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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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"I- um... What..?" She stared up at him, wondering what to do or say. She got to her feet, limping a little. "I'm... Not sure exactly how that feels but... Sorry?" She didn't exactly trust him yet. "Erm... Eagle?" She put her blade back in one of the holsters.
-He looked to them and between them and scratched the back of his head, he studied the two of them quickly-

"...So umm...well....this is alkward" -he simply responded-
Jarak looked at Niruth when he arrived. "Oh, Niruth. We were in the forest when someone attacked, and that someone apparently wanted to assassinate Eagle. Though he isn't in danger anymore," he told the dragon, readying for a sudden panic burst or something. Arkthes sighed quietly. "I have a weird feeling... Like someone I dearly hated would be near. In the forest," he talked to Ark telepathically. The cave dragon remained silent. "One of them knows they're here, one of them will sense I'm here, all of them will try to kill you, all of them will fail. Get them first, chosen one. Get. Them. First."

"Jarak? Jarak what are you talking about? Why's your telepathic voice so echoing and... oh," Arkthed tried, nudging the suddenly blacked out dragonkin.


@LThornclaw @Cheselth @2904eagle
-Magnus himself didnt have the ability to detect such people, as they werent yet in range of his aura detection feild, his golden aura was emmiting strongly, and ornage and red aura around him as he focused for a moment before they faded- "Ack...dosnt seem like anyones nearby...not that i can sense anyways..."
Huoyan stayed behind as Razor went into the woods. He was unable to follow because of his size. If he walked through he would need to knock down most of the trees there, and he didn't want one falling on someone. The dragon snorted in frustration, turning his head when he heard a voice. Looking over his shoulder he saw that the ice dragon had finally stirred. He growled deep in his chest, turning the rest of his body towards her. He was ready to defend himself if she tried anything. His chest and neck glowed slightly from the fire building in them. Snorting a few puffs of smoke rolled out of his nostrils and dissipated in the sky.

Crow who was leaning on a nearby tree steps forward. Hmph well that was interesting. He looks towards Eagle. Any idea on why that guy wanted to assassinate you? @LThornclaw
While not giving the chance for Eagle to answer, the dark-scarlet fighter stood up after being knocked out by the Black Arrow. "He had a contract or bounty on him. Somebody added it. Could be anyone with a high status. The Black Arrow was in charged of disposing you." He announced grimly as he walked towards the spot where the dark archer mysteriously disappear after covering the whole area with black-grey mist by shooting one of his 'special' arrows. He cautiously scan the ground and quickly picked up his slender and sharp dagger which now has the blood stains.. Clearly they belong to the dark archer. He looks up and faces the others. "Black Arrow is a mad man who always gets his job done. No matter what.. He might strike back in a few days." He stated as he inspects his uniquely and bizzare weapon. It looked like two swords were conjoined together at the handles but they were only much more slender and sharper. Clearly, an average person would easily injure himself if they were to try to use this weapon. As he inspects it, he did not notice that he was bleeding from the top of his head. Blood flows down all the way to the right side of his cheek
Lilith looked to the man in the scarlet and made her way over. "Thanks." She simply stated. She quickly took notice of the blood before pulling out a rag. This rag was usually used to clean any blood off of small animals she was cleaning after a hunt. "You're bleeding." She said to him as she offered the rag to him and looked to Eagle. "Is everyone alright?" Her tone went from calm to concerned as she asked the question.

Razor sighed in relief a he saw that everyone was alright and sat down, watching. He let out some purrs as well.
Eagle was so dazed that he didn't really hear anyone when they spoke to him for a few minutes. The adrenaline had drained from his body and now he ached all over. He finally snapped out of it after the third time Lilith spoke to him. He shook his head, like shaking sleep away, and looked up at her with a tired, goofy smile. "I'm alright." He said happily. He stood with a grunt and put a protective hand on his ribs. He stepped closer to Lilith and quickly whispered in her ear, "I don't really trust that Magnus guy either. He's way too helpful out of the blue and has no boundaries." He smiled at her then as though he hadn't said anything and put a light hand on her back comfortingly. He saw Razor out of the corner of his eye and smiled at him charmingly.

