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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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(Im up lol)

"Well.. This is a complication." Black Arrow snarled as there were two newcomers at this point.. 'Wait.. It's the target.. Finally, something good can come out of this after all' he thought as he grins evilly. All he needed to do was take one shot.. One shot is just needed to complete his job.. So that he could get his income.. One would say people often do this job for gold but not him.. He needed the gold for his brother.. who lays paralyzed in their hideout. He basically ignored the injured dark elf and dragonkin as he begin take out his steel arrow and placed it on his bow "Eagle Grozs. The contract is made. Someone wants you dead. I am here to perform that said task. To make sure you are dead." he said, in a calm and collected tone, almost like a ritual chant tone, even though inside him is burning with hot fury anger due to being interrupted by the elf and the lizard. And now someone else who is a human who came down with help of.. wind? It doesn't matter.. He could take all of them. He knows he can.. Until suddenly the dark elf grab his arm. "Get your filthy pixie hands off me!" he yelled, thrashing her grab away.
Eagle was surprised to hear his full name, and he looked over at the hooded figure. He jumped back from the man he was crossing swords with so that he lost his balance. Eagle then floated up into the air, using all of his magic in one go. "Lilith, move," was all he said before using wind magic to charge, fire magic to heat the blade, and ice magic to freeze Black Arrow's feet to the ground all at once. He stopped the blade half an inch from the man's throat and spoke, "I have a business proposition for you."

@Giga @Cheselth (OOO a twist!)
Lilith held on as tight as she could until Eagle called out to her. She would jump back but she kinda just... Stumbled. She held up her hand towards the hooded man, ready to use her wind magic whenever she needed. "Eagle, I know you're more than capable... But..." She trailed off as she didn't want to be rude by interrupting his sentence. Blood loss finally took full effect as she fell completely to the ground, knocked out. This was her fault for taking the arrow out the way she did.

Razor noticed Eagle enter the forest, quirking an... Well it isn't exactly an eyebrow so make it whatever you want. He huffed and stood up, running to follow the halfling elf.
(I assume his legs are frozen with ice crystals)

"I don't do business propositions with my targets" He said mockingly and arrogantly. One would say that he is in a big mess as most average people will not find a way out of this. But he has a number of tricks up his sleeves. When he was young, he had learn how to harvest special herbs and materials. Even minerals as well. He knew quite a number of properties and along with help from a friend who is an expert at enchanting weapons, he had successfully enchant some of his arrows. There are many kind of arrows that he had enchant and used in order to get himself out of situations right these. Of course, the most common type of special arrows without any enchantment are like rope arrows, poison arrows, and superheavy arrows, etc. His enchanted ones, along with materials that he made from raw substances includes fire arrows, water arrows, ice arrows, paralysis arrows and even explosive arrows. As he faces the blade which was half an each near his throat, he swiftly moved his free hand, wielding the bow to push the blade out of the way as he shifted his head to the left and backwards. He got a slight cut but it wasn't deep enough as he was wheezing and couldn't move as fast he could.. At the same time, his other free hand went for the fire arrow in his quiver and he immediately struck in the ice crystals, melting it in a fast manner.

He was closing on them. He would soon arrive within a few minutes. He hopes he wouldn't find a massacre when arrives there.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth @MidnightStar89
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*Suddenly from nearby, a silhouette landed nearby the wounded she elf and eagle and such, The figure which seemed to come from above lept down and slammed into the ground, the ground cracked a tiny bit at his entrance as a bit of dust raised, up as he did so, there was a vibe caught off, inside the dust cloud, something dark, and rather frightening laid inside the dust cloud before it started to disperse, standing a little distance away from them, a cloaked man stood upright, he was somewhat tall and looked to them, somewhere around the average elf height as he sighed deeply, the cloaks hood looked to the figure heads*

"...Here i was looking for some rest or somewhere to break after walking for the amount of days i have been...and after all this...another chosen had to appear now? god damn it and my shitty but lucky luck..."

-The cloaked man looked to eagle and the wounded person, or at least seemed to and turned to them, his vibe had died down, replaced by a vibe giving off something of warmness, like actual warmness, both physically and mentally*

"Need some help? It seems so, blood loss is nothing to joke about..."

-He offered them, his hand outstretched-

"Only question is...do you trust me to do so?"

