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Fantasy Down The Well

I gulped down, my nervousness and ran to Thalia as fast as I could. I slid the ground, wincing as the ground scratched my back. I brought out the bandages from my sleeves, slowly mumbling a few spells that slipped the ears of those around me. I placed the bandages around her wounds, tying them extra tight to stop the blood flow. "Phew....I think she's ok." I whispered to myself, I brushed off the dirt from my dress.
Beatrice was straight faced the entire conversation between the two. She walked up close to the monster prince and turned to face the people. "Being rude will not help this situation..." She said wit a quiet and calm voice. She turned to face the monster and spoke again with no fear or tremble in her voice. "My name is Beatrice. You have landed on Earth. This is a small village we live in, to protect us from the monsters in the forest. We are humans. And what are you?" She asked, blinking. Her face empty of care, and it was stern. She did not care if she spoke out of place. She knew she was going to die with the sacrifice anyways.
Vaughn continued to try and place a few more healing spells on her, while weak, it was something. "Are.... Are you sure? What happened to her?"
"It seems she was attacked by blood wolves, from the forest. Judging by her wounds, she traveled a great distance to get here, I certain that she will be ok." I said, looking somewhat confident. 'I guess I should introduce myself too.' I thought looking at the monster. I slowly but cautiously, walked behind Beatrice, saying with a small quiet voice, "My...My name is Mena, I welcome you to our village."
Louis scratches his fingers down his face, looking down right terrified. "Why are we talking to it, it's totally just gonna eat is! A star monster! A monster, from the stars! This is perhaps ten times as worse then a regular monster!" He does not seem to be taking this well. That, or he's just exaggerating, but it's hard to tell even for Louis himself. Perhaps it's a mix of both things. Afraid of the giant space bug and trying to seem like a typical human.
Watching as Vaughn returned to Thalia's side, and listening closely it returned to its full height, its talons resting at its side, curled up like a praying mantis. Its eyes watched them intently as they studied all of their behaviors. Particularly the worrisome cries from Louis. The low hissing once again escaped the mandibles of the gigantic creature. Once again, his pheromones communicated what he was trying to say to a surprisingly well affect.

"Humans and Forest creatures... You seem rather fragile, all here in your Hive. You are weak, where as This one is mighty. I will create a Hive a here." It said and without another word, slithered past the group in a centipede-like manner, deeper into the village.
It was at this point where Anaxial would feel a crippling backlash of psychic kinetic energy. And a dark whisper in his head. "This is my domain, and you've just incurred my wrath." It seemed as if this was an omen of some kind.

Meanwhile Vaughn attempted to carry Thalia to Mena. As he assumed she knew her.
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Thomas shrugged, he decided would deny the 'Fallen prince' the privilege of any sort of a response, shucks. He's probably called that because his servants revolted and refused to pick his whiny ass up. He overheard the monster belittle his race and clenched his fist, he had to show restraint. He figured he would... Help, Vaughn in carrying Thalia to Mena, to take his mind off of the self-centered nerdlord's stinging words.
"Thank you..." I said, looking over at Thalia. "She should be ok, we should move her some place where she can rest." I told the both of them. "So got any ideas?" I mumbled after coming up with nothing.
Vaughn shrugged. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......... No clue! Need anymore helps?" Vaughn said helps, god help us all.
"Nope, I'm sure me and the other guy can come up with something." I replied after thinking for a while. I wasn't really fond of remembering people's names and faces, its just easier to forget them.
Beatrice sighed, and turned walking toward the well. "Shall we get on with it?" She asked, questionably toward the elders. She closed her eyes and bit her lip. She did not want to die, but this was something she had to do. "I will need the robes..." She muttered quietly.

las0r0o7 said:
(So sorry, I fell ill with a serous cough and headaches left and right, I'm actually able to stay awake and not have so much of a pain, would you mind helping me catch up on what I missed)
(Aww I hope you feel better soon. So far another character has entered from space. And He's acting all superior, but Beatrice is ignoring him, everyone else is freaking out.)
[QUOTE="Queen of Fantasy](Aww I hope you feel better soon. So far another character has entered from space. And He's acting all superior, but Beatrice is ignoring him, everyone else is freaking out.)

