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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Ashoak turned to face Lilith "Well i've never tried before however I suppose I can try if you're willing to try and learn that is" she ended with a small chuckle and smiled at Lilith wondering if she really wanted to know how to heal or if she was just curious and wanted to know if she'd be willing.

Lilith's smile got a bit bigger. Really? Yeah, I wanna learn! She looked at what all she had collected and wondered how she found them in the middle of winter.
"Can someone here lend me a knife or dagger?" Az-Rel asks as he looks up from the pile of sticks he had collected, intending to make a campfire. And some makeshift weapons or to go spearfishing later. Night is falling soon, as he looks up. The sky is losing its color fast.
Razor narrowed his eyes for a moment before shaking his head. Knife? I've got plenty of those. He joked a little before walking over to him and laying down. Here. They grow back. Take your pick, you can even keep what you take. He knew it would be uncomfortable to let someone else touch his spikes, but he was trying to be kind to the group for once after hiding during the fights.
Neuton said:
Luke was shocked that she picked him up. Then noticed that she was cleaning him like a maid? "No, I'm fine it's ok." He seems embarrassed. He stood up from the stump and begins to look around. "I guess we should set up camp, maybe here?" He begins to think as the sun set. "Did you bring a tent or some king of shelter?"
"Oh, ok, I am glad that I didn't squish you too hard," said Ghorza as she smiles a little. She looked at Luke as he said about set up camp. " A tent? Well, no, I didn't bring any. I didn't think that I'll be spenting the night outside." Ghorza look around as she see that she'll never go back home when it's nighttime. 'If we can find a cave somewhere, we can sleep in the night," Ghorza said.

Vyra smiled at the two women attending to her wound. It was heart warming to see a variety of species getting along, especially with her. "Thank you..." she said softly, holding as still as possible. Eagle sighed and walked over to Ashoak. "You're right," he grunted, "but I don't want to waste your supplies." He sat down next to Vyra and looked around idly. "Az-Rel, if you need a dagger you can use mine." He pointed to the holsters in Niruth's pack, but realized the Razor was already helping the man. He shrugged and turned his attention back to the ent, the dark elf, and the other halfa.

"I'm half human, too, y'know." He told Vyra with a small smile. "It's not so bad once you find peace with it." Vyra looked at Eagle in surprise, but nodded slowly and rested her head on his shoulder. There was something about this man that was warm and kind... almost brotherly. Eagle raised his eyebrows when the dragonkin showed such affection, but smiled and nuzzled her anyway. Who was he to turn down cuddles?
Lilith cringed again, trying to hide it under a smile. Hey, uh... I don't know what's up with my shoulder blade, would you mind checking it? I know it probably isn't anything major but it's better to be safe than sorry. She said to the ent as she glanced over at Eagle and quickly looked away when she noticed the cuddles. Get a room...
Az-Rel was suddenly stunned as the dragon suddenly walked right in front of him and laid down.. He could barely hear the words coming out of that dragon's scaly jaws as his burn marks at his back suddenly tingles at a higher intensity. He looked at the sharp-razor spikes and he actually hesitated for a while without himself knowing.. At this point he tries to logic himself out of this situation when Eagle started to offer him a dagger "Erhm.. I-I think that would be unne-ne-necessary." he simply said, trying to remain casual as he walked over towards Eagle. "Eagle's d-dagger would provide a better tool to .. sharpen my temporary weapons" he said, hoping not to offend the dragon.. He felt so familiar like as if he knew this dragon.. It hasn't hit him in his mind that this was the dragon that nearly took his life and had cost him all of his back skin. It was then he realized that Eagle was cuddling with Vyra. 'F**k my life, should I mess around with a dragon or two lovebirds now' he thought before deciding to maybe perhaps find a sharp rock to help with his project.

@Cheselth @AEchelon
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Eagle giggled and wrapped his arms around Lilith, "Awww is wiwif (Lilith) a wittwe (little) jeawous??" He nuzzled Lilith and laughed, letting go and sitting back again. Vyra giggled and blushed a little. "Believe me its not like-" Vyra started to say, but Eagle interjected, "Shh, shh, don't tell 'em!" He was joking, of course, but the day had mostly been serious. It was nice to be able to joke around a bit.