(One question, who else in in the general area? just quickly, He relies on his sight via aura and such, so he senses lifeforms nearby which is his ownly way to actully see Fyi XP)
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Eagle had to act fast. "Whatever the price is I'll quadruple it." He stepped only one step, dropping the sword and holding out his hands. He was completely open, the ice crystals on the assassins feet melted and his body trembled from all the energy he exerted that he really didn't have to spare. He looked over to see a new stranger leering over Lilith and Eagle called out to her, "Lilith!" He gritted his teeth and tackled the new hooded man to the ground. He gripped the collar of the hood in his fist and shouted, "stay out of this you pompus...!" he couldn't think of the right foul word to describe this man's gaul. Instead he let him go and stood again, facing the Black Arrow. "What do you say?" He held out his hand for a shake.

@Cheselth @Giga @2904eagle ((Yeah i dont think that was the best time eheheheh.... sorry he tackled you he's a nice guy))
Lilith couldn't do a thing, she was slipping deeper and deeper into sleep. She could hear all the voices but not say anything. She was calm and afraid all at the same time.

Razor watched, waiting for a perfect time to jump in, but he was scared. He isn't strong enough... What can he do?
-The Hooded man wasnt simply gonna LET this happen so uhh...As eagle went to tackle him, The cloaked mans hand raised and grasped his shoulder, his hand had a red aura over it that was rather thick and visible, it was a solid hand, almost has had as dragons scale, he sighed-

"...Kids...Please dont act like you know everything about someone" -he said, he crouched low and pushed his hand stronger agaisnt eagles shoulder harshly, the power behind the had was emminating Ki energy which seemed to be a form of magic as he would push them back a few meters before standing upright and looking at them- "...I was expecting something more kind! Cmon! Im offering to help!" -he said explaining-

(Please dont just assume im gonna take the blow so dont create actions after saying such, cause im sure my guys gonna do the best in his power not to be hit, sorry XP)

-He sighed and looked between the two of them and to lilith- "...Great...i dont know what the hells going on here...but i dont like it..." -He grumbled-
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Eagle ended up on his rump and winced as his injuries were jostled. He glared up at the new comer and then over at Black Arrow. He needed an answer from the man, but this new guy was getting on his nerves. Then he could almost hear Lilith passing out. She scrambled on all fours over to the girl and held her head. "Lilith! Lilith stay with me!" Eagle touched his forehead to hers and attempted healing magic. He wasn't well trained in it, so he didn't try anything extreme, but he moved the spell that was still technically still working on him over to Lilith's body. He could feel his own strength rapidly decrease because of it, but he hope that it would help. Eagle stroked her cheek and looked at her eyes, looking for some form of life there.
-Eagle could feel a hand on his back, suddenly a surge of power and magic flowed through him, his healing factor increased greatly as the cloaked man stood behind him, his hand now glowing with a more orange hue-

"Keep going...shes gonna need this"

-he said, under the hood, flowing Aether energy into her, Enhancing her Chi, which he sees as magical energy within the body, through doing this, he shared his power with her, his own power within the arts of Chi seemed great, his Chi greatly assisting him in healing lilith-

"...Now...i dont know what happened here...be calm, please explain yourself...and whats happened here...i only intend to help..."

-He said in a soothing voice-
Lilith's eyes began to open little by little. She groaned slightly, the first thing she was seeing was Eagle's eyes. "Wha..?" She was a little confused and wondered if she was still in the forest. "What happened..?" She moved her gaze around, noticing that she was in fact still in the forest. The black arrow was there, too. Her hand patted around the ground for her other blade. "Why is he still here?!"
The Black Arrow was pushed back by the red aura before he even wanted to pretend to shook his hand and placed Eagle in a head-lock so that he could slice his neck. He had thought about the offer but he knew he couldn't accept it. The person who paid him to kill Eagle had a leverage on him.. A leverage that would be explained later. As he was pushed back, his temper begin rising again as he was constantly interrupted many times now. He had seriously considered his option to sprint all the way back and use his explosive arrows to blow everyone up on the spot itself. But he hated that, that is what he considers a coward's move. Instead, he looked at the hooded figure. He almost threw up on the spot with the strange, weird look of him. "How dare you interrupt me! You.. you.. What in the world are you anyways? Did your parents took some sort of strange potion that messes up everything? And I thought the lizards and overgrown fairies look abnormal. Stay out of this, you disgusting creature." He just leered at the half-breed hooded figure which was almost the combination of all races. He shook his head and look at Eagle now, who is currently helping Lilith. He took up his bow and arrow. "No can do. A contract is a contract. I am a man of my words" He point the arrow to him, the steel arrow viciously threatening to kill him..

