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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Lilith growled at the medic, covering her mark up with a free hand. Don't touch me, scum... She glared when he went away from her, gripping the arrow tightly enough to break it if it were wood. I can still snap your neck in a second! Lilith blinked at the mention of too much blood. He must have just done it to himself somehow because he didn't use any weapons from what I saw. Besides, anyone who plans on sneak attacking us will not live to see tomorrow. She wasn't buying the whole 'I'm dead tell my family I love them' thing.

Razor'a nostrils put out some smoke as he readied to pounce, spikes raised.
Eagle stood up with a slight wince. He held his side and gazed at the scene unfolding before him. He figured that Lilith, Razor, and Az-Rel had it covered, so he made his way over to Ashoak instead. "To be honest, I'm not even sure." His voice was weak, his skin was ghostly pale, and he swayed a little as he spoke. "I-i think... I need to..." He was going to say sleep, but just then his knees buckled underneath him and he was out like a light. Passed out on the ground with a thud.

"Eagle!" Niruth whimpered as she made her way over to him. She sniffed him and listened for his heart beat. The thumping was a little fast, but it was strong. She looked at Ashoak, "Do you know what's wrong?"

Vyra got up as well and walked over to Lilith, but kept a bit more distance since the elf seemed on edge. "Sirs," she addressed the kingdom's men, "Don't you think that sending someone to spy on us seems a little suspicious? Why are you so surprised that we attacked him? Especially after the day these travelers have been through. Wouldn't have just been easier to have left us alone?" As she spoke, she grabbed the spy's notebook from his satchel. "I think that it's only fair that we burn all of the notes that this man took about us." With that, the notes went up in flames in her hand as she gave them a simple smile.

@ManyFaces @Cheselth @Giga @Salex
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the medic then shoots up a firework with a crossed sword symbol and made a huge sound, the intent was for a carriage to be called but the group didnt know that, the medic put the wooden toy in his rack sack and then proceeded to notice a shiny object stuck to the spy's shoulder wound, the medic uses his hands to take it out and what is was is a piece of metal left behind from the dagger stab, apparently the dagger broke a little piece when it stabbed just making a small chip, he reported to the squad leader and gave to him the piece of metal, he proceeded to ask them "i have two questions, one is what have you been through to attack our spy and two, what is this piece of metal doing lodged in the spy's shoulder?" he asked while holding the piece of metal in his hand. the medic then noticed the fainted eagle so the medic walked to them to try to figure out what happened @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
Ashoak kneeled down and pulled out a small pouch of something and dangeled it in front of Eagel's nose for him to smell,this was a strong scent that usually worked like coffee except inhaled and if consumed had the opposite effect.Ashoak had questions to ask Eagle and him sleeping wasn't going to help her or anyone especially if he didn't tell her what was wrong with him.

The giant eel from earlier began making an odd screaming sound as it rolled onto the land trying to get away from the waters as it beached itself probably scared by the fireworks or something bigger than it.

(Hey any idea how big that lake is and perhaps how deep @Cheselth I may or may not have lost patience)
Luke nodded to the Orc as he keeps walking, "I like to think myself as both." As he walks over a log, he begins to ask, "So, How did you come here? Shouldn't the Orcs live far away from here?"
"Why don't you go ask your so-called king that question? The part about what have we been through. He should give you a thorough answer." Vyra's tone was a bit snippy and condescending, but she was losing her patience with these men.

Eagle gasped and woke up quickly. He looked at Askoak and closed his eyes for a bit longer than the average blink. "Sorry..." He rasped. "We all just need sleep."

@ManyFaces @Salex
Neuton said:
Luke nodded to the Orc as he keeps walking, "I like to think myself as both." As he walks over a log, he begins to ask, "So, How did you come here? Shouldn't the Orcs live far away from here?"
"Yes, we lived far, its mostly a big cave. Its my first time to outside, I am traveling to see more of the outside and meet other creatures." Ghorza walk and jump on rock to rock. " I'm different from other Orcs...?"

