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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Max had been exiting the shop, weighed down with the wolf in his arms as he tried to make it to the edge of town. This feeling that a certain frosty someone was waiting for him, impatient as usual, really. And it was true; the massive ice dragon was back among the trees, stalking back and forth as bitter cold leaked past his lips. Craig was contemplating whether or not to stay put or just swoop down from the sky and grab his human companion.

So, Max had to hurry.

Something, however, stopped him in his tracks. It was the familiar, weighted and frozen presence he knew so well, yet...somehow much softer. And then he saw it; a beautiful ice dragon standing beside some raven-haired male with its gaze on an extremely tall Orc. He knew not to stare - staring wasn't okay - but the human couldn't resist. A dragon was in the town, people were scared, but Max was staring with wide, glittering eyes.

@LThornclaw @Knight Nate
Radfor raised an eyebrow as he looked at the dragon then to the boy. Usually, he would be scared of something like that, but he could sense no hostility from it. He looked at the boys' weapons and put a hand to his chin in thought.

"Hmm......well, I have no objections to these weapons. However, you may find attacking a Golem with these rather hard. Most of them are made of stone; you'd need to find a weak spot."
Eagle nodded and grinned. "Don't worry," he was relieved that he wasn't afraid of Niruth, "this isn't my first dance with a Golem." The hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he glanced behind him to notice a younger boy watching in aw. Before Eagle could say anything to him, Niruth turned around and walked over to him. She took a wiff of his strangely familiar scent and tilted her head. At first Eagle was caught off guard by her actions, but he called over to interpret. "She smells something on you that she's used to. Have you two met before?" Niruth usually didn't speak unless it was absolutely necessary and usually only to Eagle.
Max didn't take a step back when the dragon approached - like most would. In fact, he just seemed more interested, smiling up at the creature. "Hello.." he greeted softly, nodding his head at the dragon. She was quite beautiful, really, and it amazed him that he came into contact with another ice dragon. Then the male spoke up, snatching Max's attention from Niruth.

"She smells something on you that she's used to. Have you two met before?"

Good question.. He looked up at the magnificent dragon for a moment, racking his brain for any possible glances; maybe he saw her flying on time in the arctic regions, or maybe she was around when he didn't know. Or maybe she could smell Craig.

Looking over at Eagle, the blond shook his head. "I've never met her before," Max replied, "But, uh... Maybe she smells my friend?"

Eagle turned to the orc again and excused himself from their conversation for a moment. He walked over to boy and stroked Niruth's neck. "That could be, where is your friend?" Eagle could tell that the human meant that he, too, had a dragon friend by the context. Just then Niruth's sweet and gentle demeanor turned harsh and alerted as she looked to the sky anxiously. Eagle looked up at her and asked "What's wrong, Niruth?" She sniffed around a little before standing up on her hind legs and looking over the trees to see the back of another dragon peaking out over the top. "Get on, Eagle." was the only warning the dragon's partner had before she took of into the sky to investigate. Thankfully, Eagle reacted fast enough to join her but just barely. This was strange behavior for Niruth, usually she was fine in the presence of other dragons. What was different this time?
"That could be, where is your friend?"

Max had no chance to respond before the dragon and Eagle suddenly took off, leaving him behind. He could tell something was wrong, but he was in no place to intervene. Except... He kind of couldn't help it.

With a heavy intake of breath, the human adjusted his hold on the wolf and started running. It was incredibly difficult to do so but he managed, hopping a bit to cross over a stone or two that entered his path upon reaching the town limits. As he dove into the trees, he found that is growing much colder; Craig was nearbv, he could just tell. Finding their original drop off point, Max hid the meat in the clawed print stamped against the ground, hiding the more delectable scent with that of a massive predator. Turning on his heel he cupped his hands around his mouth and bellowed out a call; "CRAIG!"

Not even a few moments passed before a wave of frost - visible as it charged through the trees - threatened to freeze him into a human-pop, a shiver racing up his spine. He could hear the creaks of shifting ice, could feel the ground hardening beneath him as the beast started to lumber into view. First he saw glowing lights in the shade, then saw the glints of the sun's light reflecting off of jagged ice formations.

