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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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It looked like it was about time to go. Turning, Max grabbed the hard shoulder of Craig - god, he needed gloves for this - and heaved himself up across his back. He had been about to settle down when his attention snapped back to the meat hidden in the trees. Oops - he almost completely forgot about that. Looking over at the "leader" of their excursion, Max smiled a bit. "I'll be right back," he said, "Don't worry about waiting, we'll find you."

He gave a small wave to all of them before his icy companion lept off the ground and snapped out his wings, raising up above the town and heading back to the trees.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth @MidnightStar89
Jarak's face was quite emotionless when he sat on his dragon's back, on a spot where the spikes had been cut. They wouldn't grow back, as they were cut when Ark was little, but that made a great riding spot for the Dragonkin. He just waved as a goodbye to Max, as they left with their icy dragon off in the distance. ''So... when are we leaving?'' Jarak asked.

@Hoki @Cheselth @FlameintheRoses
((sorry im here xD ))

Eagle nodded at Max before he flew off. He looked at Jarak and then down at Lilith. "We leave now!" Niruth took of into the air with a "WOOOO" from Eagle and turned southward. She flew along the past beneath them so that Eagle might be able to catch up with Radfor. After a minute or two Niruth spotted the large orc and landed in front of him. "Get on!" eagle exclaimed excitedly as he held out his hand to the orc.

@Knight Nate
Jarak gasped in surprise when the dragon suddenly took off, but he chuckled a little. He patted the dragon's neck, and very soon she jumped into the air, spreading its' purple wings. Arkthes looked around for a second, and when she saw the other dragon dive into the trees, she flew after it, but didn't land, she decided to wait in the air. ''Why'd you stop?'' ''She's picking someone up, I think. Let's wait for a second!''

((Whoops I got a little busy yesterday sorry))

Lilith noticed everyone start to leave before she could even get a single word out in response. Even Razor had flown off, following the rest. Lilith was the only one without a dragon companion here, she felt a little left out. She was about to start running when she noticed one dragon had come back. She stared for a moment before finally piping up. "Got room for one more up there?"

Razor was so excited to finally have some other dragons to travel with that he hadn't even given a second thought about going with people he had just met. He roared with glee. He is a bit of a clumsy flier due to the fact he had to teach himself how to do it.
Radfor had his boot on the head of the golem he had been tracking, it's stone body blown to pieces. He was collecting the Magick medals from its body when the dragon landed in front of him. He was a bit surprised, but was even more surprised to find the man from before holding his hand out and telling him to get in. He raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You want me to....get on a dragon? For what?"
Ashoak and Costachio were flying in a quickly descending rate towards a forest,Costachio looked like a giant snake rapidly falling to the ground from a distance but upon closer look she was clearly some sort of dragon.Ashoak dug her claws into Costashios scales not harming the dragon but signally for her to pull up,however all Costachio could do was pull up and brace which ended with the duo skidding into the ground and knocking some rocks over sending dirt and bugs flying."That wind dragon was not happy when we tried to save her innocent hatchlings from being eaten..." Ashoak said with a strained tone "You should have let me fry them and get a free meal" Costachio replied licking her wounds,"Here let me help you my friend" Ashoak said approaching her wounded companion "No i'm fine...if I wasn't fine you'd know" the dragon replied in a defensive yet not harsh tone."Do you know where we are?" Ashoak asked Costachio who sighed and slumped against a boulder shaking her head no.
"We're going on an adventure, to save my hometown from an evil man." He grinned widely, his hand still outstretched. "It's not just me who's going. Look up." Eagle glanced up at Arkthes and Jarak hovering there and then back at the orc. "It'll be fun!" Niruth nodded once and looked at the orc with a gleam in her eyes. There was a rumble near by, like something large had just fallen, but Eagle ignored it.

@Knight Nate @Cheselth @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces
The duo had landed in the trees, Max kneeling on the ground to tend to the meat he had purchased. Both rabbits were easy to pack away - even after they were frozen and preserved - but the wolf proved to be more difficult. The solution?

He ended up dragging the body out of the imprint and towards a less-marked area for some predator to have later; the frost still laced in the muscle would keep it fresh for a while. Brushing off his knees, the blond turned and faced Craig. "Let's go."