Suddenly, a new whizzing noise came out of a nowhere. A slender and venomously sharp dagger
came out from the bushes, and it flew straight into Black Arrow's right calf. He let out a ferocious yell as he spun around, firing quite a number of arrows into the bushes on where he believed the dagger came from. Suddenly, a man in dark scarlet trench-coat like armor rushed out from his right side with a strange but unique kind of a weapon.. A steel double-bladed staff-like weapon
. "You will not harm another innocent again!" he yelled as he did an acrobatic butterfly flip while swinging the unusual weapon like a professional martial artist. Any normal and average person would have no time to react but the Black Arrow was beyond average. He immediately blocked his swing attacks with his own bow, which came in contact with the attached dagger on the bow. "You dare show your face here, you filthy traitor!" the Black Arrow yelled as he spun his own bow, the attached dagger threatening to slice and cut the scarlet fighter's skin but he did not back down. Both of them got into a ferocious fight, each showing their own martial arts-like skills and amazing acrobatic moves. Clearly, they know each other's styles. They both now ignore the others who were injured, except Eagle and the Hooded figure.

(introduction of my new character, Az-Rel)
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-The cloaked man kneeled down still healing Lilith still as she awoke, he spoke-

"Calm down...you havily wounded....dont strain yourself..." -he said, letting them deal their buessness and sighed-

"Whyd Celestial drag me into this...god damn it..."

-he grumbled, His CHI still entering Lilith, it wasnt a exact form hence it only really gave her energy and such, seeing the wounds probs sealed atleast but he cant work on it-

-He quickly noted a new enterance and exposed a dangerious aura around them, a aura that made people fear them as he healed lilith, hoping they would interrupt, he continued to watch the battle between them through auras-

"thats...intense" -he muttered-
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(I'm gonna continue like Eagle still said all that stuff to your chara @2904eagle )

Eagle watched the two rivals go at it. He was annoyed that he didn't get to finish his conversation with the Black Arrow, but also was slightly relieved. Black Arrow had technically given him an answer: no; but Eagle was a hopeless romantic who always tried to see the best in people. Well, almost always. He heard Lilith's voice and then glanced at the hooded figure again as he muttered and cussed under his breath. "Don't worry Lilith, you're in good hands." It broke his heart to tear himself away from her, he almost felt like he really knew her even though they had only just met.

Eagle stood and walked over to the dueling rivals and offered, "now, now, let's not get too rash. We don't need any more blood spilled." Whenever Eagle was in battle, he came full force at his opponent before giving them the chance to surrender. If they didn't, he'd reluctantly shed blood. "I just want to understand something." He had his hands out, bobbing them up and down slightly in a "settle down" motion.

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-He checked her for wounds quickly, lifting his shirt to a certain extent, not too high for uncomfrot, looking at arms and legs and such as he did before aksing-

"How are you feeling"

-He sat up looking to her and tilted his head and awaited a response, he made sure to keep track of the rest of the groups vital signs, watching their auras constantly, he focused on Liliths soul, seeing the aura of a chosen within her, he continued to supply energy in hopes to keep her alive, he pondered onto such-
The moment that the man began lifting the shirt, she would try to back away a bit. "I'm feeling like you should stay away from me." She looked at Eagle as he spoke and reluctantly nodded. She looked back to the strange man, obviously a little scared. "Who are you..." She asked, hearing the scuffle nearby.
Jarak had been watching this battle for a while now, but those people didn't seem to need any help. He let out a sigh of relief, but also annoyement, he really wanted to slice someone up. The dragonkin took a deep breath, starting to limp back to Ark.

Arkthes gasped as Jarak walked out of the forest wounded. Almost instantly the dragon tried to clean the wound, that made the dragonkin chuckle. He told Ark what had happened, and she frowned, probably in disappointment of Jarak's stupidness of facing a skilled assassin.

