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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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The ice dragon was alert but unable to do anything for Arkthes and Jarak. She wanted to, but she was almost paralyzed with grief. She gave a few grunts of apology to Ark for not doing anything to help. Niruth was still crying when the fire dragon let out a mighty roar and a blast of flames. They were in its territory and it didn't like it, but Niruth didn't care. Her friend was hurt and could possibly die very soon, so that dragon could come fight her. She needed a distraction after all. She mustered up as much air as she could fit into her aching lungs and roared back, a plume of icy breath following like a fireball, only it was ice.

After being still for a minute, The Black Arrow finally gains the nerve to relax and perhaps take a few minutes break before heading off again. A thought had crossed his mind on whether the fact he wanted to go up to the cave to try and take on the dragon; he had taken a few hatchlings and even an adult dragon before but those times he had an advantage as he had studied their main weaknesses and weakspots before taking on them. He thought about it for a while before realizing he has to face a vertical cliff wall and it will take a really long time to circle around it and to climb the jagged terrain. He decided to stay put and took out his water container to take a needful drink.. Only to find it empty. He knew there is a lake nearby, so he begin to head off to that direction.

Huoyan's eyes snapped open when he was challenged. He snarled, flecks of fire escaping through his jaws. How dare someone challenge him! This was his territory! Huoyan jumped out of his cave, breathing fire as he did. He shot out like a meteor, bathed in his own dragon fire. He snapped his wings on either side, slamming his wings up and down, producing thunderclaps of sound. Huoyan let out another roar, this one more direct and angry. Looking down towards the lake he saw the company of dragons and their riders presumably. He dove towards them, roaring in defiance.

Black Arrow arrives at a clearing, at the edge of the forest when he heard a loud roar and the sound of whooshing air. He looked up into the sky and stared in annoyance as the fire dragon flew past above him, heading exactly to the lake. Looks like he's going to have an encounter with an adult fire dragon after all. Or perhaps he will just ignore him. He equipped his sturdy bow and took out one of his customized arrow which was traced with special substances that were made from unique herbs and plant life. He heads out into the open, still observing the dragons on where its currently flying to. That is where he noticed the other dragons and their riders on the other side of the lake. "What the hell." He backed up a little as he observed what seems to be an almost impossible sight.. He already face a huge problem when taking on one dragon but he's not going to take on a full house today. He will wait on what will happen between the fire dragon and the others.
Niruth, turning her guilt and grief into blinding rage, shot up at the fire dragon. Icy armor forming a helmet and body suit, Niruth rammed the fire dragon head on in the chest, scratching and growling. She bounded away, trying to avoid being hit. She flew higher and circled around the firey beast, her eyes turning completely white as she let her instincts take over. All traces of motherly love and kindness were gone, leaving nothing but pure hatred and wildness.

At the sound of dragons clashing and fighting, Eagle groaned a little and opened his eyes. He still couldn't move, but at least he was awake. His tired eyes were met with the sight of a wild Niruth fighting a fire dragon. "Niruth... please stop," was what he tried to say, but nothing but mutters and moans escaped his lips.

