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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Jarak looked at the elf and chuckled a little. ''Nah, it's just that my dragon friend eats a lot... I occasionally like to buy meat instead of hunting it, it's a lot easier, and then usually the meat is safer to eat... by the way, would you like to come say hello to her? She's nice to strangers,'' he asked, at the same time grabbing the sack over his shoulder. Yep, it was heavy. He turned to the door, stopping to wait for her answer.

Arkthes looked at the new strange dragon. It was tiny, to be honest. However, a somehow familiar scent came off it.
''You're a cave dragon?'' she asked, her head raising curiously, and in a bit glad, or playful, fashion too. She was always excited to see her kind, wether they were friend or foe.

Lilith perked up at the first thought of a dragon. A dragon? Here? Now? She loved dragons. She didn't know why but they fascinated her to no end. "Dragon?" Her face just lit up saying that. "Yes! Of cour- I- I mean... Sure..." The excitement was just pouring from her pores. "Oh and erm... If you don't know how to hunt I can teach you how. It's actually easy once you know the basics." Lilith kind of followed him to the door.

Razor looked over and nodded. "Indeed I am. Oh! Where are my manners. My name is Razor. I'm not from here, just a resting spot I figured was empty." He chuckled.

@LThornclaw @MidnightStar89 @Hoki
Jarak rolled his eyes as he saw the excitement in the girl's eyes. Everyone was so freaked out about dragons, but somehow dragonkin showed less interest in them. ''Alrighty, come then! This can be kind of a thank for hunting lessons. I'm not that good with archery, so I usually just put Arkthes to hunt for me... oh yeah, her name is Arkthes, if I forgot to mention,'' he replied, while walking outside. He walked in front of the girl, but always making sure that she would follow.

Arkthes' tail waved a bit faster now, but stopped at the sound of a familiar whistle. ''Jarak!'' She jumped from her spot and lifted into the air in just a few flaps, gliding past the two icy ones. She landed almost in Jarak's face, letting out a purr-like noise. ''You're back, with food! Awe-... Who's that?'' she asked, tilting her head at the stranger dark elf. ''This is... um...'' the Dragonkin started, but stuttered when he totally forgot to ask her name. Ark just shook her head a little. ''Sometimes I wonder how you talk to anyone without even knowing their name, silly,'' she telepathically talked to her friend, who just sighed in response.

Lilith smiles and waved to Smithy as she walked behind her customer, completely forgetting about the dangers of strangers. She's not gonna get all squeally girly but she can't contain a lot of her excitement. Once the dragon landed in front of them she kind of jumped in surprise. My name? Oh! Right I forgot to tell him... "Lilith!" She accidentally blurted out. "Wow. It's huge. It's a cave dragon right?" She couldn't stop smiling for real this time.
Half human, half dark elf... An interesting mix.

Max had no real time to make any additional comments before he watched Arkthes take to the air with a flare of excitement. He watched her go, shielding his eyes as he looked to the sun for a moment. Then she was gone.

Attention focusing again on Razor, he realized that he was the impolite one, growing stiff out of his own surprise. "Oh!" He gestured between himself and his dragon. "Sorry, this is Craig--"

"...Hello." It was his first comment of the entire thing; his tenor-quality voice gave away how young he was, despite the size.

"--and I'm Max Crowe. Nice to meet you," he introduced, smiling warmly.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth
Niruth and Eagle lifted their heads simultaneously to watch Arkthes bounce/fly away. The two chockled, knowing the excitement of seeing a parter all too well. "And I'm Niruth," the she-dragon said, bringing her head down again and looking at both Craig and Razor. A beat passed before Eagle jumped down from Niruth's brow, using some simple wind magic to ease his drop, and exclaimed, "I'd like to meet Arkthes's rider, don't you?" Before he could get an answer, he headed off at a jogging pace in the direction of the town again, grabbing Max's wrist playfully as he passed. Niruth chuckled at Eagle's cheeriness and tilted her head in the same direction to invite Razor along before following, also on foot.