But the dragon didn't respond, the aura surrounding him becoming just as cold as his own body. He could sense something, could smell something that he despised more than anything else in the world, even if he didn't know why he hated it. Craig's head snapped around, gaze focused on something far in the mask of the trees.

Just the hostility emanating from him startled the small human nearby, who instantly hurried to his side and patted his chest. "Hey, hey..!" Max tried.

(@ManyFaces )
Costachio paused for a second and sniffed the air then suddenly began growling,a bunch of smoke seeped out her nostrils and mouth "Ice..." she hissed narrowing her eyes and stalking towards an unnaturally cool spot ready to pounce at whatever lie beyond the brush.Ashoak looked beyond the brush and saw a person and an ice dragon leaving her with a bittersweet moment "No...let me try and speak to them" she said quickly trying to get to the people before her dragon could but Costachio seemed to have her own plans "Ice dragonsss are cold,cruel,thieving worms!" she barked and remembered how a small pack had overrun her cave when she had no companion and took some of her best loot,"This one has people just let me try and be polite,maybe they know where town is and are nice" she said taking a pleading tone,Costachio grunted and turned around going stiff but still puffed smoke she was going to give Ashoak a chance to speak.Ashoak cautiously approached the duo "Greetings,I hope I didn't spook you" she said to them both.
He wasn't spooked before, but now he was, jumping about a foot in the air. Max hadn't been expecting anyone to call out to him like that, and now even Craig's hostility shot up. Before the human could respond, his companion had moved in a way that allowed him to completely shield the boy with his body. A low growl rumbled deep in his throat, frozen eyes fixated on the female. "Be gone," he snarled, "Don't come any closer."

But Max slipped through the dragon's safety, forcing a sheepish smile onto his face. "Ah, no," he assured her, "You're fine - sorry for his behavior. I don't entirely know what's wrong with him right now.." It should've been obvious at that point, but he held his tongue.

"Fire and Ice dragons get very...agressive when near eachother,my companion is a fire dragon" she said moving slowly closer without any sudden moves being made,she gave the duo a decent amount of space though in case any hostile moves were made she would dodge easier "We just got here and were wondering if anyone knew where we are,then I saw you with food suggesting hunting or shopping" she said keeping a slight eye on the dragon mainly concerned if he might randomly charge.However she hoped she could just get him to trust her enough for Costachio to be able to come out,but Costachio had her own plans and snaked her forearms and head out awaiting for the moment Ashoak would realize ice dragons couldn't be trusted.


(Ah sorry for not tagging the first time)
Ah... Frankly, he didn't know where he was either, he had just popped up randomly. The human jogged over to the frozen wolf, dragging it out and flopping it in front of Ashoak. "Shopping," he replied, "A skilled huntress has a nice shop with good prices; but she's gone for the day." Max then smiled, gesturing to the wolf. "You're welcome to take this, if you'd like. Craig here froze it enough so that nothing could make it...you know, gross."

The dragon only gave a huff, his frosty breath coating Max's sleeve.

@ManyFaces //It's all good
"Thank you and might I ask which way this town is,I need to buy herbs?" she said lumbering over to the wolf and picked it up then proceeded to snap its frozen body in half and toss one half of it into the woods,Costachio snatched the hunk of wolf and charred it with her flame before shaking it so the charred fur would come off and began eating it while keeping one eye on the others while they chatted.Ashoak swung around quickly "Oh how rude of me,I never asked either of you your names!Who might you both be in case we meet again?" she said in a sad tone as if dissappointed she could forget something so important to ask.

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At the flare from the trees, and the violent tearing through flesh, Craig let out a growl, shuffling closer to the human as if for his own security. Max gestured over his shoulder, towards where the town was located. "Over that way; sorry, I can't really show you. I should've left a little while ago." But then she asked for their names and he allowed a warm smile to cross his lips. "I'm Max, and this is Craig - Who are you?"