Turning to the scarlet fighter, Eagle nodded his head and thanked him. "I'm pretty sure the bounty on my head came from the man we are on our way to fight. He has no doubt heard of my return and is frightened of my power. Now that I have equally, maybe even more powerful friends," he nudged Lilith when he said this, giving her a compliment, "he's probably quaking in his boots." Eagle chuckled at the thought of it. "Is there a village near by where we can rest up for the night?" The sun was starting to set and Eagle knew that too many of his new comrades were injured to continue flying now.

@Cheselth @Giga

Niruth heard the telepathic voice echo through her head as well and folded her ears down like a scared dog would. That Jarak fainted and she widened her eyes in alarm. Jarak, stay with us! she begged him telepathically.At the same time, she felt a hostile presence from the fire dragon she had attacked earlier. She turned her head to him calmly and bowed it quite low and respectfully. She kept her head there, hoping he would relax again. "I apologize for my disrespectful and rash actions towards you, Lord of this land."

@MidnightStar89 @ToothierTurnip5
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Huoyan bared his fangs, fire dripping saliva coming from his mouth. Slowly he came towards the dragon.

"What is your name frozen-one?" He asked in his deep level voice. He only allowed a portion of his anger be shown. The size difference between these two dragons wasn't as large as it was for him and Razor. But, Huoyan was still a bit taller then Niruth.

Niruth kept her head down and her tail flicked anxiously when the fire dragon stepped nearer. "Niruth Gentleheart. Guardian of the Northern Mountains." Her voice was soft but cordial. If she could stand comfortably, she would.
Craig had returned from the trees, eyes narrowing as he inspected everything. While it was clear that the conflict was over, he couldn't help but remain on guard, padding over to the small human that had jolted to consciousness once Niruth had moved.

The dragon lowered his head so that he was at eye level with the seated other. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"Wrong..?" Max repeated, a hand on the side of his head as he looked over, "Nothing.. I'm okay, everything's okay." It was then that he took a real look around, trying to assess where everything was and what was going on. Niruth had left, off to talk to the fire dragon from before; it was sort of relieving to see them not trying to murder each other. Diverting his attention for a moment, the human saw that Eagle was no longer in the place he was before.


"He's fine, don't worry."


He was helped to his feet, knees buckling once the actual exhaustion hit. God, he hated being so weak and all, but you couldn't blame him for this exhaustion; it was mentally draining to have to avoid conflict all together. Craig kept him upright, leading him towards the other dragons. Once he was close enough, the human smiled. "Fire one," he greeted, leaving Craig by the she-dragon as he approached more closely, "How are your wounds?"

Niruth finally stood with a groan and stretched. Her skin twitched where all of her wounds here, making it obvious how much in pain she was. Most of her wounds were pretty shallow, but since there were so many, they hurt just as much as the larger gashes she received from the fire dragon. She sat down, keeping her back tall. She gazed at the fire dragon for a moment before asking, "What is yours, if I may?" She could understand if he didn't want to speak, but she hoped the two could eventually move on from her attack.


Once Craig was beside her, she greeted him warmly with a nudge with her nose. She looked into his eyes before thanking him again. She looked down at Max and furrowed her brow. She was worried about the weak human's condition. She was sure that she had tired him out greatly.

Huoyan nodded at the Niruth, looking down at the boy. He brought his head down to the boys level. Tilting his head he looked at him with one great orange red eye. His pupils were round, his irises dancing flames of orange and red.

"My wounds have healed just fine. I am Huoyan. I have no title to my name as I haven't earned one." The red dragon responded. Glancing between all Craig, Niruth, and Max. He still didn't have full trust for any of them. Especially not Niruth.

@LThornclaw @Hoki
Niruth sighed a little and shook her head. "I wouldn't say I earned the title either. It was my mother's. She raised me differently than most dragon parents. I knew here and lived with her until the day she passed. I took up her title after that and was accepted by the mountains." She looked at Huoyan with her icy blue eyes, greatly contrasting his flaming ones. Her guard was up, but she wanted to make sure he knew she didn't intend to attack him again.

Huoyan looked down and away slightly at the mention of parents. He quickly corrected his posture, getting rid of the emotions he was portaying.

"I see, my parents never had any titles. If they did they never told me. So I will stay Huoyan until that time that I am worth to get one." He responded, he stalked past the dragons. Laying down at the waters edge he wrapped his tail around himself. Folding his wings against his sides he looked out over the water. Absorbed in his own thoughts.

