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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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So, this dragon was a reasonable beast. Max bowed even deeper to the fire dragon. "Thank you very much," he said, smiling at the creature before it flew away to recover. Now, there was Niruth to be dealt with. Before he could relocate the she-dragon,Craig's roar of pain echoed against the trees, the boat lurching out of anger.

This gave Max no time to crouch down, grabbing onto one of the ice spikes. Unlike before, the ice that encased his hand was 100% intentional, the male dragon twisting upside down in the air so that he could sink his teeth into the ice armor on Niruth's neck. When his head pulled away, he took that ice plating with him. Craig maintained his position in the air, heeding Huoyan's warning and not wanting to jeopardize the safety of either party member.

Max dangled from his dragon, hanging in such a position that his boots barely scraped against the female's back. His sword continued to be held tightly in his hand, but he made no efforts to use it. "Niruth please!" he cried, grateful that he was close enough so his voice wouldn't get lost in the flap of giant wings, "You must calm yourself! I don't want to have to hurt you!" Though he said this, the human would not hesitate.

There was always the hope that she wasn't too far gone.

Craig growled in mild agreement, adding his own opinion to mix; "The matter is resolved and your rider is injured," he snarled, opening his mouth to roar again, "You get mad at me but you are no better!"

@LThornclaw (@ToothierTurnip5 )
Niruth cried out in pain when Craig tore off her armor. She flapped away a bit and turned the bare spot away from the other airborne dragon. Craig's and Max's words cut through her anger, and the surprise and horror at what she'd done was visible on her face for less than a second before another emotion sprang up: panic. She had lost sight of her morals, her oath to stay calm at all costs. She started to scratch at the armored blocks of ice that were left on her skin, injuring herself in the process. Her flapping became her second priority, meaning she wasn't paying attention to moving those muscles and she quickly descended to the ground. She hit with a thud and a whine of pain. She still frantically tried to get the ice off of her, but she couldn't reach some of it.

@Hoki (@ToothierTurnip5 )
Ashoak approached the human that had requested for aid "Where does it hurt most at?" she said in a soothing tone and kneeled down as to get a better look at the humans condition,she had plenty of herbs with her and her healing magic could aid her if his wound wasn't extremely dire.However based on his voice he was weak and might need a bit of an energy healing mix "Oh on second thought drink this deary" she said kindly and handed him a potion bottle filled with vibrant yellow and pink liquid swirling around inside "It may taste very bitter at first but the aftertaste is good!" she said going from kneeling to sitting down in front of him

Arkthes dove deeper, slowly getting more desperate. However, a red blink was seen in the water. What was that?! the dragon thought.

As Jarak sunk deeper, the depths felt more and more invitating. "
Wake up, child. Don't let her down," a voice echoed around him... no, inside him. The dragonkin's eyes flashed open, he saw nothing but darkness. However as he started to try swimming up, he could see familiar eyes, Arkthes' eyes. "Arkthes! I'm right here!" he yelled telepathically, but the glow of her eyes disappeared, and a gurgling sound was heard. The water dragon was fine again, and it grabbed Ark by her wing. Jarak was in the dark again, but now furious. Images of Ark wounded and trapped flashed in his mind, and a strange glow appeared in his eyes. He was almost at the surface, but a sight of the hostile dragon's tail passed him. As he got more air, some water was coughed out of him. However this didn't stop him. The dragonkin grabbed his daggers, waiting for the right moment, and quite soon the water creature passed by again. It didn't seem to care where its' tail went, so Jarak easily stabbed one of his daggers into it. "Nobody, nobody hurts my friend!" he telepathically roared, it had access to any nearby person's or dragon's mind.

The water dragon trashed its' tail around wildly, but the dragonkin held on. Arkthes managed to strike her tail into the creature's eye, making it snarl in pain, accidentally letting the cave dragon go. Ark swam to the surface, grabbing for air as pain striked through her veins.
"Help! Please!" she roared, she couldn't fly away, she couldn't swim away, she couldn't fight. Jarak surely wasn't able to win against a water dragon... right?