Really, it never ceased to amaze him how big the dragon got over time; it often led him to believe that whoever Craig's parents were, were pretty powerful beasts for their offspring to be so large. And he still wasn't done growing.

There was the clicks of Craig's jaw, chittering in a sort of friendly, loving greeting when he saw the blond male. But as it was, Max couldn't wait around to return the greeting in full. Running forward, he extended a hand for the shoulder and grabbed one of the protruding chunks of ice, swinging himself up and over.
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Makor had been battling the military for days now.

Makor couldn't see the ground for corpses.

He was deafened by screams and clashing steel. Despite the cold, sweat stung his eyes. His muscles burned and his body ached. Blood, mud, and splashed brains flecked his jerkin. And one soldier was moving in on him with murder in his eyes.

He savored the joy.

His footing unsure, he stumbled and almost fell, pure instinct bringing up his sword to meet the first swinging blade. The impact jarred but checked the blow. He nimbly retreated a pace, dropped into a half crouch and lunged forward again, below his opponent's guard. The sword rammed into the enemy's stomach. Makor quickly raked it upward, deep hard, until it struck a rib, tumbling guts. The soldier went down, a stupefied expression,
That took long enough . . . The orc thought to himself.

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Eagle looked over in time to see the other ice dragon fling into the sky with the younger boy on its back. He then turned around fully and shouted out to them, "Make sure to stay behind us, we don't know who we're dealing with yet." Eagle smiled and turned back around so he was facing the correct way. From way up here he could see the shop from which they had just come, the large dragon below them, and an open field covered in gore in the far distance. His stomach lurched, wanting to go there and stop the fighting, but he did no such thing. It was neither the time or his place to intervene as a peacekeeper.

Niruth slowly circled around as she descended, still unsure of the intentions of or reasons for the dragon's presence here. She finally landed and stared down the cave dragon, puffing out her chest to make herself seem taller. "State your purpose, unkindly dragon." she demanded. A shiver ran up Eagle's spine, he had never feared his friend before and hoped he never would again.

@MidnightStar89 @Hoki
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The sudden departure of the man didn't really faze Radfor; he merely shrugged and pocketed the job. If they didn't meet up with him, then he didn't have to split the reward. He quickly exited the town and headed back onto the road and into the forest. His body began to move by itself as it followed the path and he became most in his thoughts. Dragons coming back? Indeed, this would mean ill tidings....but he didn't worry too much about it. Worst comes to worst, he'd just have to kill the dragons, and that was just survival of the fittest.
Huff... Huff...

A dragon was flying across the sky and had been for days on end. He had nowhere to be, had nowhere to go. He just traveled until he would find a nice cave to stay in but right now he was nowhere near a cave.


Razor sounded off for little to no reason at all. He had no one to talk to, he was getting bored and lonely. He landed in a forest with a loud thud and looked around. Cave dragon eyesight was very bad in the middle of the day, they tend to be nocturnal. Their hearing and smell was very good, however.

People... Animals... Fire... ... Dragons?

Razor sniffed around more carefully. He made it a priority to hide and use his cave dragon sneakiness to find out what that dragon smell was exactly.
Jarak looked at the hanging meat bucket. That could fill his friend for a while, at least until they got to hunt more. ''That'll do just fine, how much is it?'' he replied, looking back at the elf. I wonder how Ark is doing... hope she's not in trouble.

Arkthes sensed something. She raised her head and sniffed the air for a better... sensing? A dragon... wait, a dragon? Also a human? A dragon rider?

She wasn't very shocked when the dragon landed in front of her, raising its' chest. As the dragon demanded answers, Arkthes let out a snarl. ''Unkindly? Gee, thanks for the compliment. I'm waiting for someone, if you must know. And why do you even need to know? Are you some kind of a 'Protector of these lands'?'' she asked. Other dragons often wondered, why she talked with such a weird accent (or a way). Of course because she was taught the ways of an ordinary Dragonkin citizen, and Jarak's talk wasn't the most civilized. The dragon's almost completely white eyes peering at the stranger's appearance. It was maybe larger than her, but Arkthes was definitely faster... unless it was a sky dragon.