Eagle emerged through the trees finally releasing Max's wrist. The half-human panted lightly and grinned up at Arkthes before introducing himself to the dragonkin and other elf, maybe a dark elf. "I'm Eagle. Hey again Arkthes!" He waved up at her. He had a boyish, giddy mood that he hadn't had in a long time. Niruth then emerged from the trees, shaking some of the leaves from her back and observed the new people.

@Hoki @MidnightStar89 @Cheselth
Razor lifted his head a little higher and looked at everyone who introduced themselves and nodding. He let out a purr before everyone started leaving. Once he was invited he did follow. He let out a tiny roar.
Max had no chance to make yet another comment, Eagle taking hold of his wrist and pulling him along. The blond stumbled at first but soon regained his footing, unable to stop the string of laughter that left his lips as he followed. This was suddenly a lot more fun, but maybe that was the random humanness of him.

Craig bounded after them, but only after Razor did. It was a protective act, but partially unnecessary. When the three dragons emerged from the trees, he knew any other surrounding individual would be startled out of their skin.

Four dragons, all in one place.

But soon Max's wrist was released and he straightened from the run, more out of breath than the halfa given his less powerful build. He waved at the Arkthes, then let his eyes widen at the dark elf and dragonkin. "Oh.. Hey!"

@LThornclaw @MidnightStar89
Razor hopped a little while he walked, being playful with the other dragons, tail waving. (Not much else to say)

Lilith couldn't help but stare at the dragon before her in awe. "This is yours? I thought dragons hated humanoids but I guess I was wrong!" At that moment, more dragons popped out of the trees, actually scaring her and making her jump into the dragonkin by accident. "Sorry!" Then she heard a familiar voice and she looked up to see the customer from before. "Hello!" And she waved.
As Eagle took in the figures before him, he couldn't help but notice a strange familiarity between them. Maybe the two already knew each other, he thought. He had never actually seen a pure dark elf before and stared in awe, taking in all her sharper, elf-like features, wondering if his dad might have had similar qualities. He was so distracted by the girl that he barely noticed that there was a dragonkin right next to her, which was the stranger of the two sites since dragonkin are so rare. He broke his gaze when he realized how long he had been staring and stuttered out an apology. "I just... have never met a full dark elf before... so I - er - ..." He trailed off, glancing over at Max, who had clearly already met the girl, for help.

Niruth's gaze, however, was fixed on the dragonkin. She lowered her head some-what playfully and puffed a breath of cold air onto him. It wasn't very strong, but it was strong enough to send a ripple through his clothing. Hello dragonkin. I haven't seen one of your kind in a very long while, so excuse me if my telepathy is a little rusty. She smiled slightly and thumped her tail like a proud mother.
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Makor's leather jerkin was completely covered in blood from the previous skirmish. Only about a hundred Wolverines were left in this battle. Although about thirty of them were badly injured. Two soldiers (one is second-in-command, the other a strategist) Makor looked at the second-in-command, he was known as Sharog. Makor looked at Sharog, "Enjoy your stroll?" Makor jibed, his tone sarcastic.

Sharog ignored it, "What now, Captain?" he asked gruffly.

"What do you
think, shortarse? A break to pick flowers?" He glared at his second-in-command. "We continue storming the gates."


The strategist, a female orc called Beldroth, was staring at the sky, a hand cupped over her eyes. "I think we should take a break . . . The enemy soldiers will be excepting an attack. Besides, our soldiers are weak. We should stop by a market and gather food for our soldiers."

Makor groaned slightly, "Fine . . . "

Makor made his way to the village. An elf woman stood beside Makor, "How goes it, traveler?"

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Estelle stopped twirling her knife, glancing side-long at the orc beside her. She grinned, realizing he was talking to her. "It goes as well as it could in a town like this." She sheathed her knife, offering her hand in welcome. "I'm Estelle. And what be your name?"
Jarak nodded at Lilith's introduce, then turned to the other dragons and people. ''You didn't mention you had friends here,'' he laughed at Ark, who just shrugged happily. He listened to the group silently, however the telepathic message got to him easily. ''Oh, I haven't seen a lot of your kind either, I thought it was too warm for you to come over here? I guess the will of a rider can make you go... to different places I guess?'' he replied, looking at the huge ice dragon with a very bland face. He turned back to the dark elf. ''Ark is not mine, we're friends. And yeah, she's a cave dragon. She can leave whenever she wants, I can abandon her if I wan-'' he started, but the sentence was cut short because of a tail swiping in his face. ''Which he won't do, you soft-hearted dragon,'' Arkthes laughed, but Jarak just rolled his eyes. There were a lot of people around them now, it was kind of unsettling for the loner dragonkin. Ark tilted her head as she sensed the worry, so she lied down next to her friend. These are the moments when I feel small...

