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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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"Then what is yours?" demanded the ice dragon, nearly bounding after the other with a growl, "Why do you look down on him? Is it just because he's different from us?"

He had no idea what could've been going through Huoyan's head, and not knowing was going to drive him mad. It was obvious that he was a bit young, what with the impatient tone he carried and constant desire to pry even though he knew better. Craig didn't understand much else about the world.. This included the thought processes of other dragons.

Lilith smirked, he was right. She had to deflect them or she would be dead. His aim was on point. She began to move around, eyes still closed. "Alright. Fine. One question, however. Why are you hunting my comrade?" Just then she heard more arrows. This may be more than she can handle but if she moves just right... Tink tink! "Agh!" She swept herself forward a little, the third arrow landing on her calf.
Mumbling to himself in anger Eloeár jumped in the sail boat, not only did they attract an eal, they'd shown the dragon companions in front of his face, and attempt to attack the water dragon he been journeying for, for months probably making it retreat. He looks over to the boy who was attacked apparently named Eagle "Umm are you ok... most healing magic hurts almost as bad as the original pain "He snickers his own experiences, he then looks sharply to the fire dragon asking why he associates with humans. He looks up to the possible ally and screams up "Oh and if you don't mind can you stop shooting and drooling fire down before you accidently ignite my already messed up ship," He smiled at the pair talking, or rather the dragon talking about the human. "Oh and excuse me for intruding but,but us and Halflings defiantly aren't the same but we live the same lives,the same goes for dragon riders. Oh and also unlike them I'm not a dragon so I'm fine with being hostile if you insult a human or a elf, Although I cant speak for you I'm sure dragons feel the same way." He then gasp in surprise forgetting his symbol 'tattoo' was exposed after his armor was torn by the eel he now quickly looks around and decides to simply cover it with his hair for now as little as that would do since it was tied in a ponytail.
That did it. Huoyan turned on the dragon, roaring in anger, he spread his wings wide, raising to his full height. Thrashing his tail he knocked over trees that was in its way. Huoyan stomped towards Craig, producing a deep rumble in his chest.

"You lose trust for humans when you watch them butcher your family! When you watch them carve their scales off their skin to make a fortune!" Huoyan roared, stomping his legs, he snaked his neck so it was above Craig. He snapped his jaws, hissing in anger.

Every particle of ice expanded on his person, making him look far larger than he actually was. It was like a grand ice sculpture.. "Then open your eyes!" he roared, the exhale freezing the surrounding flora out of his own rage, "You're welcome to hate humans - frankly, I do too! Humans are probably the worst beings out there; violent, greedy, and impure. I've experienced something similar to what you have, and am fortunate to have what I do. But you cannot, however, hate that human in particular!"

During the beginning of their travels, Max and Craig had been separated by a rouge band of poachers - the mass of the group greatly consisted of humans, and that had terrified the young dragon. When he was about to skinned for his ice and hidden scales, it was a human that had charged into the fray with virtually nothing protecting that thin body. It ended rather horribly, and his rider had to withstand the damage dealt.

It was a sight forever seared in Craig's head, that appeared even when he closed his eyes.. Max would smile, bleeding, broken, and swollen, and maintain a mental link to tell him that he was okay. That they would both be okay.

It wasn't until the dragon was threatened that a certain "presence" had done the saving. That was the mystery of it.

Even after his growth, Craig still stood short of the fire dragon but the ferocity of his gaze and aura was unrelenting. "Not.that.one."

Razor came out of his thoughts to hear what he thought was a yelp. "Excuse my interruptions, friends... But was I the only one who heard that?" He stood up, calm as ever. He was tapping into his ability to calm himself and looked around. He had been so deep in thought, he had drowned absolutely everything out, it was one of many flaws. He loved to think too much. "And might I ask what happened while I was 'gone' as well?"
"Mercenary business. Everybody needs to do a living, you know?" This time, he took his time and didn't fire any more arrows. Instead he just stares at her from the shadows of the overgrowth and grins in satisfaction as his third arrow has landed in her calf. It was then at this point, his ego increased and he just leaps from the branches and onto the ground. He landed with a thud and instead of placing an arrow on his bow, he wield his bow like a swordsman wielding a steel sword. It was rather a strange and unique technique to be wielding a bow like that but his bow was customized. There is a vicious dagger attached to the arc of the bow, almost like a short sword. He started to walk towards her with a sadistic expression but it was hard to see as he had a face cover on. Suddenly, there was a loud noise which sounds like trees are falling apart. He looks to his left, distracted as the trees that were knocked over by the dragon's tail fell down quite a distance away.
"You did not just destroy and kill those trees for no reason, and I thought dragons had respect for nature, humph no better then a industrial human." He says upset, jumping out of the boat close enough to land to swim and begins to restore thee trees "You know, a dragon who looses it's temper especia over the past is no better then an elf deforesting or a Dragonkin acting like a human." He quickly stops to stare directly at the angry dragon he was getting chills just from being near the icy creature then looks over to the dragon sighing at his lack of attentiveness "Basically a argument between a elder and youngish dragon who doesn't. Also did you have to chase away the water dragon" He begins complaining having him wasted flares for nothing.
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Lilith hissed in pain but tried her best to stand straight. She stared at the man who had just jumped from the trees. As tempted as she was to yell for help, she didn't want anyone else to get hurt. If keeping her friends safe meant dying, then so be it. But she wasn't going down without a fight! She lifted both of her blades. "Why don't you fight me like a real man and let us fight face to face. Take away your mask."
"What makes you worthy of seeing my face?" he mocked her as he twirls the bow with his hand, casually walking slowly towards her. He thought about revealing his identity but she might recognize him later on without his hood or mask. Well, what does it matter... She's gonna die anyways, he thought.. "Well.. if I were to open my mask, one thing is really for sure. You have to be dead. So do you really want me to open my hood and mask?" he asked arrogantly as he came closer and closer, each step with a thud noise. The sounds around them is completely ignored as he focuses on his target.