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Lilith watched the dragon and dragonkin fight the water dragon in awe, hoping to study it later. Lilith was about to say something when a fireball was seen and in a flash, Lilith was ready to fight with her ebony dual blades. When nothing came out, she told Niruth to stay and watch the others and jumped into the forest so fast that she seemed like a black blur. She came to a cave soon to see a figure begin to go towards the group and looked up to see a fire dragon. So many dragons in one place... What's going on today... Lilith did hear Niruth's roar right after she left but it didn't occur to her that it meant she was gonna fight. Lilith quickly went to make her way back when she made a mistake and leaped on a branch that broke under her weight. She fell but she ended up rolling to her feet as kind of a reflex. She saw the fight from where she was but wasn't quite there. "Gahh! Now that's just what I get for rushing..."
Black Arrow had no plans of staying in there. But being a thorough man, he has to be sure if the elf that he is paid to kill isn't a part of the group. Or perhaps he is. He hid in between the trees, moving swiftly from a tree to another. He made a quick run to the other side of the lake to get a closer look. As he moves through the dense part of the forest, he could hear the furious fight between the dragons up in the sky. He could even feel the heat from the fire blast. He fights the fear of being burned alive if the fire dragon makes a mistake of using its blazing abilities. He started to move slower as he reach the other side of the lake in order to prevent himself from being spotted. He soon reaches a nearby cave as well and noticed something indifferent about the trees as he moved slowly. He noticed that there is a large branch on the floor which didn't look too old or dried to be broken off by its own. He quickly equip his bow and arrow again, expecting company as he moves slower and slower.
Lilith moved closer to the edge of the trees to watch the fight, safely hidden from the dragons. She equipped her bow and cast an arrow into her hands. The glow illuminated a little bit of the darkness around her as she though maybe she could Help Niruth. Sadly she wasn't able to get a clear shot so she waited to shoot that arrow. She put her bow down, the arrow vanishing. She fixed her hair so it would be out of the way, exposing her 'tattoo'. Okay... There has to be a chance soon... I can't hit Niruth...
He moved closer and closer to the edge of the trees. The roaring fight above him seems to intensify every passing minute. He would then noticed a foot trail. He begin to walk as entirely quiet as possible but have to regain his speed so that he could be swift. He hates doing this but in every combat strategy, sneaking means that you always get the upper hand on your enemy. He knew how badly he needs to get the upper hand. As he turn one corner, he quickly paused. He had seen her. A dark elf. Not the one he had hope to find but elves always have a tendency to know other elves. 'I guess information will do' he thought. She was right at the edge of the trees, watching the dragons in a battle of fury and flames. He carefully placed a steel arrow on his bow, hoping to not make any noise. But he was sloppy today. He did not had a drink or ate food the whole day and was slightly dehydrated. He made a mistake and a click noise is heard.

Lilith saw her chance to shoot and created another arrow, but it seemed she had to change her plans when she heard the click and swiftly spun around and pointed the arrow at where the noise came from. She saw the same figure from not too long ago with a bow and arrow, seeming to be ready to shoot at someone. "State your reason for what you're doing. Speak quickly, my grip is slipping and my arrow might just accidentally hit your face." She said in a cold tone, her expression getting serious.
Everything happened so fast... Before he knew it, Max forgot all frozen pain in his hands and leapt from Craig's back, drawing something with a silvery gleam from underneath the dragon's arm plate of ice. "Keep Niruth from getting herself hurt!" he barked, his aura being engulfed with that of a leader. "Don't do anything stupid!"

His companion wanted nothing more than to fight, wanted nothing more than to rip the fire dragon apart. However, that... That wasn't something he could allow; with his human's change in energy, even weilding the sword he never really used, he used his better judgment. Directing his voice to the aerial fighters, Craig bellowed out an earth-shaking roar, extending his wings around him. He leapt into the air, moving considerably quickly before slamming his heavy head into the fire dragon to stun him.

"Niruth!" he snapped, "Calm yourself!" Who was he to talk? Really, he was in no position to tell his senior to calm down, or attack the dominating dragon, yet here he was.

The cool metal of the hilt made Max's hand burn yet he ignored it, avoiding everything he could as he made his way to the fallen halfa. "Eagle!" he exclaimed, dropping to his knees beside him. He discarded his sword beside him for a moment, wide brown eyes focused on Eagle. There had to be something he could do...

@LThornclaw @ToothierTurnip5 //-casually intervenes-
That someone that he is aiming is now currently at the dark elf. "I was hoping to take you down, that's what my reason is." he said, with a bit of a cold tone as well. Despite being dehydrated, his adrenaline kicks back in, allowing him to have temporary and perfect control,stabilization and aim of his bow and arrow. However, one would say when being in adrenaline state would increase his fear. But he had no fear. He had no fear for those working with arrows as he knew arrows themselves. Seems like at anytime both of them would let go their arrows at the same time. Finally, he has her in his full perfect sight. He finally can comfirm that this is not his target. He was disappointed "Hmpf. Wrong target. You overgrown fairies look all the same." he said with an insult in his remarks but he did not lower his weapon. He can tell she's a veteran archer and he had no time to fight.. Or maybe he do.. Maybe she has information he needed. He waited.. He wasn't going to be the first one to let go of his arrow. He was certain that he could avoid her arrow.
(Well this went south.)