@LThornclaw @Cheselth
Niruth kept eyeing the other female carefully and then started to relax. "Forgive me. You are not the dragon I thought you were," she explained, "though I know that doesn't excuse my accusation. I am not the protector of this region, but I am a protector." Niruth then sat down and shook her head, ashamed of her rash actions. Eagle slid off of her back and took a few steps towards Arkthes. "Allow me to intervene here, I am Eagle Grozs, a dragon rider and companion. It's nice to meet you." He added emphasis on the word 'nice' and shot a glance at Niruth to somewhat chastise her. She responded by looking away and scoffing.
Arkthes relaxed a little when the strangers seemed to calm down. She also sat down, slashing the nearby deer bones away from her with her tail. ''Sorry for my rude behavior... My name is Arkthes. My friend calls me Ark quite often, so don't get confused. I think he'll come any minute now, as soon as he gets finished with... whatever he's doing. Do you often get let into towns?'' she replied, and asked from the white dragon. These people seemed nice at the first glance, at least they didn't attack her. The human seemed nice too, though humans always looked nice before they tried to shoot or capture her... like that ever worked.

Craig circled around overhead, his rider leaning over the main body to get a view. He didn't want to intervene all that much, but his natural curiosity and concern had the two lowering to the hardened earth. The ice dragon pawed at the ground and Max hopped off, standing close to the walking glacier.

Really, he was amazed by the very number of dragons in one place; three, two ice and one cave. It was amazing all on its own, and the human couldn't help but be amazed. He wasn't one for conversation - not entirely used to talking to other dragons - so he glanced over at Eagle, curious as to how he was taking this. Well... He seemed more natural than Max. Oh well.

Meanwhile, Craig's eyes narrowed as he looked between Niruth and Arkthes, clearly a bit...regretful to have landed from the safety of the sky. Despite the glance, he wasn't trying to be rude or cold (yay jokes) towards the two - if anything, he was a bit curious. He was only there because Max wanted to be.

@LThornclaw @MidnightStar89
Lilith nodded to her customer, still holding a very friendly smile on her face. It might have been a little too friendly. She was acting, really she was annoyed that she had to get pulled away from her friend. "Sure thing. That there costs 14 gold. Would that be all?" She finally let the smile fall off her face a little bit as she jumped over her counter and made her way to the hanging net with the meats in it. Her tone was starting to get slightly sassy. It just slipped out but she was still being a little rude.

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Jarak looked at the meat, almost licking his lips. The meat looked pretty appetizing, even for it being bloody and all. He snapped out of it as the girl mentioned the price, so he put a hand into his pocket to grab his little gold pouch -thingy. ''That'd be all... Getting tired of customers?'' he chuckled, as he recognized the sassiness out of her tone. He put the 14 gold on her counter, turning his face towards the person.

@Cheselth (Fast replies > :D )
Razor narrowed his eyes as he came closer to voices. Are they friend or foe... He wondered as he snuck his way closer and closer until he saw them. He sniffed the air and sure enough, that's the scent he picked up earlier. But the human smell is strong here, too... Perhaps the humans are spying? He couldn't quite see everything clearly but he could still hear the voices and what they were talking about. At this point he realized that the humans were the dragons' companions. Either that or they were about to be eaten. He thought this was strange but nothing much more. He stuck his forked tongue out like a snake would to taste the air. Foul...
Lilith froze for a second to look over to him. "No, sorry. It slipped out." She sighed and went to grab the hook when she realized she had to jump to get it up there in the first place. At this point she was embarrassed. She jumped to try to get it down, but the hook wouldn't budge. A little wind magic and still nothing. Her hair certainly moved to her face though. She grumbled at this and shook her head to get the hair to cover her wind mark again. "Excuse me, sir... I uh..." Cough "Can't... Reach it..."
Arkthes was looking at the other dragon, clearly an ice one. And another human too... great. Then she caught a scent, a third strange dragon. At least my senses are on point... she thought, while looking around. However she turned her head back to the two dragons, as she couldn't in fact see well in the daylight. ''Some dragon is spying on us...'' she mumbled, almost like a whisper. ''And they don't have a human with them,'' she added, slowly slashing her tail across the grass.


