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Fantasy Dragon Era

What should the name of the towns be? Put your answers in your character creation.

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Niruth chuckled and nodded. "In the morning." She laid her head down and curled up a little before falling deep into sleep.

Eagle nodded slowly. "Well..." he started slowly, "Just be careful, okay?" He gave her this puppy-dog look, trying to tell her how upset he'd be if something were to happen to her. He yawned and laid back on his pillow, patting the ground next to him, motioning for Lilith to do the same. The pillow was large enough for two people to share if they didn't mind being close to one another. "Long day," he muttered as he closed his eyes but didn't sleep yet.
Razor gave a little smile before laying next to the fire, watching it and thinking.

Lilith blinked and then nodded. I'll be careful, don't worry. She grinned at him before he motioned for her to come join him, which had taken her by surprise. Again, she blinked before scooting closer and stopping. Are you sure no one else might... I'unno, be cold or... Something?
Eagle shrugged and just smiled, "They can have the blanket." He opened his eyes and gazed at the cloudy winter sky, "amazing, isn't it? How small you feel when you gaze at the sky."

Lilith rubbed the back of her neck again before hesitantly and slowly scooting her way over, not laying down. She just sat next to him while looking up, too. Yeah. She sighed and then smiled a little. You see those stars..? My mother always told me that every time anything or anyone dies, their spirit shoots up into the sky to watch over their family until Demise brings them home.
Eagle frowned a bit and stared for a moment. "Does that mean my mom is up there, too?" He'd never really told anyone that his mother had died. He usually never mentioned his past at all, except that he was half human. He looked over at Lilith, "I won't bite. Promise."
She looked to him in a bit of surprise before she smiled a little. Your mother could very well be fighting by your side. Lilith said before playfully ruffling his hair like a kind older brother would. My father could be doing the same for me without my knowing... She looked back up to the sky and took a deep breath, clearly thinking about something that made her both sad and happy.
Luke muttered something to the orc lady and rolled on his side to sleep.

After a few minutes of tossing and turning, he gave up on sleeping and sat up. "Actually can I come with you?" ,he asked. Luke stood up and packed the blanket back into his pack. "We should keep moving at night. Maybe we'll reach the next village soon right?" He put his pack on and followed the orc lady. He gave her his sword that he had and took out a staff. "Here you might need this." He said with a small laugh.

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Ashoak smiled and stretched, she briefly waved at the others before curling up by Costachio and going to sleep by her side, she was so close and Costachio was so warm that she had a bit of an orange glow. Costachio stayed awake watching the others to make sure they were kept safe, she would not fail to keep them safe but she was a little sleepy maybe she could take a nap, she shook the thought off of sleeping and exhaled sparks that flew into the sky creating warm colored fireworks.

@eveyrone (sorry for such a late post)
Razor was getting bored and the camp fire had turned into a small bonfire so it would go on for quite a while. He yawned and decided to stand up and stalk around in the forest, planning on jumpscaring Az-rel. He had a hard time not snickering but he managed to make mostly silent laughs. Step by step, giggle after giggle. He sniffed him out like a bloodhound and watched from the shadows until the perfect moment arrived. Waiting until he let his guard down... You're mine...

Ghorza look around the forest in the night to find an animals around for food. But there are no any large animals as she is giving up. Ghorza turn around and go back to where Luke is. "I can't find any animals around here," She said to Luke, who is awake instant of sleeping. "Maybe I'll go check over there," She pointed to the east said. As Ghorza is about to go, Luke asked id he can come with her. 'Well, ok," she answered. Then Luke said that they should keep going in the night so they can find a village near by. "Oh, ok then, I can keep going." She said with a giggle and then Luke give her a sword. "Oh, um, thank you..." She is holding a sword as she smiles. Its her first time she ever held a sword and it like a giant knife she thought.

@Neuton @Giga
Az-Rel did not suspect anything.. or rather.. he was lazy to use his senses to hear out anything as he was done for the night. Tired, pretty much frustrated about how the day went about, especially about what had happen in the dragonkin settlement. He'd love to silent and peaceful dark nights where he could feel like himself again. As he reaches the river shore, unaware of Ghorza and Luke nearby deeper into the forest, he begins to take out scarlet leather armor, leaving his well-fit chest, back and abdomen exposed. Despite cold winter nights, he had gotten used to it. It was part of endurance training he had undergo through the Brotherhood. Without his leather armor, he could perhaps feel more of the rushing wind against him and could focus more of his senses in his spear fishing. It was dark but there was a full moon tonight. He had brought a torch with him as well. He wade slowly into the river shore, holding his spear in one hand, ready to strike at any darker shadows in the river. He was so focused, he was even unaware of a giant dragon sneaking up behind him



Razor jumped out an roared at him loudly when he spotted the spear. His posture was that of a playful kitten and his roar was more if a loud 'RAAAAAAWR!!'

Lilith looked away from the sky and at the ground, her hand over her mark. I wonder what lies ahead of us...