(Ok, thank you, I'll make a post in a minute)
Malguy said:
Louis scratches his fingers down his face, looking down right terrified. "Why are we talking to it, it's totally just gonna eat is! A star monster! A monster, from the stars! This is perhaps ten times as worse then a regular monster!" He does not seem to be taking this well. That, or he's just exaggerating, but it's hard to tell even for Louis himself. Perhaps it's a mix of both things. Afraid of the giant space bug and trying to seem like a typical human.
Anaxial said:
Watching as Vaughn returned to Thalia's side, and listening closely it returned to its full height, its talons resting at its side, curled up like a praying mantis. Its eyes watched them intently as they studied all of their behaviors. Particularly the worrisome cries from Louis. The low hissing once again escaped the mandibles of the gigantic creature. Once again, his pheromones communicated what he was trying to say to a surprisingly well affect.
"Humans and Forest creatures... You seem rather fragile, all here in your Hive. You are weak, where as This one is mighty. I will create a Hive a here." It said and without another word, slithered past the group in a centipede-like manner, deeper into the village.
Revenant said:
It was at this point where Anaxial would feel a crippling backlash of psychic kinetic energy. And a dark whisper in his head. "This is my domain, and you've just incurred my wrath." It seemed as if this was an omen of some kind.

Meanwhile Vaughn attempted to carry Thalia to Mena. As he assumed she knew her.
Zavion looked back and forth between everyone, the angel, and the creatures and he let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair and adjusted his scarf while shaking his head thinking 'this is what we get for not following through with the same thing we always have' He looked over to Beatrice and shook his head no and gestured for her to get down off the side of the well and he turned his attention to the crowd "Do we not know what happened when we don't do our sacred sacrifice, just look before you." He gestured to the big creature being him "Have we not already made more of a mess trying to kill one instead of trying to save the entire village, look at each other and think about what you hold dear, and then think about someone else." He turned around to face the creature who was going to do one of two things, eat him, or converse with him "If you will excuse the intrusion of and conversation you may have had going but would you lend an ear for a moment and hear what I have to say" that is all what he said, though what he was thinking loud enough for the creature to head 'I have a bit of a proposal for you if you would spare a moment to speak with me, privately of course, I feel like we may have some mutual interest for a few things'
las0r0o7 said:
Zavion looked back and forth between everyone, the angel, and the creatures and he let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair and adjusted his scarf while shaking his head thinking 'this is what we get for not following through with the same thing we always have' He looked over to Beatrice and shook his head no and gestured for her to get down off the side of the well and he turned his attention to the crowd "Do we not know what happened when we don't do our sacred sacrifice, just look before you." He gestured to the big creature being him "Have we not already made more of a mess trying to kill one instead of trying to save the entire village, look at each other and think about what you hold dear, and then think about someone else." He turned around to face the creature who was going to do one of two things, eat him, or converse with him "If you will excuse the intrusion of and conversation you may have had going but would you lend an ear for a moment and hear what I have to say" that is all what he said, though what he was thinking loud enough for the creature to head 'I have a bit of a proposal for you if you would spare a moment to speak with me, privately of course, I feel like we may have some mutual interest for a few things'
When spoken to, Anaxial thrust his talons into the dirt and brought his face close to Zavion's. Just like before, the black soulless eyes of the celestial monster starred through him, into his very mind and he experienced what it was like to be touched by a higher being. An itch began to form behind his eyes, his mind flooded with a incorporeal voice, a voice that almost matched his exactly. It was like his brain was speaking, not this creature before him.

Haha... The simple thing has an proposal for This One? Who are you to treatsie with me? I am above your feeble world, you will exist so long as I do not hunger.

The itch subsided and the hulking beasts mandibles snapped and clattered anxiously at Zavion's face. The low pitch chirping emitting from the creature again.