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"It's just as simple as this. I don't like spies and snitches who spends their time to intrude our privacy and report back such said activities back to their leaders." Az-Rel stated as he just stood there, his eyes almost looked like they were burning with rage and he was just keeping his rage inside. "Don't you ever send any more spies after us. Leave us alone. We can deal with things ourselves." he continued as he crouches to pick up his makeshift hangers where the fishes he caught hangs from it.
"that cannot happen you see? the kingdom is getting attacked by the brotherhood of shadows... we need to know how is who, and if you wish to talk to our king then you should come with us to valenthia, no foul play will be done though that i can assure you" the commander spoke to the group, the carriage arrives and the medic puts the body of the spy down on the carriage @Giga @AEchelon @Cheselth
As soon as Lilith heard the proposition from the other man, she rose her arrow. Absolutely not! You just sent a spy after us to report back and you expect us to trust you? The h*** is wrong with you?! She rose her arrow higher like she was readying the throw.
Cheselth said:
As soon as Lilith heard the proposition from the other man, she rose her arrow. Absolutely not! You just sent a spy after us to report back and you expect us to trust you? The h*** is wrong with you?! She rose her arrow higher like she was readying the throw.
"we didn't send the spy after you all... we sent it to him" the commander said while pointing at az-rel, "as you know im a knight, as so it is my code to fulfill of what i promise, so i promise you that you will not be harmed in valenthia, if someone tries to harm you then it is my duty to protect you at all costs. and looking at the situation you don't have any place to stay in, im sure i can ask the king for a place for all of you, including the dragons. and the king specifically told us to bring in az-rel to valenthia so if you value your friend's life, then i suggest you follow us to valenthia" the commander said, the carriage was carrying the spy's body but certainly was enough to fit all the humanoids in the carriage @Giga @AEchelon @Cheselth @MidnightStar89 @ManyFaces
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She growled at him yet again. What do you need Az-rel for? Do you plan on executing him or something if the sort? Lilith was clearly in her protective 'mode' as she changed stances to defend if needed. Again, she cringed a bit as she spawned another arrow in her other hand. This one was yellow.

Razor's eyes glowed slightly as he readied his fire breath for the strangers, letting loose a tiny and quiet snarl.
Vyra stood in front of Az-Rel protectively. "He's not going anywhere without us, and none of us are going to come with you. I'd suggest you get to civilization soon before your comrade is completely dead." There was a glint of mischief in Vyra's eyes, like she intended to kill the man herself if the knights didn't leave them alone.
"intel shows that az-rel is connected to the brotherhood of shadows a few years ago, our kingdom has been attacked by the brotherhood many times so the king calls az-rel to the court" the commander said "and i don't suggest you threaten us, you are threatening the 5 greatest knights in venatores and if we do die you can bet that 1000 soldiers are coming to your way, so i suggest you come with us before anything happens" he said @Giga @AEchelon @Cheselth
He looked at Vyra and Lilith. "Yes. I was with the Shadow Brotherhood. But back then, it had another name. And I followed that greatly because of their old principles and its leader who was a good man. A kind-hearted man. As soon as the Black Devil took over, I left it and I know nothing of Shadow Brotherhood now. They're gone to me. They're dead to me." he said, still looking at the knights with a serious look. He has no intentions of wasting his time with them, answering to the call of some king. He needs to travel to the North. He needs to meet a certain someone whom he know from an old friend.. and a prophecy..that someone would have a great chance of saving Black Arrow and defeating the Black Devil."I have no connections to Valenthia anyways. If there was any king that I answer to last time, I only answer to the King of Silatia. We're not in either region, therefore why should I have the need to answer either kings? As far as I know, this isn't Valenthia Region. You cannot force someone who is outside the region to answer the calls of a King he had never even knew. Unless illegally." He said again, continuing to use factual statements to get himself out of this fiasco.

