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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Black Arrow let out a frustrated inhumane growl as he has two enemies now who were tackling on him. Immediately, he deflected her blade attacks with his bow, using acrobatics and swift martial art-like moves to avoid her cunning blade attacks. He took many step backs as she was gaining the upper hand advantage on him while she furiously and constantly attacked him. He needed to find the right time. The perfect time to catch her off-guard.. It was then he noticed the bushes rustling and a stone was thrown at the corner of his eye. He attempts to perform a leg sweep on the raging dark elf in hopes of taking her down. As he attempt to perform a leg sweep, he managed to swiftly throw a dagger to where he hopes the origin of the rock came from.

Not far away, he was running.. He knew the Black Arrow was in this area. Soon, he'll stop him.. from hurting another innocent.

@Cheselth @MidnightStar89
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The sweep had perfect effect as she fell to her back, cringing about her leg. "It'll take more than a little tripping to get rid of me." She smirked and did a break dance sort of thing, I guess you could call it, as she attempted to stand and trip the man at the same time, still having a good grip on her blades. If this succeeded, she would jump back a bit. Only if it did, though.
Houyan laid down, tucking his tail around him. Turning his head towards the forest he looked at the cave dragon with one of his eyes.

"I saw some people fighting in there. Do you not smell the blood?" Houyan asked, sucking in a breath he could detect the smell of iron.

Razor looked to the fire dragon and nodded. "It's a strong scent for cave dragons. If you can smell it as well as you can, it must be very close. It certainly sounds to be." He said, his tone beginning to be worried sounding. "I do hope it doesn't move over here... And that none of our friends are in there..."
"You mean none of YOUR friends are in it. I have no friends in these parts." Houyan turned his attention back to the forest. He tried to remember which scents he had identified before though he hadn't been around this group long enough for him to remember their individual scents. He peered into the forest, trying to catch a glimpse of the fighting.

Jarak heard a thump as someone fell. Hopefully the hunter. Jarak didn't have much time to react when he heard the bushes make slight rustles before a dagger flew at him. He tried to dodge it by a bounce forward, but because of leaves that were slippery from the earlier rain, he slipped and the dagger hit him right in the leg. It didn't go bone-deep but definitely hit him. He fell to the ground to grab his leg, letting out as quiet snarls of pain as possible. He grabbed the dagger and pulled it out, cringing at the pain. That didn't stop him, as he continued his little dagger-fetching by limping. Finally he reached the tree, swiftly grabbed his own lovely dragger and hid behind the tree again. He took deep breaths to ease the pain, but turned to see what would happen to the hunter. "I don't want to call her here, she'll get injured even more... Ah, screw it, I can do this without a dragon's help!" he tried to comfort himself.

@Giga @Cheselth
Razor frowned a little and looked to the fire dragon before getting to his feet and slowly walking over. "What is your name?" He asked. He was slightly shorter than the fire dragon even though he was laying down and he was standing. This made him feel microscopic.
Her swift moves on the floor had actually caught the dark assassin's leg and managed to trip him! Another loud thump was heard as he fell to the ground, landing on his arrow quivers but a split second-later, he rolls to his right in order to avoid any more blade attacks. He quickly leap to his legs without even using any of hands to support himself to get up. His face mask came off but with the hood on, it was still too dark to see his face. He knew he was up against the two veteran enemies but he had taken down enemies like these before. But it was him face to face with dark elf. Both fighters stood on the ground, both are injured as well. He knew their reinforcements would arrive, considering all the noises he made and any person in their right man would escape.. But he had one dark thought in his mind. "I'll make sure when your friend gets here, they will only see your dead body!" He yelled as he charged towards Lilith while holding his bow in a sword-like manner, the attached dagger threatening to make direct contact with the dark elf's skin. He attempts to slash his bow forward.