@Giga @AEchelon
Eagle looked at Lilith for a moment when she mentioned her father, feeling a little less alone in the world. Then he felt himself staring, so he cleared his throat and rolled onto his uninjured side, which also happened to be the side that faced away from the elf. "I'm not sure. Let's not worry about it until it comes. We'll all get through it together somehow." He slowly closed his eyes and dozed.

@Cheselth @Giga

((When Az and Razor are done being cute, we should time jump to the morning.))
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She huffs a little bit before crossing her arms and leaning on the pillow. She didn't lay down completely, she never did. She always slept sitting up. Yeah... Okay...
The sudden roar into that silent night was enough to make an average person jump in shock and probably yell for their lives. However, Az-Rel was beyond average. He immediately leap from the shallow waters of the river towards the shore where the torch was at. He did a roll and grabbed the torch in one hand and wielded the wooden spear in his other hand. He quickly got into a defensive stance before noticing the dragon. "Oh... it's you" he said while slightly lowering his weapon.. the fire from the torch would illuminated the area around them. It was slightly clear that burn scars can be seen on his bare chest and back
Razor rolled over onto his side and began laughing really hard before he lifted his head to look at him. Although his sight was better at night, he just barely caught a glimpse of the scars and shot right up to his feet. Where did you get those?
He shook his head dismissively at the dragon's humor. He then lower his torch to the ground and picked up his wooden spear. "Your kind gave it to me.." he said as he turned around in order to try another attempt at spearfishing. As he was doing this, he would continue to the story. "I was just a young lad and got lost in the forest one time. Met a dragon on the way at night. It was... probably 10 years ago, I had forgotten when it was. I don't really want to remember.. It was a cave dragon that did this to me" he said that with a snarl in his tone, apparently showing his slight hate for the giant winged-reptiles.. He did not recognized Razor as the same dragon that did this to him. He just shook his head, feeling his back aching slightly due those permanent scars.
Razor sat down and hung his head. The story was all too familiar to him. It was too spot on to be a coincidence. In fear of the human trying to harm him, he scooted further away. By any chance... Was there another man... He didn't want it to be true. Razor's tail flicked from side to side as he dug in the dirt. But he didn't wait for a response. I was terrified... I couldn't fly, I couldn't run. The only option was to fight... Survival of the fittest was ingrained in my head... While telling him this, his voice became lower and more rumbly than usual. He didn't plan to move, if he was attacked then Razor deserves it.
He looked down so that the dragon would not see his even.. more scared face now that he knows that this was the dragon who had attacked him.. Who had caused years of pain.. "Go to sleep, please" he would simply say before walking away into the darkness of the forests, obviously needing time to process this information.
Razor clenched his teeth at the whole thing before he layed down, beginning to have flashbacks. He covered his snout with his paws, waiting to be snuck up behind and stabbed or something. He felt... Wronged yet... Also like he was doing wrong. He felt horrible.


The crickets chirped, the nocturnal animals prowled, the moon shone with such relaxing beauty that the other creatures slept peacefully until the moon slithered its way down the sky. The sun began to float back up, marking the start of a new day. The crickets quieted down, the nocturnal now slept and the others should either be awake or waking up soon. It was a beautiful and cloudless day.
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Eagle woke up first, finding himself curled up against Lilith for warmth. He unrolled himself and stretched out with a big yawn. he sat up and looked at all of his friends strewn about, all sleeping still. He smiled to himself, and got up. He gathered some fire wood and small branches to start a fire. He used a spell to spark it and before he knew it, there was a steady fire going before him. He then sat by the fire to warm up a bit before going out to hunt.

Vyra was the next to wake to the sound and smell of fire crackling. She yawned and made her way over to Eagle, sitting down next to him. He greeted her and she cooed her sleepy response. The two slowly found the energy to get up and hunt before the others woke up. They figured out a system pretty quickly: Vyra would swoop down from the sky, scaring the prey towards Eagle who would then capture it and kill it. Their haul was pretty good. They caught 3 squirrels, a rabbit, and 4 birds. Eagle hoped it would be enough to share with the dragons, but Vyra reassured him that even if it wasn't, the dragons were more than capable enough to hunt.

They came back to camp to find one of their friends just waking up. Eagle put more firewood on the fire while Vyra knelt before the sleepy person and chirped, "good morning!"
Lilith would be in a deep and peaceful sleep for a while until later or until she was woken up. She still had her arms crossed and she was still sitting down to sleep, mumbling a bit from a dream.

Razor, however, came out of the forest, having not slept a wink. He tiredly set himself next to the fire and blankly stared at it. When the two halfers emerged from the foliage, he looked over to them and simply asked Have either of you seen Az-Rel..? He went to take a walk in the forest and I haven't seen him since... Razor's voice sounded more raspy than usual at the moment due to him being tired. He was used to sleeping in the day and hunting at night so this was a little strange for him.
Vyra frowned and stroked Razor's brow, since it was the only non-spiky part of him. "I haven't seen him, Razor... I'm sorry." Eagle walked over from the fire where he had set up a cooking system with his two daggers stuck in the ground on either side of the fire. There was a stick balanced on top of the daggers meant for skewering the meat and roasting it. When he came over, Eagle had a concerned look on his face, "What happened between you two?"

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