@Hoki @Giga (Woo, more water dragon troubles x3)
Costachio was drawn to the thrashing of a water dragon,she hissed and swam towards it and noticed there was a dragonkin near it and both of them had scared off her eel and she would take that anger out on the water dragon,Costachio snaked through the water at a rather fast pace and smacked right into the water dragons underbelly biting into it and breathing hot air on the wound irritating the dragons skin,she made sure to aim some of the bubbles coming out of her mouth at the dragonkin as something urged her to help him,most likely the shared common ancestor but the point was if he tried he could get some air out of a bubble.

A fight was avoided - which was good - but now Max was horrified beyond belief, staring with wide eyes as Niruth fell away. Then, Arkthes was also in sudden danger. What could he do?

"Craig, let me go!" the human barked, sheathing his sword in the often empty sheath at his side. The ice dragon obeyed by diving down, the ice plating that encased his rider's hand retreating away and allowing him to drop. Craig changed directions for the cave dragon and Max rolled against the earth, sprinting over to the she-dragon with all of his might.

For the human, he forgot all the dangers of approaching - quite quickly, actually - an emotionally and mentally unstable dragon that was in the process of destroying itself. No, seriously, he forgot it all, ducking to avoid the pained flailing of wings. "Niruth!" he cried, grabbing onto the dragon's head and forcing her to look at him. "Niruth, look at me!" Max told her, his voice slowly becoming more calm, "Look at me, it's okay.. Shh, shh... Calm down, okay? You'll be okay; the ice will go away."

It scared him... The blood that started to stain his hands scared him... Still, he maintained a comforting smile and soft eyes, watching the she-dragon.


The water dragon was in the process of being attacked by Jarak and Costachio, so there was no need for Craig to intervene there; it wasn't his target anyways. The ice dragon gave a brief chirp of warning, swooping over the water like a bird of prey and grabbing onto Arkthes with his claws. He pulled her from the water, a bit weighed down by the elder but still carrying her free nonetheless. "Arkthes, are you okay?" he hastily asked, craning his neck down to view her.

@MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces
Niruth, in her state of panic and desperation, heard Jarak's anger rip through her brain and then Arkthes's cry out for help. The ice dragon recoiled and bashed her tail into a tree by accident. Then there was fast movement from something much smaller than her coming right at her face. She bared her teeth at in, but was then met with a gentle touch and kind eyes. His voice was soothing, but she couldn't quite place the words he was saying. Niruth whimpered and nudged him helplessly, giving another scratch at the only ice she could reach on her neck. She was trying to ask him to get it off, but was still too dazed for language.


Eagle put a hand on top of Askoak's and tilted the bottle back with her help. He swallowed in a few gulps and winced as the foul tasting liquid washed over his tastebuds. The flavor quickly turned fruity, which made him a bit comfier. The liquid was warm and comforting as it went down his throat. He could feel his energy coming back in seconds. "I have an eel bite on my ribs and my leg," he said with a steadier voice, still unaware of the fact that the pained dragon whimpers were coming from Niruth. "What's going on over there?" He tried to sit up, but the pain in his ribs shot him down again. "GH.." he grunted and then huffed a few times. "Owww..." he whined.

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Nothing good would come from him breaking off her armor, but to see her in such anguish was heartbreaking. There were a plethora of dangers that surrounded the committing of this action, and yet Max couldn't consider them even if he tried. Hugging onto Niruth's head he established a temporary mental-link with her - as he and Craig have done many times before. It was by no means as strong as it would've been with his own dragon, or as strong as it would've been with her own rider, but it got his point through her blinding pain;


He only needed her to breathe. The connection fell almost instantly, the human keeping his gentle hands on her body before climbing up to her neck. Max sat on her, hands placing themselves on the clawed ice. Like this, he could feel Niruth's vibrations almost like he could when touching the earth. She was scared, she was panicked, and her only solace was the removal of this infernal ice.

