary!" He chuckled, kissed the boy's forehead playfully, and then let himself down. "Whheeeeeewwww..." Eagle exclaimed, "What a stressful ride, amirite?"

His hands were freed and his face lit up with red at Eagle's playful action. But he couldn't exactly spare much of a moment to dwindle on the other's extremely outgoing personality. Max's hands had turned blue at this point, and they stung like hell when exposed to the natural air. Biting his lip, he clasped them together and kept them close to his body, not wanting to risk moving them much.

Chances were he wouldn't be able to use them normally for a while, but that was fine. Kinda. He still couldn't move his arm all that well from the first time.

Seeing as how he couldn't climb down, the human settled for smiling over at his friend. "Ah, thank you," Max said with a small nod, looking over at the others. "It was a bit more stressful than it should've been, I think.. But it's okay."

Lilith held on a little tighter when the dragon began to decend, knowing she wasn't gonna fall off as easy was cool and all bit this still scared her a little. Upon landing she, without a single second of hesitation, jumped off of the dragon at the first chance she got. "AHH! For keepers' sake!!" Was the first thing she exclaimed as her feet touched the ground. She looked over to Eagle. "Okay, that's not happening again. I am walking next time!" She shook her hands violently because they had that feeling you get after you hold onto a rope tightly for a while.

Razor didn't know what was going on but would also go in for a landing. But touching down was a little sketchy for him. Long story short, he ended up stumbling into the water and falling on his face. With a grumble, he stood up and shook himself off like a dog would. "Some ride..."
Arkthes let out a purr-like noise of agreement, when she was told about the landing. She followed the other dragons, not letting Jarak much of a choice. Her wings folded as she started diving down, the dragonkin holding on as hard as he could. Very soon Ark unfolded her wings, landing a bit harshly on the soft grass.

Jarak thought it was fine to hold lighter when he land approached quickly, but as soon as the dragon stomped onto the ground, the dragonkin flew over her head (as the dragon ducked purposedly) into the lake. "You deserved that!" Ark laughed, but Jarak wasn't as happy. "Very funny..." he growled as he climbed out of there, then looking at Razor, the dragon they left alone earlier. He didn't want to keep eye contact for a long time, so he turned towards Eagle. "Why exactly did we land?" he asked. Arkthes frowned and pushed him a little, kind of messaging: Don't be rude to ones, that are much stronger than you.

Eagle saw Max's hands and frowned. "Are you going to be alright?" Before he had time to hear Max's answer, Lilith was freaking out and Jarak was sizing him up. He gritted his teeth and stopped over the Jarak and got right up in his scaly face. "We landed because you left Razor in that storm without a warning. You didn't even try to help him get up to altitude! We landed because Niruth not only had to cary me and Lilith, but had to make sure Razor wasn't struck down by lightning or flown away by the storm. And before you blame Razor's flying, like I know guys like you would, you could have at least done something!" Eagle's face was red from shouting at the dragonkin.

Niruth watched her friend go off on the dragonkin and rolled her eyes and sighed. Suddenly she had a searing pain and her side and winced. She wrapped her wing around the pain and shifted uncomfortably, but subtly. She didn't want Eagle to notice that she was in pain.
A somewhat large sized sailboat can be seen from the new biome that the dragons and other beings are entering it seeming to be moving extremely fast from the current and winds blowing towards and now beginning to halt. A strange low grumbling is heard as someone shoots a flare directly upwards almost hitting the pained Niruth along with her rider and then quickly falling back down a huge burst underwater an even louder roar like noise being heard, another one is shot with the exact same event occurring. The waters seem to bubble around the ship along with it starting to shake unsteadily as a very high pitched scream can be heard along with waters stating to shoot up in scolding blast as one lands on the ship which is now soaked.

(sorry I toke so long)
Jarak was surprised that the man was very red when screaming at him, though the rage surprised him even more. He frowned and showed his teeth a little, clearly triggered. "Arkthes is not the strongest dragon out there, and like I know how to help in that situation!" he yelled, but the cave dragon rolled her eyes. Thanks, jerk... she thought, her tail sweeping the ground a little. Jarak let out an annoyed sigh and turned around, looking towards the forest. His tail flicked in a very annoyed manner, same behavior as some dragons do too. At this point he wished he could breath fire or something.