(Wokay, I'm gonna go take a nap, see ya fellas in an hour or two) (forgive me if Im like making my character a little bit too OP, tell me if you guys feel not satisfied with my chracter's actions and status)
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Crow and Zagar were still soaring through the sky. Crow was sstill laying on Zagar's back. Zagar looks down and with his dragon sight he sees a skirmish going on down below. Crow there's a fight going on down below. What do you want to do? Crow touches Zagar's back with his palm and connects with his sense of sight. Seeing what he sees. Hmm. I think I'll join in. If you anything suspicious you can intervene. Crow rolls off of Zagar and dives towards the the ground. Zagar fired a burst of wind out his mouth that formed into a smaller scale tornado to catch Crow and help him descend slowly. Crow flipped forward going down feet first. He lands within the tornado that catches him and descends slowly. (Like Red Tornado) When he is only a few feet above the ground the tornado disburse and he lands on his feet. Crow looks around observing the area. @Giga @Cheselth @MidnightStar89
Huoyan looked down when the smaller dragon stood in front of him.

"Name is Huoyan." He responded, producing a rumble in his chest. Shifting slightly he snaked his neck backwards. Huoyan snorted, causing smoke to waft out of his nostrils.
When Jarak heard the threat, he tightened the grip on his dagger. He saw that the man approached Lilith with alarming rate, swinging his bow like a maniac. The dragonkin looked at the ordinary dagger, which the man had thrown, so he aimed to throw so that he wouldn't possibly hit the female with it. Then he threw, almost literally fingers crossed. But a sudden burst of wind, and a thump of someone landing distracted him, he didn't look at the result of the dagger throw. Somehow the stranger managed to land on the edge of the two elves' little battle area, even. "What the... Another one?" he thought.

@Giga @Cheselth @Embaga Elder
Lilith glared at the man, completely forgetting her wound but getting dizzy by now. She lifted her blades and tried to deflect the attack as quickly as she could, barely holding it off but she was weakening. Blood loss was starting to get to her, faster now since she recklessly tore out an arrow. She grunted, trying to push him back but she feared she would fail here. Oh please someone help me... She cringed, trying to ignore everything else, the wind noises distracting her a little. "Oh... Come on..! This just isn't... Fair now..." She hissed in pain, her leg beginning to hurt again. She wanted to yell but held it back.

Razor nodded. "Razor." He tried to copy the fire dragon with the smoke but ended up coughing up smoke instead. He laughed at himself.
Crow looks around. He seems to be in the middle of the battlefield. He saw two elves, and a dragonkin. Great I'm the only human. He turns to the girl that is obviously injured. He draws his sword that is on his back. He places the sword in both arms and holds him up into the air, like he's surrendering. I can burn that wound shut if you'll like. I know you just meet me an all but, I'm here just trying to help a beautiful lady as yourself. So would you like the help?? @Cheselth @Giga @MidnightStar89
Huoyan hummed at the dragon, his version of laughing.

"Leave the smoke blowing to my kind." Huoyan said. To emphasize he blew multiple smoke rings out of his nose.
Lilith honestly didn't care who he was, she didn't trust him. She shook her head, panting from exhaustion. Really she was confused why he was standing there talking instead of stabbing the other man who was hooded and who's race was kind of in the dark due to no one no one being able to even see his face. She grunted again, pushing a little less now. Her dizziness was getting worse.

Razor laughed again. "I'll be sure of it." Before sitting down and purring.
Ashoak tutted gently and lifted her hands away "Surely it was not as bad as you claim it to be!" she replied,usually she could cast a numbing spell but she had to heal with both hands so that was somewhat out of the question,she lifted him to his feet "You'd best tend to your allies while I tend to my foolish dragon..." she said walking away towards Costachio.Ashoak looked at the fire dragon unhappily "What were you thinking,you tried to take a dragon out twice your size in its own element!" she said cleaning Costachios wounds,Costachio in return laid down "I could sense someone needed help,why don't you go heal more people?!" Costachio replied snappily allowing her wounds to be cleaned and healed "I mean that thing was aching for a fight!" she said spewing a blast of fire into the air.