Lilith kept from staring too long at all the dragons as not to be rude. She did frown at the thought of someone just abandoning their companion. That's how she thought they were anyways. Then the dragon lied down next to her partner and this made Lilith smile. She had always thought dragons could be vicious, but this was just plain sweet and adorable to her. It was like a mother and her child. Except one was closer to human size and the other was probably about the same size as a building. Lilith couldn't help herself but to internally 'Awwwww', but that was it.

Razor was behind almost everyone so he had a hard time seeing without putting his front paws, if you will, on another dragon to help him stand on his back legs. He would glance at the other humanoids, wondering how someone riding you would feel in the air. But it would be hard for him to be mounted seeing as how he's a little pointy. If they made saddles for dragons then sure but he'd impale his rider without one. "So... What now? Do we have anywhere to be at all?"
At Razor's question, Max looked back over at the cave dragon, eyes widening slightly. Frankly, he didn't know what he was going to do now; he never had a main goal anyways, and that was a shame. Did they have anywhere to be...

The human rubbed his neck, gaze raising to the sky. "Um... Craig and I don't have anywhere to be-" Except maybe where he stored the meat. "-but I have no idea where we're going next."

The ice dragon huffed again, the cobblestone path covering in frost from the action. "I want to go to the ocean," Craig admitted, pawing restlessly at the ground, "It'd be fun."

Smiling softly, Max put a hand on that jagged, frozen exterior, giving a few pats that had his hand turning red from the cold. "Well," he concluded, looking back at the others, "other than that we have no plan."

@LThornclaw @MidnightStar89 //what time do you guys think it is in here?
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SmittenKitten said:
Estelle stopped twirling her knife, glancing side-long at the orc beside her. She grinned, realizing he was talking to her. "It goes as well as it could in a town like this." She sheathed her knife, offering her hand in welcome. "I'm Estelle. And what be your name?"
Makor hesitated, "Uh . . . Yatin!" he said as if he were nervous. He couldn't give his identity to someone he had just met. Makor was squad leader. Meaning he was wanted, especially after the recent skirmish that had just won, "Just a traveler getting food for my family . . ." he informed the elf woman. "This town seems mysterious . . . the people. The overall atmosphere."

Lilith went around the dragon that had previously landed in front of her and walked up to the ice dragon that her previous customer was riding. "So this is an ice dragon. I've never seen one of those before now. It's beautiful." And them she slipped on the ice because she wasn't paying attention. Again her face turned as red as it could get, which really isn't even that red actually.
Niruth simply nodded at Jarak's question before turning her attention to Max & Craig. "We are on our way to Eagle's home town," the dragon chimed in. "Yeah," Eagle added dryly. "Rumor has it that there is a man who has mucked up the place, and I want to put him out of power. You are welcome to join us." Then, more to himself, he added, "Maybe I could invite that nice or from earlier, too." He grinned hopefully at Max & Craig and then at Lilith, Razor, and Jarak & Arkthes. It'd be nice to travel with some new friends. When Lilith fell, Eagle was trying to contain a bout of laughter with his hand. He leaned on Niruth's leg for support as he asked the dark elf, "Are you all right?" He held out a hand to her once he had contained most of his laughter. The dragon rolled her eyes and let out a sigh.

@Knight Nate @MidnightStar89
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Lilith covered her face with both her hands and growled a little. So friggin clumsy... Ugh... She sighed a little and tried standing up but ended up falling again before a hand was offered for help. "Er... Thanks." She reached up and grabbed the hand. Somehow even though she hunts every day, her hands were soft and perhaps a bit tiny compared to most males' hands. "Sorry, I can be a bit too clumsy..." She's still internally screaming at herself since she never loves being made to look like a fool but on the outside she's just rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand, forgetting to let go of his. "And yeah, I'm alright."