It had already been disrupted enough by her flailing and clawing that it started to melt even the tiniest bit under the warmth of his hands. It didn't do much by any means, but it was more of a comforting act.

If only he had the means of melting it away, or absorbing it himself... The human settled for his silver dagger, retrieving it from his boot and preparing to strike the ice off.

In this current position, he was at risk of being bucked off, slashed and knocked away by the tail, or crushed by the wings. And yet...he "forgot" to register it at all.

"It's okay," he whispered softly, patting Niruth's neck in a comforting way, "Everything's okay..."


The ice plating fell to the earth and shattered...

Huoyan looked up from cleaning himself when the ground shook, looking up he saw the dragon on the ground. He snorted in amusement, only a weak dragon would fall out of the sky. Huoyan watched as the boy from before came to the dragon to sooth her, leaving his dragon to deal with the troubles in the water. The boy soothed the she-dragon to the best of his abilities even going as far as taking the last bit of ice off of her neck. He watched this with interest. He knew of the amount of care dragon tamers would go through for their own dragons, but not for other dragons. Blowing smoke out his nose, he laid his head against the ground. Becoming absorbed in his own thoughts he paid no more heed to what happened around him, at least for the moment.

@LThornclaw @Hoki

The word sounded more like a whisper in the back of her mind, but Niruth clung to that single word. She took a much needed heavy breath and tried to relax into the boy's arms. But then the boy was gone again, and then there was more weight on her neck. At first she tensed, thinking that more ice had grown instead of melt off, but she realized it was the boy. The ice was gone and now she could relax. Niruth curled up in a ball, trembling from all of the adrenaline and wildness left untouched inside of her. She didn't have the energy to fight anyone or anything anymore. She just wanted to go home, to be with Eagle. Eagle. He was the start of all this. How could she have forgotten about him? And Max... Max was the boy helping her right now. She lifted her eyes to look right at him, relief lighting up her own eyes as she finally recognized the boy. She cooed at Max quietly and heaved a heavy sigh. Though she was still in a bit of pain from all of her injuries, she was glad that Max and Craig had been there for her when Eagle was out of commission.

He shook his head in amusement. "The loyalty you have for your friend is admirable." he said, trying to spur her on and encouraging her to a fight. He has been holding the tip of the arrow erith his finger the whole time. And it's finally about to be released. "I hope you both had a good time together. It's going to be your last time together. The Black Arrow always gets what he want. " he smiled wickedly before letting go of the arrow. As soon he does thatn he swiftly moved to the left, another arrow is already being fired at her. His fingers and hands work quickly
"Okay dear now I want you to take a deep breath and think happy thoughts,this may hurt since the flesh is mending" she said hovering a hand over his ribcage and the leg that looked like it was bleeding "Must have been a pretty big eel, she said motioning to the leg and leaned in looking at it "Mmm this might take a bit longer then I thought" she said sprinkling some kind of berry juice over his wounds before her expression went blank "Η μητέρα γη μου δώσει τα εργαλεία σας για να βάλει μέσα σε αυτό αγόρια πληγές και να τον θεραπεύσει , χωρίς ουλές , επιτρέψτε μου να πάρει τον πόνο του μακριά" she chanted in some sort of non native tongue as his wounds began healing at a steady pace.Meanwhile in the lake lots of thrashing happened until that is Costachio saw her opening and tossed the water dragon out of the water,she was thrown out with it and it was definately not happy,as soon as it got the chance it lunged at Costachio trying to bite her throat but the snakelike fire dragon winded around its midsection and lit herself on fire burning the water dragon while she clinged onto it,she was enjoying herself quite the bit "Does someone smell cooking fish?" she said sniffing the air

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Arkthes was soon lifted out of the water, so she looked at Craig with thankful eyes. "Thank you Craig..." she said, but was kind of interrupted by her own coughing, as some water unneeded water had entered her. She soon looked at the water worryingly, but the pain in her wing was too much to go help. Instead she decided to sit down and try cleaning the bad wound in her wing, caused by the hostile one's fangs.