What have you to say? Speak it and I may listen.
Anaxial said:
When spoken to, Anaxial thrust his talons into the dirt and brought his face close to Zavion's. Just like before, the black soulless eyes of the celestial monster starred through him, into his very mind and he experienced what it was like to be touched by a higher being. An itch began to form behind his eyes, his mind flooded with a incorporeal voice, a voice that almost matched his exactly. It was like his brain was speaking, not this creature before him.

Haha... The simple thing has an proposal for This One? Who are you to treatsie with me? I am above your feeble world, you will exist so long as I do not hunger.

The itch subsided and the hulking beasts mandibles snapped and clattered anxiously at Zavion's face. The low pitch chirping emitting from the creature again.

What have you to say? Speak it and I may listen.
Zavion didn't budge when the creature was right in his face, in fact he was doing anything but cower, he stood there staring back at it with his own eyes as the shifted from his normal blue to a solid black just like the creatures. Unwavering in his place he got a grin across his face that would send a chill down the spine of any human but to anything else at minimum let them rethink their take on Zavion, of course he may appear to be human like on the outside, but if you were to take that away he would be nothing more than a raging reaper slaughtering anything he could in his way. "I do have a proposal for you, of course we might need something to address you by so us as humans can better communicate with you, that is unless you prefer to be called, beast, creature, bug, I'm pretty sure you get the picture." That's all of course what he said, not what his real interest was 'what say we as higher beings have a bit of fun with masses of people, not these one in particular, I've grown quite fond of them beleive it or not, however, there is a place I know that we can do as we so choose, what say you, fallen prince' his thoughts of course where his true intentions.
las0r0o7 said:
Zavion looked back and forth between everyone, the angel, and the creatures and he let out a sigh as he ran his fingers through his hair and adjusted his scarf while shaking his head thinking 'this is what we get for not following through with the same thing we always have' He looked over to Beatrice and shook his head no and gestured for her to get down off the side of the well and he turned his attention to the crowd "Do we not know what happened when we don't do our sacred sacrifice, just look before you." He gestured to the big creature being him "Have we not already made more of a mess trying to kill one instead of trying to save the entire village, look at each other and think about what you hold dear, and then think about someone else." He turned around to face the creature who was going to do one of two things, eat him, or converse with him "If you will excuse the intrusion of and conversation you may have had going but would you lend an ear for a moment and hear what I have to say" that is all what he said, though what he was thinking loud enough for the creature to head 'I have a bit of a proposal for you if you would spare a moment to speak with me, privately of course, I feel like we may have some mutual interest for a few things'
Anaxial said:
When spoken to, Anaxial thrust his talons into the dirt and brought his face close to Zavion's. Just like before, the black soulless eyes of the celestial monster starred through him, into his very mind and he experienced what it was like to be touched by a higher being. An itch began to form behind his eyes, his mind flooded with a incorporeal voice, a voice that almost matched his exactly. It was like his brain was speaking, not this creature before him.

Haha... The simple thing has an proposal for This One? Who are you to treatsie with me? I am above your feeble world, you will exist so long as I do not hunger.

The itch subsided and the hulking beasts mandibles snapped and clattered anxiously at Zavion's face. The low pitch chirping emitting from the creature again.

What have you to say? Speak it and I may listen.
las0r0o7 said:
Zavion didn't budge when the creature was right in his face, in fact he was doing anything but cower, he stood there staring back at it with his own eyes as the shifted from his normal blue to a solid black just like the creatures. Unwavering in his place he got a grin across his face that would send a chill down the spine of any human but to anything else at minimum let them rethink their take on Zavion, of course he may appear to be human like on the outside, but if you were to take that away he would be nothing more than a raging reaper slaughtering anything he could in his way. "I do have a proposal for you, of course we might need something to address you by so us as humans can better communicate with you, that is unless you prefer to be called, beast, creature, bug, I'm pretty sure you get the picture." That's all of course what he said, not what his real interest was 'what say we as higher beings have a bit of fun with masses of people, not these one in particular, I've grown quite fond of them beleive it or not, however, there is a place I know that we can do as we so choose, what say you, fallen prince' his thoughts of course where his true intentions.
Beatrice frowned and her nostrils flared. She watched as they conversed, and as they did, she grabbed the red cloak, the bag, and ropes and put them all on herself. She climbed onto the well side and took a deep breath, ready to speak.