@LThornclaw @Hoki
Niruth could see Huoyan falter a little, making her ears fold back apologetically. When he walked away and laid at the water's edge, Niruth felt a pang of empathy in her heart. She wasn't entirely sure, but from his reaction to the mention of family, he had lost his a long time ago. Niruth stood, hesitated, and then laid down next to him. She didn't look at him, only out at the lake. If he wanted to talk about it, he would. If not, she was fine just sitting there. Niruth didn't take notice of this, but since the two were so close to the water's edge, the water in front of Huoyan started to steam and the water in front of Niruth started to crystalize.

Looking out over the water he became aware of Niruth coming up beside him. He however did not turn his head, just continuing to look forward. After a time he let out a sigh, smoke escaping from his jaws.

"When I was just a hatchling we had a lake near my home. We had it all to ourselves just my mom, dad, and myself. My dad taught me to catch the deers and boars that came to the water. My mother showed my the beauty of the moon reflecting off the water. If only they were here....." He looked down slightly, letting out the breath he was holding. He lifted his head again, looking out over the water, not at Niruth yet.

"I'm Craig," the male ice dragon responded, "I have no title and no memory of my parents or any other forms of blood family." The only family he had ever known was Max, and he wanted nothing more than that.

--Of course Max introduced himself with a small "Max Crowe" and a "Nice to meet you".

Either way the conversation was done and over with for the time being. The human didn't want to impose on either she-dragon or fire dragon, nodding silently as he moved Craig aside. It was then that he returned the sword in the sheath to the dragon's ice, giving him a kind pat before just...walking off to the trees on his own.
Niruth listened to Houyan's story patiently and nodded slowly. She glanced at him for a moment, but resumed looking out over the water. "One night in the summer in the mountains," she began, "I came home to my year-old hatchlings from a hunt. We lived in a cave with a field out front and trees surrounding us like a wall. The only way to get in or out of the area was to fly, and they weren't very good at it yet." She took a deep breath an continued her story. "When I came home, I noticed that some of their bedding was tracked out into the field. I went in to find a mess. Storage crates raided, feathers and pelts everywhere... Then I saw blood, and..." she trailed off. The memory was too recent, too painful to recount. "Let's just say... Eagle is my only companion now."

Huoyan glanced over at her. The first time so far.

"I'm.... I'm sorry for your loss. They didn't deserve that fate. No one does so young." Huoyan responded. He knew words could only go so far. But, hopefully any words were helpful to her. He snorted slighty, blowing a smoke ring out his nose. It floated out over the water before dissipating. The large dragon shifted his wings and tail, getting into a more comfortable position.

Lilith looked over to Eagle and nodded. She then listened to the whisper and nodded. "Me either, but he claims to know my strengths..." She said as she gave the scarlet man her rag for the blood. She said nothing but when she realized she was being complimented, she smiled as let out a tiny chuckle. "Please, I barely put a scratch on the attacker. He managed to make me pass out from a single arrow. You're probably the one who saved me rather than the intended other way." She frowned for a moment, making herself feel weak for just saying that.
Niruth nodded her thanks. She laid her head down again, tucking it into the bend of her front leg. She closed her eyes and dozed next to the fire dragon rather comfortably considering her company.


Eagle shook his head at her. "You fought him solo and kept him at bay. None of us were strong enough to beat him, nor did we know his style of combat. We all did the best we could." He smiled then and added, "Shall we all go back to the lake? I'm sure our friends are worried." He was a little worried about Max, to be perfectly honest. He wanted to get back to him and make sure that his hands were all right. Eagle also needed to thank him for calming Niruth, which he knew from experience was a difficult task. Eagle turned to the scarlet fighter, "Would you like to join us?"

@Cheselth @Hoki @Giga
Huoyan looked over to Niruth, seeing how she had begun to doze off. Looking away from her he looked into the water in front of them. The water in front of him was steaming, the water in front of Niruth was freezing. Though the area in between them was the only normal area. Huoyan looked at this for a moment. Shaking his head he put his head underneath his right wing. The wing facing away from Niruth. He began to doze off as well.

Lilith sighed. "If stalling is all I can do then... I guess I need more combat training." She looked back at Eagle after she switched her gaze for a moment. "Yeah... I could use a bit of water to clean my 'armor' from blood." Her leg also still hurt a bit, it wouldn't be fully or she would have had a lot more pain. "How're you holding up by the way?"

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