Eagle looked up at Az-Rel, but the happiness in his face had faded a bit. "Az, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost..." He furrowed his brow and then shot a scared look at Lilith, "do ghosts actually exist?" He burst out laughing, unable to keep a straight face. He just wanted everyone to fall asleep in somewhat good spirits tonight.

Niruth chuckled, pleased to see Eagle in such good spirits, but she was concerned about her dragon friends. She turned to Arkthes and Razor, "How are you two holding up?"

(Comic relief anyone??)

@MidnightStar89 @Cheselth @Giga @ManyFaces
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Razor shook his head at Az-rel while thinking it was a tiny bit strange that he hesitated for so long, but he knew he also was afraid of dragons. Alright, no problem at all. But you know where the unlimited blades are. He joked as he stood up and began stretching much like a cat with a yawn. I may be nocturnal but a nice night'a sleep sure seems nice right now.

Lilith let out an involuntary 'ack!' As she gets pulled back a little, her face turning bright red as he speaks to her like a child. Wh- no! She kind of yelled quickly in defense. She stuck her tongue out at him childishly.
He looked at the dragon as it stretches... He couldn't believe dragons can actually act almost like a domestic animal.. He had never much interacted with dragons except on that day.. He shrugged and decided to scour the grounds for any sharp rocks and flints.. Being an ex-member of the Divine Brotherhood (Now known as Shadow Brotherhood) survival skills are one of the most important and essential concepts to be learned by every member. This is due to the fact that they are sometimes required to go through extreme environments to get to their destinations.. He picked up a sharp rock and started to shape his sticks into much like spears and javelins. Before going down to fishing, he decided to build a rather complex campfire with the amount of extra firewood he has found. He also picked several stones to build it as a base for the campfire that he was building. This kind of campfire allows food to be easily cooked and etc. The hard part now is that he has to light up the campfire.. Of course, there are dragons nearby who could just do this with a blink of an eye, he try to do it discreetly and without their help. Unfortunately, fire-making wasn't really particularly one of his expertise, so this went on for... quite some time, making him look like a joke as he desperately lights up the campfire.
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Razor sat down and began to groom himself, but even if a campfire doesn't light... It still smells of smoke. He chuckles a little. Not hearing the crackling of any sort of fire made him think that it wasn't exactly lit, even if his back was turned to Az-rel. Need some assistance? He turned his head slightly, his right eye the only thing giving him the sight, even if he was a little blurry to Razor. Cave dragon senses, that being hearing and smell, are the best out of most dragons but their sight is terrible. (Just to remind y'all)
He looked up from his failed and miserable attempt of making a campfire. "Wha- No, of course not!" he immediately said as he looked down and proceed to continue on. He attempt to perform it a little bit more swiftly and faster this time to the point where it started to hurt his hands but he did not care, he did not want to show himself as a weakling to Razor.. Very stubbornly, he tries to ignore the dragon while his burned back becomes warmer again. Night is falling soon, leaving all of them to exposure of cold. The smoke can still be seen from the dragonkin settlement but at least its not longer in blazes. @Cheselth
Razor chuckled again and turned around to face him. Are you sure you don't need any help? Winter nights sure are cold~ He was being a little playful with him as to try to make him his friend before they got into another fight and he couldn't work with anyone.
Finally, a spark can be seen on the campfire pit. "There" he said, feeling a slight of triumph as the spark begins to get intense. He looked up to the dragon, only to feel slightly nervous again.. As the fire begins to become more obvious, he decided to pick up his spear "I'm gonna go spearfishing, just don't let the fire die" he said casually to the others. He started to walk down towards the river, his back turned on Razor.. which was possibly a very nervous thing for him to do.. He was deep in thoughts now.