"You all are foolish to believe that if we stop, the monsters with keep peace. I've seen with my own eyes what happens. I will not let anyone else die." She said, face solid with sadness. "Let us hope you do not become witnesses... Do not let my sacrifice be in vain." She said as a gust of wind hit her from the back, and pushed her in. She did not scream. Everyone fell silent. It was so quiet, the only sound heard from the well, with the water dripping from the cave roof.

Beatrice landed, and rolled on the floor. She sat up, and coughed. The ride down was horrible. It was very dark and cold, and damp. She stood, taking off her bindings, and pulling off the bad head. She threw them on the ground, and wrapped herself in the red cloak, to keep warm until her fate arrived.
I switched between everyone's pretty much shouting to the girl at the well. I then turned my attention back to the strange alien come up close to the blue haired guy. 'This is getting too much for me.' I thought, as my head became dizzy. "I used a bit too much magic..." I mumbled, keeping my voice down. I watched the girl who had first volunteered to jump into the well, she actually jumped. My eyes widen, and I just stood there standing in disbelief. 'Holy....let the lord not let her die down there.' I thought a quick prayer, before drowsiness over came me.
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las0r0o7 said:
Zavion didn't budge when the creature was right in his face, in fact he was doing anything but cower, he stood there staring back at it with his own eyes as the shifted from his normal blue to a solid black just like the creatures. Unwavering in his place he got a grin across his face that would send a chill down the spine of any human but to anything else at minimum let them rethink their take on Zavion, of course he may appear to be human like on the outside, but if you were to take that away he would be nothing more than a raging reaper slaughtering anything he could in his way. "I do have a proposal for you, of course we might need something to address you by so us as humans can better communicate with you, that is unless you prefer to be called, beast, creature, bug, I'm pretty sure you get the picture." That's all of course what he said, not what his real interest was 'what say we as higher beings have a bit of fun with masses of people, not these one in particular, I've grown quite fond of them beleive it or not, however, there is a place I know that we can do as we so choose, what say you, fallen prince' his thoughts of course where his true intentions.
Cocking its head to the side a bit, Anaxial seemed hesitant to move, its mandibles twitched a bit as it lifted himself away from Zavion and rose to its staggering full height again. Its talons resting at its side as it gave it's large head a bit of a shake, emitting some pheromones into the air. The smell was peculiar, pleasant but had nothing similar to it, it was unique to the Fallen Prince. Through these pheromones Anaxial didn't tell Zavion who it was, it showed him. A wash of emotions and pain, darkness before light, Zavion was something more than human, Anaxial knew this, they were both beings of a higher power and through this indescribable experience a singular word formed in Zavion's mind.


Something scratched behind Zavion's eyes, the voice was quieter than before, more subtle, more tentative. It was no longer posh and swollen with a sense of superiority, though it was Zavion's own inner voice that spoke to him, he could tell that now Anaxial was talking to an equal.

Courage born of ignorance, we've both faltered, both believed to be more powerful than the other. I will work with you, but know that I can sense your true colors. I know you are not a human you are something... More. Not quite of the stars such as I, but a powerful entity regardless. I am Anaxial, Fallen Prince.
Anaxial said:
Cocking its head to the side a bit, Anaxial seemed hesitant to move, its mandibles twitched a bit as it lifted himself away from Zavion and rose to its staggering full height again. Its talons resting at its side as it gave it's large head a bit of a shake, emitting some pheromones into the air. The smell was peculiar, pleasant but had nothing similar to it, it was unique to the Fallen Prince. Through these pheromones Anaxial didn't tell Zavion who it was, it showed him. A wash of emotions and pain, darkness before light, Zavion was something more than human, Anaxial knew this, they were both beings of a higher power and through this indescribable experience a singular word formed in Zavion's mind.