(gonna have to make a good guy character soon)
Lilith's heart-rate went up steadily. She felt it, and it made her wanna fight harder for some reason. She rose her blades and glared. "You know... With these odds I may die anyways. I've never met another person who knew the arts of the bow and arrow." Her blades began glowing a little. "Except you don't know exactly who I am!" She used some wind magic and pushed him away as far as she could. With this time she pulled out her bow and used magic arrows to shoot at him. ((Pew pew magic))
He had not anticipated that magic move. He had underestimated her. Black Arrow knew he made a big mistake. "Damn!" he yelled as the wind attack used by the dark elf had pushed him all the way back, crashing into the trees behind. Luckily, some of his leather armor manages to absorb the impact and shock but he felt a rib broke. He was shocked and stunt for a moment before quickly getting back into action as he looks up and see a number of arrows coming directly straight to his chest. He quickly roll to his left side and manage to avoid most of the arrows by a split-second. However, one more arrow is coming right at him. He had no time to shift his position. Instead, he did the impossible. He quickly threw his hand up and clenches his fist as soon as the arrow comes just a few inches away from his face. He had caught the arrow mid-air and threw the magic arrow away. Cursing, he got up and take out his bow and arrow again, clearly he will be more vigilant and careful this time. He was quite a distance away from her now.
Huoyan continued to look down on the ice dragon. He spoke back to him in an even tone, for once, controlling his anger.

"I never meant to insult your human. He is the one that kept from from kill you and your friend. You also seem to trust him, and I must admit he is the only one in this group that I have some level of trust and respect towards him." Houyan turned away from him again, starting to walk towards the clearing, looking over his shoulder, "oh and get rid of the ice, it makes you look ridiculous when you try to be bigger then you are. Use your size and agility to your advantage on battle. Don't hide behind armor." Houyan looked forward again, continuing on his path to the edge of the clearing.

Arkthes nudged against her companion. "What happened, I thought you drowned..." she asked, and Jarak looked up at her. "There... was a voice. Dark and echoing, evil but protecting. It had strength in the words, and... it gave me something. I don't feel anything now, but when I raged..." he answered, but went silent. They both sat down for a while. Arkthes had to rest, after all.
The magic arrows would all vanish out of existence after a few seconds. Lilith was busy making her way to a more hidden place as quickly as she could, even with an injury. She was stealthy but she would need to change position whenever she shot some arrows due to the glow of the magic. She would try to be hidden until she knew she could either get away without leaving a trace or killed him, and she wasn't in the mood for killing when she had an injury she needed to tend to before it got infected.

Razor looked all around him before going to take a drink from the river before going over to the new elf and sitting down. "Excuse my rudeness but I don't believe I caught your name if you stated it. Would you mind telling me?" He asked as he began drawing in the dirt with a claw.
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He stood up and went back to where he was originally fighting with the elf. She was gone now. Black Arrow could feel his rage rising like a snake in his chest. Hot white fury was about explode. "YOU DARKSKIN B*TCH. I WILL FIND YOU AND I WILL CUT YOU UP! MARK MY WORDS!" he yelled, out of frustration and anger as his hands tremble while holding the bow, they're itching to kill and torture. He could not believe he let himself get so distracted. Nevertheless, he knew he was near the group of riders and dragons. It took him a while to calm down and regain his bearings and senses. He finally did and smirk. He could still kill that target half-elf from a distance.
Arkthes was about to doze off, when she suddenly jerked back to conciousness. She heard a yell, a furious one. "Jarak. Someone's in the woods, behind us..." she told telepathically, so the dragonkin got up. He senses Ark's worry, so he looked around. His daggers were luckily right there, though a bit scattered from each other. Jarak signaled Ark to wait and headed to the woods - after grabbing the daggers - as silently as possible. That was very easy for him, he had been an assassin and/or a thief for almost most of his life.

Very soon he caught the scent of a stranger, not a dragon this time. He didn't stop going, as he caught a second scent; Lilith.
"...This person has bad thoughts, whoever he is." he thought, while still slowly sneaking towards the scent.