Lilith smiled to Eagle and quickly reached up to grab his hand, using it to help hoist herself up onto his huge beast. This was her first time riding so it was gonna be awkward for her. She patted the dragon and smirked. On a dragon? No. This isn't real. Someone pinch me. "Okay! I'm ready." She said. (sorry for short post >.>)
(sorry! works been CRAZY lol)

Estelle nodded, gazing around the area. People were running about, hauling their goods to traders and trying to fetch a good price for their wares. "That it is. Very interesting." She glanced over at him once more, holding up a small satchel with an Oak leaf crest. "You don't by any chance know of a medicine shop nearby?"

@Darth Gangsta
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"If you need to, hold my waist!" Eagle said happily as Niruth took off with a few flaps and joined Arkthes in the sky. Eagle then shouted in the direction Max went, "Max! Craig! We're leaving now!" Niruth nodded at Ark and Jarak and turned towards the Glades before setting out. Even though Ice dragons aren't as fast as Sky dragons, Niruth could reach speeds up to 60-70 miles/hour. To protect himself and Lilith from the wind forces, Eagle used a protection spell that let some wind through, but not enough to push them off Niruth's back. Eagle looked behind him at Lilith and smiled, "What's up?"

@Cheselth @Hoki @MidnightStar89
She rolled her eyes to the thought of having to hold his waist just before the dragon took off. Once it did, though, she didn't expect it to be quite like it was so reflexively she quickly grabbed hold in fear of falling off. "Holy--"

Razor roared yet again, narrowly avoiding trees and other things. He huffed a little, trying to keep up with everyone else which wasn't very easy for the fledgling dragon...
Eagle chuckled at Lilith's reaction and when he turn around, he saw Razor trying to keep up. Eagle then stroked Niruth's neck so that she'd notice and slow down. Eagle wanted to get home as soon as possible, but he didn't want to be insensitive to his new friend's ability.

"I am Ashoak and...this" she said pointing to her dragon companion who was walking towards her "is Costachio" she finished and rubbed Costachios neck tenderly.Costachio kneeled allowing Ashoak to get on her back and snorted at the ice dragon known as Craig but showed no outward agression despite how warm it was around her "A pleasure to meet you" she said proudly and grinned.

Lilith cleared her throat and loosened her grip a bit, thinking it might have been a bit too tight. "Sorry..." She said a bit quietly. She began to look around at sights and she smiled. It was beautiful, looking at all the trees and distant mountains filled her with glee. ((Much like determination))

Razor let out a small huff before he began catching up. He growled at himself for not being fast enough to do much other than slow the others down. He forced himself to try and go faster, which he would probably regret later.
Craig snorted, and Max nodded. "Pleasure--"

But the ice dragon gave him a sharp nudge with his nose, trying to get his attention. "We'll be left behind," he informed the human, "It's time to go."

Oh. Oh crap. With a hurried wave, Max clambered onto his dragon's back. "Sorry!" he exclaimed, "I gotta go, but do take care, Ashoak! Costachio!" Smiling the entire time, the duo shot into the air, crisp wings snapping free of their icy shell, the frost flittering down to the earth. Craig then took off after Niruth and Razor, soon becoming a speck in the sky.

Max came to Eagle and Lilith's level, his hair and loose parts of his clothing waving behind him. The tall collar of his shirt was disrupted enough to reveal a minimum of half of the Mark on his neck. "Sorry," he apologized with a smile, "Got caught up with another dragon!"

@LThornclaw @Cheselth (@ManyFaces )
Arkthes looked at the ice dragon, surprised at her speed. ''Woah, how are we going to keep up with her?'' she asked from Jarak telepathically. ''By flying?'' he replied sarcastically, which made Ark tilt to the side a little bit. The dragonkin let out a surprised gasp, but grabbed tightly with his claws. The cave dragon just nodded proudly, going back into a normal flying position. Then she noticed Razor, who seemed a bit slow for this pace. She flew lower, so that he could hear her. ''You're not very good at flying, are you?'' Arkthes asked, while looking upside down at the dragon, head pointed at the dragon. Jarak rolled his eyes, controlling the dragon's flying by pulling the most sensitive spikes on the back of her neck.

@LThornclaw (Not really pointed at you, but decided to tag anyways!)
Razor huffed, beginning to lose stamina just when he was talked to. "You try teaching yourself how to fly when no one is around to help!!" He grumpily answered back, still trying to go faster.

He was embarrassed and angry at the same time which was never a good combo for him.

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