@anyone that might need mah help
Huoyan snorted again, looking back into the forest. He watched closely for a time, checking to see if he could see the fight from within. After seeing nothing he looked over his shoulder to look at the frost dragon and the boy, Max. He growled lightly, hoping it wasn't loud enough for Razor to hear. Huoyan looked at the frost dragon with intense eyes, his pupils turned to slits in anger. Just the thought of this dragon made his blood boil.

Razor closed his eyes and sighed, seeming to get lot in thought. Troubling thoughts. All he was having when he got lost in thought were flashbacks which only made him quiet and slow. Smoke blew from his nostrils once , making his snap out of it in time to hardly hear the growl, but he ignored it. "Where did you come from anyways? Don't fire dragons usually come from hot places?"
Huoyan was snapped out of his angry thoughts and emotions when he heard Razor speak. Turning his head towards the smaller dragon he stared at him for a few moments before turning his head away.

"Some of us have pasts that cause us enough harm that we don't want to be where we are comfortable. Put ourselves in places where we have to be on our toes, let no one get to you." Huoyan responded in his deep voice. Razor would not have been able to see but there was sadness in his face. There wasn't a day that goes by that doesn't make him miss his parents. He let out a long sigh, wrapping his tail closely around himself.

((Damn i missed so much DX))

Eagle heard fighting and shouts of pain. He was so impatient to get up and help his friends that once the elf healer was distracted be her own dragon, he was up and moving towards the fight. His wounds were still not fully healed, but he had to see what was going on. He strolled on over, trying to break the tension. "Hey guys! How come when I'm down for the count, you all go and get hurt, too? Are you trying to be cool like me? Cus hurting yourself isn't the way to do it." He chuckled. He didn't actually mean what he was saying, but he wanted to try to break up the fight. Maybe if he was labeled the fool who knew nothing, they'd all forget why they were fighting. He saw that Lilith and Jarak were both injured in the leg and he held up his own. "Look we all match!" He grinned a goofy smile and pushed his hands into his pockets. He then turned to the stranger and squinted his eyes menacingly. "If you're the one who did that to them, you're dead." There was a chill to Eagle's voice that even scared him.

@everyong basically?
Razor held back his own tears, still feeling the vibrations around him. He looked to the ground, seeing blood before he shook his head and looking again. It was gone. With a sigh of relief, he put his head down, now completely silent. He missed his brother an sisters, even if they treated him wrongly. His parents didn't love him the most but he still missed them, too. After a bit he finally spoke, "I know..."

Lilith's eyes widened as she looked over to Eagle and yelled, "No! Eagle!! Get out, now!" She sounded genuinely worried for him and her face certainly showed it. Even though she couldn't quite see him, she knew exactly where he stood. "Please!"
Eagle walked over to Lilith and put a hand gently on her back. He whispered to her, "What's going on, are you alright?" He completely ignored her plead for him to run away. He couldn't even if he wanted to. His leg ached too much and Niruth was still asleep. He looked over at Jarak and mouthed, "are you okay?" He didn't like the guy, but he felt somewhat attatched to him. Like he was a friend in a way.

@Cheselth @MidnightStar89
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Lilith glared, still holding off the knife that she is slowly failing to do. "Eagle, this man is trying to kill you, now run!!" She pushed harder before going to grab the black arrows arm to keep him away from her friends. "NOW!"

((Yay short posts...
Huoyan looked up, hearing a shout from within the woods. He watched a man walk into the woods, wounded by an eel presumably. The lake was infested with them. He snorted, sucking in a breath to smell the air.

"Did you hear that as well?" Houyan asked, looking over to Razor. The larger dragon stood up, walking to the edge of the forest.

Eagle didn't budge. "Lilith, give me the sword." Without waiting for an answer, Eagle put a hand on the sword and nudged the hurting elf away. It felt odd holding someone else's sword, but he knew he had more of a chance winning this fight at this point than Lilith. "I'll be alright."

@Cheselth (wanna wait til the morning so that everone else has a chance to see this?)

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