*A few years ago, in the time of the Divine Brotherhood's downfall into Shadow Brotherhood*

"We stand on our principles. Our principles is to ensure justice and protection of this continent's citizens. You can do it" The Black Arrow said to the young adult who had a dark red uniform. He begin to practice on the wooden dummy, training his martial arts skills. The Grandmaster walks by, smiling as he sees Black Arrow training the young survivor of a dragon attack. He knew one day Black Arrow would replace him as the Grandmaster of Divine Brotherhood. He will certainly not allow his second in command to take over his Brotherhood. He has too much of darkness in him.. Darkness as dark as the devil's heart. It would corrupt the Divine Brotherhood..
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"have you not heard? the brotherhood of shadow members all around the kingdom of venatores are executed by either hanging or burning" the commander said "and maybe.... our king would spawn a little interest if you look at this" the commander said, the commander walked to the chariot and took out the silver hunter's helmet still looking new. "this was in the king's possession, he says he doesn't know who's or what is it" he said @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
"Like I said. Shadow Brotherhood is no longer my problem and I don't care about them. I have no intel of them. As far as I know, the Leader is looking forward to kill me if they ever met me because I left them. I don't want any connections to them anymore! And what does that helmet has anything to do with it?" Az-Rel asked casually, even though he clearly know who's helmet is that. He had no worries for Black Arrow. He is too cunning and smart for them to capture. He continues his statement as well "I have nobody to answer for anyways. Not even your king."
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Lilith was having a hard time keeping her arrows from going out of existence. Surprisingly, she was still tired and had no patience left at all. Perhaps you should leave now before these arrows either leave you motionless or poisoned. I'm not sure, maybe both will happen... She twirled the yellow one a bit before raising that hand, ready to hurt someone if they got too close.
"I'm sorry az-rel, that cannot happen" he said "and also, think of it this way, you all have no homes or houses, at least come to stay until dawn, and az-rel, don't lie... we know you know who's this helmet is" he said. the other 4 then raised their shields, and held their sword in the sheaths but didn't unsheathe them "lilith be smart... you know that our armor can stand againts your arrows, and we can call for reinforcements if we want, we now offer you to stay in valenthia till dawn... and also we are only knights from the kingdom of venatores, you have no reason to hate us since we never encountered you, or fought you"@Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
With a glare, she reluctantly lowered her arrows a little. Lilith knew he was right but she still had a question. If the other members were killed, then we don't know if you'll kill our friend here. The question of trust still stands. Her mark caused yet another cringe, but the pains were getting more and more numb. The pains would stop soon.

Cheselth said:
With a glare, she reluctantly lowered her arrows a little. Lilith knew he was right but she still had a question. If the other members were killed, then we don't know if you'll kill our friend here. The question of trust still stands. Her mark caused yet another cringe, but the pains were getting more and more numb. The pains would stop soon.
"because... az-rel here? he isn't a member of the brotherhood of shadows, thus there is no reason to execute him and if you still don't trust us then come with us to valenthia" he said @Cheselth @Giga @AEchelon (sorry short post)
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He looked at the others. Than, he looked at the Knights again. He shook his head as rage begins to increase in his chest. He know following them back to their place would consume a lot of valuable time. And in times of desperation, he cannot. "I'll go, give my answers, then I'm off. I have no intention to stay at your place." He declares.

"Oh. And they don't need to follow me." He said, jerking his head towards the others. "That's my final offer"
Giga said:
He looked at the others. Than, he looked at the Knights again. He shook his head as rage begins to increase in his chest. He know following them back to their place would consume a lot of valuable time. And in times of desperation, he cannot. "I'll go, give my answers, then I'm off. I have no intention to stay at your place." He declares.
"Oh. And they don't need to follow me." He said, jerking his head towards the others. "That's my final offer"
"if that is what they prefer... are your 'friends' are alright with that?" he said. the horsemen that was driving the carriage was still waiting patiently @Giga @Cheselth @AEchelon
Lilith gritted her teeth and clenched her hands tightly. She refused to leave him on his own, but she didn't know what to do exactly. She stayed silent.

Razor shook his head, not thinking all of this was very wise.
As he still tries to think about his decision, he noticed one of dragons were shaking its scaly head... for some reason, he took a glance at one of them which was Razor. He did not pay any attention to the dragons before so he ignored them in general... there was something r really familiar about Razor.. he suddenly felt his back becoming warmer, his burn marks tingling slightly. 'Could it be? ' he thought.

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