@Giga @Cheselth
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Soon, a third scent will be able to be traced by the dragonkin. A scent of another human. Black Arrow suddenly shift to his right due to pure instinct. An arrow had whizzed by him. He quickly move to another area. He feels... she's still somewhere in this area. He stay put in one position... Listening carefully as he calm himself down.. He tries to listen.. to each sound of the forest. He isolates the noises of bugs, nature and only focuses on noises like footsteps or the whizzing sound of an arrow or maybe even the unsheathing of a blade. He wheezes slowly, as he stood still. Once he felt that nobody is watching him, he sat down trying to take a break and a desperate need of-- Oh wait, I didn't even went to go get water..He cursed at himself and stood up again, holding the sharp, vicious bow in his right hand. Suddenly, an arrow whizzes straight at him. He felt searing pain as it brushes against his arm. "Stop hiding! You b*tch" he yelled, his temper clearly rising again.

@MidnightStar89 @Cheselth
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Lilith cringed, the pain in her leg catching up to her. It went deeper than she thought and it was starting to bleed more and more from moving too much. What do I do... I'm all alone here... I can't move as quick and that hunter might catch up to me... She kneeled on a bigger branch, trying to hold the blood from dripping anywhere as to make no noise, but this failed. Drip... Drip... Drip... The pain got worse and worse as she started paying more and more attention and pushing harder and harder. She refused to take the arrow out in case she made too much noise doing so. She refused to talk but kept firing whoever she could.

Razor lifted his head to the loud yelling but wouldn't move in case whoever it was came here.
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Jarak got a third scent. Who was that? He heard arrows being shot, and rustling in the trees, probably someone dodging them. When the noises stopped he got cautious, did the one who yelled hear him or perhaps see him? Stop hiding, you b*tch! someone yelled from a very short distance. He grabbed his daggers, silently moving through the bushes. Suddenly a person came into his view, looking very angry. Definitely the screamer. The screamer was quite close to him, even luckily back towards the dragonkin! Jakar grinned and threw one of his jaggers towards the person, it would hit him directly into the spine if he didn't move...

However, Black Arrow was a trained assassin and mercenary himself. He knew how to work in dark surroundings or even with a blindfold on. He can hear the distinctive noise of a dagger being thrown towards his direction. Soon, he felt time have slowed down for him. He forced himself, despite being injured to make a rather circular and acrobatic flip in the air. As he leap himself off the ground, initiating the said flip, his eyes came with eye-to-eye with the jagger cutting through the air swiftly and in a straight direction. Nevertheless, the jagger had actually brushed against his right shoulder as his shoulder was not high enough. As he complete the flip, he flinched and let out a slight growl, reacting to another searing pain on his right shoulder. It teared through the tough leather armor of his mercenary outfit. He knew this was no ordinary dagger. It reminded him of the time he was after someone.. A dragonkin. He was on the target. He put up a brilliant fight with daggers that had almost the same design as this particular dagger. He turned around a split second after he had reacted to the pain, the customized rare metallic arrow was already placed on his unique bow and was pulled to its maximum potential. He quickly pointed it towards a... "Well what do you know.. Never thought I'd meet a filthy little lizard like you here." Black Arrow said with a stabbing tone in his voice as he.. really.. despised the dragonkin race. @MidnightStar89

(man, its getting into some deep intense scene here)
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Lilith ended up moving the arrow in her leg which made her drop her bow and hold her mouth to keep from yelling. The now balanced bow was barely hanging on but it ended up falling from the branch. She tried to catch it but she failed. A little "No!" Escaped her as she desperately bent forward to catch it and ended up slipping. This was probably a huge mistake on her part. She used wind magic to keep from hitting the ground too hard but it still really hurt her leg. "AHH SCREW IT!" And ripped the arrow out of her leg, got out her blades and ran at him, pain greatly rising but she was running on pure adrenaline at this point. "You're supposed to be paying attention to your target!!" She yelled at him as she jumped up and tried to stab him wherever she could.
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Huoyan walked back along the trail towards the clearing. He sucked in a breath smelling the tell tale scent of blood. Peering into the woods he occasionally saw figures jumping between the trees with the occasional twing of a bow string. Huoyan snorted, blowing puffs of smoke out of his nose. He continued on, allowing who ever it was to continue their struggle. Coming through the clearing he pasted by the male dragon, Razor. Huoyan looked down on the dragon as he passed, laying down on the opposite side of the clearing from him.

Razor narrowed his eyes at the fight going on, focusing on the sounds. He was worried about all this. He glanced at the other dragon and nodded politely before turning his head back towards the forest. "There is a disturbance in the balance, I can feel it. Something is not right about someone in there..."
Jarak sighed a bit when he heard someone mention a filthy lizard instead of a painful yell. He was about to leap out of the bushes when he heard a voice, probably Lilith's. The scent of blood was very strong too, so someone was injured over there. He decided to use this moment of distraction by sneaking more in the bushes, towards the tree he saw his dagger hit. "Don't you dare get yourself killed, woman..." he thought as he tried to be as quick but silent as possible. Just in case he grabbed a rock and threw it quickly into the bushes where he was previously at, causing rustling noises.

@Giga @Cheselth

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