Something scratched behind Zavion's eyes, the voice was quieter than before, more subtle, more tentative. It was no longer posh and swollen with a sense of superiority, though it was Zavion's own inner voice that spoke to him, he could tell that now Anaxial was talking to an equal.

Courage born of ignorance, we've both faltered, both believed to be more powerful than the other. I will work with you, but know that I can sense your true colors. I know you are not a human you are something... More. Not quite of the stars such as I, but a powerful entity regardless. I am Anaxial, Fallen Prince.
Zavion smiled nicely to him "Its a pleasure to have you accompany us" he was thinking of entirely different things that normal humans would call a back stab 'of course you would know me better as my former name, the fourth horsemen, death, though everyone around here knows me as Zavion, so for casuals sense and to lower a bit of tension in the air, which I'm sure you can feel, single names will have to suffice, though we both know out full names would be quite the stir in the village ' He continued seamlessly "though you will have to excuse the pleasantries for right now, we are in the middle of ........." He turned around to listen to what Beatrice had said and didn't look while she was talking and, down the hole she went "well, I guess you will have to excuse me for a second." He pressed through the crowd and looked down the well and yelled at her so she could hear him "What on earth do you think your doing down there, you weren't in the correct.... oh wait, you are, well, I guess I have nothing more to say." He changed his yelling to a whisper so only she could hear "You have until morning to return, or I'm coming for your corpse" he knew all along what she had planned on doing and he had tried his best to stop her from it, after all we would have many issues if she actually pulled all of this off, much less by morning. Zavion turned back to the crowd and addressed them "Let us give a moment of silence for the lady who had stepped in out place knowing we had been distracted by our guest, she has made quite the sacrifice to go on her own, with her own skills may she survive for as long as she can" though as normal that's not what he was thinking ' Anaxial, if you wouldn't mind accompanying me to a building that is across town, we might be able to discuss a few things in private, though not like we couldn't do that anywhere anyways, but for visual senses of others, humans are some interesting creatures to say the least ' he began walking towards his own house at the other end of the village "if our guest of the hour wouldn't mind following me, I'd like to get to know, him." This wasn't out of the ordinary for Zavion, he always made it a point to talk with any person that was a guest "And if someone wouldn't mind helping the two of them out." He gestured to the person who had been let in and the angel that was exhausted from helping the person out "They look like they could definitely use some help."

@Wild Born

And everyone else :3
I didn't hear the end of his speech, I was knocked out on the ground before long. Apparently when people faint, they go feet first. I was still semi conscious when I hit the ground, several small sharp rocks dug themselves into my back. I have got to sat, that hurt....like a hella lot.
Anaxial said:
Anaxial said nothing, he listened to Zavion attentively and watch the other humanoids. One of them seemed to jump down into a hole by her own free will which was strange to say the least. She had shouted something about the fear of monsters and to keeping peace but it seemed the town was filled with chaos as is! Anaxial was sure his presence had been a direct cause of it, he did come crashing from the sky and was the only creature of his kind in this village but nevertheless he joined Zavion as they walked further into the village. Anaxial's huge size caused him to cover ground rather quickly when walking with his talons down and so he curled them up at his sides and used his centipede-like body to slowly skitter after Zavion.
Zavion had finally made it to his own house, though some might call it a bunker, especially since most of it was under ground though considering the size to Anaxial he would probably have to enter through the back. Zavion continued his way around the building and opened up a set of big double doors that had a slope that went down to his basement, though it was more of an areana size basement, and he spread his wings out and started to float the rest of the way. "It may not have much but its built to store just about anything, but I'm sure you don't mind being able to stand at your normal height either, so, lets cut to the chase, cause I'm sure we could both stand here and talk all day, so, I'll ask the question that's on everyone's mind, why are you here, or better known as what brought you here."

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