Jarak was still holding onto the dragon with his daggers, when surprisingly another dragon appeared. He was too focused on the water dragon, so he continued trying to approach its' head. But suddenly they were lifted into the air. The dragonkin was luckily not smashed into the ground first, he just lost his grip and fell against the ground. He gasped for air for a moment, but looked back at the now burning dragon. A grin spread on his face, but it stopped when he saw Arkthes wounded. He turned his head towards the dragon in a grip before running off towards Ark.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth @dragonsfire
Lilith blinked and as soon as she did. An arrow was flying at her face. She knew she was gonna have to be defending so when she saw the other arrow coming, she pulled her ebony blade as quick as possible and just barely blocked it. She pulled out her other one and got into a defense stance. She closed her eyes and listened for the next one, because all arrows make a sound in the air, even if it is quiet. "You will not best me. I am Lilith Swordfell, the best hunter and protector of the land." She said calmly, trying to get him to speak back so she can pinpoint his location.
Craig "carefully" paced around Arkthes, his wings growing stiff with the water that had splashed onto him. Why did he have to be so cold that the water froze so quickly? Nonetheless, after an extra look at the cave dragon to confirm that she was okay, he nodded his head and stalked back into the safety of the trees. Sitting down he watched the events around him continue to unfold; matter of fact, he didn't return to the human.

He wasn't needed right now, and it seemed the matter of Niruth was resolved. Good... It sort of relieved him that neither he nor his rider had to fight the elder.

It was at times like these where he was grateful for Max's faith in the strength of others... Granted, it had caused problems before but no matter,

A gasp escaped from Max as he fell off of Niruth's back, landing with a small "oof" in the sand. He had no idea he was holding his breath! Propping himself up, he looked at the she dragon, soon smiling brightly to see that she had calmed down and was as well as she was. She could've been better, but the human couldn't do any more for her now.

The blond sat up, crossing his legs and holding his hands out in front of him. His fingertips had turned blue, and the palms had been rubbed raw; one could assume that was what happened when you came into contact with different levels of cold - though the stains of ice dragon made his chest ache...

Closing his fists, he smiled at Niruth. "You can take a nap," he spoke softly, "It's okay."

Huoyan eventually came back to his senses, coming out of his thoughts. Looking past the ice dragon and the boy he saw a cave dragon and the boy's dragon stalk away into the woods. Now this was curious, why would he leave the boy. They obviously had a close bond. His curious nature over took him. Standing from his spot he went into the woods, following Craig in a parallel path. He tried to stay hidden as best he could for a dragon of his size. Though if he was caught, he did have some questions to ask.

"Swordfell.. Can't be sure if I heard that name before but it doesn't matter." He said, trying to remember if the name Swordfell has ever came up any of his kill list as he quickly moved and hide in the shadows of the trees. His dark armor gave him a huge advantage when it comes to concealing himself in dark places. "You face one of the continent's top mercenary and killer.. I am the Black Arrow.. People.. have feared me.. I will make you fear me.."He added in a calm and collected tone but there is a sense of a hidden sadistic tone as well. The dragon fight above them has ended. Without any bright lights from the fire, he can swiftly move from one place to another a lot better and faster. Suddenly, the air was filled with a whooshing noise. Two arrows has been fired at the same time.

(i feel like im gonna have to make a good guy character soon, cuz this guy doesnt look like hes gonna hang around with the lot for a while aha)
Lilith lifted her arms for a moment before quickly making an X shape in front of her face with them. She listened, waited. She was always calm in the heat of battle. She never knew why. All of her emotions just drain out of her system until she's done fighting. This helps her think clearly, too. She listened to the man talk about how great he was. Tink tink! The arrows could be heard bouncing off her dual blades. This was hard for her to do, seeing as how these were small things to be blocking with, but she managed. "Hmph... Sad that your shots aren't as dead on as I would hope."
Eagle chuckled, "You shoulda seen it. It was the size of a shAAARR-". The word "shark" turned into a cry of pain as the flesh started to close up unnaturally. He tensed up, balled his fists and grit his teeth. He was thankful a healer was nearby, but did healing have to hurt so goddamn much? In the middle of the healing session, the lake errupted as two unfamiliar dragons burt out of it, flying right over Eagle's face and thudding to the ground. "What the-" he asked in disbelief before yelping again. "Man, does it have to hurt as much as the eel bite itself?" He whined.