Lilith looked to Eagle when she heard the yelling. Then she looked to Razor and then Niruth. She was a little confused as to what exactly was going on in Jarak's head when he left the poor cave dragon. She walked over to the dragon and patted him as he sat down. "Hey... Uh... I don't think I caught your name."

(Look razor had a color now)

"Razor... You must be Lilith. I heard you say your name before we left." Lilith patted him kindly. "You okay? That situation was kind of... Shocking..." She giggled at her own joke, Razor huffing a little in response. When the flares came around, he yelled out before rubbing his head with his paws. His enhanced hearing made the sound annoying and hurt. "What is that!!?"
Eagle was about to go off on Jarak again when he was distracted by the explosions. Niruth was standing immediately, but then cried out from the pain in her side. What was going on with her? Eagle whipped around, crying "Niruth!" He wanted to go to her, but had to investigate the booming and flashing. She ran over to the water, wading in a little and waved his arms wildly. "Stop! You're hurting my friend!" Eagle didn't really know the cause of Niruth's pain, but he knew the loud explosions didn't help either. The elf cast a floating spell, but found that he didn't have enough energy to even float over to the ship. Had he really used that much magic today? Instead he waded into the water a little further and started swimming. Suddenly, without warning, Eagle cried out and was under the water, bubbles frantically surfacing after him. Something had grabbed his leg, biting down on him and he didn't have magic or a weapon to help him. He looked down and saw a shark-like eel creature digging its teeth into his calf, wriggling and ripping flesh. Maybe Eagle had stepped on its home? Whatever made the eel angry, its bite hurt like hell and Eagle couldn't breathe. Niruth tried to get up again, but whined and lay her head on the ground, now coddling the same leg that Eagle had injured.

@Someone pls halp my bby
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Costachio and Ashoak landed on the opposite side of where the other riders landed,Costachio grunted on tossed Ashoak off once she released her vines,after that she started to stare at the other dragons and dragon riders,the first thing that came to mind was there were two ice dragons.Costachio laid down and flicked her tail,Ashoak on the other hand approached the other riders careful not to make herself look hostile "Appologies and greetings.." she said greeting them and appologizing for causing the drama in the sky.

Razor growled and roared towards the direction the flares came from. "No one harms my friends without first going through me!!" Razor immediately sprinted towards the boat without thinking.

((Mama dragon mode activated!))

Lilith looked at Niruth and quickly ran over to help her when Eagle ran off to deal with the other thing. "Niruth, what's wrong? Did the flare hit you?" She asked with a concerned tone.
"Huh?" Eloeár looks around thinking he heard something as he sees a splash in the water while the elf's pulled under. How looking under the boat he screams "Nooo...not another eel" He grabs his Ent branch and takes a deep breath before jumping down in the water, he quickly swims towards the drowning dragon rider and cast a blast of mana at the predator along with attempting to grab the drowning male. He is chased above water by the eel and sees a dragon diving towards his ship as he immediately screams in fear seeing the eel swimming towards him. He quickly climbs up on the ship as a last resort and ducks down hoping not to be hit by the enraged dragon.
The enraged cave dragon was quick to make it over to the boat, making sure not to step on anything innocent like a dragon rider. He kept his tail near where he felt the vibrations. He nipped at the boat rider, but not actually attempting an actual bite. He was trying to scare the elf to back off and away from Eagle. "You've made a grave mistake, elf. Did you really believe anyone would allow some magic user to shoot at their comrades without any consequences..?" He then glares at him, baring his teeth and making a guttural growl.
He draws up flinching at the dragon "I have no clue what you're talking about,all I know is your friend is that GETTING EATEN BY AN EEL WHILE YOU SCREM AT ME" He says rudely with a bit of anger. "Oh and I wasn't shooting at you're friend I was shooting at the eel along with attracting the lost water dragon I've been trying to tame, so if you don't mind allow me to save your so called Comrade who you should've saved by now!" He snarls back at the cave dragon re-equipping the golem arm and jumps back into the water seeing the almost unconscious male still attacked he attempts to block the eel from attacking him any more however is viciously bitten his 'tattoo' now exposed from his collar ripped. He begins to run out of air but is able to toss the other up onto the side of the boat and grabs onto the ladder his fainted self barely hanging on to the boat along with his grip slipping.
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Arkthes tilted her head a little, Jarak's moments of angriness always confused her a little. However, a flare and people rushing in for help distracted her. "There's something in the water, and it's drowning Eagle! We have to help him!" the dragon spoke telepathically to her companion. "Fine. But it's just because you ask so," he replied, hopping on the dragon. As they came to the water, Arkthes jumped into the air, flying over the ship a couple of times to see the situation. Something swam under the water, occasionally smashing against the ship. They both got the same conclusion, the person who owned that ship wasn't aiming for them. "Go get the dragon!" Jarak commanded, while grabbing on tightly. Arkthes dived under the water, looking around.