Huoyan collided with the ice dragon, biting and clawing at one another. He roared, launching streams of fire at the opposing dragon. They fought for many minutes, neither seeming to gain the upper hand. Then Huoyan was hit in the chest by another ice dragon. 'Damn their race!' He thought to himself. Huoyan created some distance between the duo, spitting flames in their direction.

"How dare you come to MY territory and disturb my slumber, I will carve you to pieces!" Huoyan screamed, roaring at the intruders.

@everyone that wants to poke my with sharp stick
Lilith growled at the hooded man when he mentioned he was after her. She wanted more than anything to just release the magic arrow and watch it vanish so she could see his face. And then he got just a tad more racist than she would have liked. "At least this fairy knows how to kick your arse so hard that it comes out your mouth." She said as calmly a possible, trying to intimidate him. She narrowed her eyes and readied another spell for another arrow just before she released the current one. Almost a split second later she had another ready.
The Black Arrow quickly shift his head to his left in order to avoid the archer's arrow. It slightly brush against his hood but it wasn't enough to create a tear. However, he just smirks, even though she can't see behind that face cover of his. The fight above them greatly intensifies and was threatening the place where both seasoned archers were having a stand-off at. "Ooh, we got a fighter here. I like a bit of a fight." he said, being a little more cocky than usual. "But alas, I have limited time and I intend to get away from this place as soon as possible before... those dumb overgrown lizards might start a blaze here." he paused before continuing on. "I'm looking for someone. An elf as well.. Well.. Perhaps not really an elf. Some say he's half human or something, I don't care. I think you might know of this strange creature.." he added tauntingly on as he holds the arrow by the smallest tip, his fingers begging him to let go of it, even though she had fire an arrow to him.
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Lilith pulled the arrow back, ready to fire another off. The nerve of this man... Dragons deserve more respect than he gives them... She paused. She did know someone like that but she wasn't just gonna tell him that. She wasn't sure what she should tell him... She pondered her possible answers for a moment before shaking her head. "Do you really think that I would tell you even if I did? You're wasting your time here. Run along back to mommy before my next arrow finds itself in your chest." She said as she moved her bow in a 'shoo shoo' manner.
Eagle stared up at the dragons helplessly. Now Craig had joined them so Eagle was a bit hopeful, but Niruth didn't seem to notice the younger dragon. Her eyes were a blaze as she hissed at the fire dragon, unable to speak. She had no reason to be fighting, only that she was overcome with negative emotions. Eagle had seen her like this only once before, the night they had met. He had to beat her down out of her rage before she was ready to talk things out. He looked over at some movement in the outer reaches of his blurry vision. Max. It was Max. He was here. Eagle was overwhelmed by relief to see him. "M-max.." he muttered softly "you have to beat her down... she won't listen until she's been beaten down. Please... please he's going to kill her... please." Eagle's eye filled with hot tears. He couldn't lose Niruth now, not after everything they'd been through.
He just laughs. "Mommy jokes are overrated. And you paused for quite a while there. It seems you DO know of someone who exists." He said as he slowly strafes to his left. "You're not as good at lying as you are at being an archer, ay?". He added, tauntingly again as he chuckles slightly. He wanted to make this quick but it was... kind of fun playing around with this dark skin wannabe pixie. However, he knew that she knows something that she wouldn't tell him. "Let's make a deal. If we go meet up with your friend and if its not the person I'm after, I'll be on my happy way to pay my respects at my dead mother's grave" he said, in a light and arrogant tone. "However, if its the person that I'm after, you'll receive my fair share of reward. Oh, you will get an immunity to any bounties added on you for a long time. These days, bounties can just be added on people for even the smallest, funniest reasons." he added, knowing she'll most likely won't accept the offer but hey, no harm trying.