The dragonkin looked at the person for a moment, but nodded.
''It's okay, I can help,'' he said with a bit of 'revenge' sassiness in his tone. He walked up to the hook and looked up, kind of frowning. He didn't want to jump for it, but it was quite high for even him. He leaped into the air to grab the hook, succeeding. The hook came down by his weight, so he held it in place for her to reach it. ''I'm glad that I didn't break the ceiling or something, that'd be awkward,'' he laughed, while his tail lashed from one side to another in a sign of slight awkwardness.

:P )
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Razor lowered himself some more. Him being a runt, he should be able to hide better. He closed his eyes since those were gonna be useless right now and heightened his smell and hearing. He heard a whisper tone but couldn't make out what it said. He flicked his tongue again. Could they be on to me? Are they not wanting even deer to hear a certain secret?

Lilith rubbed the back of her neck for a second before grabbing the sack of meat. "Thanks..." She never had to ask anyone for help before so this was a little weird for her. Her face was as red as a dark elf's skin could get. She looked up at him and asked "going on a long trip? That's an awful lot of meat for one man even your size." She chuckled a little at the comment. She then went to put the sack on her counter so she could accept the price and then hand it back to him.

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(wow i missed a lot woo!)

Eagle looked over at the other boy and his dragon as the two landed and smiled. He turned back to Arkthes just in time to see her swish away some left over bones. He wasn't disgusted by it, but the sight of bones always made his skin crawl. Niruth shook her head and explained, "No, but Eagle called me over. Usually he does this because he's in trouble, but this time he was just showing me off." Niruth playfully swished her tail and thwacked Eagle in the back of the head. "Hey!" exclaimed the rider with a laugh. Niruth smiled and then was alert again by Ark's words. She sniffed the air and heard a bush rustle as Razor sunk back into it. In a calm, almost motherly tone, Niruth spoke up, "Who's there? Friend or foe? If friend, we will not hurt you." Turning back to Ark, she noted, "It's amazing how many dragons are in one place at one time, isn't it?" Eagle couldn't stop staring up at Niruth in amazement and even admiration. He loved listening to her speak but rarely got the occasion to do so, and usually she only spoke in one or two-word responses. Here she was, though, having an entire conversation.
Razor sat there for a moment before slowly raising himself up to his feet. "Friend..." He calmly said in a gravelly kind of voice. He was smaller than the other dragons there but he didn't mind. He actually kind of liked being the quicker one of his family. "Forgive me. I was not sure you would hurt another dragon at the first sight. But I did smell humans..." His spikes rose a little and vibrated like a cat's fur when it purrs. He was trying to feel vibrations. He wasn't very good at it but he would practice every chance he got. He could only feel around in a twenty foot radius so far. No footsteps... Could they be on the dragons? He was too short to see.
Craig, really, was too silent for his own good, turning his large head towards the bushes. He eyed the form among the brambles, huffing a breath of frosty white from his nostrils. Dragons, dragons, and even more dragons! To most, it wouldn't be clear that he was excited, and yet if you were used to the way he existed - like Max - you could tell by the way the tip of his tail flicked. At the mention of humans, he looked to his rider.

The human stared with wide eyes at the new dragon, who acted cautiously yet...with a strong sort of grace he couldn't quite explain. It sort of amused him that Craig was larger, but, again, he figured it was because of whatever lineage he had. Clearing his throat, he was finally able to speak up; "Yes," Max responded, taking a step forward with raised hands, "Two humans-- Well, one full human."

Perhaps such an answer would suffice, and hopefully the new dragon would tell by his tone that he too meant no harm.

@LThornclaw @MidnightStar89
Eagle also looked at the new dragon and couldn't help but notice how small it was. Odd for a cave dragon to be that small, even for a runt. He chuckled when Max clarified about his race and added, "If it's of any importance, I'm half dark elf." Niruth then took a step forward so she could see Razor more clearly. Instead of speaking, she made the clicking and cooing noises Eagle was used to hearing to try to coax Razor out. Eagle climbed up onto Niruth's back, crawled up her neck, and perched on her head. He smiled down at the dragon.

@Cheselth @Hoki @MidnightStar89
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Razor stood on his hind legs to try to be eye level with the other dragons and nodded. Not quite but close enough. "One whole... So there's a half one?" He joked. He then looked to the voice and nodded. He made dragon purring kind of noises. He smiled back at the humanoid, even if it was creepy looking for a dragon to smile sometimes.

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