Razor stepped back a little and growled even louder, not knowing what to say. He was frustrated to say the least. He frantically looked left and right like he was receiving bad news but ended up helping him onto his boat when he helped Eagle. "I apologize. I jumped to conclusions, but you still have yet to earn my full trust. First I would like to know your name and why you're working so hard to tame a water dragon..." Just saying 'water dragon' made him grit his teeth. Then he turned to Eagle and nudged him lightly. "Are you alright, boy..?" Then Ark suddenly showed up and Razor glared at the two. He wasn't sure what they were doing but they had lost his trust.
TW: Gore & Blood

He felt someone on him at one point... then a lot of vibrations and muted shouting... then another shock of pain in his ribs as the eel bit there instead. He coughed up a little blood, but not too much. The problem was his lungs were starting to fill with water. He had to get out of here, but he couldn't move. His blurry vision started to go black when he finally felt himself being thrust up out of the water. He was looking up at the sky on the deck of the ship... but he still couldn't breathe for a few moments. Finally he mustered up the strength to roll onto his unbitten side and cough up all the water he'd swallowed. His leg and ribs were raw and bloody but he was alive. He heaved and shut his eyes, wanting to cry or die.. whichever would relieve the pain quicker.

He felt and heard Razor and somehow managed to find the strength to place a hand gently on the dragon's snout. "G-good dragon.." was all he could manage without passing out. "N-niruth..." He was pushing it now, but the mighty dragon, who was also showing signs of the halfie's pain, perked up and looked over. The two made eye contact and Eagle said "Lheitho." Niruth's pain instantly subsided and she rushed to her friend, splashing into the water. Her tail twitched nervously and she clicked and chirped desperately. She rested her nose in Eagle's arms as he finally passed out, but was still alive.

Niruth shed a few tears but then lifted her head. "To answer your question, Lilith..." she spoke quietly, but her voice was audibly wavering, about to break into a sob, "Eagle and I use body link for times like this to ease pain... but he broke the spell so I wouldn't be in pain..." She hung her head and started to cry, "why would he do that?"
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Razor sat down and sighed when he heard him say 'good dragon'. He felt guilty and stupid for not saving Eagle himself and for not telling him it wasn't his doing. He looked at the stranger apologetically and nudged him for a moment as his way of giving thanks. He looked to Niruth, silent now.

Lilith had followed the other dragon when she left, worried for Eagle. When Niruth began to tear up, she didn't know what to do. But then she was asked a question she knew only one answer to. "Because he loves you." It was a simple answer but it usually did the job for situations like this, though she didn't know if it would work for sure.
"I am going to ask you for one last time. Where can I find this elf?" The black-hooded figure said in a really threatening but low voice as he stood over a bloodied figure whom he had been.. hurting.. for the last half an hour. He had no patience today as he wanted information and fast. His location is situated in an old shack located inside the forest which was.. coincidentally near the lake where the other events had been occurring. He couldn't care less, as long as he is not interrupted but he needed to move soon. The figure on the floor gave no response. Much to his disappointment. Soon, he grab the bloodied figure by the throat and pushes him against the wall with a loud thump. He had hit his limit.