Razor perked up to the sentence "there's a man who mucked up the place." This made him have a flashback. Without noticing, he had taken a lower, more dark tone of voice. "Oh I'm coming with you..." While his voice was naturally gravelly, it seemed to get even more so. His tail flicked like an angry cat's and he bared his teeth a little. "Anyone who abuses power deserves more than a slap in the wrist."
Max had opened his mouth to speak, to say that he was totally in to help when Craig suddenly had a change in attitude.

The dragon knew - or, rather, assumed - that Razor had no ill will with his darker aura, but frankly that didn't stop the dragon from pressing his cold form up against the small human. The ice plates of his shoulders turned crisp, raising off of his body defensively. His gaze focused on the cave dragon, narrowed with caution.

"H-hey..." he tried, patting the beast in an attempt to calm him, "It's fine, it's fine." Figuring he wouldn't be able to actually succeed in his efforts, Max gave an apologetic smile to Razor, then looked to Eagle. "We'll come with you, if it's fine."

Eagle was strange in that whenever he sensed danger or negativity of any kind, he would walk right up to it with curiosity rather than avoid it. It might be the fact that he'd run away from most of his problems during the few decades he was alive before meeting Narith. Because of this curiosity, Eagle's giddiness seemed to melt away when Razor's voice changed. He walked towards Razor calmly and looked up at the dragon before softly putting his palm on the cave dragon's sharp scales. "Thank you." He then gave a small, thankful smile before taking his hand away. When he heard Max's response, Eagle turned to Max, the usual grin returning to the halfie's face. He lunged/walked over to Max excitedly and flung his arm around the smaller boy's shoulders. "Fantastic!" he exclaimed while making the goofiest face ever.

Frankly, the way Eagle composed himself during the startling coldness of the situation amazed him. The human hadn't been too concerned and all, but it didn't seem that way with his dragon being all protective. Then, the burst of friendliness had Craig jolting in surprise and Max's cheeks lighting up a red like his cold hands. "U-uh..."

Wait, regain your composure, kid. It's okay, it's just a friendly person. He wasn't all too used to strangers being all buddy-buddy with him.

He smiled a bit, scratching at his covered neck. "Heh... So, uh, where's the town? By the mountains? The hills?"

Lilith took her hand away once she realized she forgot and then looked to Razor in a bit of surprise. She didn't think dragons had mood swings! She giggled to herself at that thought before holding her hand up and holding an imaginary object. A few seconds later an arrow formed. "Well don't worry. If he steps out of line, he won't live to see another sun rise." And then the arrow turned into magical swirls before popping out of existence.

Razor calmed himself and sat down. "Please excuse my behavior. I... Had a bad thought that changed my mood for a moment." He cleared his throat and took a deep breath. "I'm fine..." He certainly didn't feel fine, nor did he look very happy. He looked distant and he felt like crying, but he held it in. His claws dug into the ground. "I'd be more than happy to help..."
Jarak looked at the bunch for a moment, but when Eagle mentioned the town -thing, he frowned. Like it's anything special, that someone attacks a town every once a while. He thought. Arkthes nudged him with her nose a little. ''What are you thinking?'' she asked telepathically. ''...I think we're going with them. I want to see this 'evil guy', whoever it is,'' he answered, so the dragon nodded. At the same time the cave dragon grabbed her friend by the hood, rising up from the ground with him. ''Agh! ...We're coming with you,'' Jarak said to the group, and Arkthes laid him on top of her back. ''No need to be so harsh, I have legs too...'' ''But you're too lazy.''

Eagle couldn't stop smiling, "Thanks so much!" Eagle let go of Max's shoulders and used some magic to float up onto Niruth's tall shoulders. "Lilith, would you like to ride with me? Niruth can handle the weight and her skin doesn't get too cold." Niruth gave him a look and Eagle remembered, "Oh! That is, if you'd like to come. I don't think you'd said yet?"

@Cheselth @Hoki @MidnightStar89

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