@Neuton @JessBeth (Might clash with u guys)
"True." Luke begins to think as he begins to think again as he stayed on the stump. "Hey what's your name, I for got to ask." After saying this, Luke stood up and begin to unpack from his small pack. He took out a blanket and laid it on the ground. He lay on the blanket and looked up at the canopy that the trees made. He sighs relief as he begins to relax and his body begined to rest after a long day of hiking.
"My name? Oh, right, I didn't tell you my name," Ghorza giggle as she see Luke is unpacking his stuff. "My name is Ghorza. And you, little human? I can't keep calling you little human," said Ghorza as she realize that her stomach start to growling loud. "Oh dear, look like I am hungry. I wonder if you have any more food in you're bag?" She asked Luke.

@Neuton @Giga
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Razor huffed a little, really wanting a reason to just use fire without looking like an idiot. Congratulations. You're a mini dragon man. Hahaha! He looked at the fire and turned to the forest. He began collecting small tree branches up... Off the trees... And put them down in a neat pile. I am the master of campfires! Roar! He laughed at his own joke as he watched Az-rel walk off into the forest to fish.
He walked down to the river, trying to ignore the dragon as it taunted him. His hand grips tightly on the makeshift weapon he is holding, which didn't really look much but it is definitely ideal for spearing those swift fishes in the river. He looked back, out of the dragon's direct line of sight. He wasn't really that bad, he was just playing around.. Why did he get the strangest feeling that he knew this dragon somehow.. He shrugged it off and perhaps this time would be more willing to interact with the dragon.. and his newfound friends. He would want to interact more with Lilith, Eagle and Jarak. To how they know each other and even have dragon companions.. Surely this must be a huge feat to befriends with such vicious beasts.. Then, his mind just shifted to the Shadow Brotherhood..He tries to push Black Arrow and Black Devil away from his mind. Suddenly, he heard voices of a woman and a man nearby.

@Cheselth @JessBeth @Neuton @AEchelon @MidnightStar89
Luke stared at the canopy, but said, "I'm Luke and I have some food left. But we have to ration it." Luke did pack his pack of mostly food, but it was only to last him a week. Now with two mouths to feed, maybe three days at the most. "nice to meet you Ghorza." He begin to stretch while slowly falling asleep. "Hey before I forget." Luke yawned. "Do you have a map or a compass?"

@JessBeth @Giga
Ghorza look at Luke. " Its a pleasure to meet you, Luke" Ghorza looked at Luke bag as he said he did pack some food. She is thinking to eat some of Luke food, but it would be rude without asking first. Just when Ghroza about to ask Luke, she see that Luke is tired and yawning as he is ready to go to sleep an he also asking her if she have any map or compass. "Um, I'm sorry, but I don't have it," Ghorza answered him as her stomach start to growled again. "Luke, I'm going to go and see if there any animal I can catch and kill. I'll be right back!" Ghorza smiles and quickly walked away. She forgot that it is dark and she won't catch any animals in the dark. "I'm such a dummy..." She said to herself.

@Neuton @Giga
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Razor began trying to break the tree limbs in half, which took a bit but he finally did it. He then stripped them of their bark a little and placed that to the side for future fire starters. Razor wagged his tail a little before placing a limb into the fire and putting small embers onto it. Hey, Niruth. Can I ask you a question? The small cave dragon said as he turned his head to the ice dragon.
Niruth turned her head and nodded at Razor, "What is it?"

Eagle chuckled at Lilith and then let out a bout of laughter at Razor's jokes. "Razor, you're hilarious!" He turned back to Lilith with a soft smile. "How are you doing, by the way? You gave me a bit of a scare when you were out for so long..."

Since Ashoak was still tending to Eagle's wounds, it was Vyra who got up and walked over to help Razor tend to the fire. "Want any help?"

(sorry it's short) @Cheselth
Razor dug in the dirt with his claws a little, embarrassed he had to ask this of another dragon who barely knew him. Could you possibly... Give me flight lessons..?

Lilith put her tongue back in her mouth and rubbed the back of her neck. Uh, yeah... Sorry I guess that spell I casted was a bit dangerous for me, but don't worry. I should be fine. The only thing that hurts, really, is my shoulder blade. It's probably just sore so I wouldn't worry about it at all. She gave him a reassuring smile before realizing something. She patted around her hips before sighing in relief. Well my bow isn't here but at least I have my blades...

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