Loud and shrill screams were heard throughout the forest. The black-hooded figure walked out of the shack, feeling contented. He took out a piece of parchment which portrayed a sketch of an Elf with a bounty on it. He kept the parchment and begin heading off into the deep forest. As he passes through under bright areas, his true figure is shown. The Black Arrow is on the move.

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Arkthes's wings gave her extra speed in water, and both she and Jarak were good at holding their breaths. The dragon's head jerked to the left, as a loud, growly roar approached. The cave dragon swooped to the side as a huge water dragon swam by, the dragonkin grabbing onto it with a dagger. Jarak almost opened his mouth when the speed surprised him, but managed to hold on. Suddenly the dragon leaped out of the water, smashing back down very quickly. Jarak was slowly approaching the creature's head, luckily he got a breath of air every now and then.

As Jarak grabbed something on the dragon's neck, it simply stopped. The dragonkin was mistaken when he thought it was a good thing, because now it leaped straight upwards. Jarak heard a phrase he knew from dragon tongue; Good night. He gasped, as the dragon fell back first into the water, causing the dragonkin to go unconsious from the force. Arkthes was swimming above the water, and she gasped in horror. "Jarak!!!" she roared, and the water dragon raised its' head out of the water, with a frown. Arkthes growled furiously, and as the other dragon dashed towards, she managed to grab its' head and jump into the air. The water dragon jumped towards her jaws open, but was met with a temporary paralyzing poison shot right inside it. It roaren in agony and Ark dove under water, desperately trying to find the slowly sinking Jarak.

@Anyone x3
From a nearby hill a large fire dragon lay in a cave at the base of the hill. Houyan had been resting after a successful hunt, allowing himself to digest his food more easily. Though he was awoken, somewhat forcefully be the sounds of dragons, along with the smell of...... blood. He lifted his head, sucking in large breaths, taking in the scent. Now this is interesting, the scent of blood and the occasional roars of dragons with.... an explosion. He has lived in this cave for 3 years and there has never been this much commotion, at least not in this close a span of time. Or for this long, usually anyone that is this loud is met with dragon fire. Sucking in another large breath he unleashed a furious roar. It shook the walls of his cave, the send being amplified by the cave. The sound shot out of the cave, spreading to the surrounding areas, expecially the lake. To add to his display he spat fire out the cave entrance. A huge plume of fire and smoke shot out of the opening, going hundreds of feet into the air. When he let the flames subside the mouth of the cave was glowing red with any metals in the rocks seeping out of the walls.

As the Black Arrow walks silently through the dark forest, he came into a clearing where the trees are spread far apart. He noticed a nearby hill and makes a decision to take a break at the near the base of the hill. He sat down, and makes an inspection to his customized composite bow. He smiled as he run his fingers along its well-made design. It was his second-made archer bow and it was pretty much the last bow he had designed in a long time. He wondered what will happen if he wasn't in this violent line of work. Would he be a fletcher of some sort? His thought was soon interrupted by intense brightness and heat. He quickly slung his bow around his back and dived for the ground, fearing that he is currently under attack by one of them. However, it only took him a second to realize that the flames were directly hundreds of meters above him. He stares at it, able to feel its slight intense heat from the ground. It appear to be emitting from the caves. "Damn those dragons" he muttered under his breath.
Houyan snarled, hoping that that would be enough of a display. He didn't want it to get messy, for their sake. As one last display of strength he let another roar, shaking the cave walls once again. A few small rocks fell from the ceiling and fell harmlessly on his back. He slammed his tail against the ground, creating fierce tremors. Convinced that surely this would be enough he laid down again, getting comfortable. Keeping his head towards the entrance he allowed the now heated cave to add some more comfort to his body. Closing his eyes he fell in a light slumber. Hoping that this time it wouldn't be interrupted.

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