Niruth purred and nuzzled Max. She was strangely warm blooded for an ice dragon, so she hoped she could ease his coldness. She heard Eagle cry out and lifted her head to look over. She saw a healer bending over him. Good, he was getting the medical attention he needed. She relaxes again, setting her massive head down on the sand and drinfting into sleep.

With her head so close to him, there was no stopping his next action; with a smile on his lips, the human reached over and pet her scaly head. He was glad that she had calmed down, and wished there was more he could do. Shame there wasn't... Taking a breath, Max instead let his head hang, bangs covering over his eyes as he hummed lightly. That was all he could do, his hand soon coming to a rest against the wide snout.



The scent of a fire dragon wasn't hard to forget; especially when not too long ago, he had collided head-first with the creature. From the darkness of the trees came a frozen puff of breath, chilling and freezing the bushes around him. "You'd think," Craig growled, eyes narrow slits, "that one injured in battle would stay put, right?"

"Ohhh, my shots are dead on. If they weren't, you won't be deflecting them would you now?" he said mockingly as he leap and quickly climbed up a tree and slowly crouched on the branches, ready to leap from one branch to another now. He prepares himself as he takes out another arrow.. No, he takes out three arrows. Let's see if she can avoid all of these.. He pulled on the arrows slowly as he aim it around her upper body area, while moving slightly. It was rather hard to execute this tricky technique but he has been working with bows and arrows ever since he was a child. He lets go of it and quickly leap to the next branch. If she manages to deflect and avoid them, he's going to have to go up and close with her. It's gonna be close combat fight.
The larger dragon came out of the trees, looking down on the smaller ice dragon with harshness and anger in his eyes.

"I received but minor lacerations from that fight... You friend needs to work on her technique." Houyan responded coldly, he began to circle Craig, small droplets of fire dropping from his jaws occasionally, mixed with his saliva. He clicked his massive jaws a few times, producing deep rumbles in his chest.

"Tell me small one.... Why do you align yourself with a human?" Houyan nearly spat the word out, his anger grew slightly at the thought of dragons having to side with lesser beings.

When Huoyan circled, so did Craig, head kept low and wings freeing themselves from the lace of ice that kept them closed. The fire dragon spoke against Niruth, making a deep growl rumble in the depths of his throat, but then he went and insulted Max. That was something Craig would not stand to hear, the ice plating strengthening ten fold.

But he would not act.

"Why?" he repeated, "Because he is strong. Because he is true and kind. He saved me, and stuck beside me even after I severely wounded him." His claws ripped against the earth like the grand beast he was undoubtedly the offspring of. "You wouldn't understand," Craig snarled, "Humans may be the weakest, and possibly the most insignificant-" It was true, and he believed it even as he spoke. "-but if you insult him in particular, I won't hesitate to attack."

He spoke against an elder - even threatened - but there was not a hint of regret in his eyes. His rider had saved him after all, and stuck with him no matter what he did. It didn't matter if he was human; Max was his rider.

Houyan stopped his circling, staring at the ice dragon, no emotions in his eyes. After his rant was done he came towards Craig slowly, stretching his neck so he was looking down on him. He even flared his wings out, making himself look bigger then he already was.

"I admire your bravery. That admiration is what is keeping you from becoming bloody ribbons. Now, your story is interesting, I understand your trust for this Max." Houyan turned away from Craig, turning towards the clearing, "though he are very different you and I. We all have our reasons." Huoyan said coldly, he walked away from Craig, swinging his tail slowly from side to side.


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