@...Anyone, they're back at the shore of the lake.
-He sighed and scratched the back off his hood before just removing it, revealing his face and head, he looked human enough, but wasnt human, he had dragon born features and elven featues and...dark elf?, anyways he seemed to be smiling rather warmly-

"Call me Magnus, may have heard of me? may not of? dosnt matter, anyways, here yo help, your hurt and stuff and your the chosen of a keeper aswell so...were supposed to keep eachother alive right?"

-He seemed to respond in a casual manner then scratched the back of his head-

"Thats atleast what i think i should be doing, right? oooor would you perfer i just go and leave you again?" -he said, finally throwing his cloak off and stretched-

"Ugh, i was getting too hot in that anyways!"
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Niruth had awoken from her nap and didn't suspect anything to be wrong until she saw Jarak limp into view. She lifted her head in alarm, still unable to stand without aching all over. "What happened? Where's Eagle?" Her senses were still a little fogged over, so she hadn't even noticed the sounds of fighting near by. She had been daydreaming and gazing at the clouds. But now she heard and smelled it. All of it. "Should I go help? There seems to be an awful lot of people over there..."

Both the man did not listen to her. Apparently the Black Arrow's hate for this dark red armored fighter was even more than anyone could ever predicted on the spot. There were yells and groans as both of them twirl and spun their unusual weapons around, the sounds of metal hitting against metal was growing louder and more intensified. The scarlet fighter did a leg sweep and then a somersault in attempt to hit him in the head. But the Black Arrow casually did another did a back flip to avoid the hit. But the scarlet fighter was one step ahead of him and closes up on him and twirl his double-bladed staff rapidly and it finally scratch him on his leather armor, cutting deep enough to make a large surface gash.. The Black Arrow yelled in pain and quickly turn around and sprint towards a tree. From there, he run up against the tree and did a rather majestic backflip, his striders coming down on the scarlet fighter as he had moved in too close. It hit him on the head and he collapsed to the ground. The Black Arrow look up and towards the others and note that he could not take all of them on, especially the scarlet fighter is now here.. The damn traitor.. he thought.. "This is isn't over.. I'll kill all of you.. Especially you!" he pointed towards Eagle before he swiftly place an arrow to his bow and shot it to the ground. The arrow explode, releasing black and grey mist, placing everyone in confusion. Once it clears, he was gone.. The scarlet fighter lays down, apparently knocked out by that kick and he begin to stir awake.

(you guys gotta go sleep soon, we'll continue this 2moro :) )
-Magnus noticed that the fight had been broken up, he perked a little, noticing the disappairance of a certain aura in the vicinity, he tilted his head and scratched his shin, considering before turning to eagle and lilith and gesturing to the red cloaked man-

"...What do we do with them...?"

-He questioned, he was rather puzzeled as he should be, he hadnt been able to see much, hah wait he cant see anything but you get my point, he looked concerned for what may happen next, standing up and bracing himself just in case the man tried to act agaisnt the party-
Lilith blinked and did the cut it out gesture. She began to whisper yell. "The others don't know! I don't know if they'll try to do something with the chosen if they found out... B- Hey how did you know?!" She scrambled backwards away from him, grabbing her blade and putting it up in a defensive position. "How do you know!" She jumped at the explosion and looked over, looking flustered. She didn't know what to do or what was going to happen.
-Magnus sighed and scratched his hair-

"...Its obviously in your aura...not the hardest thing to see...Aethers rather helpful when it comes to assisting, you know Aether right?"

-Magnus looked the red red cloaked guy and looked to lilith again-

"I dont mean any spesific harm, drop your weapon, we are allies alright? ill keep quiet from here on out if thats what you want"

-He made a zipping mouth gesture and chuckled, he didnt seem to be taking this seriously-
At this point, she was scared and looked at Eagle with a face that asked for help. She shuffled further away from the man claiming to be able to read auras. "Okay this is... Too weird for me..." She grabbed her calf and looked back over to the other man. "Wh- is that some sort of... Magic... Spell..?"
-He sighed and tilted his head-

"...Im the chosen on Aether...so dont sweat it!"

-he smiled and looked around to eagle-

"Of right...should talk out loud...although seems im unwanted here...im sorry if i seem somewhat hostile..."

-he sighed and looked up and shrugged-

"Well...i guess i cant exactly say youd know whom i speak of...maybe you think im lying..."

-he looke dbetween them again and sighed-

"...After all...who believes a abomination of nature and an outcast..."

-he said grimly-

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