( i sense a fight soon )
Beat her down

He didn't even like the sound of it. While trying to decide what in Quake's name he was supposed to do, the human examined the other with great care. He was okay... Well, as okay as he was going to get at this point, without proper attention. There was nothing the human could hope to do, and that was something he absolutely hated.

Max put on a soft, comforting smile, head tilting slightly. "Yeah.. Yeah, okay.." His hand then extended, brushing back the bangs on the other's forehead. "But I'm not going to leave you so defenseless.."

Oh, Quake, please let the earth protect him, should something pose a threat.

There would be a brief, warm light that engulfed both bodies before fading away, leaving nothing behind. Max then took up his sword, and rose to his feet. "CRAIG!"

The dragon needed no other call, diving away from both fire and ice beings to do a pass of the human and halfa. When he took to the sky again, Max was crouched on his back. Matching their height again, it was the blond's voice that rang out; "Great fire dragon!" he shouted, extending the empty hand towards the beast - Craig was keeping an eye on Niruth, already briefed on their situation. "Please, stop this conflict!"

Max bowed his head then, showing his genuine respect.

"I apologize on behalf of all of us," he continued, "We will leave almost immediately, just allow us the moment to rest. Please forgive my companions for acting rashly against you; none of us intended to invade your territory, or disturb your sleep."

He had a feeling simple conversation wouldn't help, but the fire dragon could've been reasonable for all he knew.

He had to try.

Eagle smiled slightly and closed his eyes when Max brushed back his bangs. He opened his eyes again to watch Craig swoop down to pick up his rider. Eagle looked up at them, hoping that they could ease the fire dragon's rage before Niruth had a chance to lash out again. The she-dragon had enough common sense not to attack Craig. Instead she tried to get in front of her new friend, but felt trapped behind him. "MOVE!" she demanded with a growl both out loud and telepathically.

Huoyan was preparing to strike at the ice dragon infront of him. Thought was stopped by a human, extending his hand before him.

He hissed, fire dripping from the saliva coming through his teeth.

"You. Boy. I have to admit you have guts. Stoping me in this fight, you are lucky I didn't melt you and your dragon. For that I will let you rest though I will be keeping an eye on your little party, " Huoyan replied in a deep, melancholy voice, "make sure your friend here doesn't freeze my lake over." Houyan swooped down toward the clearing that they were resting at. He laid down at the edge of the clearing, licking at the damage he sustained in the fight.

@LThornclaw @Hoki
Lilith growled at him. A deal? Is he joking? Absolutely not... "I'm not letting you anywhere near him. Now be on your way!" She growled and held her bow up higher and aimed it at his head. "You're not even gonna get the info on where he is. Not even if you beat me to death!!"
Eagle could finally relax, Niruth was safe. Niruth however growled at Craig and roared. She flew up and then around in a big loop, building up speed to ram her friend. When she was level with him again, she opened her mouth to chomp down on his leg, quickly closing the small gap between the two.

@Hoki (she doesnt know what she's doing :<<<<)
Ashoak looked at all the chaos going on around her yet didn't know what to do,she was having a bit of a flashback when she had fought Costachio "Is anyone wounded,or need assistance?" she called out confused at what exactly was happening,she only wanted to make sure something like this didn't happen.Costachio on the other hand had her mind on getting some delicious eel to eat and despite having complained about water before she jumped right in the water splashing and began chasing the eel,the water began getting warm as she got excited and frustrated that the eel was so slippery,every time she caught bit into its body it would slither off but the water was tinted pink with eel blood

@anyone .3.
Eagle raised his hand slightly to Ashoak. "I do... if you have any healing elixirs, that would be best." His voice was weak and his body was pale. He didn't recognize the voice, but he'd take help from anyone right now.

@ManyFaces ((sorry it's short))

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